The McCanns jet into Lisbon, 11/12/10 to face Goncalo Amaral in court but at his lawyer's request the case gets adjourned for one month.
Isabel Duarte, the McCanns lawyer states, I just wanted them there for some support, I know 90 per cent of Portuguese people are against us. I am sure Gerry will be very happy with such frankness from his own lawyer, but as the one person who can do something for Madeleine, maybe he should develop some foresight instead of just pursing his lips and claiming, well we believe. 90 per cent cannot be wrong Gerry, Goncalo believes you were involved in the disappearance of your daughter and so do we. So spare her a moment for Christmas and think about the little girl Goncalo has too, almost the same age as Madeleine. Do you think children will be better with countless thousands of pounds, your children, and do you think the innocent little girl that belongs to Goncalo and Sophie will be better with her family bankrupted. You ask to understand this just has to be done, we do not understand. Children need just enough money to have their basic needs catered for, but most important they need love and a stable homelife. But I doubt you would ever understand that or how to remove that agonised look from your wife's face.
minute for Madeleine - CEOP asks the public to spread new online message
The UK's national law enforcement centre for protecting children - the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre - has today issued an online viral message aimed at anyone close to the person who was involved in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
That person could be a relative, friend, work colleague or neighbour. Whoever they are they have a secret that could reveal what happened to Madeleine and protect other children.
In order to increase the possibility of reaching that person, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre supported by global law enforcement agencies and specialist charities, is asking the public to help spread the message via the internet.
It has released a short 60-second film that can be viewed at the CEOP website. This contains the message they are looking to spread and the public are being asked to link to it and build it into their own online environments. The film also includes new age progressed images that show Madeleine as she may look today.
Interpol, Europol and national police agencies from Australia, the US, Canada, the UAE and Europe are supporting the initiative. Specialist charities and NGO's such as the US National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Missing Children Europe and the UK Charity Parents and Abducted Children Together (PACT) have all thrown their weight and expertise behind the initiative.
Jim Gamble is head of the UK's CEOP Centre and explains the rationale:
"The person we are looking to reach is likely to be a partner, family member, friend or colleague of the person or people who were involved in Madeleine's disappearance. It is also highly probable that they, or someone close to them, is using the internet to search for any updates that may suggest the police are getting closer to discovering the truth."
"Today we want to deliver a message to that person and we're asking everyone who goes online to help us. We want the message to become so widespread that it becomes just one click from any Madeleine search as a constant reminder to that person that it is never too late to do the right thing - that it is never too late for that person to redeem themselves."
"So if you are a parent or carer, a student or member of the public who is a social networker, blogger or emailer, or if you run any type of online environment, big or small please look at the film today, link to it, share it with your friends and post it in the online communities you occupy. Do everything you can to spread it around the online world. We want to make it omnipresent so that the person we are trying to reach sees it and is prompted to do the right thing."
The message is available on the CEOP website and is in seven different languages - English, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
The message reads:
"Madeleine disappeared on 3 May 2007 while on holiday with her family in Portugal. Madeleine is now six years old. We know that there is someone out there who knows who is involved in her disappearance.
They may be keeping this secret out of fear, misplaced loyalty or even love. Keeping this information secret only increases the anguish of Madeleine's family and friends and increases the risk to other children.
If you know who is involved and are keeping this secret remember that it is never too late to do the right thing.
We urge anyone who knows anything about the whereabouts of Madeleine or has any information regarding her disappearance to do the right thing and to give that information to their local police."
Madeleine McCann case on Missing Kids Website
Find Madeleine Website
Download Madeleine McCann Poster of Support here
Previous news article :
Age progressed image released of how missing Madeleine may look now
"We know that there is someone out there who knows who is involved in her disappearance. "
Good Campaign!!!
"That person could be a relative, friend, work colleague or neighbour. Whoever they are they have a secret that could reveal what happened to Madeleine and protect other children. "
Now if the relatives of Gerry and Kate can stop the crap and think of the twins for 5 minutes and realise they are n danger of being totaly screwed up by their parents lies perhaps the truth can come out for Maddie!!!!
Amanda Knox had the same campaign as the McCann's those stupid Italians treated her so badly and there was only low copy DNA on a knife and bra yet she is starting 26 years in jail convicted of Murder her Father is a nasty piece of work and her Mother may believe she is innocent but their bullying internet campaign and spin made her look Guilty..... Actually her Mother did not help her by telling a journalist a little secret....
Amanda is not able to lie it is imposible yet she lied about the bar owner so oh dear she can lie after all....
so if any of the people who are supposed to care and love Maddie would come forward and tell all they know perhaps the truth will out and the twins stand half a chance at a happy life...
When is the Express going to wise up? Can the stupid tabloid and the reporter Murray not see the light? Why would the LP bother wasting time, money etc, when suspects are already known. Even the McCanns themselves do not want the case reopened by the PJ, at least that appears to be the case. Has Murray asked them why? Have they formally asked for the case to be reopened? Again why not? That is where he should start. The Police everywhere are not going to go chasing red herrings, just to deflect attention. Get a real job Murray, call yourself a journalist.
Knox's father appears to a bullying brute and the PR tactics have back fired this time.
Hi All
Thanks for your reply re Pamalam, I never made it back last night.
I have just looked and yes she has removed the letter, I wonder if her service provider advised her to?
Jim Gamble is a mystery to me. I can't decide if he knows the McCann's are hiding something, or whether he believes them to be totally innocent. Could he even be trying to get to the conscience of one of the tapas, or family and friends of the McCanns. Someone somewhere must surely know something.
Totally off topic I know, but worth a read, just to see how far people with wealth and backers will go to hide the truth becoming public. It only needs one little incident and the floodgates open.
I think the McCanns should be very worried.
Dr Martin Roberts has another article on McCannfiles.
A Christmas Tale
Scroll down
Worth a read. I would love to know who he is.
Hiya all,
I personally think Jim Gamble knows the McCanns and their friends are involved in the disappearance of Madeleine but of course, he cannot say this.
It is very odd that of all the people he lists as being right behind this initiative, it does not include the McCanns themselves. Of course there is a link to their webpage, but to fail to put that link would tell the public all they need to know.
I think he is trying to prick the conscience of people like Jane Tanner and Kate McCann.
I also think Mrs Justice Hogg was sending out a clear message to Gerry McCann.
I have tried to consider how they could be innocent, apart from seemingly deliberately leaving her alone to cry with the door open, knowing that already happened. I do not see it! I do not understand why Gerry McCann would immediately tell the world's media the window and shutter got jemmied when that was just a lie. Innocent parents have no reason to lie. I do not understand how Gerry can be innocent when he stated the following day they used their key to the front door to enter the room but on 10 May said he was wrong about that and they entered the open patio door. I would like to think they are innocent and CEOP are onto someone else who took her, but I just do not believe that.
Di, How odd this Dr Martin Roberts uses flowery, verbose language and words pretty specific to the legal community even when they seem quite inappropriate in context. The timing when these articles first started to appear and the fact this person has moved from being a die hard death theory writer to something quite different continues to leave me with a pretty clear idea who I think this is:-))))
Erm, someone who thrives on having an adoring audience.
Hi Viv,
Re you comment on the previous thread about today’s Express article.
How indeed do the Express know all this. Assuming for a moment what they say is true it could be that the LP already know full well who the suspects are as you suggested.
However there is a clue in the Express article when they report the LP say.
“Detectives said they would work only on credible new information because they did not want to waste any time on fruitless endeavours.”
I think that completely sums it up really it would be fruitless to follow up the leads because none are credible.
Well that’s true there has been nothing credible just imo red herrings. Bye the way did they ever trace Madeleine when she allegedly was sighted and photographed whilst visiting a Swedish car show.
Well in fairness they do link to this with the following message but seem to highlight calling their highly discredited investigators/emailing them, this would detract from the police gaining proper information and they clearly should not be doing this. And it is still odd CEOP themselves do not mention this or otherwise publicise their email and inquiry lines. This is clearly a matter for the competent police authorities mentioned in the CEOP message, not those who pay and terrorise witnesses, are being investigated by the police themselves for serious offences and point the finger at those who had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Two separate investigators from two separate firms languish in jail on very serious charges, theft of millions of pounds worth of impounded cocaine and fraud involving millions of pounds. M3 were or still are being investigated for attempted murder and extortion whilst working on the Madeleine case. Is this the sort of people the Mafia employ or innocent parents who want their little girl back. The McCanns have turned so much to the States in their defence, but not to access top flight investigative firms who do find missing children. And let's face it, with the Fund money and the money from millionaires, they were not short of cash to pay them.
Update: 8th November 2009
Earlier this week, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP) launched a special message, an appeal, to the person who knows or strongly suspects who was involved in Madeleine’s abduction. The aim of this initiative was (and still is) to prick the conscience of that person who knows and prompt them to come forward with that key piece of information which could lead to Madeleine coming home. The more people we can reach worldwide with this message, the greater the chance of us reaching that person who knows. And the more times this message reaches that person, the greater the chance of them doing the right thing and passing on the information that they have been keeping secret. With this in mind, we would like to thank everyone around the world, individuals and organisations, who have helped us by watching this special message on-line and forwarding it on to their friends, business contacts and network communities. We are once again overwhelmed and uplifted by the amazing commitment and kindness shown by the general public in our efforts to find Madeleine. The message can still be viewed, downloaded and forwarded in 7 different languages from http://www.ceop.police.uk/ We would be really grateful for your continued help.
Together, we can reach that person who knows. If you are that person, remember that it is never too late to do the right thing. This will never go away until we have found Madeleine. We love her too much. Please do the right thing by giving that information to your local police. Alternatively, please call the ‘Find Madeleine’ investigation team on +44 (0)845 838 4699 or email the team at investigation@findmadeleine.com.One email or one phone-call – and this nightmare could be over for everyone.
Hiya Wiz,
Well yes, that is my opinion. It is utterly pointless demanding the Pt re-open the case, they would need credible leads of a stranger abductor to do so and they know for sure that is not going to be forthcoming. If a stranger took Madeleine from Portugal only the Pt police could deal with it. This is why, IMO, the Pt Police will never re open the case Pt know it is not a matter for them and that is why the case was "shelved" by them and they emphasise they would need credible new leads by that they clearly mean of a stranger taking Madeleine to give them jurisdiction. So either the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (for homicide) would give UK jurisdiction or the Sexual Offences Act 2003 which does cover offending whilst abroad.
But I think with this initiative by CEOP which deals with abused children, it signals the final death knell for Goncalo's theory. It seems to me they know enough to know that is just not correct.
"public are being asked to link to it and build it into their own online environments"
and so the online community, which is largely anti McCann is being acknowledged and asked to come on board.
"We want to make it omnipresent so that the person we are trying to reach sees it and is prompted to do the right thing."
They know this is a person who uses the online world to try and find out how near the police are to getting to the truth:
"It is also highly probable that they, or someone close to them, is using the internet to search for any updates that may suggest the police are getting closer to discovering the truth."
They or someone close to them, could this be Kate McCann, who, as depicted on Cutting Edge spends her days online and working with bent detectives and seemingly also, phoning Jane Tanner (although she must surely be aware of the risks of doing either in this technological age)
The wording used also seems to want to reach out to the online community about this case which is largely Anti McCann.
It is interesting the way they say it is highly probable this person uses the internet to find out what stage the police are at in "finding the truth".
Kate gave us a clear vision of how she spends her days on Cutting Edge although not wishing to appear in any reconstruction, not even by her stand in it would seem. Maybe that would make her look just too incredible.
There can be no doubt the McCanns have sought to use the internet to bully and manipulate peoples thinking on this case.
I think it is a strange comment for CEOP to make, I mean if it was a stranger that they were pretty sure was using the internet to check things out, why do they not just go and arrest him/her?
The McCanns went to the High Court in April 2008, demanding to know what the police were about. We should remember that is a court action they lost, pretty dramatically.
sorry about similar posts, the first one did not appear so I wrote it again!
I just cant see that Maddie can possibly still be alive if she really has the mark in her eye...
No one could let her be seen in public or go to school someone would become suspicious and an investigation would begin without the people who are now her guardians ever knowing....
She cant be with an abductor (that her parents dont know about) as their actions since day one have been evil and would have cost her life... They were relieved on her 3rd Birthday and in a major temper the day they found out they were to be made arguidos....
As for the on line community I have over 500 FB friends use My Space Hotmail my girls use bebo and none of us have ever seen an apeal for Maddie this to me says most people dont belive the crap from Team McCann...
Like Amanda Knox I believe their lies are causing them problems they never expected sites to pop up recording every detail every blog statement and interview.... Now when they try and play victim we can all read back and say "Well that cant be right because they said this or that"
No spin required if you are innocent every question should be answered honestly Kate could not be bothered to answer one and could not even be used in their own reconstruction as it screwed up what they were trying to sell...
their time is comming the papers are hinting all the time to send it to Scotland Yard or get the case reopened and if JT ever wants to sleep at night again I would urge her to break ranks and think of her own children because if this is not solved by the time they are 11 and at senior school they will read what their Mother said and did for themselves and as children do wont drop it and will she want to lie to them to save people who showed such arrogance to her in the documentry she looked like she was lying and Gerry was a saint???
Hiya Hope
I think a lot was going on whilst I was on holiday that I had not been aware of.
When you see this video of Jim Gamble seemingly sitting with the McCanns and supporting them it is understandable why Di muses, I cannot make up my mind whether he thinks they are guilty or innocent.
He says he has used top psychologists in compiling this video. It is certainly not unheard for the police to use suspects in this way to pile the pressure on. If CEOP asked the McCanns to take part in this how could they refuse? But it could equally be said he seems quite supportive of the McCanns although leaving large gaps where he does not speak, giving the impression he wants lots of material from the McCanns
I thought it was odd the way Jim said they had used languages from Arabic, naming this first and the camera immediately flashed to Gerry McCann who has a strange expression at that point although generally seeming very composed. Is that where she is, somewhere in the UAE?
Recently Knox’s father said his daughter was being vilified by the European press (the American press being rather friendlier towards her.
Hello …..Murderers are vilified by the press and more importantly most decent people. Horrific murders like the one Ms Knox was found guilty of and child murderers cannot in a reasonable society expect sympathy.
Sometimes when reading about Madeleine’s case and the antics of her parents I forget what is likely to have occurred that caused her to disappear into thin air. When I do the civilised veneer her parents present becomes stripped away and I see them for what I believe they are and it is truly sickening.
Hiya Wiz,
It is very baffling because the behaviour of Kate and Gerry McCann is, without any doubt, baffling and bizarre.
Have you seen this, Gerry is to speak at a CEOP organised conference, they have slotted him in immediately after psychologists speak about getting into the mind of a child abductor.
Either they think he is innocent or they are seriously playing games with him!
um several experts there on behavioural analysis, assessing those suspected of sexual offences against children etc. Maybe it is just a good way to get the whole lot of them to have a good look at him!
This might explain Gamble's motives...self promotion for himself and his organization. how better to do it by using a high profile media intense case than the Madeline one. So its Gamble feeding off McCann and vice versa, a sort of symbiosis. Ugh!
From Sky blog
Jim Gamble, the genial Irishman who heads the Child Exploitation and On-line Protection centre, is often accused by cops of being a self-publicist.
CEOP was the first British law enforcement agency to send staff to Portugal to help with the Madeleine investigation.
I mention this only because I think Mr. Gamble may have gone a little too far this time.
As I strolled through Westminster today I saw an ad for CEOP...emblazoned in day-glo letters on a police horse.
No prizes for guessing which part of the beast's anatomy was chosen to promote the organisation, a decision which will give delight to Mr. Gamble's detractors.
From Leicester Police July 2008 Inspection Report, just shows what a load of old cobblers the Daily Express speak when saying this case was not even put on HOLMES:
The disappearance of Madeleine McCann on 3 May 2007 in Portugal generated massive international media interest and placed considerable demands on Leicestershire, which had no legal jurisdiction in Portugal. The force responded immediately, dedicating staff and resources to create Operation Task. Initially, it deployed to Portugal a DCI, two FLOs and a DI to advise and support the Portuguese authorities. The force also established a MIR in Leicestershire, utilising HOLMES to manage the enquiries. The Metropolitan Police Services Specialist Crime Review Group commented (June 2007), “the volume of information collected during this enquiry can be compared to a Category A murder enquiry”. The force also obtained short-term contract support from other East Midlands forces. On 14 May 2007, the force activated the MIRWEB system, which allows remote telephone call centres to be set up in other forces to direct the volume of messages received from members of the public away from the in-force MIR. Derbyshire Constabulary hosted and administered MIRWEB on behalf of the force; up to its closure in June 2007 a total of 3,577 calls had been received. The investigation remains active.
Viv as you say the Express and a load of cobblers. It means then that the LP and other Police forces know where its at and are not going to go through hoops pretending to be looking for a kidnapper. I am sure the fund can continue to do that.
Hello All
Joe I think you have hit the nail on the head the fund is there to prove an abduction took place.... Sadly they overplay their hand if maddie was abducted then with all the publicity she would either have been dumped somewhere to be found or she would have been killed as she was too hot to handle...
so all the reports about who she is with and where she is at are a load of guff.... Of course people are going to see her as she was not remarkable and looks like many other children. Also thanks to the confusing photos of her looking very diffrent in every one she could be 40 diffrent little girls and people have now been given 2 age progressed photos of her to confuse the issue....
She actually looks very much like my friends daughter although she is a year older...
Very strange they did another age progressed photo and this shows them to be liars IMHO.... They cant know what she will look like when she is older so to do another one that makes her look better is done for vanity....
My eldest child looked the spitting image of her Dad when she was born it was really funny she had his hair his expresion everything as she has got older she looks more like me and I think that is down to expresions hair colour etc.... Her sister looked like no one she was born a month early and was tiny and lovely (not to say no 1 daughter was not lovely)but as my youngest has grown up she and her elder sister look very similar (especialy much to daughter no 1s discust she is now the same height as her)...
The point I am trying to make through my waffle is you just cant tell what they will look like and age progresion is a wonderful thing but do you need two just so your child looks prettier if she is really missing....
I know Kate liked to look demure and lovely in PDL silly cow really showed how concerned she was about a child in hell by always looking her best with a huge smile and matching accesorys.... Gerry liked to look smart and important....
Sadly looking good will not bring their child home answering police questions and not spinning could have if she was really missing...
Gerry is obviously pleased to be invited to speak but to be honest I think they are playing games with him and he will be being analyzed by those more clever than he could ever hope to be....
As for LP and other police forces they dont buy it and the more the McCann's come up with the more doubt they put on the abduction...
Liars always give too much detail...
Hi Hope4truth,
Ia agree with you, the age progression image is a different person and cannot be guaranteed to be accurate at all.
As far as McCann and Gamble I just think that they suit each others agenda.
I think one of the age progressed of Madeleine makes her look like a child about 12.
The red dress picture she is clearly aged two, wide eyed and made up, this again makes me think of child sexual abuse to have such a shot, where actually she looks nothing like all of the other pictures of her.
So how helpful, we have one where a fair skinned child somehow became Afro skinned which is clearly not possible, we have one where she looks about 12, and we have one where she is two and wearing a pose and makeup. It seems they missed out about ten years in between. I believe they have always intended to sell Madeleine with the best image as they perceive it, red dress and they have further always intended to confuse as to what she actually does look like. This is one of the reasons I have believed for a long time, that she was sexually abused and they were involved in getting rid of her for that reason, prior to her starting school. No nosy teachers allowed.
I think you are right Hope, Gamble and Co, think Gerry is every bit as perverted as we do and will use any excuse to analyse him and put the pressure on.
Hi all
I agree we are here to be confused.
Interesting that the McCanns are supposedly already in Portugal.
The twins are now at school coming to their final days before Christmas, school plays, carol concerts etc., yet Kate & Gerry are again distancing themselves in hot pursuit of GA and money.
Am I surprised err no..
Hiya Di
I did not know the McCanns were already there. If it is just to put in a presence at the start of the trial I wonder why they are there so early before it even starts.
But of course everything is riding on this for the McCanns. One thing we can most certainly expect, if there is money to be made, they do not follow their children, they follow the money.
They have always made it abundantly plain where their priorities lie.
Maybe they hired a nanny to do the school plays etc, and maybe the twins would actually prefer a nanny, she would get paid to do what the McCanns have never been interested in, making little children feel safe and happy.
How sad really, oh where is your mummy and daddy, oh they are after £400,000 for each of us because daddy says having loads of money is really really important and mommy cannot work anymore. Oh and the bad monster who took Maddie and we know both those things come first to mummy and daddy. Anyway our Nanny plays games with us and give us cuddles every night.
I cant imagine how my own Mother would be tgdinremainowards me if I was in the same position as them...
I really belive she would be going to Social Services and demading they took some action as I was screwing my remaining children up by using their name to feed my greed and getting them so angry and frightend they feel they have to fight a peadophile...
The family are very quiet, but to be honest I really cant see how anyone belives them any more???
Detecitves who did all but detect
Kate refusing to answer a single question
Gerry Blogging away in a very odd way
Happy Photo after happy photo of the pair of them
No money is all that matters now Maddie has been left in her cellar 10 miles from PDL whilst Mummy and Daddy return to a nice hotel to wait like excited school children to sue the one man who had the balls to say he did not belive them...
Amaral may have gone about it in the wrong way but what choice did he have? He was silenced and removed because he would not bow down to parents who are proud to say they left their children home alone to have fun in a bar with their friends...
Oh well they gruesome twosome must be as hard as nails because I can gurantee every maid waiter barman receptionist hotel manager and guests will be looking at them with horror and all be thinking what an evil pair of scum bags they are...
They can swan around like lord and lady muck but they are no better than the Mother of Baby P who stood back and allowed her son to die...
This is their problem they never thought about it long term and once the rogs were released their lack of co operation was there for all to see... They can no longer hide behind secrecy we all know as fact how little they helped instead hired crooked detectives whoes one aim was to pass the buck...
What a sick pair of child abusers they are...
Hi Hope,
You mention you couldn’t image your own mother being as charitable towards you as the McCanns mothers.
I think parents rarely see their kids in the same light as others. Just look at Foxy Knoxy’s father - they go into denial – they just can’t believe it.
Hi all,
Can not resist this one. Holy cow, Madeleine is now 6, is she? Lovely, wonder what the poser and the jerk have bought her for Christmas? Oh sorry, I forgot. They don't buy prezzies, because they still want the rest of us to believe in Santa Claus. And abductor(s).
PS, the money laundering thing in the previous article in spot on, in my opinion. I said this forever ago.
I would agree with you normaly my Mum thinks everything I do is amazing...
She loves me above and beyond...
However if one of her can do no wrong Grandchildren was was missing and I was more concerned about money (which I then spent on dodgey detectives PR Firms Spin Dr's and lawyers for me) and then refused to answer a single question before running home...
I think you would see her in PDL demanding myself and all my friends were arrested until we gave some straight answers...
She would also be very vochal about the investigation and would trash all the false leads that only made me look good...
I know my Mum loves me but I also know she loves my girls more than anything in the world thats what Grandparents do...
Hello Doc
Nice to read you again hope you are well...
Nothing changes does it they just get odder the more they do...
Merry Christmas xxxx
Sky news now
link to sky
Clarence says "they will return to the UK fairly swiftly", you bet they will, as quick as their first departure I would imagine.
Great to see you again, you have been missed. Thanks again for teaching me how to do links :o)
Hope you and your family are well.
Hi Viv
Apparently Kate & Gerry are already in Portugal, according to Portuguese posters. It has also been mentioned that they intend to appear for the first day only, as Goncalo will probably not be there, too scared to face him perhaps. I would love Goncalo to turn up unannounced, naughty of me I know.
It has been pointed out by Portuguese posters, in the know, that we must remember it is not a trial it is a hearing.
What a pity Sky News can't get their facts right!
Hello Hope
I have actually asked my family and friends about this situation.
Very mixed feelings, some don't trust the authorities to do the right thing, others said they would stick by their family.
My Mother-in-Law said she would shop me, bless her.
Ho, ho, ho, no it’s not Father Christmas but it seems a pretendy present could be going the McCann’s way.
Hewlett is on his deathbed and it is being reported “Investigators fear that Hewlett could take the secret of Madeleine McCann's disappearance with him to the grave.”
Is this the pretendy cops Christmas present to their employees?
Is it the Mcs’ PR’s gift wrapped present to their paymasters?
Is this a present to the Mc’s from the press?
Or is it the pink ones Christmas spin extraordinaire?
I’m glad Christmas only comes once a year!
Me too Wizard, I am exhausted with all the rushing around :o)))
We have all said Hewlett was their get out clause. Now he is unable to speak because of cancer, but I am sure he is able to write and confess if he wishes too.
However, Hewlett has always said he had nothing to do with the disappearance of Madeleine, in fact Kate & Gerry's investigators say the same, they do not believe Hewlett is responsible for Madeleines disappearance, but he may know who is?
When will this farce end?
Wow what a lovely festive looking blog, the hat looks great Di, and Docmac me old mate how lovely to see you back on here!!
Hope, I just love your eloquent posts that say it all so well, but when you get even more to the point, lying scumbags, perfect!
You got me thinking how would my own mother react to me behaving in that way. Ah well, my feeling is with my own mum that she became much more mumsy as the years travelled by and she is quite obsessed with my three boys *now men of course but she still dotes on them the same. So, if I had taken them on holiday and not brought one of them back, lied to the police, been made an arguido, left them in a dark apartment to cry night after night, well erm, I really would not like to say. But if I topped it all up with suing the policeman who investigated me, I am absolutely certain she would tell me in no uncertain terms to stop cashing in and start telling the police the truth. Learn to get my priorities straight as it were. The only people who can find out the truth are the police, and you better start talking some straight talk for a change instead of bragging about how you left my grandchildren. That is if she was still speaking to me after "losing" one of her grandchildren which I very much doubt
Doc, I think the various developments over the McCanns financial "deals" with their various Pretendy Defectives are quite fascinating. I know that was one thing we always agreed upon, money laundering. I have also often thought that if there is one thing that can bring the MucKanns down it will be their dirty deals to cash in and save their sorry arses.
Wiz, I am just speechless to hear they are now jumping back on the Hewlett bandwagon. It would seem that so far as the MuckPlans go, this man just did not get around to dying quickly enough. When it seems you feel they could not possibly stoop any lower, or come up with any more farcical or fantastic claims somehow they do.
Expect the totally bizzare, the utterly ridiculous, then you will have figured out the next line Gerry is working on. I just do not think I could bear to hear him tell us again, or her for that matter, they need to bankrupt Goncalo to find Madeleine. Yes, just like they needed to immediately "get a really good team of lawyers together" with other peoples money to immediately patent Maddie's eye defect, get some good marketing guys together to produce a catchy logo, never mind, it was a high risk strategy, who cares if it puts her life in danger, she was probably already dead anyway and there is a huge pot of cash to be made, books films, hell let's ask the Americans for two million as Rosie would say. We need a never ending pot of money because we never intend to find her and this farce costs.
Finally, Di, your mother in law sounds like a very decent lady, my mother would shop me, I just know it!
erm tut, what was Tony Hatfield implying when he said the Fund had authorised the blowing in of a massive one million quid just in the first year of the accounts, erm, I need to check this out, off to MONEY LAUNDERING MONEY LAUNDERING MONEY LAUNDERING.COM GERRY'S FAVOURITEE NEW WEBPAGE ALSO FUNDED BY THE FUND, MASSIVE:-)))
Anyway, well put Tony:-))) I would just add I recall Brian Kennedy and Clarence Mitchell/Gerry McCann batting it out as to who was paying the erm fees of M3, each claiming to be giving them shedloads c 50 grand a month plus expenses for squeezy dolls, those witnesses who only needed cash rather than erm attempted murder or anything to get them on side. But hey, Confusion is good.
The accounts were ruled off at the end of March last year. Then the fund had a surplus of just over 1 million pounds-£1,052,027.00 to be exact. It's not clear from the accounts, but I suspect that figure might well include the damages paid by the Express Group to the McCanns as the result of their libel settlement. The total fund income from the date it was established was £1,846,178.00. In other words in the first year the directors have authorised nearly a million pound of expenditure. That includes the fruitless payment to Metodo 3, the Spanish private investigators, who made absolutely no progress.
The lovely couple are set to grace Portugal with their presence to morrow I do believe. Lucky Portugal. It looks like the fall guy Hewlett will be taking the wrap as soon as he dies, and the ever loving Press will print that in every sleazy tabloid they can.
hiya Joe
I feel convinced that as the adoring mother of Madeleine, Kate will seise the opportunity to go to PDL and just spare a moment for Madeleine, for Christmas. You know do the right thing as a devout catholic and pray for her daughter.
Well she will, won't she?
Or maybe she should just pick up the phone and give the police that vital clue?
Christmas Message for Kate
We bloggers do not get a kick out of being nasty as you suggest. We get a kick out of hoping that some day there will be justice for your little girl.
We wonder whether you get a kick out of going on telly admitting that Madeleine told you she and the twins were crying but you went and left her again. Now that is what you call nasty.
Corrupción política del perú -Gerry- Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie
Corrupción política del perú -Gerry- Pederásta y Pedófilo Caso Maddie
El Fraude, Moneda Nacional
En el pais de no me acueeeerdo ,
doy tres pasitos y me pieeeeerdo
se me cae, un billete y lo levanta el juez,
“uy perdon” le digo y contesta “No importa, pase Ud.”
Un campeonato ganado,
otro arbritro comprado,
Un cura que reclama ” Felices los niños”
.. que yo abuse
Y clarin siempre diciendo , La pura Verdad,
que el presidente de turno quiere escuchar
Compren, compren, se venden libertades,
se venden al por mayor , abogados corruptos y fiscales tambien
seis tiros en la cabeza que el dinero no pudo ocultar
hay silencios que son muy caros pero mas caro es el hablar,
algun medio pagara, esta excusiva de verdad
Habilitamos lo que sea por un cafe y algo mas,
digame lo que necesita, cualquier cosa se consigue
el diego, lo podemos conversar
Y hablando de Diego, pobre muchacho
que fraude le hicieron, se parece al electoral ,
por un punto mas de raiting una bebe queda sin hogar ,
es que la TV es tirana y del Monstruo mejor ni hablar
Ya para ir dejando el Verso que es moneda nacional,
Cuanto vale esta patente que a todos va a curar,
curar o currar? perdon me confundi,
mas que a una madre o mas que a una padre ,
si me lleno los bolsillos, que mas da
si para nosotros el fraude la moneda nacional
Hello Noticias and thanks for your message. Forgive but I do not understand it very well, I have got this google translation from Spanish, which I think it is:
If you are able to leave us a message in English that would be very helpful (but do not worry if you cannot) and I am sure other bloggers on here can offer their thoughts.
Viv xx
Political corruption in Peru, Gerry, Maddie Pederast and Pedophile Case
Political corruption in Peru, Gerry, Maddie Pederast and Pedophile Case
Fraud, National Currency
In the country of acueeeerdo I,
I give you three little steps and pieeeeerdo
I drop a note and lift the judge,
"Uy perdon" I say and answer "No matter, you pass"
Won a championship,
arbritro bought another,
A priest who claimed "Happy Children"
.. I abuse
And bugles always saying, the simple truth,
Time's president wants to hear
Buy, buy, sell freedoms,
are sold wholesale, corrupt lawyers and prosecutors also
six shots into his head that the money could not hide
There are silences that are very expensive but more expensive the talk,
some means to pay, this excuse really
We enable anything for a coffee and something else,
tell me what you need, anything is accomplished
the diego, we can talk
Speaking of Diego, a poor boy
that fraud was made, it seems to election
by a point raiting more than one baby left homeless,
is that TV is tyranny and say nothing of the Monster
Since leaving to go Verse is the national currency
The value of this patent that all will heal,
cure or currar? perdon confused me
more than a mother or more than a father,
if I filled my pockets, que mas da
whether for us local currency fraud
Hi Viv
I agree with your Christmas Message...
Why should anyone feel for Kate I dont get pleasure out of bloging as at the heart of this is a 3 year old child is either dead, in the hands of a peadophile ring or hidden away to make money for this discusting couple....
The only forgivable reason they could have to act the way they have would be if they were being controlled by the abductor (you will get your child back if you pay us lots of cash and make yourselves look like scum by laughing and having fun then refuse to answer any questions)but that is not likely...
So I feel the same repulsion towards Kate and Gerry McCann as I do towards the Mother of Baby P Karen Mathews and all the other scum parents who neglect their children or exploit them...
Who do they think they are??? Proud of neglect make light of the fact she cried for Daddy and laugh on her Birthday... She could have been abducted by a stranger but she could just have easily been Murdered by her parents...
How they can show their faces in court as the victims is beyond me they should be ashamed that because of their own actions all of this happend from day one the buck was being passed whent he simple truth was they were to blame for everything...
It appears to me that the norms of society have been turned on their heads. The McCanns are lauded in the tabloids and on Sky. They neglected their children on holiday as has been said ad nauseum. Team McCann has gone around taking peoples characters and ruining lives ie Amaral, Murat, Murat,s girl friend, the PJ, PT itself and all the suspects that were created. when it came to them or their pals being honest and helpful or co-operating fully with the Police, no chance. Yet the media see nothing wrong here. Are the rest of us mad ?
The other thing off topic, is this Amanda Knox business. The press in many instances have taken her side. Do they forget that an innocent girl was murdered brutally? The evidence does not appear to matter to the gutter press. Knox's family get to do TV interviews just like the McCanns. Is it normal for the family of a convicted murderer to be given huge money and opportunities to make money because their daughter is a convicted murderer? Its like the Kercher girl was never murdered. When is the madness going to stop. They are even selling stickers in the US to raise funds for Knox and her legal bills, if any excess, it will go to the Italian guy convicted with her for his costs and if any is left over, then to the Kercher family. Bizarre and sick, but true. Does it pay in this life to be normal and law abiding?
Evening All,
I’ve just been reading a post by Ironside on JM. I think his summary is very accurate of cases similar to Madeleine’s in recent years,
Elizabeth Smart....Political and Mormon involvement (father claimed abduction) Case very suspect...Elizabeth witnessed by many begging on the street with her alleged abductor.
Caylee Anthony..... Mother claimed abduction..now charged with her daughter’s murder. Also claiming the smell in the boot of the car was from two dead squirrels and a rotting pizza...
Haleigh Cummins ....Girlfriend claimed Haleigh was abducted from her bed...Misty (girlfriend) failed lie detectors.
Jon Benet Ramsey....Case very suspect.
Martin Brunt is reporting for Sky News the following:
“Kate and Gerry McCann have returned to Praia da Luz where their daughter Madeleine went missing in 2007.
Gerry and Kate McCann are planning to visit the holiday complex where Madeleine vanished
It is the first time Mrs McCann has returned to the resort on the Algarve coast.
Sky News Crime correspondent Martin Brunt said: "I understand they are planning to visit the Ocean Club complex from where Madeleine disappeared.
"It will be an important and emotional visit, especially for Kate McCann."
Earlier on Friday, in Lisbon, the McCann's court battle with an ex-police chief who believes Madeleine is dead was postponed for a month.“
I am sure theta there will be a warm welcome for them in PDL. Is the Ocean complex still open or boarded up after most of the people lost their jobs? PDL too has suffered from lack of tourists since the McCanns sojourn there. Perhaps KM's memory will be jogged on her visit and the truth will flow. Is that a pig flying?
Hi all
Perhaps we should get back on topic.
So the hearing of the McCanns & Goncalo has been postponed until the 12th of January due to Goncalo's lawyers secretary being diagnosed with swine flu. I also believe according to Sky Kate & Gerry are heading to PDL.
Clarence said they would be
leaving swiftly, of course that was before the case was postponed.
Now we have to have damage limitation tactics, after their lawyer said please come and support me in Portugal, the Portuguese people are not happy about the case against Goncalo.
I have to say the pictures of Kate and Gerry on this trip say it all. Kate either knows he is guilty, or she is petrified he is going to give the game away by his arrogance.
Priceless photography by the press.
Sorry should have said see the pics of the day on Joana Morais blog
Hello Di
I have not seen any pictures...
What a pair they are off back to PDL to try an gain sympathy for THEIR suffering...
last I heard was maddie was 10 miles away from PDL in a lawless village???
So why are they not searching there to find her??? swanning around looking lovely is not going to find their daughter then that is not the plan is it???
Poor child
Will have a JMs now xxx
Noticias, please do not troll this blog with repetitive posts in Spanish.
Hiya all
I have to agree the pictures on Joana Morais blog of the McCanns are excellent. Gerry is shown with his pursed up lips and petulance as he says well we believe...Kate looks demented and tormented. Goncalo is pictured looking casual and relaxed. Of course his daughter, almost the same age as Maddie is quite safe and well. I am quite certain that is what keeps Goncalo relaxed. Money is just money, but his little girl, precious. Unlike the McCanns, there is no price he could put on his child. You would think the McCanns could demonstrate some empathy given he has a little girl of similar age. But no, they feel their own children must be enriched whilst they seek to rob Goncalo's little girl. There is always something so utterly immoral about Kate and Gerry McCann. It is her own fault she has that agonised look on her face. You make your bed, so you must lie on it and in it with something I feel she finds pretty repulsive. I hope you think your life, as it has turned out, is all so worthwhile, Kate.
I find the comments by the McCanns' lawyer, Isabel Duarte pretty amazing, she just wanted the McCanns in court to give her some support because she knows 90 per cent of Portuguese people are against her in representing the McCanns against Goncalo Amaral.
A pitstop to PDL almost three years after they ran from Portuguese Social Services and Police. I am sure Madeleine will be so comforted by that.
Morning All,
Just had a look at the photos.
Well…..Gerry looks well and the smug b’*ta*d he always is whereas Kate looks like a walking skeleton.
I can’t help noting many months ago when it was alleged KM visited half a dozen dead patients prior to her holiday I liken her to the Grim Reaper.
Lo and behold that image is now backed up by the latest photos.
It would be all too easy to argue her appearance was caused by the abduction of her child and not knowing for sure whether she was alive or dead.
Conversely, of course, it’s just as easy to argue yes it’s to do with the lost of her daughter, the continuing worry whether she herself will be arrested, the fact that most people no longer believe her and husbands story of events. Not forgetting the accumulated guilt of what they have done and the lie they still live.
I know which one I would put my money on as being right.
Just a speculative thought regarding my above post.
Alcoholism makes individuals look gaunt and ill. Could this be the case here – drinking to forget?
Good Grief what has happend to Kate??? She looks terrible gone are the looks she had replaced by a guant and haunted face....
This would be no doubt the face of any mother of a missing child the fear and pain would be clear for all to see totaly tragic...
Yet when they thought they had got away with it on Maddie's 4th Birthday they were so full of joy it is hard to imagine 2.5 years on it has sudenly hit Kate that her poor little girl is suffering a fate wosre than death in the hands of the monster they have painted....
She looks haggard and worried and I am not surprised their detectives have charged a fortune for nothing and turned out to be con men yet we hear from Clarrie they were plesed with their service???
How can that be they were not qualified in anything other than conning people and yet produced good results???
Not sure when they are back here but I would sugest Kate goes to the police and tell's them exactly what happend if it was an accident that is tragic if it is something more evil she need's to try and save her good Catholic soul...
Instead of persecuting everyone of us who dares to ask questions instead of dipping our hands in our pockets and bowing and scrapping to them I sugest they have a good look in the mirror...
Whatever happend to Madeleine it is their fault they left her while they ate a long way away from her if she was abducted the buck starts with them and had they been Karen Mathews would be in jail for gross child neglect not profiteering from their daughters pain....
They know no one believes them anymoere hence Gerry's sulking arrogance and Kates pure terror...
My heart breaks for the terror Madeleine went through before and god forbid after what ever happend happend the fact these two low lives can laugh it up on her Birthday showed me a long time ago where their sympathy lies.... With themselves as they have not yet got enough money and are still not in the clear...
When Gerry speaks next year at the exploited and missing child confrence I hope he does so with the knowledge he is being judged by those who are qualified to do so and most of his audiance wont believe a word he says...
Hiya both
I certainly thought that in those halcyon days in PDL, when the McCanns clearly believed they would get away with it, they were a couple of serious substance abusers. Only substance abuse and/or serious personality disorder could provide any sort of explanation for this couple laughing when other parents would have sobbed, notably on Madeleine's birthday.
Gerry's whole body shaking with hilarity just a few days later, caught on camera through the window. And of course Kate on that film, "whoosh" complete with hand signals in stereo to callously describe, how, in her view, Madeleine suddenly disappeared. On both of those occasions it looked to me more like cocaine than alcohol to produce such bizarre effects on behaviour. But, to many substance abusers alcohol and cocaine are their chosen substances, I am sure that is the case with Kate and Gerry. Even before they married he had a very florrid complexion.
Of course alcoholics and those who use cocaine are notably thin and gaunt looking. Sadly Kate fits the bill. Jogging may counteract some of the effects on the heart of cocaine and alcohol abuse but I am not too sure about that. It seems Kate no longer bothers.
Of course the simplistic explanation when looking at how distraught Kate is and that pleading look at Gerry is that she is responsible for the death of Madeleine and constantly looks to him to save her from being separated from the twins/custody.
Exactly Viv - good summation.
Sky News evening update below:-
Madeleine: Parents Back In Holiday Village
7:43pm UK, Saturday December 12, 2009
Andy Jack, Sky News Online
Kate and Gerry McCann have visited the church close to where their daughter Madeleine disappeared in Portugal.
The couple travelled to the resort of Praia da Luz on the Algarve coast on Friday night, after the libel case they were due to attend in Lisbon was postponed.
It is the first time they have been back to the village together since Madeleine went missing from the Ocean Club holiday complex in 2007.
On the Find Madeleine website, Mrs McCann writes: "I have longed to come back here for two years for personal and emotional reasons.
Although our pain feels much rawer here, it is comforting at the same time since we feel closer to Madeleine
Kate McCann, back in Praia da Luz
"Early this morning we went to the lovely little church of Nossa Senhora da Luz. It was so quiet and peaceful - a real sanctuary.
"Although our pain feels much rawer here, it is comforting at the same time since we feel closer to Madeleine.
Madeleine, and how she might look now.
"We then walked down to the rocks on the beach, with its crashing waves and sense of vastness and freedom - another place where I've always felt able to reach out to Madeleine and find a little solace."
Later, the couple returned to the church to attend an evening service.
Sky News Crime correspondent Martin Brunt, who is in the resort, said: "Until now we hadn't seen anything of the couple and that was very much as they intended. They have made it clear that the visit it private.
They managed to keep the trip private as they intended, but it must have taken some determination
Martin Brunt's Life Of Crime Blog
"But there is the sense here, too, that not everybody in this village would particularly welcome them.
"The one place they haven't been to, as far as we know, is the apartment from where their daughter vanished.
"They are here for tonight, and, we think, Sunday. It's possible they will get a chance to visit that place as well," Brunt added.
Hi Viv & all
What is your aim?
Google translation is not possible with your drivel above, so why waste your time?
As much as we all believe Madeleine's parents are somehow involved, we all wish the best for Madeleine.
I assume your intentions are different to ours!
Sunday Express
Front page
I must be near Maddie.
Hmm remember Kate, you were interviewed saying you never called Madeleine Maddie.
It is very difficult when telling lies to remember what lies you told, they have a habit of coming back to haunt YOU!!!
If this case wasn't sooooo sad, it would truly be laughable.
Agony for Kate McCann as she returns for first time to scene of Madeleine's disappearance
By Vanessa Allen
Last updated at 8:51 AM on 12th December 2009
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Kate McCann last night returned to Praia da Luz for the first time since she was named as a suspect by police investigating her daughter Madeleine's disappearance.
The anguished mother wanted to visit the holiday apartment where Madeleine vanished more than two years ago, and to return to the church where she prayed for her daughter's safe return.
Mrs McCann and her husband Gerry, both 41, were believed to be staying with friends in the Portuguese town. Mrs McCann has previously said she wanted to return to Praia da Luz, where she feels a strong link to her missing daughter.
Kate and Gerry McCann looked disappointed as they left the Lisbon court
Kate and Gerry McCann looked disappointed as they left the Lisbon court
Her husband revisited the Algarve holiday resort in May, where he was booed and heckled by residents.
Some blame the couple for a downturn in tourism since Madeleine's suspected abduction in May 2007.
* Toddler drowned after being left alone in foster parents' swimming pool
Earlier, Mrs McCann looked distraught as she left a court in the Portuguese capital Lisbon.
She and her husband were there for a legal hearing linked to their continuing libel action against Goncalo Amaral, the disgraced former head of the botched police investigation, but the case was adjourned until next month.
Madeleine McCann: Before she went missing in 2007 aged three and, right, a digital image of how she would potentially look today, aged six
As they left court, the McCanns were heckled by protesters shouting: 'Viva Goncalo Amaral, Viva Portugal! [Long live Goncalo Amaral, Long live Portugal!]'
The couple, both doctors from Rothley, Leicestershire, stayed in Praia da Luz for four months following Madeleine's disappearance but left Portugal after they were named as official suspects in the investigation. They were cleared after the police shelved the case last year.
Mr Amaral, 49, who had dragged them in for questioning as suspects, added to their anguish yesterday, by accusing them of 'showing off'. He told a Portuguese newspaper: 'I owe nothing to them [the McCanns]. They're only here to show off, to keep the image they have in England. I will sue them for what they did to my family.'
Libel trial: Goncalo Amaral was involved in the initial search for Madeleine
The couple have accused him of making 'obscene' amounts of money from the high-profile case and have previously won an injunction to ban his book, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie, from being sold worldwide.
Mr Amaral claims Madeleine died in their holiday apartment in May 2007 and that they faked her abduction.
Mrs McCann said yesterday that his book had upset her family and could have damaged the hunt for Madeleine.
Explore more:
Gerry McCann,
Madeleine McCann,
Kate McCann
United Kingdom,
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Even though i would never dream of leaving my child alone, if she was to go missing, i would move heaven & earth to find her, until the day i died.
Should the McCanns stop looking for madeleine because it was partially their fault? NEVER! So please, stop with the comments regarding the amount of publicity they seek whilst trying to find their daughter.
- Jennifer, North East UK, 11/12/2009 20:38
Click to rate Rating 15
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I wish people would stop describing the McCanns' evening out as "dining". They were boozing in a bar.
- Janet, London, 11/12/2009 17:00
So you know this how, were there then? Are you also maybe holding back on that other piece of info - what happened to Madeleine - or is it just parts of the investigation that you seem to know more than everyone else????
- go on- give me a red arrow then, over here not there, 11/12/2009 20:31
Click to rate Rating 91
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I don't believe you people and you can red arrow my comments all you like. Yes the McCanns made a huge mistake but don';t you think they know it? No one knows like them and no one more than them will wish they could turn the clock back and do things differently. I have never left my children but many many people do. Perhaps now some will remember Madeleine and think twice. I sincerely hope that one day she is reunited with her parents. They have all suffered terribly and unless you are all perfect I don';t think you should criticise them. Instead we should support them and keep looking for Madeleine.
- Kathy, York, England, 11/12/2009 20:31
Click to rate Rating 37
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To call this couple shameless self promotors is a huge understatement. The priority for them is, and always has been, money. I think it is an absolute disgrace that they use donations to the 'fund' to pay their mortgage and maintain their lifestyles. Arent they doctors? Can't they afford to support themselves?
- DiscoHouse, Shrewsbury, England., 11/12/2009 20:06
Click to rate Rating 88
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I doubt there is anyone who actually wishes this little girl is dead, but the truth is that the story supporting her abduction by an unknown third party is riddled with holes.
Stories have been changed, false fingers have been pointed. The Mother has refused to answer questions put to her by the police. Even 'Cuddle Cat' seems to have been thoroughly washed two or three times before being handed over for testing. Highly trained sniffer dogs that have a 100% record of correct identification have pointed to areas where Madeleine has been, but the Parents deny the possibility.
The only thing that is known for sure is that two highly trained Doctors,who were hardly short of money, left their very young children alone whilst they went out drinking, and neglected to employ babysitters that were available for a very small fee.
I think everyone, not just this policeman, has a right to wonder just what did happen. At the very least the McCanns were guilty of gross neglect.
- Keith Spencer, Derby, 11/12/2009 19:43
Click to rate Rating 164
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I think there are some very nasty comments on here that are just unhelpful and vitriolic. I couldn't give a stuff about anything else except finding this little girl. Why can't you people see that? The whole blame the parents thing has been done, it is over.. and she is still missing. Would Madeleine rather you were being supportive in finding her or making boring old remarks about her family? whom I have no doubts, miss her and want her back so desperately. Anything else is futile.
- Lucy, Norwich, UK., 11/12/2009 19:42
Notice how the Daily Mail stick this right in the middle of their McCann story and seem to forget that Gerry was also an Arguido. This stuff is not so subtle, they are clearly still not batting for the McCanns.
* Toddler drowned after being left alone in foster parents' swimming pool
I see we have the usual mix of Pros and Antis commenting but it is noticeable that somehow, the Pros always manage to come across as just a little personality disordered!
wiz/Di what is Kate trying to tell us in the Brunt story, after interring her in the church they dumped her in the vast ocean and gave her even more freedom than they did every night of that holiday from hell?
"We then walked down to the rocks on the beach, with its crashing waves and sense of vastness and freedom - another place where I've always felt able to reach out to Madeleine and find a little solace."
PS Di thanks for having another go at our new troll but somehow I think it likes the sound of its own sick voice! Supertroll used to be a repetitive bore, I recall..
"I have longed to come back here for two years"
Oh pass me the sick bucket, what the bloody hell stopped her????
Researchers defended the thesis of the death
Annabel on Fri 11 Dec - 18:17
Google translate
December 11, 2009
Madeleine McCann case - Researchers defended the thesis of the death
Correio da Manhã - printed edition
Members of the PJ witness Gonçalo Amaral
"We now have an opportunity to defend"
The head of the investigation of 'Maddie Case hoped that the declaration of his colleagues in the court annul the precautionary measure on the polemic
João C. Rodrigues
I'm not a stranger who talks to himself. Other voices will speak tomorrow (today) in court and show that what is in the book "The Truth of the Lie technique is a well-founded opinion about the case, not a fantasy of mine." Gonçalo Amaral, head of the disappearance Madeleine McCann on 3 May 2007, refers to former colleagues, senior Judiciary Police are now in section 7 of the Lisbon Civil Court to declare in response to the precautionary measure brought by the McCanns, which banned the former coordinator of the PJ defend the thesis of the dead girls, both in a book, as in statements to the press, or "thinking aloud" laments Amaral.
In the list of witnesses recruited by Gonçalo Amaral to check that the book is faithful to the investigation, in what he says about the thesis of the death of the child are, among others, the deputy national director of PJ, Luis Neves , the former head of the PJ in Faro, Guilhermino Encarnaçao, Detective Chief Inspector Tavares Almeida and Ricardo Paiva. TBC is the presence of the criminologist and former inspector Francisco Moita Flores.
"Now we can defend ourselves, to show that in the book I wrote did not offend anyone irresponsibly. It's all in the process. "Remember that in the book" The Truth of the Lie "Amaral argues that Maddie had died in the apartment of the Ocean Club and was not abducted by strangers. Investigators say in court if Gonçalo Amaral had reason to say in the book that Kate and Gerry have responsibility in the case. As advanced CM, PJ's research found that it was almost impossible to enter the apartment and abduct the girl.
Present at today's hearing is the McCanns, whom Gonçalo Amaral states have no problem. "I do not owe anything to these gentlemen. He's here to show off, to keep their image in England, "charges, before announcing the next step. "They that take care. Very soon have the answer. The procesaré by what they have done to my family. "
In a memo sent yesterday to the editors, the communications agency working for the McCanns said that confirmation of the precautionary measure will enable the search for possible clues and information that reach out to Maddie was not affected.
Defense witnesses
Chief Inspector Tavares Almeida, former right hand Gonçalo Amaral and number two in the investigation of the case Maddie and Joseph Freitas (Scotland Yard) have also been enlisted by the defense.
Luis Neves. Deputy National Director of the PJ and responsible for National Unity to Fight Terrorism and participated in the investigation.
Guilhermino Encarnaçao. Maximum Head Lighthouse Station PJ at the time of the disappearance. He made the first official statement on the case.
Francisco Moita Flores. Former inspector of the Judiciary, the criminologist working several years with Gonçalo Amaral. It is one of the opponents to the thesis of abduction.
Ricardo Paiva. Inspector, was the liaison officer between the PJ and the McCanns. Gerry received a call claiming innocence..
Some heavyweights onside for Goncalo. Let us hope this makes it every bit as bad for the McCanns as the last time they tried to challenge the police themselves and had to humiliatingly back down in the Family Division of the High Court against Leicester Police, CEOP and the Attorney General, no less!
Ricardo Paiva is a particularly dodgy one for the McCanns given he was the one directly looking at those repugnant conversations referring to sexual abuse of Madeleine between David Payne and Gerry McCann. Not something they would want bringing up, one would have thought! Particularly given their own doctor (former) friends reported the gestures and conversations, no quite so hard to diss as the dogs methinks!
Oh Kate how you must tremble, mums must protect their kids, or else..
The couple have accused him (Amaral) of making 'obscene' amounts of money from the high-profile case………”
Pot and kettle comes to mind with this statement. After all they choose alleged money launders to hunt for Madeleine and large amounts of money were dished out, from the donation financed fund, to hapless pi’s - all to no avail. Hmm…
Kates Agony???
They were disapointed when the case was put back?
They are visiting good friends??
lets get something straight for the newspapers..
What about Maddie's agony??? Kate dosent care she said NOTHING in answer to every question that could have helped her daughter... She never searched for her daughter and had a really good laugh on her 4th birthday what if maddie got hold of those pictures or was told by the "Abductor" that her daddy had blogged about having "Their children" to worry about now or whatever guff he wrote...
They are disapointed because the case that might net them another million to waste on con men and pretend that the search is important has been put back a month???
Maddie acording to them has been in Hell for 31 Months yet they get all the sympathy..
Amaral is portrayed as the Discraced Detective??? why is he dscraced??? He was doing his job but was not listening to the chief suspects and what they said happend...
They cant know what happend as they were not there unless they are lying and that makes them suspects!!!
How about the Truth Discraced Parents Kate and Gerry McCann who were useless parents and as time goes by I worry about the twins saftey...
Kate once again looks scared to death more lines now but the same worry from Day 2 when Gerry told the world what to belive...
Over the week's and months that followed they got happier by the day and if they were happy to watch everyone else searching while they ate lunch and chatted to their family as they were far too important to search they were special and had the press and adoring fans cow towing to them...
No more and I think that is because any decent person knows if their child was missing they would never refuse to answer a quesion that just might find their child...
If only the papers could put the victim first and start to fight for the rights of all children not just accept the words of people proud to tell the world how 8 adults all left their children home alone even though some of them were sick...
Scum nothing more nothing less each and everyone of them who left a child to rot or are hidding the truth of what happend to a small child.
What sort of life have they got? Living under suspicion no matter what they say or do. They have to rely on the support of their entourage and keep the lawyers in tow. What happens if and when the fund runs out will the lawyers do pro bono for them? They cannot even write a book now without an alternative ending ie Amarals. They must cringe at the photos in 2007 when your child has just gone missing. No, we cringe for them. The Tiger Woods story is much more interesting, and he admitted his mistakes.
Hi All,
I copy below today's offering from the Daily Express:-
From Nick Fagge in Berlin
Monday December 14, 2009
HEARTBROKEN Kate McCann returned to Britain yesterday without visiting the holiday apartment where she last saw her missing daughter Madeleine.
She was in Portugal with husband Gerry to give evidence at a Lisbon hearing into the ban on a book on the case by ex-police chief Goncalo Amaral.
The couple, both 41, headed to Praia da Luz after Friday's court case for the first time since they left two years ago after wrongly being made suspects in the case.
They have been completely cleared of any wrongdoing. The two, both doctors, hoped to return to the Mark Warner Ocean Club complex and visit apartment 5a. This was the last place they saw Madeleine before her disappearance on May 3, 2007.
But it is believed Kate was too traumatised to go into the holiday flat before they flew back to the UK and returned to their home in Rothley, Leicestershire.
On Saturday night, the couple, both Roman Catholics, attended a service at the nearby Nossa Senhora da Luz church, which they regularly visited after Madeleine vanished.
Kate cried during the entire memorial service and had to be comforted by Gerry who held her hand tightly throughout. The priest, Father Jose Pacheco, offered a prayer for Madeleine and all the world's lost children. The couple were comforted with hugs by other parishioners and a candle was lit beneath the picture of the British youngster hung in the church.
The McCann's Portuguese lawyer Isabel Duarte said Kate had found the visit to Praia da Luz very upsetting. She said: "She was crying but she very much believes Madeleine is still alive.
"Kate felt she had to return as it was the last place she saw her and that is what she remembers.
"She feels she left part of herself there. She needed to return for psychological and sentimental reasons."
The McCanns made the 150-mile pilgrimage to Praia da Luz after Friday's dramatic hearing where they fleetingly came face-to-face at a civil court with Goncalo Amaral.
He was trying to lift a ban on his book The Truth Of The Lie. Mr Amaral, who was removed from the Madeleine case, is being sued for £1million by the McCanns who say his theory is untrue and hampers the search.
The case was adjourned until January after Mr Amaral's lawyer went sick with swine flu.
The McCanns face further anguish as funding for Madeleine's search runs out in three months, it emerged yesterday. They are now preparing to open talks with multi-millionaire businessman Brian Kennedy to extend his financial support.
“……after wrongly being made suspects in the case.”
It is never wise in journalism to quote the words of the prime suspects as the gospel truth but hey hoe Nick Fagge just goes ahead anyway.
Fagge also tells us that The Madeleine fund runs dry in 3 months - well that’s good news lets see how long the Mc’s fantasy of a stranger abduction continues without expensive lawyers threatening legal action to anyone who dares to disagree with them.
Hi all
I am so surprised that Father Jose Pacheco took the service. He was the Father that said he was deceived by the McCanns?
Quite honestly I am not sure the reporting is correct but who knows!
Give me a break Kate cried through the service it is amazing how guilt can make you feel very emotional...
If she gives anything for Maddie why wont she answer those questions for her child...
While she is at it she should take a lie detector test she has had long enough to practice the answers now and should probebly pass...
Kate if you are so distraught why are you happy to keep quiet every time your idiot husband says he has no reason to belive she has been harmed...
You told the world she was with Peadophiles yet you are happy to assume she is ok...
May god forgive you if she is still alive because the pain you have caused her by making yourself look guilty has wasted so much time you have left her to rot. So excuse me if I dont give a toss at your crocodile tears...
Hi Viv
"I have longed to come back here for two years"
What stopped her, afraid of arrest perhaps!!
Interestingly, after Madeleine went missing, Kate looked terrible whilst in Portugal, but then after returning to the UK she started to blossom.
People then commented on how unwell Kate looked on Oprah and the docu in their house.
Seeing Kate in Portugal last week she looked absolutely broken, maybe she now knows it is the beginning of the end. Gerry on the other hand still looks his arrogant self.
I do wonder if they are still together, it would not surprise me if they were not.
Evening Di,
You say:-
“I do wonder if they are still together, it would not surprise me if they were not.”
Something I had not thought of before, may be you are right, but of course you can still live under the same roof with someone and lead separate lives.
After a google search it would appear you are doing the rounds.
You are obviously not trying to help in the search for the truth about what happened to a defenseless 3 year old child called Madeleine, so please don't waste our time.
I wish I had the means to delete your post.
Hi Wizard
I know of a couple who have lived under the same roof for over 40 years yet lead totally separate lives.
They eat together, watch tv together but don't talk to each other. Very very sad situation, and neither are prepared to move on, unbelievable.
Hello Hope
Well said as always, this has never been about finding Madeleine, it has always been about preserving K & G's lifestyle and image, nothing more nothing less imo.
I am a great believer in what goes around comes around, I have witnessed it many times over the years.
The truth will eventually come out, we just have to be patient.
I was also thinking earlier, it is not just the McCann's that have to worry about what the twins will find on the net but also several of their friends. Jane Tanner for one, so why are they soooo quiet.
They were there to give evidence the rubbish piece states? Not what we were led to believe. Witnesses for Amaral was it not? So if the fund is to run out in 3 months, then the real reason for the grand tour was to generate money from TV, Tabloids, and photo syndication all wrapped up under the guise of psychological and emotional issues? These people stayed in the apartment in PDL after the child disappeared and not a bother on them, so give us a break now about feelings. Where do they hire the jerks at the Express, they McCannot see the wood for the trees?
Hi Joe
We will ignore the above.
Did we not also get an article about this time last year, the fund is running low and about to run out.
I think we should all send an e-mail to all our contacts, saying don't top up their fund it is not going to help find Madeleine, it is to save their sorry necks. IMO
I have been reading about ‘hired’ journalists. It’s possible to hire a journalist to write a piece and then they hawk it round various media outlets until someone bites (the journalist gets paid twice). The piece is written by the journalist and they are named as the author, but steered and edited by their paymaster.
I sometimes wonder when I read articles about the Mc’s whether this in fact is what is happening.
Hi Di and Hope
Merry Xmas to you both. Would have sent you a card if I had your mail addies, as I did to most of the others.
Noticias is a blast from the past, hey Viv!
Hi Doc
Merry Xmas to you and yours also.
From Joana Morais
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VIP Treatment for the McCanns
15 December 2009 | Posted by Joana Morais Leave a Comment
by J. Paulo Canelas
The McCann Couple continues to receive State Honours, as if they are members of the British Government: after the escort to the Algarve Airport, from where they "fled" to their England, more than two years ago after being constituted as arguidos in the Algarve in the subsequence of the investigations made by Judiciary Police of Faro; they have now returned to our Country to "forbid" the sale of Inspector Gonçalo Amaral's book, as if they were heroes.
Let us see, they dealt with journalists at the airport as if they were "starlets" - Messi or KaKá [soccer players] couldn't do any better - and to complete the "circus", they entered the Palácio de Justiça [Lisbon Courthouse] through the door reserved to the magistrates, in a VIP treatment of which there is no memory.
The Portuguese State, as always, embarrassed before the power of some - who does not remember the "case" of the Ambriz massacre*, with Angola, in Durão Barrosos's time? - bows before the great influences and yet again brings us another depressing demonstration of subalternity to the instituted international powers.
It would be important that the Justice Ministry - or the Foreign Office, why not? - justified why are Kate and Gerry "entitled" to enter "from the backdoor" of what is considered the "ex-libris" of the Portuguese Justice...and, on the opposite side, the cases of children at risk, like the well known cases of Esmeralda (of the sargent) or Alexandra (the little Russian girl) are treated in the 'Public Square', without VIP's entrances or any other type of privacy.
I would also like to know why Kate & Gerry were afforded these privileges!!!
Hello All
Not quite sure what the McCann's have that keeps people from throwing them in a jail cell but I do know I am glad I have not got it !!!!
Bottom line is they are guilty of what ever happend to Madeleine and to make matters worse they have trampled all over her memory to fit themselves in the roll of victims...
On maddiecasefiles someone has started a thread with Kate's diary I had forgotten how selfish and sick it was... Along with Gerry's blogs of hell they have shown to the world how discusting they are...
Kate looks very ill guilt is a hell of a burden to carry around day after day she knows she is responsible if Maddie really was missing and if that is the case she must be a twisted and evil woman as her daughters life has been put in grave danger because of their antics...
Or she has covered up the death of her child by accident or intent...
If anything happends to the twins how the hell will England recover from fawning over two self confessed child neglectors who act in a deranged and strange way in their own documentrys???
I can understand people wishing to support them but what I cant understand is why their supporters think they are normal people their behaviour is chilling and I cant belive any of their supporters if they have children would ever believe they would behave in the same way???
If they would I sugest they seek help because my girls are worth dying for not lying for...
Hello guys
Doc nice to see you back again :-))
I would not take too much notice of Kate and Gerry being allowed to use the back door, that is probably due to their infamy.
Courts in UK will often allow a litigant who is likely to be attacked or mobbed by the press to use a discrete backdoor.
I recall being at court many years ago with my client and barrister. A process server was waiting at the main door to serve papers on him and so we managed to persuade the court to allow us (not exactly explaining the reason) to exit through the rear door used by court staff and judges. It was quite funny imagining how long the process may have stood there, convinced he had his man and only had to wait for the often huge delays at Birmingham County Court.
Kate and Gerry's lawyer has herself commented that 90% of Pt people are against them. That would be reason enough for the court to grant such a request.
The lawyer for the McCann's saying 90% of people in Portugal are against the McCann's is another point scoring excersise...
Poor Brave Kate and Gerry returning to a country that hates them to get justice for their daughter as someone had dared to write she is dead?
Portugal showed how much it cared for Maddie the night she went missing people searching for up to a week for her while her parents watched while enjoying lunch and drinks with friends and family...
I believe Portugal cares very much for Maddie which is why they can see parents who have spun their childs life away bragged about how they neglected their children and have refused to help the PJ...
To any supporter of the McCann's all I can say is you believe Maddie is alive and being held in a celler somewhere by a gang of sick peadophiles? Yet you think her parents are right to spin her life into danger by not helping by doing a reconstruction not answering questions and suing everyone who disagrees with them?
I was told long ago Maddie would hate me for what I have said about her parents and I hope one day she get's that chance...
But can you imagine if she is able to access the internet in her celler and she see's just how happy her parents were without her on her 4th Birthday? It was not a forced smile it was joyful and that emotion should not have been available to them at such a sad and tragic time... The fact Mummy stayed silent when asked questions and Daddy and Mummy have written such cruel things in blogs and diary's is very sick...
They know their time is comming if the case is ever reopened they are sunk and if Portugal need's tourists they have to prove to the world they were right about these two scum bags and if papers need to sell they need to get brave and print the facts and photos of this vile pair...
May you find the peace you need and have a warm and happy christmas with people who love you...
Hello Hope
I second that!
Sadly Madeleine is not going to be afforded that luxury, sad beyond belief.
Hi all.
Sorry about our spanish Troll. He is very insistent. Be carefull with his comments they are all very "libel" and it isn't a good moment for that. He will insist!
THENTHEREWERE4, I think you have done the same I do... Delete, delete, delete.
Hugs from Spain
Hi All,
I’ve just been reading on JM the latest on Carter Ruck, Trafigura and the BBC. The section posted shows how Messrs C&R gag those who seek the truth of their clients actions.
“Trafigura and their lawyers Carter Ruck had been pursuing an ongoing libel case against the BBC over this report since it was aired in May 2009. Trafigura and Carter Ruck have become notorious for their willingness to use the UK's repressive media laws to suppress legitimate criticism and comment.”
“A number of other UK media [Guardian Newspaper, Times..] have already been bullied into censoring stories about this case, but until now the BBC had stood firm. Unfortunately it appears that even the UK's world-renowned public service broadcaster has now been muzzled by a rich corporation seeking to use the law to cover up the truth about its activities The report was removed from the BBC websites on December 10th or 11th, along with an article, that you can read bellow on the matter.”
Most paper carry, the story below, today - they all appear to be written or should I say edited by unnamed staff reporters. This means they were penned by Clarence in a press release and dutifully copied by the British press.
"Fresh appeal as McCanns face their third Christmas without Madeleine Daily Mail
Last updated at 7:59 AM on 18th December 2009
Kate and Gerry McCann have issued a fresh appeal for their missing daughter Madeleine yesterday, as they faced the prospect of spending their third Christmas without her.
In a new message on the Find Madeleine website, the couple said: 'There will be a spare place at the Christmas table again this year.
'If you know anything, do the right thing and helps us fill it.'
Christmas past: Madeleine feeding her younger sister Amelie in 2006
Doctors Kate and Gerry, both 41, also posted a photograph of Madeleine which was taken during Christmas 2006.
It shows the youngster at the family home in Rothley, Leicestershire, five months before she went missing from a holiday resort in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
She is pictured sitting on the floor, dressed in red, feeding a chocolate lollipop to her younger sister Amelie.
The couple said: 'There is only one thing Madeleine wants this Christmas – and that's to be back home.'
They urged: 'If you know where she might be, please help.'
The McCanns, whose youngster daughter and her twin brother Sean are now four, added: 'All we want this Christmas if for Madeleine to be home.'"
Same old drivel and one would think that MM was the only child that is missing. McCann himself said a few months back that they were learning to live without Madeline so with that attitude Christmas will be no different. Reading between the lines means give us more money. Don't waste your money punters but give it to other poor children and deserving causes not to the Fund to be wasted.
Kate and Gerry if you want the world to know what happend to your daughter I sugest Kate answers all the very simple questions she could not be bothered to and your friends all return for a reconsturction...
To be honest if you did not abduct / kill your daughter yourselves it is very likely one of your friends did...
How can you still trust them???
Dont worry I am sure the truth will out very soon sadly as much as you seem to think Maddie is giving her tuppence worth and is unharmed you yourselves said she was with peadophiles and I am not sure what your views on scum like that are but they are only able to hurt children as they are sick in the head...
I know you have to live with the fact if you really neglected your children it is all your fault but because you seem to almost boast this is what you did I dont actually believe you did...
Stop asking other people to help when you have done everything you can do not to...
Good evening VIV & all
In this festive season i want express my wishes of a peaceful Cristhmas and Happy 2010.
Hi all
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and yours.
Yes the same old drivel churned out at this time of year by the press and team McCann to top up the fund.
What a pity we could not have seen more upto date photos, plus age enhanced ones, instead we see a very young child!
Who would recognise Madeleine from these photos if she was waiting to be found, as the McCanns would have us believe, even if she was living within 10 miles of PDL as has been said by Dave Edgar.
Let's hope Mandarinn could be right JUSTICE FOR MADELEINE in 2010
I do hope so, this farce has gone on for far too long.
I hope everything is ok with you, we are missing you!!
Hiya all
Di, that was really kind, sorry have not been around, just so busy at the moment rushing around!
Ah, need to get my delete head on so will deal with that first!
Mercedes , how lovely to hear from you my old amiga, if I do not hear from you again before Christmas, have a fabulous one!
Mandarinn, great to hear from you too, and us regulars here all wish you and your family a fantastic Christmas with your family and an even better New Year.
The couple said: 'There is only one thing Madeleine wants this Christmas – and that's to be back home.'
Like they care about what little Maddie wants, this couple who lied from the very moments to the police, the apartment had been broken into, the windows and shutters got jemmied. Those first GNR officers knew exactly what this couple and their friends are, that is clear from the official police file, liars.
God Bless little Maddie at this time of year, wherever you may be, when all children should be happy and loved.
We will not forget you or continue to hope for
Amelie was born in February 2005, so, at Christmas 2006 she would have been almost two. Now I ask you, does she look almost two in the picture of her and Maddie at the top of this blog or does she look ten months?
The McCanns cannot even tell the truth about the age of their children in photographs, that picture is NOT of Christmas 2006 just before Maddie disappeared, it is Christmas 2005 when Maddie was approaching three years of age, not four. As you say Di, an up to date photo or any image that accurately portrays what she really looked like at the time, is the very last thing this couple from hell want us to see.
Hi, Viv, Di, Hope, Joe, Mandarinn and Mercedes,
Seasons greetings to you all and hoping your Christmas preparations are not too hectic. Merry Christmas have a great time!
It’s been snowing heavily in London since Thursday night and very cold. Yesterday whilst out in the car I made the mistake of taking a short cut down a side road and duly got stuck. Not gritting on side roads.
I did manage to get going eventually but it’s made me wonder whether to use the car today is such a good idea.
Changing the subject I like pub quizzes and recently one of the questions asked was –
“What sense improves with age?” The answer was “common sense.” LOL
However, aficionados following this case for the past two years and more, will have noted this isn’t necessarily the case for many pro Mccanners. Imo common sense is very uncommon!
I was just reading Astro’s translation of a article in: Correio da Manhã, 19.12.2009 - View full article on JM’s blog.
“Socrates, the philosopher, used to say: “an indication is an indication; two indications are two indications; three indications is evidence”. The sentence contains a requirement in the evaluation of evidence from indications. A mere indication is not enough; something more is necessary.”
If we apply Socrates thoughts on ‘indication’ to this case there are three indications to various pieces which equals evidence. But the case is like a jigsaw puzzle and although many of the pieces have 3 indications some have only one or two - presumably why no charges have been brought – an almost complete picture has to be formed with three indications on most of the pieces.
Hopefully 2010 will see more pieces, with three indications, falling into place.
Hi all,
It's incredible that a mother (and father) knowing that her daughter isn't alive anymore is talking about her daughter's wish to be at home for Christmas.
She knows exactly what she is doing because everybody is sentimental during these days. This isn't about Mariah Carey 's "All I want for Christmas is ............."
What about all the others days of the year? If Maddie was alive she would wanted to be at home every single day ( not only for Christmas) in the protective arms of her parents.
Be honoust. I think Maddie would like to be at home at your birthday also.
Atardi, how lovely to see you back also. There is something about Christmas that brings us all back together, remembering what this is really all about. A little girl who just disappeared and her parents were clearly responsible for that disappearance. As the years drag by, they continue to try and convince everyone that is not the case.
Wiz, I like the piece from Correia da Manha referring to Socrates.
This case does have many indications, some of which form some really good parts of the picture puzzle. But still, the clear picture still cannot be made out, sufficient to paint that picture to a judge and jury in court as to precisely how the McCanns disposed of their own little girl.
From the very first moments they lied to the police and sought to insist an intruder had broken into the apartment and stolen Madeleine. Something the police could immediately appareciate was simply impossible. So then they publicise to the world how they apparently not only left those small children alone but also a little girl with disturbed sleep patterns and plenty big enough to slide back that patio door, with that patio door completely unlocked. They say it was opened by them from the outside to check on the children. We have seen the importance Rebelo and his men gave to this demonstrating that patio door would have to be left ajar in order to do this. So again, they tell us a completely unbelievable lie.
We have seen that Gerry and Russell have lied about photographs of Madeleine that he took to PDL in duplicate ready to hand to the police when Madeleine disappeared. And again, at the rogatories, we have seen the great importance the police attach to this evidence of pre planning by her own father and his accomplice in this case.
These are pieces of the puzzle that enable the Portuguese Police to say with certainty, the parents and their friends were involved in the disappearance of Madeleine. Russell even wanted to produce a "group timeline" to the police rather than just tell them his version of the truth.
Jane wanted to tell about this stranger abduction and yet quite bizarrely his appearance dramatically changed in her own varying accounts over the forthcoming weeks and months. Then she laments being called a fantasist and a liar over such utterly crucial information if only it were the truth.
So yes, very sadly, the PJ Police did shelve the investigation because they are certain it was not a stranger abduction which had it been they could not have shelved. In that situation there would have been enormous pressure from both the McCanns themselves and British diplomacy for them to continue with the case.
But we are left with a situation where British Police have jurisdiction to prosecute the McCanns but at this stage cannot do so, until they can make that picture complete. What exactly did they do with Madeleine and why did they plan to get rid of her?
The McCanns may think they are clever to have thus far managed to cover their tracks to the extent that whilst the police know they are responsible and millions of the public do also they cannot be prosecuted, but what kind of life must that be?
Every day that Kate McCann rises from her bed the first thing that will come into her mind is, is this the day we are finally undone, what if they find Madeleine, what if, what will I do if they come for me and Gerry is at work. How will I cope with that?
That is the punishment she deserves for suggesting that Madeleine would wish to be with her now, just at Christmas time. Her continuing lies are wicked.
I know the police will be determined to get this couple and their accomplices, there will never be any let up for you Kate McCann. As a mother myself I appeal to you to do the decent thing, for Madeleine, for the twins and yes, for yourself. Protect your twins from any further terrible harm by setting in motion right now, what you know needs to happen. Show them the love you could not show for Madeleine or suffer for the rest of your life.
Hi Viv & all
Just popping in to say glad you are back Viv. I know what you mean about being busy, and all this rushing about for a couple of days.
It is worth it though when our family all get together and I hear their laughter and talk of times gone by. It will also be special this year with our grandson.
Sadly, for many families Christmas is a time of great sadness and my heart goes out to them, I feel very blessed.
I am sure the McCann's household will be very stressed this Christmas, which makes me feel so sorry for the twins.
Hiya Di, I wish you the most wonderful time with your lovely new grandson being the centre of attention as he deserves. It will be a really special and lovely Christmas for you and that is what you deserve for being a loving mom and nan.
Talking about times gone by, earlier I was with my mom step father, sister, her husband and my brother. There were two laptops as we pored over holiday pictures and my sister and I in particular remembered all of the fun we have had together over the years and how protective she was of me being four years older.
Prior to that me mom and my sister did one of the things we love doing best, buying clothes from M&S!
I cannot imagine what the McCann household must be like this Christmas or any other for that matter. It is a terrible sadness that the twins continue to get older and have so much horror in store which other more fortunate children just do not have to face. I do think the vindictive attacks against Goncalo Amaral are part and parcel of the McCanns frantically lashing out, trying to shield the twins, not from what he did at all, but what they did and what they just do not wish to face. There is no magic wand that can wipe away what they have done.
The only act of love they could show the twins is to instal them in a loving home where they can be as happy as possible and feel secure and protected from all that must surely be to come.
It is good that we do not just remember how sad it is for Madeleine, but also for her lovely little brother and sister and what their own parents have inflicted upon all three of them.
I do feel very sorry for the Twins, but one day they will question their parents and they will make mistakes with what they will tell them and the twins will pick up on it I believe, unlike out supposed "clever media" who have never picked up on the Fund or questioned John Mccann packing in his well paid job to work full time for the "Fund" this to me was the first sign Maddy was never going to come back.
You dont have to be a rocket scientist to work that out do you.
Why are the Mccanns sat at home waiting for Maddy to walk in the door to spend the Christmas with them, when they know she is within 10 miles of PDL as they believe, why are they not crawling the streets of PDL trying to find her...............says it all really.
Hiya Lily and how lovely to hear from you too! I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year with your family.
I would imagine the twins are already starting to read and use the internet which I know happens these days from a very early age from my own grandaughters. One of them aged 5 was actually helping me some years back with my internet surfing, no nan you do this...lol.
Education these days is very much geared up to using computers recognising they can constantly be engaging and teaching the child more so that one classroom teacher can manage, even if she is as good as my own sister!
You make a good point, the words and action of John and Gerry McCann from the very outset were utterly sinister. John sees it as such a long term money spinner he gives up a well paid job with the pharmaceutical industry. Gerry immediately starts talking about sustaining public interest in Madeleine's disappearance in the long term. No parent would have been thinking of long term, they would be banking on her quickly being found. Neither would they have immediately started a campaign to rubbish the Portuguese Police.
Why is it so special that Maddie should be there at Christmas time, this is what is so shallow about the McCanns. They commercially use high days and holidays to do a bit more cashing in/ seeking to hammer the we are totally innocent routine.
It is just not natural for a parent to think well I especially think she should be here at Christmas. Is that the only time they would have wanted to bother with her? It is quite absurd, a normal parent would just want her back all of the time!
Why do they allow their private detectives who should work privately and confidentially on such a case to make such bizarre public statements, we will have her home for Christmas, she is within 10 miles of PDL. They have never demonstrated any concern for her safety and wellbeing it has always been about their moneygrabbing machine off the back of little Maddie coupled with the we did not do anything propaganda. To an extent that is true, they never even looked after the three most precious things they had.
Hiya Viv
I dont post much now, ive lost all interest and drive after the fiasco with Amber and Debbie and their 2 man show slaughtering Tony Bennet, this isnt about any of them its about justice Maddy but imo this has damaged the the posters/support for Maddy beyond repair, as no one seems to post like they did on 3As.
I wish you and your family a great Christmas and Happy New year
Hi Lilly well said !!!
Have you all seen this...
It is about Low Copy DNA it has been found to be reliable and will no longer be contested in court...
The FSS has backed it...
Wonder if this will give a certain couple a few more sleepless nights???
A bit of it below...
A controversial technique for analysing minute amounts of DNA has been backed by the Court of Appeal.
The court said challenges to the science behind Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA testing should no longer be permitted in most trials.
The Forensic Science Service, which has been routinely using LCN DNA testing in cases since 1999, welcomed the ruling.
Hi Hope,
I read that piece on the BBC. I would not be too happy myself with LCN DNA, despite the High Court ruling. It is unreliable IMO and even on a simplistic level LCN DNA at a crime scene should be treated as indicative at best and no more, unless there is other massive corroborating evidence. I fear it is a matter of inconvenience now for the courts that many cases may have been referred back for appeal where the defendants were convicted on the evidence of LCN DNA and the tide had to be stemmed. I may be wrong in my summation.
From all the stuff I have read, again I may be wrong, but the FSS appear to be under a cloud re the MM case and the DNA evidence. First it was proof then it was not. So if it was not good enough for the MM case then it surely is not good enough for any other case.
Hi Joe
I dont really know anything about LCDNA and I dont know about it being safe to get a conviction...
It is just very odd that the McCann's can re write the way things are normaly done and once again it has gone against them (well not them) but it must make them wonder if it could be reason enough to re open the investigation???
Then if they are inteligent they must know that there could be a knock at the door at any time...
If you could convict on attitude they would be serving life as I type !!!
HI Hope,
It is controversial but the High Court ruling will no doubt pave the way for its use without question. What is a mystery to me is whether there exists any DNA evidence in the McCann case? The possibility is if there is and its LCN DNA it could in theory be used if the CPS or the LP saw fit to bring case, but with the reality that the case is really in a different domain ie Portugal I do not know if such evidence would be permissible in PT. The fact is though if such DNA evidence exists at the FSS and it was highly indicative of involvement of certain people, then if it is good enough (and the High Court has ruled that such evidence will be allowed in future) to convict others in the UK then it has to be good enough for the MM case. The Law is supposed to be equitable.
Hiya Lily
I can understand you being disheartened by firstly the avid support for Tony Bennett and then the complete turnaround.
My position was always that supporting him would damage the credibility of those who genuinely just wanted to know the truth and demonstrate a belief in justice for Maddie. There is no place for taking the law into your own hands or merely insisting that a child is dead contrary to the clearest report from senior legal personnel in Portugal.
I think even sites like 3 As were gradually going downhill because there is a limit to how far we can go in analysing such facts as we do have and then re-analysing them. This has been done by many of us to a large extent and the clear indicators remain that the McCanns and their friends were responsible for the disappearance of little Maddie. To me that is what the fight has always been about, countering their media campaign to suggest it was some stranger abductor. So far as I am concerned the evidence that we have clearly leads me to believe that Gerry McCann was her abductor and he brought photos of Madeleine from the UK to hand to the police knowing full well what was to happen to her.
How can someone be seeking the truth when he just asserts there was no abduction? What does he have to say that beyond what the police have?
I got battered from pillar to post for standing out against Tony Bennett, I will always stand up for what I believe is right. He has sought to cash in on numerous different ventures that often include the tragedy of others. He has behaved in a criminal and dishonest way. People did place their trust in him where it was not warranted and that did need exposing so that people do not send him any more cheques any more than people should be sending Kate and Gerry cheques. I have always been firmly of the view that where money becomes involved people join the McCanns in using Madeleine as a cash cow and it is repugnant, she is not the focus, what people can make out of it is. The McCanns currently seek to make £1.2 m from Goncalo, that is outrageous. If they were innocent, by all means get an injunction to shut him up, but to continue to divert their attention purely towards getting money for a child they were resposible for disposing of is obscene.
Money is a very corrupting factor. I have even refused to cash in with google requesting me to have paid adverts on here, I do not want them. All I have ever wanted is to show the McCanns, we can let the world know the truth, you can lie manipulate, pay as many media spinners as you like, but, at the end of the day, there are people who have enough concern to just continue to tell it like it is.
Tony Bennett has certainly not helped but we should not allow that to tar us all with the same brush and just give up. So long as the McCanns continue their money grabbing lies there is a place for the internet to answer back and they cannot control the truth!
hiya Hope and Joe
Firstly I hope you both have a Fantastic Christmas, and of course Di and Wiz our other two regulars!
My understanding is that in order for DNA results to become acceptable they need to be replicated at least twice. So, for example, if they had found blood accurately matching Madeleine's and on two separate occasions that accurate match was present, then the results can be said to be scientifically verifiable and accurate.
But in Madeleine's case this is not what happened. There were the two sets of analysis but one did not back the other. On memory, matter found on the walls could not even be said to be blood the traces of it were so small and of the DNA found in this substance, it was said to match a European male. Quite clearly, these are not results that would in any way be probative evidence that Madeleine died in that flat or even bled in there. The dogs did find blood on the floor but this was not a sufficiently accurate match to Madeleine.
In UK law all evidence is admissible providing it is more probative than prejudicial. If you think of that simple test you can see why the LCN on this occasion just was not good enough. When parents are quite rightly considered to be involved in the disappearance of their daughter, homicide has to be the first thing the police will investigate and very thoroughly too. But that is by no means the only way that parents can dispose of their offspring.
I suppose our only hope that there was some probative evidence in those samples is STu Prior requesting some of the results got withheld. What did those results show? Were any actually withheld at the end of the day? There are all sorts of body fluids that can be mixed between different people in the same sample, that can indicate a very serious crime has taken place, but that crime may not necessarily be homicide.
Hi All,
I’m virtually snowed in after heavy snow falls over night causing chaos on London roads. Is it like that where you are?
I’ve copied a few articles found in Media trade papers by the eagle eyed McCann Files. If you have not seen them their well worth a read. There dated in November but must have just been spotted and are new to us.
It’s good to see reporting as it is and not as it’s been painted and sanitised.
Madeleine PR appearance ignites angry minority Media Week Middle East
15 November 2009
DUBAI Late-night phone calls, aggressive emails and even legal threats were received by organisers of the recent PR Congress in Dubai, prior to Clarence Mitchell appearing as a guest speaker.
Mitchell, the PR guru representing the family of missing toddler Madeleine McCann, was in Dubai last week talking about the PR aspects of the case. Conference director Kosta Petrov says over the past two months he has been regularly contacted by individuals, and even a PR agency, opposed to the McCann family. Some who question the McCanns' role in the Maddie case told Petrov that Mitchell should not have been invited.
Petrov says he told the vocal groups Mitchell's appearance was only so he could discuss media aspects of the case.
Mitchell said the protests were not unusual and warned Petrov about them.
The second article is a bit long and will not copy. It can be viewed on the McCann files – Latest News – Media Week Middle East page 19. There is also an interesting article by Dr Martin Roberts “Stocking Filler” which is also worth a read.
Hi Viv,
I thought you might be interested in the article below from this weeks Private Eye. It highlights why child abuse is so easy to be covered up in terms of our current libel laws and the likes of Carter Ruck et al.
Libel News
“Scientists urge reform of ‘lethal’ libel law,” thundered the headline over a Times report on how the libel law was endangering public health by stopping peer-reviewed research appearing in medical journals.
It quoted Dr Fiona Godlee, editor of the British Medical Journal, describing how one of the MMJ’s satellite magazines, Archives of Disease in Childhood, had turned down a paper describing clinical signs associated with child abuse. “These cases were all from the UK, and the information should have been readily available to doctors in the UK,” she said. “Science and medical discussions must be open and critical.”
But what was the paper that Dr Godlee feared might bring her colleagues the unwelcome attention of Carter Fuck and Mr Justice Eady? Perhaps feeling a writ of its own, the Thunderer coyly refused to say. The Eye can reveal that in 2007 Prof. Neil McIntosh, from the Department of Child Life and Health at the University of Edinburgh, and his associates submitted an exhaustive review of 58,059 infants admitted to Scottish A&E departments.
They were looking for example of nosebleeds and coughing up blood, and suggested that they were so rare among children under two that they could be signs of child abuse. They recommended that in future a paediatrician should check out children with nosebleeds, but were careful to add: “No children described in this report suffered injury from definite abuse that was sufficiently worrying to trigger child protection proceedings at the time of the injury.”
Though no individual was named or accused, the lawyers went into a tizzy fearing that parents could sue the journal claiming the doctors were indirectly suggesting they may be abusers. That was enough of a chilling effect for the Archives of Disease in Childhood lawyers to stop publication.
Although it turned the paper down, Paediatrics decided that Professor McIntosh and his team had produced important work and published it. As its spelling suggests, Paediatrics in an American journal. Thus American doctors can read the results of a study of |British Children in the British hospitals that British publishers dare not run.
In the Eye article it is interesting that nose bleeds are highlighted as a possible indication of child abuse - obvious when you think about it.
This leads me onto to an explanation by GM regarding the alleged blood found in apartment in 5A. He suggested, if my memory serves me correctly, it could have come from Madeleine having a nose bleed. Ho hum.
Wiz, got to race off to the docs, just time enough to say, didn't Gerry say or Kate, well Madeleine may have had a nose bleed?
Oh back now Wiz and we obviously posted those same thoughts at the same moment!
It is odd that the McCanns felt pressured to explain the dogs finding blood because had it been me, entirely innocent, I would have just said, oh for goodness sake, this is a holiday apartment!
Of interest also is the fact that British Police were clearly quizzing previous occupiers as to whether they bled in the apt. I think one did say he cut himself shaving. So the police too were looking for an explanation of the blood found but clearly did not directly correlate it with Madeleine due to the imprecise results obtained. I think it was evidence of a systematic and sensible inquiry looking at all possibilities and ticking off the boxes as they exhaustively went through them. But still it comes back to the fact the police clearly had good cause to believe that Madeleine died or got injured whilst in the apartment and that the TAPAS 9 as a whole in light of their confusing lies/group timeline were clearly implicated in that disappearance.
Wiz I wonder how often and whether you do muse to yourself as I do, I would just love a heart to heart with Ian Hislop as to exactly what he really thinks about the McCanns case. I think it is clear he is not one of their apologists, but of course does not wish to bankrupt Private Eye by exposing it to such a grasping and litigious couple.
Wiz, the weather!
I gather the Southern half of the country are getting a pasting.
I was worried about my sister and her husband driving back to Wiltshire yesterday evening because it was so bad but they made it OK. Fortunately her H has a 4 x 4 type of car.
Here it has not snowed for three or four days, Sat I think it was jus too cold to snow, there is still some lying on the ground in my garden but the sun is blazing and the birds fluttering around and feeding on the Christmas feast I laid on for them.
I have a chest infection so do not want it to get worse again!
Wiz, I hate to say it but the Middle East, oil rich, cash rich.
Noticed their latest appeal was also printed in Arabic, then they send merciless Mitchell. This is clearly another big cash drive, not that they would care to admit that.
Now if they are so confident of extracting over a million from Goncalo is that really so necessary. Well I suppose they are not so confident, but even if they were, the McCanns surely could not have too many millions.
AFter all they need to give people like Halligen about half a million at a time. If they are waiting for that particular gentleman to launder some back to them, one suspects they may have a long wait, lol!
Wiz, I have to say that Dr Martin Roberts continues to annoy me with the innaccurate assumptions he makes that are so reminiscent of another I have read!
For example, here he tells us:
Madeleine was made a Ward of Court remember, and at the McCanns' request ("I can state that, on the instigation of Gerry and Kate McCann, Madeleine is a ward of the High Court of England and Wales." - Clarence Mitchell, 20.6.2008). The application was made just weeks after Madeleine disappeared and, on the assumption that Madeleine was still alive, the wardship was eventually ratified prior to the lifting of the parents' arguido status; an act which accompanied suspension of the investigation into the child's disappearance. Far from being the only people who will stand up for Madeleine, the McCanns are not now responsible for her even.
He claims the application was made just weeks after Madeleine disappeared, actually it was more like days, 17 May to be precise. But he also assumes the application was to make Madeleine a Ward of Court. It was NOT. It was an application under the Child Abduction and Custody Act/ The Hague Convention to ensure that any foreign government who got Madeleine had to return her directly to the care of the McCanns. In short, it was the COMPLETE OPPOSITE to the McCanns applying for Madeleine to be made a Ward of the High Court.
Madeleine was not made a Ward of Court until almost a year later on 2 April 2008 when the McCanns made a rash application to the High Court seeking to enforce the earlier Order Mrs Justice Hogg made that the police should disclose details of the search for Madeleine to them. Mrs Justice Hogg very clearly states that it was she who made Madeleine a Ward at that time. I would say due to information she received from the Police regarding the McCanns and the danger Madeleine was in, if not already dead.
Clarence Mitchell was being entirely disingenuous when he says I can state..at the instigation of the McCanns. Yes they did instigate it by their own actions in wishing to interfere further in the police investigation of them.
I am afraid that one who writes with a style that suggests he clearly knows what he is talking about can seriously mislead people and I continue to believe I know exactly who Dr Martin Roberts is, one who can no longer write on this case under his real name.
Today’s Guardian has a fair article in their icons of the decade re: mbm. See
May I take this opportunity to wish my fellow posters, Viv, Hope, Wizard, Di and Atardi a very happy Christmas and a great New year.
The article in The Guardian struck me on reading it as the whole affair is a massive manipulative exploitative hoax and this piece brings home the non conforming of the duo. It would take some act not to be emotional at the disappearance of a daughter, so either they are great actors or they did not give a damn?
Kate and Gerry McCann, so profoundly conventional in many ways, awkwardly resisted conforming to the behaviour that an increasingly engaged and judgmental public demanded, most notably a stubborn refusal to acknowledge any parental culpability on their part and a determinedly dry-eyed public face, albeit on the advice of professionals, that sat uneasily with the sentimental grammar of tabloid reporting and the public mood.
Hi Viv,
Thank you for the clarification over the ‘Ward of Court’ application. As you suggest the McCann took this action to get their hands more readily on the LP’s files which as we know they subsequently failed to secure.
Yes it would be great to have a quiet chat with Ian Hislop who not fettered by the restraints of Carter Ruck would I suspect, like a lot of others in the media, give an entirely different account to that which they are allowed to print.
The Guardian article I think goes as far as it can without hearing rumblings from Carter Ruck and it’s well written. I totally agree with what you say Joe.
It’s all very well to be told by professionals that you should not show emotion but to be able to do so is another matter. I do not think the explanation given for the McCanns' lack of emotion is adequately covered by this explanation.
Far be it from me to question the advice of professionals but, so what if the alleged abductor gets off on the parent’s emotional breakdown. If anyone any longer believes in an abductor who cares if the pervert enjoys the parents discomfort - it is a secondary matter one which if the perpetrator enjoys might keep the child alive longer if only to taunt the parents. This could buy time for the police to find the child alive. In hindsight this would not have happened in this case but in the early days who would known that over 2 ½ years later Madeleine would still not have been found, dead or alive. Perhaps only the McCanns?
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année 2010
Greeting Mila and I wish you a Fantastic Christmas time and New Year also, it is lovely to hear from you. xx
Joe and Wiz, with just a day to go, I am sending you lots of Christmas hugs, Hope, Atardi, Di and Docmac too. Without you this blog would not have kept going and thanks for your determination to continue to oppose Team McCann and support Justice for Maddie and the Twins.
I think the piece in the Guardian is critical and intended to be, as you say, within the confines of what they can say without the McCanns setting the dogs on them.
Did Shannon Matthews mom not get the dry eyed emotionless advice then? I have never yet seen parents on the TV, whether ultimately found to be guilty or innocent in the disappearance of their child who have not displayed emotion. So were all of these people just ignoring this so called professional advice? I hardly think so. The whole idea of such appeals is for the police and psychologists to analyse the response of those they consider guilty and in the case of the innocent to get witnesses to come forward by seeing the genuine agony of the parents as in the case of Rhys. As we have seen with Matthews and the McCanns, genuine agony is difficult to fake. The McCanns showed no emotion because they are devoid of emotion. It was that lack of emotion that enabled them to effectively just continue their holiday, laughing and jogging, even on Madeleine's birthday just a few days later there was nothing but laughter. To any normal parent this is just unimaginable. A normal mom in the so called position that Kate was in would have had screwed up red eyes and be completely unfit to be presented to the press.
a stubborn refusal to acknowledge any parental culpability on their part and a determinedly dry-eyed public face
These words are very cutting, they stubbornly refuse to accept responsibility. What action could the McCanns take on that statement? It is the truth. We often lamented, if only they had used the opportunity to say what we did in leaving our little children was terrible, let it be a lesson to all parents abroad or at home, never leave tiny children. This is what they stubbornly refused to do and it is guilty people who are stubborn. It is not possible to believe they not only left them, but even left the door open. A normal person would show more concern for their valuables like cameras and mobile phones than this couple apparently demonstrated for their own precious little children. None of the others would admit to even leaving the door open, it just completely beggars belief and was said to suggest that in spite of no break in, a stanger abduction was still possible. That is clarified by Gerry changing his statement from 4 May when he said they used their key to enter the front door, to 10 May when this time he insisted that the very next day he got it wrong, they used the rear patio door. The man is a wicked liar.
The Guardian then go with another adjective to describe the conduct of the McCanns "determinedly", the thing is it is just not possible for a mom or even a dad to be determinedly dry eyed in those circumstances, is it!
God Bless you little Maddie
The McCanns appear to be on the defensive sending open letters to Goncalo via the Pt media saying they are not intent on financially strangling him etc with their injunction. They delve into various debts and money problems he apparently already had. Like it is their business? We are entitled to think the McCanns already have various debts and problems with a £2000 per month mortgage that they used the Fund to supposedly to find their daughter to pay the instalments on and with Gerry angrily reacting he saw no reason why they should not use if for this or indeed on legal fees to defend themselves (as they had already been doing).
It is interesting the way the McCanns seem to be wanting to split off the injunction and justify that, from the further action to claim up to £1.2M which whether they care to admit it or not clearly would bankrupt Goncalo including finding all of the legal costs ancillary to those actions.
Time and time again, the McCanns make the most terrible mistakes with their money grabbing ways. ARe they finally beginning to realise that insisting they need about £400,000 for each of their children from Goncalo, including one who they disposed of and is a Ward of the High Court, even if found would not be returned to them, was just another media relations disaster for them. Did it not even occur to the emotionally numb mind of the grasping Gerry McCann this would cause people, not just in Portugal to loathe them still further. Did it not occur to him that most children do not have £400 to their names let alone such a massive amount. Did it not occur to him that it would show him up for what he is an emotionless retard who does not do love and care, he just does power and money, aggressive retaliation and the thrill it gives him?
Like it or not Goncalo was doing his job in investigating this couple and they do not have a right to quietly get on with their lives, Gerry forfeited that right when he engaged his "media circus" that on Paxman he demonstrated he finds so amusing. We do not find you amusing Gerry, and if you are about to have to do a humiliating volte face in your claims against Goncalo and his family, we rejoice!
December 23, 2009 - 00h30
McCann ensure that you are financially choke Gonçalo Amaral
Maddie's parents justify injunction
The preservation of good name, reputation and the possibility of being "left alone" to continue the search for Maddie are the justifications for the McCanns to the injunction that brought against the book 'The Truth Lies' by Gonçalo Amaral.
In a statement sent yesterday, the McCanns also ensure that it was his claim that led to the seizure of assets of Gonçalo Amaral, putting in financial difficulties the former coordinator of the Judicial Police.
"The lack of payment to creditors is not clear from our judicial activities which, until now, have not seen seized, for their benefit, any property that did not were already compromised," they assert. Remember that Gonçalo Amaral has accused the McCanns of the attempt to "stifle" financially.
See new pic at the top from Correia da Manha, I think motormouth, well yes he still has that arrogant look but there is something else I think, worry..
Oh dear Gerry, did you really think that with your own personal brand of care and your thinking style, you could con the world, what a fool you are!
Try doing some overtime or private medicine if anyone will have you and stop trying to grab everyone else's cash!
The preservation of good name, reputation
This is the McCanns excuse for their litigious, aggressive, money grabbing conduct.
I would just ask them this, when Kate went on TV to state that Maddie told her they had been crying and she just went and done it again, was that also for the preservation of her good name and reputation?
When they stood their laughing like a couple of clowns on Madeleine's fourth birthday, literally days after she disappeared, was that also for the preservation of their good name and reputation?
When Gerry said he realised that publicising Madeleine's eye defect could cause her harm or cause the abductor to do something to her eye, but it was A GOOD MARKETING PLOY, was that also for preservation of name and reputation?
They make my blood boil!
Viv and all those who share this space. You know that throughout the year I can't comment much, but I'm always here with you.
Today I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Best wishes from Spain. Mercedes
So sad to see that Sara Payne is in hospital fighting for her life. I hope that she survives to carry on her good work for children.
I also wish to bid Season's Greetings to all my friends who contribute to this blog.
Sara Payne is someone I do have time for and admire. It was sad to read about her condition and I can only hope she will improve.
It is interesting that the football manager caught coming out of a brothel cannot be identified in the tabloids, as there is an injunction in place. In reality his name is all over the web. The irony here for me, is that ordinarily in the past, us the public at large knew nothing unless it was published or broadcast so if something was to be kept quiet then so it was. The great thing about the net is that info comes out no matter what injunction is in place.
In the case of the Macs in the old days we would all be believing their story and the papers( still stuck in the past and cannot compete with the net) printing pro Mac stuff and none of us the wiser. The Macs never bargained IMO for the net and having to constantly fight a rearguard action. Lets hope more leaks come out in the New Year and the real truth starts to flow. The likes of Carter Muck eroding democracy and accountability to cover a multitude of sins for the rich and powerful.
Some people have hit the Christmas sherry early - this sick joke on twitter is reported in the Scottish Daily Record.
Sick Madeleine McCann Facebook group pulled after outrage
Dec 24 2009 Ben Spencer
A SICK Facebook group claiming to be created by Maddie McCann's kidnapper has been removed after thousands complained.
The group, named "If 2,000,000 people join this group, I will give back Maddie McCann," was slammed by outraged users who campaigned to get it banned.
The tasteless page on the social networking site included hundreds of twisted jokes about Maddie's disappearance and attracted 60,000 members.
It contained dozens of spoofed pictures of Madeleine depicting her kidnap and was "liked" by thousands of members.
The vile group was littered with messages from its anonymous creator, purporting to be from her kidnapper abroad.
One claimed: "I'm celebrating Christmas in Portugal this year! It'll just be me and Maddie though."
Another said: "She's doing fine. I just purchased a PS3, so she has some company in the wine cellar."
The group was created on December 10 and was finally shut down on Monday by Facebook administrators after thousands of people called for it to be deleted.
More than 6000 people joined seven separate groups set up in protest against the original group. Others branded the creator sick.
One user said: "You are sick in the head if you think this is funny, you perverts. This group is disgusting and the person who started it should go to jail."
Another wrote: "The parents could have been looking at it thinking that all day, every day their missing daughter is in the hands of a sick, perverted, a******e. "It just makes you feel physically sick."
Some members even believed the twisted joker was for real.
One girl wrote: "Give her back. She has got a family, you know. You're well harsh. Get your head sorted out."
Another said: "I think you sick people should give her back to people that love her."
Madeleine was nearly four when she was kidnapped from a flat in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007, while on holiday with parents Kate and Gerry.
A spokesman for Find Madeleine, the campaign set up by Kate and Gerry, refused to comment.
Facebook's terms and conditions page states: "You will not post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence."
Hi Viv and all
Merry Christmas to each and everyone one of you, I hope you all have a wonderful time.
So sad about Sara Payne, I do hope she recovers. Sara has fought tirelessly for Sara's Law, I have great admiration for her.
Hi Wizard
Thank goodness that was pulled.
Have a great Christmas x
Hello All
I dont know where the time has gone ???
Anyway Merry Christmas to all on this site I hope you all have a really happy peaceful Christmas with the people you love and love you in return...
Enjoy your first year as a Grandmother!!!
See you all soon xxx
Mercedes, how lovely to hear from you. It is great that coming up to three years down the line our friends in Spain, Portugal and other parts of the world are still there fighting for justice with us. We will not let the McCanns rule the day with their lies and spin.
I think our campaign highlighting how they just wish to bankrupt Goncalo has reaped results, now they rue the day they announced they wanted to grab all that cash supposedly in the names of their tiny children who clearly need far more than money from the gruesome twosome, not that they will ever get it.
It is lovely to hear from you again darling and I wish you and all your readers a Fantastic Festive Season and an even better New Year, in fact we all do!!
Luv Viv xxx
How lovely to hear from you again too my old chocolate fireman friend!
I hope you have a great time over Christmas and New Year, from all of your old friends on here.
Lots of Love Viv
I am really sorry to hear about Sara Payne, that is very sad news at this time of year and in view of her valiant struggle to gain justice for all children which shows what a really special lady she is.
I am sure we all wish her the very best.
hiya Joe, you are so right, in spite of their best efforts and the Carta Mucks, just like Trafigura, the McCanns did not bargain on the sheer awesome power of the internet for people to discuss and disseminate the truth.
Times have moved on for the better, we are no longer reliant on the stifled British press, or beholden to the courts and what they will allow us to know with the well heeled litigant calling the shots! The McCanns unleashed the power of the internet and it is their own richly deserved nemesis.
Have a great Christmas and New Year Joe and once again, thanks for all your contributions to our blog.
Love Viv xx
Wiz, I think the McCanns bring out the worst in people and to an extent I can see that people feel they are ripe for satire, but when it becomes personal to Madeleine all sense of good taste is clearly lost.
Thank you for your kind comments. My best regards to you and thank you for allowing me and others to post our opinions be they wrong or right. Best wishes.
Hiya Joe and thanks. Our opinions, public opinion is important and something we obviously cherish.
I think it is right that we continue to let the McCanns know our opinion, we may not always be right but our concern for little Madeleine and all abused children is genuine enough, that is what I like so much about the bloggers on here!
I am sure you will join me in hope for Sara Payne whose condition has improved a little. She did so much for abused children and let us hope she will recover and can continue her work.
Sara Payne improving in hospital after brain surgery
Sara Payne
Sara Payne was made Victims' Champion at the beginning of this year
Child protection campaigner Sara Payne's condition has improved after she was taken to hospital with complications following brain surgery.
Ms Payne, 40, fell ill on Wednesday and was taken to St George's Hospital in Tooting, south London, in a critical condition but is now said to be stable.
Friends said she underwent surgery in 2008 to cure a ruptured aneurysm.
Her eight-year-old daughter Sarah was kidnapped from a field in West Sussex in 2000 and murdered by Roy Whiting.
'Difficult time'
Ms Payne, of Surrey, was appointed an MBE for services to child protection in the 2008 New Year Honours List.
A family source said: "The early signs of her treatment were positive."
Director of campaign group Kidscape Michele Elliott, who is also a friend, said: "Sara is the most wonderful and indomitable person and if anyone can get through this, it's her.
"Everyone needs to pray and send their good thoughts at this difficult time. I have been in tears."
Justice Secretary Jack Straw said: "Our thoughts are with Sara and her family."
Ms Elliott said relatives and friends had been at her hospital.
A spokesperson said on Thursday: "We can confirm that Sara Payne is receiving care at St George's and is currently in a stable condition."
Serial sex offender
Ms Payne began working to protect children from paedophiles and speaking out for victims after her daughter was murdered.
It emerged during the case that Whiting was a serial sex offender who had also abducted and sexually assaulted a nine-year-old girl five years before he killed Sarah Payne.
After Whiting was convicted and jailed for life she called on the government to change the law surrounding information about paedophiles.
The so-called "Sarah's Law" was partly inspired by Megan's Law in the United States, which was introduced after the rape and murder of seven-year-old Megan Kanka in 1994.
Ms Payne was made Victims' Champion at the beginning of this year, a 12-month post in which she was tasked with providing an independent public voice for victims of and witnesses to crime.
Amaral answers to the McCanns: exclusive interview to Portuguese newspaper "The Crime":
"I did what I could to help find Maddie, but, I made some mistakes".
The former PJ coordinator considers that "a cop is not obliged to obtain results", but to do the best he can. And he claims convinced that he is going to win the case which opposes him against the British couple about the injunction on his book. "Don´t underestimate me", he warns.
Question: How do you respond to the observation of the couple McCann, in an interview at our newspaper, that none of PJ investigators did more then their work, contrary to you, that accused people that the Attorney General and the judge declared innocents?
Answer: The couple is badly informed. The case does not reach the sphere of any judge, it stayed by the Attorney General (AG). Then, the AG did not made a definitive interim (case archived), leaving the process in "stand-by", waiting the production of better evidence.
Question: However, the dispatch of the interim concludes that, to the parents, could not be given any responsability in the disappearance of their daughter...
Answer: Also not true. What the AG told in the dispatch of the interim was that the not involvement of the parents in any illicit act "seems to result" - from a group of elements about those he gave an opinion. An opinion that goes for the process, but does not establish any absolute true that limits the public discussion. We are not at the Middle age.
Question: Don´t you think you had the obligation of finding little Maddie, just like the couple says?
Answer: A cop is not obliged to obtain results. He is obliged to do the best he can. That is what I and my Portuguese and British colleagues have done. With mistakes, I admit. I have already made the self-critic of the investigation in the book "The truth of lie".
Question: If mistakes were not made in the investigation, would it be possible to find the girl alive?
Answer: Maybe the girl could have been found. I cannot say more because of the injunction.
Question: The McCanns are convinced that the thesis of the supposed death harms the steps which are being carried with the purpose of finding her alive...
Answer: The AG closed the inquiry - and in the dispacth of the archived case distributed to the press worldwide - wrote in that dispatch that the death seems the "most likely" cenario. And it has not be processed / challenged.
Question: The McCanns accuse you of pronouncing about situations related with their family, which they don´t do about yours...
Answer: I pronounce about a criminal process and not about situations related with their family. And they don´t need to pronounce about situations related to my family because they don´t need. Maybe there are someone who professionally do it and without their knowledge. There are many who forgets that I worked 30 years in the criminal investigation. At certain time I will request the steps of evidence suitable to discover the truth and repair the damage that I have suffered.
Question: Is it true that, so far, you have not lost anything, not even the two euros which you maintaned deposited in your bank accounts?
Answer: So far, I have not lost anything, nor I´m going to lose. I´m going to win the process, you can be sure of that. What happened to me was my cash income with the purpose of prevent me to face the expenses of a court and to the payment of fees to lawyers. Do you have the notion of how much costs to bear such a process like this? It costs a fortune, Besides, much more them my Jaguar...
Question: Speaking about the Jaguar, it says that has been bought with the profits of the book "The truth of lie"...
Answer: But, it doesn´t say that before this Jaguar bought in second hand, I had another one, much older.
The new book:
Question: In your new book "The British Gag" you forcefully criticizes the judicial decision who ordered the removal from the market the book "The truth of lie". Do you want to comment?
Answer: I say it´s a illegal decision, a unfair decision, therefore, a case of censorship. The court, by not listening to me before ordered the injunction, decided only based in the elements which were presented by the McCanns. The court was not aware of the statements I presented in the book, so, it took my words a a free offensive and not as a statement grounded.
Question: Do you think that after the hearing of the witnesses which you presented, the decision will be changed?
Answer: Yes. I presented witnesses and will present the criminal process itself to be analyzed in court. Such elements of evidence will be, in my opinion, enough to the Mrs. Judge to obtain the clarification which until now she had not. I contacted with many judges for almost 30 years. I have between judges many friends. What they do is well grounded in the elements they have at their disposal, and, right now, Mrs. Judge of the Civil Court of Lisbon has much more elements then before. So, I´m convinced that she will decide in my favour.
Question: The couple McCann felted smeared with your conclusions in the book "The truth of lie".
Answer: It´s not the fact of a person felted offended, or to say that is offended, that legitimates the censorship of a publication. If so, and if most of citizens had the financial capacity of the McCanns, no paper would be in the newsstands. Half of the pages would be in white. As news, such as public opinion, it does not have to be accurate to be freely reported and published. It has to be grounded. It has to be conceived without the purpose of attack someone.
Question: The "British Gag" also criticizes violently the politicians. Why?
Answer: Any respected politcian of this country has rebelled against what happened to me? But when are themselves or their friends, targets of a judicial procedure, even paedophile or corruption, attacks judge, attorneys and PJ, saying they are being manipulated politically, that are incompetents, etc.
Question: Were you expected that the politicians criticized the decision of the Civil Court of Lisbon?
Answer: The least I expected was that the politicians came to public square saying that the Institute of injunctions had to be rethinked to allow no judge to decide the limits of free speech of a citizen based only in elements presented by those who says offended. This is censorship and there is no turning back.
Question: Depending the result of this process, will you stop here?
Answer: The future belongs to God. But, if I have financial capability, it may have surprises. I was almost 30 years in the PJ. Don´t underestimate me.
Question: If mistakes were not made in the investigation, would it be possible to find the girl alive?
Answer: Maybe the girl could have been found. I cannot say more because of the injunction.
Goncalo now appears to be admitting that Madeleine may have been found alive. How does that square with him stating in his documentary, "I will prove" that she died in the apartment.
He appears to be defending the case on the basis he has a right to freedom of speech, but I believe he went too far. He started to assert his opinion as fact.
To me there is something very immoral about insisting a missing child is dead when the reality is all of the top brains that went into this investigation did not support that view.
There is support for the McCanns being involved and now it would seem even Goncalo admits that at the time of her disappearance she may have been alive.
There is nothing right about the conduct of the McCanns or Goncalo Amaral, IMO and neither will come out of this court case without bearing some financial penalties for their own conduct.
The McCanns are also pretty good at asserting things as facts when in fact they are no such thing.
They declare they process found them innocent in the disappearance of Madeleine. This is completely false. The purpose of a police investigation is to try and found out what happened to the victim, who was responsible and sufficient evidence for those people to be charged. The investigation failed to uncover that evidence.
If the McCanns had been charged and subjected to a trial then it would have been possible for a court to declare them innocent but even in this situation it does not always happen. There is no way that a mere police investigation can declare any suspect innocent particularly when the investigation revealed so many parts of the jigsaw that so clearly point to the guilt of the McCanns and their friends in the disappearance of Madeleine. Declaring innocence is not the job of the police but in the case of Robert Murat, they clearly found no evidence at all linking him to the disappearance of Madeleine. There are just some strange things that need explaining, notably, when Gerry was asked and do you know Robert Murat, why did he refuse to answer. I would suggest that was because he and his friends sought to set him up as the perfect Patsy and maybe they did know him/ know of him. Maybe that is why they chose that particular holiday so near to his home.
I remain pretty certain that Madeleine's disappearance was planned by Gerry McCann and others and that she was very likely still alive when he removed her from that apartment. I am not libelling Gerry by saying that because there is evidence to support my view, Martin Smith and his wife are almost certain it was him and Madeleine at around 10 that night and Madeleine was in a deep sleep. I would say a drug induced sleep, the same as the twins were subjected to and Gerry admits they appeared to be drugged. Gerry lied saying an abductor broke in and then he lied again and said the patio door was left open. There is no room for doubt in my own mind or room for doubt as to why he took those old 6 x 4 pics of little Maddie to PDL with him, including one of her looking so sweet in her Everton kit, that he immediately used to flash up at Everton and cash in on. He is repulsive and he will regret the day he opened a hornets nest by suing Goncalo Amaral. That was a piece of sheer over confidence, Goncalo is not right, but he is nowhere near as wrong as Gerry McCann!
Hi Viv,
I hope you had a very good Christmas and all you and your family are keeping well.
I’ve just been reading back your posts from yesterday and note your comments on the two statements below.
Question: If mistakes were not made in the investigation, would it be possible to find the girl alive?
Amoral: Maybe the girl could have been found. I cannot say more because of the injunction.
As you know I have a slightly different viewpoint from you and therefore the above statement translates with a different slant to me.
From what is being said Amaral imo means he cannot give his beliefs on the situation because of his current legal position. So he suggests the girl could have been found but legally cannot say the body of the girl because of the injunction.
I feel the mistakes he refers to concerns the handling of the McCanns, possibly even making them arguidos too soon and causing them to run back to England. If the pj had concentrated on the McCanns earlier, before they gathered an entourage round them, he may now feel Madeleine’s body would have been found as the McCanns would have confessed and said what they had done with her. I do not understand from this statement he believes Madeline to be alive I think his position remains the same but cannot answer the question fully because of the legal gag which is currently on him.
hiya Wiz
I think that is another and I accept probably more plausible explanation of what Goncalo meant.
As you imply if the dogs and British forensic team had checked the apartment immediately it is very likely better evidence would have been obtained. I think he does explain in his book that they were forced to waste a great deal of time checking out the McCanns trumped up versions of stranger abductions which on anyone's reckoning simply did not happen.
I also agree the McCanns probably were made arguidos far too soon before there was any definitive evidence against them which did cause them to flee Portugal. I believe it was Goncalo's former boss who said this and I do not feel he was being malicious at all. I know that in UK murder suspects can remain that for many years before British Police let them know this if they are still searching for that vital breakthrough and keeping the suspect under secret obs, that would have been the way forward with the McCanns, they were warned far too soon making intercepts impossible really.
I too take your slant re the mistakes. I interpret it as a body as well. If it were otherwise he would have said as the injunction is against his thesis that Madeline is dead. There would be no objection to him saying finding her alive, which he clearly did not say,but could have if he believed it. I agree with Viv that perhaps the duo were made suspects too soon. If anything it galvanized them into entrenchment and he got the push. So he never got to have the Smiths back re their sighting which I think could have been very significant. As we all know the duo then bolted, the rest is history. His misfortune was getting this case as the dice was cast from the start IMO. If it had been another officer he/she would have had the same treatment.
hiya again both
It kind of reminds me of that remark attributed to Stu Prior, well yes I have arrested people for far less..
Was he seeking to persuade Goncalo to go softly softly with the McCanns to try and find out more about what they did with Maddie before pouncing, but, perhaps at the same time, up against a rather suspicious Goncalo who read that as Stu was on the side of the McCanns..I think not!
Hello All
I once again cant belive that any person with an ounce of common sense or reason can belive a word these two so say parents utter...
reading the McCann files last night I noticed a new page about the reconstruction and the e mails that went back and forth between here and the PJ...
Those 7 adults who are also proud to tell the world how they neglected thier children even though 2 of them were ill (dont get me started on the idiot Rachel and smelling through the door to see if her baby had soiled itslef) why the hell is she seen to be fit to be a mother is beyond me???? But the 7 of them boasted how they just buggered off night after night leaving the kids to rot...
Anyway (rant nearly over) reading the questions from them about why they should return would break the heart of any other parent of a missing child. If my child were missing and the scum I was on holiday with kicked up even half a reluctance to go back and help in any way they could I would be dragging them by their hair...
yet nothing and we saw why on Gerry's own mockumentry they just could not do it to fit their made up timeline... They paid an Amercian Actress and could not even use her because it did not show what they were trying to sell....
Gerry IMHO has been duped into speaking at the missing childrens confrence now they are talking about faked abductions they know exactly what this man is.... they cant be bought as they really are there for all the children who are missing and that includes Maddie....
No wonder Kate looks so ill and Gerry looks ready to punch someone problem is they look now like parents of a missing child but any parent of a missing child would have looked like that in the first few hours not a couple of years later when people doubt them even more....
Hiya Hope
It does pay to remember that this whole group are perfectly happy to brag about what neglectful parents they are. Earning perhaps three times the national average salary but quite incapable of even arranging proper babysitters for their children and seemingly feeling those poor children should never be with them, that would spoil their fun.
Doctors who are trained in child abuse and neglect perpetuate it. I agree Rachel's comments about how she did not even want to smell her own baby are simply horrific. Any mother who can admit she would leave a baby alone with such a serious illness deserves to be locked up and have the baby taken from her. Why would they risk such public approbation for Kate and Gerry McCann by making these terrible admissions?
Twelve months later it is all too late to be effective according to them, to attend a proper police reconstruction, but two years later it is not too late for a couple of them to agree to some Kate and Gerry propaganda, but as you say, they pay for an actress to play Kate and then realise her story is so farcical they cannot include it. Another criminal waste of peoples' money. At no stage in this email exchange do we see any intervention at all from the erm "concerned parents", Kate and Gerry McCann insisting their friends take part in this reconstruction to help them find Madeleine and co-operate with the police. Oh, no, they sit there smirking at home, so pleased their lies are not going to be played out.
I agree they are playing Gerry by asking him to speak at this conference where they are talking about faked abduction. Does the man have no shame?
I also think it is worthwhile looking at just how "devastated" they were in the initial months after the disappearance as they got the PJ to play to their faked abduction tune. Now, almost three years later they genuinely do look devastated, well in Gerry's case furious and cynical. Clearly things are not proceeding as planned. Tough luck Gerry, no Maddie the Movie, No bestselling book. How envious he is of Goncalo, he even wants to take the cash. I am sure in his own mind he can rationalise it by saying, only I am allowed to cash in on my Maddie, I trademarked her, all the profits from Maddie belong to me. In fact that is exactly what Clarence Mitchell used to keep on saying, until he and the McCanns realised that was not a very good thing to be telling the public.
Vigilante bloggers (and others) who just go too far beware!
Blogs threatened Baby Peter cases
By Jeremy Britton
BBC News
Jurors in the second trial were unaware of the defendants' links to Baby Peter
The people responsible for the death of Baby Peter have been jailed. However, as BBC News reports, these prison terms were put at risk by internet hate campaigns.
Vigilante-style websites which are determined to name and shame the mother of Baby Peter and her boyfriend almost wrecked their second trial for the rape and neglect of a two-year-old child.
Their efforts to "out" the identities of the couple - who still cannot be named for legal reasons - could even have led to some of those responsible for Baby Peter's death receiving far lesser sentences than the ones they did.
It raises further questions on how justice can continue to operate in high-profile cases when judge's orders can be so easily broken by bloggers.
Reporting restrictions on the media after the Baby Peter trial prevented any information about his mother and boyfriend facing a second trial being made public.
Despite efforts by the mainstream media to challenge the orders, the press was placed in a position that to even mention the second trial could have resulted in a substantial fine or even imprisonment for contempt of court.
Identities of the defendants and the false names they had been given in court had leaked out on websites that specialised in demonising the Baby Peter three
The public could only be told that the couple's sentencing - and that of their lodger Jason Owen who was also found guilty of causing or allowing Peter's death but did not feature in the second trial - was being delayed for legal reasons.
Before the second trial even started, defence lawyers for the couple argued forcefully that any jury trying the mother and boyfriend would be prejudiced if they knew who was in the dock in front of them.
They said the defendants were perceived by the public in the same way as the Soham murderer and his girlfriend and that more than half a million people had already signed internet petitions demanding justice for Peter.
These internet campaigns made it impossible to hold a fair trial, they argued.
The judge, Stephen Kramer, disagreed and ordered a trial could go ahead provided the jury was not told the defendants were linked with Peter in any way.
And as a a failsafe measure, it was agreed the defendants should be given false names.
But despite these efforts and within days of the trial starting, the identities of the defendants and the false names they had been given in court had leaked out on websites that specialised in demonising the Baby Peter three.
Harsher sentence
Bloggers not only directed readers to where the trial was happening but gave details of what evidence was being heard.
The trial came to an abrupt halt and police were ordered to investigate the source of the information.
It was feared that the trial itself might have been compromised after barely starting.
Finally, it was decided it could continue, but only once the jury were given firm instructions not to do any research on the internet.
The plan worked.
After delivering its verdicts, the jury was told how the two defendants had been convicted or pleaded guilty to causing or allowing Peter's death. Not one reacted as if they knew.
As a result, the boyfriend of Peter's mother received a far greater sentence not only for causing the boy's death, which carried a 14-year maximum prison stretch, but also for the rape conviction which carried a potential life sentence.
Peter's mother was cleared of cruelty to the second child.
If the websites that were so determined to give away the second trial had led to its collapse, they would have been responsible for the earlier release of one of the very people they sought to vilify.
I understand that releasing points that could sway a jury could result in a miss trial but I dont understand how naming the so called mother of Baby P could hurt anyone???
We nearly always know the names of people going to trial, Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr, Peter Sutcliff and Harold Shipman etc etc so what did it matter that the internet released the names of the scum who harmed Baby Peter???
The only reason not to release the name of the Murdered Baby and his killers is to protect a child under 18...
Yet Social Services The Police and Dr's had never protected Peter and once he had been allowed to be tortured to death naming him could hardly have harmed him in any way....
His killers will walk free with new identities at a cost of millions that should be ploughed into keeping children safe the system needs to change...
no more new identities for child killers give them a choice leave jail and take your chances or choose to stay in jail and work for your keep and stay safe...
It is more of a choice than any of them give the victims of their evil crimes...
Hi Viv
Rachel is the Mother from hell although I think she was lying about leaving her child alone so I guess she is not as evil as she makes out to be... It is amazing that she is happy to say she is such a useless and selfish Mother and look so smug about it... Her statement is enough to have her child removed from her and placed somewhere safe....
As for the bloggers making things worse for a trial maybe so but lets face it if The McCann's had their way the PJ and PDL would be the guilty parties whilst Saint Kate and Gerry would remain the victims whilst Maddie would be a trademark to make money out of...
I agree Hope4truth,
If nothing else it keeps the ball rolling and rocks the establishment where everybodyis supposed to know his/her place, where we should all just accept that the authorities know best. Aside from bloggers and the trial, these very bloggers show up the incompetent paid professionals that are supposed to look after the most vulnerable in society, be they police,social services, whoever. It brings these people under wide scrutiny and maybe the future will see them all get their act together for fear of bloggers.
The net is fact of life now and as I stated the other day the football manager coming out of the brothel was identified all over the web despite an injunction. The Justice system will just have to deal with the reality of the internet as well and move with the times, how I do not know but its thee to stay.
Hiya both
With the BabyP case they had already been found guilty of that but the press had to remain silent whilst they faced a totally separate trial concerning the rape of a two year old girl.
The Judge gave them false identities because the reasoning goes, if the jury had known they killed Baby Peter they would have been prejudiced against them and found them guilty of the rape of the other child, regardless of whether or not the evidence was strong enough to convict them. That would have enabled defence lawyers to say this was not a fair trial and they would have got away with it.
The thing is, to this day, Kate and Gerry McCann keep on parading themselves on the telly etc. So the Judge could not protect them from prejudice in the same way.
Internet petitions effectively declaring them guilty of killing Madeleine and disposing of her body are playing right into their hands... most especially if that is what they actually did.
I would just add that given Adam Tudor actually admitted before the Select Committe the Police had told the press to cool it, that is a positive not a negative!
If the Police were determined to just let the McCanns walk they would not be bothered about any future trial being prejudiced.
Hi Joe,
A bit off topic here but over Christmas my sister-in-law was talking about the football manager, brothels etc but did not know who it was and nor did anyone else.
Do you know who it was?
Hi Viv,
I was just reading your post of a couple of days ago regarding Baby P. I am totally confused.
I haven’t been following it on-line so do not know what was being said and what wasn’t. It came as complete surprise that one of the other children in the family (?) was also raped and abused and the mother and her boyfriend were on trial.
Any case dealing with children, let alone child rape victims, can’t be openly reported on and there are always restrictions on journalists. This would prove to be the case here.
I have to say the London Borough of Haringey Social Services department must have breathed a sigh of relief as if this child is a sibling of Peters (?) that would have been another catastrophic mistake they had made.
I read the article you posted twice and still can’t quite grasp what’s going on. Who was the child involved and why was the defendants names withheld in court? If the journalists knew their true identity, along with the barristers, solicitors, judge and internet why was it necessary to keep the jury in the dark?
This suggests the jury were thought to be too simple to be allowed the information and judge only on the evidence presented in court and not swayed by the defendants previous convictions. But the judge is above all this, would see a fair trial and not give the maximum sentence if they were found guilty just because he was aware of their true identity.
Justice to me seems to be balance on which side of the bed the judge in question got out of that morning. Too suggest that a judge cannot be guilty of bias is crass naivety.
Hi Wizard,
re your question. Think of the seaside
and a naval base.
I agree too that there are many Judges who are biased, stands to reason as there is no such person that is apolitical. Why are these injunctions so easy to gain, even when human life is at stake?
Hiya Wiz
It was not another little girl of the family. She was raped a number of times by him in 2007, aged 2, at the same time as he was abusing BabyP.
BabyPs mother saw him doing this on one occasion but did not intervene and I think that is the basis of her own conviction for this.
The little girl broke legal history by being the youngest ever child to give evidence in relation to a sexual offence and her cross examination by defence counsel was horrific leaving police feeling she must have suffered further serious trauma due to this, on top of the obvious trauma of being raped.
I personally find it appalling that when a little girl has been examined by various medical experts including a child psychiatrist and the police and all that testimony videoed she should then be subjected to further cross examination in court. I hope this case will bring about a change in the law in this respect. The Crown Prosecution indicated they had to call her and allow her to be cross examined because without her, they simply had no evidence of what happened to her.
Wiz, the jury had to be kept in the dark because of the defendant's right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
The feeling is that jury members, unlike judges may be subject to prejudice and had they known this couple already stood convicted in relation to the torture and death of BabyP they would have just found them guilty anyway without properly considering whether there was satisfactory evidence to convict. In short they had to just try the second case against them without knowledge of the first.
If the Judge had not taken steps to try and ensure these two did get a fair trial they would have been able to appeal ultimately to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg saying they did not receive a fair trial, without bias or prejudice against them.
I still believe that it is very likely this is why Kate and Gerry McCann make damn sure the public never forget them, because if and when they are put on trial, their lawyers will be able to argue they are so infamous anyway and there are so many blogs and campaigns that have already found them guilty, a fair trial is simply not possible.
In those circumstances the defendant gets away with it. I have to confess that I actually believe Kate and Gerry are behind some of the serious vigilantes, including Tony Bennett et al.
Brave Jane admits her sexuality. In the New Millenium I do not think anyone should have a problem admitting this, let us hope prejudice can continue to be a thing of the past!
She admits her most difficult job was the McCanns. I am sure and we still appreciate that initial interview that really showed Kate and Gerry for what they are. Kate said they had been really busy looking for Maddie "behind the scenes" but admitted they had not been looking for her "as such". Kate did not even look for Maddie the very first night she went missing but wants us to think that she is now!
Jane Hill outs herself as gay in BBC's in-house magazine
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:07 AM on 31st December 2009
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Jane Hill: The BBC newsreader has come out as gay
BBC newsreader Jane Hill has outed herself as gay in the Corporation's in-house magazine.
The 40-year-old presenter revealed she was living with her partner Sara and their dog Mavis in an interview with Ariel.
The couple have been together for about a year.
'Everyone has known for years that Jane is gay,' a colleague said.
'She hasn't made a secret of it at the BBC and although she has had other girlfriends over the years, this one seems to be the one.'
More...Jonathan Ross angers BBC bosses after slamming television schedule
Described by one male TV critic as 'severe but sexy,' Miss Hill is much admired for her presentational and reporting skills.
At one point, she even had her own unofficial internet fan club.
According to Richard Kay, Miss Hill dated Strictly Come Dancing winner Chris Hollins in the past. The pair split up some years ago but remain good friends.
Miss Hill started working in BBC local radio at 16 before taking a politics degree at London University.
After graduating from the corporation's regional news trainee scheme, she worked as a producer at Five Live before moving to television.
Miss Hill is now an anchor on the BBC's News Channel and presented Christmas Day lunchtime bulletins.
She has worked on many high profile stories including Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 and the inauguration of Barack Obama.
However, she describes her hardest job as dealing with the Madeleine McCann case.
'I was there the day after she disappeared and ended up being there for the whole of May,' she told Ariel.
'It was emotionally draining, that lack of resolution.I'm not a parent but I don't need to be one to know how absolutely horrific it must be.'
Miss Hill's lists her interests as the theatre, food and wine and going to the gym.
She admits to being an Archers addict on her BBC profile.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1239594/Jane-Hill-outs-gay-BBCs-inhouse-magazine.html#ixzz0bGevNNHM
Viv xxxxxx
Hi Joe,
Thank you for the information about the not so kosher, married with children, football manager. I was reading that the real story was the brothel was staffed or should I say manned by Philippine lady boys. LOL fact or fiction who knows!
Happy new year Joe.
Hi Viv,
Thank you for clarifying the Baby P parents’ second appearance in court, which I did not know about.
Fair trial and the notoriety of the defendant – as I mentioned before Michael Jackson’s lawyers, a few years back, said that he would not be given a fair trial due to the World wide speculation in the run up to his case. As we know the case was still heard and not proven. Mind you MJ was not the sainted McCanns so perhaps if they put forward this argument it will be allowed to stand.
Happy New Year Viv
Happy New Year to everyone.
Happy New Year everyone.
Happy New Year to you.
It takes all sorts and that was what he probably got if ladyboys were on the menu.
Hi Wizard & Joe
Happy New Year to both of you, hope it is a good one.
I know this is not the first time this person has been seen entering brothels. What on earth was he thinking of, the shame and misery he has brought on his wife and children is truly unforgivable.
Yet again the high and mighty think they can hide with injunctions on the press, but hopefully not for much longer.
You reap what you sow.
Hello guys and I hope you have not troubled the NHS with your alcohol intake :-)))
I wonder, will the Doctors Kate and especially Gerry McCann be included in the New Years Honours List.
I wait with baited breath xx
Well, I did an exhaustive check of the Honours List and no, the McCanns have not be rewarded for their services to parenting or their Amber Alert initiatives which the EU Parliament had actually thought of several years previously..Neither have they received a reward for their charitable enterprises.
I think it was the Director for Safeguarding Children Leicester who genuinely was honoured, sadly no retrospective action she could take for Madeleine, disposed of whilst her parents were so conveniently out of the jurisdiction. But is she safeguarding the twins by allowing them to remain with the gruesome twosome who have started to believe their own lies now? And they really do hate the police, strange that!
I am sure they will find it appropriate to spend just a little more of Madeleine's Fund on 5 star hotel accommodation etc (they are celebrities now, come on guys) on the 12th Jan when they jet out to oversee their latest cash making venture. But I am feeling they are not so confident, judging by the looks on their faces above, this was really such a good idea!
Oh, and I wonder, how much is the PR initiative to make people like them in Portugal costing, not to mention one of Portugal's best lawyers (god knows they need her). Sometimes you can throw heaps of other peoples' cash at a problem (if you are as brazen as the McCanns) but it still changes nothing.
Happy new year all...
Sadly you reap what you sow and even if the McCann's take Amaral for every last penny he has it does not change a thing...
If we believe what they are trying to sell 9 adults thought so little of their children on that holiday they neglected them at night and dumped them in a creche all day so they could pretend to be childless and carefree on their holiday...
If we belive what they are trying to sell it is the fault of Gerry Kate and the Abductor that Madeleine is mising they neglected her and left her alone to face the hell she is now in a hell they have not once tried to do anything about by wasting her fund on fraudulant teams (who they said they did a good job)and the sweet Mother refused to answer a single question for her little girl...
if we believe they are lying it can only mean she is dead (or they gave her away) and they are the most fraudulant people in the world... Their friends must have something to hide or one of them would have spoken out by now...
Sadly for them if they are telling the truth and she was taken IMHO they must be the most evil people in the world to have laughed on her Birthday and made sure no one really knew the facts of what happend to her...
Justice for Madeleine
Hiya Hope and Happy New Year to you!
I agree if Madeleine really was taken by a stranger then they must be the most evil couple in the world to have managed to just carry on with their tennis and jogging routines and even jetted off and left the two they had left. Not to mention laughing on her birthday just days later as £260 per hour was rolling into their fund. That has to be the worst example of looking on the bright side I can possibly imagine.
I remain convinced they simply had to leave Madeleine on her own again, otherwise they could not have ensured that she was "taken" and again, only the most evil parents imaginable would leave a little girl again who complained that she and her even tinier siblings had been crying due to them doing that.
They dumped their children day and night and the really heartbreaking thing is that they bothered to take them at all. They could have taken them to some loving relatives who would have given them a real holiday and Madeleine would not be missing at all, that is a FACT.
Poor little Madeleine, children cannot choose their "parents".
Hi Viv
Very true children cant choose their parents but social services have chosen better parents for children whoes own parents have let them down in ways much less evil than the McCann's...
it is only time that has made me realise just how evil the two of them would have to be if they were telling the truth...
I think there plan has fallen apart with most people now just thinking they are very odd and so many not believeing them at all...
god knows what they did to their child but I really do belive if she had been taken their behaviour puts them in league with Brady and Hindley (then I dont know the truth so they may be more evil than them)...
if she died in an accident although they should never have covered it up at least they are not leaving her to rot while they spin themselves into the roll of victim...
I do think that if they lose the case against Amaral things may unravel a bit, but I fear that the decision is already bought in PT for them. I think perhaps that Amaral knows this and its why he has a second book out on censorship, ( came out on the day of their last visit to PT and the postponed hearing). There are too many people involved IMO for the truth to be let out.
As far as the New Year's Honours list, there is time yet in the future and they would not be the first to be honoured completely undeserving. In Blair's time honours could be bought and I doubt if much has changed since. Give money to a political party and heh presto Sir,Lady or MBE at the least. The real heroes in society never get feted, the mothers,fathers, carers and workers of this world. Even the disgraced politicians get elevated to the Lords.
You could be right in the future these two pieces of work could well be honoured it depends if they have people in high places prepared to push this for them...
It would be a disaster for them if this did happen as people would be very vocal about it being very wrong...
Gerry and Kate McCann are nothing more if totaly innocent of anything bar neglect than unfit parents who even after their child told them she had been upset just abandoned her again in an unlocked apartment without another thought for her...
And their biggest shame of all is throwing her fund down the drain and creating such a whirlwind of spin no one has a clue what actually happend to Madeleine as even the time line that was invented could not be used in their own reconstruction as it could not include Kate....
I never used to hate them just thought they were terrible parents but I have to admit if Maddie really was abducted they are nothing more than evil scum who should never be allowed near any children as they have no idea how to care for them...
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