Gerry McScam I have to say that ever since Martin Smith's very accurate description of you and your short brown hair entered the public domain you have been going overheard ooh I mean overboard with the hair dye, in fact I nearly died of laughter when I saw you turn up for the Select Committee with them jet black locks, lol, which reminds me, can you fill us in on when their esteemed report is due, or is it sub judice or something, lol, merry christmas anyways xxxxxxxxxxxx Hum, I suppose you still measure 1.75 to 1.8 metres tall, you know 5 10 not 5 7 hun? Oh PS some nasty bruising on Kate's arm there, good of you to cover some of it up with your hand holding her t shirt over the offending area. I mean you would not really want people to see how hard she struggled with Madeleine's Abductor, now would you, lol!
I could be wrong, but does motor mouth look just a little less arrogant here and somewhat worried, so he should be, I think he realised that expecting Goncalo Amaral to hand over about £400,000 to each of his kids including one who he got rid of and is a Ward of Court (so no longer his responsibility anyway) was probably a bit of a media disaster, even by his standards.
Despair, so do the right thing for Madeleine Kate, go and tell the Police the truth because you know your husband never will.
Don't put your foot in it again
The McCanns jet into Lisbon, 11/12/10 to face Goncalo Amaral in court but at his lawyer's request the case gets adjourned for one month.
Isabel Duarte, the McCanns lawyer states, I just wanted them there for some support, I know 90 per cent of Portuguese people are against us. I am sure Gerry will be very happy with such frankness from his own lawyer, but as the one person who can do something for Madeleine, maybe he should develop some foresight instead of just pursing his lips and claiming, well we believe. 90 per cent cannot be wrong Gerry, Goncalo believes you were involved in the disappearance of your daughter and so do we. So spare her a moment for Christmas and think about the little girl Goncalo has too, almost the same age as Madeleine. Do you think children will be better with countless thousands of pounds, your children, and do you think the innocent little girl that belongs to Goncalo and Sophie will be better with her family bankrupted. You ask to understand this just has to be done, we do not understand. Children need just enough money to have their basic needs catered for, but most important they need love and a stable homelife. But I doubt you would ever understand that or how to remove that agonised look from your wife's face.
minute for Madeleine - CEOP asks the public to spread new online message
The UK's national law enforcement centre for protecting children - the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre - has today issued an online viral message aimed at anyone close to the person who was involved in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
That person could be a relative, friend, work colleague or neighbour. Whoever they are they have a secret that could reveal what happened to Madeleine and protect other children.
In order to increase the possibility of reaching that person, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre supported by global law enforcement agencies and specialist charities, is asking the public to help spread the message via the internet.
It has released a short 60-second film that can be viewed at the CEOP website. This contains the message they are looking to spread and the public are being asked to link to it and build it into their own online environments. The film also includes new age progressed images that show Madeleine as she may look today.
Interpol, Europol and national police agencies from Australia, the US, Canada, the UAE and Europe are supporting the initiative. Specialist charities and NGO's such as the US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Missing Children Europe and the UK Charity Parents and Abducted Children Together (PACT) have all thrown their weight and expertise behind the initiative.
Jim Gamble is head of the UK's CEOP Centre and explains the rationale:
"The person we are looking to reach is likely to be a partner, family member, friend or colleague of the person or people who were involved in Madeleine's disappearance. It is also highly probable that they, or someone close to them, is using the internet to search for any updates that may suggest the police are getting closer to discovering the truth."
"Today we want to deliver a message to that person and we're asking everyone who goes online to help us. We want the message to become so widespread that it becomes just one click from any Madeleine search as a constant reminder to that person that it is never too late to do the right thing - that it is never too late for that person to redeem themselves."
"So if you are a parent or carer, a student or member of the public who is a social networker, blogger or emailer, or if you run any type of online environment, big or small please look at the film today, link to it, share it with your friends and post it in the online communities you occupy. Do everything you can to spread it around the online world. We want to make it omnipresent so that the person we are trying to reach sees it and is prompted to do the right thing."
The message is available on the CEOP website and is in seven different languages - English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
The message reads:
"Madeleine disappeared on 3 May 2007 while on holiday with her family in Portugal. Madeleine is now six years old. We know that there is someone out there who knows who is involved in her disappearance.
They may be keeping this secret out of fear, misplaced loyalty or even love. Keeping this information secret only increases the anguish of Madeleine's family and friends and increases the risk to other children.
If you know who is involved and are keeping this secret remember that it is never too late to do the right thing.
We urge anyone who knows anything about the whereabouts of Madeleine or has any information regarding her disappearance to do the right thing and to give that information to their local police."
Madeleine McCann case on Missing Kids Website
Find Madeleine Website
Download Madeleine McCann Poster of Support here
Previous news article :
Age progressed image released of how missing Madeleine may look now