IFindings 225
Child abduction: understanding police re c o rd e d
crime statistics
Geoff Newiss and Lauren Fairbrother
The offence of child abduction is part of the Violence Against the Person category of police
re c o rded crime. Whilst the offence forms only a small pro p o rtion of all Violence Against the
Person offences (just 0.1% in 2002/03), the total number of offences re c o rded by the police
i n c reased by 45% in 2002/03 from the previous year, to 846 offences (Simmons and Dodd,
2003). The main t y p e s of offence constituting the total number of re c o rded child abductions
a c ross
may have increased so dramatically from the previous year are also discussed.
The views expressed in these findings are those of the authors, not
necessarily those of the Home Office (nor do they reflect Government policy)
Key points
l Just over half of all police recorded child abductions were attempted abductions.
l More than half (56%) of all police recorded child abductions involved an offender not known
to the victim (i.e. a stranger).
l Attempted child abductions by strangers were the largest single type of child abductions
(47%). In most offences there was minimal contact between the victim and the offender. The
number of these offences appears to have increased dramatically since 2001/02 – changes
to the manner in which the police record crime are likely to have contributed to this increase.
l Child abductions by strangers that were actually successful, rather than attempts, accounted
for 9% of all offences recorded (a total of 68 victims in 2002/03).
l 23% of child abductions were committed by a parent of the child. In some cases the child
was not taken outside the
should not have been recorded or should have been recorded as ‘no-crime’ at a later stage.
l At least 6% of child abductions (probably considerably more) were sexually motivated.
l 22% of child abductions were classified as ‘other’. In these offences some relationship existed
between the victim and the offender prior to the abduction, including ‘grooming’ style
relationships, familial relationships, friends, abductions for revenge and abductions by boyfriends.
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For the purposes of this re s e a rch, offences were
g rouped into four main types:
• parental child abductions – abductions of a
child by a natural parent or guardian
• stranger attempted child abductions –
abductions by someone not known to the
child which did not result in the successful
abduction of the child
• stranger successful child abductions –
abductions by someone not known to the
child that succeeded
• other – successful and attempted abductions
of a child by someone with some pre v i o u s
connection to the child.
Findings 225
Data were collected from all police forces in
Forces were asked to send details of the victims and the
nature of the offence committed. Some offences had since
been re c o rded as ‘no-crime’. In other cases, insuff i c i e n t
detail was available on the victim and/or the offence. The
total number of offences used in this analysis was 798.
The description of each type of child abduction is based
on the number of o ff e n c e s re c o rded by the police (each
victim should be re c o rded as a separate offence). Some
o ffences may be part of the same c a s e, i.e. there was
m o re than one victim. Details are provided at the
beginning of each section on the number of off e n c e s
(victims) and the respective number of cases.
Parental child abductions
23% of the child abductions re c o rded in 2002/03 were
abductions by a parent (141 cases involving 180 childre n ) .
• The average age of the victims was six years – the
lowest for all four types of child abduction (compared
with nine years across all types, see Table 1).
• Slightly more victims (56%) were male (Figure 2).
• Victims of parental abduction were much more likely
to come from ethnic minority groups compared with
other types of child abduction, with just under half of
the victims from non-white ethnic groups (Figure 3).
This reflects previous re s e a rch which indicates that
p a rental abduction of children is closely associated with
p a rtners from diff e rent nationalities, races or cultural
backgrounds disputing the custody of their children (see,
for example, Hegar and Greif, 1994; Plass et al., 1997).
H o w e v e r, the issue is complex and multifaceted,
incorporating problems of domestic violence and abuse as
well as concerns with cultural identity and ways of living
(Plass et al. 1997; Weiner, 2000).
Nearly 90% of the parental child abductions were
successful rather than attempted abductions of the victim.
The offence of child abduction is defined under the
terms of the Child Abduction Act 1984, which allows
for two types of abduction:
Abduction of a child by parent
‘a person connected with the child under the age of
sixteen ... takes or sends the child out of the United
Kingdom without the appropriate consent.’
(Child Abduction Act 1984, Sec 1)
Person connected with the child includes a parent, the
f a t h e r, a guardian, or person with either a re s i d e n c e
order or custody over the child.
Abduction of child by other persons
‘a person other than [the child’s mother, father or
others covered in sec 1], without lawful authority or
reasonable excuse ... takes or detains a child under
the age of sixteen ...’
(Child Abduction Act 1984, Sec 2)
The Principal Crime Rule (Home Office Counting Rules)
applies to offences of child abduction in cases where a
m o re serious crime is committed as part of the same
o ffence. There f o re, if a child is abducted and then
m u rd e red, only one offence of homicide should be
re c o rd e d . Abductions of children for sexual purposes
a re covered in a separate offence categor y of
‘abduction’, although this applies only to female
victims, and is again subject to the Principal Crime Rule
(for example, in cases where an abducted victim is
raped an offence of rape should be recorded).
Figure 1 shows the proportion that each of the four types
accounted for out of the total number of off e n c e s
recorded in 2002/03.
F i g u re 1 Type of police re c o rded off e n c e s
of child abduction (2002/03)
Note: Percentages do not sum to 100 because of rounding.
Crime recording: parental abductions
The Child Abduction Act 1984 provides that the
o ffence of abduction of a child by a parent is
committed only if the child is taken out of the
period exceeding one month (although there are a
number of clauses and caveats which qualify this – see,
for example, Carr and Turner, 2002).
It was not possible to say with complete certainty whether
each offence of parental child abduction collected in this
re s e a rch did meet the legal criteria to be re c o rded as
such. However, it is estimated that at least one-third of
p a rental child abduction offences should not actually
have been re c o rded by the police, or should have been
re c o rded as ‘no-crime’ at a later stage, according to the
legal definition. In some cases, it may have been diff i c u l t
to tell at the time of re c o rding whether the child had
actually been taken out of the
Findings 225
H o w e v e r, in less than 40% of the offences was it clear that
the victim had been taken outside the
30% of the offences it was clear the victim had n o t left the
c o u n t ry). In six offences, the abductor was prevented fro m
removing their child from the country by police at a port .
In those offences where the victim was known to have been
taken outside the
non-white ethnic gro u p s .
Stranger attempted child abductions
In 2002/03 there were 361 cases involving a stranger
attempting to abduct a child or children, resulting in 377
v i c t i m s / o ffences (47% of all child abductions). (These
Table 1 Age of victims by type of child
a b d u c t i o n
Type of Av e r a g e S t a n d a rd N o . * *
a b d u c t i o n a g e * d e v i a t i o n
P a re n t a l 6 4 . 3 1 6 6
Stranger attempted 1 0 3 . 9 3 6 4
Stranger successful 1 0 4 . 5 6 7
O t h e r 1 2 4 . 4 1 6 0
All cases 9 4 . 7 7 5 7
Note: * The average age has been rounded to the neare s t
whole year. ** In 41 cases the age of the victim was not
p ro v i d e d .
F i g u re 2 Sex of victims by type of child
F i g u re 3 Ethnicity of victims by type of
Note: In 46 cases the sex of the victim was not pro v i d e d ,
therefore the total number of cases in Figure 2 is 752.
Note: In 164 cases the ethnicity of the victim was not pro v i d e d ,
t h e re f o re the total number of cases in Figure 3 is 634.
f i g u res include one case of a conspiracy to commit child
abduction where the offenders’ plans to abduct a child
w e re stopped before even an attempt could be made).
• The average age of the victims was ten years, four
years higher than the six year average of victims of
p a rental abduction (Table 1).
• 61% of the victims were female (Figure 2).
• Over 90% of the victims were white (Figure 3).
It was very difficult to establish a motive for these offences
because in many cases the victim had no or only minimal
contact with the offender (in 96% of the stranger
attempted child abductions the motive had to be coded as
‘not known’). For only 15 offences (4%) was there
sufficient information to be certain of the motive – all were
sexually motivated. However, it seems reasonable to
assume that many of the stranger attempted child
abductions where the motive was not known would have
actually been sexually motivated offences. The most
common scenario in these cases was a male off e n d e r
attempting to entice a child into a car or physically
attempting to drag a victim from a public place.
14 offences of stranger attempted child abduction
involved a victim under the age of two years. In each case
the offender attempted to remove the child from the direct
c o n t rol of its parent. In three cases, the off e n d e r
impersonated a member of the social services or health
profession. In the remaining 11 cases the offender tried to
physically remove the victim.
Findings 225
Stranger successful child abductions
In 2002/03 there were 59 cases involving a stranger
successfully abducting a child or children, resulting in 68
victims/offences (9% of all child abductions recorded).
• The average age of these victims was ten years, the
same as the victims of stranger attempted abductions
(Table 1).
• 54% of the victims were female (Figure 2).
• 74% of victims (n=39) were white, 17% (n=9) were
black, 8% (n=4) were Asian, and one victim’s ethnic
appearance was coded as ‘other’ (Figure 3).
None of these offences involved the victim being taken
overseas. In all offences where information was available
(63% of the stranger successful offences) the abducted
child was recovered within 24 hours of being taken. There
was no information as to when the remaining 25 victims
were recovered. In most offences, insufficient details were
available to code the motive for the offence re l i a b l y.
However, in 12 offences (19%) it was clear the motive was
sexual. Two victims were subjected to a serious sexual
assault; in the remaining ten offences it was not clear
( f rom the information collected) how serious the sexual
component of the offence had been.
Other child abductions
155 cases of child abduction, resulting in 173
v i c t i m s / o ffences, were classified as ‘other’ (22% of all child
abduction offences re c o rded by the police in 2002/03). In
these cases, some form of relationship existed between the
victim and the off e n d e r.
• The average age of victims was 12 years, three years
older than the average age across all types (Table 1).
• 65% of the victims were female (Figure 2).
• 83% of victims were white, 10% were black and 4%
Asian (Figure 3).
T h e re were several main sub-categories of ‘other’ off e n c e s :
• ‘Grooming’ and exploitative relationships
77 (45%) ‘other’ child abduction offences could be
grouped under the general heading of ‘grooming’
style offences or other exploitative relationships that
adult offenders formed with child victims. This
included offenders offering refuge to young people
who had repeatedly gone missing and enticing them
into using alcohol, drugs and possibly becoming
involved in prostitution. Four of these off e n c e s
involved taking a child overseas. 17% (13 offences)
could with some certainty be classified as sexually
motivated. It seems certain that other offences were of
a sexual nature but insufficient information was
obtained to code them as such reliably. Four offences
involved contact initiated over the Internet – three
were of an overtly sexual nature.
• Abductions by other family members, partners or
Abductions by family members other than the child’s
parents (including friends and partners or ex-partners
of one parent) accounted for a further 32 offences
(18% of the ‘other’ category). Seven off e n c e s
occurred as a result of disputes over the custody of the
victim. Two offences involved taking a child overseas.
• Abductions for revenge/altercation
8% of other offences (n=14) were the result of
ongoing altercations between the victim and off e n d e r
or for the purpose of revenge. Three offences could
be described as ‘punishment beatings’ for off e n c e s
committed by the victim. In nine offences the victim
s u ff e red physical injuries as a result of being
assaulted and in a further three offences the victim
was threatened (in two cases with a weapon).
• Abductions by boyfriends
Nine offences (5% of other offences) involved the
victim going missing with their known boyfriend. All
victims were females aged between 13 and 15.
(These were not classified as sexually motivated child
abductions for the purposes of this study.)
Crime recording: sexual offences
Across all types of child abduction offences recorded in
2002/03, a total of 45 offences (6%) could reliably be
classified as sexually motivated. 32 of these off e n c e s
involved female victims. This is likely to be a
considerable underestimate of the actual number of
sexually motivated offences within the total number of
child abduction offences recorded by police (in 96% of
the stranger attempted child abductions it was not
possible to classify the motive).
Whilst it may have been difficult for the police to
establish the exact motive at the time the offence was
re p o rted, it is possible that at least some of these
o ff ences would hav e bee n classi fi ed more
a p p ropriatel y as of f ences of abduc tion (s ee
Definitions box) rather than chi ld abduction.
H o w e v e r, this is an area where crime re c o rding is
like ly to c hange over the next y ear with the
i n t roduction of a broader 'pre p a r a t o r y' sexual
o ffence. Section 62 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003,
which received Royal Assent in November 2003 and
should come into force in May 2004, provides for
the offence of "committing an offence with the intent
to commit a sexual offence" and would include
a b d u c t i o n .
Findings 225
Why have re c o rded offences of child
abduction increased?
Police recorded offences of child abduction increased by
45% from 2001/02 to 2002/03 (Simmons and Dodd,
2003). In an attempt to provide some explanation for this
i n c rease, data were collected on child abductions
re c o rded in the previous year (2001/02) from the five
f o rces which re c o rded the largest numerical increases in
offences. Together, these forces accounted for 57% of the
total increase across all forces from 2001/02 to
2002/03, and recorded just over one-third of all offences
of child abduction in
Table 2 shows how the type of child abductions recorded
changed in these five forces.
Whilst the actual number of all types of child abduction
i n c reased across the five forces, the largest increase was in
stranger attempted abductions. The actual number of
stranger attempted child abductions re c o rded across the
five forces increased by nearly 200% (from 43 offences in
2001/02 to 128 offences in 2002/03). As a pro p o rtion of
child abduction offences re c o rded in the five forc e s ,
stranger attempted child abductions increased from less
than one-third in 2001/02 to nearly half in 2002/03. This
matches the pro p o rtion of stranger attempted abductions
re c o rded by all forces in 2002/03 (see Table 2).
The number of parental abductions increased by nearly
t w o - t h i rds across the five forces from 56 offences in
2001/02 to 92 offences in 2002/03. However, as a
p ro p o rtion of all child abduction offences re c o rded in the
five forces in 2002/03 parental abductions decre a s e d
f rom 39% to 33% (the rise in the actual number of this type
of abduction was offset by the much larger rise in stranger
attempted child abductions). This gives a clear indication
that stranger attempted abductions are the primary re a s o n
for the large increase in all child abductions re c o rded in
2002/03, followed by the rise in parental abductions.
The large increase in re c o rded stranger attempted child
abductions may, at least in part, be attributable to the
general move to a more prima facie approach to the
re c o rding of crime (based on the victim’s perception of a
crime occurring). This has had an impact in several are a s
of crime re c o rding, not least violent crime. Simmons, Legg
and Hosking (2003) describe the impact of the National
Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) – a standard adopted
nationally on
did implement the same practices earlier. It is feasible that
re p o rts of attempted child abductions where no contact
was made with the victim may have gone unre c o rded as
crimes prior to the introduction of the NCRS. The latest
f i g u res there f o re may provide a truer reflection of the
extent of child abduction in
The move to a more victim-focused approach to crime
re c o rding may have led to some offences of pare n t a l
abduction being recorded which fell outside the scope of
the legal definition of this offence. This might be coupled
with a very real increase in the number of cases of
p a rental abduction, although at this stage there is
insufficient data to provide firm evidence of such a trend.
There is anecdotal evidence that officers are increasingly
better trained to recognise the potential seriousness of
p a rental abductions and there f o re not to consider them
solely as ‘domestic’ issues which lie outside the scope of
police involvement (Hillier, 2000).
Detection and identification of the suspect
The detection rate for child abduction offences fell fro m
50% in 2001/02 to 37% in 2002/03 (compared to an
average for all Violence Against the Person offences of
58% in 2001/02 and 54% in 2002/03). This re s e a rc h
did not examine the actual disposal code for each offence
re c o rded in 2002/03 (to do so would have re q u i re d
many forces to examine more than one recording system).
H o w e v e r, data were collected on whether a suspect had
been identified for the offence:
• in all parental abductions and 90% of ‘other’
abductions a suspect was identified
• in 54% of stranger successful abductions a suspect
had been identified
• in only 13% of stranger attempted abductions a
suspect been identified.
Table 2 Type of child abduction offences re c o rded in five forces, 2001/02 to 2002/03
Type of abduction Proportion of cases by type of abduction
2 0 0 1 / 0 2 2 0 0 2 / 0 3 2 0 0 2 / 0 3
Five forc e s Five forc e s All forc e s
% N o . % N o . % N o .
P a re n t a l 3 9 5 6 3 3 9 2 2 3 1 8 0
Stranger attempted 3 0 4 3 4 6 1 2 8 4 7 3 7 7
Stranger successful 8 1 2 6 1 6 9 6 8
O t h e r 2 2 3 2 1 6 4 4 2 2 1 7 3
To t a l 1 0 0 1 4 3 1 0 0 2 8 0 1 0 0 7 9 8
Note: Percentages do not add to 100 due to ro u n d i n g .
G e o ff Newiss is a Senior Research Officer and Lauren Fairbrother is a Research Trainee in the Crime and Policing
Group, Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.
Findings 225
C a rr, A.P. and Tu rn e r, A.J. (eds.) (2002). Stone’s
Justices’ Manual. Volume 1, pp.1964-1968.
Lexis Nexis Butterworths.
Erikson, M. and Friendship, C. (2002). A typology of
child abduction events. Legal and Criminological
Psychology, 7, 2002, pp.115–120.
H e g a r, R. L. and Greif, G. L. (1994). Pare n t a l
abduction of children from interracial and cro s s -
cultural marriages. J o u rnal of Comparative Family
Studies, 25, (1), Spring 1994, pp.135–142.
Hillier, J. (2000). Foreign Affairs. Police Review, 9 June
2000, pp.20–21.
Plass, P.S., Finkelhor, D. and Hotaling, G.T. (1997).
Risk factors for family abduction: demographic and
family interaction characteristics. J o u rnal of Family
Violence, 12, (3), September 1997, pp.333–348.
Simmons, J. and Dodd T. (eds.) (2003). Crime in
Statistical Bulletin 07/03.
Simmons, J., Legg, C. and Hosking, R. (2003). T h e
National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS): an
analysis of the impact on recorded crime. Home Office
On-Line Report 32/03.
We i n e r, M.H. (2000). International child abduction
and the escape from domestic violence. Fordham Law
Review, LXIX, (2), pp.593–706.
Given that stranger attempted child abductions are likely
to have accounted for a large part of the overall increase
in child abduction offences (owing at least in part to the
effect of the NCRS), this could provide a good indication
of why the detection rate has fallen.
Whilst suspects were identified in all cases of pare n t a l
abduction but just over half of stranger successful
abductions, previous re s e a rch has shown that o ff e n d e r s
c o n v i c t e d of child abduction are mainly sexually
motivated and are not related to the victim (Erikson and
Friendship, 2002). This is likely to reflect a higher
p ropensity of the police and Crown Prosecution Serv i c e
to pursue a prosecution against an offender who abducts
a child not known to him or her, particularly for sexual
purposes. Whilst it was not possible to produce re l i a b l e
data on whether the police pursued a case against a
known off e n d e r, it was clear that of the 2002/03 cases
of parental child abduction, the vast majority did not
result in prosecution. Information provided in one police
f o rce indicated that the police tended to encourage
estranged parents to pursue a formal custody settlement
in the civil courts.
• The Home Office, through the National Crime
Recording Steering Group (NCRSG), should review
the instructions for the recording and reclassification
of child abductions by parents to ensure that only
appropriate offences are recorded by the police.
Guidance should be issued if necessary.
• The Home Office, through the NCRSG, should review
the instructions for the recording and reclassification
of child abductions of a sexual nature, and should
consider issuing guidance to police forces to clarify
the specific circumstances in which an abduction of a
child for sexual purposes should be recorded as a
child abduction (Violence Against the Person
o ff e n c e) or an abduction (sexual offence). This review
could be undertaken as part of the implementation of
the prospective new sex offences legislation.
• The Home Office should monitor the number of child
abductions recorded by the police closely and should
undertake further work on why these offences are
increasing, if this continues to be the case.
• The Home Office should liaise with the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office and the Department for
Constitutional Affairs to monitor patterns and trends
in parental child abductions overseas.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Help Find Madeleine McCann
Can You Help?British police are calling on members of the public to help further in the search for Madeleine McCann. If you were at the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz or in the surrounding areas in the two weeks leading up to Madeleine’s disappearance on Thursday 3 May then we would like to have copies of any photographs taken during your stay. In particular we would like any pictures that have people in them who you don’t know as opposed to scenery shots or pictures of just your own family. If you have any such pictures then upload them here. If you are unsure how to upload your pictures then click on this link where you will find a simple how to guide. You can also go into any high street photographic retailer and ask them to help in uploading your pictures onto this website. CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD YOUR PICTURES NOW All photographs will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be used for investigative purposes only. British and Portuguese police are also asking anyone to contact them on the numbers below if they have seen anything suspicious related to the disappearance of Madeleine or if you believe you know where Madeleine is being concealed or hidden. Portuguese police have searched extensively around Praia da Luz and she has not been found. It is possible that she is being hidden or concealed in some way and if you know where then by now you may have realised that it is in everyone’s interest that she is returned to her family. Call now: British police on 0800 096 1233
This website has been delivered by the combined
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
McCann webpage appears to have been radically changed again with no reference at all to Gerry's blogs:
(6) Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?
There are nine directors of the Fund. They are:
* Peter Hubner; a retired consultant;
* Brian Kennedy, a retired head teacher;
* John McCann, a medical representative;
* Edward Smethurst – A Commercial lawyer;
* Doug Skehan, clinical director in cardiology at Glenfield Hospital;
* Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
* Michael Linett- retired accountant
* Kate McCann General Practitioner
* Gerry McCann Consultant Cardiologist
From this further re-shuffled webpage we have:
Kates Message:
Investigations Line +44 845 838 4699
It is only since Madeleine was taken from us, that Gerry and myself have become aware of just how many children go missing each year from all around the world. The scale of the problem is huge. In fact, it is terrifying. I have asked myself many times “why did I not know about this? Am I that naïve or is it the fact that the problem itself is not well publicised for whatever reason?”
It is impossible to give a number for the amount of children that go missing but suffice to say it is hundreds of thousands. This includes ‘runaway’ children, parental/family abductions and ‘stranger’ abductions such as in Madeleine's case. The reason for the lack of precision with regards to number of cases, appears to be that there is as yet (in the UK and many countries throughout Europe at least), no standard method for collecting, recording and categorising data. Without this, it is not possible to implement strategies to tackle the problem - recover children and reunite them with their families as soon as possible. PACT (Parents and Abducted Children Together) is one of the organisations in the UK trying to propose/request such national policies be brought in to place by the Government. Surely our children deserve this?
Madeleine's abduction itself was quite unusual, in that it was the abduction of a ‘foreign national’. This introduced unique difficulties, not least a language barrier. Given that people and families travel quite extensively nowadays particularly within a ‘borderless’ Europe, we believe that a Europe-wide response to the problem is mandatory. I would think that not an unreasonable request of countries belonging to a ‘European Union’?
It is fair to say that the USA is probably at least 20 years ahead when it comes to dealing with the problem of missing and abducted children. NCMEC (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) was founded in 1984 by John and Reve Walsh after they sadly experienced the frustration and lack of effective response available, when their own son, Adam, was abducted and subsequently found murdered in Florida in 1981. NCMEC now offers a vast range of invaluable resources to law enforcement agencies, helping to investigate cases of missing children and child exploitation cases as well as training and education. These resources along with the AMBER Alert system which operates in the USA (a nationwide effort between police departments and the media to blanket local airwaves immediately with information and photograghs when a child is abducted) have led to the safe recovery of many children. Needless to say, the Americans have a great deal of experience and knowledge to offer, and we need to learn from them if we wish to make Europe and the rest of the world a safer place for our children. In recent years, similar ‘Child Rescue Alert’ systems have been introduced in certain European countries- Belgium, France, UK and Greece but we have a long, long way to go.
Gerry and I have been criticised at times for publicising Madeleine's disappearance. We did what we felt was best at that time, obviously having no experience of such ordeals. Thankfully NCMEC has assured us that this was the right thing to do. People have asked (usually in a critical manner) “why has Madeleine received such attention when there are thousands of missing children around the world?” My feeling is that the publicity surrounding Madeleine's abduction was not inappropriate- Every child in such a situation should receive this same amount of attention, but it shouldn't be down to the family to instigate it. The public awareness of Madeleine's plight has at the very least, highlighted cases of other missing children and the extent of the problem as a whole, and from that we can take a small bit of comfort.
All missing children are vulnerable to exploitation including sexual exploitation, with this being the motive in many of those cases of stranger abductions where a motive can be determined. Child sexual exploitation and child pornography in particular, is sadly and shockingly extensive worldwide. It is a multi-billion dollar industry aided by the use of the Internet with the ‘thirst’ for younger victims growing. Once again, my ‘bubble’ of a life burst as I began to discover the facts relating to this now global crisis. As we travelled through Europe in an attempt to raise awareness of Madeleine's abduction and appeal for help, we were repeatedly made aware of the unbelievable existence of such a horrifying activity and its vastness in our so called civilised and ‘child-loving’ society. How can such ‘businesses’ be condoned or tolerated by us all? What are the benefits for our children of being in a European Union where several member countries offer child pornography as a LEGAL past time? The most vulnerable members of our society are our children and they deserve better than this. Lack of sex offender registers, lack of reliable tracking systems for known offenders and no CRB check requirements , not even for those working with children are other major areas of concern within many parts of Europe. My eyes have certainly been opened to a whole new world out there - a very worrying one.
As a parent of an abducted child, I can tell you that it is the most painful and agonising experience you could ever imagine. My thoughts of the fear, confusion and loss of love and security that my precious daughter has had to endure are unbearable - crippling. And yet I am not the victim, Madeleine is. No child should EVER have to experience something so terrible.
Kate now tells us:
I think she is preparing us for what she knows full well has been happening to Madeleine.
At the same time all trace of Gerry's ridiculous, mundane blogging gets totally removed.
All missing children are vulnerable to exploitation including sexual exploitation, with this being the motive in many of those cases of stranger abductions where a motive can be determined. Child sexual exploitation and child pornography in particular, is sadly and shockingly extensive worldwide. It is a multi-billion dollar industry aided by the use of the Internet with the ‘thirst’ for younger victims growing.
The answer is not blowin the wind is it.
and don't forget the whoosh clunk one either
and for those who missed Gerry clunking along with Paxman...
After 1min 47 secs Gerry leans across kate here. Note her reaction - quite telling.
Thanks for all those BT
I just found this on 3 As which maybe explains the policy behind removing all of Gerry's thoughtless blogs. It finally occurred to him the focus should be on Maddie and he realises why people are angry! Somehow I doubt that, but it does show how desperate he is, the net is obviously closing around him. I agree we should focus on the person who has taken her, Gerry..
http://blogs.news.sky.com/lifeofcrime/P ... e2b3ccb2d1
Madeleine Fund - the money is running out Martin Brunt
April 08, 2009 8:53 PM
Gerry McCann has admitted that much of the £2.5 million in the Find Madeleine Fund has been spent.
He said in an interview with the Portugal News (www.the-news.net) that the money may run out by the end of the year.
Mr. McCann, who returned to Praia da Luz to advise on a TV documentary, apologised for the bad publicity the case had brought to the resort.
And he recognised the criticism of him and Kate for leaving their three children alone in the apartment while they dined nearby with friends.
He said: "The reason we are doing this documentary is that it should be about Madeleine. I can understand why people don't like it or that our level of child care was not to their standard, but the focus should be on an innocent child and that someone has taken her."
Bt thanks for flagging that up, they are talking about children being horrified of being abducted in the night and he does not feel Kate is handling this well enough so jumps up leaning across her, and Kate looks back at him with just pure disgust and revulsion. I just cannot change my mind about what I think happened here.
That look from Kate was oh why don't you just get back in your hole and she visually flinched back away from him, the revulsion is pretty clear.
I also noticed that whilst he is talking Kate just keeps her eyes looking down, and then almost with a sense of relief when one of the interviewers speaks, she feels able to look up again.
A different reaction for what are clearly two different things in Kate's head the totally indencent that she has to try and cover for and the decent where she can look back up and feel reassured at something normal.
BT What do you think of the webpage by CEOP saying they believe Madeleine is concealed somewhere just like Mrs Justice Hogg said and supported by Leicester Police, CEOP and Association of Chief Police Officers. I think they obviously believe Madeleine is the victim of sexual abuse and may well be still alive. I link this to Gerry and Kate McCanns conviction that she is, how could they know that if that were not involved? Surely this is what the police believe?
“Thank you and sorry”
Breaking a silence lasting several months, the father of missing toddler Madeleine McCann this week spoke exclusively to The Portugal News about the ongoing search to find his daughter. He also spoke of the effects Madeleine’s disappearance has had on his family. Gerry McCann singled out the local community for praise and expressed appreciation for all the sacrifices they have been forced to endure the past two years, such as the negative impact the case has had on jobs and tourism in the area. He also admitted that cash in the Find Madeleine Fund is now only a few months away from being exhausted.
Shortly before leaving for Faro Airport on Sunday afternoon culminating what had been a whirlwind visit to Praia da Luz, Gerry McCann sat down in a Praia da Luz hotel room for his first media interview in months.
“I can totally understand that people want to move on”, said Mr McCann when questioned over the apparent animosity towards him on Saturday when he visited the site of his daughter’s disappearance.
“They don’t want the media intrusion and the negative association with Madeleine’s abduction. For me, and this is going right back to 2007 – I didn’t feel any evil around Praia da Luz or anywhere else in Portugal. What happened here could have happened anywhere in the world”, argued a composed and soft-spoken Mr McCann.
“Actually, the amazing response we had from the community was incredibly important to us”, he said.
As for the heckling by a small group of middle-aged locals who had been monitoring filming closely since Saturday morning, Mr McCann said: “That aspect was everything I had hoped could be avoided”, by keeping the visit under wraps.
He had demanded the utmost secrecy from all those involved in the weeks leading up to the filming of the television documentary by Mentorn Media for the May 7th showing of the programme Cutting Edge on Channel 4.
He repeatedly expressed regret at the negative impact his daughter’s disappearance has had on the region.
“I am sorry for any harm caused to Praia da Luz”, he said, before repeating an earlier request: “I specifically want to thank the local population for all their support and tolerance.”
But news of the sacking of more than half of the staff at Ocean Club resort shortly before his fleeting visit was met with regret by the man whose leftist political stance is well-documented, while his background includes growing up in a working class family on a council estate in Glasgow.
There have also been murmurings that former employees are contemplating legal action against the McCanns for loss of income, especially as the ‘Maddie Case’ is cited as one of the reasons for their dismissal. Mr McCann put this down to “the need to blame someone” for what has happened, saying that if any legal proceedings were to be instituted, they should be directed at “Madeleine’s abductor”.
On his return to Praia da Luz and the absence of his wife Kate, Mr McCann explained: “Kate and I have been desperate to come back to Praia da Luz, but we haven’t done so due to the media exposure and the controversy such a visit would pose. We want to come back and meet the people, without it being highlighted. There is nothing bad about this resort, it is beautiful. In these difficult economic times we don’t want to worsen things. But I do hope people understand why we are doing what we’ve done. This is a key factor in an investigation strategy. Madeleine is still missing. We need to do everything reasonable to get any information. The best thing for everyone is that she is found and that whoever took her is caught”.
Mr McCann ruled out any other visits to Portugal in the near future and as for Madeleine’s mother, said: “She’d love to come back. But we will not be returning for the anniversary. We wanted to come here and do this as quietly as possible and not to disrupt”, with last weekend’s media attention not aiding this desire.
“We want to get to the stage where Kate and I coming to Portugal is not a news story”, he said.
“Walking down into the Ocean Club felt like we were going backwards, that bit of it at least - I was the story with the media focussing on me.
“The reason we are doing this documentary is that it should be about Madeleine. I can understand why people don’t like it or that our level of child care was not to their standard, but the focus should be on an innocent child and that someone has taken her.
“There’s one thing that has been revealed in the case files which is that there is no evidence that Madeleine is dead and there is no evidence to suggest that Kate and I were involved in any theories. It’s about Madeleine. As her parents, I hope people understand that we have to do what we are doing”, argued Mr McCann.
Visibly uncomfortable at the question, Mr McCann, when asked about the toll Madeleine’s disappearance has had on his marriage, responded by saying: “We are united in our search for Madeleine and we are very strong in our relationship”.
And how have the twins been coping with their sister’s prolonged absence?
“They talk about her everyday. They are great. Literally, saying: ‘When Madeleine comes home…’. When we are having bad days [these comments] drive you on”.
But Gerry McCann refused to answer a question on whether or not Madeleine’s room has been left unchanged in the event she is found.
“If Madeleine came through the door, Sean and Amelie would react like she went missing yesterday. She is still a huge part of their life and it’s refreshing”.
What have they been told about where Madeleine might be?
“They completely understand she is missing and they understand someone has taken her. There is not a lot more. We had counselling on how to cope with the twins, given to us by a child psychologist who has dealt with child abduction who said we should fill in the gaps as they get older. But, with us, the psychologist said the problem you have is that there is very little to fill in. The fact remains, she was there one minute and gone the next”.
Mr McCann also admitted that their approach to raising their other two children has been significantly altered by Madeleine’s disappearance.
“I am undoubtedly much more aware of potential danger or a threat to the kids now and things which we previously considered safe, and probably still are, are no longer.
“It’s a horrible balance we as parents now face between being cosseting and allowing the kids freedom, and at what age. I grew up in a very child-orientated environment, playing in parks, with minimal adult supervision. I think that’s healthy”, he explains as he leads up to the question about regrets they have over their actions as parents on the evening Madeleine went missing.
“Obviously what we did [leaving the children alone while dining at the nearby restaurant] we thought was safe.
“The whole aspect of a foreign child being abducted while on holiday never entered our thought process for even one moment, because if it had, we wouldn’t have done what we did”, he said.
An Ocean Club employee has said you were playing tennis on the Monday after your daughter’s disappearance while others were looking for your daughter, is that true?
“That is not true. The first time I think I hit a tennis ball was about three weeks later. We stayed in the Ocean Club for two months. What we were told in terms of counselling was that it was really important we get back into doing things for our mental well-being. Jogging was the first thing we did. It was only weeks later that we played tennis and that was primarily because my sister was over and she plays more tennis than I do.
“About six weeks after returning home, I played some golf due to the solitude and privacy it affords me, but I was followed onto the course by a photographer and that was just horrible - the invasion of privacy. I think Kate has played tennis once in the two years - it has become much harder for us to enjoy the simple things in life”.
On returning to the apartment last Saturday and how he felt re-entering it almost two years after last being there, Mr McCann said: “The apartment doesn’t hold any bad karma. It was just a couple of thoughts really, it was about re-enacting [the events on the night of her disappearance] and it was where I last saw Madeleine. But actually, I felt more emotional at church this morning [last Sunday] with the support and seeing the photograph of Madeleine with the words ‘Help me’ along with the green and yellow ribbons around it was more difficult to cope with.”
Gerry McCann explained his involvement with the documentary, which will be aired next month and shown in several European countries including Portugal shortly afterwards, was purely aimed at finding Madeleine.
He also recalled that failed attempts to stage a police reconstruction were not of their doing.
“We would have been obliged to come back [due to their status as arguidos that was only lifted last July]. It did not fall on us to do it, but other people. Don’t get me wrong, we had major concerns as to why the reconstruction was being done. As opposed to this reconstruction, which will be broadcast with a view to getting new information, the police reconstruction was not aimed at finding Madeleine, but rather to look for inconsistencies. There were 12 or 15 people involved and it is inevitable there would be inconsistencies”, he said. A response which led to the question over his disagreement with Jane Tanner [a member of the so-called Tapas 7] over where he was standing as Miss Tanner walked passed him the night she spotted a man taking what she believed to be a man carrying a child:
“In my mind, I am 100 percent certain I was on the other side of the road, though Jane Tanner and Jez Wilkins said I was on the side closest to the apartment. I can’t resolve that, I remember making a conscious decision to cross the road”.
Mr McCann also revealed that the family has made peace with the fact they might never see Madeleine again, but would never give up the search for her.
“We have always known that’s a possibility and that is why we have to rely on other people. And we have that incredibly difficult balance between doing this [filming the reconstruction] and the human interest aspect. While we also want our lives to be private and normal for the sake of Sean and Amelie, we also need to do as much as we can. It’s a possibility we might never see her again, but until we have absolute definitive evidence of what happened to Madeleine, we can’t stop searching.”
Do you think the Portuguese PJ police did everything within their powers to find Madeleine?
“I think the way you are asking the question is right. PJ did more in this case than on many other occasions and worked extremely hard. And there were many different pressures. If you look back there were probably mistakes made on all sides.”
As for the role of private investigators and reconstructions, Mr McCann said it was a way of ensuring no stone is left unturned in the search for his daughter.
“At the minute there is no law enforcement agency actively looking for Madeleine and by that, I mean looking at the evidence saying; where are the gaps and what more can we do? And that’s what we need. We have severe limitations and issues of jurisdiction and we realise we have to work with the authorities. We will hand over all relative information we obtain as we do not want to waste resources nor do we want to duplicate things.”
The Find Madeleine Fund, which has received around 2.5 million pounds since it was set up shortly after Madeleine’s disappearance in 2007, now appears to be running out of financial resources.
“There’s still money in it”, says Mr McCann, adding: “I can’t give you the exact figure, but we have spent and continue to spend a lot of money with the aim of trying to enhance the chance of finding her.
On the chances of the Fund drying up completely he responded: “It won’t dry up in the next few months, but probably by the end of the year, at the rate we are running.”
He concluded that fundraising is presently being considered as an option to boost funds and thus ensure an ongoing interest in finding Madeleine.
Brendan de Beer
© The Portugal News
I am struggling with the breaking a silence lasting several months, because it hardly seems like yesterday he was talking to Jeremy Paxman!
Shocking he has no bad karma about being in that apt! How would a normal dad feel considering some sexual predator breaking in there and stealing his daugther? Like breaking down in an uncontrollable flood of tears I would have thought..
Ah but that is not what happened!
Hi All
I think Gerry being sorry is a bit too late.
I agree Viv, any normal parent who believed their child to have been taken from the apt would have found it unbearable to enter again, but not Gerry, his hardest moment was entering the church. Perhaps weighed down with guilt.
Good evening IVI and all
First i want to wishes to everyone a happy Easter time, and be careful with the chocolate eggs, it make us to get fat :).
Viv , i should like to know if the appeal of UK police about madeleine is recent.It seems to me a bit late and in an apropriated timing to the recent Gerry visit to Portugal to make a movie. CM explained to a portuguese newspapers why they didn't participate on the reconstitution asked by PJ: It was only for intern use of the police and will not be broadcasting... so it was not useful .. AH!!!!
By the way Viv did you see the pictures of a lot of lovely badger cubs publited in daily mail yesterday, they are amzing
Hiya Di
Well yes, perhaps even he struggled with his lack of conscience, this man who freely admits he never bothered with religion but blatantly used Fr Pachecho and the Church in PDL as part of his sickeningly false publicity stunts. So maybe even Gerry had difficulty getting himself back inside a church where he had been told, in no uncertain terms, he was not welcome.
When we look at the pictures, the stage managed pictures of Kate and Gerry coming out of that church on Madeleine's birthday, laughing, just laughing like it was some huge joke, instead of some terrible tragedy, we can just imagine how defiled Fr Pachecho feels by Gerry McCann and his media circus.
Mandarinn, hello, lovely to hear from you again and I too wish you a lovely Easter.
I do not know how old that message is on the CEOP webpage but I had not seen it before. But of course CEOP deal with children who have been sexually abused and I cannot think that our own police and another agency have got it so wrong. Maybe it was timed to coincide with Gerry's recent trip to Portugal to undermine him, but I cannot say that with any certainty.
What I do know is that UK authorities would most definitely not support any book or movie about this case, because it is still an unsolved one that they hope to be able to bring to court at some stage, when they have sufficient evidence of what exactly happened to Madeleine. If books and films have been made, then there is no chance of a fair trial.
There is an attempt by some to politicise in a right wing way the Police in the UK, and we have always prided ourselves on their independance from politicians so they are free to do the right thing. That has even meant Tony Blair himself being investigated, although of course not charged! There is a clear separation of powers in the UK and MPs do not have any say in operational police work and long may it remain that way. Otherwise we could clearly see a situation where what these people allege in the Maddie case could actually become a reality. Politicians are frequently corrupt people who put self interest and staying in power above any moral considerations.
CM's excuse for these people not assisting in a proper part of the PJ police investigation of this case infuriates me too. Gerry McCann is a megalomaniac who believes very firmly that what he decides must come to pass. He was not going to put up with any of that group incriminating themselves by co-operating with the police, he said at the time, he wanted a crime watch style televised version using actors. This is just another facet of the meaningless mass of McProogpanganda and I do not believe any reasonable British person will be the least bit convinced by it.
I am just waiting to see if this sighting of a blond male that day be Pamela Fenn's niece features because it seems to me from reading her rogatory, Hogan International impersonated the police to go and get an efit/evidence for Kate and Gerry. If they do I will be doing a nice big write up about that.
Never a friend of yours Gerry McCann xxxx
We do not allow dirty minded, unfit doctors, to break the law and continue to practice, although I think his sentence was very lenient, he is convicted and he has lost his career, rightly so!
Mar 12 2009
A SENIOR Birmingham doctor has been struck off the medical register after being convicted on child pornography charges.
Dr David Moore, a former consultant at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and City Hospital, in Winson Green, was yesterday banned from working as a doctor by the General Medical Council.
The GMC panel heard how Moore, aged 47, of Woodview Drive, Edgbaston, admitted four charges of making indecent images of a child and was sentenced to a two-year community order at Birmingham Crown Court in April last year.
The former A&E doctor and consultant in emergency medicine avoided jail but was ordered to participate in a Sex Offender Group Work Programme and was put on the Sex Offenders Register for five years.
A GMC spokesman said: “Moore had registered to join the Hi5 social networking site in March 2006 and during the registration process he entered his date of birth as 1992, therefore his details appeared as a 14-year-old male.
“It is alleged that his actions were sexually motivated, inappropriate and unprofessional.”
The panel had been informed that the images were not of very young children but teenagers, with Moore’s principal interest to search for adult pornography.
During the case, the court heard that police officers raided Moore’s home and seized his computer and discovered the doctor had looked at indecent photos on various websites over a 20-minute period.
An IT expert who forensically examined Moore’s computer was able to reconstruct sites the doctor had viewed, even though the consultant had installed a program to wipe the history of websites.
The investigation was sparked by complaint from one of Moore’s acquaintances about an e-mail the doctor had sent.
He had talked about hoping to start a new life in Spain following his initial suspension from the GMC.
http://www.birminghammail.net/news/top- ... -23127919/
I have updated the thread above with some interesting research on child abduction, which demonstrates that parental or other close relative accounts for a high proportion of these offences and in this category the victim is consisently the youngest age, on average just 6 years as opposed to about 10-12 years for stranger abduction.
Only 9% of stranger abductions are actually successful. On relation to parental abduction:
" the issue is complex and multifaceted,
incorporating problems of domestic violence and abuse as
well as concerns with cultural identity and ways of living
(Plass et al. 1997; Weiner, 2000).
Nearly 90% of the parental child abductions were
successful rather than attempted abductions of the victim."
I believe people should be looking at this more seriously in terms of explaining what happened to Madeleine and why Gerry McCann made sure it happened abroad, in a country where I believe he assumed the police would be useless. An incorrect assumption but the leaks to the press were very unfortunate.
Viv great to highlight this about parents using and abusing their OWN children. One of the many unresolved and uncomfortable issues around the McCanns is the sedatives. This couple are both fully aware of what they were putting into their children.
I echo this statement you made earlier
...When we look at the pictures, the stage managed pictures of Kate and Gerry coming out of that church on Madeleine's birthday, laughing, just laughing like it was some huge joke, instead of some terrible tragedy, we can just imagine how defiled Fr Pachecho feels by Gerry McCann and his media circus...
Going further than that, these smiles seem to be the sort of smiles we make when joy and relief are in our minds. Those smiles literally make me feel sick to my core whenever I look at them. I would like the other McCann children to see them when they grow up and they will think, how can that be when our eldest sister had only gone missing a week earlier. No human being who truly nurtured their first born with love in their soul would be capable of that sort of behaviour one week after her vanishment. In my opinion those smiles represent ecstasy,joy and relief.
Once more I ask you directly Kate Healey to go straight to a police station and to start answering the questions you chose to stay silent on. It is Good Friday and if you truly feel the presence of a Holy Spirit allow it to direct you to the nearest police station today.
The almighty will guide you.
There are so many indications of very serious abuse in this case.
Drugging the children and leaving them alone, Gerry assuring Kate that was the right thing to do. Kate sleeping the childrens bedroom. Kate being covered in bruises immediately after Madeleine went missing and this being subsequently acknowledged by Fiona at the rogatories a whole year later, claiming Kate was bashing herself up the walls. The indications we got from the PJ were she was frozen in horror on her bed, repeatedly chanting they have taken her. YOu do not get grab marks all up your arms by bashing yourself up the walls! What utter rot.
Why is it, Fiona feels the need to explain these bruises on Kate? Why did Kate not want to go on this holiday? Could it be she remembered what happened on Payne's last arranged holiday when Maddie was just two and he was talking pure filth with Gerry about Madeleine? Fiona, the mouthpiece on the steps of the High Court, is she really such a good friend to Kate McCann. I think that if she was she would explain very lucidly to the police just what her husband and Gerry are capable of, but tut erm, that would ruin her bloody career!
Law in relation to the more civil word of abduction as opposed to the very serious criminal offence kidapping, a word Kate and Gerry have avoided, posts I put on 3As..
Abduction relates to a parents' civil rights to custody of their own child, but under the Child Abduction Act 1984 one parent can be guilty of a criminal offence if they take the child out of the UK without consent. But these disputes are generally settled under the civil rather than the criminal law and under the Hague Convention where member states will ensure a child is returned to the parent, this was the application Kate and Gerry made.
Kidnapping is the far more serious offence at common law where a child or anyone for that matter is wrongly taken and held against their will and if Kate and Gerry took part in this, just like Karen Matthews this is the offence they would be charged with which carries a maximum penalty of life. Kidnapping can be for all sorts of reasons, not just to demand a ransom. Unfortunately many children are kidnapped to then be used in the child sex industry.
I do think it is pretty significant the McCanns have only used the word abduction which they would not be charged rather than the word I am sure they dread and I believe they could be charged with - kidnapping.
Post subject: Re: Why was the mantra "abducted" and not "kidnapped"?
New postPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:43 am
Hardened Criminal
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 1698
They have taken her, clearly implies clear knowledge as to who that was and I doubt Gerry have ever forgiven Kate for that, because it so clearly put the police on notice of serious suspicions against them.
The use of the word abduction and rushing off to UK to take civil proceedings in family law under the Child Abduction Act/ Hague Convention was all about their rights to have Madeleine. Very similar to their rights we so often heard about in the past, their rights to cash in on her and no one else's. How many times did we hear Clarence say that person has not sought Kate and Gerry's permission to make money out of Madeleine in that way, they should be accounting to the Fund. Of course we hear no more of that sort of talk, they have learned by some of their serious mistakes.
But after a lengthy criminal investigation of the McCanns suddenly in April 2008 before Mrs Justice Hogg it is no longer about the McCanns rights to custody of Madeleine, it becomes Mrs Justice Hogg's right under the inherent jurisdiction of the Court to decide what happens to Madeleine, by making her a Ward of Court. Kate and Gerry are not so keen to talk about that, are they?
Use your own thoughts and feelings to consider the truth, then you may avoid the lie. Sometimes we may not know the whole truth, there is no dishonour in admitting that.
Gerry gets out the begging bowl again, does he seriously believe we are going to fund that mans defence!
He just wanted to go back quietly to PDL, yes with an array of photographers and a television crew, pull the other one Gerry. And start telling the truth about your wife, she has just had about enough of your schemes to get yourself out of serious trouble..There is no way out, narcissist, you reap what you sow and your reaped a whirlwind, tough!
I think your wife would love to turn the clocks back and have gone somewhere in NZ and Canada where you just could not find her.
Kate, seek redemption, go to the Police, now for Easter, for Madeleine and the twins.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldne ... veals.html
Madeleine fund to run dry by end of the year, Gerry McCann reveals
By Vanessa Allen and Gerard Couzens
Last updated at 9:02 AM on 10th April 2009
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Madeleine McCann pictured on May 3, 2007 - the day she went missing
The £2.5million Madeleine McCann appeal fund is set to run dry by the end of the year, her father Gerry McCann said yesterday.
Donations to the fund - which poured in at £260-an-hour in the immediate aftermath of her disappearance - can no longer match the expense of the family's international search operation.
Mr McCann, 40, insisted he and wife Kate would never abandon the hunt for missing Madeleine but said the fund could run out of money by the end of the year.
He said: 'We have spent and continue to spend a lot of money with the aim of trying to enhance the chance of finding her.
'It won't dry up in the next few months, but probably by the end of the year at the rate we are running.'
Accounts lodged with Companies House earlier this year showed the Madeleine Fund raised almost £2million in the first ten months after the three-year-old vanished on May 3, 2007.
But public donations slowed to a trickle after Mr and Mrs McCann were named as suspects in the Portuguese police investigation, and when it emerged they had used the fund to pay two £2,000 instalments on their mortgage.
Mr McCann's comments suggest donations have failed to rise again in the five months since the couple were formally cleared as suspects.
He gave an interview to an English language newspaper in the Algarve, The Portugal News, as part of the family's attempt to focus attention back on Praia da Luz.
As the two-year anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance approaches, the McCanns' advisers - who include retired British police officers - believe the resort could still hold crucial clues which were missed by the flawed Portuguese investigation.
Mr McCann, a heart consultant, has made a series of visits back to Portugal but his wife, also 40, has yet to return.
Kate and Gerry McCann have said they will never abandon the hunt for their daughter
Mr McCann said: 'She'd love to come back but we will not be returning for the anniversary. We wanted to go to Praia da Luz and do this as quietly as possible and not to disrupt.'
He was heckled by locals during his visit to the Algarve resort last week, and posters about Madeleine's disappearance have been ripped down and defaced.
The Ocean Club, where the McCanns stayed, recently laid off staff and blamed the redundancies on the effects of Madeleine's disappearance on tourism, as well as the economic downturn.
Asked about the heckling, Mr McCann said: 'That aspect was everything I hoped could be avoided.
'I am sorry for any harm caused to Praia da Luz ...I can totally understand that people want to move on.'
Enlarge A police photograph of the bedroom from which Madeleine was snatched
Mr McCann returned to the Ocean Club apartment where Madeleine vanished while her parents ate dinner at a nearby tapas restaurant with friends.
He spent almost an hour in the bedroom she shared with her twin brother and sister, Sean and Amelie, and returned to the church where he and Mrs McCann prayed after her disappearance.
He said: 'The apartment doesn't hold any bad karma. It was just a couple of thoughts really. It was about re-enacting the events on the night of her disappearance and it was where I last saw Madeleine.
'But actually, I felt more emotional at church last Sunday with the support, and seeing the photograph of Madeleine with the words "Help Me", along with the green and yellow ribbons around it, was more difficult to cope with.'
A reconstruction of the night Madeleine disappeared will be screened on Channel 4 on May 7 as part of a documentary, which will also feature interviews with her parents.
Mr McCann said his family was still struggling to cope without Madeleine, but insisted his marriage was still strong, saying: 'We are united in our search for Madeleine and we are very strong in our relationship.'
Have a Great Easter, everyone!
Luv Viv xxx
Happy Easter everyone.
I thought you might like to read this posted by Happygirl24 3A's.
It looks promising and confirms what Viv has always said, the Police would not give up on a missing child.........
I think you may find this interesting.
I have just returned from having a chat with my friend, a serving police officer.
Please don't ask for details as i will not divulge his name, ever.
He, and his colleagues are aware of the forthcoming McCann "documentary".
He has told me that if the documentary does not adhere to the statements and descriptions exactly as given by the T9 about events of that night 3rd May 2007 then they will be summoned to explain why not. (because as he put it this is a "live" ongoing investigation)
He tells me that any "reconstruction" has to be portrayed as near as possible, to prevent wrongful arrests being made, by people acting on "false" information that might be broadcast, to events that have occured already and are in the public domain.
i.e. the Tanner sighting of the man in a dark jacket carrying a "child"
http://www.zimbio.com/Gerry+McCann's+Bl ... +s+pyjamas
The film makers are not allowed to "materially" change the description of the suspect as "seen" and endorsed by the McCanns to have been released to the press.
i.e. they cannot change the colour of the jacket.
Its "dark" in JTs' "description" and HAS to be "dark" in the "reconstruction"
http://www.newser.com/story/11906/mccan ... ucted.html
Pyjamas similarly.
These too have to be "identical" as to the pair that the McCanns have used in press conferences and have asked people to look out for.
They cannot be portrayed by the film makers as anything else i.e."longer" "more pinker" etc.,
He also told me that the film makers CANNOT use "angles" (and lighting) in their film that materially "mislead"
Again i.e. the camera angle used to film the JT "sighting" has to be exactly from where JT was standing and exactly the same height as her eyes and on the LEFT hand pavement as she has indicated on her sketch as where she was at the time.
They cannot film from the RIGHT hand side of the road, as this is classed as "non-factual" and give a false impression of what JT "saw"
The "lighting" conditions also have to be the same as they were on the night.
In other words, as i understood him, it has to be a "faithful account" of what the T9 have stated as true.
He and his colleagues have been monitoring this site, don't know if thats a good or bad thing, but have deemed this and other sites "useful"
This is the bit i liked the most
They, the police, have also been "monitoring" (don't ask) the T9 and "friends" (no details)
He couldn't say exactly what that entailed, or he wouldn't tell me!
Suffice to say that this is not "all over" and they too are waiting for the "Cutting Edge" film to be broadcast.
My friend is quite a high ranking officer and knows lots of "people" in the other forces around the UK.
Yes, even the LP!
Hope this has cheered us up and given us a boost in seeking to get justice for a defenceless little girl called Madeleine
The police will have bugged them all at one point and maybe they still are.
Imagine living day in day out knowing that your speech, your phone calls, your movements and your e-mails are being scrutinised and monitored. Imagine the motivation to listen and watch after seeing such things as the smile only a week after Madeleine disappeared. And yet these people still think they can outrun or outwit the police. Well maybe they can for now but for how much longer?
Maybe all that fund money is going into sophisticated jamming devices?
I agree with you it must be unbearable to live day to day not knowing what or who is listening and watching.
They can run but they can't hide.
Off now, will catch up tomorow.
Hiya Di
Thanks for that post and I am sure the Police do intensely monitor the TAPAS and quite possibly internet sites as well. They are certainly aware of this site because I brought it to their attention when complaining about the filth posted on it by people who apparently support Kate and Gerry McCann.
I think it is difficult to get any police officer to offer much comment but when I was at the police station and said to one officer but these people think they are innocent, he went huh are they! in a pretty sarcastic way.
For the police to repeatedly insist as in the appeal above, that they believe Madeleine is concealed somewhere they must have specific intelligence to that effect. This is most definitely the sort of case where senior Police Officers would authorise the use of bugging under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act in an attempt to get intelligence leading to Maddie.
The Police in Spain have once again cracked down on paedophiles and this is obviously very near to where little Maddie went missing. Good for them:
Typically Spanish - Spain News : National
13 suspects in child pornography swoops in Spain
Apr 8, 2009 - 5:51 PM
Millions of pornographic images were exchanged on the Internet
There have been seven arrests across the country, with another six people facing charges, in a new Civil Guard against child pornography on the Internet.
The 12 property searches took place in nine Spanish provinces: in Barcelona, Madrid, Santander, Logroño, Tarragona and the Canary Islands, and in Andalucía, in Almería, Málaga and Jaén. No fewer than 30 hard discs were found in just one of the properties searched by the Civil Guard.
Millions of photographs and videos have been seized. One of the videos, shared by a P2P connection, showed an underage girl being sexually abused by a middle-aged woman. (One presumes the middle-aged woman in the video is one of the suspects, if not she soon will be X( )
It was the authorities in Germany who first gave the alarm about pornographic files which were being exchanged via Internet connections on Spanish servers.
http://www.typicallyspanish.com/news/pu ... 0840.shtml
Wanted by the police:-
http://to-catch-a-female-predator.blogs ... s%20Wanted
Here is another one in The States, I agree with Schuffel the poster of this on 3 As, if you care about child welfare, you cannot simply deny that this is what really happens to children.
Breaking news out of the US:
Two women and a man child porn ring uncovered
News - Breaking news
Friday, Apr. 10, 2009
A Bloomington, Indiana, man pleaded guilty in federal court on Friday to charges he and two women took pictures of sexual parties involving a 3-year-old girl and an 11-year-old New Athens girl and sent the pictures over the Internet.
William M. Milligan, 27, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to produce child pornography, conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and receipt of child pornography before U.S. Magistrate Judge Donald Wilkerson.
Louise Helen Masulla, 32, formerly of New Athens, and Tabitha D. Robinson, 32, of Midlothian, also face charges of trafficking the girls across state lines for sexual purposes.
The 3-year-old girl was in the custody of Robinson. The 11-year-old girl was in Masulla's custody.
The child porn ring was uncovered after Alton police were told about child molestation and Internet chat room activity that happened between July 22 and Aug. 10.
Milligan, Robinson and Masulla met in an a Terre Haute, Ind., hotel room and engaged in a sex party involving the two children and took photos of the molestation, according to the charges.
Masulla e-mailed those pictures to Robinson and Milligan, as well as circulating them to at least five other men on the Internet, according to federal court documents.
"This defendant and two co-conspirators made ... statements that could be construed as confessions," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Suzanne Garrison, who prosecuted the case.
Robinson pleaded guilty to the charges on April 1. Sentencing is scheduled for July 13.
Milligan entered his guilty plea on Friday. He could face between 24 and 31 years in prison when he is sentenced on June
If you truly care about the welfare of children denial of these abhorrent crimes against children committed by men and women is not an option.
Wanted by the police:-
http://to-catch-a-female-predator.blogs ... s%20Wanted
I checked there is a Midlothian in Illionois US, as well as Scotland!
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