31 Jan 2010


Wiz, you are better at accounts than me but I gather you did not want the job, so had a look and tried my best xx

The accounts are set out showing income and operating surplus for the year 2007-2008 alongside the current accounting year, 2008-2009 (headed up 2008, 2009) This shows that at the beginning of the financial year, April 2008 they had an operating surplus of just over one million pounds. During the year these accounts cover (period April 2008 to April 2009) they had an income of just £629,000 as opposed to £1.8M the previous year but spent during this year quite massively, a whopping £975,000 on "merchandising and campaign costs" and £31,000 on "administrative expenses" which were far higher the previous year at £141,000. But the previous year those merchandising and campaign costs were much lower at £673,000. I am no accountant but you can see that there was an increase on those costs of some £300,000 this year which seems to rougly equate with what got "Halligened". Certainly during that year, I would like to know how the McCanns can justify spending over one million pounds, particularly when income to the fund had dropped to only £673,000 which therefore leave them in the situation of having blown the operating surplus they had and they finish up with £690,000 left in the Fund as at the end of this accounting period which would have been April 2009. Clarence seems to be telling us it is now lower than that. One is inexorably drawn to the conclusion that not only did £300,000 get "Halligened" about £600,000 has gone into some black hole. The legal action against Goncalo Amaral was apparently started in May 2009 which is just after the end of this accounting period but it says in the accounts that action was funded from this. It therefore seems to me there has been the most collosal expense to the Fund of defending Kate and Gerry McCann with lawyers and I do not think it is legitimate to describe this as "campaign and merchandising costs". Of course another way of looking at this is one has to speculate to accumulate. The Fund has now lost its ONE MILLION POUND operating surplus and it seems like one heck of a coincidence that is what they want from Goncalo, but, it seems to have cost about half a million to try and get there. Thus the dichotomy, two purposes for the Fund, one defend Kate and Gerry, two, make money for Kate and Gerry. There is a further cost noted on the accounts of some £19K odd which is said to be valuing the asset at the time of its purchase rather than what it is worth now. That sounds to me like a nice shiny new car some time back. The price is right, Gerry !

It would seem Kate only got just £30K in admin costs to "help" her this year, whether that was for a secretary for Kate or for Kate personally I am not sure, but sure she could have had a little out that black hole of the most profligate spending spree one could imagine.

Thanks, as ever, to Joana Morais for producing these on her blog.

Viv x

Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited Accounts March 2009

30 January 2010 | Posted by Joana Morais Leave a Comment
Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited accounts, Company No. 06248215 - 2009.31.03, 10 pages

(Limited by guarantee)
Registered Number: 6248215

Legal and administrative information
Chairman's statement 2
Directors' report 3-4
Independent auditors' report 5
Income and expenditure account 6
Balance sheet 7
Notes to the financial statements 8
The following pages do not form part of the statutory accounts:
Detailed income and expenditure account and summaries 9-10

JA Corner
M J Linnett
E G Smethhurst
D Skehan
J McCann
P J B Hubner
B Kennedy
KM McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)
GP McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)

BWB Secretarial Limited


2-6 Cannon Street

Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors
Fairfax House
15 Fulwood Place

National Westminster Bank plc
3rd Floor, Cavell House
2a Charing Cross Road

Bates, Wells & Braithwaite
2-6 Cannon Street

Stephenson Harwood
One St Paul's Churchyard
The Chairman presents his statement for the year.

On 3rd May 2007, Madeleine McCann was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal. The events of that day touched the heart of many, in countries around the world. Donations started to flood in. In response to this, Madeleine's Fund was established.

The aims of the Fund are to help find Madeleine, to support her family and to bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families and missing children in similar circumstances in the United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere. The Fund has 7 directors.

We have continued to concentrate on ensuring that Madeleine is not forgotten and that the search for her continues. We have:

• provided finance for a team of investigators to lead a private search for Madeleine

• financed the translation of the full set of files released by the Portuguese police, enabling our team of investigators to follow up all potential leads

• paid for legal representation for Kate, Gerry, Sean and Amelie in Portugal, enabling them obtain an injunction banning Mr Amoral [sic] from repeating his fabricated claims about Madeleine's abduction

• funded an awareness-raising campaign to ensure that Madeleine is not forgotten, the key part of which is our website

• provided some administrative support to Madeleine's family in maintaining the impetus of the investigation

Last year I referred to the public apology made to Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry, by the Express Group following months of inaccurate speculation and accusations in the media. Other newspapers followed suit with accompanying donations to Madeleine's Fund. In addition, an apology was made to the friends of Gerry and Kate who were in Praia da Luz at the time of Madeleine's abduction.

Rather than accepting libel damages, the friends requested that a donation was made to the fund. This has enabled us to continue our search for Madeleine. On behalf of the directors of Madeleine's Fund, I thank Kate, Gerry and their friends for continuing to forego any personal financial recompense to ensure that the search for Madeleine continues.

Following the end of the financial year we were delighted to hear that Madeleine's parents, brother and sister had been successful in obtaining an injunction banning sales of Mr Amoral's [sic] book and banning him from repeating his claims.

These fabrications had hindered the search for Madeleine and were a barrier to potentially valuable information being passed on to the police. Our team of investigators continue to diligently review police files, witness statements and follow up every potential lead in the search for Madeleine.

Although the majority of donation income for the year arose from family and friends donating libel damages, we have a number of loyal donors continuing their support.

For this we are grateful. As expected, income in the new financial year is lower than last year and we continue to review all our expenses to ensure value for money.

The directors regularly discuss the strategy for the Fund to ensure that finances are available to achieve our main objective, finding Madeleine.

The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported the search for Madeleine. The level of financial support, the amount of time given up and the numerous messages of support sent to Madeleine's family have been overwhelming. All messages of support sent to the Fund are passed to Gerry and Kate, and appreciated by them. We will continue to ensure that Madeleine is not forgotten and will leave no stone unturned in our search for her.

J McCann

The directors present their report and the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2009.


Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned is a non-charitable not-for-profit company. The full objects of the Fund are:

• To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2008;

• To procure that Madeleine's abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and

• To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine's family.

• If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.

Madeleine's Fund is governed by a Board of Directors who meet on a regular basis, approximately every month. During the year, there Were 11 meetings.

In so far as it is relevant the Fund follows best practice governance procedures as set out in the publication "Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector." The directors have reviewed the Fund's operations against these best practice recommendations and have developed:

• a Financial Procedures Manual
• job descriptions for directors. Chair and Treasurer
• clearly laid out policies and processes for:
• payments
• expense claims
• risk management
• whistleblowing
• registering conflicts of interest

The directors have agreed a risk strategy for Madeleine's Fund, namely:

"The risks that Madeleine's Fund faces are assessed for both the likelihood of occurrence and the impact on the organisation should they occur.

In order to achieve its objectives Madeleine's Fund must accept a certain amount of risk taking. An important part of the risk management strategy must be to be clear at an organisational level about the types and levels of risk the organisation is prepared to take. Therefore, the identified risks are also assessed for the organisation's attitude."

The risks facing the Fund were assessed in four categories:
• reputational
• financial
• information and communications technology
• human resources

Current controls in place to mitigate each risk were identified, together with additional controls required. The resulting risk register will be reviewed annually.

The directors who served during the year were:
J A Corner
M J Linnelt
E G Smethhurst
D Skehan
J McCann
P J B Hubner
B Kennedy
KM McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)
GP McCann (appointed 12 November 2008)


The directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting Standards and applicable law). The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the surplus or deficit of the company for that period. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to;

• select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
• make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
• prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and to enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.


So far as each of the directors is aware at the time the report is approved:

• there is no relevant audit information of which the company's auditors are unaware; and

• the directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that information.


The auditors, haysmacintyre will be proposed for re-appointment in accordance with section 485 of the Companies Act 2006.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 relating to small companies.

This report was approved by the board on 6.1.10 and signed on its behalf, by: [hand written signature] Brian Kennedy Director

We have audited the financial statements of Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited for the year ended 31 March 2009, set out on pages 6 to 8. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out therein and the requirements of the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2008).


The directors' responsibilities for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) are set out in the statement of directors' responsibilities.

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985. We also report to you if, in our opinion the information given in the directors' report is consistent with the financial statements.

In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding directors' remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed.

We read other information contained in the annual report and consider whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements. This other information comprises only the directors' report, the chairman's statement and the operating and financial review. We consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities do not extend to any other information.

Basis of audit opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

In our opinion:
• the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice applicable to Smaller Entities, of the state of the company's affairs as at 31 March 2009 and of its surplus for the year then ended;
• the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985; and
• the information given in the directors' report is consistent with the financial statements

date & signature: [hand written] haysmacintyre, 6 January 2010
Fairfax House
15 Fulwood Place

2009 2008

Note £ £

INCOME 629,18\ 1,846,178
Merchandise and Campaign Costs (974,786) (673,366)
GROSS SURPLUS (345,605) 1,172,812
Administration expenses (30,865) (141,747)
OPERATING SURPLUS 2 (376,470) 1,031,065
Interest receivable 21,585 33,424
Tax on surpluson ordinary activities (6,878) (12,462)
SURPLUS CARRIED FORWARD (361,763) 1,052,027

The notes on page 8 form part of these financial statements.

 2009 2008
Notes £ £
Debtors 3 19,795 585,369
Cash at bank 719,723 572,344
739,518 1,157,713
CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year
4 (49,254) (105,686)
NET CURRENT ASSETS 690,264 1,052,027
690,264 1,052,027
Accumulated Reserves 1,052,027
Income and expenditure account (361,763) 1,052,027
690,264 1,052,027

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act 1985 relating to small companies and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2008).

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the board on 6/01/2010 and signed on its behalf, by: Brian Kennedy [hand written signature] Director

The notes on page 8 form part of these financial statements.


1.1 Basis of preparation of financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective January 2008).

1.2 Income
Income comprises donations received by the company along with revenue recognised in respect of merchandise supplied, exclusive of VAT.

1.3 Taxation
The company remains accountable for taxation liabilities ansrng from capital gains, interest, trading activities and any other surplus arising other than from donations received.

£ £
The operating surplus is stated after charging:
Auditors' remuneration 5,750 13,366

3. DEBTORS 2009 2009 [sic]
£ £
Donations - 563,152
Accrued income - 2,422
Prepayments 19,795 19,795
19,795 585,369
4. CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year
£ £
Trade creditors 11,938 28,329
Corporation tax 6,878 12,462
Other creditors 30,438 64,895
49,254 105,686

The company is a private company limited by guarantee and consequently does not have share capital. Each of the members is liable to contribute an amount not exceeding £] towards the assets of the company in the event of liquidation. The company was formed on the 15th May 2007.

There were no related party transactions recorded in the year.

29 Jan 2010


Gerry McCann: "We thought it
was possible this could hurt her.
Her abductor might do something
to her eye.
But in marketing terms it was a good ploy."

Carlos Anjos, President of the PJ's Union ASFIC:

"If that situation had been of an abduction,
it would have been terrible for the child.
Because if that child were to be sold, or
something else
... She was as good as...
it was her death sentence. That situation,
that day, advertising that photo,
was simply the death sentence of that child."

What does this say about laughing, smirking, suing, Gerry McCann? Madeleine's own father?

This was the most important evidence in the case in Portugal recently and I believe, what the Portuguese Judge hearing it will be most influenced by. He was the lawyer in charge of the case, he does not exaggerate or cogitate, he only states the facts. H

11:23 : It is the attorney who was in charge of the original inqury into Madeleine's disappearance, Jose Magalhaes e Menezes

11:25 : His testimony is marred by a high-pitched whine of feedback from the microphone - and the fact the screen can't be seen by the public

11:26 : The McCanns can't see the person giving evidence. Mr Amaral can, but doesn't seem to be looking at him. This indicates to me that although (perhaps) Goncalo had summonsed Mr Menezes to give evidence on his behalf, he knew he would not be particularly supportive of Goncalo's insistence there was evidence of "death".

11:26 : Mr Amaral's lawyer is cross-examining the witness.

11:37 : Mr Menezes is saying that English police sniffer dogs were brought to Portugal to help in the search for Madeleine.

11:38 : He says that the decision to make the McCanns 'arguidos' - suspects - was taken by the police and then confirmed by the public attorney.

11:39 : The decision to designate Kate and Gerry as 'arguidos' was taken after the sniffer dogs carried out their searches.

11:40 : There were several possible charges that could have been brought against the McCanns: kidnapping and selling a child were among them. s. This clearly suggests to me that the prosecutor actually believes it is more likely this is what the McCanns did with Madeleine.

11:48 : The witness was asked what the probability was of Madeleine still being alive. He replied that he thought it was 50/50. This clearly implies that he thinks it is at least as likely that Gerry carried Madeleine off alive, as I do.

11:55 : Mr Menezes said that a claim made by the McCanns on the first day after Madeleine's disappearance was not true

11:57 : He claimed that although the parents had been checking on Madeleine, it was not as often as every 30 minutes Both of these comments confirm that the prosecutor is perfectly happy to say quite categorically, the McCanns have told lies, and the McCanns are not challenging this statement.

11:56 : The witness said that Kate and Gerry's report that they had been checking on their daughter every half an hour was inaccurate

12:01 : Police intercepted text messages sent by the McCanns because they were suspicious of the parents' role in Madeleine's disappearance. Suspicious of "their role" in Madeleine's disappearance, he is not saying they killed her although that could clearly be included.

12:02 : The text messages sent by Kate and Gerry were never admitted as evidence gathered as part of the investigation. It is unfortunate we do not get an explanation as to why they were not admitted but I would suggest that is because they are admissible in a British court and the decision had been taken to deal with the McCanns in UK. As a prosecutor he would have been involved in this and his position would not allow him to offer any comment in a public hearing in a civil court.

12:08 : Mr Menezes said he has not read the book written by Mr Amaral that triggered this case, Maddie: The Truth Of The Lie. He is not a close and supportive friend of Goncalo Amaral that much is obvious. Neither did he think he could learn anything by reading it but that is hardly surprising given the knowledge he obviously has which would be far more than Mr Amaral.

12:18 : A report signed by Chief Inspector Tavares De Almeida said that Madeleine died in the flat in Praia da Luz, the witness adds. He is merely confirming Mr Almeida wrote this report but is not confirming or denying the content of it or offering any opinion at all on the content of it.

12:19 : Now it's the turn of the McCanns' legal team to cross-question the witness.

12:24 : The McCanns' lawyer makes the point that 'evidence' usually sightings - has suggested Madeleine is still alive

12:25 : He says that the McCanns are not responsible for generating any of this 'evidence' that their daughter is not dead. I am assuming this is a comment by the McCanns' lawyer and really it would have been better if he had not said it because it is utterly damning to the McCanns given it clearly implies there is suspicion against them that they are responsible for false sightings of Madeleine. He let a new cat out of the bag we had not heard before!

12:26 : Another of the McCanns' lawyers moves to quiz the witness - literally. She gets out of her seat and walks right up to the video screen This clearly implies total panic in the McCann's legal team at this point. I am assuming the male lawyer who just made the above pretty serious gaffe is junior to Ms Duarte who it would appear sprang to her feet.

12:33 : She says that the McCanns were always totally prepared to come back to Portugal to take part in a reconstruction of the disappearance This is a typical remark for a desperate lawyer to come out with, say something good about your client that cannot be argued with. Of course, what she does not mention is, the McCanns friends refused point blank to come back for the reconstruction so that put paid to it without the McCanns seeking to defy Portuguese Police (given they were arguidos they had no choice but to attend) They defied them in a more subtle way with a little help from their friends.

12:34 : The McCanns' lawyer asks the witness whether he understands the title of Mr Amaral's book to imply some sort of dishonesty by the McCanns. That is the problem with this, we are getting questions but not answers and vice versa on occasions where the writer could not keep up with the exchange.

12:38 : Who suggested the checking of the McCanns' text messages, Mr Menezes is asked. The police, he replies. This was a dumb question for the McCanns lawyer to ask, in my opinion. I suppose she hoped the answer would be Goncalo Amaral because she wants to imply this one officer was just victimising the McCanns. As it is, all she has done is draw attention to the fact the police were so suspicious of the McCanns they were intercepting their communications with a view to obtaining evidence against them.

12:39 : The text messages were never considered as part of the investigation because the judge did not allow it, the court hears So here he is telling us that Portuguese Judges refused to admit this evidence as part of the investigation. This may inform us as to why he states the McCanns could have been charged with kidnap and trafficking. Remember Gerry received 14 text messages the day before Madeleine disappeared and four the day after, all of which he wishes to completely deny. I believe this does confirm that it had been decided there was strong evidence to indicate Madeleine may have been kidnapped, may still be alive, it may have been arranged by the McCanns and for her safety this MUST BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. British Police confirm this investigation is ongoing. I believe that Portuguese Judges knew exactly what was suspected against the McCanns, knew the British would deal with this and internationally, and Goncalo Amaral just had to be stopped, including leaks to the press when he was in charge of the investigation. Why else would Portuguese Judges, seemingly be deliberately frustrating the investigation. In my opinion they were not, they were preserving the confidentiality of the investigation and thereby the safety of Madeleine.

12:45 : The senior lawyer for the McCanns has approached them on the front bench of the public gallery for a quick huddled conversation. This demonstrates just how crucial this evidence was, she was seeking further instructions from her clients. It might have been something along the lines do you wish me to ask him any further questions, clearly they did not!!

There is so much that is incredibly damaging to the McCanns that has come out of this court hearing. I believe there is a very strong chance that when Mr Smith saw Gerry carting Madeleine off she was drugged but still alive. Gerry feels he can sue Goncalo Amaral for saying they disposed of her body because maybe that is not what he did. Thus he reasons, I have been libelled and I want money. But it just shows what a perverted and arrogant fool he is to open such a nasty can of worms.

27 Jan 2010


'It's obviously difficult but we are trying to move forward to help Madeleine and all missing children.'

Well it has taken you a long time to get around to that Kate, but still, I suppose you could not have got guests to arrive and fill your coffers a little more, otherwise?

As for star studded bash, where are they hiding? And where are the fabulously wealthy and much vaunted JK Rowling and Richard Branson?

As for Gerry McCann, I nearly threw the computer out the window when I saw that predictably nasty little school boy pout on his lips and leer in his eyes. Is this what he calls a result?

I hope Gloria Hunniford who is now "famous" for telly commercials can spend some time this evening, having a heart to heart with Kate and asking her about the "Abductor" putting all those bruises on her that were immediately apparent, the moment little Maddie "disappeared"

What a load of boring old B listers eh, needing to get their pics in the paper in case it gets them a bit of cash.

As for the Charity bosses, given they are beneficiaries they could hardly refuse, and, when all said and done Madeleine is a Missing Person, but Frances Herbert, Missing Children Europe looks decidedly uncomfortable. Understandable.

Kate and Gerry McCann host star-studded fundraiser to mark the 1,000th day since their daughter Maddie went missing

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:28 PM on 27th January 2010

Kate McCann tonight said she was "trying to move forward" as a charity event was held to mark the 1,000th day since her daughter Madeleine went missing.

Mrs McCann and her husband Gerry were joined by celebrity supporters at the £150-a-head fundraising dinner, raffle and auction at Kensington Roof Gardens in west London.

Speaking on the steps of the venue she said: 'We are hoping for a positive night.'

Fundraiser: (l-r) Gerry McCann, Martin Houghton-Brown, Chief Executive Missing People, Kate McCann and Francis Herbert, Secretary General, Missing Children Europe at a Madeleine McCann fundraiser held at the Kensington Roof Gardens

Fundraiser: (l-r) Gerry McCann, Martin Houghton-Brown, Chief Executive Missing People, Kate McCann and Francis Herbert, Secretary General, Missing Children Europe at a Madeleine McCann fundraiser held at the Kensington Roof Gardens

Gloria Hunniford
Charitable celebrities: Gloria Hunniford and Fiona Phillips were among the famous guests lending their support to the McCann's fundraising event

Charitable celebrities: Gloria Hunniford and Fiona Phillips were among the famous guests lending their support to the McCann's fundraising event

Asked about her feelings on the sad anniversary, she added: 'It's obviously difficult but we are trying to move forward to help Madeleine and all missing children.'

Madeleine was nearly four when she disappeared from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in southern Portugal on May 3 2007 while her parents dined with friends nearby.

Comedian Jack Dee, television presenters Fiona Phillips and Gloria Hunniford and actor Peter Bowles were among the guests.

Peter Bowles
Support: Peter Bowls and Lord David Steele at the Madeleine McCann fundraiser held exactly 1,000 days after Maddie went missing

Support: Peter Bowls and Lord David Steele at the Madeleine McCann fundraiser held exactly 1,000 days after Maddie went missing

Madeleine McCann went missing in May 2007, 1,000 days ago today

Madeleine McCann went missing in May 2007, 1,000 days ago today

The couple will mark the sad anniversary by organising the launch of 1,000 glowing paper lanterns into the night sky in Leicestershire.

The McCanns said it sometimes felt wrong that they were coping with life without Madeleine - but added that otherwise there would be no search for the little girl.

In a poignant statement they said: 'Today marks 1,000 days since Madeleine was taken from us. It's hard to even say the number.

'We remember the first few days after Madeleine was taken, watching the clock and counting every hour. Now we've reached 1,000 days.

'It's difficult sometimes to understand how we've been able to keep going and survive without Madeleine, especially since nothing has changed since that terrifying first night.

'Madeleine is still missing. Sometimes it even feels wrong to be coping.

'And yet if we weren't, there would be no search and no campaign to find Madeleine and that just doesn't bear thinking about

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1246595/Kate-Gerry-McCann-host-star-studded-fundraiser-mark-1-000th-day-daughter-Maddie-went-missing.html#ixzz0drNO5yz1


Old article, but still interesting to read. (comment of Annabel on Missing Madeleine)

The case against the McCanns is clearly and lucidly put here by Goncalo Amaral and he makes a pretty compelling one it has to be said . But I am not sure how he can rely upon apparent blood or bodily fluids because I have not seen this in the forensic reports and relying upon the dogs could cause an investigation to go offtrack without looking at other options. Whilst it pains me to agree with Gerry McCann, they are no more than intelligence and the Jersey case had indeed confirmed Eddie can be wrong about the presence of "cadaver smell". The issue for me has always been Grime's honest admission Eddie could just as well be smelling blood and the fact he clearly marked in exactly the same spot in the apartment as Keela the blood dog did and that could have been any old blood, which was, as Goncalo say, a microscopic trace. But that is most certainly not to say that Eddie did not smell cadaver, it is just there was no clear evidence to back that assumption being made. On the previous thread, it can be seen from Kate's diary she is alluding to Oh have the police found her dead, the very next day! That in itself, is very powerful backing for Goncalo Amaral's thesis. Particularly when we hear her rather absurd claims when she realised a police case was indeed building against them and continuing almost three years later! Perhaps the most pointed example being on Spanish television not long after she was made an Arguido, "I just feel she is out there somewhere". The very frustrating thing is none of this produces sufficient evidence to actually charge her or Gerry.

Honesty is demonstrated in admitting that most unfortunately, Madeleine's clothing that day was not seised due to fear by those investigating this would be construed as suspicion against the McCanns. Goncalo Amaral acknowledges the PJ at that time lacked formal procedures for dealing with such a case and states very candidly in his book UK procedures should be adopted where clearly there is far more experience of such an incident and, as a matter of routine, the parents are immediately suspects and all relevant evidence sealed and seized. It is noteworthy the McCanns assisted and encouraged others to trash the crime scene well ahead of the police arriving which I have always thought that was deliberate and contemptuous conduct by two educated professionals, clearly forensically aware and claiming their daughter had just been abducted.

He states the officers could only make the working assumption of accidental death due to their being no other evidence available to build further on that hypothesis. This should not be misunderstood that Goncalo is saying therefore this was an accidental death, as a fact, he is saying the evidence, such as it is cannot take him beyond that. Quite a difference!

I have always agreed that Gerry McCann, on the basis of the Smith testimony is Maddie's so called abductor, and as Goncalo points out, their evidence is she appeared to be "deeply asleep". The only pressing question is, was she rather more than that? Was Gerry actually abducting her and carrying her off to some waiting boat or was he carrying her off dead to conceal somewhere on the beach? That, I think, it was cannot be established beyond any doubt which is why even though it looks incredibly likely that Kate or possibly Gerry killed Madeleine we still have to respect she just may be alive and in the hands of what Gerry has always told us she is, but he put her there. A fate worse than death really. This cannot be discounted from a man who, as Goncalo describes discusses sexual abuse of her with his good friend David Payne.

Cadaver was frozen or kept in the cold, 24 July 2008

Thanks to Joana Morais for translation

Exclusive Interview with Gonçalo Amaral: Cadaver was frozen or was kept in the cold

Gonçalo Amaral regrets that a 'fact-finding inquiry (sindicância) to the investigation was done". In the first interview where he talks about the process, he defends that Maddie died at the Ocean Club. The book is launched today in Lisbon and promises to re-launch controversy.

Interview with Gonçalo Amaral in Correio da Manhã today

"The investigation was syndicated"

Gonçalo Amaral laments that "the investigation was syndicated". In the first interview during which he speaks about the process, he defends that Maddie died at the Ocean Club. The book is launched in Lisbon today and promises to launch the controversy again

Correio da Manhã – As the case investigator, what is your thesis?

Gonçalo Amaral – The little girl died in the apartment. Everything is in the book, which is faithful to the investigation until September: it reflects the understanding of the Portuguese and the English police and of the Public Ministry. For all of us, until then, the concealment of the cadaver, the simulation of abduction and the exposure or abandonment were proved.

What led you to indict the McCanns over all of those crimes?

It all starts with an abduction theory that is forced by the parents. And the abduction is based on two facts: one is Jane Tanner's testimony that says she saw a man passing in front of the apartment, carrying a child; the other is the bedroom window, which, according to Kate, was open when it should have been closed. It was proved that none of that happened.

How was it proved?

Jane Tanner is not credible: she identifies and recognizes different people. She starts with Murat, later on someone else is mentioned, according to the drawing done by a witness, and she already says that is the person, completely different from Robert Murat.

Jane Tanner's testimony drove the abduction theory.

In order to advance into that direction, it would be necessary to give her credit: there was no other indicium of the abduction. And the issue of the bedroom window, where Maddie and her siblings slept, is vital. It leads to simulation. This means, whether or not it was open when Jane says that she saw the man carrying the child. The little girl’s mother, Kate, is the only person that mentions the open window.

Does that undo the abduction theory?

There lies the solution. To be closed or not, is a strong indicium for simulation. And why does one simulate abduction, rather than simply saying that the child has disappeared? She could have opened the door and left…

Do Kate's fingerprints reinforce the simulation theory?

They are the only fingerprints on the window. And in a position of opening the window.

Did Kate have suspicious attitudes?

She goes out for dinner and supposedly leaves three children asleep. She returns, one is missing, she goes out, leaving the window wide open with the twins asleep. And the night, according to what she says, was very cold…

What about Maddie's bed?

It carries no signs that anyone was in it. Nor does the chair or the bed under the window. And there are no imprints from strangers.

The reconstruction is missing.

It was not carried out 10 or 15 days after the facts, because the resort was full of tourists. We trusted that it could be carried out at a later date. It couldn't.

Did you request data about the group?

At 8 a.m. on the 4th, the request was made to the English liaison officer, but [the data] never arrived.

What did you want to know?

Who the people are, their antecedents. And the child, whether or not there are complaints against the parents or others. How she behaved in school, to find out if she was the target of abuse.

How important is the Irish witness within the case?

He explained where he and his family had seen, at 10 p.m. on the 3rd of May, a man carrying a little girl. And it wasn't Murat. They did not see the face, but they described the athletic and clumsy manner in which he carried the child.

That was back in May.

When the McCanns returned to England, the witness, watching Gerry get off the plane and walking across the asphalt carrying his child, had a realization. By the manner in which he walked and the clumsy way that he carries the child, he is 70 to 80 percent certain that it was the person he saw that evening. Says he and say the other members of the family.

What did you do?

On the days before I left Portimão we were taking care of that trip to Portugal. Then, the hearing of that witness was requested through a liaison officer from the Irish police in Madrid, which took months. During that time, the witness was approached by persons that are connected to the McCanns' staff, I don’t know with what intention. They felt pressured. Later on, the hearing arrived and he maintains the probability of 70 to 80 percent that it was Gerry who carried the little girl towards the beach.

Couldn't that have been included in the rogatory letter?

It could and it should. The ideal would have been for him to come to Portugal, as a key witness. Just like the couple of doctors that describe the situation in Mallorca.

Once the abduction theory was set apart, how was the death theory built?

With the elements that exist, we could only reach an accident, natural death, any cause without the intervention of another person. We were cementing evidence and advancing to understand what happened to the little girl's body. Also based on information from the British lab, about residues that were found inside the car that was rented by the McCanns.

Where and how could they have hidden the body for over twenty days?

That was what we were trying to find out. Searching within their friends, because the couple had a lot of acquaintances. We tried to understand where the little girl could have been during those twenty something days.

Out of reach from the searches.

Yes. There was information that the couple had been seen walking towards a certain apartment block, we were trying to understand which apartment it was. Who had access to that apartment. But everything stopped.

How do you interpret that stopping of everything, when you left?

It almost looks as if the investigation was syndicated.

It was even said that the blood that was found was not human.

The dogs only smell human blood. The sample that is collected and taken to England, to be analysed with the Low Copy Number technique, is microscopic. The technique does not allow them to state whether it is blood or any other type of fluid – but it guarantees that it is human.

The family tried to justify itself.

Later on, a brother-in-law and a cousin of Kate said that they had carried steaks in the trunk that had thawed, even garbage, but no. The dogs follow neither garbage smell nor non-human blood. Then there is a witness, that was never heard, a jurist that lived next to the couple, in the second house [villa] outside of the apartment, saying that the car trunk was left open during the night, for airing. But maybe that was because of the garbage…

Within the theory of the parents' involvement, can you reconstruct that night?

We had already concluded, long before the Irish witness, that if those persons were involved, there was only one possibility. It pointed towards the beach. Not only because of what [locations] they knew but also due to the terrain's conditions. In that area, it is not easy to dig a hole. One either knows where holes already exist, or it is not possible, within a short time lapse, to decide where to place a corpse without knowing the area. If there was involvement, it would have been towards the beach area. Which is later corroborated by the Irish witness.

At the time when the Irish tourist reportedly saw Gerry, there are various witness statements that place the child’s father at the Ocean Club.

They are not credible. The employees are unable to tell at what time the persons were there, for how long each one of them stayed away when they say they went to the apartments. And the group is not credible. They say that on the previous nights, every 30 minutes, each one of them went to check only on his own children; but on that night, between 9.30 and 10 p.m., someone curiously goes to check that apartment, almost every five minutes, leaving the rest unchecked.

And what about Gerry?

He justifies some of the time with a trip to the toilet. That is not five minutes, then he meets another individual outside. Hence the need for the reconstruction. To find out how long it took them to get to the apartments, what route they walked, etc. A reconstruction that should be joint with the restaurant's movement, because when it is said that they asked for the food from 9 p.m. onwards, there was one person who ordered a steak. And that steak was heated again because someone was not there. It is necessary to find out whose steak that was. He was away for a much longer time period…

An adult carrying a child, until the beach, how long [does it take]?

Fifteen minutes.

How was it possible for the apartment to be rented out after the crime?

The apartment was immediately fully contaminated by the parents' action, before the police arrived. A complete fair was built there and at a certain point, dogs were demanded to come inside the house.

You admitted the possibility that the children had been given sedatives.

The twins, with the lights on, with the lights off, with a crowd of people going in and out, slept until 2 a.m., when they were carried into another apartment. Even then, they continued to sleep. That sleep is not normal.

But the Judiciária did nothing.

Once again, we were inhibited. We thought about asking the parents to test their hair, in order to understand whether there were sedatives, but as soon as it was found out, it would be said that we were suspecting the parents, and it was being avoided at all costs that it became public that those suspicions existed.

How is there room for speculation about the DNA tests? It was those results that allowed you to advance with the arguido status.

The speculation is done by the scientist who performs the test. He starts out by saying, in his preliminary report, that it was easy to say that it was Maddie. Then he raised other questions. Of course nobody can be accused, based on that data alone.

"The cadaver was frozen"

Correio da Manhã - What do you think happened to the body?

Gonçalo Amaral – Everything indicated that the body, after having been at a certain location, was moved into another location by car, twenty something days later. With the residues that were found inside the car, the little girl had to have been transported inside it.

How can you state that?

Due to the type of fluid, we policemen, experts, say that the cadaver was frozen or preserved in the cold and when placed into the car boot, with the heat at that time [of the year], part of the ice melted. On a curb, for example, something fell from the trunk's right side, above the wheel. It may be said that this is speculation, but it's the only way to explain what happened there.

If the body was hidden in the beach area first, was it always out of reach for the searches?

The beach was searched at a time when it is not known whether the body was still there. Using dogs, but sniffer dogs have limitations, like the salted water, for example. Later on, it may have been removed.

"We should have done phone tapping"

Correio da Manhã – Did you feel political pressure during the investigation?

G.A. – Inhibition. One of the mistakes was that we did not advance on this group with everything that legally was within our reach: Tapping, surveillance. It was necessary, for example, to recover the clothes that the little girl was wearing when she left the crèche to go home. There, we thought: if we go, it will immediately be said that we suspect the parents. That inhibition happened throughout time.

And that led you towards the abduction.

We had to prove that there was no abduction, in order to focus on those persons afterwards…

How does the pressure appear?

Right on the morning of the 4th of May, with a consul calling the embassy and saying that the PJ wasn't doing anything. Then an ambassador. Next, an advisor and the English prime minister.

"Payne is the last one to see her"

Correio da Manhã – When do testimonies concerning David Payne's behaviour indicating sexual practices with minors arrive?

Gonçalo Amaral – In May. Something went wrong with that group during a holiday: David Payne made revealing gestures concerning behaviour towards children. Even towards Maddie. We asked for information but it arrived after the 26th of October. They sent the information without giving it any importance.

What exactly did arrive?

A couple of doctors spent holidays in Mallorca, in 2005, with David Payne, the McCanns and another couple. The lady says she saw Payne with his finger in his mouth, making a movement in and out, while rubbing his nipple with the other hand. And he was talking about Maddie, next to her father. Those statements should have been given a different treatment by the police. It was relevant to access the information, about doctors, who are just as credible as anyone else.

What else remains unclear concerning David Payne?

He will be the last one to see Maddie alive after 5.30 p.m., when she leaves the crèche. He meets Gerry playing tennis and asks him about Kate and the children. Gerry answers that they are in the apartment and he goes there. He returns 30 minutes later. Kate says it was 30 seconds. There is something not quite right here.



The evidence and the results of the case

"Arriving this far, it is important to make a deductive summary about this case. Which means, to reject what is false; to set aside what cannot be proved, because it is insufficient; to consider as valid and certain what has been proved.

What is proved


1. The abduction theory is defended by Maddie's parents since the first moment;

2. Within the group, only her parents stated that they observed the open window in the missing girl's bedroom; the majority cannot witness it faithfully because they arrived at the apartment after the alarm was raised;

3. The only statement outside of the group that mentions the open window and the raised shutters comes from Amy, one of the Ocean Club's nannies, who points her observation towards 10.20/10.30 p.m., which is some time after the alarm was raised and does not prove that it was open like that at the time when the crime happened;

4. The set of depositions and witness statements exposes a high number of imprecision, incongruence and contradictions – which, in some cases, may be typified as false testimonies. In particular, the key statement for the abduction theory, from Jane Tanner, which loses all credibility due to the fact that it successively evolved throughout various moments in time, becoming ambiguous and disqualifying itself;

5. There is a cadaver that has not been located, a conclusion that is validated by the English EVRD and CSI dogs and corroborated by the preliminary lab test results.

Certainties until October

"For me, and for the investigators that worked with me on the case until October 2007, the results that we reached were the following:

1. The minor Madeleine McCann died in apartment 5A at the Ocean Club, in Vila da Luz, on the evening of the 3rd of May 2007;

2. An abduction was simulated;

3. Kate Healy and Gerald McCann are suspected of involvement in the concealment of their daughter’s cadaver;

4. Death may have resulted from a tragic accident;

5. There is indicia of neglect in the guard and safety of the children."

"Decisive diligence was never carried out"

"The Smith family [Irish witnesses] is available to make a formal recognition. We had already contacted the Smith family, from Ireland, whose patriarch was prepared to travel to the Algarve, to give a new statement and for a formal recognition […] following the recognition that he had made on television of the man who on the 3rd of May, in Vila da Luz, walked towards the beach carrying a little girl, a little girl that they had recognized as being Madeleine McCann.

"The man that the Smith were talking about was, with a high degree of certainty, Gerald McCann, who they had seen on the English television news, on the day that the McCann couple returned [on their definitive trip] to the United Kingdom. That man that came down the airplane stairs and walked on the asphalt, carrying a child, was apparently the same man who, on the evening of the 3rd of May, walked into the direction of the beach, carrying Madeleine, who seemed to be deeply asleep.

"When the situation was presented to the National Director of the Polícia Judiciária [Alípio Ribeiro at that time], he agreed with what was being suggested to him, [namely] the coming to the Algarve, at our expenses, of the elements of the Smith family that were able to testify the facts."

McCanns erased all the telephone calls

The calls on the couple's mobile phones were erased, with the exception, in Kate's case, of a call from her husband at 11.17 on that night of the 3rd of May, minutes after the disappearance was known. But this call is not registered on the mobile phone that belongs to Gerry, who erased all the phone calls of that day, presumably after he called Kate at that time. This fact, that was never clarified in terms of its motivation, intrigued the investigators.

26 Jan 2010


The News of the World were immediately pounced on by Carter Ruck for printing her diaries without her permission and they paid up. So what are those thoughts and feelings contained in the diaries, below, that Kate just did not wish to share with us? Because it is odd really, she has gone on TV and talked to the press etc so many times, but this, no you cannot read this, so read on...The News of the World actually give this article a very favourable slant to the McCanns and the usual bashing for the Portuguese Police. So just what is it that just after the PJ revealed their files to the world, Kate or Team McCann did not want revealed?

Comments in green are my own. I have not gone right the way through it. I have to say that on reading this, there is only one conclusion you can draw really, Kate killed Madeleine. That does not mean it is the right conclusion but it certainly looks that way. She felt much better when she got JK Rowling on board and she is just trying to get her back on board again. Is this the answer to the eternal mystery of what happened to Little Maddie? Kate even talks about how difficult bedtimes are! She also mentions texting Ricardo Paiva, which she then realises what not such a good idea. Half of her, it seems, wanted to confess. But I suspect her cold husband was having none of that, if this is what happened and I am not saying that it is!

HAPPIER TIMES: Madeleine on the day she vanished
By Daniel Sanderson, 13/09/2008
TODAY we reveal the secret diary of agonised mum Kate McCann—penned over months as she and husband Gerry struggled to deal with their daughter Madeleine’s abduction.
Her words destroy the litany of lies told by Portuguese cops to paint them as cold and calculating. Kate wrote: “I can’t bear being without Madeleine. It’s like torture— a slow painful death.”
FOR months the Portuguese police leaked carefully selected extracts from Kate McCann’s secret diary, chosen to deliberately paint her and husband Gerry as the ice couple—cold, dispassionate and emotionless in the face of three-year-old Madeleine’s abduction.
Now, for the first time, the News of the World can fill in the blanks and nail those lies. The 135-page journal covering April 28, 2007 to Tuesday, July 31, was passed to us by a reporter in Portugal appalled by the sickening smear campaign against the McCanns.
Kate’s log of the dark days after Madeleine vanished from their holiday flat reveals the true picture of the tortured woman behind the calm, brave face she had to portray in public, as initial disbelief and numbness gave way to desperation and rage. Often she includes touching messages of love to her missing daughter. It confirms the strength Kate drew from her devout Catholic faith—and frankly admits the doubts the trauma forced her to face.
THE entry for the fateful day Madeleine McCann vanished—May 3, 2007—makes chilling reading in her mother’s diary, because it started out so NORMAL.
Mum-of-three Kate, 40, records that it began much like any other since the family arrived at the Mark Warner Ocean Club in Praia da Luz on Portugal’s Algarve coast—one long, happy round of swimming, tennis, kids’ club, games and fun. (but the reality of what we see is a couple who put their children in the nursery all day every day, spent the obligatory few hours with them each night when the nursery closed, and then left them alone with the door open, having dumped them in bed at the earliest possible hour . Is this the News of the World's idea of a Happy Family??)
But knowing what is about to befall them turns Kate’s simple account of the children’s evening bedtime routine into a tense drama...
THURSDAY, MAY 3: Milk and biscuits for the kids. I left them with this and books and games and went to have a quick shower/wash my hair. M (Madeleine) tired—sitting on my lap—I read the story of Mog (favourite children’s book).
Brush teeth. To the bedroom with the kids. M pulls away and puts her head on pillow. Kisses goodnight for M. Pulled the door to as far as possible without shutting it. Silence. How could this log have been written at the time, given she does not even bother to mention the twins? We know that it was not, Philomena told us that she advised Kate to start keeping this log after Madeleine disappeared. So this seems rather contrived and backdated to the start of the holiday?
Dry hair. Put make-up on. Glass of wine. Restaurant.
(During dinner nearby with friends —dubbed the Tapas 7—the group took turns to check the children. At 10pm Kate discovers Madeleine gone. The McCanns and helpers frantically scour the area until 4am.)
FRIDAY, MAY 4: No sleep, Gerry and I started looking through the streets around 06.00 as it was starting to get light. Nobody around. Why not? Desperate. Why would you wait until 6 to start looking for a little girl who was all alone and could so easily have just walked out of the patio door they say they left open?
Minutes seem like hours. Outside of the apartments masses of people asking questions about that night and for descriptions of Madeleine. Long day. "that night" but this is supposedly being written just the following morning!
(Then Kate, Gerrry and their seven friends were taken to the Policia Judiciaria, or PJ, headquarters in nearby Portimao to give statements.)
Nobody from the police introduced themselves. Nobody offered us a drink or food. All the police dressed informally and smoking. No sympathy was shown and far from inspiring. Why was she immediately so arrogant and insulting to the PJ? Why would they be sympathetic to a couple who left three tiny tots alone with the door open? Why would being offered food, informal dress, smoking be issues for her at all in the circumstances?
I believe my statement would have been around 15.00 and such. They allowed G (Gerry) to come in with me but seated behind me. This was a grave error on the part of the police if true, any parent in this situation has to be treated as a suspect and GErry should not have been allowed to sit behind her clocking every word. Hardly fits with her suggestion they were rude and unkind to her! Translator present.
The police officer who took us by car to the station was the one asking the questions and afterwards typed the answers on a typewriter. Morose. Why on earth would a mother in this situation immediately be so incredibly rude and hostile in her attitudes to those she desperately needed help from to recover her daughter ?
We left the police station around 7.30pm to 8pm. After 15 minutes we received a call from the PJ saying we had to go back but they didn’t tell us why. We turned around and flew back at around 200 kilometres an hour. Once again frightening. Did they find her? Please God. Is she dead? Kate seems to be wanting to avoid the issue of going back to the police station, even complaining about the speed, and immediately addresses the question is she dead. This is just the day after Maddie went missing, and yet, she now tells us she is sure Maddie is still alive???

Prayers. We arrived—they showed us a photo of a girl they’d forgotten to show us from the close circuit TV footage. Not M. Devastating.

Seems to suddenly jump from 4 May to 12 May, why the big gap, what was happening in those crucial days that Kate does not see fit to record?
SATURDAY, MAY 12: (Madeleine’s birthday) Madeleine is four years old. Day at resort with holiday group. Special Mass for Madeleine at 18.00 in Praia da Luz. Kate and Gerry are photographed outside the Church, Gerry in particular in fits of laughter, Kate smiling happily, holding flowers. Perverse! No anguish about how sorrowful she is Madeleine missed her birthday?
MONDAY, MAY 14: I slept well last night after a not very good end of the day, frustration with the FLO (Portuguese police family liaison officer) asking me where would my little M be.
I got up at 06.50. I dealt with some trifles and got myself ready for the statement to the press at 08.00.
I tried to put on a slightly more presentable and “healthy” air. Gerry again gave a great performance.
Following on we answered about four questions. I almost responded to the first one asking how we were, but I didn’t. I did answer a question on our possible return home. I replied that obviously I didn’t even think about that. Anyway, it seemed to have gone well. After breakfast and our having left S and A, (twins Sean and Amelie, then aged two) we went to church to pray in silence. Very good, calming. What now you got rid of the children again with this terrible lurking predator in PDL?
After getting back I decided to go running—for the first time since THE day (already 11 days ago). I knew that it was going to be physically difficult,(but not mentally) but I also knew that I wasn’t going to give up, because it was for Madeleine and also because the level of pain is far higher now. So she went jogging for Madeleine and 11 days on the "level of pain is far higher". How could it be?
No cameras or journalists, which was great. I went running towards the beach and then along it and again climbed that hill so steep —without stopping! (I carried a photo of M in my hand to keep me going.) On the last hill past the tennis courts my legs completely weak, but I managed to keep myself walking. I managed to reach the apartment then time to stop—to think—I felt really quite calm. This sounds like a strategy someone might employ to deal with a terrible burden they are facing and for which they feel very troubled and very guilty. How to snap out of it, calm down, deal with it. This makes it sound like Kate killed Madeleine.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23: Gordon Brown (then Chancellor and PM in waiting) called and spoke with Gerry -very kind and giving encouragement.
Feeling a bit emotional afterwards.
SATURDAY, MAY 26: We went to an amusement park with the kids. Some phone calls, emails etc. Not a very good day for either the two of us—some dark thoughts/ frustrations/ desperation creeping in. Some tears. What were those dark thoughts and frustrations that happened on 26 May and why were the tears so long in coming. Was she feeling things were not going as planned.
(Then in a moving little message to Madeleine) I love you so much XXX Some salve for her conscience what with all those dark thoughts and feelings?
SUNDAY, MAY 27: Clarence (Clarence Mitchell, Foreign Office family liaison at the time) spoke to us about a possible trip to the Vatican. It seems that it really is going to happen—main story on the news! I do not pretend to understand what Mitchell, supposedly acting on hehalf of the government was doing arranging this! But it was noticeable how, in a picture with Gerry, as he returned to PDL from UK on about 20 May, they cheerily walked together. There has always been an unholy alliance between these two men!
Spoke to Dad. I went for a walk to the beach with Sean and Amelie. Frozen. Beach—slippery, wet feet.
We all had dinner when we got back to the apartment.
We have to keep looking. We have to find you beloved xxxxx. But just what had she been doing about "looking", I see nothing in her diary entries!
(Kate signed off the day’s entry by drawing a heart with “I LOVE MADELEINE” inside.) Almost like childhood fantasy behaviour...
WEDNESDAY, MAY 30: (After trip to see Pope detailed above) The kids went to bed again around 9pm!!! Low point of tonight—becoming desperate/without hope because of the lack of information. They are acting like they have no leads at all. Very worried. Well I suppose it would be worrying the Police cannot find any "leads" in relation to a supposed strange abduction that plainly did not happen. And if you are a guilty and afraid person that lack of knowledge as to what the police are doing would build and become increasingly frightening.
Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since Madeleine was taken. Four weeks since we saw our special little girl. We are not certain that we will ever see her again, but know that we have to keep up our hope and strength—for the others, at least. Exhausted. For others at least, she needs to put on a good show, this is a chilling remark that clearly indicates and intention to deceive in my opinion.
I love you so much, Madeleine. You must come back! X It seems that whenever, in her mind, she dwells on what has really happened, she has to put in a comment about how much she loves Madeleine, this needs no explaining!
FRIDAY, JUNE 1: Quite fed up...I can’t stop thinking about Madeleine, about her fear of pain. How can I go on knowing that her life could have ended like this?
This week I have been quite overtaken by black thoughts. Please, God, bring her back. I suspect even God could not provide that.
Bedtime is becoming more and more of a challenge. Even more of a challenge than it was that night?
SATURDAY, JUNE 2: I can’t remember today (which is now yesterday!). The morning was spent doing paperwork. I wrote a letter to JK Rowling, asking for her help in keeping M in the public eye. She has a new Harry Potter book which will come out in July. I asked if it would be possible to do something like a bookmark with M on.
An enjoyable afternoon—I never felt so relaxed. I felt it was wrong. After she had spoken to JK Rowling and felt she had someone really wealthy and powerful on her side she NEVER felt so relaxed?? S and A had fun and that was important. I also worried about what people might think,like “How can they manage to...?” so having someone like JK Rowling on your side really makes you feel better!! Major and expensive PR campaign needed to manage what people might think and how can they manage to NOT CRY?
It seems that Sean is liking the beach more these days. More than what? was he afraid of the beach, is that normal? We had tea in a nearby restaurant—good, despite still thinking that I had to do normal things without feeling guilty. We left around 7.30pm and the kids were completely exhausted.
Fed up again —poor M. Once again it took a long time before S and A were sorted. Does she need drugs to help her with that? but had to stop using them?? Finally went to church for 10 minutes.
Private worship (despairing!).
Cried again in bed—I can’t avoid it. I need her close to me. Thinking about her fear of pain breaks my heart. Thinking about paedophiles makes me want to tear at my own skin. I was never in favour of the death penalty, but these people should be kept in a secure place. I wouldn’t even complain if it was in nice surroundings, but, certainly in the case of paedophiles always distanced from any type of contact with children.
Whose human rights are more important? Those of a paedophile or of a vulnerable, defenceless child? So it was over a month before Kate started thinking about these evil paedophiles?
TUESDAY, JUNE 5: Woke up relatively late again, around 7.30am, with a good morning wake-up call from S and A. Adorable!! I just wish it had been all three of them that came into the room. After a shower and breakfast, I took S and A to the Kids’ Club. I asked if they could make birthday cards for their Grandma and Gerry—today is his birthday but I had forgotten which is not surprising!
THURSDAY, JUNE 7: The Press conference went well. People are always asking how we are managing to cope, how we can manage to run a campaign, as if we are strange because we are able to appear calm and controlled and aren’t going under all the time. They know so little. That is very true. Nobody should judge or criticise because, unless they have already been in this situation, they have NO IDEA how they would be and certainly NO IDEA how painful it is. NO IDEA AT ALL. I love you so much Madeleine xxxx This almost reads like a confession, I can completely understand why Police took the view that they did. Did she kill Madeleine and write this, almost trying to confess, was something or someone stopping her?
I can’t bear this. I can’t bear being without Madeleine. It’s like torture—a slow, painful death. I hope her suffering, if she is suffering, is much less. Please God.
SUNDAY, JUNE 17: Cherie Blair (then the Premier’s wife) phoned to find out how we were.
We talked about everything in general, including about them leaving Number 10. She agreed as well to make a 20-second video clip for our broadcast on YouTube about Madeleine and children who have disappeared.
I also had the chance to speak to Tony (then Prime Minister) who told me that we weren’t to hesitate to ask him if there was something he could do to help.
On Sky News tonight they suddenly said the Portuguese police had stated that the crime scene had been contaminated—because of us—and that fundamental evidence had been lost. How dare they insinuate that our daughter’s life could be put in danger because of us. Very angry. Very upset.
I want to speak to someone now, but it’s too late.
I changed my mind and I sent a text message to Ricardo (Portuguese police family liaison officer). I don’t know if was a sensible idea but I feel really annoyed.
My darling little Madeleine, you know that we wouldn’t do anything to put you in danger.
I love you very much and I am in agony right now.
I only have to hope that God helps us all now and that he brings you back to us, safe and sound, very soon. After all that talk about paedophiles?
I need you to come back Madeleine. You are the best thing in my life that has ever happened to me. XXXXX She needs Madeleine to come back because of her own needs and she now says Maddie was the best thing that ever happened, not Gerry, not the twins, just Maddie. Oh dear!
I ended up feeling very upset. Everything overflowed. Terrified that we might not get Madeleine back. I simply cannot face that. Tears, despair, rage, helplessness. I spoke to Gerry, recited prayers. Please God, bring her back XX
I fell asleep after 1am.
MONDAY, JUNE 18: I spent a few lovely hours with Sean and Amelie building a sandcastle with a moat, getting big hugs from Sean, ice creams.
Shower, lovely meal and a little playtime with the kids.
(But as night closes in Kate’s anguish returns.)
I can’t stand living like this. It’s so painful and distressing. Dear Lord, PLEASE answer our prayers. PLEASE send Madeleine back to us. PLEASE.
I love you so, so much Madeleine, more than anything XXXXX.
TUESDAY, JUNE 19: Last night I didn’t manage to get to sleep until around 1am because I was so upset again. It’s so painful to be without Madeleine and I can’t stand to think that it could be like this forever. This simply cannot happen.
Good night, good night Madeleine,I’m longing to read you a bedtime story again. I love you my little darling X.
I’m longing to read you a bedtime story again. I love you my little darling X.
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20: There is still no sign of Madeleine. I didn’t feel like it so I decided not to go running.
Went to pick up Gerry from the airport. It was so good to see him. Just before we reached the apartment we saw a man lying in the middle of the street, so we stopped the car and got out. It was no surprise to see that he was drunk (we’ve all been there!) but he recognised Gerry and me immediately. Gerry walked him round to his apartment.
THURSDAY, JUNE 21: I went to the church around 9.20pm to pray a bit by myself, in peace. I got a bit annoyed, I don’t understand why God doesn’t answer my prayers. I think I need a sign of some sort. I miss her so much. It is so painful and I don't feel my life is complete and I won’t ever feel it is complete, if she doesn’t come home. Gerry came down later on to be with me.
Apart from a glass of wine, chocolate and this diary, there’s nothing much else to tell.
FRIDAY, JUNE 22: I miss Madeleine loads and that’s a real understatement. Sometimes I think I must have done something so bad. (Then Kate recalls the IVF treatment she needed to get pregnant) It was so difficult and painful ‘trying’ to have Madeleine and now this!!!
Why??? Bad luck??? A sick joke??? And then I think I don’t want to think about me—I’m an adult, but Madeleine, dear, sweet, vulnerable, beautiful Madeleine... and I just feel like screaming. WHY?
Dear Lord, I continue to ask, continue to hope, continue to try to have faith in You. Please help us. Put an end to this nightmare. Please help Madeleine. PLEASE LORD.
Madeleine, I love you with all my heart. You are part of my being and I will never feel whole without you. I hope and pray for the day, hopefully soon, when we will be reunited and together again FOREVER. I miss you so much. I need you. I love you. XXXXXXXXXXX
SATURDAY, JUNE 23: I woke up after 7am hesitating (again!) about going running but eventually I built up enough enthusiasm to convince Gerry that we should go. He ran quite well and without a doubt it was worth us going.
Will we see her again one day? How can this end well now? She’s so precious. God I need you to do something soon. I’m so desperate and suffering so much.
This evening I felt quite low again. It’s the awful uncertainty, helplessness and worry. It’s really unbearable. I only want to be able to hide or hibernate until this is all over and Madeleine is back. Please make sure she’s OK.
The usual—dinner, a few drinks and emails. Good night. Good night my darling, longing to lie down...
SUNDAY, JUNE 24: Oh, Madeleine, I find the nights so difficult and only God knows how things are going to find you. I just want to say, once again, that you have been the most special and amazing thing that ever happened to me.
I’ve never felt such love for another person. I hope and I trust that God and Mary are protecting you and I only know that Dad and I and all your wonderful family and friends will continue to search for you, and we all long for the day when you will be back with us again— FOREVER! XX
Good night. Good night darling. I love you XXXXXXXX
TUESDAY, JUNE 26: I went for a short walk to the shops nearby. I had heard that there was a paedophile there. Nice, isn’t it?
If people informed us about these criminals of course we’d be more cautious and we’d feel safer!
Unfortunately I read two books of messages that had been delivered... There were three horrible ones. One from a former Met Police officer—very insensitive/ cruel and far from constructive! Another said “R.I.P. Maddie”—how appalling!
Well, not surprisingly I was very upset and I went out to the rocks on the beach. I cried a lot and spoke to Madeleine and to God. I was still not ready to go but Gerry was calling me. The police had arrived, as planned, at the apartment. I calmed down and went to the meeting with the police. Everything seems to be so slow. We finished at around 7pm so I went to be with the kids and tell them bedtime stories. I had dinner, had a few drinks despite having said I wanted it without alcohol!! We talked some more.
My darling Madeleine, I feel such fear and dread when I think of you. Every day and every night, it is TOO MUCH. I can only have hope and trust in God and Mary to look after you and bring you back to us soon.
I’m so sorry if I/we let you down. I hope you know how fond of you we are and that we would NEVER do anything intentionally that would put you in danger—of any kind. You are so precious to me. You make me so happy and I miss you so much. Please God, please Mary, keep watch over our sweet Madeleine. Keep her safe and sound and bring her back to us soon! X X
MONDAY, JULY 2: (The day the McCanns had to move from the Ocean Club apartment to a rented house.)
I started to put everything in the suitcases and then I took S and A to the Kids’ Club around 09.20 and then I came back to pack the cases. We moved everything to the house around 10:30. Although now I think that it is a good thing to move to the house—with a bit more privacy—everything feels wrong and painful without Madeleine. I cannot believe that this has happened. She is so loving and I desperately want her back. Sean and Amelie appeared very excited about the “new house” especially with regard to their room. After lunch on the terrace, Gerry filled the Jacuzzi with cold water and the children enjoyed themselves immensely in their “swimming pool”. I went to look for Chinese food for 4.
Oh dear Madeleine, where are you? Are you nearby? Please keep well and be strong, my little one. We are desperate to find you. We love you very much. You are so special. I long to give you the biggest hug in the WORLD!! I miss you so much. I love you so much my dear Madeleine.“
THURSDAY, JULY 5: I got up at 7.15. Gerry went for a run.
NOTHING is or will be as good again without Madeleine.
I am thinking about you a lot, dearest Madeleine, and praying a lot so that we find you soon—alive and unharmed.
Stay strong—you know that we all love you very very very much XXXXX.
FRIDAY, JULY 6: (The day a man was arrested in Holland for a cruel hoax intended to extort £1.3million from the McCanns in return for details of the kidnappers and Madeleine’s location.) I wrote my emails and finished our statement for when the story broke about the Dutch man’s extortion near lunchtime.
He’s 39, unemployed, says that he was bored and wanted to play with our emotions. Bastard. David Miliband (the new Foreign Secretary) phoned Gerry to offer support.
SATURDAY, JULY 7: We had breakfast and got the children ready as usual. At 10.30 the four of us went to the Algarve Shopping Centre.
The plan was to buy sandals and some other things for the children. However the journey was a disaster. We had to stop three times on the way there, since Sean and Amelie were crying alternately.
I began to f

PAIN REVISITED: Kate and Gerry McCann talk ahead of the one year anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance
eel that it had been a wasted day, even though Sean and Amelie had some good goes in Noddy’s car and Popeye’s boat. The return journey was slightly more bearable.
I had a “moment” while we were having lunch. I saw a woman who looked pregnant and I began to think about when I was pregnant with Sean and Amelie. And then it hit me. (Kate then remembers a touching scene from the past.) Madeleine was coming to visit us later that evening, the look of wonder on her face, and afterwards she got in beside me in bed. She was and is so adorable—a real jewel, a real gift. And I painfully miss her.
At around 18.00 went to church. It was good... there was nobody else there. Later Gerry turned up and joined me and we went down as far as the rocks on the beach and talked a little about Madeleine. But I began to feel slightly pessimistic and fearful. Please, my God, prove to us that we are not wrong. But I was feeling worse. Please, my God, let this have a happy ending.
I have been thinking a lot about you today, Madeleine. I am so worried and frightened for you. I can only hope that God has you in his hands and brings you back to us soon. Please, my God, help us, help Madeleine.
We love her and we need her so much, and she loves us and needs us. Please, please, please make it so that we have some good news soon. Good night darling. I love you. (I can hardly wait to say “See you tomorrow.”) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
THURSDAY, JULY 12: I hate the person who took my Madeleine—the same one who has caused all this trouble, who made us feel worthless and mistrustful and mainly who has frightened my beautiful Madeleine. I will never forgive that person/those people for this. Never.
Today I washed the Cuddle Cat (Madeleine’s favourite soft toy and a constant comfort to heartbroken Kate). I was hoping not to have to do it until Madeleine returns, but it was now quite dirty and smelly, unfortunately without the smell of Madeleine on it. XX
TUESDAY, JULY 17: Finding it very difficult to talk to people from home, unless they are directly involved. It is difficult to show an interest in other people’s lives and children at the moment. I know it sounds horrible, selfish and egocentric, but at the moment I can only think about Madeleine. I don’t want to hear about anyone having babies or getting pregnant (mainly because it was all so very difficult for us). I’m worried about turning into a bitter, angry woman, that would be horrible. Please God bring Madeleine back and let this nightmare end.
Please don’t let our lives be destroyed by this. Please don’t let them hurt Madeleine.
Earlier today I found Amelie in our room looking at photos of Madeleine and she said: “I miss my sister. Where’s my sister?”
I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t realise Amelie’s vocabulary and use of words was so good. I just said: “I miss her too. We’ll find her soon.” What a little sweetheart!
We took turns jumping into the water with the kids, which was great fun. After a DVD and a story it was the twins’ bedtime which didn’t take too long tonight. Madeleine, we are all with you darling.
Keep strong, be patient, we’ll keep on going till we find you. I love you so much. We hope and pray we’ll see you soon.
Goodnight, my darling. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 18: It was suggested that Madeleine is dead and buried in an area close to the beach, behind the cliff.
What can I say? I feel my body’s on the verge of collapse. How much pain and emotion can one body take? I had a bad afternoon. I was very worried, desperate, extremely on edge. I don’t think I can take any more of this, I really can’t. How much longer will this suffering go on? I need Madeleine ALIVE.
SATURDAY, JULY 21: I continue to feel very low. I miss Madeleine so much. It’s as if a ray of light has disappeared from my life. There’s no doubt that Madeleine is that ray and I miss her more than words can say.
We just wrote our blogs/diaries. Once again those dark thoughts returned, linked with feelings of anxiety, fear and worry. How much longer will we have to cope with this pain?
My poor, poor Madeleine. Why, Lord? My heart aches with so much love for you, Madeleine. I just hate being without you.
(Kate then relives the last time they saw Madeleine in the Ocean Club apartment.)
If I could go back in time, I would. I have clear recollections of that night. You were so tired. After your baths, you sat on my knee and put my wedding ring on your finger. We (me, you, Sean and Amelie) read “Mog” in the living area and then “if you’re happy and you know it”. We all sat down on your bed.
Then you counted the squares on the last page. You were always counting things on pages...always laying your head on your pillow at the same time every night. Madeleine you make me so happy. I just want you home. I love you so much. XXXXXXX
MONDAY, JULY 23: I got up at 7.00 and went running. I was surrounded by a pack of dogs (more or less 12)—it really wasn’t a nice experience. I went to the flat, high part of the cliff as I felt really alone and a little frightened. Please God, don’t let Madeleine be buried here. Please God, make sure she’s alive. Please God, bring her back quickly to us.
I took S and A to the Kids’ Club at 9.45 then I went to church to pray a little on my own.
Every single moment of happiness with Sean and Amelie, who are both so delightful, is mixed with deep sadness. All I want is Madeleine to be safe and happy again.
I spent some time on the internet reading about Sarah Payne (Roy Whiting), Eliz. Smart (Brian Mitchell) and the Peter Voisey case (he abducted a six-year-old girl from the bath in North Tyneside). Really horrible.
Night, night sweetheart. I’m trying to be positive. I need to be because I need to believe that you’re going to come back to me, so I can go back to being truly happy. I love you XXX.
TUESDAY, JULY 24: Sean and Amelie had lots of fun in the Jacuzzi—laughter galore! Carrot sticks and crisps were had by all at teatime.
Oh, darling Madeleine. It pains me to think of you—it causes me such sorrow and I have no idea how you feel. I pray to God that you are well, that you are not hurt. I pray that God keeps you safe and sound and that you’re not afraid, nor in pain.
Please God, answer my prayers and please, please, please bring Madeleine back to us very soon, for our own happiness. Please God.
Madeleine, sweetheart, I love you so much. I can’t stop saying it. Night, night darling. We will keep hoping and having faith in God. XXXXXXX.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 25: I received some bad news last night. A friend has breast cancer and has just received her first dose of chemotherapy following surgery. Horrible. I will include her in my prayers.
At around 15.30 I went for a run. I had begun to feel restless and worried about Madeleine. It was hot and hard work, but I felt better for having gone.
We returned at around 18.15—the children’s dinner and baths, our dinner.
(and the children’s once again!).
Madeleine, sweetheart, you are the most important thing, the only thing that matters. Words cannot describe how I feel about you nor how restless, tormented, alone, sad and incomplete I feel.
I will continue to hope and pray that you come back to us soon but I don’t want to think about how good it would be to feel something like that—not yet, at least.
I love you so, so much darling. I remember sitting watching you through the glass window when you were having your swimming lessons on a Saturday morning. There you were with your yellow swimsuit, ever so pretty and you were smiling and waving at me, and the tears rolled down my face!
I was and am still so proud of you, Madeleine, and my love for you is never-ending. I can’t stop saying how much I love you dearly. I’m going to try and stay strong for you and you have to do the same. You know we love you and we are going to keep going until we find you again.
All my love, Madeleine. Night, night. Sleep well. May God protect you. XXXXX.
SATURDAY, JULY 28: I got up at 7.30 after a late and disturbed night of sleep.
At around 16.20 we had a dip in the Jacuzzi. Sean and Amelie loved it. After tea I went to the small church. I was a little tearful.
It’s really hard for me not to worry about the small things. I wonder does anyone brush her teeth? She looks so happy in that photo taken on that last day.
I know I’m repeating myself but I can’t stop myself from saying how much I love you, Madeleine. I’ll say it as many times as I need to. You’re so, so special. XXXXX.
TUESDAY, JULY 31: (The day before police seized the diary) I got up early after another late and very disturbed night.
I dropped by the church. I feel better after these short conversations.
I cooked my first meal (since they took Madeleine!!) for dinner tonight.
Please God—make me right. Please God—protect her. Please God—bring her back to us soon!
Night, night Madeleine, by dearest little angel. My sweetheart, my darling, my love, my companion. I love you more than anything. Lots of hugs my darling. I’m going to dream that I’m lying by your side—moments I’ll always cherish and I long to have again.
Sweet dreams my little one. Be strong. Mummy XXXXX.
Pope was so gentle and so sincere
DEVOUT Catholic Kate’s nerves were on edge as she and Gerry prepared to meet the Pope at the Vatican on May 30.
On May 28 she wrote: “I felt somewhat concerned. This is going to be a little too much, I only want Madeleine back and to return to our normal life.”
Two days later her diary recalls: “Pope Benedict XVI arrived in his “pope mobile” waving to everyone. It immediately became clear that he recognised us. He took hold of our hands and he was so gentle, so sincere.
“I thanked him for having allowed us to be there with him. He said he would pray for us and that he would continue to pray for Madeleine and for her safe return. I gave him the photo of Madeleine—he blessed it (with the thumb)—something that we would be able to keep for ever. A shy man but very friendly.
“Very emotional, very positive, very important—charming.
“Please, God, bring back to us little Madeleine. We love her so much and we miss her so much. Please Lord, help us to be united once again shortly as a family.
“Later on, Clarence (Foreign Office family liaison) told me that, before that (meeting the Pope), a butterfly had flown above and had landed on the bow on my hair.
“Following on, it left, but it came back and landed on my lapel. An omen, we hope.”