31 Jan 2010


Wiz, you are better at accounts than me but I gather you did not want the job, so had a look and tried my best xx

The accounts are set out showing income and operating surplus for the year 2007-2008 alongside the current accounting year, 2008-2009 (headed up 2008, 2009) This shows that at the beginning of the financial year, April 2008 they had an operating surplus of just over one million pounds. During the year these accounts cover (period April 2008 to April 2009) they had an income of just £629,000 as opposed to £1.8M the previous year but spent during this year quite massively, a whopping £975,000 on "merchandising and campaign costs" and £31,000 on "administrative expenses" which were far higher the previous year at £141,000. But the previous year those merchandising and campaign costs were much lower at £673,000. I am no accountant but you can see that there was an increase on those costs of some £300,000 this year which seems to rougly equate with what got "Halligened". Certainly during that year, I would like to know how the McCanns can justify spending over one million pounds, particularly when income to the fund had dropped to only £673,000 which therefore leave them in the situation of having blown the operating surplus they had and they finish up with £690,000 left in the Fund as at the end of this accounting period which would have been April 2009. Clarence seems to be telling us it is now lower than that. One is inexorably drawn to the conclusion that not only did £300,000 get "Halligened" about £600,000 has gone into some black hole. The legal action against Goncalo Amaral was apparently started in May 2009 which is just after the end of this accounting period but it says in the accounts that action was funded from this. It therefore seems to me there has been the most collosal expense to the Fund of defending Kate and Gerry McCann with lawyers and I do not think it is legitimate to describe this as "campaign and merchandising costs". Of course another way of looking at this is one has to speculate to accumulate. The Fund has now lost its ONE MILLION POUND operating surplus and it seems like one heck of a coincidence that is what they want from Goncalo, but, it seems to have cost about half a million to try and get there. Thus the dichotomy, two purposes for the Fund, one defend Kate and Gerry, two, make money for Kate and Gerry. There is a further cost noted on the accounts of some £19K odd which is said to be valuing the asset at the time of its purchase rather than what it is worth now. That sounds to me like a nice shiny new car some time back. The price is right, Gerry !

It would seem Kate only got just £30K in admin costs to "help" her this year, whether that was for a secretary for Kate or for Kate personally I am not sure, but sure she could have had a little out that black hole of the most profligate spending spree one could imagine.

Thanks, as ever, to Joana Morais for producing these on her blog.

Viv x

Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited Accounts March 2009

30 January 2010 | Posted by Joana Morais Leave a Comment
Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited accounts, Company No. 06248215 - 2009.31.03, 10 pages

(Limited by guarantee)
Registered Number: 6248215

Legal and administrative information
Chairman's statement 2
Directors' report 3-4
Independent auditors' report 5
Income and expenditure account 6
Balance sheet 7
Notes to the financial statements 8
The following pages do not form part of the statutory accounts:
Detailed income and expenditure account and summaries 9-10

JA Corner
M J Linnett
E G Smethhurst
D Skehan
J McCann
P J B Hubner
B Kennedy
KM McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)
GP McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)

BWB Secretarial Limited


2-6 Cannon Street

Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors
Fairfax House
15 Fulwood Place

National Westminster Bank plc
3rd Floor, Cavell House
2a Charing Cross Road

Bates, Wells & Braithwaite
2-6 Cannon Street

Stephenson Harwood
One St Paul's Churchyard
The Chairman presents his statement for the year.

On 3rd May 2007, Madeleine McCann was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal. The events of that day touched the heart of many, in countries around the world. Donations started to flood in. In response to this, Madeleine's Fund was established.

The aims of the Fund are to help find Madeleine, to support her family and to bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families and missing children in similar circumstances in the United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere. The Fund has 7 directors.

We have continued to concentrate on ensuring that Madeleine is not forgotten and that the search for her continues. We have:

• provided finance for a team of investigators to lead a private search for Madeleine

• financed the translation of the full set of files released by the Portuguese police, enabling our team of investigators to follow up all potential leads

• paid for legal representation for Kate, Gerry, Sean and Amelie in Portugal, enabling them obtain an injunction banning Mr Amoral [sic] from repeating his fabricated claims about Madeleine's abduction

• funded an awareness-raising campaign to ensure that Madeleine is not forgotten, the key part of which is our website

• provided some administrative support to Madeleine's family in maintaining the impetus of the investigation

Last year I referred to the public apology made to Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry, by the Express Group following months of inaccurate speculation and accusations in the media. Other newspapers followed suit with accompanying donations to Madeleine's Fund. In addition, an apology was made to the friends of Gerry and Kate who were in Praia da Luz at the time of Madeleine's abduction.

Rather than accepting libel damages, the friends requested that a donation was made to the fund. This has enabled us to continue our search for Madeleine. On behalf of the directors of Madeleine's Fund, I thank Kate, Gerry and their friends for continuing to forego any personal financial recompense to ensure that the search for Madeleine continues.

Following the end of the financial year we were delighted to hear that Madeleine's parents, brother and sister had been successful in obtaining an injunction banning sales of Mr Amoral's [sic] book and banning him from repeating his claims.

These fabrications had hindered the search for Madeleine and were a barrier to potentially valuable information being passed on to the police. Our team of investigators continue to diligently review police files, witness statements and follow up every potential lead in the search for Madeleine.

Although the majority of donation income for the year arose from family and friends donating libel damages, we have a number of loyal donors continuing their support.

For this we are grateful. As expected, income in the new financial year is lower than last year and we continue to review all our expenses to ensure value for money.

The directors regularly discuss the strategy for the Fund to ensure that finances are available to achieve our main objective, finding Madeleine.

The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported the search for Madeleine. The level of financial support, the amount of time given up and the numerous messages of support sent to Madeleine's family have been overwhelming. All messages of support sent to the Fund are passed to Gerry and Kate, and appreciated by them. We will continue to ensure that Madeleine is not forgotten and will leave no stone unturned in our search for her.

J McCann

The directors present their report and the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009.


Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned is a non-charitable not-for-profit company. The full objects of the Fund are:

• To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2008;

• To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and

• To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.

• If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.

Madeleine's Fund is governed by a Board of Directors who meet on a regular basis, approximately every month. During the year, there Were 11 meetings.

In so far as it is relevant the Fund follows best practice governance procedures as set out in the publication "Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector." The directors have reviewed the Fund's operations against these best practice recommendations and have developed:

• a Financial Procedures Manual
• job descriptions for directors. Chair and Treasurer
• clearly laid out policies and processes for:
• payments
• expense claims
• risk management
• whistleblowing
• registering conflicts of interest

The directors have agreed a risk strategy for Madeleine's Fund, namely:

"The risks that Madeleine's Fund faces are assessed for both the likelihood of occurrence and the impact on the organisation should they occur.

In order to achieve its objectives Madeleine's Fund must accept a certain amount of risk taking. An important part of the risk management strategy must be to be clear at an organisational level about the types and levels of risk the organisation is prepared to take. Therefore, the identified risks are also assessed for the organisation's attitude."

The risks facing the Fund were assessed in four categories:
• reputational
• financial
• information and communications technology
• human resources

Current controls in place to mitigate each risk were identified, together with additional controls required. The resulting risk register will be reviewed annually.

The directors who served during the year were:
J A Corner
M J Linnelt
E G Smethhurst
D Skehan
J McCann
P J B Hubner
B Kennedy
KM McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)
GP McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)


The directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the surplus or deficit of the company for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to;

• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
• prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.


So far as each of the directors is aware at the time the report is approved:

• there is no relevant audit information of which the company's auditors are unaware; and

• the directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that information.


The auditors, haysmacintyre will be proposed for re-appointment in accordance with section 485 of the Companies Act 2006.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 relating to small companies.

This report was approved by the board on 6.1.10 and signed on its behalf, by: [hand written signature] Brian Kennedy Director

We have audited the financial statements of Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited for the year ended 31 March 2009, set out on pages 6 to 8. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out therein and the requirements of the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2008).


The directors' responsibilities for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) are set out in the statement of directors' responsibilities.

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985. We also report to you if, in our opinion the information given in the directors' report is consistent with the financial statements.

In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding directors' remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed.

We read other information contained in the annual report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. This other information comprises only the directors' report, the chairman's statement and the operating and financial review. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information.

Basis of audit opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

In our opinion:
• the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller Entities, of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 March 2009 and of its surplus for the year then ended;
• the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985; and
• the information given in the directors' report is consistent with the financial statements

date & signature: [hand written] haysmacintyre, 6 January 2010
Fairfax House
15 Fulwood Place

2009 2008

Note £ £

INCOME 629,18\ 1,846,178
Merchandise and Campaign Costs (974,786) (673,366)
GROSS SURPLUS (345,605) 1,172,812
Administration expenses (30,865) (141,747)
OPERATING SURPLUS 2 (376,470) 1,031,065
Interest receivable 21,585 33,424
Tax on surpluson ordinary activities (6,878) (12,462)
SURPLUS CARRIED FORWARD (361,763) 1,052,027

The notes on page 8 form part of these financial statements.

 2009 2008
Notes £ £
Debtors 3 19,795 585,369
Cash at bank 719,723 572,344
739,518 1,157,713
CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year
4 (49,254) (105,686)
NET CURRENT ASSETS 690,264 1,052,027
690,264 1,052,027
Accumulated Reserves 1,052,027
Income and expenditure account (361,763) 1,052,027
690,264 1,052,027

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 relating to small companies and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2008).

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the board on 6/01/2010 and signed on its behalf, by: Brian Kennedy [hand written signature] Director

The notes on page 8 form part of these financial statements.


1.1 Basis of preparation of financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2008).

1.2 Income
Income comprises donations received by the company along with revenue recognised in respect of merchandise supplied, exclusive of VAT.

1.3 Taxation
The company remains accountable for taxation liabilities ansrng from capital gains, interest, trading activities and any other surplus arising other than from donations received.

£ £
The operating surplus is stated after charging:
Auditors' remuneration 5,750 13,366

3. DEBTORS 2009 2009 [sic]
£ £
Donations - 563,152
Accrued income - 2,422
Prepayments 19,795 19,795
19,795 585,369
4. CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year
£ £
Trade creditors 11,938 28,329
Corporation tax 6,878 12,462
Other creditors 30,438 64,895
49,254 105,686

The company is a private company limited by guarantee and consequently does not have share capital. Each of the members is liable to contribute an amount not exceeding £] towards the assets of the company in the event of liquidation. The company was formed on the 15th May 2007.

There were no related party transactions recorded in the year.


Unknown said...

I am sure the name of Goncalo Amaral has been deliberately misspelt a number of times in here " Mr Amoral".

Rosiepops preferred spelling, there is someone very sad and very petty who could utilise such a deliberate and offensive and silly typing error in official company accounts and it hardly does them any credit.

Mr Amaral is not amoral, the McCanns are, simple as!

Kate and Gerry, I think you need to just grow up and stop trying to take/(DEFRAUD) money off everyone, people are talking about you being nothing but money grabbers with this latest action against MR AMARAL

Unknown said...

actually Dr Amaral! but maybe they want to forget this is a very educated man!

Unknown said...

People are rumbling you Mr John Sleazy McCann with your silly and typing errors. Fancy trying to pretend you like birds and wildlife and you are a lady. I always had a feeling it was no mistake registering yourself as a man on the Daily Express.

You are no better than your sleazy language, a bit of a "squirrel's fart". Ladies do not use such profanities, don't you know, but I do love how furious you were about me describing your baby brother as a Narcissist/Psychopath, he is :-)))

Unknown said...

Rosiepops, I am a bit of a wee prat and Gerry told me to shut the flip up JOHN McCANN lol and waves to you.

Do you want to drop by and say hello again, always welcome V

Unknown said...

Did ya go beetroot red, Psychopops and there was me thinking it was Philolorryload at one point, silly me, almost there though:-))) Did you get all that "dirt" on Goncalo off your dirty private detectives, Metodo 3 and Eddie the eejyit operating in Portugal and pretending to be looking for Maddie, erm tut that is not good John er Rosiepops whatever.

30/01/2010 15:52
Anonymous said... 8

"Support for the family"?! I thought the money was to find Madeleine! What does "support for the family" mean? Mortgage payments? And what is "the family"? Uncle John, aunt Phil, etc etc etc?!
I can't bloody believe this!!!
And they call Mr Amaral "AMORAL"?
They are not even worth of writing his name!!!
I am gobsmacked! Gobsmacked! Uncle John is Rosiepops!

Unknown said...

Old Brunty is continuing to drop some gentle hints, I never did think he was on their side :-))

Off topic but I read a post on Martin Brunt's blog: (from poster on JM blog)

"It's amazing that this is the one and only missing child case in Portugal which has been shelved and to make it worse, only 18 months after Madeleine's disappearance".

Blimey John, could it be the Brit cops?

Unknown said...

I like to say Brit cops because I want to be inclusive towards Scotland :-)))

Unknown said...

worth staying up for to read JM blog, best laugh I have had for ages:

John McCann = Rosiepops!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Well what about that?!
30/01/2010 16:16
Anonymous said... 15

Bit i love best, majority of donations now come from family, friends and libel compensation payments, says it all, nobody taken in by their lies anymore or simply sick to death of the lying whining McTw*ts.

Unknown said...

What a brilliant prophecy from our criminal law retired solicitor friend Tony: Well done Tony, you are spot on!
9.8.09 Tony Hatfield said:
It will be interesting to see just how challenging the financial situation will be then. I suspect that unlike between March 2007 and 2008, they will not contain these items.

Campaign Management £123, 573.00

Awareness £81,504.00

Legal Fees and Expenses £111,522.00

Search Fees £250,000.00

Fund Legal Fees £68,799.00

Fund Professional Fees £36,070.00

I'm surprised no one has asked the McCann's spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, just what these expenses paid for. Over a third of a million quid spent on professional and management fees!


Unknown said...

"On 3rd May 2007, Madeleine McCann was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal. The events of that day touched the heart of many, in countries around the world. Donations started to flood in. In response to this, Madeleine's Fund was established."

Erm, but, John, the Fund was set up in FORTY EIGHT HOURS. Do you wish, with the benefit of hindsight, you and your wee brother had been just a bit slower off the mark? Do you think this is what caused British Police to go teaming over to PDL, even the Acting Chief Constable? Do you think SOCA who investigate serious fraud, refused to let Kate and Gerry know the contents of their file for that very reason, because, as Dr Goncalo Amaral says, your family were suspects within the first hour. Did you really think you could pull off such a terrible scam? WHERE IS MADDIE?? If that little girl is not in fact being treated like a princess I hope you rot in jail along with your wee brother.

Setting up Madeleine’s Fund
Rosamund McCarthy and Philip Kirkpatrick were involved with setting up Madeleine’s Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned within 48 hours and helping to present its launch live on BBC and Sky TV.

Unknown said...

and even if she is, how many years do you think you will get?

Unknown said...

Rosiepops said...

I agree about Goncalo Amaral by the way and have been banging on about this for months, when I discovered how heavily he was implicated in these serious allegations. Now he has to face a trial, a judge has ruled that there is enough evidence for him to do this, despite what his defence lawyer says (well of course, he would say that!)

One thing I want ed to ask you Helen and intended to just as the DX site went belly up, was this thing about what Alsabelia has said about the shutters and window on the apartment.

I think Alsabelia was lying here Helen, because I have seen these shutters on the TV several times and they looked strong enough to me. We had a real close up of the forensics person taking finger prints and are able to zoom in and they look OK. (remember that clip, where the technician was taken the prints without a mask, without covering her hair and WITHOUT a glove on the hand she was using!)

I am very interested in if this window was either jemmied or jammed open. This is something we will discover when the McCann's are allowed to tell their side of this terrible tragedy.

I feel there is a reasonable explanation about these shutters and wonder if there was a faulty catch on the window which would allow the window to be opened from outside without too much trouble and if the shutters just did not close properly, this is a point of entry and if this happened and Kate did see the window jammed open, then this would definitely account for why she said "they have taken her"

Of course bear in mind that if this story emerged it would not suit Amaral at the time, as all the leaks seemed designed to do the McCann's harm.

Helen, something bad is happening there, I feel this, something is very very wrong. I still firmly believe that Madeleine is still in Portugal, or was until lately.

I think if it is discovered what happened to Madeleine, it will also lead to other missing children in that region, including the ones from Gran Canaria and little Mari from Huelva.

According to a criminologist I have read, (which I cannot find - Christabel please help me here;-) It is highly unlikely that you have so many missing children going missing from a region and them not being connected, unless there is a copycat on the loose too! Either way this spells big trouble, not least because the PJ and the Portuguese people seem to be sleepwalking and my fears are for other children there. I want to scream "WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP" the children are in danger.
If you read about these individual cases there *IS* a link and there are other similarities and I am including Joana Cipriano in this.
23 February 2008 12:07

Unknown said...

Gerry was so dreadfully upset, well you should know John, but there again, you both go in for the theatricals, don't you? It was you who was controlling M3 to harass the family of poor little Mari Luz wasn't it and it is you who even says Leonor Cipriano is innocent of what she has admitted to. The only link in these cases Rosie, or should I say maybe say John is they were all committed by people very close to the child at the time and they all appear to involve paedophilia. Save for that the link is just in your sick and vivid imagination. But hey, I suppose you have a "living" to earn?

As for jammed or jemmied, oh dear!

You know what if I had the misfortune to employ you, I would sue you for my money back!

Rosiepops said...

Tinks, quite so! Also, that explanation gives rise to another possibility, that the cleaners opened it and left it off and somehow it was left open and they got in this way and could have left the window jammed open?
Jammed and jemmied are so close in sound, especially as when Gerry was telling Philomena he was dreadfully upset.

I just feel that there is an explanation for this, which we will learn about when the McCann's are free to tell their side of things.
Up until now it has all been so one sided and the leaks designed to totally mislead the public.
23 February 2008 12:53

Unknown said...

Oh a fighting fund eh? lol, we could never have guessed!

Maddie's Uncle In Fund Fury

Dec 2 2007 Sunday Mail

THE uncle of missing Madeleine McCann has blamed negative stories about the family for the drop in donations to their fighting fund.

Around £700,000 of the £1.1million raised has been spent in the hunt for Maddie, who disappeared in Portugal on May 3.

Donations to the Find Madeleine Fund dropped following lurid stories after her parents Kate and Gerry were named as official suspects.

The fund brings in around £10,000 a month but the family are paying out £50,000 a month to private detectives.

Gerry's brother, John, of Glasgow, said: "The funds aren't anywhere near the level they were a few months ago thanks to a lot of the crap that's been written over here."

Meanwhile, Portuguese police are set to reinter view the McCanns and their friends, the so-called Tapas Seven.

hope4truth said...

Hi Viv

the fund is corrupt even if every piece of information is correct and there has been no creative accounting...

If your child has been abducted and you are presented with millions of pounds to find her I am 100% convinced as a parent of that missing child you would protect the money in that account the same way you would protect your missing child and would want to make sure not a single penny was wasted on anything that will not help find your child....

Spending money on wages would be kept to a minimum if you could not find people (especilay after so long) to help run the fund volunterely you would pay the minimum you could not hand over cash to money grabbing relatives....

If I had to be in PDL I would take my bloody tent with me and get an easy jet flight not pay for a 5 star hotel....

I would also share with established missing childrens charitys their experience for a share of the money so I did not get CONNED out of 300k or hire detectives who could not find their way to the kitchen let alone my darling child.....

As I posted on another site yesterday how many people would have donated to this scam if these words had been spoken out loud on the news....

"A fund has been launched today by the Parents of missing 3 year old Madeleine McCann to search for her and pay their legal fees so they can sue anyone who dares to question their version of events"

I dont think they would have got more than a fiver...

How if she is missing do they sleep at night knowing full well they have spent more on keeping themselves out of trouble than actually searching for her and the people they have hired are not qualified for the job or just a passing con man....

ICantThinkOfAName said...

I'll leave the accounts to others to comment on.
Noticed this sad news item this morning in
The Argus:

Sara Payne was left paralysed by stroke

11:30am Sunday 31st January 2010

By Ruth Lumley »

Sara Payne was left paralysed down the left side of her body after suffering a stroke brought on by a brain aneurysm.

The mother of murdered schoolgirl Sarah Payne was taken to St George's Hospital in Tooting, south London before Christmas in a life-threatening condition.

Her family gathered at her bedside as doctors informed them she had a 50-50 chance of survival.

Mrs Payne, a child protection campaigner, survived two major brain operations in 36 hours but said she has a “long road” to recovery.

Since the death of her eight-year-old daughter Sarah at the hands of paedophile Roy Whiting in Littlehampton in 2000, she has become a prominent campaigner for victims' rights.

She took up the Government-appointed post of Victims' Champion at the end of January last year.

Mrs Payne, 40, launched a high-profile campaign for “Sarah's Law” after her daughter's murder, giving parents the right to know if paedophiles live near them.

A limited form of the law, based on America's Megan's Law, was announced in February 2008.

She was given an MBE in the 2008 New Year Honours List for her tireless work to keep children safe from paedophiles.


hope4truth said...


Hope you are well....

that is so tragic this poor woman has lived through such tradgedy already and for this to happen to her as well is so very cruel....

will pray she recovers she deserves so much more than this...


Di said...

Hi all

Quote- paid for legal representation for Kate, Gerry, Sean and Amelie.

I wonder what the people who donated to the fund think now, especially as Clarence made a statement saying no legal fees would be paid by the fund, and they would be open and honest which we now see is a complete lie.

Jon Corner/Rosiepops, nothing would surprise me. I would still like to know how much he is getting paid from the fund.

Hi ICTOAN Very sad to read about Sara Payne, I do hope she makes a full recovery.

hope4truth said...

I often wondered way back on the DX what would happen if the pro bloggers were revealed to be members of the family Gerry and Kate or the 7 adults with them on that holiday....

I have many pages of abuse from the DX and other sites saved on disk and even printed because as a notmal caring human being (something they were desprate to try and say I was not) the leval of hatred towards me and other bloggers who simply just did not buy what they were trying to sell was very strange....

Had someone came along and argued or debated in a polite way I may well have changed my mind or just stopped posting and although I know there are not 1000s of people still posting even people on the fence must have fallen off of it slightly the more information that comes out...

Way back then a lot of things that have now proved to be true were discused and we were told how vile and revolting we were to belive or invent such rubbish...

It is all there in the rogs about the shutter not being smashed how they all lied to cover each other and how Kate refused to answer a single question....

So if we were evil for beliving the above does that make the McCann's evil for doing all the things we were talking about?

is Uncle John the prat in the middle of the grinning T shirt picture??? that has always made me feel sick Mummy and Daddy and man in middle grinning their heads off holding a tacky extra large t shirt with a picture of their child who was left to fend for herself while they went out and is in the depths of hell or in heaven because of what they did....

Di said...

Hello Hope

If I remember correctly, it was John McCann holding up the t-shirt with Kate & Gerry.

Jon Corner is Madeleine's godfather, supplier of the infamous cuddlecat!

Very interesting that he is so involved with the fund just being a godfather, and don't forget gave up his well paid job immediately.

Wizard said...

Hi All,

If the McCanns do not win their case against Amaral financially the fund would be in deep trouble. As we know the fund bank rolled the Lisbon fiasco. Mitchell tells us even if the fund runs out the search for Madeleine will still continue.

How’s that then? If the McCanns will not work with the Portuguese police because they believe they want to frame them and they have no money for private detectives. Who will do the looking – G and K? I can't see that happening - still a first time for everything.

Wizard said...

Sorry Viv failed to do my job this year. Your briefing on the accounts was v. good.

Unknown said...

Hiya all

I suppose that is the whole problem with the Fund, it was never the intention to actually use it to search for Madeleine because they have always known exactly where she is.

As John told us back in 2007 it was a "fighting fund" and he was quite simply furious that news had come out the McCanns are simply not deserving of further monies being handed to them. Money that as Gerry told us in the early days, had "enabled us to get a really good team of lawyers together". My point has always been a very simple one, lawyers cost the earth but they do not find missing children, they just charge a fortune to defend the guilty. The McCanns have also spent a huge amount of money on media manipulation and reputation management, even a brand new company car! Did they ever use it to actually search for Madeleine? Had they been combing Portugal looking for Madeleine, using that car, people would probably still believe in them. They have never even had the wit to pretend to search, they just cannot be bothered.

I remember Docmac agreeing with me a long time back this looks like money laundering, paying private investigators apparently the most huge amounts, but are they really doing that, or are they paying for peoples' silence and for money to be stashed away somewhere for them. It makes no sense that the longer Madeleine is missing the more they appear to spend. Particularly when they could have just co-operated with Pt Police, Interpol and Brit Police and had all the searching done for them for absolutely free. But the police know full well the only people who can provide the answer as to where Madeleine is are her own parents. I imagine there are some very bitter cops and people in Portugal who worked so hard, and shed real tears for this little girl, trying so hard to rescue her, and it was all just a sham, a complete waste of their time and a complete waste of their tears. This couple have no tears for little Maddie.

Unknown said...

Hiya ICTOAN and good to hear from you againn!

I am really sorry to hear about Sara Payne. This battle to protect children, this battle against evil paedophiles who even murder children has cost her, her health.

The impact upon genuine parents who lose a child in such utterly tragic circumstances is just not something that can be faked. One cannot turn the tears on and off as Kate and Gerry tell us they did.

Whenever terrible things happen to children there is a wide rippling pool of victims and I do not think Kate and Gerry ever stopped to think of all the other victims they have created, on top of little Maddie herself when this wicked plan was executed. But it is true to say it must run into countless thousands, people in Portugal and UK in particular. Ordinary police officers who had a dream..

Unknown said...

Thanks Wiz

In the first year the McCanns had a bumper one £1.8M. Since that time they have been casting around for various people to sue to try and match that level of income because their expenditure is so incredibly high. But we see the beginning of the end of the Fund here. Where income just cannot continue to match expenditure. Even in the second year, they spent over £300,000 more than they earned and I still do not believe only that much went on (supposedly) Halligen because we were told at the time it was actually half a million.

However, I certainly can believe that now, a huge amount is being squandered on legal fees. How much did they fritter on the High Court action to get at the British Police files that finished up with them losing and Maddie being made a Ward of Court.

But this would pale into insignificance when compared with what the legal action in Portugal must be costing and I would not be surprised to learn that total costs if they do not back down could top one million. I would also not be surprised if they are having to face the fact this was just not a good way to defend themselves or top the fund up. They have desperately committed this huge pile of cash on lawyers in the anticipation they are going to be proclaimed right, just like they did with the Daily Express. It is a very high price to pay for a couple who just cannot face the reality, the world knows the truth and nothing they say or do can change that. In fact the more they thrash about trying to proclaim their innocence, the worse they look.

In my opinion, and of course I could be wrong, they are likely to win the injunction aspect of this case. But when it moves on to recovering massive damages, I just cannot see that happening. This couple live in a fantasy world. They have talked of making Maddie the Movie and making ten million but realistically got told, where before we do that, you have to be found innocent. That is the problem! They have talked about suing the Portuguese Police for one million when the reality is this force investigated their false claims of stranger abduction not once but twice at the most massive costs to prove them wrong and try and learn the truth.

I think they have now reached the end of the road that this scheme was going to make them seriously rich and famous. A scheme I do not believe Kate was ever so fond of in the first place. But one that had to be put into action by Gerry McCann to satisfy his Narcisstic dreams and desires. We know this man lives in a fantasy world, he bombarded the PJ with thousands of reports from mediums and charlatans, dreams and visions and he wanted all of those investigated. He is just one sick man that is being brought back down to earth, it will take time and he will never give up his fight, but in the end he is going to have to, when he is arrested.

Unknown said...

Hiya Di

Jon Corner the film maker and we do have some very strange and posed images of Madeleine when she is very tiny. Images that would clearly have paeodphile appeal.

Then we have Jon Corner spending all that time in PDL filming the McCanns in August 2007 when it was common knowledge the gloves were off with Pt and Brit Police.

Could we trust this man? I have never thought so!

Unknown said...

Di, I suppose, like me, you also recall Rosiepops repeated arguments about a short drive to Huelva and he would know, telling us he had driven it many times (!) and then the ferry off to Morocco, Tarifa is it? We were getting the McCanns tales ahead of the McCanns telling them!!

Strange we find out Corner has a pad in Huelva and the McCanns visits there. If Maddie got taken to Huelva alive it would have been something to do with him, IMO.

Unknown said...

What of Edgar supposedly investigating these boats etc in Spain? I have always thought their investigators are so bent they do no more than go and dig up the dirt on others for the McCanns and try to find out what the police already know!

Look at all the dirt on Goncalo on Rosiepops blog, where on earth did all that rubbish come from? And yet there is a ring of clear insider knowledge about what is said. I would say it must have come from an investigator working in Portugal to take a little bit of the truth and spin it into a million lies and smears.

Given that both Corner and John McCann are directors of the Fund, they would have access to instructing those investigators and reading all the reports they provide.

Unknown said...

How well Mr Sergeant understands the psychological makeup of someone like Tony Blair, a bit of a control freak to put it in common parlance. He could just as well have written this about Gerry McCann!

Biography for
John Sergeant (II) More at IMDbPro »
Date of Birth
14 April 1944, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK

Mary Smithees (4 January 1969 - present) 2 children


Is president of the Samuel Johnson Society.

A comedy actor in his young days, he became most well-known as a political reporter.

Educated at Great Tew Primary School and Millfield School in Somerset, before attending Magdalen College, Oxford, where he studied philosophy, politics and economics.

Personal Quotes

"Tony Blair, like every other leader, is likely to stay for as long as he can. Very few politicians realise when the game is up."

Unknown said...

post I put on JM this am

I prefer involved in the disappearance of Madeleine because it is an all encompassing phrase. There seemed to be a divurgence of opinion at court recently as to whether they were involved in disposing of her body or kidnapping and trafficking her. That is the problem, I have no doubt the Smiths are telling the truth, they did see Gerry carrying Madeleine off appearing deeply asleep and that is the starting point for the police. Was she deeply asleep and drugged or was she dead? Gerry himself has given a lot of credence to the suggestion that all the children were drugged by them. There is a clear whiff of serious scandal and fear about this case, I have never thought it could be a mere accidental death. I do not know what could be so terrible for the women, like Rachel to openly admit such terrible child neglect, what could be worse? I think the GASPAR statement and the other one we have been allowed to see Yvonne Martin just may provide the answer.

But the premise of the Fund is, we need your money to look for Madeleine, and the evidence to me that they know exactly what happened to Madeleine looks overwhelming. So no matter whether she was dead or alive that is very serious fraud, obtaining money by a very serious deception and that includes libel awards, possibly. Maybe not if they did not actually kill Madeleine, but if they did something else to her it raises the issue, how on earth can they claim they were damaged, libel means your reputation was damaged! Goncalo tells us he knows more than he is saying. This had clearly been thought about carefully, Goncalo points out only UK have jurisdiction for fraud. Goncalo also points out UK could prosecute them for the whole lot and he is so right! They could also prosecute the McCanns here for sex offending or homicide committed abroad. In short whatever it was they did with Madeleine. SOCA only get involved in the most serious cases. CEOP are a part of SOCA and specialise in child sexual abuse. When you read about the sheer vastness of the investigation in UK alone, accidental death again, just does not make sense. This Fund was up and running solicitors put it into being within 48 hours. NO matter which way you look at it I think it just has to be planned and deliberate fraud. Clarence was talking with film makers about Maddie the Movie that would have netted about ten million. The problem for the McCanns was they had a very determined police officer who was going to make sure the world knew they are not innocent in her disappearance and the Americans told the McCanns there had to be an ending with them being found innocent otherwise that film could not be made. It is an indisputable fact that neither Portuguese or British authorities have declared them innocent in her disappearance, no matter how they choose to spin it. So the money we see they have had here is just a small amount to what Gerry actually planned and the hatred of Goncalo Amaral is no joke! IMO Gerry is a narcissist/psychopathic, he thrives on wealth and power, enjoys his ability to con and deceive (this amuses him) and reacts with predictable pure rage to anyone who can see right through him and play him at his own game. I think Goncalo is a very intelligent man who understands the psychology of a serious criminal very well. He is also very brave!

Unknown said...

What were these letters about that the PJ wanted to seise? "What kind of emails Gerry exchaned with CERTAIN PEOPLE" sounds very ominous to me! I cannot disagree with the PJ, he is the controller!

The McCanns emerged from their home in Rothley, Leicestershire, yesterday to spend an hour walking with their twins in a local park, in an attempt to demonstrate a return to normality. But within hours of that, Portuguese prosecutors served notice of their intent to pursue the McCanns when they disclosed that the judge considering the case had written to Leicestershire police asking the force to secure and pass on a white laptop used by the McCanns in Portugal, Kate McCann's diary and a number of letters.
"Gerry's computer is the main thing police want to analyse," a Portugese police source said last night. "They want to know what kind of emails Gerry exchanged with certain people. The police think Gerry controls Kate and they want the computer and lots of things including letters and personal items."

Unknown said...

They were far more open about their Defence Fighting Fund a few years back. Now they try to tell us they are blowing hundreds of thousands in on lawyers but this is actually to find Madeleine? Oh please, and who do they take this Pt Judge for?

both the above and this extract from Feb 2008

A family spokesman, David Hughes, could not confirm either of these claims, but said he believed "Cuddle Cat" had already undergone forensic testing. Mr Hughes said the McCanns will not seek to use any of the £1m raised by the fund to find Madeleine to pay for their legal defence. But they may seek to set up a separate fighting fund to pay mounting legal costs from defending themselves against accusations they were involved in her death.
"Gerry and Kate's view is that if they take money from the fund, it might be that 90 per cent of people who made donations aren't bothered about it. But if 10 per cent of people are bothered about it, they don't want to upset them. They want to take the controversy out of the situation," said Mr Hughes.
Family sources suggest that an alternative fund is "one of the options they may look at" to pay for the lawyers they have appointed both in Portugal and the UK.

Unknown said...

We have seen the article from Dec 07 where John McCann is furious funds have dried up as a result of the allegations against the McCanns. It would seem they wanted two separate funds, but of course, the funds dried up!


Unknown said...

Madeleine McCann donations dramatically fell in just one year (*)

Exclusive by Tom Pettifor 31/01/2010

Donations to the Find Madeleine McCann fund fell from almost £2million to £650,000 in just one year, it was revealed yesterday.

Only cash received in libel payouts to friends of Gerry and Kate McCann – dubbed the Tapas Seven – enabled the search for their daughter to go on, latest accounts show.

Around £260 an hour flooded into the Fund as a wave of public sympathy swept the UK after Maddie’s abduction in Praia da Luz in the Algarve in May, 2007,

It had £1.4million in bank donations alone in the first ten months of the search.

But contributions fell away after the McCanns became one-time suspects. And the Fund’s income dropped to £629,181 in the year up to 31 March 2009 – while spending rose from £815,113 to more than £1million.

Outgoings covered investigators, publicity and the pair’s legal fight against Portuguese policeman Goncalo Amaral.

Kate and Gerry, both 41, have been granted a temporary injunction on his book claiming Maddie, three, died the day she went missing.

The couple’s friends were paid £375,000 in October 2008 after false newspaper allegations about them.

In a foreword to the accounts lodged at Companies House, Fund chairman, Gerry’s brother John, said: “Rather than accepting libel damages, the friends requested a donation was made to the fund. This has enabled us to continue our search for Madeleine.”

in: Daily Mirror, 31.01.2010

(*) Note: The article's title has been changed in the meantime.

Unknown said...

See how DC Messiah squares up to Payne here, and quite menacingly says, well I can check the video again, but YOU said, they have taken her...Payne can only explain well that was the exchange of conversation..


"Yeah. But there was a specific, I mean I’ll, I can probably look at the video at a later stage.”




"And I just wonder whether you can remember what you said? It was quite impactive what you said.”


"Err, sorry.”


"No? That’s okay. Can you recall shortly after that she went running off to the apartment block and she was saying they’ve taken her?”




"Is that what you said?”


"Mm, yes.”


"She’s taken, they’ve taken her?”


"She, you know, obviously there’s what we’ve talked about when, you know, it’s portrayed in the press about what she said, they’ve taken her, and that was definitely not, and that was, you know, or unanimous across everyone we’d all said that was not what she first of all said, you know, she’s gone was you know the first words that she said.”


"She first said that she’s gone?”


"She’s gone.”


"And then the second time she said?”


"And then, I mean, and then as we were walking up, err and there’s you know the exchange of conversation was you know, was they’ve taken her.”

Unknown said...

To me this is looking like Kate at first said, she is gone, and that would be a natural thing to say.

But it is very firmly being put to Payne that he made that impactive suggestion to Kate, "they have taken her". And he has to agree, yes, he did!

What is this video the officer is referring to?

It looks like the police think he was planting something in the mind of Kate..maybe she did find that window and shutter opened after all? Opened by Payne or O'Brien or Gerry. It has always seemed like clockwork to me, O'Brien gets back to the table and Kate gets sent to do a check? Who sent her?

Unknown said...

or am I misreading this and he is asking Payne well you did previously say, didn't you that Kate's first words were, they have taken her, and he did not want to admit that, because it clearly implicates Kate?

Unknown said...

then Payne gets back to this group evidence again, oh dear! These educated doctors who really want to be so helpful but their evidence is what the group said!

What a nasty snivelling little liar this man is, and all of them!

Unknown said...

So Kate was running back towards the apartment with the rest of the group yelling "they have taken her" and that was Payne's initial evidence about it.

She had ran out and left the twins, ran to the TAPAS and was then running back saying that.

Well I am sorry Kate but that makes you look every bit as scheming as your vile husband.

Unknown said...

Sorry I am just running through this trying to work it out in my head. DC Messiah says that is the third interview with Payne and hopefully the last. So when he says well I can go back to the video and check what you told me, he is likely referring to that.

So, in that situation, this maybe looks a little more sinister still perhaps? He is saying Kate was immediately saying that over 12 months later....now that sounds like, perhaps he is doing what we thought Gerry was doing in September 2007, getting Philomena to make all those announcements to the press, making Kate look the guilty one.

I just do not think Dr Gaspar is actually wrong about Gerry and David. But Kate, looks so scheming sometimes, why would she go on TV and talk about Madeleine just moving on? The PJ think Gerry controls Kate...I still tend to think Gerry and his mates got rid of Maddie and Kate hopes she can have her back and yes I know I may well be wrong, but that is how I make sense of this. But still there is something very odd about Kate, but there again, women who have been controlled and bullied to that extent are odd! She is ill and she is desperate and she feels very guilty of those things at least, I am certain. But Gerry still thinks he is playing a game. He is the really sick one of the two. And there can be only one person who put all those bruises on Kate, it was not Kate McCann bouncing herself up the walls as Fiona Payne told us 18 months later (to protect her and hubby I would say). It was quite obviously Gerry. Fiona was also quite obviously there in Portugal to stop Kate just cracking up and telling the truth. They would all go down!

Wizard said...

“O'Brien gets back to the table and Kate gets sent to do a check? Who sent her?”

If my memory serves me well Viv, Gerry said Kate went back at 10.00pm to check on the children it was her turn.

However, on previous evenings according to the waiters the women did not leave the table to do the checks only the men. Hmm…what was so different about the night of the 3rd May then that made them change their routine?

Unknown said...

Hiya Wiz

I am quite sure that what rare checks ever did get made on those kids previously it was not by Kate McCann! Otherwise she might have found her weeping daughter on 1 May. That must make her a very guilty mom.

I suppose if we really knew why she got up that night at 10 pm we would know all the answers and that would be nice! But I do recollect reading Gerry had been gone for so long she thought he was watching the football, who knows she might have just gone to see if he was snogging that busty gym instructress!

Unknown said...

I suppose the ultimate way to keep Kate under control would be to say, well I do know where she is and if you behave I might get her back for you. But if you do not, Maddie dies.

I just would not put anything past that evil man and she really does look ill.

Unknown said...

Kate apparently slept in the spare bed in the childrens room a couple of times including the night before Madeleine disappeared.

Was that because Gerry was violent towards her or did she fear for the childrens safety? Or a bit of both!

Maybe that is a big clue that we have not taken that much notice of, Kate sleeping in the chilrens room the night before. Did Maddie sleep in there with her? But why did she just keep leaving her children alone all evening if she was fearful for their safety? Because Gerry told her to??

hope4truth said...

Why do you need a lawyer when you have not been charged with anything???If I remeber correctly diddnt Richard Branson pay their legal fees 100k when they were made arguidos???

This is more money than most of us would have for lawyers so who the hell do the McCann's think they are dipping their hand into their daughters fund???

It is sick they left her alone and have not helped in the investigation yet money that should be used to search is being used to make them look good???

Frankly if Kate is not the reason Madeleine is missing I have no idea why she is protecting Gerry she is an inteligent woman and if she gives a damn about the twins she would go to the police..

Then again if she is responsible I can understand why she is so cold..

Unknown said...

Hiya Hope

I think you are right, that was certainly reported at the time, that Richard Branson paid them £100,000 when they returned to UK to go and get proper legal advice. Of course we then saw the McCanns attending those very expensive London lawyers.

I think that was kind and generous of Branson, but at the rate of £700 per hour plus apparent trips to Portugal etc plus VAT etc it is not difficult to imagine how quickly this would have been swallowed up given they were also using Angus McBride at that firm for reputation management advice for those in serious trouble. If I recall Mr Caplan QC even visited them at their home address and I just cannot imagine what the bill would have been for that. But just one day say 800 x 8 hours equals £5,000!

So in time we heard no more of the McCanns instructing them, Mr Smethurst seemed to be mainly assisting them but he has no expertise or experience in criminal law.

I think it has always been important to the McCanns to have a separate fighting fund for as and when they do get charged with criminal offending and I do wonder if some of this money has been creamed off for this purpose.

But, as you say, why would the need to defend themselves ahead of any charges? I think the answer to that is reputation management. The McCanns planned to make ten million out of Maddie the Movie and the shelving of the case in Portugal without specifically clearing them prevented them from doing that. They cannot sell brand McCann, the Kate and Gerry show when their reputation is so tarnished and they are still effectively prime suspects in her disappearance. It is this mantel they are seeking to shake off. I think they know it will take British Police a long time to get to charging them and their plan is to build up a defence fund whilst that is happening. But we bloggers and Amaral are stopping them from doing that!

People say Brunty is on their side but is he heck!

He puts up some innocuous post that gets everyone blogging about them and we can see the sort of comments it attracts. He has been over there many times and he knows the score but he cannot personally libel the McCanns or accuse them of anything that would damage the police investigation or pre judge any trial. That is the situation with the British press, they have to be very careful but look what Sky have just done with the Amaral trial, I prefer to call it the McCann trial although in reality it is neither, it is Goncalo's appeal against the injunction. I do not think Goncalo cares about losing the injunction, job done!

They do not deserve to have newspapers and the public pay for their defence to what they did, or have their reputation improved with the money that people have given them. We must not give up. They alone ruined their reputation, Goncalo Amaral did not ask them to get rid of their own little girl and then cash in.

Unknown said...

Hiya again Hope

I think there may be a number of explanations as to why Kate does not go to the police, the most obvious one being of course that she killed Madeleine. I do not actually think that she did, but nevertheless she feels responsible and she knows that the law would hold her responsible.

If those men are sex offenders she left Maddie alone in that apartment every single night with the door open.

I also find it incredibly likely that Gerry has her well and truly stitched up, well you open your mouth about me and I will get you the blame, I will get you locked up, I will make sure you never ever see Madeleine again etc. This is how he would operate.

Sometimes even facing the shame that women feel of divorcing a violent and abusive man can seem like a massive step to take. Kate steps that she needs to take are much larger than that. She has lost Madeleine, I actually believe she has some vague idea she may see her again and she desperately does not want to lose the twins, who Gerry would also tell her she can kiss goodbye if she goes to the police.

Unknown said...

But even so, that is what she should do and take the consequences, explain the situation, face the fear, the humiliation and get her life back away from him, because she is dying a slow and painful death by continuing to bind herself to him.

Wizard said...

Sometime ago Gerry commented he never left Kate alone with the children there was always someone with her. A strange statement to make about a grown woman, a professional and someone who professes to love her children.

In the recent Lisbon fiasco Gerry had to leave early for er …um…work commitments, again Kate is not left on her own Fiona Payne is flown out to be with her for one day until she returned to England. Can’t she be trusted to be on her own, something is amiss here!

Unknown said...

Hiya Wiz, I recall those early statements and they went along way towards the opinion I have of Gerry McCann coupled with him instructing his sister to tell the world's press Kate killed Madeleine, that is what the police say and they offered her a deal to confess.

I believe this man is so manipulative and twisted it is almost impossible to quite figure out the malevolent schemes and disinformation he has carefully planned. I even imagine him reading blogs like this and having a sly smirk or sometimes a burst of fury.

I do think the campaign by bloggers and Amaral has had a very adverse affect on his plans and he is now at his lowest ebb, not that he will entirely see it that way. This man is just not a quitter or a self doubter. But I did enjoy that look on his face as he exited the Police Station in Portmao, for the first time, Gerry realised he was just not in control at that point. So he ran!

The earlier comments clearly implied Kate just cannot be left alone witht he children, that was wicked. It is him, IMO, that just cannot be left alone with the children and always he will project his own conduct onto Kate. He thinks he is pretty skilful in making sure that people think she killed Maddie. I know that it is possible that as a battered wife, depressed, hit the bottle, cannot cope, she did, but I just do not think so.

This man as you imply demonstrates that always he must have Kate under his complete control and when he just has to go because people are hitting too many raw nerves for him, he gets Fiona Payne to do the controlling for him. She just stood back in that press scrum, did she look like a mate who was trying to shield Kate? Not to me she didn't she looked like she just wanted her to take it and suffer.

There is something terribly wrong here, I just know it, I am not saying I have all the answers but it is very bad.

hope4truth said...

Hi Both

yes she could well be a battered wife but the worse has happend her daughter has gone... She may be able to get her back if she is being held somewhere but she must realise it is unlikely and if she does come back with a lot of love and care Maddie will be questioned and thing will come out...

The fundraser raised 45k which is enought to keep them in lawyers for a few days so what was the point of it?

Well to show us evil bloggers they are loved by everyone only problem is they are not all over the press with A list celebs and a few crummy photos of the celebs (was it 5?) and hardly a report in the press or on the news....

BBC news on line has stopped reporting their games and SKY had the headline about them killing Madeleine for over 2 days and as Viv says Brunt has allowed some damming comments...

Games up get to a police station because if you wait for them to come to you the chance for redemption is lost....

Di said...

Hi Viv & All

I read somewhere earlier, sorry can't now remember where, that the fund accounts had been released early. The reason suggested was to show the Judge in the McCann's injunction case against GA's book, here's the evidence, we were right the public are not donating to the fund, so yes, the book is damaging the search for Madeleine.

I would not put it past them. Goncalo is their target no matter what. It's funny how other people can state that Madeleine is most likely dead, they don't even get a mention. The Gaspars statement in Goncalo's book is I am sure, the thorn in their side.

Di said...


I agree, something is very wrong but why so much cover up?

So many journalists are spouting such garbage and sucking up to the tapas it is unbelievable. If they are in the know, and a D notice is in place, why not just keep quiet?

Off for a while.

Unknown said...

Hiya all, erm tut this is not good simple times tables is it, when I went to school a long time ago, obviously, 8 x 8 = 64 or £6400 for one day of travelling and advising from the very expensive Mr Caplan QC. Of course if Angus McBride did the domicillary visit as well call it fifteen grand!

800 x 8 hours equals £5,000! *rubbish

Di, I think the McCanns sell papers for them and not all Brit press is good press for the Mucks, in fact I think the press are preparing people!

Unknown said...

Hiya again Di

I do not think the accounts were delivered early at all, more like about bang on time. End of January is usual.

I also do not think the Pt Judge would be the least bit interested in the accounts. Their case is that Goncalo is damaging the search for Madeleine where they have erm now (!) decided she is likely to be, following the miraculous advice from Eddie the eejyit, who has probably been engaged in Portugal doing nothing more important than gathering dirt on Goncalo Amaral.

In fact I think the McCanns would be deeply embarrassed at the thought of her reading them. We just blew another million in and we want another one!

Unknown said...

but anyway judge we are not telling you what we spent it on, other than you can guess it has cost us an arm and a leg to come here, it was just a load of old campaign costs and we are not telling you what our campaign is either. But our merchandising to be honest is of Maddie. Oh god, they make me sick, repulsive creatures.

Unknown said...

Well you know Di, that GASPAR statement even has Rosiepops going all coy, I am sure that is the erm, little problem.

And Dr Gaspar would make such a good witness!

I have been a GP for fifteen years, I have extensive training and experience in child abuse cases in an inner Birmingham area...over the years I have attended 400 child abuse case conferences organised by Social Services....I have regularly liaised with schools and the police...

Unknown said...

Hiya Hope

I think the point of the event was the pre-event spin it got in the press about Branson and Rowling attending. Given they did not it is really pathetic.

I have been posting on Joanna's last couple of days, there are some good posts going on there and her site has over two million hits!!!

One poster asked whether Gerry had actually spoken at the CEOP conference. Knowing the McCanns as we do, I think it is a given he either had a really urgent, sudden and completely unexpected "business urge" or he got what he deserved and in the words of the song, "I don't want to talk about it, the way you broke my.."

When it got to heart I thought that just sounded all wrong, in spite, his profession.

Unknown said...

Well I know I should not laugh but Jan on MM:

."John Rosiepops McTwat"

but !! hilarious!!

Unknown said...

Then Jan tell us :

The statement by McRosiepops is really quite ridiculous. At one point he says Maddie was abducted in May 2008.

This lady really is very funny! I suppose it has all gone in one amazing negating blur for McTwattypops!

Joe said...

I do not think that the McCanns demonstrating in the accounts that they are receiving little donations would affect the Judge's decision. She would hopefully conclude that a) they could ask the Police at any time to do it for nothing and b) the fund is not vital at all to find Madeline and it is essentially a private organization, and if they want it to continue as such should arrange other money making schemes and not expect the public to donate. Lastly c) the reason that the donations have dried up could be public fatigue, disbelief and nothing to do with Amarals book.

hope4truth said...

I keep reading and re reading things today and one thing that keeps smacking me in the face is the fact they wanted to set up a fighting fund...

Rose West was sat on her sofa when the police started digging up Cromwell Street and was shocked by what they found so I guess we should have set up a fighting fund for that poor lady as well.... After all her own daughter Heather was missing until she was located in the back yard and poor Rose was shaken to the core...

She could be walking free if only we had set up a fund to defend her from the lies being said about her after all it was Nasty Fred who was the killer not poor innocent Rose...

Problem was once the police were allowed to investigate it turned out she had Murdered Charmaine her step daughter when Fred was in jail...

Such a shame we did not rally round and get her a spin dr and some fancy lawyers instead of being sentanced to die in prison we could see her on GMTV telling us how to be good parents and maybe if we were very lucky she could write a book or make a film and we could pay to read or see it....

I have never known of anything like it in my life...

Joe said...

Yes the fund is there for their legal expenses, lawsuits and to keep the likes of Pinky on board so that they can have access to the gutter press and TV at any time to rebutt any threats to their story or get a super injunction if needed. For this money is needed to retain the slimy lawyers and the rest. Looking for Madeline is just the smokescreen, its really looking after themselves, and Uncle John/Rosie and Jon.

Unknown said...

Hiya both

Good points made in your posts and if it is any consolation, I feel just like you, repulsed by the McCanns fighting fund where they never seriously had any intention of looking for the daughter who Gerry McCann carried off that night.

I have never seen or heard anything quite like this either, sometimes I have to pinch myself and say can this be real, ten million Maddie the Movie? They were even planning to go ahead and do that, but they were!

Maybe that is why I get rather angry when we have some of these people insisting they are protected at the highest levels of government nothing will happen to them. We are looking at one of the most despicable criminal conspiracies where they just cashed in on a lovely little girl and mercilessly disposed of her, but people tell us British Police will just turn a blind eye to this. That is the biggest insult to all our hardworking police officers who desperately want to crack this case. Absolutely no way! If they were going to get away with it what on earth would they need a fighting fund for?

The government do have ways of just shutting things up and making them go away and they have hardly been doing that with the McCanns! If the McCanns were receiving any sort of protection at all they would have been completely and utterly silenced. The government protect people like the royal family from scandal, try as he will, Gerry is just not in that league!

Unknown said...

8th January, 2008 Share|
McCanns 'in talks' to make Maddie The Movie
( 48 )

Related Tags:
Gerry McCann
Kate McCann

Maddie McCannMissing: Maddie McCann

The McCanns are in negotiations to make a blockbuster film about their experiences over the search for their missing daughter Madeleine, according to reports.

Talks with the world's largest talent and entertainment agency IMG are to take place tomorrow in what could be a multi-million deal, according to the Evening Standard.

Kate and Gerry McCann feel they are in need of extra money amid fears as the £1.2m raised from public donations for the Madeleine Fund will soon run out.

A source close to the McCanns told the paper: "We would only get involved in something done sensitively and considerately."

The couple are also considering a book deal and selling interviews to the media, with all cash going to the fund.

Madeleine, four, vanished from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3.

A source told the paper: “Donations from the public are still coming in but to sustain the fund properly we will need larger amounts. We have had a couple of large companies involved in the film industry approach us about a deal.

“IMG and the production company behind Touching The Void have approached Kate and Gerry.”

In a statement, Darlow Smithson Productions, a production company owned by IMG, said: "Darlow Smithson had a preliminary meeting with representatives of the McCanns about the possibility of an observational documentary following the ongoing search for Madeleine.

"Discussions are still at a very early stage and the issue of money has never been raised."

Unknown said...

Donations from the public are still coming in but to sustain the fund properly we will need larger amounts.

Someone ought to send this to the Portuguese Judge!

Unknown said...

Even The Sun chant:

Its Maddie the Movie


Published: 08 Jan 2008
KATE and Gerry McCann are in negotiations to turn the story of missing Madeleine into a film.

The couple are in talks with entertainment agency IMG with any deal potentially worth millions.

A source close to the McCanns said: "We would only get involved with something done sensitively and considerately."

The money earned would be used to continue the search for Madeleine as it is feared the £1.2million raised from public donations will soon run out.

A book deal and selling interviews to broadcasters is also being considered with all proceeds being poured into the Madeleine Fund which was set up to finance the search.

The film project will be discussed at a meeting of the fund's directors, including Gerry, tomorrow night at the McCanns' home in Rothley, Leicestershire.

The Madeleine Fund is committed to spending £50,000 a month on a Spanish private detective agency. It is also paying for a poster and television advertising campaign in Spain, Portugal and Morocco, where there have been several alleged sightings.

Estimates suggest at least £500,000 has already been spent.

Maddie was six days short of her fourth birthday when she vanished from her bed in the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in Portugal on 3 May.


A source close to the McCann family said: "Donations from the public are still coming in but to sustain the fund properly we will need larger amounts.

"If the media are prepared to make donations, we will take the money. There are a few propositions out there.

"We have had a couple of large companies involved in the film industry approach us about a long- term deal. IMG and the production company behind Touching The Void have approached Kate and Gerry. They have sent them a tape to watch to see the sort of film they make. We have only had a preliminary discussion."


Drama-documentary Touching The Void tells the story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates and their near-fatal attempt to climb a mountain in the Peruvian Andes through a mixture of interviews with them and dramatic reconstructions.

A film about missing Maddie could follow a similar method, if it was made by the Touching The Void team.

The source closed to the McCanns warned that the couple will only be able to begin negotiations in earnest provided their status as official suspects - or arguidos - is lifted by Portuguese police.

Then McCanns insist Maddie was kidnapped from their holiday apartment as they ate at a nearby tapas restaurant and that she could still be alive.

The source added: "The million pound film deal is possible. It is the sort of thing we would look at seriously because in one fell swoop we could resolve the funding of the search overnight."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/maddie/article663516.ece#ixzz0eKxaCClD

Unknown said...

in Praia da Luz

Published: 09 Jan 2008
KATE and Gerry McCann are set to turn the story of missing daughter Madeleine into a FILM.

The couple believe the movie could raise money for the dwindling Find Madeleine fund, whose public donations have slowed to a trickle.

Their official spokesman has held talks with entertainment company IMG.

But last night the McCanns feared they may be CHARGED over Maddie as Portuguese prosecutors finally sent a dossier to Britain, demanding fresh interrogations.

McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell met IMG representatives at their offices in Chiswick, West London.

No final decision has been made by the 39-year-old doctors, of Rothley, Leics.

However discussions HAVE established that the movie would be a documentary-style account of Maddie's disappearance and the huge search which has followed.

It would be filmed by the team which made award-winning drama Touching The Void - about two climbers' fight for survival on a peak.


Mr Mitchell said: "IMG sent Kate and Gerry a tape of the sort of film they make. Anything about Madeleine would be document-ary style, based on facts.

"Kate and Gerry will only agree if they feel it will generate income for their Find Madeleine fund."

The McCanns have been named official suspects over Maddie by Portuguese cops, but deny involvement in her disappearance in the Algarve.

The prosecutors' file, also thought to request the seizure of Kate's diary and Maddie's teddy, was reportedly sent to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith on Monday.

It holds at least 40 questions cops want answered by the seven pals who dined with Kate and Gerry on the night Maddie vanished last May.

The McCanns could also be quizzed again. A source close to the family said: "They insist they're innocent but fear they'll be charged."


Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/maddie/article666408.ece#ixzz0eKyeJFVW

Unknown said...

SueB said...

Hi Viv,

I've blown up the tennis photo in photoshop and see the bruise on her wrist and the remnants of one on her right knee. I also see a lot of eczema (or similar), the poor mite appears to be covered in it. I don't know what to make of it all.

Unknown said...

“The media are making money out of the situation themselves and we feel it is only fair and right that some aspect of that should come to the fund to help find Madeleine,” he said.
Mitchell, Clarence (The Times, 8 Jan 2008)

I would just like to ask Mr Mitchell, why was he telling us they need this big cash injection given we saw that in the accounts just a few months later, April 2008, there was a ONE MILLION POUNDS SURPLUS (a little different to it is just about to run out) . This Defence Fighting Fund sure did have ambitious plans!

Unknown said...


Do not forget Hogan International who were working on the case, apparently, at the same time as Metodos, said to be the British end of the investigation and we were also told that when M3s contract ran out Hogan would take over. Hogan specialise in investigating assets. If you were planning to sue various people bigtime what you do is get a private investigator to find out about their assets. I hate to think of the dirty little beggars looking over my house and car, and scrambling through me dustbin:-)))Take it they were not overly impressed, lol! It is a bit like what has Dave Edgar really been up to in Portugal. I would suggest poking his nose into the private affairs of one whose assets Teams McCann are terribly interested in, one who goes by the name of Goncalo Amaral and McPottyJohn has been singing all about it on its bog, lol, oh dear John boy, you are so thick!

Three Irish Scamsters: Halligen, McScam, Dave Edgar.

No disrespect to the Irish, I am sure Gerry just feels safer that way and every race has its bad apples. Of course Mr Hogan did not take over from M3, we got the really big boys, yes the FBI, lol, Mr Halligen. What's up Mr Hogan, what did you sue for, was it the Daily Express or Team McCann and are you not an Irish man, lol!

Unknown said...

Please do not tell me Mitchell is Irish, I think I would fall of me chair laughing.

Must go to bed

Nite Nite xxx


oh and Pyschopops, I see through you, right through you, as you once menacingly told me on the Daily Express, really made me tremble that did :-))))

hope4truth said...

I am surprised at how shocked I am after reading all that...

I know they wanted to make a movie and remeber talking about it at the time but when I see the date 8th January 2008 all this time later I am left shaken...

This is only 8 months after she went missing they have no conclusion and the sad fact that nearly 3 years have gone by and their has still not been a single sighting or lead how were they going to make a film???

At the time it was mentioned there was a lot of defence about it but to see it now and realise so little time had gone by

I know they are waiting for Hewlett to die and pin it all on him but he has been ruled out by real police now I am sure he could give a death bed confesion paid for via the fund but if that is the case they are screwed....

DO they really think the police wont go through his finances with a fine tooth comb and if his wife (who should have ditched him years ago she has children and they should not be anywhere near a peadophile even if he is their father) suddenly has lots of money well....

Many criminals get caught because they pull off the perfect robbery but somone in the team cant or wont wait for their money and start to get gobby they are given some but told not to buy anything nice with it for a couple of months even years and they turn up in a flash sports car then spend the next 15 years in jail dragging the rest of the gang with them....

Or maybe Mrs Hewlett will finaly get a back bone once her husband is out the way and realise there is a lot of money to be made if she sells her story to the gutter press if she has proof and hires someone like Mitchel to spin for her she could be as rich as the McCann's..

Or maybe she is a mouse and once her husband is no more she will find the courage to just tell the police all she knows and do the decent thing...

If Team McCann are planning on setting him up for a fall they may find it is them who end up going down...

Unknown said...

Morning Hope

You are bright and early as usual!

And they were casting around to make these millions whilst still under serious investigation by Rebelo and British Police.

It kind of demonstrates the arrogance of Gerry McCann, you will not find any evidence we killed Madeleine! No, maybe not Gerry, but they do have a lot of other evidence against you and your time will come.

One good thing Hope, this is what Gerry actually wanted to do and this is what he has been stopped from doing. As you say, just 8 months after Maddie has disappeared without trace and he wants to make Maddie The Movie which would have made them multi millionaires. No wonder Kate does not bother to go back to work!

Everyone sees this sickening fraudster for just what he is.

Unknown said...

So, in January 2008 they are casting around to make millions from Maddie the Movie and then in April 2008 they are making an application to the British High Court, Family Division to force the police to hand over their file of papers to them.

Maybe that stage, Gerry realised things were not going quite according to plan. Mrs Justice Hogg had no hesitation in listening to the Chief Constable of Leicester Police, SOCA and the Attorney General, immediately making little Madeleine a Ward of Court, (whose parents wanted to cash in and make Maddie the Movie, again demonstrating a complete lack of concern for her safety) and of course Mrs Justice Hogg completely overturned her previous order, Kate and Gerry had backed down in their application, they accepted they were not going to get their hands on the British Police files against them. But they were allowed to have back copies of what their solicitors had sent to the police, 81 pieces of information concerning so called sightings of Madeleine. In court in Portugal recently it was suggested by the McCanns own lawyers there is clear suspicion they were responsible for some of those sightings. Of course, the other 11,000 pieces of information on the LP file at that time were being kept under wraps. And Maddie was no longer their responsibility. Not that has deterred them from continuing to cash in in her name including their latest action against the principal officer who investigated them in Portugal. Does it stink? Just a little. I have never said Goncalo was adopting normal legal procedures by writing a book about them, but in a way, you can certainly understand it!

Unknown said...

Copied from a post on JM blog, excellent collation concerning the oh so litigious McCanns, oh yes, they were thinking of suing the PJ for ONE MILLION as well, never have any trouble deciding on their level of damages, do they!:

Here are a few examples


Threatened to sue a Spanish TV station for comments made following an interview.


Threatened to sue Amaral because of the claims made in his book


Threatened to sue bloggers everywhere for ...well, blogging, basically


Threatened to sue the Express for being the Express


Threatened to sue Tal & Qual for correctly stating that the police believed Madeleine dead


Threatened to sue Sandra Felguieras, presumably for making them look ridiculous which she usually does


Threatened to sue for not finding their daughter. The daughter who disappeared when they left her alone


Threatened to sue over article claiming Gerry wasn't Madeleine's father.

All guaranteed to find their daughter, naturally. I especially like the one about suing the police for not finding her. Way to go, Team McCann.

Here's an excerpt from that article

''Kate and Gerry McCann could sue the Portuguese police for failure to find their daughter, it was claimed yesterday.

The couple could sue for an estimated £1million if the investigation is closed, it was reported.

Their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said it was something the couple's legal team might consider in the future.''

hope4truth said...

they wanted to sue the police for not finding thier daughter???

Can you imagine that one in court

judge: so why have you not found this poor womans daughter?

cop: her friends would not do a reconsturction and neither would the parents and we asked her 48 very simple questions which she refused to answer then we asked her if she was aware by not answering the questions it could hinder the investigation to which she replied if thats what you think.

Judge: send the heartless bitch to jail and send that mouthy husband of hers along as well

Just who the hell do they think they are? I am angry again now what kind of mother plays games with her childs life the way she has....?

I know Gerry is a prat but sometimes you can see the hard edge this woman has and I belive her nice side is as fake as her child care arangements...

Unknown said...

Hiya Hope

and the way Clarence menacingly suggests suing the PJ is something they may consider in the future. Was that meant to be a threat or was it just meant for what we now know to be the case, we will soon anyone and anything we can as the cash is running a bit dry. We do like to keep at least a one million pounds pot, when it dips to only £600K we know that will not keep Kate and Gerry in lawyers bills!

As for is she just as cynical as him, well she is party to what increasingly looks to me like just one great big fraud! I always said this was planned, Hope, and I have not changed my mind about that one..

Unknown said...

her nice side is about as fake as her childcare arrangements


Unknown said...

Team McCann are so bent they have people on the internet posing as "mad antis" deliberately talking up the gory death theories, so that the McCanns can act all affronted and cash in.

I could name quite a few!

Then they have Krugel and Correia looking for her body...and making sure it is well publicised. Trouble is the only people Kate and Gerry can get to work for them are barking mad!

Unknown said...

cannot resist another look on the light side, this is a good tweety, I think, from one who used tobe on 3As weissnicht. Captures the complete lack of concern and arrogance of Scamster McCann perfectly! If you know there is absolutely no evidence that Madeleine has come to any harm Gerry, then perhaps it is about time you found her, not that Mrs Justice Hogg will be allowing you to have care and control of her again, of course! But I suspect you have a very perverted definition of the word "harm". Maybe she has really developed her "bush skills" now in the wild outback of Southern Portugal. No more that what you would expect for a child who is now almost seven?!

RT @w_nicht: gerry #mccann: Margaret was abducted 2008 and there is no evidence that we are involved Amoral got it all wrong. What?

Di said...

Hi Viv & All

How interesting to see all the people the McCann's have threatened to sue in one list. As you say Hope threatening to sue the PJ for not finding Madeleine is unbelievable.

It is not the fault of the PJ that Madeleine is missing, it is entirely Kate & Gerry's fault, they were the ones who neglected her night after night. It is about time Kate & Gerry started to wake up to their own failings and stop trying to blame everyone else.


I enjoyed reading weissnicht's posts on 3As and loved the avatar, it always made me smile.

Unknown said...

hiya Di

The list format of all their actions against people for money is helpful. It emphasises all they have ever been concerned about for their "business" which was up and running within 48 hours of her disappearance is making money. There is no evidence of them ever looking for Madeleine.

3As had its failings but it still seems like an institution has gone! There was good and bad on there, just like the Daily Express, I suppose we do miss it!

Interesting that Bennett finally closed the doors of one and Rosie the other with the increasingly putrid and probably perfectly deliberate outpourings of rage.

Unknown said...

A house in Knutsford? Can you believe there were people who actually took that thread seriously, or any of this threads for that matter. Clarence Mitchell " A Master Media Manipulator". I bet Mitchell himself wrote that!

hope4truth said...

Mitchell has a crap job making bad people look good...

I think he may have bought it to begin with and the picture of him at the party was dreadful he has aged about 20 years and looked sad...

He is a Father maybe her realises the horror of what he has got himself into and is stuck fast...

the man should do the decent thing and resign then go to a police station and tell them all he knows and feels...

In time he can write his own book and make a fortune of his own and if he has any sense will retire somewhere and enjoy life.... Or if he wants his time in the spotlight he could go on the speaker circit people will be intrested in what he knows....

Jane Tanner should also get herself a good lawyer and cut herself a deal before she is sold down the river....

The celeb party that fizzled out the lanterns that were not launched because of the weather (it was nice here and i never saw any) taking over the states but they saw through them as well....

the fund is running low and they need it topped up not to find their child but threaten anyone who doubts their wicked lies...

Unknown said...

Hiya Hope

It does make you wonder how the McCanns or Mitchell can look people in the face and expect to be welcomed as normal people. At some little gathering in the pub or a dinner party?

I cannot even imagine Kate being able to do the simple things I know most women enjoy, shopping. Did she send her secretary to Marks & Spencers to get her clothes for her?

I think this is what they did not really think about. Or at least I do not think Kate did but she really does now. Missing Madeleine and a Missing Life. But Gerry and Mitchell? They have such a massive ego and such low morals I am not certain they really care what people think, they are too busy trying to spin their point and see how much it will net them. In the process do they ever stop and think of Madeleine, I very much doubt it!

I have always thought that when the McCanns get arrested, Mitchell will just calmly pen the most outrageous top selling book. He will never look back.

Di said...

I wonder, what will happen when the fund dries up completely?

I am positive, and I am sure you all think the same, the McCanns' are making money out of the fund, hence the very limited data released. Yes Viv money laundering comes very much to mind, and I am not the only person to think so.

Let's hope there is someone paying very good attention to detail, or lack of!

Unknown said...


Do not boot up the link that was posted by our friend Assasin, (calling itself Claudio on this occasion) it is a virus, although not one that it is difficult to kill!

What a sad little creature:-))

Di, This repulsive couple just blew a massive one million pounds in, just in one financial year and they tell us they are looking for Madeleine? Their arrest will come soon enough, Kate's face says it all. And what of Gerry's little lecture to CEOP, I think they are closing the net!


Di said...


Thanks for the warning. They are obviously very worried indeed to try such infantile tricks!

Unknown said...

Hiya Di, I think they will have to try a bit harder than that to shut us up!

But of course if they do, I might pop down the nick again and get it all passed on to LP!

viv the div said...

Hi Viv

One thing you wrote shocked me (well actually many things did but have to get one daughter to a rehersal and the other is having her legs waxed for the first possibly last time in her life)....

What amazes me is with all these revelations she is still allowed to care for the twins.... Did you see that vile picture of a baby with a cigarette in its mouth????

Sorry I digress...

So we have this mother all over the press as an evil bitch and we have Kate McCann who admited she drugged her children to help them sleep (well her mother admited she did) goes off on holiday and leaves her children home alone while she goes to a bar finds her child missing and then refuses to help the investigation in any way....

if this is what happend and although she kept checking the twins were breathing but did not rush them to a hospital to be safe the pair of them should be struck off as Drs and jailed for the wicked treatment of their children...

Unknown said...

hiya Hope

I suspect there are some pretty heavy handed interventions with the McCanns but of course we would not be told about that.

There is no doubt this couple present an unacceptable risk of harm to children and I hope those interventions are sufficient to protect them. But you know what I think, the McCanns human rights to be considered innocent whilst still under investigation come ahead of the twins right to a safe and normal life. That is a tragedy. If I had been the manager with the decision those twins would have been removed immediately and that is only on the basis of what they admit and we already know as a fact.

Society can still be very unfair in UK, if you can buy all the legal assistance you need by conning the public you can get all the help you need. And doctors just get due deference anyway. No one would deny if this was the income support couple from the council estate things would have been incredibly different. But even so, the McCanns criminality is desperately serious and nothing can save them from the inevitable final knock on the door, but trust me I believe they will have already had plenty from the SSD and the police!


viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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hope4truth said...


I did write the above posts but for the past hour and a half I have been cleaning my kitchen so not sure how they got from where I first posted the above on your website to here???/

Maybe Assasin has been playing games she was very good with web sites and tracking us all down LOL

So not sure how or why the above got where they did???

Or are you having a tidy up Viv???

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

Kate talks about Madeleine as if she were the brain of britain and at 3 years old helping Kate buy clothes etc that is amazing yet I find it hard to believe she ever spent much time with her mother as on that holiday every minute was spent in the creche and when it came to party time for the adults they were left alone....

I still cant work out why the Press are allowed to deamanise a young mother for having a picture of her baby with a cigarette in its mouth and probebly ruin her life with the shame and finger pointing yet hold Kate McCann up as the ideal mother someone somewhere is stopping real reporting from taking place....

so we have a distressed child left alone night after night with her younger siblings and one night when they check she has gone missing,,,

Anyone who says they were wrong is told to shut up first by a bunch of bullying nutters and anyone who went futher and when the McCann's had a shed load of money from the fund set up to search for their child lawyers set about everyone who dared to question...

viv the div said...
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hope4truth said...

Thought so Assasin you are indeed very clever with comps have you no where to post now so you thought you would come and join us???

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

Hope you are well x

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

Assassin you will not stop me or anyone here with your trick...

This is a very sad case and we are dedicated to it.

Anyone giving a penny to these bloody idiots after all this time reading the crazy explanations that turn black into white are not helping Madeleine they are making it worse for her and are only helping her parents prove they did not kill her....

My child goes missing screw me I am not important as long as people are searching for my child and not making stupid statements putting her at even greater risk than I did already by neglecting her that is fine...

viv the div said...

Or she is actually being held in a lawless town a few miles from PDL and they have once again told the person who has her they are on to him and on their way where he will no doubt if he has not done so already Murder madeleine and do a runner...

If she was missing no one would need to tell them how to act it is too bloody late now looking back on those first few months the only time they looked remotely upset was when they were made arguidos and it looked like they might be found out....

I say take every person who refused to help the investigation to a police station in seprate interview rooms and dont let them leave until they have told you all they know....

Or maybe a chav can be thrown to the wolves but a pretty Dr can do what the hell she likes with her children and be held as a saint...
that is the problem her child is safe and well and although a revoliting image and something that should never have happend if I were in her shoes I would never want to go out again,,,

I am starting to wonder why the press and the authorities hate Madeleine so much why does she not deserve the same attention of a baby who was never missing and in no real danger???

viv the div said...

The Mother who left her children while she went out drinking all night has been given a second chance after breaking her curfew she will go to jail if she does so again. Not sure if her children are still with her or been taken away but no matter how distressed they were they were all alive and in the house when the authorities arrived...

Madeleine was distressed the night before she went missing both acording to Mrs Fenn and Kate McCann...

I a very pleased they have been sent away but am distressed that people have written them off and are screaming they should never be allowed out...

Children deserve a chance someone I work with has a 7 year old son who was the brat from hell I would do all I could to avoid him if he came into the office she is so weak with him and would say dont do that and then when he did it anyway ignore it his dad was no better when he stayed with him.... He was suspended from school 3 times and nearly kicked out but that to her was the teachers fault...

I know many children from so called profesional families are abused and brought up in an uncaring way and I am not sure how to deal with the parents of these children heavy fines maybe 20% of their salary however...

viv the div said...

I often wondered way back on the DX what would happen if the pro bloggers were revealed to be members of the family Gerry and Kate or the 7 adults with them on that holiday....

I have many pages of abuse from the DX and other sites saved on disk and even printed because as a notmal caring human being (something they were desprate to try and say I was not) the leval of hatred towards me and other bloggers who simply just did not buy what they were trying to sell was very strange....

Had someone came along and argued or debated in a polite way I may well have changed my mind or just stopped posting and although I know there are not 1000s of people still posting even people on the fence must have fallen off of it slightly the more information that comes out...

She had a visit from the police social services the works and quite right too she needed to be made aware of what a stupid thing she had allowed to happen and hopefully was given a lesson in putting bleach alcohol and boiling kettles out of harms way,,,,

the press have made the Mother a monster when at worst she was a stupid thick prat who needs some life lessons that a child is not a toy to do as they please and the thought of a baby smoking a cigarette is aborhant to any normal thinking person....

viv the div said...

Actually I see plenty of Mothers smoking over their prams or sat next to their child so lots of people need a kick up the arse to grow up and stop being so selfish and stupid around their children....

And the press praise her???

I know some children with ADHD are prescribed drugs that help them stay calm and I always think if my children were like that I would never use them.... then my children are not like that and if they were hurting themselves always in trouble and not happy maybe I would not be so arogant and would try them out,,,,

the only people to run with the abduction story are the parents of the missing child...

hi Viv

There are 9 adults I could name that did not help and the answers they gave changed every time they were asked them... One of them I think her name is Kate refused to answer a single question now to me that look suspicious...

viv the div said...

As for any others lock them up with the T9 and let them rot for a few weeks until they can be bothered to talk....

I know this is about Kate and Gerry and we have to help them but a 3 year old child went missing after being neglected every night does anyone think maybe she deserves a voice???
yet bring your children up to be violent and nothing...

Anyone can have a child with no checks at all and whilst it would be a terrible thing to allow social services to remove children at birth from people if there are any concerns educate the Mothers and Fathers to become decent loving parents it is all any child needs...

God forbid they gave her to someone who treated her as anything less than a precious child whatever happend if she was given away lets pray it was to a loving family....

If she is dead and a body is produced that will be tragic but if they are responsible for a death then they will have to go careful who they accuse obviously they need a fall guy but if they think the police are so stupid they will have not checked out the people along the way who they are setting up they are delusional....

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

Thought so Assasin you are indeed very clever with comps have you no where to post now so you thought you would come and join us???

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

Hope you are well x

viv the div said...

Thought so Assasin you are indeed very clever with comps have you no where to post now so you thought you would come and join us???

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

Hope you are well x

viv the div said...

Thought so Assasin you are indeed very clever with comps have you no where to post now so you thought you would come and join us???

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

Hope you are well x

viv the div said...

Thought so Assasin you are indeed very clever with comps have you no where to post now so you thought you would come and join us???

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

Hope you are well x

viv the div said...

Thought so Assasin you are indeed very clever with comps have you no where to post now so you thought you would come and join us???

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

Hope you are well x

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

who shall I be next...How about Docmac, haven't seen him posting here for a while. I am sure everyone would be happy to see him again

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...


viv the div said...


viv the div said...


LGC, missing those jokes for sure

hope4truth said...

You cant be bored of me already well I wont take it to heart..

Not much on TV tonight so I can understand your need to do something else....

wont any of the other blogs let you play???

Never mind this will all be over soon and I can go back reading books LOL xxx

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

Reading books again, sounds promising. Better than reading 'the truth of the lie' over and over again. Or this sick blog.

viv the div said...

Viv shouldn't be too cross, her post count has really gone up now.

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

Hail Viv bringer of justice

I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv
I love you Viv

Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel
Everything you say is gospel

Unlike that naughty evil Rosiepops

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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Di said...

Hello Hope

Re: Madeleine's eye, I honestly do not believe it was as bad as has been portrayed. As far as I remember, it is not mentioned on her passport. Surely if it was so prominent it would have been mentioned.

I really believe it was maybe a slight blemish, but was considered a good marketing ploy, hence the reason medical files on Madeleine were not produced.

I would like to know though whether LP even asked Madeleines Doctors for her files.

viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...
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hope4truth said...
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Di said...
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viv the div said...
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viv the div said...

Swearwords indeed...tut tut

The real Hope never swears

Good night Assassin

viv the div said...

I agree completely Di

What a shame, some people should get a life and leave us alone. At least we are trying to bring justice to this poor little girl

I give up

Di said...


Just what are Kate & Gerry VERY VERY afraid of?

The internet perhaps and children talking at school! Now that is the one I would be very worried about!

So what nex,t get the internet shut down, dream on!!

viv the div said...

In dee Di

Strange but then what isnt in this very tragic and sad case...

Sadly I dont think any of us can help the only person who matters but one day she may find peace...

viv the div said...

Sorry Di, I meant indeed

viv the div said...

This is all about Madeleine

If she is alive I worry about her eye because if it is not as bad as the photos indicate somethin will be done to it and although Gerry said early on if someone did soemthing to her eye or someone killed it was a good marketing op....

If she is found I hope our social services department care as much for her as they did for Shannon and dont hand her back straight away and help her remeber... although sadly if she is somewhere they know about no doubt the conditioning is already in place poor child...

9 days after she was taken to this hell hole Kate and Gerry were beside themselves with joy so I guess a 1000 days surounded by people who want to kiss their arse they will be totaly delighted....

viv the div said...

Anyway I give up,

God help the poor sods out there at least we are trying to do something

Di said...


Yes we are, don't give up!

viv the div said...

Good night Di,

I am off to finish my dinner

Di said...

Good night Hope


Unknown said...

Oh Bless you Di and Hope for holding the fort for me whilst not around.

The subject of paedophilia and fraud are clearly ones that touch a very raw nerve with Team McCann and if they think cloning my posters will make them feel better, it just shows how utterly desperate they are!

Have not read it all yet, other than how much Assasin loves me the protector of the police, law, order and Justice, especially for abused little children. Sometimes you should have a look in the Mirror "Assasin" and try very hard to see what is looking back at you, it is something really horrible and sick.