6 Apr 2008


Children under 5 are known to be particularly at risk of parental homicide with mothers being equally as guilty as fathers. The full text of the article below, emphasises the difference in treatment between the two sexes however, with mothers often being dealt with sympathetically, they were mentally ill, but fathers often being found to be acting out to punish the wife, they were evil. There is an all too familiar ring in the details given with the behaviour of the father in Greece, including his own attempted suicide. I hope this man is re-tried for what he did.

What is particularly horrifying is that in a staggering 95% of cases these little tots know the person who killed them.

The final paragraph of this article is particularly poignant ..maybe it is high time people stopped considering children as their property to do with as they will and a much greater emphasis was placed on the fact that children are legal entities in their own rights. They have just as much right to enjoy a family holiday for example..and to be safe on that holiday. They are not possessions to be dumped in a safe..they are real little people, helpless, vulnerable little people if they are not part of a loving and protective family.

Did Kate view Madeleine as an extension of herself?

Given that Dr O'Brien was missing from the meal table for 45 minutes and during the same time that Madeleine went missing, just how can the McCanns be so certain he had nothing to do with it? That just does not make sense, does it, if you know you did not do it yourself, then you would just have to suspect this man of harming your child, wouldn't you? How could you not? How could you know it was some "lurking predator" with such certainty that the McCanns display. Given they say they left the door open, rather than protect "their property" how could they say with certainty, Madeleine did not just wander off? I know for a fact when my children were four they would have been able to open a patio door, desperate to find me if they had woken up alone..Why did the PR man for Martin Warner write in The Times, Kate was convinced that Madeleine had just wandered off and had an accident or was being kept safe by someone, is Mr Woolfall telling lies? See: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article2599613.ece

Full text of the article When Parents Kill: Why Fathers Do It, Why Mothers Do It.

The Numbers

Children under the age of 5 in the United States are more likely to be killed by their parents than anyone else. Contrary to popular mythology, they are rarely killed by a sex-crazed stranger. FBI crime statistics show that in 1999 parents were responsible for 57 percent of these murders, with family friends and acquaintances accounting for another 30 percent and other family members accounting for 8 percent. Crime statistics further reveal that of the children under 5 killed from 1976 to 1999, 30 percent were murdered by their mothers while 31 percent were killed by their fathers. And while the strangers, acquaintances, and other family members who kill children skew heavily toward males (as does the entire class of murderers), children are as likely to be murdered by their fathers as by their mothers.

The Newspapers

Doug Saunders observed recently in the Toronto newspaper the Globe and Mail that the media is complicit in treating maternal killers as newsworthy and paternal killers as ordinary criminals. Newspapers currently following every motion in the Andrea Yates trial completely ignored last month's Los Angeles filicide, in which Adair Garcia killed five of his six children by asphyxiating them with a barbeque he'd lit in the living room. He did it to punish his estranged wife, who had moved out a week earlier. Coverage of Ukranian immigrant Nikolay Soltys, who killed his pregnant wife and 3-year-old son last August, was less focused on his mental state than his dramatic flight and capture. Why is Yates a front-page story while Garcia is disregarded? To paraphrase Michelle Oberman: Murdering mothers are just different.

The Motives

The same studies that have been used to prove that murderous mothers are "sick" can as readily be used to support the theory that both mothers and fathers consider children to be a woman's property. Social science research and FBI crime statistics show that men and women differ in the reasons they kill their children, in the methods they employ, and in the ways they behave following such murders. None of this data proves that fathers are crazier than mothers. Much of it suggests that we all simply believe children "belong" to their moms.
Researchers, building on the work of Phillip Resnick, have shown that women tend to kill their own offspring for one of several reasons: because the child is unwanted; out of mercy; as a result of some mental illness in the mother; in retaliation against a spouse; as a result of abuse. Frequent themes are that they themselves deserved to be punished, that killing the children would be an altruistic or loving act, or that children need to be "erased" in order to save or preserve a relationship. Contrast this with the reasons men kill their children: Most frequently—like Garcia or Soltys—they kill because they feel they have lost control over their finances, or their families, or the relationship, or out of revenge for a perceived slight or infidelity. The consistent idea is that women usually kill their children either because they are angry at themselves or because they want to destroy that which they created, whereas more often than not, men kill their children to get back at a woman—to take away what she most cherishes.
According to a recent article by Elizabeth Fernandez in the San Francisco Chronicle, studies further reveal that fathers are far more likely to commit suicide after killing their children. Mothers attempt post-filicide suicide but rarely succeed. Some scholars suggest this is because mothers tend to view their children as mere extensions of themselves and that these homicides are in fact suicidal.

The Murders

Perhaps more revealing than the differences in why they kill their offspring are the differences between how fathers and mothers do so. For one thing, parental murderers tend to be highly physical. According to a 1988 survey done by the U.S. Justice Department, while 61 percent of all murder defendants used a gun in 1988, only 20 percent of the parents who killed their children used one. Children were drowned and shaken, beaten, poisoned, stabbed, and suffocated. These methods betray a certain "craziness" in both genders—they betray an intense passion and a lack of planning. But a study by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children shows that fathers are far more violent. And mothers frequently dispose of the corpses in what researchers call a "womblike" fashion. Bodies are swaddled, submerged in water, or wrapped in plastic. Moreover, the NCMEC study showed that while the victims of maternal killings are almost always found either in or close to the home, fathers will, on average, dispose of the bodies hundreds of miles away. All these behaviors suggest that women associate these murders with themselves, their homes, and their bodies
None of the arguments here assumes that there is no such thing as postpartum depression or, in rarer cases, postpartum psychosis—a deep break from reality that affects less than one in 500 new mothers. Andrea Yates is actually a good example of someone who was overdetermined to experience some kind of psychotic break that would end tragically. But Yates is only one of hundreds of mothers who kill every year, and while complete psychotic breaks explain why some of this homicidal rage and violence is turned upon one's own children, it doesn't account for either the staggering numbers of maternal homicides or for society's leniency toward women in these cases. The property theory does provide these answers. Women still believe that they have sole dominion over so little property that arson and armed robbery and rape make no intuitive sense to them. But the destruction and control of something deemed to be a woman's sole property sends a powerful message about who's really in charge, and this message hasn't changed since the time of Jason and Medea.
It would, of course, help if we could stop thinking of children as anyone's property. It does nothing to advance the feminist cause to simply assume that all mothers who kill their children must necessarily be crazy. It will do a good deal to advance the cause of children's rights if we begin to consider them as legal entities in and of themselves.
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Di said...


Good point....

My Mother-in-law bless her, has changed her opinion on this case more times than her underwear.

If an article is in the Telegraph, their preferred paper, it must be true. If The Times, well it might be, if the DE or DM it has to be rubbish.

I think it shows we believe what we want to.

Joe said...

Thanks Viv,

That puts a whole different complexion on "voluntary",does it not. The Pink one must be spinning himself into a frenzy. Poor Jane what a dilemma. A catch 22 for her I think.

hope4truth said...


If life were so simple indeed...

I dont really care what happends to Gerry and Kate because it will not help Madeleine.

People have often said she would not like people saying things about her parents in her name but I disagree if she really was taken and being put through hell by a depraved pervert if she is found she may never forgive them for allowing this to happen.

Shannon so say does not want to go home a totally diffrent situation but like the McCanns her Mother put herself first time and time again and Shannon was unhappy.

We cant allways make our children happy (I am not going to buy them what ever they want just to please them)but it is not about saying yes every time it is about talking to them and listening to them. Keeping them safe and making them apreciate life and other people.

Not leaving them alone to go to a Bar or moving your next boyfriend in the house...

Unknown said...

Joe you know part of that seems to have a ring of truth in it, because earlier on here it was reported by our Portuguese posters it was on their TV Dr Rebelo and Co would sit in on 24 witnesses being interviewed. What they did not say of course was over four days, that would be going it, unless they are being held simultaneously and Dr Rebelo sits in the main one, his officers witnessing less important ones. Reckon Dr Rebelo will be smiling at Jane and Dr O'Brien x

Unknown said...

Hiya Joe

YOu just gave me a really amusing vision of Pink Shirted One pirouetting remorselessly in a pink tutu, prior to fainting with exhaustion, frothing at the mouth and needing a shot shouting I just cant take it any more, not for all the money and book deals in the world, I had it.

hope4truth said...


Thanks for that.

I wonder if this sad case will ever be solved?

Maybe if it is not the PJ may open the case up to other European countrys to help out?

Joe said...

Thanks Di/Hope4truth.

Yes Viv, I do not think Dr. Rebelo would miss that one for the world. He KNOWS THE TRUTH no matter what they say or do not say. I wonder has it crossed their minds how did we get our selves into this mess, that is going to affect us for the rest of our lives and possibly our children?

Di said...


Off now...

Enjoy your evening..

Catch up tomorrow.

Take care.

atardi said...

Viv,Hope4truth and Joe,

Do you know if Wilkins,his wife(because she wrote an article for the times about the McCanns) and the girl that had been smoking without her parents permission will be questioned tomorrow?

Di said...


Just quickly, I am sure someone told me, that if the arguido status is lifted and in the future new evidence is found, all can be charged again.

I really do have to go now. Viv I am sure you will be able to correct me if I am wrong.

See you tomorrow.xxx

hope4truth said...

Hi Atardi

I dont know who they will question I guess JT and OB?

If there really is evidence then I cant see how they will get out of this guess we will have to wait and see...

I cant believe a year has gone by already god help Madeleine if she is still alive poor little thing it is heartbreaking.

Unknown said...

Hiya Atardi

I am getting the impression PJ wish to question witnesses who they believe are telling lies and so I dont think that will include Mr Wilkins. He clearly contradicts Tanner's account and has no reason to tell lies. Maybe some of the others are witnesses the McCanns have asked to be interviewed because of course a witness who can say she saw a blond man walk down some stairs and then back up again is going to completely throw the whole prosecution case against the McCanns, Dr Rebelo must be really dreading having all his careful work undone at one stroke like that. Creepy 30 year old blond men, interesting variation on a theme and slightly less racist x

Unknown said...


My own view is that if they cannot proceed against the McCanns at this stage, they will keep their arguido status, because the police know it was them.

atardi said...


See you tomorrow.

Joe said...

The PJ probably do believe it was the parents as 11 months on they have not been cleared, even though this could happen still. On analysis though one could surmise that they PJ have hung in there and are trying to put a case together, and the McCanns have done nothing to help themselves to clear their names bar cause confusion and create false trails.

Unknown said...

Hiya Joe

The PJ sent the clearest message recently when returning Murat's property to him, "we only have eyes for the McCanns". As British Police habitually say in such a case, "we are not looking for anyone else in connection with this enquiry".

11 months on, Leicestershire Police continue to allocate a Detective Superintendent and a team of 30 British Officers to work on this case. Clearly British Police think exactly the same as the Portuguese and will not give up lightly on bringing this couple to justice, even if they did destroy vital evidence, including little Madeleine's body..despicable, self-serving, pure evil. Even in death they still only respect themselves and their freedom to continue to do just as they please.


lizzy said...

Hi Viv,
I thought when I read that article that 24 witnesses over 4 days scarcely seemed long enough, as when the Mccanns were interviewed in Portugal it took 2 days to interview 2 of them. Will the detectives only sit in on some interviews and maybe some will be recorded? Forgive my ignorance re questioning procedures. It just seems odd to me they are interviewing so many people in such a short time. Lizzy

atardi said...


(Second attempt)

I read that JT will be questioned on tuesday. I really hope she will sleep well and think about Madeleine and not about the pact they have.

So CM will be interviewed tomorrow also? Did he forget about the mobile phone forensic evidence?
He said no one of the Tapas 9/10 had a watch or mobile telephone.

Unknown said...

Hiya Atardi

I think he must have forgotten the mobile phone evidence, together with all those pictures we have seen of both kate and gerry on their mobiles and wearing their watches. Truly pathetic!

He has previously spouted they had system of regular checks every 30 minutes, that kind of implies they must have had some concept of time, in spite of the massive alchol bill. Why do they keep spouting this rubbish, months later when it conflicts with what they have previously said, because they are desperate liars, do doubt about that. Contemptuous timing as well, the day before the PJ arrive, he has to find some excuse for all the conflicts in their evidence which he obviously knows that there is.

Unknown said...

Hiya Lizzie

There is a procedure allowed in UK law that in serious cases, witness interviews can be videoed..I think it is highly likely this provision will be used here.

It is hard to imagine how they could possibly get through so many interviews in four days. I believe the TAPAS interviews will take hours for each one. I did suggest earlier maybe they will take place simultaneously, this is the only way I could see them achieving this and of course the videos will be admissible in court. Very useful for the forensic psychologists to have a good look at!

hope4truth said...


I think the interviews will be videod and although they are there as witnesses and do not require a lawyer they should have one.

Everything has to be done by the book and be able to look back on if needed in the future and if a solicitor is present and it is videod no one can claim any thing was un toward...

You have mail :o) x

johnfrank said...


Unknown said...

Hiya Hope

There is no procedure that allows witnesses to have lawyers present, neither do they have the right to silence. Those are both privileges afforded to suspects to ensure they are treated fairly.

If the witnesses had tried to insist they wanted solicitors present that makes them look like they have got something to hide or fear their own position. They clearly would not want to give that impression and think what a field day the press would have with it. I would not like to be in their shoes. Next interview they face, they may well be wanting a lawyer present!

Unknown said...

John ..yes what?

johnfrank said...

Sorry viv
I have trying to get through this evening,but idont know what iam doing,i forgot my password.Goodevening anyway.I still enjoying all your posts keep going .Thankyou all for your i
nformation and intellegence.

hope4truth said...


I did not know that blimey if I am ever a witness and have to go to a police station I would have asked for one (just in case they thought it was me) wont do so now as I dont want to look guilty LOL

I guess they have to tape it these days dont they by law?

If they all tell the truth then they should all be fine no spin required a three year old child deserves the truth and had it been told in the first hour of her going missing then she may have been found if she was taken and she would be home safe and well in bed.

Anonymous said...


I read Docmac's post. Sadly my thoughts were bang goes my good intentions for tomorrow and thank fook for Docmac's post, no guilt when I say to myself tomorrow as I have done since the start of the year, 'right next Monday I will definitely start my healthy eating'.

atardi said...


I don't sympathize with CM but he is doing a very difficult job. He is trying to convince everyone that the McCanns had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance.

Do you think he knows the truth? Or is it so that he doesn't want to know the truth.

I have been reading in the past that he was the one to pay the bill on the 3th of may.

hope4truth said...


LOL that is my idea of a diet as well I will start it next week..

LGC has mentioned the GI diet which looks intresting so I will spend next week reading books and a week on holiday eating really badly and start it the Monday after that...

Sorted x

atardi said...


I have a diet called "hospital diet".
A friend gave it to me. I was able to follow it just one week.

Don't know if Docmac will approve it. But if you are interested I will try to translate it and mail it to hope4truth. She will mail it to you.


Thank you again for your nice post.

Anonymous said...


You are welcome, I read your earlier post, thank you I had a lump in my throat reading it.

hope4truth said...


That would be great thanks...

Of course in the UK a hospital diet would be going into hospital and eating nothing as the food is so bad LOL xxx

Joe said...

With regard to Atardi's post and CM doing a difficult job, of his choosing I might add. At what point is he going to stop attempting to pervert the course of justice? He knows damn well that the e fits and all the sightings are false yet he spun them, even pretending to be a policeman with the e fit in January. I trust the police will have a few awkward questions the shifty Mr.Pink

Unknown said...

Hiya Hope

In UK it is the law that all suspects interviews must be recorded on tape and a sealed copy of the tape handed to their solicitor, the other copy being kept for the prosecution. What generally happens then is the police make a precis of the contents of the tape and produce this in court.

What generally happens with witnesses is that police officers take down a long hand statement from them and this is produced in court, the witness can then be examined by the prosecution barrister on the contents of their statement and then cross examined on their evidence in the statement by the defence barrister. Prosecution can then re-examine to deal with any new points the defence threw up during cross examination. The reverse of that process happens with a witness for the defence. At this moment in time it is not clear whether the TAPAS will be prosecution or defence witnesses or indeed defendants themselves. There is of course a report one of them changed their statement, if that is correct, he would become a prosecution witness now he wants to tell the truth, suspect this may be Oldfield who originally claimed he checked the McCann children at 9.30 whereas Diane Webster constradicts this saying each parent was responsible for checking their own children. Oldfield was of course vague as to whether he actually saw Madeleine...

The procedure where witnesses are considered so important they are actually videoed is reserved for the most serious cases and where their evidence may be open to doubt. Occasionally also suspects are videoed, Shipman was, at times and other child killers have been. I cannot think of the name of the one but he repeatedly kept saying, no comment..(!) I think it was the murderer of Sarah Payne, now what is his name?

hope4truth said...


Roy Whiting Murdered little Sarah.

I wonder what Diane Webster will say (cant rememeber who her daughter was) but if she knows her daughter and son in law were not involved she must be sickend by this...

Thanks for filling me in on the procedure I havent got a clue x

atardi said...


Are you a vegetarian or a vegan? Because you have to eat boiled eggs, fish and yoghurt with this diet.

Unknown said...

Thanks darling I just went and looked it up, annoyed with myself I could not remember his name and made an interesting discovery..minimal DNA evidence convinced the jury in spite of his no comment interview, they were not allowed to know about his previous conviction for sexual assault on a child, that would have been unfair to him..

Fortunately, the forensic evidence in Sarah's case, which included some minimal DNA traces, succeeded in persuading the jury to deliver a guilty verdict. But what if there had been no DNA material available? Might the prosecution's case have been fatally weakened? And would knowledge of Whiting's earlier offence then not have been crucially important for justice to be done?

hope4truth said...


I am off to bed it is snowing here again (sadly excited)LOL

See you all tomorrow xxx

hope4truth said...


I am vegetarian and dont eat fish (in fact I have a fear of fish)LOL

But I love eggs :o)

Have a good day tomorrow see you then xxx

atardi said...


Sleep tight.

Just to make you jealous. I don't have to work tomorrow.

Will translate the diet to you.

See you tomorrow.

docmac said...

Hope, Atardi (goedenavond!) et al.

Please have a look at the excellent advice - and there is LOTS of it - provided in the link below. It is a South African site that is peer reviewed and accurate. The page that will come up contains info on many of the fad diets, including the one we mentioned earlier. Atardi, see the link to 'Royal Danish Hospital Diet a Hoax'.

Hope, by clicking on the links in blue on the left you will find all you need to know, including diet plans. Remember, to lose weight and maintain it, eat big in the morning, healthily at lunch and like a child in the evening. This is also the healthiest way to go. Good luck!


hope4truth said...


That is ithe ntresting about the DNA I suppose to be fair to a suspect you should not mention what they have done before (dont want to leave the real criminal free) but the law needs to change so these sick people dont get the chance to do it twice...

Good night xxx

hope4truth said...

Good night Atardi

Have a lovely day off tomorrow (I am only very jealous) LOL xxx

docmac said...

Aargh, I've missed Hope and I won't be here tomorrow evening. If I don't 'see' her in the morning, maybe someone can pass it on?

Hello, Viv. I'll be somewhere over the Atlantic this time tomorrow! Or is it the Pacific? :-)))

hope4truth said...


Thanks for that I will research it all tomorrow...

Good luck with your flight whenever it is I wish I knew where to look for you...

Take care xxx

atardi said...

Docmac goedenavond,

Before you go off line. Can you please tell me who Lux is? She reminds me of someone who has been posting here in the past. You can ask Viv for my e-mail adress.

Jojam said...

Zodiac 18:55

I'm interested what is you judgement & on what is it based

hope4truth said...


Just caught you as I was off enjoy your flight watch a film and drink plenty of Brandy xxx

docmac said...

OK Hope, I found you :-)
I'll be in Cheshire and Liverpool. I'm staying in Hope Street lol!!

Sleep well x

irina said...

Hello everyone,
Thank you for your posts!!!

I really hope one of them would have consciences or fear to tell the truth.

I also believe that we will know all the truth, charge, conviction or not.

And thank Portugal and Portuguese for the lessons we have all learned.

docmac said...


I don't know this Lux. I have not posted or read much for a couple of days. It seems Claudia had some idea that he or she is a carioca (from Rio de Janeiro) or elsewhere in Brazil. Called him or her Jak (Jakirla?). I honestly do not know.

atardi said...


Ben zo benieuwd wat jij morgen gaat doen. Heeft het te maken met wat wij aan het bespreken zijn of met een nieuwe bestralingsmethode?

Unknown said...

nah Doc that will be the Mediterranean, I reckon

Just been welcoming Luke back from some wild adventure in Wales with his big Bro a 4 x 4 and others, apparently they were playing their music decks in the snow with a camp fire, saw Buzzards and Tawny owls and were playing gamboling down hills, never mind got a good washing machine and grown up kids who still like to play the weekend away! By the way for those pros who have such concern not just for my parrot but my children, I would remind you they are 34, 33 and 28!

lux_et_veritas_floreant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
atardi said...


That's what I find very odd of CM. The whole world knows now that every sighting is false.

If I was being paid to do this job I would have refused months ago to do this.

Hope CM have a wife or relatives who really want to know the truth.

docmac said...


Ek gaan vir twee dae saam met 3 van my kollegas in Engeland wees. Ek mag miskien gesien kan word in die nuusmedia. Dan gaan ek kyk of die wat se dat hulle my ken dit sal oplet.

Sorry Viv if you're about. It had to be answered that way ;-)

docmac said...

Wonderful Viv! I see that it did not snow in the west, so they should not have been too cold.

By the way, remember you agreed to disagree with me about the Shannon case? Have you seen the latest developments? I think I was right, if true :-(

Unknown said...

Hiya Doc, would the Meditteranean be a bit of a diversion then or did I get some geography lessons from popsicles

Unknown said...

How were you right Doc? I said it would not be Shannon's choice she was placed in care, although she may have been consulted, I also expressed concern about Craig and pointed out that sometimes social workers give moms a stark choice, the man or your child, get rid of him or else..I reckon I was spot on! I also advised caution with a certain poster blaming the mom..claiming she was in on it and cashing in a la McCann that was not you of course ..this case has far more to do with grooming a child for sexual abuse than any cashing in x

docmac said...

Viv, no diversions thanks. I've had enough of those from M3 and the Clarifier for one lifetime. No, CPT-LHR will do fine for me. They say it's non-stop, but I'd much prefer it if it stops in London lol. Thence to Manchester, Chester and Liverpool.

Cláudia said...

Hello, guys!
How are you all?
Olá, Viv e Doc, queridos amigos!
Christaballs is so stupid that she thinks that the ex police officer who works for M3 and has been accused od drug dealing is an ex PJ! lolol Nevermind that the man is Spanish and has worked for the Spanish police! Hilarious!

atardi said...


Ik zal morgen en overmorgen heel goed opletten met de nieuwsberichten.

I remember Jakirla from the DE. But she changed her opinions in one day on Viv's blog. So strange.

docmac said...

Viv, the mum has allegedly been conducting an affair with the 'abductor' for many months and was about to leave Craig for him. Shannon has again refused to go home, this time telling her mum directly. I meant that I had said there is a lot more going on than initially reported. It seems that there are many more tangled webs yet to unravel. I think the mum was in on it.

Unknown said...


Here is an extract from BBC news weather report. I dont think my kids were imagining the snow! They are actually here, not in South Africa..

Snow showers were also reported in Wales, and blizzards swept across north-east Scotland, bringing white-out conditions to many parts of the region.

docmac said...

Ola minha querida amiga. Como estas?

You still read that shit?

lizzy said...

HI Viv
Thanks for the info re the questioning,that makes more sense if they are recorded as the 3 PJ officers wouldn't have had the time to sit in on each and every interview.I'm sure they will know which ones they want to be present at though. Lizzy

docmac said...

Strange, Viv

The report in the Mail said there was no snow there. Oh well, never trust a weatherman or a journalist.

Unknown said...

Oh LOL Claudia these thick Pros cannot even get the Nationality right...yes the Retardos are ALL Spaniards TEE HEE, silly Christabel

johnfrank said...

Sorry for buttingin but it has just been announced on sky that the guy that shannon was found with ,has been admitted to hospital,with self afflicted wounds.

Unknown said...

Doc Why call both the BBC and my children liars, what is wrong with you tonight!

Cláudia said...

Olá, Doc, my friend.
I'm fine, thanks.
That particular post was sent to me by e-mail. But I confess that I went there to check. And guess what, it was true! lololol

Cláudia said...

You know, Viv, this nationality thing is a bit tricky! lolol

lizzy said...

Hi Docmac,
Have I got it right you will be coming to Merseyside, I read a post earlier you will be in Hope street Liverpool. Will you be watching any football while you are here>? Everton won today against Derby am made up 1-0.

docmac said...

Viv, I'm just saying what I read. I'm sure you and your sons, as well as the BBC, are perfectly correct. The article originated from the Swansea area, so perhaps it did not snow there?

The new article about Shannon is here:


Unknown said...


Watch out Luke has just downloaded the pics, I am not going to put any on that could identify him or my eldest son Martin but get ready to look above and then tell me whether it looks like snow!

You should not post on here accusing people of being liars, it is really unpleasant, I even wonder if you got cloned!

docmac said...

Hi Lizzy,

Well done Everton! Yes, I may just take a stroll down Arkles Tuesday evening :-)

docmac said...

I'm off, folks. Seems Viv has it in for me tonight for some reason. Not quite sure what's going down.

Boa noite xxx
Sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

Good evening all,
Have not had much time to read, but hope you all had a lovely weekend! It is absolutely freezing in the Southeast!

Docmac, veilige en aangename reis vir jou!

lizzy said...

Hi Viv,
Hawkeyes has been trying to post his article on your blog but has not been able to, he pm'd me asking how to do it, have told him so hopefully he may manage to post it. I hope so as I think everyone would find it interesting.

johnfrank said...

Imust be invisable but never mind haha
as jgtwit would say not that i am comparing myself to her omg.

atardi said...

Hey Docmac,

What's going on here?

Don't hope you have been cloned like Marga?

Anonymous said...

Good evening johnfrank

Thank you for posting the info,sorry did not mean to ignore

Cláudia said...

Dorme bem, Doc.
And have a safe and relaxed trip!

johnfrank said...

Thats ok i was just been sarcastic,i was just taking the p... as the say.
goodnight and pray for sone results soon.jf
ps safe journey docmac.

Cláudia said...

Doc, delete some of your e-mails because my reply was returned to me. You exceeded your quota.

johnfrank said...

Good night Claudia,
Reguards to alsabella
Hope to read her soon.

Cláudia said...

Good night, JF.
I will. And you will.

lizzy said...

Goodnight hope you have a safe journey...Lizzy

Unknown said...


Do please check out my latest post with some of the pics from my kids lovely snowy weekend in Wales. Enjoy and dont be such a Doubting Thomas !

Luv Viv x

atardi said...


Don'think about the journey but just think of being there and having fun with your friends.

Cláudia said...

Doc, they keep being returned to me. And the reason is the same: Mail quota exceeded. Don't know what's going on.

Unknown said...

Hiya Claudia

Maybe Doc did a runner but I am getting the same when trying to email him, returned quota exceeded.

Viv x

Cláudia said...

I think it is a server problem, Viv.
Because I got two e-mails from him, no problem, but mine were returned. I'm sure it's temporary.

Unknown said...

Hiya Lizzie

Sorry I was off compiling some nice pics for Doc..who has been trying to post on my blog and what about? There are only two people who can put fresh posts on, myself and Claudia.

Viv x

Unknown said...

Hiya Claudia

I have had this problem before when Docs box gets full. He must be a real popular guy!

Viv x

Cláudia said...

I'm sure he is. And rightly so! :-)

Cláudia said...

I'm off, querida amiga Viv.
Really sleepy. My blood pressure which is normally already low gets particularly low when the weather first gets quite hot, like today. 60 - 100. And that leaves me incredibly sleepy! :-)
Dorme bem, querida Viv.
Com amor.

Unknown said...

60/100 blood pressure you lucky thing!

Nite Nite darling and take care, I wish it was hot here, we got some more of that white stuff ugh..


lizzy said...

Hi Viv,
Sorry not explained well I read an article on 3 Arguidos re the Mccanns and amber alert, by HAWKEYES wel it was really good and it was pointing out there was a European equivalent and so why were they trying to make out they were doing something different, hard to explain but didn't want to just take it and put it on so asked him if he'd post it, he couldn't work out how to send a message on here so tried to explain , see if he can hopefully figure it out, took me weeks at the start. But surely he will be better on computers than me.....Lizzy

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