2 Jun 2008


So how do the Americans views things? Well, quite graphically, it would seem..

Updated - it is now confirmed that Fiona and David Payne, together with Fiona's mother (who was always scrupulously honest) informed Portuguese Police last July the rest of the group were telling a pack of lies THEY NEVER CHECKED THE CHILDREN, Jane Tanner certainly never saw any bundleman because she never left the table...the burning question is of course why did she seek to suggest there was an "abductor" and just how much trouble is she in for lieing for Kate and Gerry McCann. The Oldfields just left their one year old baby all night, every night. What a rotten bunch of child neglecting LIARS they are and that is not to mention Kate and Gerry McCann..No wonder Rachel Oldfield looked like someone just walked across her grave in that pic in PDL in July, you know when she was trying to stitch Robert Murat up..so you should be terrified you wicked woman. How come Social Services have not taken their children?

Hi All, Below is the report from 24 Horas, dated 29/5/08 in which it is confirmed the McCanns are being investigated for four crimes - kidnapping, murder, concealment of corpse and abandonment, but as yet there are no charges.

Whenever parents have killed their child, unless the circumstances are obvious, which in this case, clearly they are not, they will always be investigated for murder. This does not mean to say that is what they will be charged with, it is clearly possible they could be charged with manslaughter, in Portuguese culpable homicide : Homicídio culposo. However, what quite often happens in UK law is the prosecution go for the more serious charge (murder) and then accept a plea to manslaughter, or it is open to the jury to actually find the accused guilty of manslaughter rather than murder if the prosecution refused to drop the murder charge. If the prosecution can prove evidence of planning or conduct that is wilful and deliberate then it is very possible they accused person will be convicted of murder. The prosecution always look for evidence of the state of mind of the accused before, during and after the crime to decide on the appropriate charge. Here we have a couple who knew little Madeleine was dead but immediately set up a large fund, that is very damaging evidence against them and goes to the issue of their intent and state of mind. Kate's diary is extremely important evidence here. Also possibly a book the police are alleged to have found in the McCanns villa re criminal law and procedure. The deliberate lies/asking their friends to lie for them is also, utterly damning.

, ******* The Times has deliberately misreported ******** to exculpate the McCanns, claiming the official court document only referred to the crime of abandonment.

I believe this is the McCanns latest strategy, they know they are to be charged but would have us believe, only for neglect. Thus they can still insist that Madeleine was abducted and they are hard done by being prosecuted in such circumstances.

It says the door is open to a possible indictment (charging) of the McCanns even though it has not been possible to determine definitively what happened inside the apartment. As Robert Murat is still an Arguido I assume the kidnapping investigation also relates to him, but as we know the PJ indicated they are not intent on prosecuting him by returning all evidence they seised from him. It is ominous the police were also investigating the McCanns for this. In short they knew they either killed her or arranged for her to be abducted. We should remember the police wanted mobile phone evidence and Kate and Gerry McCann have refused to hand it over, including prior to Madeleine going missing. Some people may not want to accept this, but it clearly confirms the police think that planning was involved here, and the fact the McCanns just will not hand it over, tells us the reality I am afraid.

24 Horas go on to point out that The Times also falsely reported this case last summer by indicating the blood found in the hire car was not Madeleine's when in fact, it was. It is truly shocking that a newspaper we all imagine we can respect are falsely reporting on behalf of the McCanns.

The article also confirms my own view that there will be charges by the end of August because that is when secrecy of justice ends and the McCanns will be allowed to see the court file. This is exactly what happens in UK, once a defendant is charged they are allowed to see the police case against them so they can properly prepare their defence. As we know that defence can no longer rely on seeking to discredit the cadaver dog evidence from the American case they sought to rely upon because that man has now confessed he did indeed murder his wife and has been sentenced.

Dolores reported some local news from a man in Rothley. Gerry is sometimes seen going in the local Co-op and going to work but looks really ill. Kate is not seen at all and does not seem to even leave the house...no one sees her and no one speaks to Gerry, he is just ignored. The strain upon them of continuing this charade is clearly immense and they should ask themselves whether it would be better to just face justice as the American suspect did, where two separate cadaver dogs had quite properly located two separate areas where he had dumped his wife's body as he moved it around seeking to avoid detection.

24 Horas 29/5/08

Case COVERS KIDNAPPING, MURDER, CONCEALMENT OF CORPSE AND ABANDONMENT As the 24horas said first hand, the couple McCann is being investigated by four crimes, but has not yet been charged

Judicial Police to investigate the possible occurrence of 4 crimes in Maddie case, as shown a judgement of the Court the ratio of Evora, released Tuesday, at first hand, for 24 hours. Yesterday, the English newspaper "The Times" returned to the subject, citing the same document, to advance that Kate and Gerry McCann can be accused by the Ministry The crime of Public exposure or abandonment of minor, punishable by the Code Criminal with a penalty between 3 and 10 years in prison. According to law, incurred in practice of this crime who endanger the lives of another person, "abandoning - without the defense, always the agent has the duty to save, monitor or watch. "

However, as explained by 24 hours, this is only one of the lines in research. In that case run end in Services the Ministry of Public District of Portimão, is also being investigated by thesis and the possibility of abduction of murder and concealment the corpse. First document which speaks of two theories This is the first official document to admit the existence of two lines Research - and abduction murder - and to "open" the door to a possible indictment of McCann even though there is a failure to reach definitive conclusions about what happened in apartment 5 -- In the Ocean Club. One possibility that the spokesman for McCann, Clarence Mitchell, now called of "contradictory and inconsistent". The interim report of PJ on the disappearance , Madeleine arrived in 11, the prosecutor September last year. Since that time the process has been accompanied by Attorney General district of Evora, Luis Bilro summer, one of the Top of the MP. In the process, which remains in secret, justice until 15, August, were set three defendants: Kate and Gerry McCann and Robert Murat, an English resident in Praia da Luz in Lagos, in Algarve ■

ERROR. The improper interpretation of the judgement of the Court made by "The Times" newspaper is not the first serious mistake that the newspaper withgreat prestige has committed in the Maddie case. In summer, 2007,on the cover, it announced that the traces of blood found in the McCann's car were not fromMaddie, when came to know after it, they were.


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Anonymous said...


a whip round for their spending money..... plus free travel.....free accommodation.....free meals.....free cleaner.....free day time childcare..... free evening babysitting oh erm forgot they dont accept that do they.

LittleGreyCell said...


I should think those who would like to are probably outranked by those who would not...

LittleGreyCell said...


Do you reckon we should velcro the twins to them??

Unknown said...

Well LGC
If they do not, they will pay a huge price during elections, if they haven't already.

Anonymous said...


Hope they make sure they have a buggy, mobile phones and watches this time.

docmac said...


Try this link to read about 'The Pledge'. They don't even want you to buy anything. Not a bad movie either. Hell, I can be a nice guy occasionally, hey?

LittleGreyCell said...

Hello Docmac,

How's life in the cleaning business? :)

docmac said...

Two different blogs, two 'different' 1001s, the second one from the new 'enemy' of the first. Hmm..

supertroll said...
Hi Mum21,
Do you like my new avatar?
I decided to show everyone the real me after being outed as someone 1001 times worse than Vile.


03 June 2008 22:16

Anonymous assassin said...
If you think Viv is bad - take heed - Supertroll is 1001 times worse.
It's the really clever ones very few spots game!
Be warned:-)

PS Mum21. Go write some more of your screwed up demon poetry - at least that will make sense to wiccans - if no-one else lmfao!

June 3, 2008 3:47 AM

Hi Bianca, thanks for the nice things you said about me. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...


I cannot help but think the announcement in the press of a holiday that has still to be booked is as you would describe, an 'oo look over there everybody' moment.

docmac said...

"My 'vision' of LGC is a Charles Hawtrey type character (Carry On Films) I do not believe LGC is a mother of a teenager doing GCSE or even a woman. LGC is a nasty character. My opinion is that "he" like many perverted others on the Vile blog are getting some sort of 'kick' by posting there."

LGC, you are not the mother of a woman? I'm shocked.

Unknown said...

Hello Docmac
Who is saying all that about LGC? Are they twisted or something?

docmac said...


Sparklingly thanks.

docmac said...

Hi Mariana

Jenna, aka *********.

LittleGreyCell said...


Not really sure how I'm going to break this news to my husband (or son).

Any advice??

LittleGreyCell said...


Someone has suggested on the 3As that it's interesting timing seeing as charges may be imminent...

hope4truth said...


I have allways suspected that LGC and Opus are the same person (penguin) how wrong was that vision hey she has webbed feet and a beak isnt that obvious and a liking for herring is not perverted at all..

I have to go see you later xxx

Bye LGC say hello to Opus for me ;0) xxx

docmac said...



docmac said...

Hi and bye Hope :-)

LittleGreyCell said...

Bye Hope!

Oh, and please refer to me as Charles Herringtree in future. Ta.


LittleGreyCell said...


But can I trust her answers??

Unknown said...

Are you serious?

docmac said...



Mariana, these people are completely mad.

LittleGreyCell said...


Thanks anyway, but think I'll ask the twins, who are the only ones to have behaved as they were meant to. Even when not asleep.

You'll be pleased to know I'm currently working on a new script - Carry On Tapasing! (Carry Out Available).

Naturally, I'm playing the Charles Hawtree character, but if you'd like to audition for a part, do let me know. If not, we'll be looking for someone to sweep the soundstage...

docmac said...


Cool! Can I play any character that is Ann Chocolatespider, or is that role already taken?

The New Leaner Meaner Cleaner Council is very strict on outside jobs. I would not want to upset Apollo, Asclepius or Hygienia.

Unknown said...

Hiya guys and glad you appreciated the overnight additions. The pics all come from only american blogging and there are plenty more of them.

I thought the look on the Portuguese lawyers's face juxtaposed with the look on Gerry's was "simply priceless" (ta, Rosie)

Maybe the lawyer is also thinking..

"so you thought we were a banana republic..did you not think to do some research about our PJ?"

he (the lawyer) looks so utterly sophisticated and well, bemused at the spectacle before him, whereas Gerry looks so, er well the Americans put it so well x

docmac said...

Hello Viv

You're up early!

Unknown said...

Hiya Doc,

Considering I worked all night, quite possibly yes!

Even in November, even in The Times, we were being told Tanner and O'B were very likely to be made Arguidos "in the case". In addition to their own negligence that is. Cannot happen soon enough for me. I read that charges may be proferred by 14 July, now if that is right we do not have long to go now. Detectives have now of course re-interviewed them about their little "inconsistencies"...I would describe them more like gaping chasms.

Maybe McCanns take their final holiday for rather a long time. Now come on guys we cannot begrudge them that, just so long as social services INSIST they take a qualified nanny along with them to properly look after those two gorgeous little twins, we would not want the McCanns to "accidentally lose them" now would we..


Jane Tanner said she was adamant that she had seen Madeleine being abducted from the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz on May 3.

Ms Tanner insisted that she had done everything to help with the police investigation, but decided to talk to the media after being described as “a liar and a fantasist”.

“I know what I saw and I think it’s important that people know what I saw because I believe Madeleine was abducted,” she said.

Ms Tanner was among a group of seven friends who dined with Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, at a tapas bar while the girl and the McCanns’ two other children slept in their apartment near by.

She claims to have seen a man walking away from the McCanns’ accommodation with a sleeping child at 9.15pm as she went to check on her own child. Detectives want to reinterview Ms Tanner and her partner, Russell O’Brien, about apparent inconsistencies in accounts of the events of May 3. The couple, from Exeter, are likely to be made arguidos, or official suspects, in the case.

docmac said...

Jane Tanner a liar and a fantasist? Surely not ;-)

I went to the other side and made my first ever post there since the interior decorators made a balls-up of it. I just wanted to say hello to Hugh, but I see China thinks my post has no 'calibre'. I wonder what would happen if I 'stole' post number 201 in the exciting "Be the first to get your name on the new page" competition they have there? We should do that here, Viv. Do you know how long I have to stay awake to see the winner on that blog sometimes?

She doesn't like my avatar either. Don't know why, it has the required halo and wings.

docmac said...

Aaarrrgghhhh, I've been shot! They complain they may not post here lol!

The post said:

04 June 2008 14:30
Blogger docmac said...

Best wishes to you, Hugh. Go Stoke!

04 June 2008 14:48

Bye, I'd better hide as I expect the cops will be here shortly. I think it was the mention of Stoke that must have upset them so much. Bunch of kids playing over there. At least I managed to leave a smell, or so they say.

ratonthebeam said...

Hello folks - there have been some nasty things happening on all the blogs and fora over the past few days, which makes me, personally, suspect that charges may be imminent!

And what is all this rubbish about a "holiday"??????

I actually wondered whether the PJ have ordered them back to Portugal, and this is Clarrie's way of fudging it. Or maybe that is just me getting carried away, who knows!

In the meantime, here are some links for your viewing pleasure.

This link is for people who have BBC i-player. It is from BBC 4. It is a show called Painted Babies and is about those dreadful child pageants, a la JonBenet Ramsay. (Sorry to keep harping back to this but these things REALLY, REALLY, REALLY upset me!!!)

This link is for Tiggers leaflet, "What Are The Chances?" It opens as a PDF (acrobat) file, so you might want to right-click on this link and pick "Save Target As" instead.

This other link is for the other leaflet, called As A Mother which is also a PDF, and is excellent too.

Any offers as to the "Tapas 3" who have broken ranks? As before, my money is on the Paynes and Diane.

LittleGreyCell said...


Do you reckon they'll be on holiday for ten years or so?

ratonthebeam said...

It will cost them quite a bit in babysitters if they are paying €15 an hour!

LittleGreyCell said...

Yes, but think of all the money they'll save on dining out...

ratonthebeam said...

What is the country with no extradition, is it Argentina or Brazil? If they book for either of those then I would really start to worry!

ratonthebeam said...

Atardi, your translation is correct - a hypodermic needle with traces (remains) of a sleeping drug. That is exactly what it says, and it is the first time I have ever read those exact words as well!

docmac said...

Hello Rat

Thanks for the links. Can't see the BBC video here in Beja though ;-)
"Sorry, this programme is only available to play in the UK"

ratonthebeam said...

aww, what a shame! You can't get BBC4 in Portugal?! Not even if you use your mop as an ariel?

Love the new avi btw!

Anonymous said...

'A friend of the family said: 'Everyone needs a holiday - Kate and Gerry included.'

What a crass statement. What about M, does she need a holiday.

nancy said...

Hi everyone -

So Tanner and O'Brien live in Exeter - that place keeps cropping up for some reason!

Perhaps that's where the McCanns will choose to holiday this year - they can meet up with the dwindling gang of 9 and get 'into each other' again!

The public have obviously been sending lots of little brown envelopes otherwise how can they afford it with only Gerry's wage coming in! And they have to pay CM - is he going to tag along too to make sure they don't put their foot in their mouths and say something they may regret!

Loved Mr Pink's picture by the way Viv! Just about sums him up!

Stella said...

Kate's on a permanent holiday and Gerry is still pretending to work, I think they have had a big enough holiday already :->

docmac said...

Thanks for the sympathy Rat. I would try my mop, but I can't find it. I think it's been abducted. By a faceless man. With long arms. While I was in the canteen just 50 yards away. I think it's probably in Morocco by now. Sorry to be so long in replying, I'm quite busy setting up the 'findmop' income fund as it's been missing for at least 20 minutes. I mean charity. I mean limited.. Oh shit, I don't know what I mean.

Stella said...

Hi Nancy

I will bet on Malta, in a private villa somehwere..

docmac said...

Hi Nancy

There's only Gerry, Kate and Russell left in the gang. That's going to be a very interesting 'getting into each other' scenario :-)

docmac said...

Blogger JANEGT said...

no bianca

I stand by every single word I posted at 20.29.

I did at no time state 'rejected' homeless refugees. What I DO state is simple fact. I am amazed with your own blog you have the time to post so much vitriol against viv here. We had these views a long time ago and all the time you posted there adoringly. It is not 'news' to us at all.

You did not read my post properly.

I am not harsh. I speak 'as it is'!!!

I am exacting.

04 June 2008 12:36

No, you're pissed. Again.

nancy said...


I think the Carry On film could be a world wide success! Kate, Gerry, and the O'Briens could play themselves, because they are the real stars of this epic after all!

I'd like to play a PJ and put some serious questions to Kate and Gerry that perhaps they omitted to answer last time around -


"What 'really, really' happened to Madeleine on the night of the 3rd May 2007?"

"How could you leave your young children alone and leave Madeleine sobbing in a strange room?"

"When are you going to start leaving no stone unturned to find Madeleine?"

"How many times was it again that you said you checked on the children - your own that is, because according to reports you all only checked on your own?"

"If, as you say, you thought an abductor had taken Madeleine, why did it take you so long to phone the police to alert them?"

"Why did you decide to put off looking for Madeleine until the next day - was it because you were too fragile to look?"


"Just when are you going to stop using your influence with the media and powers that be to go on lying to yourselves and everyone else?"

I'm sure it wouldn't stretch my brain too much to think of many more relevant questions, but that will do for a start!

Joe said...

Just imagine IF the McCanns get charged and and IF the truth emerges that little Pink troll will look so stupid and idiotic. Apparently of some of the other blogs are to be believed he had a small audience in Leeds yesterday where he emphasized the need to keep your distance from the clients as a PR man. Is he telling us something? Also on Irish radio this morning (see what was said on 3A site ), thankfully I did not listen. Just one gem, he was asked if the PJ wanted the reconstruction so as to walk the Tapas through their statements so as to trip them up? The pink troll could not possibly comment was the reply. As usual he is in the dark.

nancy said...

Docmac -

I find your comment hilarious!
I think that LGC should rope you in as the director of the Carry On Film!!

Why are you so popular on the other blog! They hate your guts - it's so unfair!!!

By the way, I liked your other avatar so I hope you haven't given in to pressure from Rosie and the gang to change it!! The new one is cute though!

I and I'm sure others feel quite left out because the only ones to get a mention on the 'other side' are you, Viv, LGC and Rat! What have you got that we haven't anyway!!

I should feel very, very, proud if I were you!!

nancy said...

Hi Joe -

Well, I suppose he has to be seen to be earning his lovely lolly! He must be thinking it's about time he started out and about on his own now as the end of his job with the McCanns could be on the cards!

They must have forgotten how to speak and will have to take speech training lessons because all they've said over the past year you could put on one page.

If you look at their interviews they deign to give they just repeat the same old stuff over and over - they know it off by heart!

nancy said...

Stella -

Malta sounds about right!!

Or maybe Holland!!

Stella said...


You clever girl, perhaps it is another round of IVF quick in Holland, yes...

Joe said...


I personally cannot stand the sight of him or bear to hear him speak. Ever since the debacle of the press conference launching the Cooperman sketch, where he pretended to be senior policeman.

Then after the presentation no questions wee allowed. I am at least pleased that the bloggers are a real pain to him because they make him look so ineffective and of which his little pink hand has no control.

docmac said...

"What 'really, really' happened to Madeleine on the night of the 3rd May 2007?"
She went to sleep. Honest.

"How could you leave your young children alone and leave Madeleine sobbing in a strange room?"
We were hungry and thirsty, for goodness sake!

"When are you going to start leaving no stone unturned to find Madeleine?"
We have had enough trouble with the copyright issues over the term 'no stone unturned', thank you. Some bloke claims he wrote a book with that title. And the whole world thinks I read it.

"How many times was it again that you said you checked on the children - your own that is, because according to reports you all only checked on your own?"
We were 50 yards away. Now that is responsible parenting. Don't get cocky.

"If, as you say, you thought an abductor had taken Madeleine, why did it take you so long to phone the police to alert them?"
We knew that the PJ would stop for at least 3 dinners along the way, beat up about 412 people and go for a wee. So we thought that the delay would make no difference. Madeleine was gone, baby, gone.

"Why did you decide to put off looking for Madeleine until the next day - was it because you were too fragile to look?"
I need my rest before a tennis lesson.


"Just when are you going to stop using your influence with the media and powers that be to go on lying to yourselves and everyone else?"
I've met the Pope. Don't fuck with me.

Nancy I am hiding from the police. They will not recognise the new butt.

docmac said...


"I and I'm sure others feel quite left out because the only ones to get a mention on the 'other side' are you, Viv, LGC and Rat! What have you got that we haven't anyway!!"

I know someone I'm not supposed to know! I don't know about the others. Maybe it's an anti-semitic thing. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. But Viv's not Jewish.


docmac said...

Well well well

I just spoke to Claudia on the telephone. She sounds nothing like the lying ugly fat bitch that she is made out to be on the lying ugly fat bitch blog. She sounds like an extremely sweet and caring person, just like Viv. IMO.

docmac said...

Hello Britain. Knock knock knock. Is everyone off to a new blog that I'm not aware of?

nancy said...

CM said in his usual humble address:

"If K&G choose to go on holiday that is their decision and they would obviously have the same privacy as you and I".

Mickey1 replied on the 3A's:


If the McCanns feel they warrant some privacy after all their personal and public appearances and the way they've played the public in their daughter's disappearance, then they must think the moon is a balloon!!

nancy said...

Hi Docmac -

You are not alone - the other side are watching you and I don't mean the heavenly side either!

Try not to upset them tonight - they need their beauty sleep!

docmac said...

Hi Nancy

Ah, they're getting some sleep apnoea then. Where is everyone else?

nancy said...

Now Docmac -

Stop blinding me with science just because you are a 'notdoc'!!

Leave me a while to figure out what an apnoea is or was that a typo?

nancy said...


Why are you not on the pro's side if you really really are a doctor? I'm sure Kate and Gerry and pals would welcome you with open arms, esecially with all these corpses that Kate has to deal with on a daily basis?

docmac said...

Hey Mum21

You say you can 'see' the original IP of anyone who logs on to your site whether they are using a proxy server or not?

You need an education, girl. I have only 3 words for you. l, o and l.

IP Address:
Connecting through: OVH SAS
Time Zone: UTC +01:00

nancy said...

Docmac -

What happened to your bedside manner? I still don't know what 'apnoea' is! Are you lost in cyberspace?

Off to listen to 'the Archers' - yes I know I need to get a life but the country air soothes the high blood pressure the McCanns give me!

dolores said...


They asked this question on eggheads tonight,and I know the answer.:)))

docmac said...

Apnoea = stopping breathing. Happens to fat people a lot while sleeping and leads to early death.

On G&K's side because I am a doctor? You've got to be kidding. I have not met a single colleague who agrees with their way of looking after kids. I must say I have not met Russel O'Brien though.

dolores said...

I see you wear your heart on your behind:)) Or is that there for the pro's to kiss your a.s.


Di said...

Hi Docmac

I have been reading on and off today but not had a chance to post. I hate posting and then saying can't stay. Oh Doc you do make me laugh:o))) I love your posts keep them coming.

It could be that many people are away, school holidays for the rest of the week here GB, or maybe just enjoying the sunshine whilst they can :o))

Just a thought about holidays..

One of Kate & Gerry's friends has said they are taking the twins away on a holiday for 5 days. I wonder if this is to gain a sympathy vote from the brainwashed people, who now are not quite sure of what they think anymore:o((

Holiday booked and twinslooking forward to it etc., then arrests!! and crys of "how could the PJs be so callous"..

Just my opinion of course!!

docmac said...

Hi Dolores of the red rose! I've changed the colour, as you don't want to be too pink nowadays. Some may wonder who your true friends are :-)

Hi Di! I'll do my best. A holiday with the twins? Cor, I hope they don't come here. Gerry may get his wallet stolen.

dolores said...

Comment from Mc files.

Comment: The Telegraph and the Mirror both claim unequivocally that Madeleine has been kidnapped. It would be interesting to see what evidence they possess to make such difinitive statements.

It is not really clear why this information should be placed in the public domain at this particular time. After all, the McCanns haven't even booked the holiday yet! So why does Clarence Mitchell want us to be aware of this information?

In the Daily Record, Mr Mitchell is quoted as slamming the Portuguese police for the "absolute, ludicrous, lies" concerning the alleged break in the tapas group. Has there been a statement from the Portuguese police on this matter?

It would appear at first sight that the UK press are still happy to play baby and have their soldiers buttered by the hand of Clarence Mitchell.

But why is the "absolute, ludicrous, lies" quote tucked away at the bottom of the Daily Record report and not mentioned at all in the Telegraph or Mirror 'exclusive'? Just a few weeks ago that explosive quote would have been the splashed headline on every media-related website and the unbooked holiday would have been the add-on.

Are the press slowly turning the tables? Or are they following orders not to print anything that mentions a 'break' in the tapas ranks?

docmac said...

Dolores, I think you have hit the nail on the head with your last sentence.

kma x.

docmac said...

IP Address:
Time Zone: UTC +01:00

dolores said...

I am now Dolores of the red rose,as requested.:)

docmac said...

Ah, much better Dolores :)

docmac said...

IP Address:
Time Zone: UTC +01:00

nancy said...

Hi Dolores -

Clever clogs!!

Regarding the holiday - I read a pro's post today and she said:

"What better way to relax and spend time together with those you love than to take a holiday"!....

I couldn't have put it better myself, but someone should tell K&G!

docmac said...

IP Address:
Connecting through: CYBERVERSE ONLINE
Time Zone: UTC -08:00
Net Speed: DSL

Geez, I'm getting jetlag now. Can I stop Mum?

docmac said...


That would be a tennis free holiday then. Taken by normal people.

docmac said...

Southern Cross

If you look in later tonight, I have just received an e-mail that you will love for sure:

Never - under any circumstances - take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night!

Jy Gaan Kak Slaap!


Di said...

Hi All

I remember reading on 3As today that someone said.....

They knew a friend in the media that said, our press were keeping quiet so that they would not jeopordize a future trial. I do hope that is correct and that they are not all a load of namby-pambies :o))

dolores said...


June 04, 2008

Tribunal Decision on the Relation of Evora.

It is a document of 12 pages related mainly to articles 187, 188, 189, 192, 194 and 417 of the Portuguese Penal Code (CPC).The text tells the various request of the Public Ministry and the responses of court.

The request:

Acts of Inquiry No. xx We Public Ministry (..) to investigate the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and any possibility of crimes of kidnapping, homicide, neglect of minors and concealment of corpse, Mr. Prosecutor holder the procedure (..) promulguons, among other due diligence, demands the 3 national operators of mobile telephony (TMN, VODAFONE and OPTIMUS) dispatch on digital media (Compact Disc or DVD), complete lists of telephone traffic calls received and spent during the period between April 28, 2007 until September 9, 2007, including cellular and localisatin "trace-back" and calls "roaming" as well as SMS and MMS messages respective 10 the following telephone numbers ...

As for xx No, not yet identified, which during the day on May 02, 2007 sent 14 SMS text messages to Gerry McCann and 4 others the day after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Seek to the mobile operator TMN, sendsit on(CD or DVD) of the complete list of telephone traffic related to the calls received and spent during the period between May 03, 2007 20:00 and the next day May 04, 12:00, including in the cellular localization and "trace-back" and calls "roaming" and SMS and MMS messages on phone following ...

The prosecution has motivated 7 points in his application:

1 - Our assentiments refocuses on the decision of Mr Magistrate Forensics (..) who is not authorized "sending on digital media (CD or DVD) of all messages sent or received via SMS or MMS.

2 - There is no reason to distinguish between two types of communications: SMS and MMS content and the list of traffic calls received and passed.

3 - The right to privacy does not short the risk of being violated by access to the content of SMS or MMS (..)

4 - The law makes reference to the use of communications already made as expressly allowed (..) in Art. 189° al. 189 ° al. 1 du CPP. 1 MPC.

5 - To preserve respect the privacy of our SMS and MMS and avoid any abuse intromission in this intimacy (Editor's note: those of non-suspects) Mr Justice may launch the procedure established under Art. 179° Al. 179 ° Al 3 du CPP (..) 3 MPC (..)

6 - Do not allow access to SMS and MMS for violation of Arts. 179°, 187° et 189° du CPP. 179 °, 187 ° and 189 ° MPC.

7 - The request was accepted by decision of 21.07.2007 following a claim made here.

The decision:

VOTE: Unanimity.

L'Art 187 ° MPC establishes the conditions for interception and recording of conversations or telephone calls, specifying the crimes in respect of which he is authorized to conduct telephone tapping.Art 198 °, provides for the extension of the arrangement under Articles 187 and 188 ° ° conversations or communications or any other forms of data transmission technology (..)

A communication, by its nature is a dynamic reality (..) The short message service (SMS) and multimedia message service (MMS) consistent in sending information (..) with text, sound, image and video, either through Internet or via telephone.Thus, the data can only be intercepted in real time, with judicial authorization (..) The content of communications and messages sent and received between some phones in a period of the past are not the subject of no reason to be seital media (CD or DVD) under penalty of possible incursion into the Art. 192° et 194° du Code Criminel (..) 192 ° and 194 ° of the Criminal Code (..)

Under what:

The content of communications and messages propagated through telephone devices or between them and computers or vice versa, can not only be legitimate and lawful interception in the context of ongoing communications, see conditions in Art. 187° MPC. Thus, without the need to add other considerations, it will be rejected the plaintiffs.Thus exposed, is judged unfounded demand intermediary by the Public Ministry (..)

Evora 2008.04.29
Ribeiro Cardoso

dolores said...


McCann had not yet informed authorities of their holidays
Les McCann had not yet informed the Portuguese authorities of their departure on holiday or their exact destination as required by their status as arguidos in the ongoing investigation in the disappearance of their youngest daughter, Madeleine.

Yesterday, the spokesman for the couple has confirmed that Kate and Gerry McCann, accompanied by twins Sean and Amelie, are preparing to go on holiday for the first time since the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine.

It is precisely during their recent vacation in May 2007 in the village of Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, that their daughter Madeleine, aged three years, has disappeared after his parents have left three children alone and unattended while they dinaient in the company of other couples.

According to a source close to the investigation, the Public Ministry has not yet been informed of the possible trip but the couple confirms that, given the status arguidos Kate and Gerry McCann, a term subject of identity and residence They should not leave Rothley for a period exceeding five days without first inform the Portuguese authorities on their exact destination.

"Nothing has yet been booked, but one thing is certain - they will not go to Portugal," said Clarence Mitchell stressing that the couple, since the disappearance of Madeleine in May 2007, had only a few days recreation outside their house in Rothley.

Since May 2007, Kate and Gerry McCann have made several trips to Europe and the USA leaving two other children of the couple, Sean and Amelie familiar with. Portuguese and British investigators were not surprised by the announcement of going on holiday Kate and Gerry McCann, but confessed "to follow closely the movements of the couple and friends, especially in their travels abroad. "

No violation of the secrecy of justice

"I is not withdrawn the judgement of the site to consider that there has been a breach of secrecy of justice, but because I wanted to improve it with references to other cases related to access to communications traffic," Mourisco Chambel said, the Judge of the Supreme Courts of Justice in response to information put forward by the newspaper 24 Horas.

In its edition today, 24 Horas asserts that the judgement of the Court of the Relation of Evora about the ban on investigators' access to the content of written messages (SMS) sent and received by Gerry McCann , Was reportedly removed from website of the Institute for Information Technologies Justice (ITIJ) to constitute a violation of the secrecy of justice to the ongoing investigation in the case of missing Madeleine.

Without ever mentioning directly the identity of arguidos, the document, the first stop of Justice disclosed so far publicly about the case of Madeleine McCann, confirmed that the investigation of Portuguese and British authorities doing well on the possibility of crimes of abandonment, endangerment, kidnapping, murder and concealment of cadaver.

dylan said...

Hi folks,

I've just had a really spooky case of deja vu. The second picture of Gerry's thoughts (Contemplation) has a a thought bubble with two hands around prison bars. My daughter was downloading pictures for her homework last night of contrasting scenes of the Amrican Dream. Guess what one of those exact pictures was??!!

I called her through and showed her and she said "So? Obviously it's a really common picture, mum!"
Well that has me told!! Kids eh? can't live with them, can't sell 'em!

So sweet Kate and Gerry are taking their kids on a jolly? How nice of them. I do hope that they will see more than the insides of a creche this time.

Hello Docmac, have had a real giggle at yours, Viv's and LGCs antics over the last few days. Has brought a ray of sunshine to my stresshead recently! )))

dyl xx

dylan said...

Oh god! Have just noticed your apnoea post.

I'm not fat, but get it when I'm really stressed. It wakes me up in a panic!! Should I be worried??? (

Unknown said...

Hiya Di

I see the McCanns are of course complying with their bail conditions in relation to the holiday in that they must not be away from their home address for more than 5 days.

Doc, darling, you know you are going to get extreme jetlag, don't you! You fairly make my head spin:-))))

#Viv xxxx

Unknown said...

Dillie darling, you know, you are not allowed to giggle on here, control yourself, me, Doc and LGC are really trying our very best to the take the McCanns and Clarence very seriously, but somehow, we fail x

Di said...


Just as I thought, the McCanns have to let the PJs know they are going on holida, due to the terms of their arguido status. Although, if they are staying in this country would they have to declare, probably not.

Sorry Kate and Gerry, if my child was missing...the last thing I would be thinking of would be a holiday, Infact, I don't even think I would be able to function!!

I am totally shocked by your attitude...I feel awful for having to say this, but it is not just me and my family saying this anymore, it is all of my friends!!

marga said...

Well, the wonderful couple want to take a rest. Hmm? They must be very tired by now the poor ones.

She spends the whole day at home and he works part-time. What a stressful life they have (not!).

My bet is that they will choose Brazil. I think extradition laws are diffrent from here in Europe.
That guy who killed Mari Luz was ready to fly away to Brazil, too.

Three years ago we had someone here in Portugal that did the same. BTW that woman is the mother of a well-known journalist that reported on this case and money and connections helped her escape justice.
The Mc C$nns have those laywers and I'm pretty sure they are planning sth because of possible eminent charges in a near future.

Don't you remember the last sight??
It can be used as a good reason to choose that destination...

agree with you re Cláudia. But I'm more fortunate than you. Not only have I spoken to her but also saw her and she is a sweet intelligent beautiful girl. Don't be jealous

How is the weather in Beja???

dolores said...

I beleive the same applies here if they leave their home for more than 5 days.

Unknown said...

Hiya Dolores

It is good to hear once again, the PJ and prosecutors are doing well on crimes of abandonment, kidnapping, murder and concealment of corpse. Also they are making sure McCanns will not be running off anywhere (the though may have entered their heads, I guess):

"to follow closely the movements of the couple and friends, especially in their travels abroad. "

dylan said...

OK Viv,

This is me, saying with a straight face: I am not giggling.......hahahahahaha;))

Of course, I do respect the serious nature of things and I promise to behave myself from now on - just need to make sure I don't get tempted to look at STs site as it will set me off again lol!!

Have I missed anything recently? I read about BK until my eyes boggled & i'm not sure I can cope with any more pink brigade propaganda right now.

How are you anyway? Keeping well I trust? Looks like I'm not if what doc says about sleep apnoea is true ;)

Di said...

Hi Viv

I have missed you so many times..

How are you? I do hope you are feeling much better :o))

dylan said...


Don't feel awful saying that, it's true and it is shoking behaviour.
I have half a suspicion that it is all for show. A "look how much we care for our twins". Of course, it is all about them and only them again. If they wanted a holiday, why not go back to PdL and appear in the reconstruction? That way I'm sure they would have received free accomodation (albeit not 5*) and the twins would have had a 'holiday' of sorts.

Pity that kind of care wasn't demonstrated in Portugal last year. All a bit too little and much too late.


Di said...


You could very possibly be right, I would not discount anything with this couple!!

marga said...


I asked yesterday about the top Kate was wearing in the picture you have here.
I heard sth here that it was purchased around March. Have you heard that too?

marga said...

nice to read you again.

Is your pet tired of posting or does it enjoy being by you even when is taking a nap? LOL

Unknown said...

To anyone logging on please read Doc's 17.26 post because it is satire at its most hilarious best..here is a little sample! All the jetting around, trying to stop Mum21 catching hold of your ass is really doing you good, Doc, please keep em coming x Don’t fuck with me, don't get cocky, this is the real Gerry McCann..

"Just when are you going to stop using your influence with the media and powers that be to go on lying to yourselves and everyone else?"
I've met the Pope. Don't fuck with me.

How many times was it again that you said you checked on the children - your own that is, because according to reports you all only checked on your own?"
We were 50 yards away. Now that is responsible parenting. Don't get cocky.

docmac said...

Sorry, I was away for a bit.

Hi Dylan. If you are a smoker or drink significant amounts of hellcohol give it up. I don't think you do though. If your episodes last for more than a few seconds see your GP.

Marga, she sounds like a fantastic lady. Lucky you. Funny you should ask about the weather in Beja. She asked me the same question, only about a different city ;-)

Unknown said...

Hiya Marga

The only thing I can say about that top is I think I saw it in Asda, but I do not have a clue when she actually bought it, other than it must have been before the holiday because there are no Asda in Portugal, I dont think:-))

I have commented before that Kate's clothes seem very cheap for a woman in her position, I can see they come from places likes Tesco and Asda, this is just not what you would expect and does emphasise that financially things were not too great for them. She seems to have masses of cheap clothes...sometimes, less is more x

Speaking of inappropriate clothes..how about the suggestion she picked up the cadaver scent on her holiday jeans and tee shirt whilst working as a two day a week locum GP. Did anyone ever see a doctor dressed for work like that?? Do locum GP's keep dealing with corpses? Surely not!

Di said...


Thanks for that, I know you are right, but I am getting more and more concerned that this is going knowhere because of political interference.

The funny thing is, the people I knew, that said in the early stages, they felt so sorry for the MCcanns have totally changed their tune.

I really do wonder where this is heading in the next few weeks.

The one thing I cannot understand is WHY??? nobody from Kate & Gerry's background has not come forward and spoken up.

dylan said...


Just read it. Utter brilliance, as usual, sigh.......

Don't worry though, I am deeply in love with my sofa. (did you read the story in the papers about the woman who 'married' her wall? it's called object - something - or other!!) xx

Di said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hiya Dillie

I know I am deeply in love with Docmac, because Supertroll said so, plus, he is having an internet romance with Claudia too, I am not sure what his wife thinks about that!

bath theory said...

Remember guys my children were born in South America and I spent nearly 4yrs there. If they go there we do have some connections in the British Embassy in Brasilia - I taught the children of the our number 2 guy out there and they are on my facebook account !!!

My wifes uncles family own the main newspaper in Peru and when we lived there another uncle was head of the prisons. So it would be great if G+K went there.

As I said before I don't beleieve they are going abroad. It is a scam so their barristers can brief them before the upcoming courtcase.

Di said...

My pet lost the will to live ages ago LOL :o))

marga said...

Doc :-)

Claudinha, sorry. I had to say that minha linda.

The PJ know that. There are no coincidences about colours. I just wanted to confirm it.

Off to have a nice dinner.

Bye all nice people on here.


dylan said...


I have puzzled about that too. One would have thought that at least one of their close friends or relatives would have spoken up by now?? I have no doubts about how I feel about them and what they have done but that is only because I have followed this blog and the DE etc. It's my feeling too that public opinion is now turning against them and I believe it is because thier lies have caught up with them.

Not going to the reconstruction was, quite possibly, the worst non-move they could have made.

Docmac, my name is not Jane Gin and Tonic, OK?!!

Actually I do smoke, but not heavily. I only get it when I am really stressed out. I don't know how long it lasts for as I'm dropping off to sleep when it happens. Usually when I am dreaming I've just fallen off something - lol! I will check with my GP though. Last time I had my BP taken it was pretty good. 120/80 something, I think. I play cricket and walk a lot, the rest of the calories are taken up in pure brain power, of course ;)))

Off to watch the apprentice. Back later.


bath theory said...

By the way Viv if Claudia is being romanced on the internet by one of our own Docmac I feel I have to declare my fondness for her too !!!!! lol :)

Di said...

Off now to watch the apprentice.

Enjoy your evening.

Bye for now.

dylan said...

Goodness! This is turning into more than just a triangle of lurve! so docmac is 3 timing and stringing Viv along and Bath is infatuated with Claudia who loves doc? - phew! It's getting too hot in here!

Really am off now, programme has just started!


Unknown said...

Hiya Bath

I bet she will turn up soon to tell me off for repeating the troll's gossip, but I am sure she will like what you have to say:-)))


Have a lovely dinner

docmac said...

Dyl, judging by the way you describe your episodes it does not sound like you have that problem. Discuss it with your GP at your next visit anyway.

Hi BT, did you see my reply to you on the motorbike issue?

docmac said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apnoea = stopping breathing. Happens to fat people a lot while sleeping and leads to early death.

This is according to Notdoc. Can't even spell it right. My husband suffers from sleep apnea and he is thin as a rake.

Causes and risk factors of sleep apnea:

Shape of head and neck may create a smaller than normal airway.
Large tonsils or adenoids or other anatomical differences. (A deviated septum, enlarged tongue, or receding chin can also create difficulties breathing during sleep)
Being overweight or obese (although almost 50% of people with sleep apnea are not obese)
Throat muscles and tongue relax more than normal during sleep. (This can be due to alcohol or sedative use before bedtime, but not necessarily)
Snoring - Snoring can cause the soft palate to lengthen, which in turn can obstruct the airway.
Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke
Nasal congestion, nasal blockages, and nasal irritants
Family history of sleep apnea - No specific genetic marker for sleep apnea has been discovered, but obstructive sleep apnea seems to run in families. This may be a result of anatomic abnormalities that run in the family
Other disorders and syndromes - Hypothyroidism, acromegaly, amyloidosis, vocal cord paralysis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular disorders, Marfan's syndrome, and Down Syndrome
Other physical conditions, such as immune system abnormalities, severe heartburn or acid reflux and high blood pressure. It isn’t clear whether the conditions are the cause or the result of sleep apnea.

When Doc gets asked what it is he says it's something fat people get.

Glad my hubby is in better hands for his treatment.

04 June 2008 20:18

lolololololol! Apnea is the Wikipedia spelling you fool! It's the American spelling! Why do I bother with dolts like you?

Of course there are many more causes of 'apnea' than being overweight, many many more than you mention. Should I list the causes of neonatal apnoea for you? No, on second thoughts it would be pretty boring for everyone else and take up valuable web space. Idiot.

docmac said...

By the way, 'Anon' Anon. As an example:

"Hypothyroidism, acromegaly, amyloidosis, vocal cord paralysis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular disorders, Marfan's syndrome, and Down Syndrome"



docmac said...

I met an older woman at a club last night.
This isn't usually my thing, but she was attractive enough
for a 50-year-old. We had a few drinks, danced a little
bit, and the next thing you know my hand was caressing her
thigh and she was whispering dirty nothings in my ear.
She asked me if I'd ever had a sportsman's double, a mother
and daughter 3-some?
I said no. We drank a bit more, then she says tonight was
my lucky night.
We went back to her place. She put the hall light on and
shouted upstairs: "Mum, you still awake?"

It was not funny any longer. The mum was Christabel.

Anonymous said...

You certainly brought a smile to my face with the photos on the main article!Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Dok

Enjoyed your joke, it is one of my husbands' favorites as well!

nancy said...

Docmac -

Another 'what are the chances' questions:

"What are the chances of all the anons crashing into each other in cyberspace, splitting up into microscopic atoms and disappearing down some big dark hole"?

Answer - no chance unfortunately, because they are too busy going round all the blogs whingeing about other people who post on blogs, but don't have the guts to put a name to their inane piffle! They are worse than the actual pros themselves, who at least put a name at the end of their rants!

nancy said...

Off now everyone - read and see you all tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of the evening!


docmac said...

Erm, SC

If you were me you would say 'favourites'. You would also wee standing up :-)

Sorry you heard it before.

docmac said...


"What are the chances of all the anons crashing into each other in cyberspace, splitting up into microscopic atoms and disappearing down some big dark hole"?

My answer: They're all in the same room.

Night, sleep tight.

Anonymous said...

I tried favourites,but the little red line showed underneath, so I thought it was my Afrikaans spelling,and corrected it!

Ek het twee boeties gehad en het eenkeer probeer om hul te na-aap deur te staan en piepie.
Needless to say, I've never tried again!

Have read you posts, and it made me smile :)
Braai 'n snoekie vir my part, en eet 'n foelie patat. The joke is excellent

Unknown said...

Doc, don't tell me the daughter was Psychopops, you could have been in real danger there Hun x

Did they own a motel? j/w

docmac said...


lol! Ek sal so maak ja. Folie uie ook, 40 minute in die kole. Mielies bo-op ook, sonder folie.

Viv, she said her name was China. She was a little odd now that you mention it. Perhaps schizo, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

If the daughter considers herself being a poet, that would have been real danger lol

docmac said...


The mumppet?

Anonymous said...

Doc, the one and only yes ;)

docmac said...


She's off trying to figure out how to crack proxy servers right now, specially those systems that use multiple serial encryption. Mark Shuttleworth stuff and all. Hello Mark! Bishops still remembers you well.

IP Address:
Connecting through: SPEAKEASY NETWORK DSL
Time Zone: UTC -08:00

Unknown said...

sheesh Doc you back in Calif again, that was quick, I better you all hot and bothered there after being in Poland. It does not sound like your ladies got you too hot and bothered...borderline P.D, bipolar..? or a muncher, guess we better ask a shrink!

Anonymous said...


Lol!!! Well I had a laugh tonight, thank you en kyk mooi na jouself!
Shuttleworth did inspire the young within

Anonymous said...

Good night Viv and docmac, my husband wonders where his charming wife is.

Unknown said...

I am supposed to be American you know Doc, because sometimes I put Mom instead of Mum, blatantly obvious really to those who have dreams and visions. Oh and I said indicted too, funny that is an English as well as an American word, did they miss we do share quite a few:-)

I think I was quite Italian in that last post

so, you better shadupa ya face, well tee he he, you know when Mum21, aged 68 says that and the context she uses it, it sounds quite barmy x

dylan said...

Thanks Doc, I feel better!! Will obviously consult my GP about 'apnea' but not sure she will know what the hell I'm talking about - lolololol!

I heard CERN will be running an experiment in a particle accelerator to see if they can reconstruct a black hole. I ought to email them and tell them they can use the anons at half price!

Di - what did you think to Lucinda being fired? I liked her but then I always gun for the underdog!


docmac said...

Nag, SK x

Viv, I have forged a new love affair with America now that Bill is not going to be the 'First Man' again.

I could meet you in Illinois in 20, but I'm off to visit an alcowhorelic in Scotland right now.

dylan said...


I aspire to your multicultural expertise ;)

Unknown said...

Nite Southercross and great to see you again, Doc has certainly kept us laughing tonight which is always a pleasant change:-))))

Luv Viv x

dylan said...

Docmac, Norwich is on the way y'know! Nudge, wink etc ;)

Unknown said...

Hiya Dillie

Yes the Pink Trolls see attributes and ancestry in me I did not even realise I had. That is so nice of them.

I just tend to think I am a little more multi-cultural than they are, so they could well be right about it all.

docmac said...


You in Norwich? Or is it someone else I know?

dylan said...

Viv - it takes an adversary to help us poor souls in need of redemption, to show us our best points. I think they call it 'saving us' !!!!


dylan said...

Docmac, maybe you just know the acronym (& be forewarned that spelling is wrong):

Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home!!!

Dates from the war apparently!!!))))

dylan said...

Oh and Murat is from Norfolk.

docmac said...

Thanks, Dyl! I'll bear that in mind when next I visit Korwich :-)

dylan said...

Now you have chips in your mouth, don't you Docmac? Come on, spit them out and speak properly now!

dylan said...

Off to bed now. All giggled out. Will try to count how long I hold my breath for tonight but I think after all of the laughter, my stress has all but dissipated and it won't be necessary!(I'll be counting how many 'e's and 'a's are in 'apnea' and chasing where the 'o' went! Thanks viv and doc for that! Sleep well all.

Nite nite xx

docmac said...

Sorry, Dyl I was off looking for me teeth. Whoreitch. Puts teeth in. Norwich. OK, got you.

Speak later, I'm off to Austria now. Perhaps I'll bump into Sassssssss. I'm sure we'll get along just fine, as long as she doesn't speak and keeps the paper bag on.

docmac said...

Nite Dyl x

docmac said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

docmac said...
Nope NotSupertroll, it's a first ever post here for me. I do not intend to make a habit of it. But thanks for the welcome anyway.

04 June 2008 21:49

If you believe the above you will believe anything...
They all prefer yours and sassy's places,rather than the filthy blog of viles...
Ask Leigh what really happened lst night... NOTHING... all arranged lolololol...

04 June 2008 22:38
Blogger Tulip said...

Sleep apnoea is the spelling most common in the UK. Sleep apnea is used in the US.

For what it's worth ...

04 June 2008 23:12

@ poster 1: I have an aquaintance who wants what you're on.

@poster 2: We do not see eye to eye on the Maddie case at all, but it is plain to see that you possess far more intelligence than your blogmates.

Cláudia said...

Hi, guys!
I'm PMSL again after reading you all.
I was a bit surprised to know that Bath Theory has a crush on me and I'm kind of pissed off because now everybody knows Doc and I are internet lovers. Especially because Gonçalo is not going to like it. He's very, very jealous! Oh, and I pray that Paulo Pereira Cristóvão isn't reading either. Oh my, I'm just like Gerry, fu**ed! :-)

docmac said...

Claudia, I'm now on internetlovers.cum.came.com. at the moment. I met a new girl there who looks and smells like a china doll. It's off between you and I.

Cláudia said...

These British newspapers are full of biased Portuguese people. They're taking over the UK! :-)

This is London

God bless them and I hope they have a wonderful time and no one bothers them. They have suffered enough.

- Lynn, Canada

Will they be leaving the twins alone again, while they go out for dinner and drinks?

The statement" They will definitely not be going to Portugal" is disgusting. Portugal is a wonderful country, it's Portugal that should have a ban on the McCanns.
I hope they charge them with neglect. The McCanns give British Parents a bad name.

- Isabelle Mcfadden, USA

I hope and pray for your entire family everyday. Hopefully you will be able to have somewhat of an enjoyable family vacation although it will not be the same.

Know that there are people praying for you and yours on a daily basis and asking for Madeleine's safe return.

God Bless.

- Fran, Levittown, PA - USA

I wish them all the best on their holiday - it must be terribly hard for them to do this.

- Claire, London

Doing it for the twins? Do toddlers expect a holiday?

- Ann H, London, UK

Well everyone needs a break especially kids. It is not surprising that they don't return to Portugal as they know that they will probably be detained again. As they saying goes in forensic circles "absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence!"

- Jon, London

Let us hope they act in a more responsible way toward their other children this time.

- Robin, London UK

I wonder if they will leave the twins alone whilst they go out for dinner this time, or whether they will have a family holiday where they all stay together as a family and how family holidays should be?

- Louie, London

A simple question: If you leave your kids unattended in a strange place why aren't they put into care?

- Mikko Takala, Drumnadrochit, Scotland

Let's hope they've learned their lesson and have a new mantra they repeat every time temptation takes them:
We must not leave our kids alone; we must not leave our kids alone; we must not....

- Kitty, London

Let's hope they have truly learned by their mistakes and do not leave the children alone this time. It amazes me how many couples you still see sitting in restaurants with baby monitors with them.

- Al, London

'Nothing has been booked yet, but one thing's for certain - they won't be going to Portugal.' - Why do they blame the country for the disappearance of their daughter - at the end of the day they did not provide the correct care for any of their children; they are suffering because of that - not because they chose to go to Portugal.

- Natalie, London, England

Why not leave the kids behind?
They have reached the ripe old age of 3 which, according to the McCanns, is the age we can leave children alone to fend for themselves!

- Charlie, London

Wondered when we'd see these pair in the media again, after all it must be at least a fortnight since they were on the front of a newspaper

- P I Staker, London

Mil on Sunday

"Kate and Gerry McCann have decided they should go away for the sake of their other two children"

Many of us have been pleading for them to go away for months! Can they take Clarence Mitchell with them too, please?

They talk about 'no stone unturned' but I can see scant evidence for them actually doing anything pro-active to find their missing daughter.

And given that they have been vociferously defending their behaviour to leave their children alone by saying that it's a normal thing for parents to do, I suppose they'll have no problem doing the same on this holiday.

Poor Madeleine. Poor Amelie and Sean. They are the ones who are suffering whilst their parents defend their actions and seek to boost their own attention seeking personalities.

- Jo, Brighton UK, 4/6/2008 11:18

We can only hope they've learned from what happened in Portugal.

- Cat, Bucks, UK, 4/6/2008 11:27

They should try Disney Land, Los Angeles. The twins will certainly get a good treat, and it is relatively safe. There are a lot of workshops for children and parents needs are catered for. It is the main aim of Disney to create a place for both parents and children to have fun. My two toddlers, had so much fun last week.

- Ces, UK., 4/6/2008 11:37

This will be such as a sad holiday to have to go to without Madeline. With heavy hearts, they have to move on for the sake of their other two children. May God give them the answers to their precious daughter's disappearance.

- Liela Ali, Singapore, 4/6/2008 11:47

How very rude for Clarence Mitchell to comment, as he did about the McCanns not going on holiday to Portugal.
Was Madeleine's disappearance the fault of a country?

- Verity, Blighty, 4/6/2008 11:50

Whilst I appreciate their need to carry on as normally as possible under the circumstances, its not exactly fair of Clarence to be say one things for certain, they won't be going to Portugal. Portugal itself, and the Portuguese, are not responsible for leaving three toddlers alone in an apartment. That responsibility sits squarely on the McCanns shoulders, no-one else's.

- Alf, Northampton, England, 4/6/2008 11:54

Wouldn't it be more useful to go back to Portugal and help the police with the reconstruction?

- Judy, Glasgow, 4/6/2008 11:55

Children of that age don't worry whether they've had a holiday or not.

- SP, Southampton, 4/6/2008 11:56

It is a very sad fact that little Madeleine is still missing but even in the midst of tragedy life goes on. And life should go on for the McCann children. I cannot imagine how Gerry and Kate manage under the circumstances but manage they must. Continuing with as normal a lifestyle as possible is the only way. In spite of the rights and wrongs of that fateful night in Praia de Luz they have to deal with the consequences. Creating a safe and normal upbringing for the twins is the only thing they can do. We can hope that by some miracle Maddie can be found alive but I suspect that won`t be the case. The amber alert Europe wide initiative will do much to help all missing children and is a fitting contribution from this family. I think it is time this family fades from the public limelight and I hope the press will allow that.

- Lavinia, Fleet, 4/6/2008 12:13

Of course, all three year olds need a holiday.

- Michael, Melbourne, Australia, 4/6/2008 12:24

I feel really sad for them but really haven't they done a lot of travelling and seen a lot of the world already when they were campaigning to find Madeleine. I would have thought the best place to be would be at home in case of any news.

- Julie, Bicester, 4/6/2008 12:27

I wish I had been coherent enough at age three to have a holiday in the sun, the stress of being that age is just so overlooked.

- Alison, United States, 4/6/2008 12:29

This case needs to be solved for the sake of Little Madeleine and the twins they need to know what happened to their sister, but also the Portuguese people, this has left a terrible mark on them. A little girl vanished into thin air we all need the truth.

- Maureen, Liverpool, 4/6/2008 12:58

I beg to differ SP, my son is the same age and has kept on about another holiday since his one last year, they do know, especially if they socialise with other children who have holidays.

- Allie, Newport, 4/6/2008 12:58

Toddlers don't worry about holidays it is quality time with their parents that they need.

- Joanna, Waltham Abbey, 4/6/2008 12:59

Cláudia said...

Doc, like I care. I still have Bath Theory, Gonçalo, Paulo and about a dozen more! :p

docmac said...

Shhh Claudia, I'm trying to chat with my new china. Her name starts with L, but I missed it now.

Cláudia said...

Do you think I'm gonna give up without putting one hell of a fight?

Unknown said...

Hi Claudia
Behave yourself woman. lol

Hi Docmac
Good grief, they are really so very mad.

docmac said...

How to be nice to your friends, episode 10273

Blogger Rosiepops said...


If you do not like to be criticized for making posts and attempting to diagnose someone over an internet, then I would suggest you refrain from making remarks like you made yesterday. How dare you mention me, who do you think you are? You do act morally superior and you are a hypocrite, because here you are yet again criticizing other people for blogging while doing exactly the same.
You work in that field? And the you enter a blog and make some flippant remarks about a serious mental health issue and about someone you have never met? Who the bloody hell do you think you are?
Don't try and wriggle out of it, you came on this blog and made a series of posts unfairly attacking another poster and I deleted your comments and you got annoyed and you had in fact caused a problem just a couple of weeks before and I did reply to you, you just did not like the answers.
Now go back to your self help group your chair is empty and take their advice and stop trying to diagnose me, you stupid girl, grow up.
I have read you on posting on Viles blog, how come you never went on there giving them the benefit of your moral superiority? Oh I did See you try it one and someone had a go at you and you behaved like the coward you are and totally capitulated. As much as Bianca annoys me at least she puts a name to her posts and she stands by what she says, as I do and as every other poster that posts here.

Same as you Swedishmum, you felt you had the right to comment about a post that mentioned me, it is not the first time you have done this, in fact you launched a completely unprovoked attack on me once on the DX. Stop being so disingenuous, you know you liked that ill informed uneducated post made by Joajam or you would not have commented on it, do you honestly think that people cannot see it?

If you want to post here that is fine by me, we do not agree and probably never will, but I am not afraid of that, but it would be nice if you could show a little respect, the same as I have shown you and others from 'that place'.

05 June 2008 00:10

Hi Mariana. Mad? You're kidding, right? ;-)))

docmac said...

I've just read Rosiegod's post again. She's a foreigner who could not pass the English test but wants all the other foreigners out of England.

By the way, this is true because I say so.

Cláudia said...

Hello, my friend.
I think Rosiepoophead could use a bit of sex to chill. If she still remembers how it's done, of course. And if she finds someone who enjoys charity ;-)

Unknown said...

The attitude of some people is despicable.

docmac said...

Gina Kemp, M.A., Robert Segal, M.A., and Suzanne Barston contributed this article.

To the idiot who posted the 'apnea' article: The above were the authors. M.A.? Well, that qualifies them to pontificate on the subject then.

Like I said, you are a prize fool.

Claudia, Rosie does not even know how to spell 'sex'.

Unknown said...

cu later guys, have some reading to do now. Be well.

Cláudia said...

Well, Doc, it would make her less bitter! :-)

Cláudia said...

Bye, Mariana!

docmac said...

Hang on, Mariana. Someone just phoned the "findmop" helpline number which we conveniently outsourced to a company called WeAreFraudsters3. The call came from Tahiti and we're going to pretend to send them there with our bribe money as we can't go ourselves. The mop just isn't worth the effort, you see. We'll just find a new one, colour it pink, and take a fake picture of it.

docmac said...

Cheers Mariana. Enjot your day.

docmac said...

Even enjoy, if you so wish.

Cláudia said...

Doc, my friend, I'm going to bed. Sleep well, my favourite floor cleaner in the whole world! :-) It was lovely to hear your voice. :)

docmac said...

The pleasure was all mine, Claudia. Sleep tight, my friend. I'll be back in Beja before daybreak. Coffee, my place, 8am?

Unknown said...

Doc, there is only one thing you can say about Rosiepoophead, personality disorder and I would go even further than that, she is not nice x

Claudia, please stick to Goncalo and then I stand a chance with Doc, now come on be fair, you could even have bt, oh well sod it, I will just stick with George Clooney now I got him to break with that younger woman x

Cláudia said...

Viv, is George single again? Well, that changes all the rules in this game, lady! :-)
Only coffee, doc? ;-)

Unknown said...

Yes, Claudia darling he got rid of his bit on the side and wants to devote himself to me, so I get more sex now, which is good!

Unknown said...

but I could still fit Doc into my busy itenary and he can fly around the world in seconds to be here with me anyway x George does have to go and do some shooting, sometimes x

Cláudia said...

Ok, I'm willing to negociate here. I'll let you keep George but I demand to have Doc, Bath Theory, Gonçalo and Paulo Pereira Cristóvão for me.

Unknown said...

Claudia, Hun,

You know you drive a very hard bargain, I need at least two, so you better up the anti x

Cláudia said...

I'm sorry Viv, but I don't think I can share Doc. Well, I'm willing to open an exception for his babe wife!

Unknown said...

Claudia Hun

that is what is so sweet about you and me, we have always made room for Doc's babe wife, fair's fair, now I am thinking he will have to put his mop down for a bit x

Cláudia said...

We're two generous souls.
But only his mop! :-)

Unknown said...

Sorry Hun, I need to be more explicit here, he just has not got time or indeed the energy left, for his mopping dutiesx

docmac said...

Now now, ladies. First one that finds me in Prague wins. I'll just have to finish my drink with George first. He says he doesn't mind a fivesome. Mum's already here.

Cláudia said...

I know, darling. Tha's why he has to put his mop down. But only his mop and nothing else.

Cláudia said...

Ok, Doc, now you blew it.

Unknown said...

Hey Doc, you will be telling me to chase you round the Whitehouse next. George is a greedy boy, just like you, is there a fire escape that mum could accidentally fall down ?

docmac said...


Don't you like Prague?

Unknown said...

Claudia temper temper

please learn to share your toys nicely x

docmac said...


Yes :-)))

Cláudia said...

I have nothing against Prague. But joining MumFromHell and sex in the same sentence makes me want to join a convent.

Cláudia said...

I'm sorry, Viv, now that I had Doc whispering sexy words on my hear, I don't think I can share him anymore...

Unknown said...


I believe mixing with the likes of George and all that money has caused you to go way beyond your mopping station x

docmac said...

You make convents sound cool Claudia!

Cláudia said...

Do I? :-)

docmac said...

But George is a closet mopper, Viv. I confess I did not know this before.

Unknown said...


but you don't know what me and Doc get up to behind your back, as I say, he flies around the world in seconds and UK back to you in Portugal, well nanoseconds, really.

Please dont worry about mum, I will ensure she has an accident x I have decided she will fall down some stairs, any old stairs will do for this purpose. As you say her and sex cannot be in the same room, hence she has to leave xxxx

Cláudia said...

My dear friends, now I'm really off. I ask you to behave in my absence. And Viv, don't try to steal Doc from me.


Unknown said...

Hey Doc,

George is a closet mopper, that's it now, you got yourself a full time job, Hun x xxxxxxx

He is so fired x

docmac said...

Yeah, no Mums in a convent when I last looked. Could be lying though. Never trust a newly converted Catholic, that's what I say.

Unknown said...

Claudia Hun

I did not try to steal Doc from you, he came very willingly, thing is with Goncalo and the other nice man whose name I just cannot spell and even closet George now I fired him, can you fit him in anyway, Hun

I think you need to be realistic here as to your busy schedule, Hun, but not trying to influence at all, of course, just say this ~Doc is mine, OK hun x

docmac said...

Nite ladies. I need to board a plane if I'm to meet Claudia in the morning. it's a tiring job, but somebody has to do it xx.

Unknown said...

Doc are there any stairs in the convent I can throw her down?

No, NOT Claudia, I mean Mum x

docmac said...

Viv, I'll see you at 10.

docmac said...

At the stairs ;-)

Unknown said...

Nite Nite Doc, I always thought you were better in the evenings, so that is fine.

Nite Nite Claudia, Hun and enjoy yourself in the morning as Doc prepares you for work xx

Unknown said...

Doc, if you come at 10 in the morning I will probably already be in bed :-)))))))))

Spend the afternoon recuperating and I will see you 10 at night xxxxx

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