CREEPY: Gail saw weirdo 3 times writes the spellbinding News of the ~World ummmmmm and they told us she is 50...what a hard life eh?
Hi All and what a remarkable turn around for Clarence Mitchell. As soon as he realises the negative impact of his announcement the McCanns will not celebrate Madeleine' birthday we get a contradictory headline saying they will, but Gerry has some appointments. This must rate as one his least slick performances in the press to date! "Sadly for them it is just another day without Madeleine" was meant to make us feel sorry for THEM! Wrong again, Clarence! See the way these two completely contradictory headlines come up on a news search..is this really what you call manipulating the media Clarence!
I was beginning to think M3 got the push, but in the second article it would seem they are the mystery investigators continuing to follow up "potential" leads of Madeleine's "apparent" abduction. Since September 2007 I have yet to see any potential leads emanating from M3 or the rest of Team McCann. Of course Clarence does not want to go into detail about all of these leads...Now I cannot imagine why not...(!!)
Although their new hotline does sound like an attempt to pervert the course of justice by interfering in the police investigation, it seems to me it will not, because, as ever, the McCanns only want to talk to people who can give information to feed their fantasty investigation about "abduction" so the proper police witnesses will not be bothering to call. I am sure that by now both Leicestershire Police and PJ have learned to completely ignore this rubbish and not be distracted from the proper investigation. This has as much to do with the McCanns wanting to rubbish Portuguese Police by stating they did not follow up leads from celebrity grabbing hoaxers such as Gran Cooper..maybe they had something better to do!
McCanns will not mark Maddie's birthday
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Birthday: Maddie McCann
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann will not mark her fifth birthday today – describing it as 'just another day' without their daughter.
Kate and Gerry McCann vowed to not do anything special on the grim milestone and continue to search for their little girl.
'Gerry will be at work and Kate will be at or around home,' said their spokesman, Clarence Mitchell.
'Sadly for them, it is just another day without Madeleine.'
The McCanns believe the intense publicity which has surrounded their daughter's disappearance will fade away after her birthday.
McCanns hold 'low-key Maddie birthday party'
Monday, May 12, 2008
Maddie McCann
Madeleine McCann's parents were marking their missing daughter's fifth birthday privately at home today.
A low-key party was being held for the benefit of her younger brother and sister, three-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, yet it was "just another day without her" for Gerry and Kate McCann, said their spokesman.
He said: "Obviously, without Madeleine home yet, this is sadly just another day without her in many respects.
"Gerry and Kate will, of course, mark her fifth birthday, as much for Sean and Amelie's benefit as anything else, but they will do this privately within the family."
Relatives were expected to visit the McCanns' home in Rothley, Leicestershire, today.
Mr McCann, a consultant cardiologist at Leicester's Glenfield Hospital, has a number of clinical appointments but he and his wife were due to be together at home for some part of the day.
"They will not be doing anything in public other than reiterating the need for anybody with information to please come forward and contact our new phone line launched earlier this month - 0845 838 4699," said Mr Mitchell.
"We have had a very, very good and encouraging response so far. The emails have run into thousands and there have been hundreds of calls."
After more than a year of potential leads and reported sightings of their daughter, the McCanns take news of fresh information in their stride.
But Mr Mitchell said Metodo 3, the private investigation firm working on their behalf, was following up several promising leads, submitted after the campaign launch, "with some degree of urgency". He would not go into detail about those leads.
The McCanns want anyone with information about Madeleine to call them on 0845 838 4699 or email investigation@findmadeleine.com or anonymous@findmadeleine.com.
The couple could, however, report that their recent appeal for information has drawn thousands of emails and hundreds of phone calls.
Latest news bulletin
Today's top news headlines
Their new campaign, launched ahead of the first anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance, urged anyone who has spoken to the Portuguese or British authorities about her apparent abduction in Praia da Luz to now call them.
The response has thrown up several "promising leads" which are now being probed by their private investigators, said their spokesman, Clarence Mitchell.
McCanns will not mark Maddie's birthday
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Birthday: Maddie McCann
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann will not mark her fifth birthday today – describing it as 'just another day' without their daughter.
Kate and Gerry McCann vowed to not do anything special on the grim milestone and continue to search for their little girl.
'Gerry will be at work and Kate will be at or around home,' said their spokesman, Clarence Mitchell.
'Sadly for them, it is just another day without Madeleine.'
The McCanns believe the intense publicity which has surrounded their daughter's disappearance will fade away after her birthday.
McCanns hold 'low-key Maddie birthday party'
Monday, May 12, 2008
Maddie McCann
Madeleine McCann's parents were marking their missing daughter's fifth birthday privately at home today.
A low-key party was being held for the benefit of her younger brother and sister, three-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, yet it was "just another day without her" for Gerry and Kate McCann, said their spokesman.
He said: "Obviously, without Madeleine home yet, this is sadly just another day without her in many respects.
"Gerry and Kate will, of course, mark her fifth birthday, as much for Sean and Amelie's benefit as anything else, but they will do this privately within the family."
Relatives were expected to visit the McCanns' home in Rothley, Leicestershire, today.
Mr McCann, a consultant cardiologist at Leicester's Glenfield Hospital, has a number of clinical appointments but he and his wife were due to be together at home for some part of the day.
"They will not be doing anything in public other than reiterating the need for anybody with information to please come forward and contact our new phone line launched earlier this month - 0845 838 4699," said Mr Mitchell.
"We have had a very, very good and encouraging response so far. The emails have run into thousands and there have been hundreds of calls."
After more than a year of potential leads and reported sightings of their daughter, the McCanns take news of fresh information in their stride.
But Mr Mitchell said Metodo 3, the private investigation firm working on their behalf, was following up several promising leads, submitted after the campaign launch, "with some degree of urgency". He would not go into detail about those leads.
The McCanns want anyone with information about Madeleine to call them on 0845 838 4699 or email investigation@findmadeleine.com or anonymous@findmadeleine.com.
The couple could, however, report that their recent appeal for information has drawn thousands of emails and hundreds of phone calls.
Latest news bulletin
Today's top news headlines
Their new campaign, launched ahead of the first anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance, urged anyone who has spoken to the Portuguese or British authorities about her apparent abduction in Praia da Luz to now call them.
The response has thrown up several "promising leads" which are now being probed by their private investigators, said their spokesman, Clarence Mitchell.
1 – 200 of 525 Newer› Newest»Last night our Niki gave us Gerry's version..which was very much an afterthought, after he got the spin in about his latest fantasy investigation boost. Shame on you Gerry McCann..Justice awaits you, so get yourself over to Portugal and get yourself and Kate fully immersed in the real investigation and stop your sickening little games.
Viv x
Niki said...
Just had a look at Gerry's blog. Expected to find something like this:
...Our dearest Madeleine. Today is your fifth birthday. We schould have woken you up with candles and kake, singing "happy birthday", brought you some presents and seen your lovely smile...
(could have continiude on this one...)
Instead Gerry writes:
Gerry's Blog
Day 374: 11/05/2008 Day: 374
It has been another busy week. We have been inundated with mail that we are working through. Kate and I would like to thank everyone who has helped and supported us over the last twelve months. It is the support we have received from family, friends, and the overwhelming response of the general public that has sustained us. Special thanks to everyone who has contributed to Madeleine’s Fund, which has allowed us to continue the independent investigation to find Madeleine.
Following our renewed appeal there has been a tremendous response to both the call line ( +44 (0)845 838 4699 ) and the e-mail addresses (anonymous@findmadeleine.com and investigation@findmadeleine.com). Hundreds of calls and e-mails have been received and each and every bit of information will be assessed and followed up. We would encourage anyone who might have information to contact us in confidence. We would like to hear from everyone who was staying at the Ocean Club at the time of Madeleine’s abduction or from anyone who may have experienced a similar incident in the Iberia peninsula.
Tomorrow is Madeleine’s fifth birthday. It will be one of the hardest days of the last 375. We will be marking it privately and quietly. We will do everything to try and ensure Madeleine does not spend another birthday separated from her family.
Monday, 12 May 2008 09:21:00 o'clock BST
Gerry thanks everyone for all that lovely dosh before he mentions Madeleine of course, not that we were ever in any doubt about where his priorities lie.
Crucially he then continues with the defence campaign which is to damage the Portuguese Police by saying they did not follow up "leads" which he hopes gullible members of the public will supply him with and also to make links to the Cipriano case by stating has anyone else had problems on the Iberian Peninsular? There are currently reports in the press again, suggesting a link to Cipriano. I am sure she needs the McCanns just as much as the need her but I do wonder how desperate Gerry must be to want to make links with this case where dear mom never even reported her daughter missing for two days. Now some would say that was evidence enough but there is a whole lot more besides that, and it is not pleasant stuff, either. There again, parents killing and seriousl neglecting and abusing their own children never is pleasant.
"We would like to hear from everyone who was staying at the Ocean Club at the time of Madeleine’s abduction or from anyone who may have experienced a similar incident in the Iberia peninsula."
Yes I bet you would Gerry but you are not fooling anyone that this is anything other than your own defence campaign...seeking that element of doubt, perhaps. He has certainly got me doubting him and his motives.
Good morning Viv
Good old Gerry. He talks about Madeleine in the last paragraph.
People do not change, they only modify headlines to suit their purposes.
Joana has an interesting article about Cipriano
Jo has also posted the Dateline Aisenberg videos. Easier to watch in one place.
Hiya Mariana
Thanks for the link will go and have a look.
Viv x
Yesterday’s Guardian article by Roy Greenslade (below) is an interesting spin on reality. I know all about newspaper circulation figures especially that of the Express and find Greenslade’s inferences ridiculous. His explanation of the declining readership of the Express has very little, if nothing, to do with what he says. However it is interesting to see the spin he uses to link the Express’s Madeleine McCann coverage and dislike of Desmond to falling sales. Down at the Express they would love this to be true as it is something they could turn round, unfortunately for them Greenslade’s take is a load of rubbish.
What I find unsettling when I read an article I know something about is I can see how misinformed and wrong it is. However, not being the font of all knowledge, I sometime accept what newspapers report as factual whereas like the Greenslade comments they could well be complete rubbish.
It would appear that the Express is receiving a back lash from the pro McCann’s to discredit its credibility.
Why the Sunday Express is so unpopular”
I note that the Sunday Express took another sales nose dive last month to record an average weekly sale of just 673,840. Could the continuing circulation slide have anything to do with the readers’ dislike of its scandalous Madeleine McCann coverage? Possibly.
Or has it more to do with the whimsical, but pointless, columns by the paper’s editor, Martin Townsend ? Also possible.
But I believe it has more to do with the growing distaste for its owner, Richard Desmond. In true Maxwellian form a sweaty picture of Dirty Des appeared in this week’s issue (arm around Lulu, poor her) at a charity function arranged by, of course, Desmond himself. Expect another sales drop this month.
OK!, which routinely features its owner Desmond, is the top selling showbiz magazine. Go figure…
Hi Wizard
Speaking personally the only reason I used to be interested in the Daily Express was because of the McCann article and now they no longer carry them, I cannot be bothered to even go there but I still read Daily Mail, DT, Times etc. I do not think it is just the Pro-McCanns they upset, I reckon it is all of us but for different reasons. Their quick capitulation to the McCanns libel claim was very off putting, even though perhaps understandable. Given they do not have the police file they clearly could not prove what they were saying was true, which does beg the question why did they go over the top like the did, even saying they were swingers etc. That was just downright silly and irrelevant scandal mongering IMO. Basically giving the McCanns a good excuse to sue them. Also I think the way the forum was conducted and the lack of moderation has left a very bad taste in people's mouths. The behaviour of Rosiepops etc was simply dreadful and yet they kept banning those who simply did not support the McCanns but were not abusive. They got what they deserve really.
Just one more thought Wizard. Maybe Clarence was not so stupid here, because his hatred of the Daily Express was so thinly disguised when listening to him in radio interviews etc. He has put paid to them hasn't he or did the DE do that all by themselves...could well be, I really do not like to give Clarence any credit and shutting a newspaper up does not really deserve credit anyway. No one shuts the People or the NOW up do they in spite of the sickening pro- McCann rubbish they write for those stupid enough to believe it!
Viv x
Morning Viv,
The reason the Express is in decline is because it is in direct competition with the Mail. Desmond may have money but it is not a bottomless barrel whereas the Mail promotional expenditure is really very exceptional. The Mail also has the money to attract a number of top named writers which again leaves the Express in second place. An important factor in the Express decline is its readership. An Express reader tends to be middle aged or old and similarly to the Daily Telegraph readership, as their readers die off they are not being replaced in the same numbers. This again reverts back to promotional expenditure – if you do not spend millions on promotion you do not attract new younger readers. This is the problem for the Express.
Eve Pollard, one time editor of Sunday Express, said “People would find it easier to divorce their partner rather than change their newspaper.” This I think still holds true.
So although I agree with you the express got their comeuppance when the McCanns sued them, imo they said no more really than other newspapers but refused to back down like the Mirror and no doubt others and therefore faced the consequences of their actions.
The Express decline is of course more complex than my rather simple explanation but it really has nothing to do with their reporting on the McCanns or their proprietor as Greenslade in the Guardian suggests. The Express has been in decline for years not just recently I suspect within the next 10 or 20 years they might fold under pressure from the Mail
Viv, an interesting point is if the Sunday Express were to give away a small plastic dinosaur (costing 3 or 4p) with their newspaper their circulations figures would vastly improve for that Sunday – this has of course nothing to do with the journalistic content of their product. Unfortunately this is sometimes what circulation figures come down to.
Madeleine McCann's parents were marking their missing daughter's fifth birthday privately at home today.
A low-key party was being held for the benefit of her younger brother and sister, three-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, yet it was "just another day without her" for Gerry and Kate McCann, said their spokesman.
He said: "Obviously, without Madeleine home yet, this is sadly just another day without her in many respects.
"Gerry and Kate will, of course, mark her fifth birthday, as much for Sean and Amelie's benefit as anything else, but they will do this privately within the family."
It's NEVER about poor wee Madeleine, is it. Words fail me.
A low key party for Madeleine’s birthday for the sake of the twins. It would be interesting to hear what a child psychologist would say about this, I’m not sure how sound this idea is. I don’t know why but I find this idea unsettling especially when it is said to be for the twins. Perhaps it’s the perpetuation of a lie that M is still alive and there is a strong possibility she will return home?
Good Morning all
Posted by Li on 3As, I hope the PJ don't give in to their demands.
Portuguese police refuses to give collected material to Método 3
The case is in secrecy of justice and the McCanns cannot gain access to the collected evidence
Text Carlos Tomás and Luís Maneta
The McCanns will have to wait at least till 14th of July to gain access to the process of the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine. The day before yesterday the parents of the child advanced with a proposal to the Portuguese judicial authorities asking them to give the evidence that they have to the private detectives of Método 3.
The response of the Portuguese authorities was "no". "They want to gain access to a process that is and will be, whilst there are steps in course, in secrecy of justice", said a responsible connected to the investigation. 24 Horas discovered that the PJ continues to analyse the several depositions of the persons that were in Praia da Luz in the day Maddie disappeared and that are being gathered by the Leicester police.
The steps in the ground ended some weeks ago and now it's being examined all the evidence collected in the beginning of the investigation and also other collected by the team of Paulo Rebelo.
Guilhermino Encarnação, director of the PJ and responsible by the Directory of Faro has no doubts: "We are doing the possible and the impossible to solve the case. When it is opportune the result of that work will be divulged".
Connection to Joana's case
The British press of yesterday quoted sources allegedly connected to the family of Leonor Cipriano, Joana's mother, that disappeared in 2004 in the village of Figueira, Lagos, Algarve that related the disappearance of Maddie to Joana.According to the British both were seized by the same individual. Source of Portimão's court contacted by the 24 Horas, rejects that theory completely: "Joana disappeared in a public street. Maddie was at home. It is a different modus operandi. This if we believe that they were kidnapped. To connect the cases is speculation". The 24 Horas tried yesterday to contact Leonor's family but it was impossible to speak with them.
http://www.24horasnewspaper.com/total.p ... 42&link=08
Di, it’s interesting to see there are always 2 sides to the McCanns actions. If you believed the McCanns innocent of all culpability you might argue they want to see the police evidence to hand it over to M3 to advance the search for there missing daughter. However, conversely if you believe the McCanns culpable in some form for the their daughters disappearance their actions would seem a clear indication they want to get their hands on whatever evidence the pj have on them and thereby spin or shore up their defence.
Good morning all!
Viv -
K&G obviously saw the bad reaction to their decision not to celebrate the birthday of Madeleine and as did their usual U turn! They are good at that, like saying they will leave no stone unturned, only to hot foot it out of Portugal as soon as they were made arguidos!
If they are so sure that Madeleine is still alive you would have thought they would automatically have had a celebration for her 5th bithday!
Wizard -
I think you are right - Gerry has wanted to get his grubby little hands on the judicial evidence for some time and now are hoping that the M3 will get hold of it. They must be barking mad to think the PJ's will hand anything over to a detective agency, and a Spanish one to boot! M3 have proved themselves to be totally inadequate and have come up with nothing this past year, so have been on a nice little earner with nothing delivered! In my opinion, it's as you say, all about trying to get hold of what evidence the PJ's have so as to discredit it all with their spin, spin and more spin!
Wizard -
I think the DX made a pile of money out of the Madeleine case during the time given to put the McCanns in the spotlight by CM. They could have sued much sooner, even after the first article appeared, but thye chose to let the DX carry on for months so as to make as much money as possible when the time came to sue them.
I am not a DX fan and even less so since they booted me out twice for daring to be anti, but I don't think they were any worse than any of the other tabloids at the time -except they allowed the blogging to go on for some time and the McCanns only wanted it off the pages when antis started to take the lead over the pros! Devious is not the word for these three muskateers!!
Just to say that another reason for falling sales in the newspaper industry is of course the amount of people, like ourselves, who don't buy one nowadays, but prefer to save the money and go on-line!! It's more convenient too!
I'm going to catch up on last night's blogs now!
Sean and Amalie were 2 years and 2 months old, when their sister went out of their lives!
We all know, how short the memory of a child is.
Madeleine is fading away, which is quite as nature demands and the best for Sean and Amalie, if they are going to have a natural life. Children have a right to have a free life without bonds to a long forgotten past.
I find it very problematic if K & G are letting those little children playing "The boogieman, that took Maddie" and f.ex. are marking Madeleines birthday, mostly for the benefit for Sean and Amalie! As doctors they should know better! Sometimes I find it hard to beleave they ARE doctors! They must have pulled their cerificates in a slotmashine. I am criticising J & K for have been sleeping throughout the years of Med-scool.
The wellfare of Sean and Amelie is under servier threat right now, and I do hope Social Wellfare will interveen soon, othervise the twins will be damaged for ever.I do see an untergoing deprivation , and it worries me quite a lot on behalf of the twins.
Sean McCann and Amalie McCann have a right to be known for the sake of their own names and NOT as `the twin siebling to Madeleine McCann´ and the responsibility for this to happen belongs to G & K?
So far, I have NOT seen them handle this responsibility!
They seem to be mostly deprivated themself!
Their capacity and skills as parents are undeveloped!
I'm in total agreement Ecolab.
Ecolab -
Well said! Every child is entitled to his or her own identity and should not be forever reminded of a sister or brother who is no longer there. It's perfectly natural sometimes to bring Madeleine into the conversation, but to go so far as to play games with their emotions at such a tender age is totally wrong.
However tragic it is, Madeleine is gone, and the twins are around, so they are the most important ones at the moment.
I think this is a way for the McCanns to try to impress on the twins, and the public, that Madeleine was very important to them all and it is not their fault at all that she is no longer with them. Just as the way they have always tried to push the truth from their minds and convince themselves she is safe and well somewhere.
Things are pretty quiet on the blog today, so I'm off to get what sun there is here today - the UK is getting the best of the weather for a change and I'm glad about that.
See you all later.
Nancy x
The Daily Express doesn't get many readers because there's nothing to read in it that hasn't been seen somewhere else first.
The attention and money devoted to investigative reporting on that 'newspaper' leads me to believe that any day now they'll be reporting that Queen Victoria is dead (BREAKING NEWS!)
The day I agree with anything Roy Greenslade says is the day I'll believe that nine people sat around that tapas table with not a mobile phone or a watch between them.
(I am prepared to believe that Queen Victoria frequently went out without hers, however).
How are you...
I cant belive Queen Vic would ever leave home without a mobile you do tell tall tales LOL xxx
Hello Hope,
Well, I am a comedian... :)
How are you? Was looking for you all weekend...
You are indeed...
My tooth went wild again on Friday so spent Saturday at the emergency dentist and Sunday at 3am had to go and get pain relief from A&E as I was going insane. Fantastic drugs the pain went in about 15 minutes but they made me feel sick and I have not stopped sleeping...
Tooth now fixed drugs in cupboard in case it ever hurts again... I must have slept for about 60 hours over the last few days but just comming round now...
Any news??? Have I missed much???
Oh, you poor thing. Toothache is one of those pains you just can't 'ignore', and I know it's very difficult to manage the pain.
My commiserations to you. Glad you're (almost) back to normal now!
Well, out of the blue, the News of the World published a front page story featuring the very apartment which Madeleine, Sean and Amelie booked for their Portuguese holiday, which Gerry and Kate sometimes visited. Much discussion on here (and the 3As) as to what the main point of this story was. It's my view that the NOTW were laying into K&G, establishing them as not very truthful about the sightline from the tapas bar. (Which turns out to be, er, non-existent. Oops).
Others disagree as to the tone of the article, but see what you think. The discussion starts from the top of the previous thread.
Did A&E actually have any drugs to give you at that time of the morning, btw? I had to leave my A&E at 1.30am with nothing, and had to return the next day - a Saturday - in the only two hours THAT WEEKEND the pharmacy was open.
You didn't call up Kate for something suitable, did you?
Hi All,
'Tooth now fixed drugs in cupboard in case it ever hurts again... I must have slept for about 60 hours over the last few days but just comming round now...'
Well H4T whatever you do do not watch the nauseating interview with Mr Pink on RTE Late Show, you will probably lapse into a coma, that man is a boring fart, IMHO.
He's also rather boorish...
'You didn't call up Kate for something suitable, did you?'
H4T, no wonder you slept so long!
Here we go again - article from todays Mirror.
Interpol investigate Madeleine McCann 'sighting' in Brazil
By Andy Rudd 13/05/2008
Interpol is investigating a possible sighting of Madeleine McCann on a plane to Sao Paulo.
A passenger has claimed to have seen missing Maddie on a jet a month and a half ago.
Interpol's chief Jorge Pontes said: "This sighting is still under investigation so we cannot reveal details. We have a witness insisting they saw the child on a flight to Sao Paulo.”
A foreign Embassy in Brazil reported the sighting to Interpol but Brazilian cops have refused to reveal which Embassy, claiming it could interfere with their investigations.
Maddie, who turned five yesterday, went missing from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3 last year. Her parents Gerry and Kate McCann were dining at a nearby Tapas bar when she vanished.
Since Madeleine’s disappearance there have been several sightings in the country and police said that their sightings dossier is 40 pages thick.
Brazilia Interpol delegate Marilia Moreira Marques said: "Five leads were followed in Brazil, most of them last year, however, we found nothing leading to Maddie’s whereabouts".
On May 11, 2007 "a man identified as Mark placed a call to England stating he had seen Maddie at a book fair in Cinelandia, central Rio de Janeiro", Ms Marques said.
The man reported the little blonde girl and a woman had entered a snack bar.
Ms Marques added: "The people in the bar didn’t remember seeing them and there were no surveillance cameras, so it could be investigated no further".
Had a look at the NOTW article it actually made it look worse as the childrens bedroom was near the front door that led onto a main road. Why now? It was obvious from Parnorama that the view was no good at all and what is the point of seeing the back of the apartment when you cant see if anyone is forcing the front door...
They did have drugs but the Dr was so arrogant he said "So why did you wait until now to do somethig about this and how long has it hurt" I told him from the 13th April and listed the appointments I had and what had been done and said "I am here now because if the pain does not stop soon I am going to throw myself out of my bedroom window"... He changed his attitude and went off to a store room and came back with a pack of very strong pain killers (I thought I would have to drive round to find a 24 hour pharmacy)In fact by the time I left he was really nice and when the pain stopped 15 minutes later I would have happily kissed him...
Dont think any Pro would wish to help me out do you lol ???
Do you think this is nearing the end??? I note from other sites we are all off to court soon xxx
He's also rather foolish.
Further information from the Pink one. – Daily Mirror 13.05.08
Meanwhile, the Metodo 3 investigation team working on the McCanns' behalf are following up several leads from a fresh appeal for information 10 days ago.
Their campaign, launched before the first anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance, urged anyone who spoke to Portuguese or British authorities about her abduction in Praia da Luz to call them.
The McCanns' spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "The emails have run into thousands and there have been hundreds of calls."
Hi Zodiac and Wizard
It certainly kept me quiet for a few days lol... To late I watched the RTE thing last night (well half of it I could take no more) talk about talk over the host and get your spin in first...
If I saw Madeleine on a plane it would give me plenty of time to speak to the crew and pass on my suspicions it could be relayed to the destination airport and the family could be detained by customs on a ruse... I thought a fortune had been spent to get her image everywhere so every country should be aware now???
'On May 11, 2007 "a man identified as Mark placed a call to England stating he had seen Maddie at a book fair in Cinelandia, central Rio de Janeiro", Ms Marques said.'
Maybe Mark 55 the well travelled Dentist!
Interpol is investigating a group of flying pigs on a plane to Sao Paulo.
Interpol's chief Jorge Porkes said:
"This sighting is still under investigation so we cannot reveal details. We have a witness in a pink shirt insisting they saw the pigs on a flight to Sao Paulo.
"The people on the plane didn’t remember seeing them and there were no surveillance cameras or any other credible witnesses who didn't happen to have wads of cash in their wallets, so it could be investigated no further".
Phew at least Mr Porkes is investigating LOL x
Throwing yourself out of the window is a bit drastic - couldn't you have found somebody tall/not-so-tall/short and swarthy wearing a dark top and light trousers with long/medium/short hair to carry you out? Perhaps humming a selection of favourite BeeGees hits?
Presumably the doctor thought you'd been suffering that amount of pain since 13th April. (Duh). Glad to see the bedside manner was just as it used to be (Hattie Jacques, where are you??)
Yes, what are you planning to wear in court? Court shoes? (And the Pros insist I'm not funny).
How about we all turn up in pink shirts? With no watches...
"The emails have run into thousands and there have been hundreds of calls."
Yes, but I bet not one of them is printable...
"...at least Mr Porkes is investigating"
That's only because his brother, Hugh Porkes, couldn't be there.
Pink shirts and watchless would be good. I wonder what the Pros will be wearing??? Let's face it they will have to be there as well as I am sure my lawyer will have questions for them (I do hope none of them are being paid to post or closer than they should be as some of the stuff they themselves have written does not make the McCanns look very good) If you need a bunch of people to spout dirty comments on your behalf and try to bully others into not posting I really cant see how CM will spin that into a positive for them?
Court shoes it is then xxx
From the 3As, posted by Thompson:-
"Yesterday I made a joke 'Gerry blog', dated 12/05...You can see that I joke about Maddy being sighted in Brazil and Cuba...Today I check the forum and what do I see? An actual 'sighting' in Brazil...this is unbelievable, I swear I had no knowledge of this sighting and I wrote it because it was so ridiculous!!!"
Do you think the Pros will be in court? What about the tennis and jogging?
I shall be wearing my rose coloured specs and nice persil white tight fitting jacket that I cannot move my arms in and rather oddly fastens at the back. I will be heard shouting I believe there was an abductor, Mr Pink has made me see light, I believe everything the McC's say, the PJ have to be investigated they are imbeciles I say imbeciles. Then I shall plead insanity, diminished responsibility to anything I have written in blogs.
In that case you will be found unfit to stand trial!
LOL xxx
BB Zodiac!
I'm off for a bit too (not saying which bit, though).
They will be there in their shell suits so they can nip out for a run when I say "Well mlud it is like this I dont think children should be left alone in an unlocked room while their parents go to the bar to meet their friends but obviously I was wrong and will now atone for my sins by insisting it is ok to do this and I was wrong to be so over protective of my girls"
Do you think that will get me off???
See you later LGC xxx
Here, what's all this about us all going to court? What did I miss? ARE wee going to court? Oh good! BRING IT ON!!!!!! :-)
Hi All -
Hope -
Commiserations on the suffering you've had with the dental treatment - nothing worse than a really horrendous toothache! I had an abcess on a tooth a couple of years ago and had to take antibiotics until it calmed down before extraction. Well I had the tooth out but then got a mild form of jaundice from the antibiotics - I was so sick and couldn't eat for some time! It seems you cure one thing and another rears it's ugly head!
LGC, Zodiac, Wizard -
So another bogus sighting and on a plane this time - Did the person who saw her have a lapse of memory I wonder! Madeleine could have been half way across the world by the time he or she came out of their coma and reported it!!
More spin from the Mac's mouthpiece no doubt!! And why does it seem that the British press fall for all these so called sightings without the penny dropping that it's all spin and no substance!
Does CM answer all the phone calls too, or do they have a special team sitting in on that I wonder - could be the same crew, so beautifully photographed by Docmac, who manned the fort for the pros on the DE? No doubt they've got a huge box marked 'defamatory' and a small box marked 'genuine', which are conveniently swapped round of course when cameras start rolling!
If you don't laugh - you'll cry!!
LGC,Zodiac,Hope – I’ve just had a good laugh at your last few posts – what can I say - carry on courting lol.
The latest bogus sighting – are the pj about to make a move of some kind? Are M3 needing a holiday out of Europe hence the sighting? Or does Mr Flying Pink Pigs think we will forget Madeleine was abducted?
hahahahhaaaa!!! Just went to look on Smarmy Troll's site to see what all of the court threats are about & I notice that I have the most esteemed title of "creep of the week"!!!
Also that I can't think for myself and am stupid enough to be hypnotised by a goldfish - I thought I had been strangely attracted to my fish tank recently and wondered why I was craving fish pellets!
Ho hum. Good for a laugh, I suppose.
Hope, you poor thing. Toothache is so nasty. Glad the pain is subsiding now. I'll keep everything crossed that it doesn't come back.
I think I will use my new - found fish fettish to get me off in court, under the guise of not being able to retain any memory after 5 seconds. Sorry what was that you asked me? Where am I? What blog? swim, swim, swimmy, swim, la la la la la! :)
Dyl xx
Evening all.
I been thinking deep again, so brace yourselves. I may have come up with something not discussed before that could be quite interesting, maybe??
The Paynes were the only couple to have a baby monitor on the evening of the 3rd. Did they have it on previous evenings I wonder?
If not, there could be a very, very important reason for having one on the evening of the 3rd.....
A baby monitor makes a very good one way radio. Anything spoken into the transmitter will be picked up by the receiver. Instructions, details, when to get up, where to go?? The list is quite endless for it's possible uses. Is this the reason why the person looking after it did not need to get up??
Hiya all
Just got as far as this excellant post from Ecolab. The McCanns use the twins to perpetuate the myth, without any concern for the terrible emotional harm they cause to them.
Madeleine, is gone, and they know it and they should have allowed the twins to try and forget, to aid their recovery process, but Kate and Gerry only love themselves and protecting their freedom.
I think it is tragic the twins were not removed from their care when aged only 2 years 2 months as Eco says because then the prognosis for them would have been good. What on earth are SSD thinking about allowing them to fill their little heads wwith such tales of poor little Madeleine. Why would they have a birthday party for the twins, it is just plain sick. They could have just had a family gathering but they do not seem to have normal relationships with close family, the reasons for this may be obvious but also long-standing IMO.
Again, the McCanns moderated their remarks when they realised how horror struck the public were at Kate's suggestion: they play let's hunt the monster who took Maddie. Gerry also told us about Maddie playing monsters. What chance do these little tots stand now to grow up and live a normal life? It is another great tragedy for innocent little children who have the right to life and a decent, normal happy life, too.
Ecolab said...
Sean and Amalie were 2 years and 2 months old, when their sister went out of their lives!
We all know, how short the memory of a child is.
Madeleine is fading away, which is quite as nature demands and the best for Sean and Amalie, if they are going to have a natural life. Children have a right to have a free life without bonds to a long forgotten past.
I find it very problematic if K & G are letting those little children playing "The boogieman, that took Maddie" and f.ex. are marking Madeleines birthday, mostly for the benefit for Sean and Amalie! As doctors they should know better! Sometimes I find it hard to beleave they ARE doctors! They must have pulled their cerificates in a slotmashine. I am criticising J & K for have been sleeping throughout the years of Med-scool.
The wellfare of Sean and Amelie is under servier threat right now, and I do hope Social Wellfare will interveen soon, othervise the twins will be damaged for ever.I do see an untergoing deprivation , and it worries me quite a lot on behalf of the twins.
Sean McCann and Amalie McCann have a right to be known for the sake of their own names and NOT as `the twin siebling to Madeleine McCann´ and the responsibility for this to happen belongs to G & K?
So far, I have NOT seen them handle this responsibility!
They seem to be mostly deprivated themself!
Their capacity and skills as parents are undeveloped!
Tuesday, 13 May 2008 12:39:00 o'clock BST
As I am never on in the evenings, early to bed as always, I hope you will pick this up later.
I have always admired your posts, they are always written with such great strength and encouragement. I believe you are heavily involved in children’s societies, and have always looked upon you as being someone like Gladys Aylwood. I think that’s how you spell her surname, the British woman played by Ingrid Bergman in the film, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. Another one of my favourite films. If you do indeed have the ability to influence children’s rights in this country, can I please ask you to consider something. I have been brought up from a very young age to believe that prevention is better than cure. On that note, if we have telephone numbers to call to dob drink drivers and benefit cheats, could we possibly have a dedicated telephone line to dob inexcusable parents like the McCann’s, to save such vulnerable young children’s lives. As a big 2 fingers up to the McCann’s, could we call it the “CVoC Red Alert” line. Being disabled, I would gladly monitor it for free from my own home, if it means the low life parents of this world are taught a very important lesson. Food for thought, I hope…
Bye the way, “The McCanns and their supporters fled Portugal... and strolled into the lion's den”, I hope that lion’s den has no way out of it……lol
Bye everyone...
Wizard and Dyl
Thanks for your kind words re tooth I am pain free now and hope that is it???
Dyl creep of the week I missed that damn if I had known there was another competition I would have tried harder to win (did you get anything nice???)...
Hi Hope,
Dyl is creep of the week and LGC and myself are only tame. There's no justice in this world.
Creep of the week etc ….very mild taunts to some I have read. I was just thinking I could write a book on the ‘psychology of the vicious blogger’. But would there be a market for it?
Wizard -
I have never been on that site - have they said anything nasty (or nice) about me!! Not that I'm worried if they have.
Poor Dyl - creep of the week - I wonder why they gave him that handle?
You and LGC are tame - that seems like a bit of a back handed compliment
Stella -
In case you are still on here - I just read your two posts. You could have something there about the baby monitor - if they could communicate through that then that's something worth looking at. I wonder if the PJ's thought about that! I hope we get some other's thoughts on that too.
I think your offer of manning phones to help children is a lovely thought. I'm sure that Leigh will get back to you on that one! She seems like a very sassy lady too!
Have a good evening and speak again soon!
Nancy x
Other sightings of Maddie, in addition to the ever seeing eyes of Gail are, according to M3 in:
Belgium, Channel Islands, Malta, Morocco, Spain, South of France (where several look alikes to Madeleine have been seen), Cartagena in Spain, Tenerife, Belgium, North Africa, Latin America - Brazil.
It's enough to make your head spin!!!
Nothing in Holland as yet it seems!
Hi Nancy
Thanks for your kind words there is nothing like tooth ache I can cope well with pain normaly but OMG I am glad it is over...
Hope you are well xxx
I hope you are not to insulted at the tame coment...
Did Opus get a mention I know he does not post much at the moment xxx
Hope, alas, no award. Sniff :( I thougt it quite an accolade, myself!
I shall have to stay true to character now and just say, wrt to EVERYBODY'S posts here today, I agree with them ALL!! You are such lovely people, i love you all. Kissy, kissy, lick, lick!
Wizard, tame? LGC, tame? does that mean that they now concede that LGC is funny? Tame is a strange word to use unless ST found you both scary but now thinks she can control you - lol!
Hi nancy, nothing on there about you & I am a "her". my fault using a boy's name!
Psst.. don't tell opus about my fishiness. He may want to eat me!
Stella, I thought your baby minitor theory rather good as well but then I am sure I am just being a creep again!
Dyl xx
It does make make your head spin.
Around the world in 80 days comes to mind.I am afraid all it achieves is complaceny.
Looks like PJ ignoring Mc's begging for documents to be given to M3 has fallen on deaf ears.
Your spinning was fruitless Pinky.
Maddie: Secret of Justice extended for 3 months The period of secrecy of Justice investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is formally extended for three months.
(to follow)
Stella, I think they took the baby monitor with them. However, it’s doubtful how useful it was because there was a range of over 100meters to cover – would the signal have been strong enough to travel that far?
Nancy, I visited that site for the first time today and my initial impression was that I should show compassion as the writer appeared to be involved in schizophrenic delusions. A few named suspects appeared but otherwise the writer of the blog indulged in conversations with her/himself. As these conversations were highly critical and not in anyway analytical just abuse - imo it mirrored a psychotic illness. The rhyme and reason for the site eludes me. As you can tell I was not a fan.
Could the secrecy of justice go on indefinately if the Mc's don't comply and go back for reconstruction?
Maddie: Secret of Justice extended for 3 months
The period of secrecy of Justice investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is formally extended for three months. According to a source of the Public Ministry in Lisbon, the new period starts after next Thursday, fifteen May, the day or the investigation file could have become accessible.
Madeleine McCann has disappeared on May 3, 2007 and the investigation continues into the hands of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Judicial Police (PJ) in Portimão or inspectors are ready to move forward with new diligence.
The PJ is still awaiting the return to Portugal by Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of the girl and arguidos in the investigation. The couple, according to his spokesman, refuses to make the return trip as their status arguidos not change. According to Clarence Mitchell, Kate and Gerry McCann did not see the usefulness of this diligence, a year after the disappearance.
The other arguido, the British Robert Murat, continues to Praia da Luz, or he was available to assist the authorities in any care that could help solving the mystery.
Wizard, I think stella has retired for the night now so I hope she doesn't mind my attempt at answering her question.
I have heard that baby monitors can have quite a range. The futher you are away though, the more likely that others can pick up the converstions on them as they don't have individual wave bands. I'm sure if somebody did overhear it they would have twigged though and and informed the police.
I don't suppose monitors are recorded either so the only way the theory might be of use is if they were actually spotted talking on it a lot as that would be strange!
So now it is official that there is an extra 3 months. That is encouraging as, surely, the pj would not have applied for it if they were about to ditch the case? Seems like they are being very thorough which is no less than I'd imagine them to be.
Hi Hope
Sorry I missed your post last night. So glad your toothache has now subsided, fingers crossed.
I am sure we are going to hear of many new sightings, witnesses who gave statements to the PJ's but were never contacted again etc.,
I read an interesting article on 3As this morning, sorry I have not had time to look back to see who posted. The gist was "what if the McCanns had nothing to do with the abduction/death of Maddie and it was someone else, someone who had to be removed from Portugal quickly.
I had not thought of this senario before but I had to stop and think.
BBQ tonight so will catch up if I have the chance, if not see you all tomorrow.
Thanks for info Dylan I didn’t know that baby monitors range was that great.
So a 3 month extension has been granted to the McCanns arguido status. No doubt one of the reasons for the bogus sighting of Madeleine reported today. A spoiler for when the news breaks.
Hello everyone
More breaking news.
The next "sighting" will come from China.
Wizard and Dylan
this is a first for me on here this time of the night, let's see how long I can last.
Baby monitors
Years ago as a result of a Mother in desperate need for a roof over her and her child’s head, I took them both in. There was a slight problem, the baby monitor she had was amazingly the exact same make and model as my next door neighbours, and I guess the same frequency. When we switched it on we unfortunately overheard the people next door having one almighty row, and we turned it off immediately. We later found out that this is very common, if someone with the same model on the same frequency is within so many meters of you , it is possible to pick up what is being said. It is a very large area which makes things worse.
Why would the Paines go on holiday with a baby monitor of their own? were they planning on leaving their child in a dangerous position, in a property that any previous tenant could have easily copied the front door key at any time.
If this is true the Paine’s did in fact take their own monitor, does this prove forward planning of child neglect? if however the monitor was the property of MW, who knows what might have been heard in another room?
The radios don't forget are one way only, presumably from the room to the table and not vice versa. Not unless of course, they were switched and the room heard everything that was being said at the table ? ? ?
Hello, everybody! Hope you're all ok.
Oh my, another three months extension of the secrecy law and arguido status. Last time I checked, the Maccann's arguido status should have been lifted around 6 months ago! Tee hee hee.
Claudia, Hi
With yeat another 3 months extension, if they are going to be charged, could they now only come in three months time, or is possible that it could happen in say 1 months time? How does it normally work?
Hi Claudia
How are you today?
Hi Stella
Are you well?
These monitors aren't much help if your baby chokes and you are 120 yards away.
Hello alClaudia Hi
good news......they have to wait 3 month more and... who knows ....
...as they don't colaborate it takes more tim. It is why they are waiting so long. XD
Hi, Mariana. I'm fine, thank you. Aa bit busy. Lots of work to do. Hope you're ok too.
Hi, Stella. Well, I have no legal background but I think that if they are to be charged it won't happen before these 3 months are up. I just heard on TV that one of the reasons for the extensions is the reconstruction which the PJ regards as very important. I will love to see their reaction. If they finally come, it will be an hilarious reconstruction with some many versions. If they refuse, the whole world will see how interested they are in helping the authorities find what happened to Madeleine. The same world who watched them say they would return as soon as asked by the authorities, of course! :-)
Mandarinn, hello. Hope you're ok.
It will be great to watch. :-)According to some of the sickos weren't the McCanns supposed to see the arguido status lifted last December? And then Last April? :-)
I am fine thanks, just tired too.
In the end they will get what they deserve. If they do not return for the reconstruction, they whole world will see them for what they are. Two criminally negligent parents who do not cooperate with the authorities.
They PJ can issue arrest warrants via Europol.
Exactly. This is why I cannot believe the Paine's took theirs away with them, to me if they did they are no better than the others. For some time now we have believed that at least the Paine's were using a monitor, so they must have had better parenting skills, but now having thought about it, I beg to differ.
Thank you for asking Mariana. I had a little fall today, and I am now in agony with my hip. I have to take a few different pills and it will subside, so bedtime will be a little later for me tonight. I sneezed and was not near anything to hold onto and it through me off balance and I ended up on the floor, well the grass, so it was not as bad as ending up on a rock hard floor.
Look the picture on the top of this article.
Isn't it au ntie Philomena???
How dare they to comment on GA being fat.. . he could be model
Claudia / Mandarin
Maybe they will still refuse to comply for the next 20 years :))
Thank you. Take care being tired, I know accidents can happen, please be careful.
It is good news, Almeida will need to get to grips with things and as you say they should return to do the reconstruction, if they really care.... as you say it should be really funny to see them refuse.
I am really sorry to hear it.
It was lucky you did not break anything with the fall.
The pain will pass, after a good rest.
LOLOL Dolores... maybe she got same allergy to PDL
pink piggy will find a reason to don't go, like the famous dirty nappies and roasted meat in the boot car
Dolores :-)
Mariana, the world will be able to draw their conclusions regarding parents who refuse to help the authorities find out what happened to their 3 year old daughter.
Mandarinn, I don't think that is auntie Philo. But she is the size of a lorry. Not that it is relevant, but as the sickos find it important, I think she weighs the same as all the PJ officers working in the Portimão department! :-)
Thank you, you are most kind.
Stella, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you went to the doctor to be fully checked.
Don't worry about me, Stella. I'm fine. Just need to sleep, sleep and sleep! :-)
And you're right, I can't wait for their decision. Either way, it will be worth watching! :-)
Evening All.
I must re-post your earlier quote from the PJ: "...when it is opportune the result of that work will be divulged..."
When it is opportune. One word. Just the sort of word feared by liars.
The PJ believe that justice is best served in silence. The McCanns and their supporters chose big, loud mouths, and have partially forfeited the justice silence would have given them, imo.
Just going to read back on posts. Hope everyone has enjoyed another beautiful day in a summer come early.
The last time I saw a photo of Aunty Phil, she had dark hair, I don't think that is a photo of her, Aunty Phil is really haggard looking like the Wicked Witch of the East, if you know what I mean??
Claudia /Mandarin
The woman above is Gail Cooper,the woman who saw the 'abductor' walking in the rain,and had the nerve to knock on her door looking for money for charity,hence was born 'Cooperman'
Hi Mandarinn
This is Gail Cooper.
Thank you.
Do you happen to know if the baby monitor the Payne's were using was there own or did it belong to MW?
Gail Cooper is a nurse and works at the Newark hospital.
Does anybody know if Newark is near the McCann's place?
Hi everyone -
Thanks for your replies to my comments. I'm a bit hurt thought that I don't even get a mention on the troll blog! I thought they could have at least called me a silly old bag or something!! I'll have to try harder to win their affections or loathing!
Changing the subject, I think this must be CM's biggest gaffe as far as comments are concerned: In answer to interviewers asking about inconsistencies in statements, and I know you've all heard it but it's worth repeating for the sheer folly of it.
"It's not surprising there are inconsistencies in the statements! There were nine people in the bar without watches on or mobile phones with them, so absolute panic set in when they realised what had happened"!!
Now if that is not the biggest porky to come out of his mouth then I don't know what is! Every picture of Gerry shows his watch firmly on his wrist.
Good to hear about the three months extension to the arguido status, even though I would like to see the end of this case just like everyone else, because it at least lets all those who have absolute faith in the McCanns see that not everyone, least of all the PJ's agrees with them! The only thing is there won't be much chance of the McCanns returning to Portugal to reconstruct the crime. They are obviously taking ill thought out advice from their high powered solicitors - if they decide to go back of their own accord to take part in the reconstruction, I'm sure the PJ's would show their appreciation! I can't understand why they want this thing hanging over their heads for so long - you'd think they would want to try and end all the controversy and get on with their lives.
She lives not to far from Mc's.
Thanks Mariana...the one who saw a odd man in PDL some time before may.
I don't agrre with comments about phisic looking , but british newspapers and the pros often commented about GA, who in my point of vew has a normal looking.
Thats quite interesting that the PJ have extended the secrecy for another 3 months. One reason Claudia states is the importance of the reconstruction to the PJ. Now this is
could mean that the secrecy period could be legitimately extended again and again as the McCanns fail to comply with the request. So any bleating by them about their arguido status would fall on deaf ears as its in their hands to assist with it being lifted.
I wonder if another reason is that the PJ have still not obtained the mobile phone records, the bank and credit card details and whatever else? All the while that G&K are going about their daily lives the lawyers are blocking things, delaying, confusing etc. The last thing they would want is give the PJ any more evidence.
Thank you. I thought there was something fishy with her.
Bloody hell, don't they realise they are making fools of themselves with "witnesses" like her?
I knew this was a really bad idea. With a very strong pain killer, an anti imflamatory and a muscle relaxant, I am practically slumped over the keyboard now and seem to be typing nonsense. Hope had the right idea, by abstaining. It is a good time to retire I think. Still I gave it my best shot. Bed time for me is much like that of a child, no wonder I seem to understand their needs very well.
Good night all.....zzzzz
Stella -
So sorry to hear about your fall - it's a good job you aren't here in Spain where all houses have hard marble tiles - lovely to keep clean, but dangerous if you fall as I did once and was on crutches for a while. I hope you get a pain free night. I expect you have some pain killers to take!
Hi Joe
It is the Home Office responsible to deliver the records.
Obviously, they pull strings to delay.
The question is for how long they will delay? The public is not stupid.
I read somewhere that mccans asked PJ to share information with met 3. Is it thruth or a joke?
Stella -
Good night and God Bless! Nx
Have a good, pain free, rest.
They were stupid enough to ask for it. When I heard it I thought it was a joke. True.
They are not getting any of course.
I do thank you, I fall quite often. I should sleep like a horse tonight and will look like i have been kicked by one in the morning. I have thankfully learnt to fall like a parachutist?? I hope that's how you spell it, i'm to tired to think straight...
Stella, I have no idea about the baby monitor.
Rest well and keep safe.
Hi everyone,
"I can see clearly now the pain is/has gone".
Am posting now with 1 and a half eye. (writing this now it remembers me of the discussion on the DE about on half our)
Been reading this afternoon but after I read about the last sighting in Brazil by a man called Mark, I just had it. When will this stop.
And I nearly had to vomit when I read Ecolab's post. (Not because of Ecolab). But that the parents celebrate her birthday because of the twins? This would be a day to let a family member look at the kids and to be together as parents to talk about the loss and to go to the church as "devouted catholics" would do..
Hiya All
Great news McCanns arguido status got extended, somehow I not think they would just hand the files over!
Hope, how lovely to see you back and am so glad your horrid tooth pain has now gone.
Stella, I am sorry about your fall, take some ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory and get some rest to let your joints settle down, if not see doc!
Although I feel tired and ready for an early night your posts, as ever delight and amuse with your fresh look at what the McCanns face.
I have seen more compelling witneses than Gran Cooper, can you even believe she is only 50! She did not witness anything at all, given she left before the McCanns arrive and like so many others finds someone spooky and chilling, well I could think of a few adjectives to describe her and they would not be very pleasant either but is a quantum leap to say well there you are child abductor! I bet she got paid a nice fat fee for that big splash in the News of the World. Maybe the Find Maddie Fund felt the need to compensate her too for her trouble. She lives quite near the McCanns if I recollect and is a health care worker. Now fancy that!
Viv x
It's typical of the McCanns - they won't co-operate with the PJ's in the reconstruction - Kate refused to answer 40 questions and yet they have the nerve to complain about the PJ's and expect them to hand over information to M3! What a nerve they have!
This business of the Tapas 9 being without watches and mobile phones really does show what a lot of lies are being told in this case.
What did they all do - get together the night of the 2nd and decide not to take these items with them in case someone wanted to let them know their children were all crying! I don't believe a word of it, but if it is true then it's an absolutely disgraceful thing to admit to!
I can't wait for the next time CM puts his pink foot in his mouth thereby tightening the noose even tighter!
Nite all, will read you all in the morningx
Luv Vivxxxxx
Hi Viv -
No wonder you are tired - I see you did your piece this morning at around 5am!!
I think I'm getting a bit mixed up with this Gail Cooper who you say is a health care worker living near the McCanns, and the woman who was staying near the MW complex in PdeL who said some spooky man knocked on her door begging or something?
I should get an early night if I were you Viv!!
Nancy x
I'm off now too, so goodnight everyone - I look forward to reading all your interesting blogs tomorrow morning - God Bless!
Nancy x
Hi Mariana,
The last time we had an update on records/data that the PJ needed, the records were incomplete and key data was missing so I am sure the lawyers are questioning every bit of info that is released. It took rogatory letters to get the Tapas interviewed and then it was "voluntary".
Hi All,
Stella take care and rest well.
For anyone who watched the RTE interview with CM. Did you hear the one liner re online comments being Criminal. Yet Pinko thinks child neglect is not a crime in the UK or PT. What an eejit, IMHO.
Goodnight all read you tomorrow, after I have bought my new Court shoes.
Sleep tight, querida Viv.
Always a pleasure to make you smile! :-)
Hello everyone,
How are you all today?
We all knew that the secret law would be extended for 3 more months but, still, is quite wonderful to have the confirmation, an official confirmation!
I am so happy that, they ( the MCs) will have 3 more months, whatever the result would be in the end of those months, 3 more months without knowing what they want to know, 3 more agonizing months without knowing if they will be charged or not…
I believe we will all know what happened to Madeleine before that period, according to Cristovão!
Whatever happened to Madeleine she suffered or, if we want to believe that she is alive, is suffering even more by now, all because of her selfish parents so they deserve to suffer and in the end they must be brought in to justice! Madeleine deserves it!
You do not fall down in to stairs Please or you could became an crazy drunk Rosieoldpolpas!
'Stella by Starlight'.
That's the name of a fabulous song.
Thank you for your kind words, Stella. In the deepest dark of night, the stars do shine above this cynical old world.
The light of truth may dim; it cannot be extinguished, I think.
'Information is light' (Tom Stoppard, English playwrite).
Thank you for the brilliant idea of a telephone line to alert the authorities to neglectful parents, and children at risk. Exceptionally kind of you to offer your assistance.
But, Stella, may I just say this: there are practical problems with such an idea. Am sure Viv could explain the legal problems.
It is you who inspires me, Stella by Starlight.
I hope your fall has not damaged you. Your spirit is strong. Avoid ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs if you can. Use them if you need to, sparingly.
See you next time, Stella. I pray you will have a good rest, and keep your strong heart well protected. I think the spirit is more important than the body. Just my opinion.
I know the HO haven't delivered yet, on every aspect of the rogatory letter.
There is no such thing as voluntary statement in a criminal investigation. No-one should pay attention to what GM says. He is doing his propaganda.
If JT hadn't gone to the police, she would have been made arguido too.
The Pink One is a silly old PR tart; threatening anyone who jeopardises his vain ambition.
Tsk. What a bore and a chore, he is. The man who seeks to 'influence' and 'control', and makes more enemies than friends every time he opens his big mouth.
Dolores of the Pink Rose,
20 years?! Maybe so :-))) if their arrogance persists.
LGC: you make me smile 'out loud', and the time up to September may yet give you more reason to use your skill in defence of truth ;-). We'll see, won't we? Month by month. The long game.
Wizard: I think we are fortunate to read your factual analysis, and thoughtful opinion.
Dylan: creep of the week?! What tripe. I agree with Wizard that some bloggers have problems which require professional help.
Quite so. All this nonsense about 'voluntary' is nauseating. If the public used their own eyes, ears and good sense, then PR pimps like CM and GM would have no more hiding place.
Oh well. I guess we'll just have to be patient. Impatience is CM and GMs downfall, I think.
Hi Leigh,
Nice to "meet" you again.
Like Stella said and like I have been saying before your voice represent the voice of so may people.
Keep posting.
Oh Hi Leigh
If they go to the reconstruction, they know they will be arrested as soos as its over.
If they do not show up, they are proving to the world that they are scared.
In the end the PJ can issue arrest warrants and execute them via Europol.
Sometimes people have to decide how they are going down.
There is going down with dignity and going down like a coward.
Either way, they are going down.
Goedonavond Atardi.
Perhaps we'll both keep posting ;-)
Always a pleasure to see you too.
Haven't welcomed you yet. Nice to read you.
Are you now settled for 100%?
Will read you all tomorrow.
Is Gail Cooper really only 50?
I agree with you. They have a choice between dignity and cowardice. There is no way out of the lion's den for people who stroll into it, expecting preferential treatment.
There's always a bigger beast in the jungle. Little cats with tiny claws should remember that.
Hi Atardi
Thank you for the welcome.
Nice to see you too.
Cooper looks about 60 to me.
I meant to say EuroJust, not Europol.
What's in a name? It's the result that counts, isn't it, mia amiga.
Yes it is, absolutely.
I just thought GM reading this blog, he might think we don't know what we are talking about.
I bet you they are not sleeping tonight.
'He' knows he is in trouble. The con failed. Justice awaits.
In this quiet moment, may I just say this: Kate is a McCann by marriage, not by temperament. She is the mother of 3 children.
I agree with ECOLAB (I put that in capitals because I want Ecolab to see this). It is a great pity that Sean and Amelie are being drawn deeper into this tragedy because their parents put themselves above their children, yet again.
However, I do want justice for Madeleine, and her family, whatever their weaknesses.
Kate: make your true confession to the One True Faith. For the sake of you, Sean and Amelie. When you do that, the truth will set you free.
Gerry: support your wife. Take your punishment like a man.
You are both young. You can make amends, and save your immortal souls; save Sean and Amelie.
Your life; your choice; your responsibility.
The Catholic Church awaits your true response, and offers more protection than PR pimps IF you choose dignity over cowardice.
What to think about this?!
Joana Morais blog:
An interesting fact from today's Diário de Notícias (not on-line):
NOTW paid around 40.000 euros/61.88400 U.S. dollars/31.769598 British pounds to do the pictures inside the McCanns apartment.
The apartment 5A, was registered at a certain time to 4 people. In 2006 after the death of Michael William McCann, Ruth Margaret McCann become the sole owner. The apartment has a T2 Typology, which in architectural terms means a two bedroom flat. Ruth McCann told her conditions to the persons responsible of the tourist's resort, Ocean Club, that the apartment would only be available to rent for a period of one year and for the minimum amount of 24 thousand Euros.
Several proposals appeared, the majority came from British Tabloids, surpassing the value requested by the owner of the apartment.
Last week, Ruth McCann, who lives in the UK, arrived at Praia da Luz (PdL) and requested the key from the reception at the Ocean Club. Discretely, she entered the apartment with a photographer from the English Tabloid News of The World (NOTW). The photos and the footage taken that day from inside the apartment costed around 40.000 euros (61.88400 U.S. dollars/31.769598 British Pounds).
The apartment has been closed since July for the Judiciary Police investigations, who awaits for the possibility of a re-enactment of the night of the 3rd of May to be done on that location. That diligence is the one who is conditioning the rental of the apartment.
That is interesting and Ruth McCann like her namesake likes money and what a callous act allowing the NOTW to photograph and sell images of the apartment. No outcry from Mitchell was there at someone making money on the back of this?
What do I think about this? I think Joana is an excellent researcher. The facts speak for themselves. This sad, sorry case is about vain, cynical people making money over the body of one dead girl, Madeleine Beth McCann, the beloved sister of twins aged 2 - all 3 infants left alone in a foreign apartment, night after night, while their parents partied.
That is what I think about the NoW cheque book journalism. The rest of what I think is unprintable. I respect Viv's choice to have a mild mannered blog.
Hi Ana
I found it strange that MW had given his consent for this video shooting.
That explains it. Money talks.
Take a closer look. The apartment is not within the Mark Warner complex, strictly speaking. The Mark Warner Group has no say in this matter.
However, they have a lot to say about the events of May last year, and their silence as witnesses abides by Portuguese law.
If the McCann Machine of media manipulators persist with libelling MW by suggesting that its culture created child neglect, then that massive libel will make paupers of such liars.
Yes Joe, like her name indicates McCmoney, they love money a lot , she is making money of this but, who can condemn her? What is surprising is that, as you say, we haven’t see Clarrie saying that it is ludicrous and outrageous that this women is profiting with this sad story, only they(the McCanns ) are suppose to do that, nobody else!
The article clearly stated, it was an inside job, because of the key and the knowledge the person must have had about the apartment.
If I were MW, my lawyers would have already sharpened their pencils, unless of course the article meant and implicated the McCann's.
Hi Mariana,
MW can’t do anything, the majority of those apartments are not MW´s apartments and the most have particular owners!
I think the article was incriminating, as you suggest. LGC spotted that very quickly too.
Now, why would that be?
Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey.
MW staff are witnesses. MW is a wealthy company, dependent on its reputation for child friendly, parent friendly holidays. NoW believed the McCanns were victims.
Who believes what now? Time tells against liars, imo. Liars need perfect memories. Humans lack perfect memories.
Mariana: I think we will see Justice for Maddie.
It's a pity that many other children will suffer because the McCanns, their holiday friends, and their wealthy political and commercial supporters have undermined decades of efforts by UK child protection agencies to get over one simple point:
Do not leave infants alone. Supervise children. Monitor adolescents. Guide young adults.
The McCanns have caused great harm to many children, not just their own, I think.
Before I get my coat, just to say that the McCanns are naive in the extreme if they think that this case is just going to vanish and another extension of secrecy to August 15 is an indication of how complex this case is viewed by the Portuguese authorities and whatever happens the PJ want all questions answered. Co-operation that is the only way forward not media soundbytes from a little pink troll.
Night all.
Most people think MW has jurisdiction over them.
They do not know about the other McCann lady who owns this apartment.
Hi dear Leigh,
I do not think we can condemn this lady, she has lost a lot of money with this sad story and she deserves a little too... Don’t you think?lol
It was not her fault that the McCanns have done what we think they have done...
Do you remember KM saying "MW did not provide us with baby listening devices"?
This phrase alone suggested that it was a MW apartment.
Honest Joe.
I agree. Now snuggle up in your coat, and wander off to dreamland!
Me too after replies to our Continental friends.
I agree. The owner of the apartment has been inconvenienced, and seeks to make a profit from her 'loss'.
No screams of derision from the McCanns or their media mouthpiece Clarence Mitchell suggests to me that the owner is being 'played'...and so are the McCanns, and their media mouthpiece.
True, this complex is very particular and the apartments, a lot of them, are out of the complex with particular owners and that was one of the reasons for the baby listening service bee out of service in Praia da Luz, it was not possible to check all those apartments! They may had access the MW services and all but nothing more! The upstairs neighbour (the one that said that Maddie was crying) lives there all year!
The McCanns imply, suggest, infer, deny, digresse, deflect etc etc etc. Say and do anything to divert attention from their own shortcomings. Blah, blah, blah. We're sick of it. 'We' are the public, and the ongoing inquiry by the police, FSS, Interpol, and child protection agencies.
Mark Warner is a family friendly company with good child care arrangements.
Anyone who suggests otherwise had better be poor (not worth suing) or very rich, able to defend themselves in libel court. That is how it is in the UK. MW is a UK company. The McCanns and their supporters live in the UK.
Hello everybody, I bet the owner will get insurance. She is McCann afterwards...
There was no 'baby listening service' at PDL, and the McCanns knew that in advance.
Their apartment was NOT within the MW complex, and the McCanns knew that.
Their apartment was NOT within sound or sight of the Tapas bar, and the McCanns knew that.
There is no evidence of an abduction, except from flimsy claims made by the McCanns, official suspects in the disappearance of Madeleine, left alone night after night with her siblings, aged 2.
Night all. Boa noite Portgal. Gotta go. See you next time.
You are absolutely right about the MW complex. I am told it is absolutely fantastic and I plan to visit, but wouldn't rent the McCann apartment even if it was given to me for free.
Hi Irina
Hope you are well.
I am off now, see you all tom.
See you next time, and you know that!Lolol
Goodnight dear Leigh :)
Hi and bye Irina.
Just going now, and saw your name.
Tsk. These tiresome, negligent Mc
Canns. What a bore and a chore, they are.
Oh, well. We'll have to tolerate them for a little while longer, and highlight the facts to shame them into submission...for their own sakes, and their remaining children.
Maybe one day, we will see them rise above their fears, and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...for their own sakes.
Ta ra, Irina. See you next time.
Bye Mariana,Goodnight!
Hello Irina,
You are right!lol
"Maddie is seen alive and well in Brazil" – this is the tomorrow’s front page of the Daily Star! Lol
They were supposed to be reporting the 3 months extended of the justice secret although they prefer this nonsense! What a joke!
The man who saw Madeleine in an airplane is named Mark (don’t think he is Brazilian citizen), why haven’t he told the crew about that at the time, when he was still in the plane? No, he waits and went to the British embassy!What a laugh!!! Lolol
Ana, it would be hilarious, if it wasn't tragic. May her soul rest in peace.
Leigh, Mariana, good night to you!!
I am so busy with work recently that only read the blog. But I think that everything is going well. Justice will be served.
Thank you all for posting. Read always.
Love to all, Irina.
How are you darling?
Sorry but,I am still laughing, can´t help it!
How do they print this? Madeleine alive and well?!!!How do they know?
Hello, Ana. I'm fine but tired.
Hope you're ok.
The simple idea that Madeleine could enter a plane with her 'abductor' without all the passengers noticing is ridiculous. Poor child. May she rest in peace.
Goodnight everyone!
You do not fall down in to stairs Please or you could became an crazy drunk Rosieoldpolpas!
I am fine too, you must work slowly darling!
And yes, may she rest in peace.The poor child!
Goodnight darling!:)
You do not fall down in to stairs Please or you could became an crazy drunk Rosieoldpolpas!
Sleep tight, Ana.
Boa noite, all.
Good morning everyone!
I have been reading a bit on 3A this morning, and found an article I knew I had read before, but thought I had missed something... Scrolling back, I found that Dolores had posted 10.May, 08.25, the article but this part was missing:
The indices are against the McCann
Among the witnesses the police hopes to see return to Praia da Luz, there is a German tourist who affirmed to investigators that he had seen Kate McCann returned to the apartment during the dinner, well before the time the mother of Madeleine gave the alarm. His testimony is corroborated by a second witness, an official of the Ocean Club.
These stories can help in the reconstruction of the movements of each element of the group of friends, the Tapas 9, but, alone, do not explain the evidence that the Task Force of the British police had found with the inspectors PJ.
In the apartment 5A of the Ocean Club, the dogs of the British police have reported the smell of a corpse behind the sofa, which was found near the rear window. On this window's curtains police found tiny traces of blood, despite the fact that they had been cleaned, just like the wall.
The only digital prints recovered are those of Kate, Gerry and friends of the couple.
Can't remember to have read about this german tourist anywhere?
Guess K&G are afraid of all this "unknown" witnesses and what they remember when they see the T9 all together...
Whether you were culpable for your missing child or not I would have thought today’s report by the BBC on Yeremi Vargas shows a more natural response by his parents to a terrible tragedy.
BBC: Yeremi Vargas went missing in Gran Canaria in February 2007.
Across Europe, the case of this missing child has been eclipsed in the headlines by that of Madeleine McCann. But Yeremi’s family are the first to say they have learned some lessons from the McCanns and are determined to make their campaign as far-reaching.
They are not naturally at ease with the media, far from it.
In the weeks following Yeremi’s disappearance, his mother, Ithaisa Suarez, beside herself with grief and heavily sedated, was hardly in a fit state to give interviews anyway.
Hi Niki,
None of the press seem to mention the extention of the McCanns arguido status. Is this just biased reporting or are our facts correct?
Why do the British press wish to conceal the aguido extention in favour of bogus sightings. It doesn't make sense.
Morning Wizard! I did read this early morning:
Portuguese extend secrecy order on Madeleine probe: agency Tue May 13, 5:09 PM ET
LISBON (AFP) - The Portuguese state attorney Tuesday announced a further three-month restriction on divulging information concerning investigations into the case of missing girl Madeleine McCann.
The restriction was scheduled to end on Thursday but would now continue until August 15, the press agency Lusa quoted the state attorney's office as saying.
According to Portugal's strict penal code, secrecy can only be imposed on any investigation for eight months -- at which point details of interviews and evidence are made public if no charge has yet been preferred, or the case has been dropped. But this period can be extended in exceptionally complex cases.
Last January the state attorney applied for special judicial permission to continue the investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance without rendering their results public.
The parents Kate and Gerry McCann were named as formal suspects in the inquiry in September, but returned to their home in Britain shortly afterwards, from where their legal team tried to access key forensic and other files.
Madeleine McCann went missing in May last year, shortly before her fourth birthday, from the family's holiday apartment in the resort of Praia da Luz.
Not familiar with AFP, but realise it is short for Agence France-Presse...
UK press has obiously found that "Madeleine seen on Brazil-jet" six weeks ago(!) sells better...
Morning all - just popped on for a minute.
Wizard -
Funny you should mention the fact that the newspapers had failed to mention the extension of the arguido status on the McCanns! I was thinking the same thing myself early this morning before I got up! I think this is all to do with trying to protect the McCanns from public discontent with them which would happen if people thought that they must still be suspects! I wonder if it's CM putting his oar in again to stop what he doesn't want printed! I think the public are getting used to his misleading statements, especially about sightings!
Wizard, just a thought:
If the last "sight" was 6 weeks ago, it should have been in public eye just before the meeting in Brussel and before the tapas 7 was questioned... Guess interpool kept their lips sealed about the information from (for us) unknown embassy, and destroyed the McCann-teams diversion tactic...
Hi Niki, Nancy
With regard to the British press not reporting the extension. Mark Twain said “Not to read a newspaper means you are uninformed. To read a newspaper means you are misinformed.” True then and true now.
Interesting to read about the German tourists if it’s true that makes Kate a liar yet again.
I thought the bogus sighting was put into the public arena by Mr Pink to deflect from the extension of the McCanns arguido status?
Wizard /Nancy
In the Getty images 10 May 2007 (editorial 74118652)under the title 'unidentified foreign couple,
There is a couple of photographs of them in a car being driven to the police station.I think this is the German couple.
There was also another unidentified foreign couple,but can't find photo's yet.
Dolores, slowly but surely the McCanns account of the night of 3rd May is being discredited.
The other foreign couple are in a photogragh next to the one I told you about (above) I will send the link to Viv, maybe she can put them on here.
it was in the news about a week ago that the McCanns, according to their portugese lawyer, would have their arguido-status lifted by August, so I guess it's no news... The secracy of evidence is confirmed extended for another three months.
Hi All,
Joe, what a wonderful description:
'not media soundbytes from a little pink troll.'
How much longer will the British Press continue to print this Clazza claptrap. If M had been spotted on a plane, how did she manage to get through customs and airport security. Merely another disraction from the damming truth, IMHO.
Morning all
I was reading yesterday that on the night of the 3rd May, the McCann’s were offered an alternative apartment, but decided to move in with the Paine’s. How was this achieved? Did the Paine’s place have a spare double bed and two singles, I wonder? Or was it a case of four in the bed and the little one said roll over, roll over…… We are led to believe they did not want to be alone? As Tanner and O’Briens room was immediately next door and by far the closest in proximity to move sleeping children, why did they not bunk down there? After all they have the exact same number of children as the Paine’s, so presumably the exact same amount of space. Was there an immediate need to disassociate themselves from someone or something in 5b? I always wondered if the sniffer dogs on that night had entered all the Tapas rooms.
As for the Paine’s baby monitor, it seems MW never issued these so they must have brought their own one with them. Four couples go away on holiday together with small children, all knowing of the arrangements prior to leaving, yet only one thinks to take a baby monitor. Does this mean it was planned all along for all the children to be in the same room with one monitor? Bearing in mind that monitor would never have worked at Chaplins, it is too far away. Did the monitor get nights off as well??
All rather strange if you ask me. . .
Hi Stella,
I always though Tanner and co were in apartment 5B but apparently they were not the Paynes were. Tanner and O’Brien were either in 5D or in the floor above.
Hello all,
Just a quick look in to answer a question someone posted on another blog. I do think it would be most impolite not to respond. Thanks to A for mailing it to me.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ironsides is taking about you on the 3As, a thread asking 'do members of the family post here'
He is such a fool, he doesn't realise just how many people have twigged he IS Docmac.
He also claims in that thread that he has never been contacted privately with info about the tapas7 - but he must be forgetting his own amazing diligence in questioning his aged's mother's doctor in the UK, supposedly a friend of one of them. And he had plenty to say, apparently.
Really, just how thick do they think we are?
13 May 2008 15:18
Answer: as mud.
From the Leicester Mercury today.
"It has never needed a relaunch in the sense that it had stopped, but it has helped to refocus the campaign and, to use the cliche, it has given it a shot in the arm."
Something Team McCann would know all about, no doubt?!
Doc, you're a blast! lololol
Do you want to know the latest? I am supposed to have posted on ST's! lolololol I never posted there or on the House of Filth for obvious reasons. There is only one thing that would make me change my mind. And that thing hasn't happened. Yet! :-)
That is news to me too. That really opens up a can of worms.
Really, Claudia?
I would never post there. I did once, to warn Mum21 that she was being cloned. My post was deleted before she saw it and by the time she heard of it the original meaning had been 'altered' in a way that I should have expected anyway.
Nice to 'see' you. BBFN
Isn't this "sighting" supposed to have been six weeks ago?
What were the Mcs up to six weeks ago? :-(
Doc, you're too much of a nice guy. I would never post there. And certainly not to warn any of them of anything.
Have a great afternoon.
Doc, I made the BIG mistake of trying to do Jane GT a favour one, when some other posters accused her of being Jane Tanner. It got twisted and warped round into stuff I never, ever said or did, and backfired on me really badly. I wouldn't touch any of that lot with a 50ft disinfected bargepole now, even if the fires of hell were consuming them. Stay well away from all of them, that's my advice.
The pic a the top of this thread is scary. I reckon Toothman would have been freaked, then done a runner when she answered the door. No wonder the poor guy was suposedly seen rambling on the beach in the rain, fear and nothing but fear.
3A's are reporting that RTP news say the reconstruction will be on 29th May 08 PDL.
Hi Wizard
How are you?
Good news about the reconstruction.
Let us see how the team will handle it.
Reconstruction on 29th May, eh? They'd better start shipping in the extra vat loads of wine now, then...
I wonder what excuse the Mc's will come up with not to be there.
Hiya all
Zodiac poor toothman - ROFLXXX
Tennis? Jogging? A world tour with Elton?
Or perhaps an urgent appointment in their bathroom?
Looool....and Pinky will be turning green.
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