This is a very interesting article which seems to support my own theory that Maddie was abducted by someone close to the family. The Police had the e-fit of this British looking person but had not released it to Kate and Gerry. I wonder if it was the one on the right of this blog by Mr Flack for example. I bet Gerry would have had such a fright to see such a good likeness to himself. The vital stuff is missing from the DVD, that is for sure! A premeditated act and meticulous planning, yes, I know Gerry!
Police admit: 'We don't know if Maddy is alive'
Last updated at 23:07 07 May 2007
As criticism of the investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance mounted, a leading detective has admitted that he was no longer confident she is alive.
At a chaotic press conference, Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa, who was drafted in from Lisbon to take charge, said: "I have not facts to sustain that the child is alive or not.
"We're searching for the child and until the moment she appears we can say nothing more because we are not magicians."
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Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa speaks at the press conference
Asked whether she was still in the region, as local police had claimed at the weekend, he added: "I haven't enough evidence to say."
He even declared that there was still no proof she had been kidnapped. "It's not 100 per cent sure this is an abduction," he said. "This is being treated as the disappearance of a little girl - but obviously we haven't ruled out the possibility that she has been abducted."
A sketch of a suspect and other details had to be kept secret, even from her family, said the officer.
"Due to the limitations of Portuguese law, which is very restrictive, we are not able to reveal anything regarding this case. And in this instance there is also the danger of hampering the investigation."
Despite this, a Portuguese ex-detective claimed Madeleine's abductor is likely to be British and known to her family.
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Interpol has reportedly joined in the search for Maddy
According to retired inspector Jose Barra da Costa, sources within the Judicial Police believe the three-year-old's kidnapper might be from the UK and are using a working description suggesting someone of "English appearance".
On Portuguese TV, however, he declined to say precisely what that meant. And while his claim might ultimately prove true, it is based on the flimsiest of evidence.
Critics have questioned whether police were in fact trying to divert attention from their own failures in the investigation.
Mr Barra da Costa, now a criminologist, said there is a feeling that a Portuguese criminal was less likely to have carried out the meticulous planning that apparently went into the abduction.
A police e-fit of the abductor pointed to a British perpetrator, he added. "I believe the person best placed to carry out this kidnap could be an British acquaintance of the family who knew what steps to take to carry out his plans. It was a premeditated act by someone who left nothing to chance. Knowing Madeleine would have made it easier.
"He could have told her he was taking her to see her parents and stopped her putting up a struggle.
"The e-fit was produced with the help of witness statements from people who claim to have seen someone in the area who resembled a British person."
Clarence seems to be attempting to justify the conduct of Gerry blogging about their dialy routine and repeatedly telling us how he and Kate were suffering (forgetting to mention his little girl unless it was to tell us she was in the company of paedophiles). Clarence insists it is helpful and important for us to know what the family is feeling. I am afraid I do not agree, the public are pretty capable of guessing that parents who genuinely lost a child are utterly desolate, we do not need to keep on being told. And, grief is a private matter, not something the average person wants to put up for sale!
"There is an understandable temptation for a family to keep their own thoughts private but any family doing that is almost failing the person that is missing.
"The modern media has so many platforms it's imperative that the family in a situation like this engage with it in as wide and effective way as possible."
Claudia Case: How Media Scrutiny Is Vital
10:40am UK, Wednesday April 01, 2009
Mark Langford, Sky News Online
It is now two weeks since chef Claudia Lawrence was last seen near her home in York, despite a national media campaign to trace her, but experts say the media's help is still vital in a missing persons inquiry.
Claudia Lawrence
Claudia: Campaign in the media to help find her
The police investigation into her whereabouts has seen an appeal on national TV, media interviews with her family and friends and appeals by officers for information.
All, seemingly, to no avail.
Despite an encouraging response to the latest appeal, this time on Crimewatch, with dozens of calls made to the BBC or to the police, there is still no sign of the 35-year-old from York.
So does the massive media scrutiny - with all the pressure it can bring to the family of the missing person - actually achieve anything?
The most important thing is the police response, and in the case of Claudia Lawrence I am confident they are pulling out all the stops.
Lucy Holmes, of the charity Missing People
Yes it does, says the man who was the media adviser for the family of Madeleine McCann.
Clarence Mitchell helped Kate and Gerry McCann in the aftermath of their four-year-old daughter's disappearance from the family holiday villa in Portugal in 2007.
Although not involved in the Claudia Lawrence investigation, the former BBC correspondent said the media actually has a big role.
He said: "These days a 'no comment' is really not an option.
"Yes, the media are after a story, but behind it there is always a genuine desire to help.
Clarence Mitchell
The McCanns and Clarence Mitchell
"The media is an incredible force for good in a missing person investigation. It can act as the eyes and ears of the family.
"There is an understandable temptation for a family to keep their own thoughts private but any family doing that is almost failing the person that is missing.
"The modern media has so many platforms it's imperative that the family in a situation like this engage with it in as wide and effective way as possible."
Media exposure is a help, but it also undoubtedly adds to the emotional pressure cooker in which the family of a missing person finds themselves.
Lucy Holmes, of the charity Missing People, published a report last December called Living In Limbo, which examined the experiences of families of those who disappear.
She said many of those she interviewed referred to being on an emotional roller coaster.
"Families move between feelings of hope that the person will be found soon, to disappointment and anguish every time a new part of the inquiry results in nothing - particularly at times like the person's birthday or at Christmas," she said.
"One person summed it up for me when they said they saw no end in sight, that when they looked into the future they could see no end at all. That is quite scary."
Yet for most, there can be a happy ending.
Lucy said around 210,000 people are reported missing every year. Three-quarters of those are found within two days, and within a year 99 per cent are traced.
"We know from research that about half of one per cent of missing persons cases are found dead. The number that die in unpleasant circumstances is pretty low," she said.
"The most important thing is the police response, and in the case of Claudia Lawrence I am confident they are pulling out all the stops."
This is a powerful and extremely interesting report from a senior Portuguese Detective. Where he supports his conclusions on the death in apt hypothesis. Kate McCann has certainly been very vocal to the police. The descriptions of the incoherent lies of this group make pretty tragic reading at times..when he points out we could have lost the little girl to Jane Tanner etc. It is very sad that these people would tell such a pack of lies, as a group, to cover whatever it is they are covering in relation to what happened to Madeleine. When you see the suggestion the soft toy was staged on the bed, nothing else alerting Eddie, I can see the thinking but am still not convinced this is what happened. I have noticed though that as I thought Gerry was alone with the children for about 30 minutes from around 5.30 when Kate went jogging on the beach. In another report I read last night David Payne says he visited the McCanns and saw the children at around 5 pm but according to Kate and Gerry they did not get back until 5.30 following release from the creche. I think Fiona places him being there and Kate much later than this. One clearly cannot disagree with the overall conclusions, a pack of incoherent lies in which they have sought to put across a group view, but it just does not work!
P.J.10 SEP 07
A report by Chief Inspector Tavares de Almeida to the
Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation
Where he concludes, after analyzing all the evidence gathered, that the child is dead and the parents were responsible for cadaver occultation, and the entire GROUP was lying since the first day of the investigation.
10 September 2007
(Processo: VOL ,X, p. 2587-2602)
MADELEINE BETH MCCANN was born on the 12th of May of 2003.
She is missing (disappeared) since 03 of May of 2007, a fact that occurred in Praia da Luz, Lagos.
She is the daughter of Gerald and Kate McCann and her birth was desired and planned. However it must be referred the difficulty of the mother to get pregnant, from which resulted the necessary treatments and their “costs”. [I presume he refers more to the emotional and social costs than monetary ones].
She was born after fertilization “in vitro”, but in face of the DNA profile of the minor, she is the daughter of the couple McCann.
It is a scientific fact that the medical treatments to overcome some of the causes for a non-pregnancy raises the probability of, in a normal pregnancy, twins may be born.
In this case we can see that a pregnancy, although desired and planned, turned into a family situation of five instead of three persons. And then, to take care of one child is not the same as taking care of three, all very young.
At around 24h on the 3rd of May of 2007, through a phone connection from the Lagos GNR to this “piquet”, was communicated the disappearance of a minor, a british subject.
We went to the local to proceed to the necessary judiciary inspection.
Before the fact of the disappearance of the minor, the investigation “designed” the several possible sketches.
From the beginning the parents of the minor attributed the fact (disappearance) to the action of a third party, defending the KIDNAPPING.
Even though it was a possible scenario, the actions of the family were in the sense of conducting into that direction, through the publicity of the fact in a way that was never seen before.
In fact, in the following day, the british televisions “opened” the news already publicizing the disappearance/kidnapping of the minor.
The defense of this scenario was, for the Media, the truth of the facts under investigation.
Time went by without the confirmation of this scenario by the presence of any of its necessary assumptions. It was never requested any sort of ransom in exchange for information or the child herself.
However and in front of the depositions of one of the friends, Jane Tanner, one could presume to be before such frame.
Meanwhile the diligences continued in order to recover all types of information and always in the perspective of working over all the possible scenarios.
The information recovered, in the beginning, with the family and friends, was uncertain and “worked up”, by the group, in order to give strength to the version presented and defended.
According to the parents and the GROUP, they went for dinner and all of them left the children, sleeping, in their respective apartments.
The elements of the group had a meeting where they agreed on certain rules that sustained the version that they accompanied continuously the children, while they dined.
It is annexed a manuscript of an element of the group that gives consistence to this thesis.
These principles that, in this way, were shared by all the group makes that all the GROUP is always exculpated in the eyes of the british public opinion, making it impossible that any abnormal occurrence that occurred could take more than 30 minutes, once they all agreed to be that the timing they used to look for the children.
The version that someone in the group that every 15 minutes or every 30 minutes went to the apartments to check if everything was alright falls down!
From the declarations of the group results a total incoherence, in the face of which it’s obvious, that everyone lies.
We may verify that one of the elements of the group wanting to provide consistency to the group’s version, gives it a personal touch: the checking on the children were done in two ways, one just by listening if anyone was crying and in case there was silence than everything was well and the other one, by really checking.
On his turn to verify the children, one of the elements of the group, Mathew, acted on this manner, and he even told Kate that everything was okay but without specifying. Kate remembers this detail.
The truth, however, is that this statements made the investigation to wander, losing time and resources.
It is not admissible (understandable) that this information was given in the beginning and maintained all along the time, in spite of the fact that anyone could verify the losses that it caused to the investigation.
After all this time the version is maintained paired with the public and “hammered “statement that what they want the most is “to help the investigation”.
The investigation had to assume the incorrect information and move forward.
From tsuch the results are that:
• If anyone went to check the children and if everything was alright the disappearance could only have occurred between 21:30h and 22:00h;
• If the information didn’t take into account that witness (? ) then the disappearance occurred between 21:00h and 22:00 h, enlarging the period ( assuming the father is telling the truth);
There is however another question about the timing, which is:
• The last time the child was seen outside of the GROUP, by someone that can prove that moment, it was around 17h:35m, when the parents went to fetch her from the Creche, which can enlarge the gap of time, between the disappearance and the alarm, to four hours.
Continuing with the analysis of the information presented, we have an element of the GROUP that became a witness, pretensely important, Jane Tanner, because of what she communicated: she SAW someone at dinner time crossing the road from the place of the disappearance, in the direction of Robert Murat’s house.
This information swerved (directed) and mobilized the work of the investigators for a long time. This can be the example how information that is not correct can, not only delay, but could have also lead to the loss of the little girl.
Through the insistence on the information, several scenarios of the disconformities of that with the reality were traced, but it didn’t prevent the realization of an intense and long work around that arguido.
We can also verify the discrepancies about the subject on the declarations of Gerald and Jane. How to pass at scarce 2 / 3 meters from each other without seeing one another, they can be positioned in such a reduced space, and between them they cannot see the same person passing by; or rather, one sees but not the other.
Even the local where, assumingly, they crossed each other is not well defined by any of them.
The moment chosen by the witness Jane to make her statement about what she had “seen” and the explanation for that moment is unreal, that is, it is not easy to accept that any witness (from the group) when seeing someone with a child in the arms getting away from the McCann’s place, hadn’t immediately acted or spoken, being certain that the description of the person was being consecutively altered, “perfected”. So, there isn’t much credibility on this deposition.
Until now we have been analyzing small distortions in the information initially transmitted, being noticeable “small” alterations (distortions) of the truth, and relating it with the investigation and with the directions it forced it into.
The investigation didn’t follow the command or the will of anyone; the family and Group’s information that on this type of crime is fundamental, was always distorted.
The fact that the individuals were foreigners prevented, until now, that direct information about the persons of the GROUP were obtained.
The parents of the minor live in a society, the british, known through the press, as very demanding. The professions of both parents, medicine, completed by the fact that the father is a surgeon, increases this degree of pressure and consequent tiredness.
In a society identified internationally and in the Media as very demanding and with many and tight rules to establish those standards of exigency, it makes it obligatory that people rest; make a professional retreat; take their holidays.
Gerald McCann’s profession is a cardiovascular surgeon.
On many moments of his professional career he had to make decisions in thousandths of a second, which gives him certain “coldness” and, certainly provokes an increased tiredness.
The enjoyment of a period of holidays supposes a rest through non-ordinary practices and freedom and exemption from schedules.
The social life in such a holiday, in the present case, was facilitated by the fact that they travelled as a group.
But that social life may, in a certain way, be touched by the presence and constant needs of accompanying the minors.
This evidence and need was clear in the deliverance of the children by the respective children’s centers and creches (according to their ages). The holiday time was not shared between parents and children.
The day, 03 of May of 2007, had gone by, until dinner time, in a natural way according to the adopted style.
After getting the children from the Children’s centers and the creche they went to the apartment, little after 17:35h.
But…Kate went running for half an hour at the beach and then went to the apartment and…Gerald went to play tennis.
While the tennis play was taking place another element of the group that had been in touch with Kate, in the apartment, in a period of time that could have taken between 30 seconds, according to Kate, and 30 minutes, according to Gerald.
In thirty seconds we may ask if everything is well and if anything is needed, little more.
In thirty minutes we can go ahead and make something that is needed from us…
They put the minors to bed and to sleep, around 19:30h. They stood at home until 20:30h, going to the Tapas restaurant afterwards. Of the group they were the first to arrive.
Although the entire group was at the table and starting the meal, they began the “visits” to the children in a way that is neither coherent nor acceptable; that could not be confirmed and only the group defends it, in a sort of “unique version”.
Although they say in the “Autos” that their strategic position in the Tapas restaurant allowed them, the McCann, to see the apartment where they’d left their children, minor, sleeping, the exam of the local reveals it is false.
It must be noted, also, that by the stated in the “Autos” everything points to their position at the table with their back to the apartment.
On that NIGHT, around 22:05h, according to her version, it was Kate that went to the apartment to check the children, coinciding with the end of the dinner, at which she had arrived at 20:30h.
So, she returned to the apartment about one and a half hours later, the time lapse while she didn’t see her children.
It took her about 10 minutes. She returned to the restaurant and communicated to the remaining elements the disappearance of her daughter Madeleine.
It must be noted that Kate knew that, going back to the restaurant as she did, she would leave the twins, Amelie and Sean, in the same dangerous situation.
It is not understandable why she didn’t use the cell phone to call Gerald or the group or, even simpler, that she didn’t go to the balcony from where she could be perfectly heard by the elements of the group.
The authorities, the GNR, were alerted around 22:40h and, he population alerted, started the searches for the minor.
The divulgation of the facts weren’t kept within the authorities and the normal channels. On the following day the british and portuguese TVs were advertising the fact.
The GROUP was together. The search was circumscribed to the interior of the apartment.
Before any search by the authorities at the surroundings the notice about an eventual kidnapping was already running along.
By reasons, they said, of counseling and support the parents asked for the presence of a priest, at around 02:00h/03:00h on the 04 of May.
On the informal depositions they made, during the judiciary inspection made at the local, the information immediately induced the thesis of KIDNAPPING.
Simple things became disinformation: the question of the opened or closed window; the shutter up or down; the balcony door opened…the front door, locked or open.
Despite everything, until a certain time in the investigation the family sustained the thesis of kidnapping. However, in a date that cannot be precise it was suggested to the family that they should consult a person that could, eventually, indicate the probable place where the cadaver of little Madeleine could be found.
This fact became inexplicable to the elements of the investigation once it were the members of the family that raised the hypothesis of death of little Maddie.
Nevertheless, before the Media they kept (and keep) declaring their hope on finding their daughter alive: the first time that the hypothesis of the death of the little girl was raised it was, effectively, suggested by the McCann.
Although maintaining all the lines of the investigation opened it was, nevertheless, decided to advance in the direction of a new inspection to the local where the girl disappeared.
The inspection technique is frequently used in the United Kingdom and consists on the use of dogs especially trained.
As it’s natural it is the dog’s olfact the “sense” used. In the case of this “sense” the difference between the human and the dog is 5 million cells to 200 millions.
It must be highlighted that the resource to this kind of inspection is frequent in the UK and the success rate is 100%.
One of the dogs is trained to detect the odor of cadaver and the other to identify vestiges of human blood.
We refer now that the location of the cadaver odors signifies that physically the body (cadaver) is not on the place, marked by the dog, but certainly it has been there, as long as the dog signals it.
As it can be verified from the “Autos”, in the inquiry, the dogs inspected the locals and objects with the results described below.
All the inspections were recorded in sound and image and were directed by our british colleagues that accompanied the dogs.
Among the great number of objects and locals inspected, the dogs marked the following places:
1. Apartment 5 A, Ocean Club resort, the place from where the child disappeared
1.1. Cadaver odor
• Master bedroom, in a corner, by the wardrobe
• Living room, behind the sofa, by the side window
1.2. Blood dog:
• Living room behind the sofa, close to the lateral window (on the same spot signaled by the cadaver dog);
2. Front garden to the apartment 5A
2.1. Cadaver dog
• Flower bed (the dog handler commented on the “lightness” of the odor)
3. Apartments where the rest of the group were staying
• NOTHING was detected by the dogs
4. Actual residence of the McCann
• NOTHING was detected on the house by any of the dogs
5. At Aldeia da Luz
• NOTHING was detected by any of the dogs
6. Clothes and belongings of McCann family
6.1. Cadaver dog:
• 2 pieces of clothing of Kate McCann
• One piece of Madeleine McCann
• Madeleine’s soft toy
• The odor was detected when the toy was still in the interior of the actual residence of the McCann
• It was confirmed in out of the house conditions
7. Vehicle used by the McCann family
7.1. Cadaver dog:
• Marked the key of the car
• Marked the interior of the booth
7.2. Blood dog
• Marked the car key
• Marked the interior of the booth
8. Car used by a family friend that was staying in the same resort, in some of the same days
• Nothing was detected by any of the dogs
9. All the cars used by the arguido Robert Murat and the people that are close to him
• Nothing was detected by any of the dogs.
(In a total of 10 cars the cadaver dog and the blood dog only marked the car of the McCann family, rented at May 27th)
The places and the pieces marked and signaled by the blood dog are being subjected to forensic exams, part of which are already concluded.
Not less relevant is the refinement of the results that point towards Madeleine’s DNA as being present at the apartment 5A behind the sofa, a place marked by the cadaver and the blood dog. In every place marked by the blood dog it was confirmed there was DNA.
The Media enhancement given to the case and their search for information has contributed to an evolution on Madeleine’s parents declarations.
All the information that was made public, contributed for the remixing of the story, adapting it to eventual police questions, and to attempts to justify the indicia and consequent proof that was being collected.
Let’s see: the media forwarded the hypothesis that the children could have been sedated to be kept asleep and allow some rest to the parents.
Distant in time Kate’s father, the grandfather of the minor, Brian Healy, admits to the press that Kate could have administered some medication to the little girl, Calpol, to help the child (children??) to sleep, contrary to what his daughter Kate had stated.
Kate, through the PJ inspector that acted as “liaison” with the family [NOTE: that is Ricardo Paiva], asked why samples weren’t taken from the twins in order to test that hypothesis. She knew well enough at that time, more than 3 months later, that such exam would be inviable.
She went further and said that we – the investigation – should verify that the kidnapper had sedated Madeleine, to accomplish the action and he had also sedated the twins …to consummate the act…however she didn’t say that at the right moment.
And we know that the sedatives have timings to act and timings to be expelled, that varies between six and 200 hours.
The medical knowledge of the McCann is enough to know such, even if their professional activity never passed by performing toxicology exams.
When the media informed that blood had been detected “in the car and in the apartment”, Kate and members of her family come to the public with the simple excuse that it had been someone, with access to the apartment, to place the evidence.
Now they even admit it was a member of the criminal investigation to place the “false” evidence (blood and cadaver odor in the apartment and in the car).
Kate in an attempt to justify the blood went even further, informing that on that occasion, Madeleine had, sometimes, nasal hemorragies.
On the day that a house search was performed, in the residence of the McCann, on the master bedroom, written papers were found as well as a bible, written in English. It was opened on the pages whose copies are annexed here, with the translation.
KIDNAPPING is a situation with which, unfortunately, in the United Kingdom, most of the public opinion is used to, due to the rate of this kind of crime.
Intelligent people should have a minimum of knowledge that the publicity is harming to the investigation of a kidnapping crime and especially to the safety of the kidnapped person.
They should have waited for the decisions from the police authorities, there is strong evidence that the crime scene was altered, some furniture was moved around.
Those changes are indications of simulation.
On the night of the disappearance of the little girl Madeleine the family was contacted by a lady that identified herself with documents that credited her as somebody that worked with minors in the United Kingdom.
She identified herself with documents/certifications used in the UK, into hospitals and centers for the care of minors. She offered her help in whatever was needed.
No doubt this person could have been of valuable help, even about procedures, but she was dismissed.
From everything that was gathered, the facts point in the direction that the death of Madeleine McCann occurred, on the night of May 3rd of 2007, inside the apartment 5A, of the Ocean Club resort, occupied by the couple McCann and by their three children;
There is a coincidence between the marking of cadaver odor and blood, according to the Laboratory Report (partial) annexed to the “Autos”.
Such markings, occurred behind the sofa of the living room (cadaver and blood odor/DNA), which proves that indubitably such piece of furniture was pushed back by someone, after the death of Madeleine MCann occurred. Because of the weak (small) vestiges recovered at such place, it is to admit as a strong hypothesis that the same was subjected to a wash, at the time the death occurred.
In the same way, the soft toy used by the dead child, found at the head of the bed where she usually slept (see photos about the initial forensics) reveals that someone put it there in a moment posterior to the death, once the bed doesn’t have cadaver odor. This is, there occurred an intentional modification in order to simulate a “picture” that doesn’t correspond with the reality;
It must be added that the cadaver odor signaled a strong odor in the bedroom where the McCann slept, which can indicate the moving of the corpse from the actual death scene (living room) to the non visible part of the bedroom;
Furthermore a strong reaction for cadaver odor was made on Kate’s clothes, which can indicate that she was in touch with the cadaver;
There was also a strong reaction of cadaver odor in the car used by the McCann (since May 27th 2007), which in conjugation with the blood dog and the forensics present in the “Autos”, that indicate the presence of Madeleine McCann’s DNA in the booth of the car, are in order not to exclude a strong hypothesis that this car may have been used to transport the cadaver, 24 days after the death;
It can’t also be neglected the indication of the cadaver and blood dog, on the car key, having the laboratory confirmed the existence of Gerald McCann’s DNA. This last signaling was obtained by the dogs after the key was put far away from the car and in a place not visible.
From everything that was exposed from the AUTOS, we conclude that:
A) The minor Madeleine McCann died in the apartment 5A of the Ocean Club resort, on the night of May 3rd of 2007;
B) It was performed a simulation of kidnapping;
C) In order to avoid the death [alarm] of the minor before 22H00, it was created a situation of the children’s surveillance by the McCann while the children slept;
D) Kate McCann and Gerald McCann are involved in the occultation of the cadaver of their child Madeleine McCann;
E) At this moment, there seems that there aren’t strong indicia that the death of the minor didn’t happen due to a tragic accident;
F) From what was obtained until now, everything points out that the McCann, as self-defense, didn’t want to deliver immediately and voluntarily the cadaver, existing a strong possibility that the same was transported from the initial place of deposition. This situation is susceptible to raise questions about the circumstances under which the death of the minor occurred.
So we suggest that the “Autos” be sent to the EX.mo Sr. Procurador Geral da Républica [General Attorney], in order to:
G) New interrogation of the Arguidos Kate and Gerry McCann;
H) Evaluation of the measure of restraint to be applied in this case;
On the course of the house search to the residence of the Mccann, a manuscript was found, a sort of diary, already photocopied, possibly authored by Kate McCann, and admitting that the same may contain elements that may help to reach the material truth of the facts, WE PROPOSE THAT:
I) The photocopies of such document to be presented to the M.Mo Judge regarding its apprehension, if legal, translation and eventual recovery of elements to bring into the “Autos” for future investigation.
Hi All
Hi Viv
Thanks for a very interesting report.
I found the following interesting.
On the day that a house search was performed, in the residence of the McCann, on the master bedroom, written papers were found as well as a bible, written in English. It was opened on the pages whose copies are annexed here, with the translation.
KIDNAPPING is a situation with which, unfortunately, in the United Kingdom, most of the public opinion is used to, due to the rate of this kind of crime
Intelligent people should have a minimum of knowledge that the publicity is harming to the investigation of a kidnapping crime and especially to the safety of the kidnapped person.
Firstly as far as I am aware, kidnapping is not a huge problem in this country, correct me if I am wrong.
Perhaps Gerry should have taken notice of the advice, publicity can harm the safety of a missing person.
Hiya Di
It is very strange that Kate had the bible open at that page, clearly belieiving Madeleine may have died. Also the manual on criminal law and police procedure. There were other manuals about procedures on abduction etc.
I am not clear on the figures for kidnapping in the UK but would certainly agree it would obviously be higher, much higher than in Portugal. We do have thousands of children just disappear and if it cannot susbequently be linked to a murder case, then it is usually going to get filed as a kindapping for child trafficking etc.
But there is a fairly common incidence of kidnap in UK where one parent will take the other child out of the jurisdiction. Our multicultural society clearly adds to this problem.
Quite often in these cases the parent who has just taken the child or children is unstable and presents a serious risk of harm to the child, due to their mental state or because they sexually abuse the child.
If this Portuguese Officer is implying that Kate and Gerry would have been familiar with this, I do not think we could disagree with that. Child abuse in all its forms in the UK is, on the figures, just about the worst for any well developed country.
For two educated people who have to be aware of and deal with child abuse in the course of their work, especially Kate as a GP, to just repeatedly claim, as they have, they previously had no knowledge of this, in frankly unbelievable.
They did deliberately put Madeleine at further risk of serious harm in the actions they chose to take in marketing her eye defect etc. This only serves to confirm they knew what happened to her, were involved, and had no concern for her safety.
Clearly from reading this our own procedures on protecting kidnapped children are no different to Portugal, confidential to protect the victim. Of course in America, which Gerry had sought to adopt it is just the opposite, Amber Alert.
The primary objectives of Nottinghamshire Police in relation to Kidnap and
Child Abduction are the preservation of the life of the hostage or abducted
child, their prompt and safe return, the protection of any other persons
involved and the safety of the public. Kidnap investigations will be conducted
following the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Crime Committee
Kidnap Manual of Guidance. Nottinghamshire Police will work with relevant
partner agencies including, when necessary, the Police National Ports Office.
Due to the sensitivity of this type of investigation the procedures followed by
the police must remain confidential for the safety of the victims.
All investigations will be conducted following the ACPO Crime Committee
Kidnap Manual, manual of guidance and if relevant the Immigration
Directorate’s Instructions.
Now we have the Gerry, minus the Kate show in Portugal for the ahem big anniversary event he was dreaming of just as soon as he got rid of little Madeleine. Words cannot express what I think of this vile piece of scum.
Post subject: Re: Gerry McCann in Portugal for a reconstruction
New postPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:36 am
On Parole
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McCann New Documentary: Gerry McCann in Portugal
According to Sic News Channel, Gerry McCann arrived today at Lisbon in the company of some British reporters and an ITV production team to shoot a documentary in Praia da Luz, Algarve.
Apparently the ITV documentary will comprise of a reconstitution of the events of 3rd of May, the night Madeleine McCann disappeared, sources confirm that Kate and Gerry McCann and the other members of the Tapas group will be represented by actors playing their roles.
Kate McCann and the other Tapas members were not seen in Lisbon.
The sad reality is that this 'televised' reconstitution will not help to understand what happened to Madeleine since since all statements given by the McCann Couple and their friends are full of incongruences and contradictions regarding the time-lines, a clear attempt from their part to mislead the Portuguese Judiciary Police investigation.
One has to wonder why none of the persons directly involved in the night that Maddie disappeared accepted to do a criminal reconstitution. If Mr. McCann and his wife are so keen in knowing what happened their missing daughter they should, within their rights, ask the Public Ministry to reopen the archived process. And Maybe, finally answer all the question made by the Judiciary Police.
What we see here, with this documentary, is just another attempt to make money for a bottomless fund from a little girl's tragedy.
We have just heard The Guardian actually paid google to get the best hits on the search "madeleine McCann"
The article below also suggests they like to be in on the act.
It is weird to get this news at the identical time Gerry is apparently staging a reconstruction because if Mark Warner actually allow him to do that it would knock their claims for loss of profit over adverse publicity for six, that is for sure!
Madeleine McCann case: Resort firm Mark Warner sues insurers for losses• Company blames publicity for parents staying away
• Claim centres on losses for 'interrupted business'
David Hencke and Rob Evans The Guardian, Saturday 4 April 2009 Article history
The Ocean Club in Praia Da Luz, Portugal, where Kate and Gerry McCann were dining when their daughter Madeleine went missing. Photograph: Linda Nylind
The holiday company at the centre of the Madeleine McCann disappearance has launched a legal action against its insurers to recover lost earnings.
Mark Warner says holidaymakers stayed away from its Praia da Luz resort in Portugal because of the huge media coverage of the disappearance of Madeleine, then aged three, almost two years ago.
The firm filed the writ in the high court seeking compensation from AIG, the big US insurance company, which has had to be bailed out by the US government.
Although the writ has yet to be made public, the Guardian understands that the claim will centre around losses from "interrupted business", normally used to cover businesses that can no longer trade because of flooding or loss of power supplies. AIG is expected to contest the claim.
As soon as Madeleine went missing, Mark Warner sought to reassure parents by insisting the incident was a "one-off".
David Hopkins, the managing director, said at the time: "Our security is terribly robust." However, the company spokesman acknowledged that some parents would opt to stay away as the investigation continued.
While some critics focused on security, others questioned why parents Gerry and Kate McCann had chosen to leave their three children in an apartment at the resort while they had dinner nearby, checking them every 30 minutes.
The Mark Warner spokesman said yesterday: "It is a matter of public record that Mark Warner's bookings to Portugal were affected by events nearly two years ago, but the resort remains very popular and we are looking forward to resuming our summer operations there this May."
It is unclear how far the company's profits were hit by the affair. Its latest accounts show that it made a loss of £2.8m in the year up to October 2007, on a turnover of £46m. It blamed the loss in part to Madeleine's disappearance, saying: "The results for the year reflect the difficult trading conditions experienced by certain parts of the tour operating industry."
Last year, Hopkins told Travel Trade Gazette that the number of parents choosing to go to its resort in Portugal declined immediately after Madeleine's disappearance, but business was "very buoyant" later in the summer of 2007.
Mark Warner built its firm on its claim of being one of the most child-friendly holiday companies. It is popular with middle-class parents who can relax while their children are looked after. The firm, founded in 1974, says on its website: "For over 30 years we have led the way in childcare and have kids' clubs for all ages with free evening creche service."
The writ was filed in February against two AIG companies, New Hampshire and Landmark Insurance, in the admiralty and commercial division of the high court. Court officials said the writ could not be released because it had yet to be formally served on AIG.
Mark Warner said : "It is not our policy to discuss any aspect of our relationship with third party suppliers, so we are unable to comment on your query."
An AIG spokesman said: "I'm afraid it is our policy not to comment publicly on individual claims as we respect our clients' rights to confidentiality in these matters. Consequently I can add nothing to the information you have already received from the courts."
I say get stuffed Greenslade, the papers were right the TAPAS crew did get re-interviewed and two of the papers EXACTLY right, the TAPAS 7. Sour grapes!
Another flaw in the McCanns' coverageComments (32) How many "tapas friends" do Kate and Gerry McCann have? I raise this because, like so many commenters to my posting earlier this week about the couple's travails, I am appalled by the lack of rigour in much of the coverage.
Today's newspaper stories show how there is no agreement about even the most straightforward "fact" - the number of people dining with the McCanns on the night that their daughter Madeleine disappeared, and who are to be re-interviewed (allegedly) by the Portuguese police.
According to the Daily Mirror on its front page, The Sun in a page lead, and the Daily Express also in page a lead, police will speak to the "Tapas Seven".
But, according to the Daily Telegraph here, and the Daily Mail here, police plan to question the "Tapas Nine".
Anyone for eight? I know. A small point. Small, but in the context of the way this story has been covered, significant because it indicates, yet again, that - whatever your opinions might be - reporters cannot agree on a single, simple fact.
the above from Greenslade blog 1/12/07
One year later, too late, waste of time, two years later (!)
Madeleine reconstruction scrapped after 'suspicious' McCanns refuse to return to Portugal to take part
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:54 AM on 28th May 2008
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Maddie: A re-enactment of her disappearance has been scrapped
A planned reconstruction of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann involving her parents and their friends has been scrapped over suspicions about the motives of Portuguese police.
Kate and Gerry McCann and the so-called Tapas Seven - the friends they were dining with in the resort's tapas restaurant when Madeleine vanished - had been due to fly to the Algarve tomorrow.
The plan was to re-enact their movements leading up to the discovery that the three-year-old was missing. But a family friend revealed yesterday how some of them had pulled out after growing uneasy about the decision to stage the replay more than a year on.
The friend said the McCanns, both doctors from Rothley, Leicestershire, believe it would have done 'absolutely nothing' to help find their daughter not least because police had refused requests to televise it.
The couple and the Tapas Seven - friends Matthew and Rachael Oldfield, David and Fiona Payne, Russell O'Brien, his partner Jane Tanner and Dianne Webster, Mrs Payne's mother - were due to take part in the reconstruction at the Mark Warner resort in Praia da Luz.
Their decision to pull out will further damage relations between the police and the McCanns, who were made official suspects in the case in September.
Madeleine disappeared from the bedroom of the family's holiday apartment on May 3 last year. Her parents deny any wrongdoing.
Kate and Gerry McCann
Kate and Gerry McCann: Maddie's parents had been due to the fly out to the Algarve
A friend of the couple said: 'It was a case of all nine of them take part or it doesn't happen at all from the police's point of view, so the whole thing is off.
'The whole group have had grave reservations about the value of it. They want to help the police but keep asking themselves "Why now, more than one year on? What on earth is it going to achieve?"
'They also question why it was not to be televised and why police just want the nine and not other holidaymakers and staff to take part.'
Mrs McCann, 40, her 39-year-old husband and their friends had originally been asked to return to Portugal two weeks ago. But the date was extended because the couple had been undecided about the trip.
Morning Viv
Well some intresting stuff there.
I cant understand how a single person can think Madeleine was abducted (by a stranger) although I still think it is very likely she is dead...
The below two paragraphs...
The plan was to re-enact their movements leading up to the discovery that the three-year-old was missing. But a family friend revealed yesterday how some of them had pulled out after growing uneasy about the decision to stage the replay more than a year on.
The friend said the McCanns, both doctors from Rothley, Leicestershire, believe it would have done 'absolutely nothing' to help find their daughter not least because police had refused requests to televise it.
So they dont think it will be fair (on who them or Madeleine the little girl in the hands of a peadophile ring) can any person who loves their child think of any reason not to do anything and everything that may result in the truth of what happend comming out.
The excuse it would not be televised says it all really no publicity so no money comming into the fund.
They have never publicised the reward because they dont think it is a good idea (yet telling the world about her eye is a good marketing ploy) wht is this how to find a missing child the McCann way???
What the hell do they know to ignore all the advise they were offered they shot off to far flung places ignoring all the people in PDL who were busy searching for their daughter.
2 years later they decide that it is the people who searched for thier daughter who may have the information they need when even the most stupid and un educated of us would have started there.
Their friends were shouting about closing borders Morroco and other far flung places why??? Was one of them responsible for what happend to Madeleine and needed to buy some time...
Yet they trust their friends well I trust mine but if my child were missing I would want them all questioned and would more than likely never trust them again...
Lets all go and break the law and when questioned try and direct the investigation the way we want it investigated. Neglect is a crime and because of the lack of care if Madeleine was taken this allowed it to happen. I dont think the police would listen to me so why follow the McCann's and allow them to trample all over it???
Morning All,
Can this be true - Joana Morias is posting the following today:-
According to Sic News Channel, Gerry McCann arrived today at Lisbon in the company of some British reporters and an ITV production team to shoot a documentary in Praia da Luz, Algarve.
Apparently the ITV documentary will comprise of a reconstitution of the events of 3rd of May, the night Madeleine McCann disappeared, sources confirm that Kate and Gerry McCann and the other members of the Tapas group will be represented by actors playing their roles.
Kate McCann and the other Tapas members were not seen in Lisbon.
The sad reality is that this 'televised' reconstitution will not help to understand what happened to Madeleine since all statements given by the McCann Couple and their friends are full of incongruences and contradictions regarding the time-lines, a clear attempt from their part to mislead the Portuguese Judiciary Police investigation.
One has to wonder why none of the persons directly involved in the night that Maddie disappeared accepted to do a criminal reconstitution as asked several times by the Portuguese authorities.
If Mr. McCann and his wife are so keen in knowing what happened to their missing daughter they should, within their rights, ask the Public Ministry to reopen the archived process. And maybe, finally answer all the questions made by the Judiciary Police.
What we see here, with this documentary, is just another attempt to make money for a bottomless fund from a little girl's tragedy.
This farce can't go on forever!
Hi Wizard
What a joke do they want to find their child or raise another million which will stay in the bank like the million they have left over???
They have so far spent a Million pounds out of which only £250 has been sent on searching for Madeleine (or 13% of the total has been spent actually looking for her)...
A reconstruction under their false and ever changing statements can do nothing but show the world they did not do it...
Who cares about the Bloody McCann's innocence it should be the last thing on their minds all that matters is the truth if they are innocent why is this not thier only goal to find Madeleine...
If they are going with their own varied statements and actors why do they need to be in PDL to do it it could be computer generated it will have the same result they want which is to show they could not possibly have done it!!!!!
Kate if you are in England while Gerry plays god over your daughters life get yourself to a police station and give the twins a chance of a happy normal life by telling the truth...
If she was taken you may just be the key to finding her if something else happend come clean now things happen in life we all make mistakes or miss judge things. None of us are perfect our children do not expect us to be but they do expect us to be honest.
Your children will grow and start to question you and if Madeleine was really taken will want to know why you allowed your friends to change statements and not return to help her and why you hired a spin dr when all you needed to do was help the police.
I never knew Madeleine but I think she is worth truth and respect and if she is in the hell of a peadophile ring then honesty is the best you can do for her.
Well I am not too clear on what he is doing there at the moment because here is another report, saying he is monitoring and he is over there!
I cannot wait to hear this new information about the disappearance of Madeleine, is he going to finally confess!
Father of Maddie in the Algarve
Gerry McCann will monitor private investigations that are still ongoing
By: / PP | 04-04-2009 12: 00
Less than a month of the second anniversary of the disappearance of Maddie, Gerry McCann returned to Portugal. According to the newspaper 24 Horas moves the British doctor landed Friday at the end of the day in Lisbon and should start this Saturday for the Algarve. The visit should not last more than 48 hours.
According to the same story, which quotes the spokesman of the couple Clarence Mitchell, Madeleine's father is allegedly monitor private investigations still ongoing.
Maddie: new campaign unworthy Algarve
Clarence Mitchell said Gerry did not even find the Judicial Police and that during this visit to Praia da Luz, will be given 'new information' to the media about the investigation to the disappearance of Maddie.
It is strange they now seem to prefer to be in Portugal/the Portuguese press. Is Gerry trying to get the Portuguese to deal with it again, because he is none too keen on the British Police :-)))
Very odd we did not get a UK press bulletin!
Update 13:00 pm: Jane Tanner, Matthew Oldfield and Clarence Mitchell are in Praia da Luz with Gerry McCann. Apparently it's a joint ITV Channel 4 production. This team have produced some works for BBC Panorama.
Today's shooting will have Gerry McCann going in to the apartment 5A and exiting.
Gerry will not take any questions from the media, Clarence will give a press statement later on.
The production team brought a 'Madeleine' to play the role of Madeleine Beth McCann.
Meanwhile 21 workers of the Ocean club were fired today, the letter mentioned the McCanns as the cause for their joint dismissal. The workers are considering to sue the McCanns.
Update at 10:00 am: Gerry caught on mobile camera at Lisbon Airport
Minor update: From ITV published 27 March 2008
Coming soon: McCann documentary
McCann film to mark anniversary of Maddie's disappearance
Kate and Gerry McCann are set to take part in an ITV documentary marking the first anniversary of their daughter Madeleine's disappearance.
The programme will feature extended contributions from the parents and focus on the campaign to prevent others going through a similar ordeal. It is the only TV programme the McCanns have agreed to be filmed for in the run up to the anniversary.
The documentary team has followed Kate and Gerry McCann since early January and exclusive footage for the one-hour special will include the couple in their home in Rothley and travelling around the world.
They also talk about Madeleine, the night she went missing, becoming “Arguido” suspects in Portugal and the decision to return to Britain.
Kate and Gerry campaign to introduce to Europe a USA-style Amber Alert system, in which law enforcement agencies are empowered to commandeer airtime on TV and radio when a child goes missing. The system also includes alerts via email, electronic traffic signs and text message.
The McCanns hope a European-wide scheme will help reduce the chances of their experience happening to other families.
ITV’s controller of current affairs and documentaries, Jeff Anderson, said the channel will donate £10,000 to the Find Madeleine Fund. However, he added that no payment has been made to Kate and Gerry McCann for the making of the programme.
Steve Anderson, executive producer at Mentorn Media, said: “Amid all of the controversy, what should be remembered is that a little girl is still missing and her family is trying its best to find her.
“We have been with Kate and Gerry McCann as they have pushed for a better system across Europe to help stop child abduction. They are determined to do whatever they can to make sure that what happened to Madeleine doesn’t happen to another child.
“They also speak frankly and honestly about Madeleine’s disappearance which is undoubtedly one of the biggest stories of the past 12 months.”
I wonder why Russell O'Brien and David Payne do not want to pop over and join the fun!
This is going to backfire on Gerry McCann big time IMO!
See the Pink Ludicrous One pontificating around with the camera crew outside 5a, seemingly completely oblivious to what an utter tosser he looks.
Hi All
Hi Viv
Just looking in, back from Wales and catching up.
I am somewhat surprised by what I have read up to now.
Gerry is happy to go to Portugal for a supposed reconstruction with the cameras rolling plus £10,000 better off for his pocket, sorry fund, but cannot be bothered to help find Maddie when the PJ ask him and his friends to, my opinion oif course.
I wonder how this reconstruction will work, let's not forget they have had several months to try and find a way that it will. It should be very interesting especially all the checks. However I don't think we will see any of these, it will be the odd one and of course JT's sighting of bundleman.
I think ITV have made a terrible mistake donating to the fund.
I also think K & G and all the tapas should feel ashamed of themselves for bringing this back onto the innocent people of Portugal, what have they done to cause you any harm?
I have been thiking all day that ITV are broke yet they shell out 10k for the fund that has only spent 25 x that out of a total of a million plus on searching...
But if Gerry sets in stone what happend and it is then proven that he is lying then maybe they will make a fortune by allowing other media outlets buy the rights to show the moment it all came crashing down as he spun it one too many times...
God knows what rights a 3 year old child has in England today but none of the authorities seem bothered she is missing due to serious neglect...
Off out see you all later xxx
Hi Hope
Good point, perhaps this will be Gerry's undoing.
We have all read the files and the timelines just do not add up. However, I would not put it past Gerry and tapas to come up with a new surprise.
Enjoy your evening.
I cannot believe the BBC report implies that the tapas have returned for the reconstruction, and no doubt all and sundry will believe they truly have returned to help the PJ.
The British public at large will not understand this is of their own doing. Gerry thinks he is very clever, Hope.. I am going with you on this, his undoing, PLEASE.
Out of interest Carter Ruck have a reputation to think of, why on earth would they allow this to happen if it could backfire?
I have just been over to 3A's and have seen Slopping Outs comment, this has been designed to take away from GA's documentary which is coming out soon.
Well well. Gerry, you can run but you can't hide, I promise I will lift every stone.
Gerry timed it well didn't he, just in time for the Easter Hols, good one Gerry damaging the very people who helped you in the first place.
I hope you are happy that several people have lost their jobs because of your responsible parenting. They gave up their time to search day and night for your child and this is how you repay them. Bitter people are very dangerous people imo. The staff will have many tales to tell. The Portuguese press I am sure will also be willing to print them and why not.
I agree this will not help Gerry McCann and Kate it would seem is past caring. It is very odd that once again we have Tanner wanting to help out and convince everyone she is not a liar and a fantacist. Just like on the steps of the High Court, no Russell. You know why I think he will just not get involved! No Kate either, one suspects a little marital disharmony going on here.
Another report:
Madeleine case
Documentary will focus on undervalued by police clues
The documentary about Madeleine McCann is being run in the Algarve will focus "on track underestimated by the police, said today the producer of the film, which aims to assist the investigation into the disappearance of British girl
According to the spokesman of the British girl's family, Clarence Mitchell, "there is no contribution to the funds' Find Madeleine 'or even for the family. The sole purpose of their parents is simply to find more clues that help the private investigation to find Madeleine McCann, nothing more.
Steve Anderson, producer of the documentary informed, in turn, that the film will focus on 'underrated tracks on the police.
Gerry McCann, the father of the child, returned today to the apartment of the Ocean Club tourist complex, where Maddie vanished almost two years in Praia da Luz for the filming of the documentary is being produced by Mentorn Media for the British chain of Channel Four television.
Gerry came to Praia da Luz accompanied by Jane Turner, one of the friends who followed the McCann on vacation and that dined with them in the Tapas Bar on the night that Maddie disappeared, and a team of production of the documentary.
Kate McCann, the mother of the girl, "was not prepared to return to Portugal, the second Clarence Mitchell.
Fifteen players will play the roles of the group of friends who dined at the restaurant with McCann, witnesses and even of Madeleine, which is interpreted by a child "more or less the same age, daughter of friends of the couple.
The footage for the documentary will take place over two days.
Gerry McCann was interviewed today and is scheduled to run from scenes in the restaurant Millennium, where the couple dined the night before the disappearance of the girl at the pool and the Ocean Club next to the church in Praia da Luz
During the night, 'the exact time of events "will be filmed the recovery of the case, said the spokesman of the McCann, explaining that serve to replenish the documentary, but rather as the basis for the private research in progress.
One of the scenes will be the man that Jane Turner says he has seen the passing of a child placed in the night that Maddie disappeared.
Clarence Mitchell explained that the couple has not only rebuilding this earlier, as requested by the Portuguese authorities, because at the time did not permit the televising.
"We believe that this documentary could generate new information that will help us find Madeleine", he stressed.
The spokesman of the family, also said that the rebuilding will be available on site www.findemadeleine, and the transmission of the Channel Four documentary to be negotiated with several European countries including Portugal.
Gerry Mc Cann not participate in the filming, but will be the consultant team, along with Jane Turner and Matthew Oldfield, another friend of the couple.
Be present also two private investigators hired by McCann.
Madeleine, then three years old, disappeared in 03 May 2007 in the bedroom where I slept with the two twin brothers, younger, in an apartment in a tourist resort in Praia da Luz, district of Lagos, Algarve.
Gerry and Kate McCann were made suspects in September 2007, before being acquitted in July 2008 for lack of evidence to support the hypothesis, preferred by the survey, an accidental death of the girl. The family always said to be convinced that she had been kidnapped.
Post I have put on 3 As in response to Weary suggesting they may have split.
I would not go so far as to say they have actually split but this is clearly possible. IMO they know the police are vigorously pursuing them and we just don't know what is going on there and are not likely to be told until the McCanns are actually charged with any offence. They could well have been taken in for further questioning or visited at home. I think that is very likely.
I think Kate holds Gerry responsible for what happened to Madeleine even though she is involved by letting it take place. I think she may still hold a desperate hope that Maddie is still alive.
Kate IMO suffers mental ill health and I believe she is likely to be very unwell with the strain of all of this and the police continuing to pursue them. She does not see the way out of their situation by continuing bravado and bluff, she is more depressed and more pragmatic. Gerry does not get depressed, he has no normal human emotions. He just continues to believe he can outwit and plot his way out of this with his oft repeated claims of absolutely no evidence. Maybe not of them actually killing Madeleine but there is a host of evidence against them that confirms they have lied and are involved.
When you have two personalities who IMO are so different and see the situation they are in and how they should approach it in such different ways, I think it is inevitable they will be moving further apart with a lot of heated rows. But still I wonder if she will hang on to him fearing that if she does not, she may have even less chance of getting away with it. I believe Kate is trying very grimly to hang on to her twins but increasingly unable to cope with them anyway. It is a great pity someone like her mother does not have the guts to explain that if she just went and told the police the truth, she could take what is coming to her and then rebuild her life. If she does not do that she will never have a life at all. If there is any chance that Madeleine is still alive and she is failing to cp-operate that is unforgivable, but it maybe only Gerry knows where she is or was taken to.
Also now on the BBC:
age last updated at 20:55 GMT, Saturday, 4 April 2009 21:55 UK
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McCann father returns to Portugal
Madeleine McCann
Investigations have so far failed to find Madeleine McCann
Madeleine McCann's father Gerry McCann has returned to Portugal to advise private detectives filming a reconstruction of her disappearance.
Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said Mr McCann and two family friends have returned to the resort area of Praia da Luz to help with the filming.
The reconstruction will be shown in a Channel 4 Cutting Edge documentary.
Madeleine, of Rothley, Leicestershire, was three when she vanished from the Algarve holiday flat on 3 May 2007.
The aim of this is to get that critical piece of information that could still help to find Madeleine
Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell
The reconstruction - being filmed by the McCanns' own private investigators - will focus on what happened on the night, as described by witness statements.
Negotiations are under way for the reconstruction to be shown on Portuguese television and in other European countries, and it will be also be available on the Find Madeleine website.
Mr Mitchell said: "The aim of this is to get that critical piece of information that could still help to find Madeleine. Gerry has returned with that aim.
"Certain aspects of the witness testimony were hidden deep in the police files and these particular aspects have received very little attention. The private investigators feel that it is very important to highlight these things.
"It's being done simply in the hope that it will jog someone's memory."
The McCann's friends Jane Tanner and Matthew Oldfield, who were with them on the night Madeleine disappeared, will be interviewed on the programme, to be aired on 7 May.
A man was said to have been "acting suspiciously" two days before Madeleine disappeared, and Ms Tanner said she had seen a man carrying what may have been a sleeping child.
Channel Four commissioning editor for documentaries Mark Raphael said: "The disappearance of Madeleine McCann is one of the most harrowing unsolved crimes of recent years.
"Two years on, Kate and Gerry McCann are still searching for their daughter. We hope that this documentary and reconstruction may be able to provide vital new leads for the investigation."
It will be very interesting to learn who these two so called private detectives are. Presumably not ex senior police officers in spite of all the hype!
Now I wonder why not:-))))
Mind you some will say anything if the price is right but there again Mark Williams Thomas was just a constable with delusions of grandeur, it would be a laugh if he was one of them but I think even he saw the light, what with all that training he has had. If so, well done Mark for spotting in about 18 months what most of us spotted in a few days.
On a more amusing note The Queen is a hit on youtube as she is plainly heard saying why does that man have to shout (Mr Berlusconi)
Maybe in her dotage she is getting a dose of the Prince Philip's :-)))
Good article from Joana Morais, also outlining PJ reaction, "we are watching closely". I wish they had a rat/roach infested cell they could throw him in! He would be right at home..
April 04, 2009
Surprise visit
Gerry is going to follow the development of private investigations in the Algarve, and there is to be news soon
by Duarte Levy
A month before the second anniversary of Madeleine’s disappearance, Gerry McCann, the little English girl’s father, arrived yesterday evening at Lisbon airport for a 48-hour visit.
During his stay, Gerry McCann will follow the filming of a “kind of” mini reconstitution of what allegedly happened on the night that Maddie disappeared. The filming is made by ITV, that intends to record a documentary and counts on a group of actors who will play the roles of the nine British citizens: Kate, Gerry McCann and the other members of the Tapas group.
According to the couple’s spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, Madeleine’s father allegedly also comes to follow the couple’s ongoing private investigations on the terrain.
“Gerry is not going to meet the PJ or any member of the Portuguese authorities”, Clarence told 24horas.
The couple’s spokesman, now also working for a communications and public relations company, further promised that during Gerry’s visit to Praia da Luz, the media would be offered “relevant news” concerning the search for Maddie.
Clarence Mitchell refused to confirm or deny the presence of private investigators in Praia da Luz, but 24horas knows that during last week, while the campaign was ongoing, at least two former members of the English police visited the locations where supposedly Maddie was abducted from.
As 24horas had published already, Gerry McCann returned to Portugal alone because “Kate is not ready yet”.
Yesterday evening, Maddie’s father travelled directly to the Algarve, after being greeted by members of the British embassy, who awaited him on his arrival.
Clarence Mitchell confirmed to 24horas that “just like Gerry had announced a few weeks ago, during his first visit, this is just one more visit”, and other visits are scheduled, with “the purpose of searching for Maddie”, according to the couple’s spokesman.
PJ follows Gerry’s visit to the Algarve
A source at the Polícia Judiciária in Portimão confirmed that Maddie’s father’s visit to our country is being watched closely, yet lamented that the couple didn’t carry it out at “the time when the inquiry demanded it”.
The population of Praia da Luz, which is upset by the campaign that has been carried out in that area of the Algarve, fails to understand the visit’s purpose: “They did nothing to help the police and ended up fleeing this place like criminals”, Rui Macedo told 24horas, adding that “they won’t rest until they destroy our region”.
But Gerry McCann isn’t the only one returning to Portugal, as 24horas was able to establish that several other persons who intervened in the Maddie case are in our country at the moment.
source: 24horas, 04.04.2009
"there is to be news soon". Ah maybe he knows in advance he will solve the case. If so Gerry, I can only say you always had the solution and it has taken you a damned long time to provide it!
The sickening excuse now being offered by Mitchell as to why it was apparently all to late a YEAR AGO, is well they were not going to put it on the telly. So, in short they do not give a stuff about helping the police to find Madeleine, they just care about propaganda on the telly!
Joana also reported on 3 As some locals shouted to him, "go, home Assassin". I am pleased he got the welcome he deserves as he once again seeks to blame not just the Portuguese Police now but local people too, the same people who gave up their time to look for Maddie whilst Gerry played international celebrity/keep fit fanatic/ had a good laugh and afters party at Geraghtys on Madeleine's 4th birthday. I bet Madeleine really enjoyed that too.
The only thing that keeps my faith in this case is knowing the police like I do.
Watch out Gerry!
CT'Yes, the head, the cut of the hair, the hair line was very similar, mmm... but the individual made him on CD, humm.
DC1485'What did he do'
CT'He, well, he assigned a document to confirm that I was correct but it was all on computer and'humm'he took it back to Reading.
DC1485'He was from Reading'
CT'He worked for the Reading Police, so I assumed he was legitimate.
DC1485'Did he leave a card or another contact'
DC1485'Is the name recognisable'
CT'No, but it was all noted by the Police in Reading.
DC1485'Where did they go'
CT'They, they went to my office.
DC1485'They went to your office'
DC1485'How many of them were there'
CT'Only one, with a laptop.
DC1485'I am not suggesting that he, he'
CT'I was going to say that, I hope he was legitimate, this was a long time ago.
DC1485'Yes, I am not suggesting this, simply, I want you to help me find him.
CT'I, I do not remember his name, humm.
DC1485'You told me that he was young'
CT'Yes, a young person.
DC1485'He was in his youth'
CT'Well, a computer genious, but not one of those weird looking ones, you know'hum, very much younger'humm, he was around 25 or something.
CT'Dark hair, hum'short, yes, I remember that he was very short, humm'and was only'
DC1485'You have a fantastic memory, did you know that'
CT' (laughs) Perhaps this has something to do with my past, because I was working, hummm'my other organisation was, hummm'called Reading because it was all organized by them.
DC1485'Good, I will ask you to contact us first, unless you have a preference'
CT'I can check in my agenda when I get home.
DC1485'And call me after or'
DC1485'I keep all my appointments and if there is anything, because when I was working, I was better organised compared to when I do nothing.
CT'Perhaps there is something about his name.
DC1485'Because he must have said his name and the visit and you may have made a note in your agenda.
CT'I would have noted it as I had to also book the room.
CT'I remember this, yes.
The Police are not famous for turning up at someone's work to be that helpful and they do not take a witness statement on a computer, they write it out and get the witness to sign every page and every alteration.
This is very serious and just serves to convince me even more how much trouble the McCanns and their investigators are in! We have heard the Spanish Police are laying into the Metodos.
Hi Viv and All,
I've just been reading back - words fail me, well only temporarily.
What biased reporting all sourced from the Dr’s McCann et al.
Talking about the current documentary Jeff Anderson says the McCanns’ will. “Speak frankly and honestly about Madeleine’s disappearance which is undoubtedly one of the biggest stories of the past 12 months.”
Mr Anderson makes 3 points: Madeleine’s disappearance – fact; one of the biggest stories of the past 12months – half truth surely 24months; they speak frankly and honestly - a very dubious conclusion from the pj’s suspects, imbedded in truths and half truths.
The £10,000 fee donation for this documentary to the fund suggests that no fraud is being perpetrated by the fund and it is kosher and above board – which of course may well not be the case.
Clarence Mitchell says. “The reconstruction - being filmed by the McCanns' own private investigators - will focus on what happened on the night, as described by witness statements.”
No doubt the witness statements will be subjective pro McCann statements - another example of a biased source, Mitchell, giving a biased report to the press, about a biased reconstruction.
Then we have a press report saying. “A man was said to have been "acting suspiciously" two days before Madeleine disappeared, and Ms Tanner said she had seen a man carrying what may have been a sleeping child.”
Oh what a tenuously coupling of incidents which are extremely unlikely to be linked let alone linked to this case.
“Gerry is not going to meet the PJ or any member of the Portuguese authorities”, Clarence told 24horas. “Well there’s a surprise – not!
24horas goes onto say. “Gerry McCann returned to Portugal alone because “Kate is not ready yet”.
Not yet ready – why hasn’t she come round to Gerry’s way of thinking yet? - Not finished the drama course yet? - In a strop because Gerry will not agree to the divorce settlement?
The continuous repeating of a lie by the press represses the truth and throws a spanner in the wheels of justice. Madeleine is a ward of court – what is the point if her interests are not being upheld. Her interests and the interests of her parent are not the same. The perpetuation of a tenuous hypothesis by the prime suspects is not seeking to solve the mystery of Madeleine’s disappearance it is seeking to perpetuate their hypothesis of their innocence. In my book this documentary will be nothing less than aiding and abetting criminal activities.
Well Gerry was full of smiles again yesterday he cant help it can he the world media are intrested in him and he loves it...
This piece of scum was asked to do a reconstruction twice by the police and he did not want to as it would not be televised now he is back with actors to play the evil 9 and the end result will be "Oh they are innocent and could not possibly have done it" what a joke...
Well if we have their biased documentry and the police are not important enough to investigate the disapearence of a neglected child then we should be able to see the flip side and what GA has to say about them...
Maybe this has gone beyond a trial locking them up for the rest of thier sorry lives will not help Madeleine but people should see both sides of the coin not just as told by the pink plonker....
Madeleine was a 3 year old little girl neglected by her parents and when they told us she was in the hands of a peadophile ring Daddy says there is no reason to belive she has been harmed and Mummy and Daddy pose for the cameras with big grin's on thier faces...
The T Shirt launch with the 3 of them grinning for the camera makes me sick.
The whole thing makes me sick no questions answered by Kate some answered by Gerry. No one wants to go back and help with a reconstruction and friends lying about Murrat...
Madelenine has been let down like countless other children in England but is not as important as Baby P or any of the others that have been neglected by their parents.
Kate your twins need you all children need thier Mum dont throw your future away because when they get older they will not just accept what you tell them they will be looking for any information they can find and if they have doubts about you even secret ones they will never be able to grow in the way they deserve to....
Go back answer the questions put all the timelines right if you are innocent it may save Madeliene if you are not then save your soul and start to heal. You have a future and that does not have to be worrying every time the door knocks something you thought you had covered up has come undone...
Thanks Wiz and Hope for two great posts that express matters so well.
As ever our media are just interested in a story and have no interest in what really happened to little Madeleine.
I wonder if this blond man seen by Mrs Fenn's niece is going to feature in the documentary? Maybe we should focus on what their private investigators are prepared to do to get some "evidence" to support the lies of Kate and Gerry McCann? Even pose as the police, it would seem.
I was interested the way you picked up the press stating story of the last 12 months rather than 24, it is quite pathetic really the lengths they will go to, to just keep up the story. Our police will not give them one, but of course Gerry is happy to fill the void.
As for Kate refusing to be around, I think that is a pretty major problem for him and it will be interesting to see how that develops. If you were Kate's mum and he is the main criminal is this as I suspect, what would you advise Kate to do? If you could not get her to go and tell the truth it would be this. Do not join him in any more of his lies and grandiose schemes.
Hi Viv, Wizard & Hope
Great posts as always.
I have been out most of the day having a lovely family gathering, with all ages of children included, they did make us laugh. Just having a quick look whilst hubby is watching footy highlights.
I personally don't think this reconstruction in PDL is going to amount to anything. I think it will take up a tiny part of the documentary designed to fool the public, and I am sure it will.
I have already heard people today saying good on them finally they are going back as asked. No, it was not appropriate for me to say anything without upsetting people, and let's be fair, we all have our own opinions about what we think may have happened.
I also wonder if we will see Gerry talking to Jes as this would lessen JT's sighting. As Jane has attended they obviously want to make sure everyone believes her statement.
I personally think we will all be very disappointed with this reconstruction but I live in hope.
Will catch up tomorrow.
Hiya Di, I too think this documentary will be equally as pathetic as everything else Gerry has done to try and persuade us it was not him. It seems that the actress for bundleman is actually a small woman, do doubt to impress upon us this little chap at just 5'7" was nothing like Gerry.
If anyone seriously takes any notice of this, more fool them! I suspect the Police will actually have a good laugh at Gerry's expense!
This has never really occurred to me before but I was reading Payne rog again. First DC Messiah gets him to talk about Kate's fear for going on that holiday also voiced via Fiona and tries to get a response as to what she was fearful of. He then rather cleverly asks him, why in the overall scheme of things Ocean Club and it just hit me what this officer is getting at. It is not like a normal holiday complex that is gated off to the public, they just cannot wander around in there. When I was in Egypt there are security guards on the entrace to hotel complexes. It has been similar in other places I have been, you are in an isolated tourist world, not with the ordinary public. But Ocean Club, Kate and Gerry's apt in particular was right on the street where the public could access. So I think this is what this officer is driving at in feeling it was planned. If it had been some gated private complex who could they have said Maddie suffered stranger abduction. Payne even goes on to say Egypt, Turkey Greece not open in May, well I know for a fact that is pure bloody rubbish and it can be very hot in those countries in May! Hotter in fact that Portugal on average.
1485 "You say you needed the rooms for together?”
Reply "Yes.”
1485 "What took, what sort of conversations took place?”
Reply "Err basically when, you know prior to the booking err Mark Warner had err he said oh yes it’s, you know don’t worry we can make sure that all the apartments are together and err then subsequently after booking I then you know, I, obviously it was just something that was very you know because we knew there was some difficulties geographically that you know you could be split out over quite a distance on the actual Mark Warner site. Well that would have impacted, we felt you know quite heavily on the holiday if we’d have you know one couple were, you know, completely out on the limb and everyone else was together so when I’d mentioned this again you know just to, just to err you know, confirm that that would be the situation, that we’d be all together they, the reply was I’m afraid we can’t actually guarantee that you will all be together because this is not solely a Mark Warner err set up you know so unfortunately we are slightly err at the vagaries of the Ocean Club about where couples will be but we’ll do our utmost to make sure that you are you know together. So err yeah so that’s generally the way that the, err the conversation or the email correspondence went. Err I, you know there was other things that were slightly different you know obviously from the childcare you know point of view. They had the, you know they had the listening service that they have, you know at the other Mark Warner venues that we’d been on, and err you know that was part, you know that was the concept again that we were buying in to the Mark Warner and you know when we went out there that was partly, so again there was some correspondence we had with them just you know, just checking what, what was available in terms of the dinners as well, err Mark Warner’s are generally I think half, you know half board and that wasn’t on offer so there’s some differences with Mark, that, that particular err venue compared with the other Mark Warner’s that the, that the couples I’ve already mentioned had been on previously.”
1485 "Yeah.”
00:18:00 Reply "And err you know just for the record, embarrassingly or as it turns out now in err retrospect you know it’s a small change but you know the Mark Warner had also advertised that you know they were gonna discount the holiday by ten percent you know not long after we booked, which slightly irritated me, given the fact that we booked it and then he said well actually we don’t have this, we don’t have this, so I’d had correspondence probably being a bit cheeky just to say what, what, you know you can knock us ten percent off as well and they gave us some discount, which you know looking back just seems, you know, ridiculous.”
1485 "Yeah, in the scale of things. Why specifically was it the Ocean Club?”
Reply "Err I mean as I say, we, we bought into the concept of a group holiday, we bought into the concept of Mark Warner, we’d all you know, apart from Kate and Gerry I don’t think they’d done Mark Warner, but you know we’d certainly been on that type of holiday before, and as I you know recall they were the only Mark Warner resort that was open at that time of the year. I don’t think Egypt was you know available at that time of year, I don’t think err Turkey was available and certainly Greece, so I think at that particular moment in time it was just that Portugal was the only one that opened that early in the season.”
1485 "Yeah.”
Reply "And it just fitted in with our timings, we felt, you know, obviously you go away, you want it to be a bit warmer and you know we thought that Portugal would be ideal.”
According to retired inspector Jose Barra da Costa, sources within the Judicial Police believe the three-year-old's kidnapper might be from the UK and are using a working description suggesting someone of "English appearance".
On Portuguese TV, however, he declined to say precisely what that meant. And while his claim might ultimately prove true, it is based on the flimsiest of evidence.
Critics have questioned whether police were in fact trying to divert attention from their own failures in the investigation.
Mr Barra da Costa, now a criminologist, said there is a feeling that a Portuguese criminal was less likely to have carried out the meticulous planning that apparently went into the abduction.
A police e-fit of the abductor pointed to a British perpetrator, he added. "I believe the person best placed to carry out this kidnap could be an British acquaintance of the family who knew what steps to take to carry out his plans. It was a premeditated act by someone who left nothing to chance. Knowing Madeleine would have made it easier.
"He could have told her he was taking her to see her parents and stopped her putting up a struggle.
"The e-fit was produced with the help of witness statements from people who claim to have seen someone in the area who resembled a British person."
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