Kate does a Princess Di..when she met the Pope, May 2007...did she think she was mightier and more worthy of attention than him also? These stage managed publicity stunts will forever haunt them .. Recently they have made this complete by "granting an exclusive interview to Hello Magazine"....They really do act like royalty, which is bizarre for a couple who are prime suspects for killing their daughter and disposing of her little body. Princess Diana, apart from her genuinely fantastic looks also had a really genuine love and concern for little children. I read Justice McGuinness had to be restrained from getting Kate to go and visit a Childrens Orphanage....Maybe this childless woman actually could not see anything wrong with Kate and Gerry McCann, until she went to the Police Station with them in September, maybe that was a lightbulb moment for her. We heard she fell out with Gerry and she certainly left in a hurry submitting a massive claim for wages and expenses of course from the Find Maddie Fund. The public helped to pay for all of this...Gerry admitted the criminal M3 have found no evidence but still they are being paid from this fund? For what..disclosing statements to Spanish press and proclaiming the McCanns are innocent?
Kate does indeed look genuinely heartbroken, doesn't she? Well maybe she did not then but 11 months later she does seem to be far more upset, that is very odd. Could it be the police case against her and Gerry, perhaps?
Hi all, I wanted to share with you what I think is a very helpful and informative article from Correio de Manha, 1.5.08, which I believe discloses some new and important information we have not previously heard.
Firstly it confirms that a reconstruction has already been done including simulation of what happened whilst the McCanns ate. It is very interesting the PJ reconstructed objects being moved in and out of the apartment. The second step is they now wish to put all the players together, and there are only 9 it is confirmed, not 10 as has been speculated. To date, Kate and Gerry/their friends have failed to confirm whether they will co-operate in this. Clarence Mitchell has stated they will if they can see the point, if it is going to help find Madeleine. In short continue to persist with their own story. They have also sought to demand a crime watch style televised reconstruction using actors. This would completely defeat the purpose of what the PJ have in mind to put the principle actors on the spot and stop telling contradictory stories. It is of course confirmed O'Brien was missing but interestingly asked to have his meal saved, presumably he never got around to eating it..Also contrary to what the McCanns claim, witnesses state they dined at the TAPAS bar every night. One can imagine why they do not want to be further put on the spot about all this...
PJ are concentrating on what happened in the McCanns apartment in between 6.30 and 8 pm when it says the McCanns went out. This is obviously different to what the McCanns claim, recently, I think 8.30 and in Panorama Gerry said they arrived at the TAPAS at 8.40. I think this does lay to rest any speculation about something happening prior to 6.30 on 3 May.
The first recollection of witnesses seems to be that Kate was near the apartment hysterical with a group of women saying Madeleine had been stolen. This seems quite different to Jane Tanner's account, but there again, I never was able to believe that she was back in her apartment being a dutiful mum at the time and had to be told by Rachel that Kate was right outside her apartment going completely hysterical! She never even went and checked on her children at all, judging by what other witnesses say. The women never did. Kate, at 10 pm was the exception to that rule, how very odd!
They were drinking cocktails and were lively. At 9 the meal was served. It is hardly likely this could be the case if Kate and Gerry did not even arrive until 8.40 allowing time for drinks, ordering and food preparation. If the meal arrived at 9, it is all the more odd that at 9.05 Gerry then went and checked the children and spent all that time talking to Wilkins as well, his meal would have been cold! It seems to me the McCanns actually checked their children at hourly intervals e.g. left between 8 and 9 and then left between 9 and 10.
It is of course confirmed the police were not called until 40 minutes later, completely inexplicable given Kate was immediately saying Madeleine had been stolen. I do not buy any suggestion there would have been confusion, Mrs Fenn offered to call but Kate refused and staff obviously can speak English and would have quickly realised what the McCanns wanted them to do, no matter what the language difficulty!
It does sound as though Kate calmly handed Madeleine's documents to the GNR and it was only then it became immediately apparent to them this was actually the mother of the child. Presumably the fit of hysterics had abated by that stage..of course she had an hour to collect herself prior to the GNR arriving at 11 pm. As we know they were not happy and called the PJ who arrived about 1 am.
Contrary to all the wicked fabrications deliberately insulting the Portuguese Police and their professionalism from 2 am PJ were gathering evidence and dealing with the initial hypothesis as suggested by the parents and their friends, that Madeleine had been kidnapped. The McCanns were of course moved out of the apartment to enable them to do so. It was at this stage noted the twins just did not wake up. Gerry has subsequently acknowledged this in Panorama and cynically suggested some predator drugged them, an extraordinary suggestion, but he clearly understands the evidence is against them and has to seek to refute it, no matter how perverse the excuses may sound. Why on earth would a predator who wanted to kidnap Madeleine, hang around to drug her little brother and sister? Any professional would have been in and out in seconds and no professional would have walked off with her in open arms as Jane Tanner suggests. Any professional could have simply walked out the front door with Madeleine and straight into a waiting car, particularly given this was on the other side of the building to the TAPAS restaurant. The bizarre thing is the McCanns have now changed the time of abduction again, in Panorama if I recall it was in between 9.30 to 9.45. Now it it back to 9.15 to fit with Jane Tanner's account but on Gerry's account he was standing right outside at the time! The question is why did Jane Tanner say this, IMO because Gerry or OB knew they had or may have been spotted. The description Tanner initially gave is a description of Gerry McCann. The suggestion had to be made that in fact it was not him.
Towards the end of this article it states that witnesses just never saw these people with their children at all and were actually shocked to find out they had any. Another employee who no longer works for Martin Warner has stated he started to think the children were always left alone in their apartments because they never brought the children with them. I can understand Portuguese people, a nation of caring child lovers, being very shocked and upset about this, but UK people are too. It is shocking that Clarence Mitchell has suggested that is what we do, dump them in bed at 7 and then go out for some me time. No wonder people, the world over, are so angry and upset by the behaviour of this group of "parents", "doctors"..
Initially the McCanns actually told the police the window and blind were open sufficiently for anyone to enter. This just beggars belief that they would be so incredibly negligent with their own little children and it is also confirmed there is no view from the TAPAS of this. On ITV last night Gerry again had the temerity to suggest it was just like being in the back garden, and even said that if you were in your garden you would not bother to check every 30 minutes. Speak for yourself, Gerry!! According to witnesses at the time, McCanns claimed to police it was every 15 minutes, as noted above it looks more like every hour.. Waiters confirm it was not with any frequency. If children were left for that length of time, they could perhaps have cried themselves back to sleep in between these checks. Poor little children who just could not be seen or heard. Mrs Fenn clearly says the night before she heard Madeleine crying alone for an hour and a quarter, there obviously were no checks at all in this period. IMO these parents should be locked up for this in itself and it really upsets me they do not even acknowledge the mental anguish this would have caused, oh no, they went and did it again!
This article concludes in the most chilling way. By the second day of the investigation the PJ were considering a kidnapping by a sexual predator but ultimately, the conduct of the investigation aroused the suspicison of murder. As we know, when Rebelo took over the investigaton in October he brought officers specialising in murder into the investigation to assist him. Things really do not bode well for the conduct of Kate and Gerry McCann on the disappearance of Madeleine and what they were doing in between 6.30 and 8 that night and thereafter , or their friends for that matter..
Viv x
Correio de Manha 01 May 2008 - 00:30 am
A year without Maddie
Mystery starts from 18:30
Shortly happening of 22.00 when Kate was the fourth of the balcony and shouted: "They took the Madeleine, led it."
It was almost a year ago, but still very much alive in the memory of some officials of the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz
Nobody can remember is how many minutes before Madeleine's mother left the table. Only you know that when asked for help, Kate was already near the house, with a group of women. "It seemed hysterical and only said that someone had stolen the girl. Everyone has left the table and led to confusion," recalls one of the officials.
What happened in between 18.30 and 20.00 in the apartment where the couple was hosted McCann with three children, remains the question of researchers in the Judicial Police (PJ), a year later.
At 20:00 the couple entered the restaurant Tapas, where dine with friends. "Every day jantavamnamesma table. We seemed anything," reminded the CM the same source of the Ocean Club.
Kate, Gerry and friends were on an oval table. Before dinner "and asked daikiris of strawberry martinis" and then from 21:00 is that the meals began to arrive at the table. The group was lively. Some of 21.00, dinner is served.
One of the officials it is recalled that one element of the group was not on the table. For the physical description matches Russel O'Brien, "remind me because someone asked us to save the meal."
Kate gave warning to 22.00, but was only called by the GNR 22h40.
"Just understand that this was the daughter of Kate when she handed the documents to the GNR. Until there had not noticed that it was the mother," recalls the witness.
From 02.00, the PJ started the inspection of the site, gathering traces, following the hypothesis of a kidnapping has occurred.
The team that investigates the case Maddie already made a reconstitution of what happened the night of May 3, but during the day.
When the CM found, the investigation was made in late October, on days when the team led by new coordinator of the event Paulo Rebelo returned to the apartment and Tapas restaurant in the Ocean Club. We performed some actions, such as moving objects from inside to outside the apartment or simply measure distances. Also in the restaurant Tapas then aosfuncionários that request was put to the dinner table and simulation of the night when Maddie disappeared.
"It is a procedural step that is made to add evidence that was collected, passing information and evidence to confirm or a confession," explained CM to a judicial source.
The second step of this kind, which the PJ intends to implement, "will be to join the players in order to establish all the details as possible about what happened that night," explained the same source.
A reconstitution may be requested by the prosecutor or the PJ prosecutor who is in charge of the case.
As the CM reported, was asked to the group of nine people now leave the Ocean Club in collaboration to be held this endeavour, but not yet answer whether they will be present or not.
"NEVER VI WITH THE KIDS" Some of the employees who worked in the Ocean Club unaware that the group, where the couple was inserted McCann, had children. One noted the 'CM' that was until "surprised" when the alert was given the disappearance.
"Never had seen with the children. Parents always came alone and then we started to think that children were always to sleep in the rooms alone," said one of the officials, that was the time of the night and now no longer works in resort.
The group of adults took the kids to day care of the Ocean Club where they enjoyed the various activities. Only in some situations is that they enjoyed the pool together.
PARTICULARS OF WINDOWS Early indications that the couple McCann gave the police, after the disappearance of their daughter, was that the door of the room, at the back of the apartment where the brothers slept and Maddie, was open. "It was there that went by seeing the kids.
Persiana (Persian blind) was open enough and open the windows to enter the house. If it had someone they could not see it from the restaurant," recalled the CM a source of the Ocean Club.
Other references were on the window of the room where the children slept, commented that parents, that night, which "could have been lifted."
MADDIE ALMOST WAS AT DINNER In the documentary issued yesterday by television ITV1, 'Madeleine, One Year Later: Campaign for Change ", Kate and Gerry McCann show that thought take their children out to dinner at the fateful night. Only they did not because" we had no baby cart and children were tired, "says Kate.
In rare words in the first person, Kate explains that when defendants were set, though:" They have not been looking for Madeleine. "The couple returned to England - two days after being accused constituted -- Because they feel that it was not "safe".
The McCann ensure that the majority of mail they receive is positive, but not all. In a Christmas card, someone asks: "How can use the money given in good faith, for poor people , To pay the mortgage of your mansion? "
NOTES FUGA OF INFORMATION In April, the McCann were to Brussels, where Kate said: "Our evidence came to the press by the Portuguese police." AGREEMENT WITH PJ In the documentary yesterday issued by ITV, Kate refers to an alleged agreement proposed by PJpara confess accidental death.
REBELO ANALYSED ALL WINDOWS The new coordinator of PJ Paulo Rebelo accompanied by a detail of reconstituições of what happened the night of May 3, analyzing all the windows of the house. "NO AMI of 15 'IN 15'"
The parents of Maddie said that PJ went to see the children of 15 in 15 minutes, but a source of the Ocean Club again to say 'CM' that "this was not with regularity"
VIZINHA QUIS HELP The nearby from above, Pamela Fenn, who heard crying Maddie the night before, offered up to ask for help, but the suggestion was not binding for Kate
When arriving at about 23h00 the GNR, some officials of the Ocean Club had to make translations of the couple and friends said. Only once have been requested to PJ SEARCHES THROUGHOUT THE AREA
The area of Praia da Luz was hit during the night by Gerry, friends and popular. In the morning, the authorities launched a more intensive search operation ever in the Algarve First TESE is RAPTO
By the second day of searches, the power PJ admit may be facing a possible kidnapping with sexual intentions. The conduct of the investigation eventually arouse the suspicion of murder
1 – 200 of 433 Newer› Newest»Has anyone else noticed, Sassy, Diane Supertroll Calcite seem to have opened up an almost identical blog to the one they already had? Keep opening new blogs does not actually increase their popularity, does it:-)
Viv, a really good piece because it just shows how much needs to be answered by these two. Too many inconsistencies.
One year on after a 3yr old girl went missing the parents are not even returning to the resort to attend a memorial service to their missing daughter !!!!!!!!!!!
I have not posted much in the last few days as I have been upset by what I have seen from these two.
I sincerely hope the Portugese get them into court. I am convinced the charade will crumble when Kate has to answer alone. In a courtroom she will not be able to look at Gerry and hand over the answer to him.
It is very important to get Kate McCann into a courtroom and to feel the heat of direct questioning. If the PJ & Leicestershire police can get that to happen then (IMO) the story will unfold.
Good morning Viv - and Bath Theory
I just popped in before breakfast. I have just finished reading last night's blogs. I'm pleased you are feeling better after the medication - that's fantastic!
I read Jon Gaunt's article with relief that someone in the media is at last coming round to the same opinion as ourselves on here, because after a while you start to think you may be getting a bit paranoid! He said it like it is and I hope a few other newspaper reporters and television presenters will read his article and start thinking for themselves. His comment about Emma Loach stunned me - she left her 3 and 5 year old while going out to dinner! Well surely that's against the law in England, even if she was staying in a hotel! She seems really to have put her foot in her mouth there and I hope someone from the Social Services gets on to her soon about that disgusting decision!
It really makes me angry that these two seem to be getting more air time than anyone else in the world at the moment, and people are starting to treat them like the Royal Family. As you said in your excellent article today, Kate was doing a Princess Diana, but unfortunately for her, she doesn't compare in the looks stakes. Where was that photo taken by the way - was it in Washington DC?
So the twins didn't wake up when all the hulbaloo was going on - well that speaks volumes and only makes me believe that they were overdosed and that the same thing happened to Madeleine, but with more dire results. It's a shame the PJ's didn't think to have the twins checked out for sedatives at the time, but I suppose the most important thing on their mind at the time was finding Maddie!
Regarding the time checks. Just how do we know who is telling the truth here - they could have checked every hour, every half hour, or not at all - we only have their word for it and I wouldn't trust them in a million years!
Finally, just why didn't Kate allow Mrs Fenn to call the police? It springs to mind that maybe she needed more time to get the tapas 9stories in line with each other i.e. time checks etc, or more unspeakably, and this is only pure speculation here, allow a certain person more time to deal with Madeleine's body!
The latest thing I heard on television last night was that K&G, thinking positively, that there's a good chance that someone is keeping Madeleine underground somewhere! That was obviously after hearing about the boy of 12 who was handed over to his parents after being kidnapped.
That certainy wouldn't make me feel positive if it were my child missing a year tomorrow!
Viv -
What happened to Luke's photos?
Hi Viv, today’s article I find confusing regarding the section below.
“PJ are concentrating on what happened in the McCanns apartment in between 6.30 and 8 pm when it says the McCanns went out. This is obviously different to what the McCanns claim, recently, I think 8.30 and in Panorama Gerry said they arrived at the TAPAS at 8.40. I think this does lay to rest any speculation about something happening prior to 6.30 on 3 May.”
If we take the above as true it means:-
• Lie 1 – Gerry was not having a tennis lesson between 6.00 – 7.00pm
• Lie 2 – David Payne did not call on 5A at 6.30pm and did not see all 3 children and Kate
• Lie 3 – Gerry did not return to 5A at 7.00pm
• Multiple lies from 7.00pm onwards
If the McCanns went out at 6.30 why does it mean nothing happened prior to 6.30 on May 3. Was Madeleine seen alive walking with her parents at 6.30pm or shortly after?
Good Morning all
I see Viv has posted that lots new site. I found it by accident yesterday and the first thing I read was something about me and the usual slag off of other posters. Needless to say it has nothing to offer and not worth bothering to read IMO.
Have a good day all, I am out for the day now xx
nancy : The Princess Diana lookalike photo
is taken 11 June 2007 in Rabat, MOROCCO.
ALL the pictures taken at that day look the same
Good Morning Gina/Ecolab,
Is it just me or do you understand what is meant in Viv's article when she says (see my 7.53 post)part in quotes.
Gerry "on The Top of the World"
I just wonder: How many trips have those people been on? They look very, very happy at all the pictures. Where will they be tomorrow and where are they supposed to be!
Wizard, Hi
That one paragraph had me thinking for a bit too. The only thing I can think of is if the PJ have supporting evidence to suggest what happened, happened around the 6.30 time. For instance, this is the period when many of statements simply do not agree. This is the exact time line that cleaning fluids were possibly purchased from the Baptiste local shop.
For the PJ to narrow it down to this time frame, they must have something fairly concrete.
Wizard as I have said before we do not actually know what information the PJ have so for me it is impossible to answer the question. I am sure however that a lot of statements conflict and it is that fact that is and has been the problem in sorting out fact from fiction.
A little girl is missing and as yet none of us know what happened to her but everybody lives in hope that the truth will out eventually and she will be found (one way or another). If she was abducted I do not think there is a single person on this site or any others that do not understand the grief this has caused her parents. However I think it is about time you accepted
that the McCanns are sending out a false message about parenting. It is not our culture, as Clarence said, to have some time to ourselves if that means leaving the kids out of eyesight and earshot where the children would not be seen or heard if they had an accident, or strayed out. I agree the McCanns are innocent until proven guilty of anything to do with Madeleine disappearance, but if you lot cannot see by now, especially after the documentary their "odd" approach to parenting then I feel sorry for you. Defend them all you want on other matters but you are flogging a dead horse on this issue. In fairness, they were not the only ones who did this, they all did. What message is that sending out to the world about British parents, when so called intelligent doctors behave this way.
I see now why you continuously find stupid things about myself to comment on (ie bathrooms) it is because you know I am right about this and you cannot find a valid argument against it and you call us all pathetic
If you think about it....
Gerry even with an injury needed to go back out for a 3rd tennis lesson? at that time.
Tappas member asked to check on Kate? at that time.
I think at this time that qute possibly an almighty row broke out when comtemplating the night befores embarassing collection from Chaplins and what they were going to do that night? Was there a conflict of interest?
Got to go the pair are on again live...
Good morning everyone
Martin Brunts blog this morning.
I wonder what interesting information might be found on the laptop!!
From Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt
I don't suppose it will distract them from their endeavours this weekend, but two of Kate and Gerry McCanns' closest friends in Praia da Luz have been burgled ahead of the Madeleine anniversary.
Anglican priest Haynes Hubbard and his wife Susan lost a computer that contains personal and confidential email exchanges between the two couples.
The laptop also held notes on which Father Hubbard was basing his sermon about Madeleine at the weekend.
Mrs Hubbard is concerned, too, about private telephone numbers stored on a mobile that was also stolen.
The Hubbards became great friends and comforters of the McCanns in the days after Madeleine's disappearance and have kept in touch since Gerry and Kate returned to the UK.
I interviewed Father Hubbard several times and he was always a rather serious guy.
His wife was quite different.
One afternoon I spotted her emptying an impressive bag of bottles beside the recycling point at the end of the promenade.
"Oh no," she gasped in mock horror. "Vicar's wife in secret booze scandal."
She didn't strike me as the Amy Winehouse type.
But, then, I've never heard her sing.
Written by Martin, May 01, 2008
Hi Stella and Gina,
Thank you for your reply. I agree perhaps the Mc’s went out to purchase cleaning materials etc and were seen out and about. It also means that Gerry was not at the tennis courts and was lying also Payne is lying as well which meaning he must be in on it as well. Who were looking after the twins when all this was going on?
Viv speculates by saying that whatever happened did not happen before 6.30 on 3rd May I’ll have to wait to she is comes online to ask her about this as I still do not see why this should be.
As I write this Gerry and Kate have just turned up on BBC1 tv again (Missing persons programme).
Regards - Wizard
Morning di, Missing computer may mean nothing but on the other hand....
Was it stolen by the good guys or the bad guys? By that I mean the men in Black could be going a very good clean up job.....
Good news for all our overseas friends.....
The results of the local elections yesterday means that Gordon Brown's Labour Party has suffered the worst local election defeat in over 40 years ! ! !
At last, if we get Brown out of office, the McCann case will have no further interfearence.
He must Go, Go, Go
Whoever took the laptop, I sure they will be going through it with a very fine tooth comb.
Like you say Wizard could be nothing but.....
Regards – Wizard
I’m a bit like a dog with a bone at the moment. I’m still pondering on why nothing could have happened before 6.30pm. If it’s true the McCanns left their apartment at 6.30pm they are so heavily disguising their movements around 6.30 to 8pm it suggests that they felt they needed an alibi for this period thus inferring something happened during this time. Perhaps this is what was meant.
I see Gerry likes his bundleman outfit he is wearing it again today on TV.
They are really pushing the Amber Alert thing on the program Missing.
Kate was asked had it been in place in Portugal would it have helped find Madeleine. Kate replies by saying something like she believes it would have helped RECOVER Madeleine???
Why did she say RECOVER, do you not recover dead bodies. I thought this alert system was to help FIND missing children...
One more thing, why are they pushing a brand new UK telephone number one year on?
This rush of activity by the McCanns’ has them falling into the trap of many guilty people - the compulsion to reinforce their stories but in so doing they make even more contradictory remarks. Another telephone line imo is just gilding the lily by liars.
Ecolab -
Thanks for replying to my question re the photoshot - well if that photo was taken on June 7th last year, a mere four weeks after their daughter Madeleine went missing, they seem to have a lot to smile about! No doubt thinking of all the fame and money ahead of them!
On TV again this morning - do they ever have time to spend with their poor little twins?
The other day Kate said:
"I'ts obviously a bit different now to how it was right at the beginning when you are hardly functioning. It's impossible not to be enjoying Sean and Amelie!* She snorted derisorously when asked if the police had done enough to find her daughter, before husband Gerry diplomatically changed the subject"!
*when do they find time to enjoy Sean and Amelie these days?
Wizard -
To be quite honest, I am so confused by all these time discrepancies. I wish these television presenters would pin them down to questions re times and checks so that we get it from the horse's mouth so to speak!
Stella - RECOVER!
I thought that is what you did to three piece suites!!! This couple have no idea of how to put her ideas into words and that goes for CM too! Impossible to believe that they are all graduates and must have done a bit of lecturing in their time!
As you say for two very well educated individuals their choice of words at times is truly amazing.
On the subject of CM, not once over the last three days has he been seen, is he now taking a back seat I wonder?
Stella -
I've just been thinking the same about CM - I wouldn't be surprised to see him bow out quietly soon! Perhaps they feel they have said so much now they can't rely on the excuse of being 'arguidos' any more and can talk for themselves! They sure are making hay while the sun shines!!
Off out now - see you all later!
I have always had my suspicions about Clarence. I beleieve he was only put in into place because of Gordon Brown. I believe GB's under a lot of pressure and is now in a very fragile position. It makes perfect sense, if something happens to GB, Clarence's days are numbered..
Re the amber alert. I am sure nobody would disagree that anything that helps to find children should be seriously considered. It is my understanding that over 300 votes are necessary before this can be discussed. I believe the McCanns got around 175.
The question is, is this because the MEPs are against the amber alert or is it because the motion was being put by people who are at present "arguidos" and people who themselves are not encouraging all that are needed for a reconstruction to go back with themselves for that purpose. They are seen as not being co-operative yet they want the MEP's to co-operate when they want something.
IMO the McCanns judgement and timing is very poor. Getting the arguido status lifted should be their top priority to alleviate doubts and then perhaps more people will listen to them without wondering if their is an ulterior motive.
Really have to go now. Bye all
I think you are absolutely right...
This is why the amber alert was rejected.
Their hopes of campaigning for British police forces to adopt the American Amber Alert system of immediate information broadcasts on missing children were knocked back yesterday. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Richard Bryan, who is the Association of Chief Police Officers’ lead on missing people, said that British forces already operated an effective "child rescue alert".
Hi All,
In the article it states it did take 40 mins before they called the Police, yet talking to Fern Britton yesterday K implied there is evidence that shows there is no doubt there was and Abduction, so why the delay. When Fern asked K what made her so sure she just smiled weirdly and said due to the Secrecy she could not say. So we really should all just believe her..eh!
The PJ could not test the other children for drugs etc without the permission of the parents, I am sure this was discussed on Alsabellla's site, maybe someone else will remember more.
The hotline is for what? If I am correct then its for people who have given statements to the Police to tell the McCanns what they said. Is that not illegal? Are the British Police going to do anything?
Kate talks about having to find Madeline themselves. Hmmmm.....
What was Metodo 3 for then?
What is happening now is that they want to control the outcome of the PJ investigation somehow.
More sightings soon from the hotline I will bet.
There is a very flattering half page photo of Kate on the front page of the Mail today - looking sad of course!! Do they think the public are fools not see how posed this is? I'm sure she's in other papers too - fast becoming the new face of Britain - she'll be on the catwalk next!!
One more thing before I go, the amazing thing is that the UK media on the whole appear to believe in K&G innocence and they in turn parade about now on every show or programme that will entertain them proclaiming their agenda. The reality is the PJ made them suspects last September 2007 and they still are. So do the PJ really have nothing or was it just a whim that they were given the arguido status? One side is right. Time may tell who, but at the minute the British media have opted for the McCanns.
Zodiac -
Thanks for the reply - it seems idiotic that a police force can't do a test that might give some vital evidence in the case of a missing toddler! They shouldn't need to have the parents' permission in a case that could involve homicide or abduction!
I'm sure we did discuss this on Alsabella's site too.
Is there any sign of Alsabella, or Athena? Strange we have never heard anything from them on this site!
Hello All,
A fleeting visit...
...it's absolute rubbish for Kate to say she can't talk about proof there was an abduction due to 'secrecy' laws - if this information falls into the secrecy requirements she must adhere to, why the hell is she still an arguido in the case of Madeleine's disappearance?
Is this the calibre of doctors we are blessed with these days? And they say the BBC is dumbing down...
Also, Librarising posted a very interesting thread on the 3As as to why the Amber Alert thing is not necessarily a good idea:-
Here's a pertinent extract:-
"Obviously, if the police think a child has been abducted, they are perfectly capable of issuing their own urgent press releases. But further to this, the reason why most countries do not find it worthwhile to support an Amber Alert type system is that most of the time it would hinder rather than help a police investigation, because the assumption that a sinister stranger has abducted the child is almost always a false and thus very unhelpful one to investigators".
Anyway, there's more on the thread.
Lastly, you know those books, Where's Wally? I'm thinking of bringing out a new series, Where's Clarrie? (Come to think of it, why bother to change the name?) Instead of a woolly hat and nerdy glasses, Clarrie could have a pink shirt and a GMTV sofa...
Joe -
I find this case and the reaction to it from the media and others and the fact that K&G are confident that Madeleine is safe and well somewhere really wierd! Of course they could be trying to make everyone believe that to keep themselves being suspected of anything other than child neglect. Either that, or they are just too naive for words!
We can always rely on you for a link!!
I'm sure that 99 out of 100 paedophiles just grab a child, do what they want and then either leave them somewhere that they can be found or, alternatively, kill them wherever they happen to be at the time and hide the body.
However, I think any system, including Amber alert, that helps locate a stolen child is worth consideration, in view of the fact that children are sometimes kidnapped to order. I just wish that the McCanns had left it to someone else other than themselves to try and push the legislation through, because they being the UK's representatives, and child neglecters, obviously had the opposite effect of what they hoped to achieve!
I could not agree with you more. The PJ should not have had to seek the permission of the parents to test any of the Tapas children. Although, every day hair naturally falls out of every head? If the PJ have collected fallen samples from the floor from the twins they would not have needed that permission, drug tests would have been done and they would already know the answer.
Finders keepers.........
Stella -
I suppose the truth of the matter is that it would not have entered the PJ's minds that the grieving parents had given the children sedatives amid all the hulabaloo going on! And of course, the McCanns had time in the 40 minutes before they were called to clean the apartment anyway! As you say, finders keepers!
Be back later - off to enjoy the sunshine.I'm getting a bit McCann weary these days!
Drugs will show up in hair samples for up to 6 months after they have been taken, there has been plenty of opportunities over a very long period of time to collect them. The McCann's would be fools if they think no one would have thought to collect them in this way.
"Obviously, if the police think a child has been abducted, they are perfectly capable of issuing their own urgent press releases. But further to this, the reason why most countries do not find it worthwhile to support an Amber Alert type system is that most of the time it would hinder rather than help a police investigation, because the assumption that a sinister stranger has abducted the child is almost always a false and thus very unhelpful one to investigators".
Did you not know it is MW's fault for not having a baby listening service and Portugal's fault for not having an Amber Alert system that a 3 year old child disappeared, nothing to do with the fact that her parents left her with her 2 year old siblings while they went out for cocktails, wine and dinner and did not use the free creche or pay for a baby sitter to come to the flat and also they did not have a buggy so better to leave them in the flat alone. They can always text each other with mummy and daddys mobile phones if they wake up and are bored. Also the eldest can keep an eye on the time between checks with their watches. And absolutely nothing to do with not contacting the Police for 40 mins, when the parents say there was evidence that proved she was abducted and they know it. Also while people were trampling around the flat they thought she could be taken to Morocco or Algiers etc and the borders would have to be closed immediately well after they phone for Police assistance in about 40 mins or so, no need for help from a kindly old lady we can do it ourselves.
Of course an Amber Alert would have saved her, I must be a nutter not to believe that. Dont you?
Lastly, you know those books, Where's Wally? I'm thinking of bringing out a new series, Where's Clarrie? (Come to think of it, why bother to change the name?) Instead of a woolly hat and nerdy glasses, Clarrie could have a pink shirt and a GMTV sofa...
What good is an Amber Alert, if it takes you 40 minutes to "hit" the buttom?
Stella -
Am I missing something here. Are you saying that the PJ's did ask to take samples from the twins and McCanns refused. If that's the case then they obviously have obstructed the course of justice by refusing and it makes them appear guilty not to allow the test to be carried out. I knew they refused when they were in the UK but I hadn't realised they refused in Portugal too!
Actually, I'm beginning to formulate a new theory...that Madeleine escaped to find some proper parents to look after her.
The thing that stands out for me today is the comment from people in the holiday complex that they were surprised to discover anyone in that group had children.
Whilst this is obviously shocking, I'm so glad the Tapas Tourists are middle class because if they had been working class, middle England would have turned its nose up and said what do you expect?
At least this brings out into the open the very uncomfortable fact that bad, selfish parenting has nothing to do with class, and everything to do with individual responsibility and dedication (or otherwise).
As for "different styles of parenting", perhaps Josef Fritzl will take note of Gerry's particular interpretation of child-rearing and thus claim immunity from prosecution (and internet criticism) from the comfort of the nation's television studio sofas?
(Free tapas token for the first person to spot Where's Clarrie in Austria!)
ecolab -
It's all a lot of hogwash from the McCanns - I expect that many of the MEP's sitting there listening to Kate and Gerry in Brussels were thinking exactly the same thing!
Just butting in for Stella...
...yes, Gerry refused to have the twins tested. He did, many months later, agree to have his own tests done on their hair in a private laboratory - after they'd had the odd haircut or two.
Very caring of him, don't you think?
LGc -
And would you blame the poor little thing, left alone to look after her two little siblings, and only 3 herself!
I know we shouldn't joke about what happened to poor Madeleine, but the parents are proving to be one big joke themselves!
I haven't seen or heard one thing from K&G to make me change my mind on anything. It's as if they want to take the trophy for the world's most disliked couple! Although they would probably think they were the world's most misunderstood couple!
Not many people on the blog today -must be sunshine everywhere!!
How is Opus today by the way? What with penguins pigeons rats dogs cats and CM on the avatars - we are fast becoming a zoo!! CM is a chipmunk of course!
Give us all the evidence - McCanns
Press Assoc. - Friday, May 2 03:23 amMadeleine McCann's parents have launched a direct appeal to anyone who has spoken to Portuguese police about her disappearance to contact them.
A year on from their daughter's abduction and with their relationship with the Portuguese investigation team having become strained, Gerry and Kate McCann said it was now their right to know what information, including every potential lead, was out there.
Mr McCann said: "This is something we have been working on behind the scenes, putting into place what we knew was going to be massive media attention on us and trying to capitalise on that to get our message out.
"We have used the documentary as a platform, told a story of where we are at ... to bring the focus completely back to what this was always about, and that's finding Madeleine."
Mrs McCann said: "There has been that much speculation in a lot of the media, particularly the written press.
"I find it upsetting, but it's upsetting for Madeleine. It's taking away people searching for Madeleine."
With the anniversary of the child's disappearance from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz falling on Saturday, the McCanns believe this could be a "last chance" in their search.
Because of Portugal's secrecy laws, they have been kept in the dark over much of the information the authorities have collected about her disappearance, despite numerous apparent leaks to the media in Portugal and Spain.
"We are a year down the line and seemingly no closer to finding Madeleine. We have got little bits of the jigsaw but huge gaps and we have a resource, we have set aside considerable resources on this task," Mr McCann said.
The couple urged people to call a new phone line - 0845 838 4699 - with any potential leads.
Eh! They want people who have made statements to the PJ to contact them and tell them what their statements are. Is that legal?
Yet they will not go back for an re-enactment.
So they probably washed the twins hair every night of the week to make sure any suspect sleeping draught had entirely disappeared - they seem to know all the tricks alright!
Just why weren't these two arguidos put through the mill a bit on the tv interviews? Ideas in writing please! What do you think LGC?
Well, it's my view that a lot of serious points can be made by use of satire. Some people don't understand this, naturally - usually the ones who don't want to listen to the points being made. (Now, I wonder who they are??)
Opus is very well, thanks! He's developing his new career as a spin penguin, and may well have another statement to put out later... ;)
By-the-way, you may have some angry chipmonks to deal with!!
This beggars belief! Why do the McCanns believe they have been made arguidos, with the PJ believing that Madeleine died in their apartment??
Do they seriously believe that major resources are being spent on finding her elsewhere??
Words are beginning to fail me.
Zodiac -
Gerry says -
"this is something we have been working on behind the scenes, putting into place what we knew was going to be massive media attention on us and trying to capitalise on that to get our message out"!
He could be talking about their plans worked out to coincide with when Madeleine went missing? Their so called plans seemed to get into full swing before the PJ's had time to get there!
"We have got little bits of the jigsaw......"
Well I wish he'd let us all in on the bits that fit so we could finish the whole thing!!
Oh, the TV interview thing is simple - the bottom line for them appearing would have been if there had been any hard-line questioning scheduled, they wouldn't have turned up. Or would have walked off set. (Gerry is practised at this, as we have seen).
It's a great coup to get them onto the sofa in the first place, because they are the stars of the biggest story of our times, and Clarrie has - up until now - kept them (largely) out of harm's way; I think he knows how disastrous they are on camera and in interviews.
So to be able to interview them in person is a scoop, and your advertisers will be jumping for joy, too.
And investigative journalism is all but dead these days, for several reasons.
So it comes down to either getting them into the studio and sucking up to them, or not getting them into the studio and watching them place their behinds on the well-padded sofas of your rivals.
Immoral as it is, this is what happened.
Do Mc's have the legal right to do this consdering they are prime suspects??? I think this is out of order they want information to go direct to them.
Viv what do you say?
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann have appealed to anyone who gave information to Portuguese police about her disappearance to contact them.
In one of several appearances to mark a year since the search began, Kate and Gerry McCann said they had a right to know what details were out there.
"We are a year down the line and seemingly no closer to finding Madeleine," said Mr McCann, 39.
The Leicestershire couple have set up a dedicated phone line - 0845 838 4699.
They urged people with any potential leads to call the number.
'Bits of the jigsaw'
"This is the last chance to capture a lot of information which has maybe gone into the investigation and we are not privy to," Mr McCann said.
"Clearly we need to know that everything has been done. What we are asking people to do is if you have given information to police, Crimestoppers, the Portuguese police, we are asking you to give it to us as well."
Surely we can find her if everyone pulls together
Gerry McCann
He said they have "little bits of the jigsaw" but there were still "huge gaps".
Madeleine disappeared shortly before her fourth birthday from a holiday resort in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on 3 May last year.
Her parents had been eating with friends at a nearby tapas restaurant and were later named as suspects by Portuguese police.
They have always denied any wrongdoing and have campaigned hard for people to help in their search for Madeleine.
But because of Portuguese secrecy laws, the police have not shared the information they have collected with the couple.
From UK: 0845 8384699
From outside UK: 00 44 845 8384699
The phone line will be formally launched on Friday with pre-recorded interviews
Sorry I took so long to come back to you. Do you remember that night the PJ noticed the twins looked over sleepy, they wanted to get the twins tested but the McCann's apparently refused.
Now, it was debated quite a bit on the DE site for many months how all drugs will show up under microscope when examining a complete strand of hair from the root. As hair grows it keeps a record of all drugs you take, so even a few months after May, in the twins hair if you could have examined it you would have found out what if anything they may have been given.
Whether or not sometime between May and September the PJ later asked for hair samples, we will never know. All I do know is the minute they returned to the UK it was reported the first thing they did was get Sean's hair cut really short. Hair grows so many millimetres every month, so by cutting it really short you could possibly wipe out information recorded 4 months earlier. Unfortunately with Amelie, you could not really cut her hair boy like short.
So you see if the PJ had collected hair fallen onto the floor naturally, they would have already tested it and know for sure about the sedation...
The McCanns want witnesses to divulge what they have said to the PJ in their witness statements, yet on TV Kate says she knows that her daughter was abducted but cannot tell us why due to Secrecy law. The Tapas that gave statements say they are bound by Secrecy laws. Yet the McC's want this :
Madeleine McCann's parents have launched a direct appeal to anyone who has spoken to Portuguese police about her disappearance to contact them.
Surely this is not legal.
In all my years I have never ever heard of prime suspects making such ridiculous requests as theirs ever. They should be formally warned by the PJ that if they continue with these actions they will be charged.
Since when have legalities affected them?
What's going on ??????
Despite the prestige of getting Kate and Gerry McCanns' first live television interview, GMTV have decided to remove the video from their website!
Probably because of the amount of flack Fawning Phillips has come in for since she talked to K&G about us "nutters", the "vociferous minority".
GMTV has serious money to make from its advertisers, so it doesn't want to have millions of viewers switch off, affecting the advertising (GMTV isn't exactly flush with money, strange as it seems...)
Not quite sure what to make of this.
So WE are smug and judgemental on the one hand, but Fiona Phillips feels wretched on the other when her own kids asked "why did you leave us" when they had been left alone in the hotel bedroom and were found running up and down the landing with tear stained faces.
I rest my case.....
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/columnists ... _page.html
Fiona Phillips 12/05/2007
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TWO mums confided to me this week that their children had "incidents" on holiday after being left in kids' clubs.
I won't go into the cases for privacy reasons, but both involved childcare workers acting in an inappropriate way. It has affected family holidays and both mums blame themselves for leaving their children with strangers.
So to all the smug, judgmental parents who have questioned why Kate and Gerry McCann did not make use of the Mark Warner resort creche facilities, or employ babysitters for little Madeleine and her brother and sister while they ate in a restaurant just yards away - it could have happened to any of you.
I have no doubt that Mark Warner staff are perfectly professional, but as parents we do what we think is right for our children. And if the McCanns thought it was better to leave theirs sleeping in an apartment in a holiday resort chosen for its child-friendliness rather than placing a stranger in the same room as their precious toddlers, who's to say they're wrong?
Kate's mum Susan says: "You make a decision and think it's OK. This time it wasn't and Kate and Gerry must live with that."
The fact is, on holiday, away from the stresses and strains of daily life, and especially in a resort renowned for family holidays, we'd all be lulled into a sense that nothing can harm us.
We do things we might not do at home - there's no way the McCanns would have left their tots sleeping in their bedrooms while they went to the local restaurant back in Leicestershire.
We often left ours sleeping upstairs in a hotel room while we dined downstairs until one night, when they were two and five, we were told they were running up and down the landing screaming and calling for Mummy.
I have never felt so wretched - seeing two tear-stained faces looking questioningly at me as if to say "Why did you leave us?" is an image that has stayed with me.
Now we take them with us or leave them with babysitters - babysitters who are sometimes male, often complete strangers whose credentials we don't check.
What are we to do? Not go out on our own? Not go on holiday? Or trust that our faith in human kindness will prevail? In the end that's all we can do.
I have to go for a while now....see you later!
Sorry I did mean to say it was an old article from 3As, but how things have changed with her comments since then.
Bonnie & Clyde:
Shameless! The pair of YOU.
Look into the camera ,Kate , when you're talking to your little girl.
You know she's dead don't you?
Attempting to pervert the course of justice should be added to your list of shame, what's with the new 'hotline'???
"Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul" (Bob Dylan)
Take a look at Five News | McCanns speak to Natasha Kaplinsky:
BBC Breakfast interview TV 1/4/08
Question: " You know you said the night before when Madeleine Sean & Amelie were upset.." K interupts saying "I did'nt say that actually"
Interviewer: "It's here in your statements,are you saying you did not say that"
K swallows keeps eyes down at a loss for words until G jumped in.
Breaking news in Portugal,
PJ is prepare to clear the couple in the next hours!
Nothing more yet, as soon as I know more I will report...
RTP-N Channel
Nothing is confirmed yet...
I don't believe it !! what is going on?
http://www.correiodamanha.pt/noticia.as ... 0000000009
Blood marks the death
They aren't enough to condemn the McCanns. They are only miniscule vestiges, whose genetic profile is frighteningly close to Madeleine's. The definitive results are now in Portugal, as are the final analysis of the biological and synthetic residues sent to the National Institute of Legal Medicine (INML) headquartered in Coimbra.
For many investigators, the proof is sufficient, but the truth is that in court it could create doubt. And in a case like this, which also concerns the credibility of our authorities, all the care in the world is not enough.
The definitive exam results have been with PJ for some months and indicate a high degree of similarity between the blood in the McCann's car and that of Madeleine. The same comparisons were made with the vestiges detected in the apartment rented by the English [couple] and where the child, then three years old, disappeared without a trace.
One year later, the impasse in the investigation continues. Without a cadaver or confessions it will continue to be possible for the child's parents to create doubts [in court]. Not because of the quality of the vestiges, but because of the method used in their collection. "The vestiges were not visible to the naked eye and it was necessary to use the 'low copy number'. What that means is that genetic profiles were extracted from all the people that left vestiges in that place. We are not dealing with contamination of the samples, but the possibility, mostly academic, that someone with an identical genetic profile combined with all the others," affirmed a source within the process to CM.
In addition, Corte Real, responsible for the genetic analysis at INML, told CM that there are no perfect DNA matches. Without referring specifically to this case, the specialist reiterated that 99.99% results are valid, almost standalone, in paternity suits. "If we are talking about cases where various genetic profiles were collected then the results are lower [than 99.99%]."
"Maddie is missing" (Gerry and Kate McCann, Maddie's parents, to SIC TV)
- How has this past year been?
Kate: I spend the entire day with Sean and Amélie. It has been very difficult, but I continue to believe that Maddie is alive.
Gerry: It was by far the most difficult year. We continue to be motivated by the strong possibility that she is alive.
- Do your younger children continue to ask about their sister?
Kate: They talk about her every day. She is part of their lives. At times it is difficult, other times touching. She is part of their lives.
Gerry: I believe that if Maddie returned home today they would react normally ... they are very little, and don't yet ask questions. At this point, they just know that Maddie is missing.
Kate: We can only tell them the truth when we know it.
Gerry: They have the notion that they last saw Maddie in Portugal. They think that if they go back, they'll find their sister.
18 Interviews
Yesterday, Maddie's parents gave 18 interviews to the media.
Message to the Abductor
"All we want is Madeleine back and you can free yourself of this situation," says Gerry.
The Apartment
In apartment 5a at the Ocean Club vestiges of blood were found, whose DNA is similar to Maddie's. One of the vestiges was behind the sofa.
The Car
The discovery of vestiges in the car rented after the disappearance mandated the about-face of the investigation. The exam results caused the parents to become arguidos.
Searches videotaped
The work of the British Police special team that was at Praia da Luz, in August, was videotaped from beginning to the end, and copies of those videos were sent to Forensic Science Service. PJ detectives that followed those searches, with Keela and Eddie, the two specially trained dogs from South Yorkshire Police, had “every single detail of those operations recorded on video, including the collection of the samples sent to FSS”, according to a source from the Public Prosecutor's Office. “News from British Media about cigarette ashes found in those samples are just fabrication”, a source from FSS confirmed: “The samples we received were very small and with a high degree of contamination by house cleaning products, but we were able to get a good amount of results.”
It´s not confirmed yet, let´s hope is not true...
What!!! is this true.......
Don´t know yet, nothing more in the news!
I hope it is just a rumour...I will be waiting for the 6pm news.
Nothing on 3As which is unusual, they normally find things pretty quick.
Maybe they are reporting these news, nothing on tv yet...
Expresso online
Google translation:
"PJ is preparing to exempt spouses McCann
Without evidence to accuse Kate and Gerry McCann, PJ returns to investigate the possibility of abduction. It is one year and there is no clue on the whereabouts of the child.
Rui Gustavo
17:00 | Friday, May 2, 2008
Permanent link: x
Yves Herman / Reuters
Gerry and Kate McCann are ready to return to Portugal to participate in a possible reconstitution
The analysis of evidence collected in England not brought anything new to the investigation of the case Madeleine McCann. The Judiciary Police found no contradiction, track or evidence strong enough to sustain the thesis of murder followed by concealment of corpses and is preparing to propose the closing of the case for the parents, Gerry and Kate McCann.
After much controversy, the parents of Maddie are willing to return to Portugal to participate in a possible reconstitution. But, according to the lawyer Rogerio Alves, only if the investigation is judicially ordered and it is even necessary.
There were 1,198 children and young people disappeared last year. Most are adolescents between 12 and 14 years fleeing from home voluntarily. The PJ find them after a few hours or days. In 2007, the SOS Children Desaparecida Line, the Office of the Child Support, opened 31 new cases relating to children missing, and 27 located in a short space of time but four remain in unlocated (abduction by a third party and suspected of venda).
More edition of the Express in banking or here, where the issue of banking is available to subscribers from 00h01 on Saturday
Don't know whether true but a report on 3As is now saying Kate & Gerry Back in Portugal tomorrow.
Sorry, cannot back this up, can anyone else!!!!
I saw that report Di, maybe is true...
Yes, they were refering this report from expresso, just on TV now!!!
If the evidence is there let them go to court with it let every scrap of evidence be revealed the McCanns can have their say and the PJ can have theirs any witnesses can have a chance to say what they saw or heard and if the McCanns did go to Chaplins which was a long walk away from the children they say they checked on let it come out in court.
This whole mess needs to stop now they are having their say and trying to convince the public that it is people like me who dont like them for what they have done and choose to put it in words on a blog because I happen to think that a three year old child has the right for an investigation I am scum well I am happy to be scum as I will not change my opinion of them and the things that are written by some about us (we are peadophiles and insane) just makes me carry on. No one knows me they can think what ever they like about me their choice as it is mine to want the truth of what happend in PDL to be revealed.
Maybe they will be found inocent (maybe they are of everything apart from neglect)but if there is evidence that is credible let it be heard in court and have all sides of the evidence out in the open. DNA will come on in leaps and bounds in the next few years if they are guilty of more than neglect I would not wish to spend 5 minutes in their shoes guilt is a terible emotion.
If they are inocent there cant be any evidence and if I was in their position I would be asking to go to trial so I could prove I did not do anything wrong and get back to looking for my daughter no spin required if she did not die in the apartment there cant be any DNA.
Hi all
If the case is to be dropped against them for insufficient evidence maybe that is why they have been doing these endless interviews to try and prove their "innocence". The fact that the police take the view they cannot prove the case beyond reasonable doubt in court on the strength of the evidence they have managed to collect does not make them innocent.
We will have to await further developments but if true it is bitterly disappointing.
Viv x
Hiya Hope
No criminal prosecution is taken on the off chance they may win. They have to do an assessment of the evidence collected and feel that a conviction is highly likely.
In order to get acquitted in a criminal case all defendants have to do is establish there is an element of doubt about the evidence, not that they are in fact innocent. It is only when the evidence proves the case against them beyond any reasonable doubt they could actually be convicted. If the prosecution know they could establish a reasonable doubt they will not proceed with a prosecution until they have more conclusive evidence. I have to say I am surprised as I never thought the case against them would simply rely on forensics as this seems to imply, but we will have to wait and see.
Viv x
Have confidence in the words of Gonçalo Amaral:
"One last thing:*Soon, very soon the world will know the "Truth about the Lie" and "we will gain truth and justice for a little girl who has no voice", dead on the evening of May 3rd at apartment 5A, Ocean Club, Praia da Luz, Algarve, Portugal"*Best regards,Gonçalo Amaral"
Hiya Ecolab
Maybe this is how we are going to learn the truth, if so, good for Goncalo Amaral!
Viv x
Poor Madeleine will she ever rest in peace, :(
Did you get my email yesterday?
Maybe he knew that they would be cleared and he found this way to tell all of what happen!
Hiya Viv
I do`nt care in what way, I just care that Maddie is getting her Justice and she will.
I agree.
Hi Viv
Thanks for the info I have not a clue where law is concerned.
If they cant take them to court then I hope as much information about what happend on that holiday comes out into the open the way Portugal has been slated by people who think leaving a child alone is no big deal is wrong.
The McCanns have had their say and if Madeleine was taken then they must be in hell if she wasnt then they have to live with what they have done and I would not wish to be in their shoes in either case.
2.5 million reward money unclaimed a big motive for scum to try and get their hands on it and as yet nothing. A fortune on a spin Dr and a fraud investigation firm refusing to answer questions and strange behaviour neglect was no big deal until nearly a year later when lame excuses were made and they try to make it look better by saying they nearly took the childen with them?
I give up what do I know???
I am off out for the night may see you later xxx
I think we will soon have a statement from the PJ with all the evidence in the open! The arguido status lifted and a people`s court(tribunal)with the words of Bob Dylan:
"Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul".
You have mail.....
Coldwater on the 3As said that we would be in for a bumpy ride, but to keep the faith. I am going to wait and see what happens before I go getting wound up.
Hi Rat
I remember Coldwater's comments, you are right he said keep focused.
Did you see my comment yesterday about my laptop!!
No Di, what happened? (I have had family stuff to deal with over the last couple of days, which is why I wasn't around much.)
Like a rollercoaster! A bumpy ride! In the good way or in the bad way?
Hate rollercoasters - makes me seesick ;-))
Sorry Rat hope all went well.
I have ordered a new laptop and decided to go for a Dell which is being delivered next week. I have not had a Dell before and was hoping I had made the right choice.
That,is unfortunately what we don't know.
Hi Viv,
I think this if true is the reason Amaral is writing his book a he must have been aware for some time that they would not be charged, it was fairly obvious by the Political interference it was unlikely they would be charged.This is why he has revealed the fact his book will reveal the truth of the matter for the world to know. I think Gordon Brown will not remain as PM for long, the public are not stupid and have seen the interference and excessive support from the outset of this case by him. It is a disgrace if the truth has been covered up and I hope those responsible get their just desserts, as they have let the victim Maddie down...Lizzy
I like Dells, they are usually good value for money. Mind and don't let this one drink wine now! :-)
He said something like justice would come but not in the way we might expect. Claudia said something similar. I don't know what that means exactly, sorry.
SOS Maddie
Google translation:
McCann call witnesses to violate the secrecy of justice
Kate and Gerry McCann, arguidos in investigating the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine, have appealed to all witnesses who provided information to the Judicial Police in the framework of investigations, asking them to contact the new number phone put into service today in the United Kingdom.
Without having succeeded in gaining access to the file of the Judicial Police, still under secret court, the couple tries to read what the witnesses have said the Judicial Police.
"What we ask you to do is, if you have provided information to the police (UK), Crimestoppers, or the Portuguese police, we ask you to communicate well," asked Gerry McCann.
According to a source of the Public Ministry in Lisbon, "the appeal by the couple McCann equal to an incitement of a crime, because all witnesses must respect the secrecy of justice and must not reveal information in the dossier, except in cases provided by law. "
The new number (00 44 845 8384699), formally presented on Friday by interviews with Kate and Gerry McCann prerecorded in a hotel in London, replaces the line put into service by Metodo 3 Barcelona (Spain), which has never made any credible information about the disappearance of Madeleine.
Madeleine disappeared on May 3, 2007, a few days before his fourth birthday, from inside the holiday chosen by her parents at the Ocean Club, a tourist complex in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, under management the British company Mark Warner.
Kate and Gerry McCann, having failed to secure the abandonment by the Portuguese authorities, their status arguidos, complain about not having access to information in secret justice.
Despite the intervention of the official communication, Clarence Mitchell, former head of the Unit for Media Monitoring Government of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, and the pressure exerted by the British diplomacy with the Portuguese authorities, lawyers, the couple Kingdom Britain and Portugal have failed to read the exact nature of the elements collected by the Judicial Police and his colleagues at Leicestershire.
Still without any help from the British authorities, Robert Murat request of the media accounts
The Correio da Manhã and the Journal de Noticias are the first Portuguese media to become the target of justice trial of British Robert Murat, the first arguido in investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, who accuses them of defamation. According to his lawyer, Francisco Pagarete, and the 24 Horas television channels RTP and TVI will be the next to join a huge list or are already all major British media.
The alleged amount of compensation has not yet been revealed as the British gives preference to in private negotiations before advancing to the halls of the courts.
In the United Kingdom, Robert Murat has already accused of defaming 13 newspapers and a string of television. The British, who have never been to Portugal the slightest help from his embassy or consulate, asked the media to his country a record 2 million pounds, more than 2.5 million, one of the greatest compensation in the history of the United Kingdom.
I promise...hiccc
A good way to prevent spilling wine on your laptop. Buy a box of wine and make a little hole for a straw and sip it from the box just like the little kiddie juice boxes. I believe you can buy some good boxes of wine now, a small sacrifice to make to save your laptop. I dont do that though...hic...honestly...slurp....please believe me.
Hiya all
I am just catching the last bit of daylight trying to get to grips with my garden once more but will be back on a bit later. I do think we need to hang fire a bit here and wait and see what develops though. It is disgraceful the McCanns are inviting potential prosecution witnesses to contact them. This certainly would not be allowed in UK law and I doubt that it is in Portugal either, it clearly does imply an attempt to pervert the course of justice but no doubt the McCanns, via their lawyers, no far more than we do about what is going on. I would like to see how this develops.
Love the idea, this case could turn tea totalers to drink LOL...
Stupidity is not a crime, but the appeal done by the couple McCann is equal to an incitement of a crime and therfor a crime by itself! They will be charged of that - no doubt of that. They stepped to far over a line with that stunt.
LGC and Stella -
Stella -
Thank you for the answer to my query regarding the possible sedation of the twins. Even if there were hairs on the floor in the Praia de Luz apartment, I'm sure the McCanns and their friends cleaned the place so thoroughly no trace would be found. I see the PJ's say that they found strong traces of cleaning fluids that had obviously been used to decontaminate the apartment. I think the McCanns made very sure to cover their tracks! I do think it's wrong though that suspects in a case can refuse to let necessary tests be done, or refuse to take lie tests etc. How are the police supposed to do their job with one hand tied behind their back!
As far as the media is concerned I suppose K&G have them over a barrel because there are so many rival channels after their 'services' you might say, and at the moment they can probably have it all their own way!! And it's all about getting viewers' bums on seats really. I do remember Gerry stalking out of that TV interview because someone had asked a pertinent question!
However, I think that media interest in the whole Madeleine affair will start to wane soon and they will be considered old hat when something else happens to grab the public's attention. The McCanns will wonder what's hit them when that time comes because you can see they are loving the limelight!
Nancy x
Hi Viv/all
Ironside has asked me to post this link from a lady called Rachel to a video with some really nice pics in. He sends his best wishes and love to everyone here.....http://www.truveo.com/tag/mcCann.
Along with everyone else, I just cannot believe what the McCanns are getting into here - I've never heard anything like it before and would have thought it was definitely an illegal act to attempt to pressurise prosecution witnesses. However, having such high faluting lawyers as they seem to have, I'm sure they would have liaised with them about it. If they didn't then I'm sure they will be in for an earwigging from them.
Where is CM in all this - he normally speaks on their behalf on stuff like this! I certainly hope people aren't stupid enough to bow to their self serving entreaties!
IMO it is all being done to detract from the real facts of the case to persuade the public to think that those parents are doing so much to find their daughter Madeleine they must be innocent except for the neglect issue!
The McCanns certainly seem to be saying a lot more on their own behalf of late and getting more confident in their actions - perhaps CM is already in PdeL arranging the K&G's visit, which they said they would only do if their arguidos status was lifted, so perhaps it's true they are to be exonerated! We will soon find out I'm sure!
Off topic - looks like Boris is going to be Mayor of London - and the Conservatives are running ahead in the local elections!
Time for a change - the cobwebs are at floor level already! Let's hope we get some common sense back in the UK - something which is sadly lacking at the moment when you get a heavily pregnant Mum fined because the front tyre of her car was 4 inches over the yellow line - a man with four kids was fined for having 4 inches too much in his dustbin, and a poor Down's syndrome lad was called a racist after a quarrel with a young Asian girl!
Surely all these things and no doubt many like them could be settled by a few sensible words from the authorities instead of wasting taxpayers money on court cases! Where did common sense go in the UK?
Hi everyone,
Been busy during my holiday.
The celebration of our Queens Birthday. Daughter had a performance, working in the garden to an amusement park today and preparing to watch the ITV program.
Have been reading also about the influence of expat's in Portugal on the Madeleine case. It seems that we must not underestimate this.
From a Portuguese poster on the 3As -
"I hope some Portuguese can add to this in a better English.
Tonight as every Friday has been a Church vigil for missing children, BUT tonight there was no one there, vigil has been moved for tomorrow.
All employers from last year from Taps bar did not got their contracts renewed.
Lady cook that was on the grill next to McCanns table grilled their dinner ( grilled salmon with coosh-coosh ) said they never left the table until they finished their meal."
Interesting if true!
Not underestimate this... what do you mean??
Mmmmmmm very interesting!!!!!
Must go now....
See you all tomorrow
Enjoy your evening.
Can I send a mail from a site I mentioned here. Where the influence of expat's was discussed in september'07? It's too long for me to translate.
I also found some info about a Dutch cardiologist who support K&G and a video of expat's here who knew Madeleine from the nursery school.
Have seen the first 10 minutes. Where is Kate's foundation. Is she really only 40?
Hello all.
Just popped in. Have had some problems with youngest & no time to blog.
I really cannot believe it is a year tomorrow. For Madeleine's sake, I am hoping for justice soon for a little girl that was left alone. What happened to my daughter brings everything into sharp focus for me and makes it all the more upsetting. (hope knows what I mean)
So, without wasting blog space, I will just say that I have everything crossed for Maddie who was abhorrently neglected and forgotten in the pursuit of leisurely dining. Shame on them.
Dylan :( xx
We all suspected that the truth may never come out. If the latest piece in the Expresso online is true it is no more than I and I will bet most on this blog expected. It is others who will tell the truth in time, waiters, cooks, cleaners, police whoever. It will not be the official truth but it will out no less IMO. The hotline was set up to try and find out what is out there that might be useful or incriminating to be used or abused.
Without a confession or a body such a case is impossible to prove without there being reasonable doubt. So be it, but nobody is convinced as there are a thousand and one questions unanswered. As Viv said it possibly explains the marathon interviews and the threat to sue the blogs.
Evening everyone,
I’ve just watch the TV special about Maddie.
Paulo Pereira Cristovão was there along with Rogério Alves, the McCanns lawyer and one psychologist.
The journalist start the program talking about the Expresso report that states that PJ will, in next two weeks, be present to the prosecutor and the case will be closed without charges.
R.A. says it’s speculation from Expresso paper because nobody knows what information the files have in, the files are under secret. He doesn’t know the details or evidence on the investigation.
P.P.C. said that probably the crime will not be proved but neither the abduction can be proved as the couple sustains and police has to work with all the lines but they must follow the stronger one- he also spoke about all the interferences on the case and said that Clarrie is a master of misinformation and counter-information and ask to Rogério Alves for please not compare him with Clarrie because that would be a offensive (R.A. was trying) - they both laugh!
Sandra Felgueiras was doing reports live at Praia da Luz , she was at the 2nd McCann’s apartment the one they were transferred from the 5A one after the disappearance…
She shows the interview she had made yesterday with the couple and it was quite interesting because Gerry and Kate were very angry with the questions she made them…
You can see the interview here:
Fantastic Sandra Felgueiras
One would think they were talking about a lost toy in the video link. No feeling or emotion. So it all hangs on Jane she is the one who has invented the abductor. She is the key then to keeping the abductor theory alive.
Hiya Ana
Thanks so much for the interview in which the McCanns, quite frankly come across as guilty as hell. Argumentative, defensive, absurd. When did this interview take place?
Viv x
Joe, I picked up last night that they seem to have moved back to Jane's story of an abduction being the correct one, Gerry very clearly did give the time as the abduction in between about 9.30 to 9.50 in Panorama, now their defence seems to all hang on the infamous Ms Tanner who actually says someone just walked off with Madeleine in his open arms as Gerry stood right there how utterly pathetic!
It appears it is only Jane that is the proof of an abduction. I have not watched any of the interviews apart from Ana's link and I tried to be objective but they come across so unemotional and flat,very guarded and scared.
This interview take place yesterday but it is not complete, we saw much more here and Gerry was very angry when she asks him why does he think the police made them arguidos if they say that there is not proves of nothing and why they think that PJ will risk all their reputation accusing them without proves.
He reacts with angry and a voice on the back says: they were not accused of nothing, Gerry then ask him to stop talking and respond her with angry!!!
It was quite interesting to see their reaction with true questions and true journalists like she is!
Its a pity we did not see that bit. Why should he get angry when asked a simple question, that if he could answer would help?
Hi Ana
So she came to UK to interview the McCanns? It is a very good interview indeed and I would love to see the whole of it. It is proper investigative journalism asking the questions that need to be asked and getting the predictable angry response from Gerry in particular.
Do you think the voice at the back who says they were not accused of anything was Clarence Mitchell because I am sure we are all fascinated to know what happened to him. Could it be even, the McCanns in desperation think we will no longer listen to him, it is not getting us out of trouble, we will go it alone.
I really do not think the PJ are about to drop this case now, do you?
Joe, I think they are angry, affronted and very desperate. Kate has completely shrunk into her own little cocoon and is increasingly frustrated that people just will not see them as normal parents. Self-delusion x
Sorry Viv,
One word came across my mind and that's Fake. They might get away with it but must live with it. And that's very hard. Even if they are cleared. They have to live with each other, and the hardest thing look at each other. And they couldn't do this during this program.
The program is ending.
It reminds me of O.J Simpson.
There is nothing, really nothing they said to convince me they had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance.
They had no buggy, no car, no watch and they wanted to take the children to the Millenium. After drinking a bottle of wine at home.
Who's fooling who?
See you all tomorrow.
Lizzy -
Thanks for the link from Ironside -very nice of him to send that through for us and I reciprocate his best wishes. I wish he would come on here occasionally too! He is such a mine of information!
Having just sat through 6 Sky Videos of the events since Madeleine disappeared, I am still convinced that the McCanns and the tapas friends are hiding something.
The half hourly checks on the childen left no window of opportunity for an abduction despite what Gerry says to the alternative. He would have had to be Houdini and have been able to run like a hare, not to mention having nerves of steel!!
I watched Jane Tanner again and it is so obvious she is hiding something - she comes across as completely unnatural when being interviewed, as do Kate and Gerry.
The length of the pause that Kate's Mum made when asked about Kate's reaction had me thinking that she was trying to say what she really felt but was worried she might say something to upset Kate. I must say that I found her quite a cool person and a bit like Kate because there was a distinct lack of emotion from her, i.e. no tears or pleas to whoever might be holding Madeleine. As a Nan myself I would be heartbroken and unable to face cameras at all if anything happened to my little darlings.
As Viv says, if the truth has been told about the checks then how was it that Gerry didn't see this abductor walking out of the apartment with Madeleine - and would this man have taken the chance of taking her when there were three people around, unless he was hiding in the bathroom as Gerry thought! And if he was surely one of the checkers who went into see the children would have seen him. I know Oldfield said he didn't go in, but he could have said that to infer there was an abductor inside the bedroom!
I'm sorry, but I tend to believe what the lady cook in the tapas bar said - she said that they didn't get up the table during dinner at all! They would never admit that because it would make the sedative theory more likely and that they knew the children would not be awake!
In one interview Kate said -
"Please pray for Madeleine - she's lovely"!
It is obvious to anyone who saw that clip that she was putting on the tearful face and words, in the way a child would who was pretending to cry in a game they were playing.
If the Portuguese authorities decide to go no further with this case,then after the first sigh of relief from the McCanns they will begin to realise that many people out there are still suspicious of their actions and will go on believing they are guilty of a cover up because they refused to co-operate with the PJ's in helping them find their daughter.
They have not had the hard questions as they have spoken through Mitchell for the last 10 months. Do they really think that any REAL journo would shrink from asking them what actually happened? They are very naive or so arrogant to believe that unless this case is resolved fully they will forever be questioned one way or another and it will be tougher as time goes by and even tougher once the secrecy ends. There will be a lot more info in the mix that will really mess them up and which they will be unable to dodge. They had better wise up soon as the circus they helped to create may consume them.
Atardi -
In the Sky videos I watched this evening, when the reporter interviewed K&G they said they had gone to the tapas bar every night -there was no mention of the Millenium bar then! Very strange..........
Off to bed now so goodnight everyone - see you all tomorrow - sleep tight.
Nancy x
Hi, guys.
Posting from a friend's house because my place is still a mess. Just wanted to wish you all a good night. No more news aprt from what Ana already told you.
Have to go.
See you soon, I hope!
Viv, you have mail.
Hiya in that video clip we see Kate indulging in a classic piece of behaviour that psychologists recognise, seeking to completely deny the existence of any problem to try and maintain her self-esteem and avoid anxiety ..she minimises the seriousness of what Madeleine had to say to her..she finishes up by saying Madeleine just walked away. So she is then projecting the blame onto Madeleine herself and offering an excuse as to why she just did nothing about it, but I am afraid I think she did..she drugged her children to stop them waking up again. It was an unpleasant reality that Madeleine was clearly telling her you left us to cry mom, one that Kate just refuses to accept or address. If you listen to her on that tape you will see exactly what I mean and Gerry does it too but Kate gives me greater cause for concern when listening to her, she seems quite unwell IMO. As Wizard pointed out a long time back, Gerry has the ability to compartmentalise problems and pack them away in a box rather than internalising on them and dwelling on them, thus he avoids the extent of the psychological damage that Kate is suffering. It is classic behaviour that offenders revert to when confronted with the shocking reality of what they have done.
Here is an extract that explains what I am talking about :
Defense mechanisms are indirect ways of dealing or coping with anxiety, such as explaining problems away or blaming others for problems. Denial is one of many defense mechanisms. It entails ignoring or refusing to believe an unpleasant reality. Defense mechanisms protect one's psychological wellbeing in traumatic situations, or in any situation that produces anxiety or conflict. However, they do not resolve the anxiety-producing situation and, if overused, can lead to psychological disorders. Although Freud's model of the id, ego, and superego is not emphasized by most psychologists today, defense mechanisms are still regarded as potentially maladaptive behavioral patterns that may lead to psychological disorders.
Viv & Joe,
Sorry I had had a phone call!
I think that the case will be drop by the PJ, at least the murder case!
I am more and more with the certain that they are guilty!
Gerry has not respond Sandra about those questions and told her that there is no prove against them and that she was talking about what have been reported in the papers…
RIP Madeleine Beth McCann
12/05/03 - 03/05/2007
Hiya Ana
It is understandable that when the police have evidence that children are crying the previous night but the next night they go out and leave them again, two of those children cannot be woken up and one completely disappears, they suspect murder, but as you say obtaining satisfactory evidence to prove that is another matter..the McCanns have "left no stone unturned". However I am still hopeful that appropriate charges that they can prove will be made.
Viv x
I cannot believe they will go unpunished for this,surely with all the neglect,which has led to her demise,and the dedicated investigation by police,this can't happen?
I still find it quite incredible to contemplate that his couple will not face charges for what they did. As I have just said, whilst it may look like murder, I do not think they have sufficient evidence to be able to charge with that. However, there is always the case the police know exactly what they did, but cannot prove it in a court of law, can you imagine they are just going to let them get off scott free to carry on selling their dead little girl to the highest bidders. I really cannot.
Luv Viv x
I would not like to think that,and can't beleive they will.
Got your posts.:) You will feel fine soon.If my little grandaughter can live with this,so can we.
If they became cleared, that doesn’t mean that the case can not be re-opening later. Unsolved crimes can not be close. I saw someone in the TV today commenting on that and he said that if new evidence, even if a little one, appears the case immediately is re-open.
All these to say that we must have hope, Moita Flores said one day that, the body probably is at the ocean tied with something and that it can miraculously come to the top because of a some kind of earthquake !!!? I don’t know if this is possible, we must keep faith in justice.
God rest her soul in peace cose, whatever happened, I do not think she is with us anymore! :(
And in tomorrow Sol’s article they are saying that they can still be accused of neglect, the prosecutor will decide, in their next meeting with PJ, if it is a case of murder or neglect!
Keep hope, I know I will!
This is ver re-assuring,thanks for explaining,Ithink most people believe she is no longer alive.
It is only her parents who are in denial.
Hiya Ana
It does make sense to me that maybe they do not have sufficient evidence to prove murder but there are plenty of lesser charges available to the police who know exactly what this couple did but cannot prove it beyond reasonable doubt in court. I believe it is likely they will go for lesser charges rather than let them just get away with it, unless they decide it would be worth waiting for further evidence so they can make more serious charges stick. If it were my decision I would not do this, I would prosecute them now for what they can prove beyond reasonable doubt, then justice will be done and they will be prevented from telling further lies and profiting from the death of their own little girl which is utterly repugnant.
Viv x
More, they can not prove, yet, who did what, it was Kate? It was Gerry? The both did it? Who helped? One of the friends? Two friends? All the friends? And so on...
Questions that must be answered, if the case goes to a court of law, with no doubts!
IMO, they can only prove the neglect crime, hope they will charge them with that. Just like Viv said: to prevent them of profit from the death of their own child! They must be stopped, for God sake!!!
They did not know the camera's were still rolling !
Wau, they are laughing!
Why I am not surprise...One minute she is pretending crying and in the next minute they are laughing!!!
The true colors of them!!!
Shame on you Gerry and Kate, shame on you!poor Madeleine...
If this is true,it is a serious step by team McCann!
Jornal de Notícias
McCanns after Murat
The McCanns look for answers in Robert Murat, they are convinced of his involvement in the disappearance of their daughter. The multimillionaire that supports the expenses with lawyers and the private detectives of the Spanish agency "Método 3" went on purpose to Algarve to know the British.
Brian Kennedy offered to help him, although he was unable to explain how. Why? Why does he believe that Robert or his mother Jennifer might have seen someone on the night of 3rd of May in the area of the Ocean Club. He was prepared to pay to the best technicians to draw a photofit of a possible suspect. Saying one thing and then saying another he ended to say that Kate and Gerry believe that he is innocent and they never came publicly to accuse him but he insisted that Murat might remember some important detail to help them find Madeleine.
The JN knows that Murat did not accept the help of the multimillionaire. On the contrary he was upset with the questions that were made and with the insistence of the multimillionaire that wanted him to remember the night of the disappearance, when Murat always said that he spent the night in his mother's house, Jennifer, in Praia da Luz.
The meeting - a dinner that Brian Kennedy asked to be discreet and far away from the eyes of the press - took place in the end of last year at a house of Murat's relatives in Burgau (Vila do Bispo). At the dinner were present Murat and Kennedy, the respective lawyers, Jennifer Murat and the aunt and uncle of Murat.
After dinner was Brian Kennedy that finished the conversation. He could not explain why three friends of the couple, belonging to the group "Tapas 7" came publicly saying that they saw Robert Murat in the area of the Ocean Club in the night of 3 of May and he (Kennedy) ended to enter in contradiction.
Francisco Pagarete does not confirm this meeting but the JN knows that the PJ is aware and that they monitored the steps of Kennedy and the detectives of Método 3 very closely. According to the lawyer one year after the disappearance of Maddie, Murat "still does not understand how his name was involved in the case". "Everything is very strange" says the lawyer regretting that " a person was involved in this story without having nothing to do with it".
The BBC have now removed this from the archives. I wonder if it got put out on purpose.
Poor Madelene indeed.
They have no shame Ana.
She’s in a better place right now
Than she’s ever been before;
All pain is gone; she’s now at rest;
Nothing troubles her anymore.
God bless you Madeleine
Great Gonçalo Amaral-A man that has no fear!
Gonçalo Amaral, PJ's investigator
"Maddie is dead for one year"
"The truth and justice will win for a girl that has no voice, dead at nightfall on the 3rd of May in the flat 5A of Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz." The sentence belongs to Gonçalo Amaral ex coordinator of the investigation of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
More on Saturday's edition of Correio da Manhã.
Today is a sad they, I am here without sleep just because I can not stop thinking about that poor child, dead one year ago!
BBC must be aware that the video is now circulating on the internet and they removed it to protect them, as always!Too late for that I suppose!
It was Gerry McCann that the Smiths saw at that night holding a child on his lap!!!
The PJ waits for 9 months for the complete tests
Alexandra Serôdio, Maria Rodrigues and Nuno Miguel maia
A year after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and nine months after the collection of biological vestiges, the sophisticated and prestigious forensic lab of Birmingham, in England, did not send yet to the PJ the final reports of all the analysis. The JN found that is missing the complete examination to the hairs found in several places and that could help the complex investigation. The PJ was already informed informally that technically will not be possible to determine through DNA analysis if the hair samples belong to Maddie. This is due to fact that the hairs have no capillary tubes.
For this reason, it won't be possible to determine in scientific terms if the hairs found in the boot of the car hired by the McCanns and in the flat of the Ocean Club belong to Madeleine or to one of her brothers. The only data that is possible to obtain without capillary tube is the identification of the mother.
So, the toxicological tests to the same samples are also compromised, they could help to discover if the child took any products that accidentally could cause her death.
This is one of the work hypothesis followed by the PJ although they continue to receive almost everyday clues about possible locations of Madeleine, the JN discovered.
Some of the denounces are being transmitted by embassies spread all over the world.
Without the complete tests the PJ only has inconclusive data. The September's report of last year about the biological vestiges detected in the boot of the car was important to make the decision of constituting the parents arguidos. In the document, the experts explain that from the 20 "strands" (DNA parcels) detected in the fluids, 15 coincide with the genetic profile of Maddie. But in reality this result does not exclude the possibility that the vestige - that the English lab could not guarantee if it was blood since it was very dry - might belong to a relative of Maddie.
According to information collected by the JN this report was discussed between the Portuguese and British experts and the last ones raised some doubts about what they have written previously (this was the one that Kate and Gerry McCann refuse to reply when questioned).
Irish advances and backtracks
Apart from the results of the analysis made to the vestiges, the PJ has several depositions. An Irish that spent holidays with the family at Praia da Luz, in May last year, guaranteed to the PJ that he saw a man with a child in his lap in the night of 3rd of May. Later he said informally that that man seemed to be Gerry McCann.
This comment of the Smith's family appeared when they observed the images of the McCanns arriving in England at 9th of September. The way Gerry held Sean in his lap when he got out of the plane in the East Midlands airport and the clothes he was wearing, described in the first deposition, were useful to the witness "to clarify the ideas".
But when the PJ wanted to formalise that deposition the witness backtracked and revealed that he was not sure that the person he saw was Gerry.
This deposition ended to give credibility to Jane Tanner's words, a friend of the couple, that guarantees having seen a man with a child in the night Madeleine disappeared.
The investigators opted to listen again the witnesses but decide that the depositions would be made through rogatory letters sent to the Leicester police.
Before this step was fulfilled, in April, this family was contacted by detectives of Método 3. The JN discovered that since that contact the certainties of the Smiths ended.
Nonetheless the clue ended not to be solid since the British dogs did not detected any cadaver odor in Gerry's clothes contrary to what happened with Kate's clothes.
The PJ continues to have many doubts about what really happened between 18,00 and 22,00 hours, when Kate alerted to the disappearance. Everything points to the fact that the reenactment will never happen due to the lack of will of the McCanns.
Good morning Viv and everyone!
The first anniversary of poor Madeleine's disappearance! I never ever thought we would be hear a year later still looking for the answers to all the complexities of this case.
This morning, Mark William Thomas, a leading child protection expert and former Detective Constable with the Surrey Police force said:
"What is absolutely crucial now is that there must be a review starting right from the beginning with a completely new investigation team to be able to conduct this"
He is obviously inferring that Metodo 3 are not up to the job and we would all agree with that!
He sets out in detail all the failings which he considers the Portuguese police are guilty of.
Williams-Thomas said that Kate is a broken woman and that her public face is not the true one, or words to that effect. It seems he has been close to the couple since Madeleine disappeared.
I can't see the PJ's bending over backwards to start their investigations all over again somehow and this seems to be a very nasty slur on all their hard work this past year.
He is calling for the arguido status to be lifted from the McCanns as there is evidence that they harmed Madeleine!
He seems to be overlooking the fact that this crime happened in Portugal and the McCanns left their children alone which led to M's disappearance.
Mark Williams-Thomas says that Kate is a broken woman.
As usual with the people around the McCanns, there is no mention of how young Madeleine might be in the remote possibility that she is still alive.
GOD BLESS YOU MADELEINE, and God bless all abused children whose parents didn't give them the love or attention they so richly deserved!
I watched part 1 of a Sky video last night - Part one finished with the presenter asking the Gerry McCann a very pertinent question about leaving Portugal and the leaving no stone unturned comment! It cut out before Gerry answered. I couldn't find part 2 which makes me think that has done a disappearing act.
Hi all,
Thanks for the link to that ionterview. I notice that he categorically states that their children were always asleep by
7.30pm. That when they left the flat the kids were aleep. Yet in one of his blogs does he not state something like this, that when he and K were away he was surprised that the twins were asleep by 7.30pm, that the twins must like their new beds. That was a proper interview, not the usual sugar coated guff. IMHO if they cannot stick to the script they do not like it.
Quote from G. McCann.
"There is your public persona, and your private life."
Watch here to see the latter. Words bloody fail me.
Forgive me, I go the impression from your reply last night that you think the hair had to be collected on the exact same night that Madeleine disappeared. Samples of the twins hair could have been covertly collected any many, many weeks later right up to the day they even left Portugal.
The PJ are very clever. Someone wrote many months ago how when putting someone in a cell they deliberately left him with his mobile phone knowing he would call someone when no one was around. Good for them!!!
It has been my long belief that when one of the detectives who befriended them, had dinner with them, their children played together etc., it would have been very, very easy to pick up off the floor many loose little blonde hairs ! ! ! Do you see what I mean, they almost certainly have more information than we could ever know....
We must not give up faith, justice will prevail, Goncalo is seeing to it......
I picked up on the going to sleep thing. Shot themselves in the foot with that one...
The BBC are clever too. Check out that link (it's the same video clip as posted by Atardi, but I couldn't get the YouTube one to stream properly). I think they left the last bit in on purpose. The BBC version has definitely been edited anyway, so why leave the last bit in, if not on purpose?!
I got the sense over the last few days that Team McCann and the BBC are not quite seeing eye to eye. If you count up how many programs they appeared on, on ITV compared to that of the BBC, you will understand what I mean. Maybe ITV paid more money or maybe as that clip shows the BBC are on to them..
Just before I leave I would like to leave a very special message...
Months ago you were warned that the people will not stop until they get justice for Madeleine.
You were warned that if necessary we will vote Brown out.
You underestimated all of us.
You tried to silence us.
All you have done is stoke the fire even brighter.
On this 1st anniversary of the death of an unloved and uncared for little 3 year old child called Madeline Beth McCann, you would be wise to take note of this.
Whoever steps in the path of justice. However influential you think you are. You will be defeated. There are many more of us who will never give up, ever.
Come clean, make a deal if you have to, but do the right thing before it is to late......
Stella, the ITV News at 10 made me physically sick, all that sycopantic fawning and sucking up. Thank Gd the BBC seem to be onto them.
"There is your public persona, and your private life."
I see what you mean at the end of that interview we could all see the devastation on the Eve of their daughter's alleged abduction.
Madeleine on the Anniversary of your disappearence I wish for you that those who were responsible for your protection and safety show you the respect of acknowledging that if they had not treated you and your siblings as they did. You would be at home in Rothley looking forward to your
5th birthday. Please stop the charade. IMHO, to suggest that this child cried the night before due to an abductor disturbing her is, LUDICROUS.
Hi everyone! Looking in to see what is going on this "year down the road".
One of the headlines today from yahoo-news is making my blood boil:
9.Never give up on Madeleine
Daily Mirror - 2 hours, 5 minutes ago
A year ago today Madeleine McCann's mummy and daddy, Kate and Gerry, became victims of the most colossal crime.
Why don't they get it?!?!? The victim is MADELEINE!!!!!!!
has already collected a lot of todays articles. Also portugese news, translated by Li from 3a.
Read this threaad. Right now! Curiouser and curiouser!
Mind you, it is 24 Horas, but even so......
Thanks for the link. Once again the D notice crops up again. Let us not forget that Gordon Browns brother is gunning for nuclear energy in the UK. It would make perfect sense that they had a meeting in Portugal that week. Just because no one else stayed in the MW complex, it does not mean they did not meet up. The early footage on the way to the airport I am sure someone said something like it's alright for you, you're on holiday. To suggest that others were there for other reasons?? Just recently the largest offshore wind farm to be built off Ramsgate, Kent has been hit with a blow. What does this Goverment then have in mind if not new nuclear energy plants??
This all stinks of buying favours..
One last thing before I really must go this time.
Bearing in mind how independent Gerry and Kate are. Gerry off playing frequent games of tennis, Kate doing God knows what?? How did Kate get around without a buggy?? Where did she store all those spare nappies? in a nappy bag? How did she manage to carry a nappy bag and 3 babies all on her own? Impossible.....
Brilliant link, Rat!
Here's something else from the 3As:-
Click on one of the links to notice what happens at the end of the interview (i.e. a sudden lightening of mood from a certain pair).
This has been deliberately shown by the BBC. I wrote the other day that there can't be many journalists worth their salt who don't at the very least think there's something very dodgy about the McCanns.
So perhaps it's another coincidence that on the front page of the Independent today there's news of their feature in the paper about tapas...
Rat, Atardi,
Just seen that I've posted a link to the same BBC interview. Sorry!
LGC it is worth repeating!!! :-)
Stella -
You really are patient with me bless you!
Yes, I knew that hairs can be checked for up to six months for contamination of drugs. What I was trying to say was that if they had looked for any on the night of the abduction the floor would have been scrupulously cleaned with all those cleaning fluids the PJ's found traces of!
You could have a point about the policeman who had dinner with the McCanns doing his own bit of detection!
Now we have the latest report that the McCanns can hope to make a million pounds with their book that's in the pipeline! Wonderful parents who are cashing in on their daughter's disappearance, but then it's to go towards the fund of course!!
Lovely day here today and I hope it is for you wherever you are!
See you later, and thanks for your helpful explanations!
Nancy x
Gerry's blog. Day 366. WTF?!!!
It is a year to the day since Madeleine was abducted. A heinous crime that had the potential to destroy the strongest of families. Without doubt it has been the longest year of our lives, yet it does not seem like a year since we last saw Madeleine. She is still a large part of Sean and Amelie’s life and this gives some comfort to Kate and me.
The research we have done this year has encouraged us to believe that there is a very good chance Madeleine is alive. Ernie Allen, president of NCMEC for the last 25 years, has reiterated that and the fact there are a number of scenarios in which Madeleine could be alive and well. We just need to find her.
The documentary we made on an EU wide Amber alert and the last year was screened in the UK on Wednesday night, in Spain on Thursday and last night in Portugal. We have spent most of the last 3 days promoting our new hotline number +4 845 838 4699 (calls are charged at local rate) and our e-mail addresses for information: anonymous@findmadeleine.com and investigation@findmadeleine.com .
We have always said we will leave no stone unturned in the search for Madeleine. To do that we need to know what has and has not been done- unfortunately we know very little about the investigation to date. This is why we are appealing to everyone who may have come forward previously to do so again. Every piece of information is important to us. We are also appealing to people who may not have come forward for whatever reason to do so. We are only interested in finding Madeleine and will guarantee confidentiality and anonymity if requested. We are also families asking with children to think if something similar may have happened to them. It is unlikely this is the first time that the abductor has struck.
Today we will be attending one of the many services to pray for Madeleine and other missing children. We would like to thank everyone, of all faiths, who has prayed for Madeleine over the last year. The Helping to find Madeleine group have also organised a ‘lighting the way home for Madeleine’ event where, they will release lanterns in Rothley around the time she went missing. Others will light a candle and we greatly appreciate the support and symbolic gestures.
our lives.
"A heinous crime that had the potential to destroy the strongest of families. ". WHAT was, Gerry? WHAT was the crime?!
"To do that we need to know what has and has not been done- unfortunately we know very little about the investigation to date. This is why we are appealing to everyone who may have come forward previously to do so again." PJ, take note. This is perverting the course of justice!
"It is unlikely this is the first time that the abductor has struck." Oooohhhhh. The Bogey Man again!!!!
"they will release lanterns in Rothley around the time she went missing." Yeah, for her JAHRZEIT, Gerry, and you KNOW it!!!!
BTW Ger there's a number missing from your "hot line" phone number.
Morning all
In the first interview they ever did with Jane Hill, BBC, Gerry again showed that he just puts on an act for these interviews. At the end of this particular interview (one here) he mutters furiously the minute he thinks the cameras have stopped rolling, clearly very unhappy with Jane Hill's line of questioning. In this interview Kate also admits they did not search for Madeleine at all "well no, not as such, but we have been working very hard trying to get her back".
At the end of the Antennae 3 interview he does just the same again, drops the mask, telling Kate not to say any more until they take her microphone off.
Now we see this behaviour yet again where they burst into smiles having tried their best to look really sad. Gerry openly admits there is the public persona, then there is the private persona. The thing is, if he (they) are just going to give interviews and put on a false public persona it really does beg the question why do them? He openly admits he just wants to con people. Again, I would say a reason why people see straight through him (them).
Rest in peace little Madeleine, people are working very hard on your behalf trying to establish the truth about what happened to you and to bring you Justicexxxxxxxxx
Portugal's most senior detective says police are still gathering evidence in their investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Alipio Ribeiro has told the Portuguese news agency Lusa that officials have not yet decided whether to bring charges or drop the investigation.
Madeleine vanished from the resort town of Praia da Luz in southern Portugal one year ago today.
Police have named her parents and a local man as formal suspects in the case.
"At this stage nothing has been determined regarding possible charges or closing the case," Ribeiro said.
"The PJ continues to gather and analyse all available evidence," Ribeiro was quoted as saying.
Looks like Expresso got it wrong. Again......
Hiya ~ROB
Well the spin worked for a short while! This blog went unusually quiet..(!)
I have said before and I think it is perfectly true, Clarence feeds Portuguese papers. Being newspapers they are obviously going to listen to him and he knows it.
but where the heck is Clarence, we are so used to seeing him lurking wherever the McCanns are..??
Why have the McCanns decided not to attend their Roman Catholic church today but instead have chosen an alternative denominational church.
So much for being devout catholics then!
Off to a barbecue now - see you all later!
Nancy x
Leaving no stone unturned. Hmm.
Is that where they found Metodo 3, under a stone? If they really want to find their daughter, why don't they hire an outfit which specialises in missing people instead of financial fraud?
Don't quite think you've turned over enough stones yet, Gerry.
As for public and personal personas, isn't this something the Queen has? Or George W. Bush? Or Tony Blair?
Why would the victims of an abduction need 'a public persona' FFS??
Hiya Nancy
You know what I find really odd, never once have we heard Kate McCann mention she wants to go and spend time with her parents..very odd ....Why does she not have that closeness and support from her parents, has it never been there or has it been withdrawn for some reason?
If my children have a problem they ring me and I know just from their voice ..if I am upset I always want to go see my mum and my step father. Is that peculiar to my family or is that lot more like normal behaviour. I know for a fact that on a sad day I would want to be with my mum and my children.
Hope you have a great barbecue !
Viv x
Did you see the launch of my Where's Clarrie? enterprise?
Just look under the stones for a pink shirt and a GMTV sofa...
Didn't they spend Christmas with cousins or something? (The ones who happen to be trauma specialists)...
Good morning VIV & all
I just did a quick skim on portuguese newspapers on line they give little relief on madeleine case.I agrre in what was sais in 3arg. portuguese reference news papers as Publici and Expresso, who are accurate and publish diversied opinions in politics, economy ... are not as good in criminal cases,
. Today Public has an article about the case but very neutral, it says nothing new. About Expresso it seems to me since day one it has biased about it.
I also did a quick skim in some french newspapers, i found nothing about it, there are now other fresher news such as the austrich case.
I have to agree that to know something new about it i have to read some newspapers, as CM or 24 horas, which i never read before...
I'm waiting for TV news...
Sorry my spell mistakes
Hiya LGC
Ashamed to admit I would get far more excited about the bury the Pink One Enterprise, underneath the nearest bloody large boulder!
and if Gerry tells us just one more time he is traumatised and then does that sickening smirk I will jump in my car and go and have a chat with him x
Hiya Mandarinn
Great to hear from you again, and we do not care about spelling mistakes, it is content that counts:-))
I think you are right there is no real news, other than it is a very sad anniversary. The McCanns just try to create news, as ever.
The reality is that PJ/Brit Police continue with the investigation into the conduct of Kate and Gerry McCann and lawyers on their behalf continue to look at appropriate charges, based upon the evidence they have, true this may not support the most serious charge of all, murder, but there are plenty of other things they could be charged with..perverting the course of justice, manslaughter through negligence/child endangerment, disposing of her body, fraud etc. More than enough to secure justice!
Viv x
Extraordinary scenes on that BBC clip after the interview, eh? Looks like real grief to me. ;)
Hiya LGC
I think the pic at the top of this thread is even worse..strolling along in PDL just after they had lost their precious little girl looking to all intents and purposes like a couple on their honeymoon without a care in the world ..or any kids at all for that matter, just like the waiter thought..one could forgive him for understanding what he saw with his own eyes.
Viv x
I feel very angry at mccans how could they leave their little ones allone after knowing they were crying before. That is something i can't understand. I also feel angry because they destroyed the life of a lot of innocent people, but...I have pity of mccans because of their selfish and arrogant behaviourthey destroyed their one life and that of the remain children. Why didn't they spent their vacation at their lovely home, with Madeleine riding her child cycle as on the picture i like most, because she look a happy child?
I've mentioned before that I'm quite into astrology. Marjorie Orr's site:-
is quite often spot on, and she has a couple of pages devoted to those in the news and to current events. Extremely pertinent.
If you read things in retrospect, her analysis is usually mind-bogglingly correct. (Gordon Brown's chart is a hoot).
Anyway, here's a link to her page on the McCanns. Marjorie does tent to lay into the PJ a bit, but try and ignore this to appreciate her chart analysis for what shaped K&Gs personalities and to see her insight for the future.
P.S. Marjorie does say in Gordon Brown's analysis that there is a spectacular fall from grace on the cards...
VIV They are a couple i can't understandand sometimes i think the worse could have happenned... i hope not... poor little sweet child.
If it was my child i would feel much more desperate if i thought she was on a pedophil hands than dead
Hiya Mandarinn
I know I am not alone when reading thousands of personal opinions on the web, that ordinary parents are furious with the McCanns and there is nothing they can say or do about that. In fact the more they try to excuse their wicked behaviour, the more people dislike them and quite simply have no trust or confidence in them whatsoever. We will obviously continue to believe they are quite rightly facing stringent investigation by the police because what they admit to raises very serious concerns about their care of their children and what they are capable of.
They have destroyed the lives of a lot of innocent people and had a lasting and deeply unpleasant impact upon a formerly beautiful and unspoilt tourist area, until they arrived, now it is marked by tragedy. They did not just leave Madeleine behind as a victim but also most particularly, Robert Murat, his girlfriend and his mum, Fr Pachecho and Pamela Fenn. No one can really imagine just how much they have suffered, compliments of Kate, Gerry and their friends.
If the McCanns are suffering now, I am afraid I do not have any pity at all, because I think of what they chose to do, when sweet little Madeleine complained...she lost her life. They reaped what they sew.
Viv x
Viv you are absolutly right... it is my stupid butter heart
I know and i feel very angry about it... they acted as they was the navel of the world and if they were very smart and everydody else (mainly portuguese people) very stupid.With it a lot of people are suffereing the consequencies .I wish everybody who got dammage with them can rebuilt their lives but i knowit will never be the same, nothing we lived can be erased
I have said before if faced with the choice of knowing my child was being repeatedly tortured by paedophiles or knowing she was dead I would unhesitatingly choose the latter. But the McCanns have preferred to impose on the public that is what Madeleine is suffering and they can get her back, rather than admit what they did. This again is truly wicked and unforgiveable, I believe. No parent would wish this on their own beloved little child or even wish to suggest it merely to excuse themselves. Now we hear Kate and Gerry claiming their friends said straight away "Morocco, Algiers", they are also quite happy to be blatantly racist and stir up hatred, again, in some sickening attempt to defend themselves. Their campaign has from start to finish been simply vile.
Our Portuguese channel RTP is talking about the Mccannfiles.com site and are confirming the message made by Gonçalo Amaral, a few days ago, saying that was really made by him, they had contact him and he had confirmed!
VIV i agree with everything you said
VIV i agree with everything you said
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