Very interesting!
Come on all you psychologists - comments please! I can see the basic similarity.
Viv x
Correio de Manha:
2008-02-15 - 00:30:00 'Fatima': Picture-robot seen the microscope SIC disassemble face Natália Ferraz Fatima Lopes showed the reconstitution of the anthropometric design which transformed the face of Kate McCann A new video of Paul Sergeant, Pedro Gamito again surprised at 'Chronic Police' yesterday morning program 'Fatima,' SIC. The portrait-robot kidnapping of the suspect, McCann Maddie was transmuted in the face of the mother, Kate. This transfiguration, obtained from the reconstitution of the anthropometric portrait-robot suspected of kidnapping of the girl, indicates that the same picture is not reliable. Reconstitution anthropometric, technical views on CSI, was produced by Paul Sergeant, Pedro Gamito, professors of forensic psychology at the University of Lisbon Lusófona. The technique showed, as the experts explained, "that the portrait-robot has nothing to do with the suspect in the Algarve, both traits that are of a female face and Anglo-Saxon, which both can lead to the face of Kate McCann as any other woman. " Fatima Lopes, presenter of 'Fatima', the CM stressed that "Paul Sergeant, Pedro Gamito worked scientifically the facts and were invited to return to the program and this new video show publicly on the case." Francisco Moita Flores, criminalista commentator in the 'Chronicle Thriller', was also yesterday in the SIC and explained to the CM: "The robot-portrait of the suspect of the abduction is a false clue, I do not know if done in bad faith. It shows a man with a bad guy, but unintentionally, projected what are the emotional references, a fantasy driven by the subconscious of who has the elements for the making of the picture. " "The reconstitution anthropometric serves to show that picture is just a manoeuvre," he adds, concluding: "It goes through the head of anyone who has kidnapped the mother to daughter." The robot-portrait of the suspect of the abduction of Maddie was provided by the assessor Press the family McCann and led the authorities to point to the hypothesis, once removed, it being a man of Castro Marim. THE ARRIVAL OF CARA SUSPEITO The portrait-robot gets up from a reconstitution of the lines fisionómicos the suspect of a crime that victims or witnesses can describe. The police have equipment that help these witnesses to reconstituírem the features of the suspect. From this information, it made a sketch, then treated by specialist designers who comprise the craniofacial characteristics of the suspect. Reconstitution anthropometric seek the face suggested by portrait-robot. Filomena Galacho
2008-02-15 - 00:30:00 'Fatima': Picture-robot seen the microscope SIC disassemble face Natália Ferraz Fatima Lopes showed the reconstitution of the anthropometric design which transformed the face of Kate McCann A new video of Paul Sergeant, Pedro Gamito again surprised at 'Chronic Police' yesterday morning program 'Fatima,' SIC. The portrait-robot kidnapping of the suspect, McCann Maddie was transmuted in the face of the mother, Kate. This transfiguration, obtained from the reconstitution of the anthropometric portrait-robot suspected of kidnapping of the girl, indicates that the same picture is not reliable. Reconstitution anthropometric, technical views on CSI, was produced by Paul Sergeant, Pedro Gamito, professors of forensic psychology at the University of Lisbon Lusófona. The technique showed, as the experts explained, "that the portrait-robot has nothing to do with the suspect in the Algarve, both traits that are of a female face and Anglo-Saxon, which both can lead to the face of Kate McCann as any other woman. " Fatima Lopes, presenter of 'Fatima', the CM stressed that "Paul Sergeant, Pedro Gamito worked scientifically the facts and were invited to return to the program and this new video show publicly on the case." Francisco Moita Flores, criminalista commentator in the 'Chronicle Thriller', was also yesterday in the SIC and explained to the CM: "The robot-portrait of the suspect of the abduction is a false clue, I do not know if done in bad faith. It shows a man with a bad guy, but unintentionally, projected what are the emotional references, a fantasy driven by the subconscious of who has the elements for the making of the picture. " "The reconstitution anthropometric serves to show that picture is just a manoeuvre," he adds, concluding: "It goes through the head of anyone who has kidnapped the mother to daughter." The robot-portrait of the suspect of the abduction of Maddie was provided by the assessor Press the family McCann and led the authorities to point to the hypothesis, once removed, it being a man of Castro Marim. THE ARRIVAL OF CARA SUSPEITO The portrait-robot gets up from a reconstitution of the lines fisionómicos the suspect of a crime that victims or witnesses can describe. The police have equipment that help these witnesses to reconstituírem the features of the suspect. From this information, it made a sketch, then treated by specialist designers who comprise the craniofacial characteristics of the suspect. Reconstitution anthropometric seek the face suggested by portrait-robot. Filomena Galacho
What a coincidence ,I was trying to post this last night:
Last morning I had knowledge that a Portuguese channel ,sic channel specifically, have had a special on the Madeleine McCann case , I do not know if you have already see this , in case you haven’t please take a look , case I found this study very interesting .
This study was carried out by two well known psychology forensic teachers of Lusófona University of Lisbon...
No more words here is the link I found out on youtube:
Mmmmm.... Food for thought
Correio da manhã, (your favourite Portuguese newspaper) also highlights this program:
All this to say: can be anyone, the suspects included!!!
And they want us to believe them!!!! What a joke!!!
14:56 pm
Ohmy, how incredible is that?? Astonishing.
Who composed the picture? (Did I miss that? Will have another read).
Well, I know they're desperate for dosh, so perhaps Kate can find gainful employment as a lookalike for Barry Gibb...
X LittleGibbCell (Decidedly NOT 'Guilty')
Hello, darling.
I hadn't seen that. I wasn't probably home. It is an interesting thing. I had never thought about that. But I have no psychological knowledge at all. I can tel you, however, that the people involved in that project are serious people who can be trusted. As for the scientific side, I can't help you! :-)
Muitos beijinhos!!!
Hi Claudia,
Can you see the high taut cheekbones, the same arch of the eyebrows, the exact same nose, the high hair line, parting situated in exactly the same place...
Who is supposed to have seen this person? Is it the English woman who was taken back to Praia da Luz by a TV reporter?
yes ,the english woman ,who was in PDL in april not may ...
If any person would be asked to draw a harsh, violent face, which could be a child abuser, which will be exactly what they draw:
The brows, Tight mouth, tight bonny face, cold eyes (no smile wrinkles) - hard face.
Our characters are on our faces.
This is the face of Kate and the imaginary bad guy.
Kate fits the profile.
A commentator on 3 A's has imposed the sketch onto Kate's face as an avatar. It's an exact match. 3.50 p.m.
One of the things that really hack me off with the Pros on the DX is the fact they belive that there is only one peadophile in the world and he has abducted every child in the med over the last few months...
What is wrong with these people a peadophile can look like the most georgeous man in the world or look like the ridiculus phot of overbite man...
If my child had been taken and one of my friends had been missing for 45 minutes alarm bells would start ringing wondering if he was a peadophile and if she woke when he was abusing her and he had to shut her up...
Another reason I dont believe them the only option was she was taken by a peadophile ring... She did not wander off (as she had done previously) None of the people who had checked on her were in the frame for harming her (and they should be)...
Story does not add up they have been behaving like they lost some lugage and everything that has been said has been rehearsed...
I hope the PJ will be here soon and if the 3 people they wish to speak to have any sense they will tell the truth because there is no doubt in my mind if Gerry and Kate are guilty they will pass the buck on to their friends if things start going wrong for them without batting an eye...
Thanks, Ana.
Did she go on holiday with her crystal ball?
This lady has strange powers ...lol
I'm sorry, but Kate McCann does not look like George Harrison.
Whatever next.
No-one, specifically the psychology forensic teachers of Lusofona University of Lisbon has said Kate looks like George Harrison.
Read articles before jumping to the wrong conclusions and posting misrepresentations. 7.40 p.m.
You have obviously not followed the posts above.
Use your imagination a little and excercise a little artistic license!
It's the psychology of it that counts. "Generic" man could be anybody you wanted him to be & could even be a "her". It's how the features have been depicted to be hard (masculine brow) and monotone which, as i think i have said before, acts subliminally on our primieval instincts to make us believe that this is a threatening person.
The artist would have drawn a monster if the adult contingent of this world believed in them, instead, it has been translated into a menacing human monster. Mrs Whatshername said he had been touting at her door for "charity". Surely generic man would have been smiling if he wanted to pull the wool over her eyes. So why has he been drawn SNARLING?! It's all part of the great big McClarence spin factory and quite disgusting.
Step back from the picture a bit, look at kate. Take the blonde hair away and change it to brown. Imagine it now pencilled in black or white (or sepia). Now, imagine her worried (not to difficult to do) and with her mouth slightly opened. Got it?
The message is that we can turn our own monsters into whatever underlying apparition our psychological make-up dictates to us.
Your own monsters are decidedly knobbly, gnarled and big.
The guy really looks like a real baddie, and because of this, the picture is too good to be true.
Unfortunately this is a problem with many witnesses, where they try to please authorities and will subconciously change their stories, or impressions in this case, in order to make their story more relevant or because they feel they are helping more by giving what they feel is wanted.
This is a real problem with witness evidence which is unfortunately very common.
I bet if Mrs Coooper had been giving a description of this guy before Maddie went missing he wouldn't have looked so nasty, but it seems she has made her mind up that this guy is the abductor, and unfortunately the McCanns are desperate for leads.
This description came out after a very long time, and I did not think it was relevant.
I have been in that area of Portugal, and it does have its fair share of weirdos which may spook a british old lady, though most seem harmless and only trying to sell cigarettes to tourists.
But I don't believe for a moment that Mrs Cooper was inspired by Kate McCann.
Hello everyone, just want to send you to look at this:
Interesting news.
If I may copy and paste:
February 16, 2008 New interrogations. Lastly, the things start again to move. The British police force would prepare to proceed to new interrogations. Indeed, up to now, the investigation into Madeleine did not advance any more, it was with the stop... at least at the media level bus in the slides many things occur. In short, the rogatory letters, written in close cooperation with the British authorities, were sent for the second time. The first time, the Home Office, had returned them while evoking procedural irregularities. However, without these interrogations, the Portuguese police force cannot advance suitably. The Attorney General of the Portuguese Republic does not know how long will last this dead end on behalf of the Home office. Rumours make state of a political good-will make trail the things until after the elections envisaged in May in Great Britain. However, the Ministry for the British Interior received an official request of the Portuguese authorities. The rogatory letters, version 2, arrived since February 03 at RU. This mail makes the request for hearing Jane Tanner, Russel O' Brien and David Payne in order to check and to clear up certain points of inconsistencies in the various declarations. It is known, also, that two new suspects will be placed under statute "of arguidos". The investigation at the dead point? From a media point of view, nothing seems to move. Put aside the last bounces politico-policies of the business, the press remained quite miserly of information on the file. However the investigation continues. Excavations are in hand and will continue. The PJ is with the research of the body of Madeleine since it is not any more any doubt, for the police force, that she died. The police force seeks the second place actively where the body of Madeleine "was deposited" and where, according to any probability, it would be still. Let us recall that the police force knows the first place perfectly where the body of Madeleine "was stored". Thus, being based on the triangulations of the GSM used by the various parts in question in this business, the police force carries out excavations at quite precise places. Indeed several considerable extents of ground are the subject of all the attentions. Half of them having already been excavated. Whole stoppings were even probed using a sonar. The police force seems trustful in its research and if the body of small is actually found, that will change the data of the business considerably.
from Enfants Kdinappes .
P.S. I think they are positive to find the body.
Another translation of the same article. I think more clear:
16 february 2008
Finally, things are starting to move again. The British police would be preparing to proceed towards new interrogations. Indeed, until now, the inquiry about Madeleine was not moving forward anymore, it was stopped ... at least at the level of the media, because behind the screens many things are happening. In short, the rogatory letter, written in narraw collaborations with the British authorities, have been sent for the second time. The first time, the Home Office had send them back, citing an error of procedure. And, without these interrogations, the Portugese police can not proceed decently. The Procureur General of the Portugese Republic does not know how many time this impasse from the Home Office will take. Rumours are stating that there is a political will to delay things until after the elections foreseen in may in Great Britain. Nevertheless, the British Home office has received an official demand from the Portugese authorities. The 2nd version of the rogatory letters have arrived since the 3rd of february in Great Britain. This letter makes the demand of hearing Jane Tanner, Russel O'Brian and David Payne with the aim to verify and clarify certain incoherent point in the different declarations. It is also known that two new suspects would be placed under "arguido" status.
The inquiry at dead point?
From the media point of view, nothing seems to move, Besides the last police-political developments in the case, the press was very stingy with informations about the file. The inquiry is still pursued. Searches are happening and will be pursued. The PJ is searching for the body of Madeleine because, for the police, there is no doubt whatsoever that she is deceased.
The police is actively searching the second place where the corpse of Madeleine was "deposited" and where, in all probability, it would still be. Remember that the police knows perfectly the first place where the corpse of Madeleine was "kept". Thus, based on GSM triangulations used by different parties during this case, the police is executing searches in exact locations. Indeed, several large pieces of land are the object of all attention. Half of them have already been searched. Whole lakes have been searched with the help of sonar. The police seems confident in its seaches and if the corpse of the little one is indeed found back, it will change the given facts of the case considerably.
Doh, Viv, delete my duplicate will you. Irina's already posted. ;-)
Here is another interesting question:
Was the tapas 9 really 10?
Don't believe that all have been accounted for!
Look for a very high up city senior executive with connections to an influential MP.
I know he was at the table that night but his name has never appeared in any press articles. His MP friend has close connections with Clarence Mitchell whose initial task was not to help the McCann’s but to avoid dragging this Senior Executive into the events.
This senior executive was there to engage in a swingers party, which those at the McCann table were apart of.
Ans.2 from cushty:
there will be local elections in May - there always are - and Labour are going to do very badly - so it isn't inconceivable that this could be a factor - can't really see why, though, unless there is a Government minister directly involved - and I suppose that isn't entirely impossible
Evening All,
Irina: thank you for the reminder that this is an ongoing investigation, and everything else is a mere diversion.
Re: Tapas9. That's an odd number in every sense.
If the public keep pushing for answers to awkward questions, then I think the liars and manipulators will be held to account for their wrongdoings.
Best wishes,
And the answer No:3
from sally66:
I have nothing to prove the private plane did leave on the 3rd May but I didn't read the forums till they were made arguidos and my only source of info was the papers and tv and I can distinctly remember reading it in the early days.
I have done lots of searches but am unable to find the relevant article.
It was quoted from Gerry and said they had had a row and he left in private plane. It stuck in my mind as odd and although I wasn't taking indepth notice of the case at the time it was 1 of the things that niggled me.
I thought it was a wierd piece of info to release because it was irrelevant and private, with hindsight I feel it was a veiled threat from G.
Irina Irina Sue
LOL thank you Irina for your two posts and Sue for yours..
I am being a numpty again and copied the link and read it on the 3arguidos then started to read it 3more times before realising what I was doing.
Very intresting I wonder if they have found her? The PJ have been so silent it would be amazing if they had all the proof they needed and just presented it to the Tapas 3 they want to reinterview and asked them if there was anyting they want to say to save themselves...
So very sad Madeleine was such a lovely little girl with her whole life ahead of her and she has been pushed out of the picture again by eveyone defending her parents neglect....
Hello Hope4truth,
Sorry for 2 similar posts, I just think that it is useful to have 2 translations for clarity sake.
Yes poor Madeleine. But even if she was not beautiful and lovely but ugly and nasty it does not mean that someone is entitle to take her life.
Oooops, 1:57 pm
I found it difficult to be heart full both towards child and her murderers.
The question is not about feelings, but facts.
Do you want to keep loving people who are main suspects in murder of their daughter - your choice.
I personally do not find any place in my heart for people who abandon their children for drink, not mentioning the murdering them.
And also I do not believe a second in your sincerity. We have seen you and yours at work and your credit has run out.
If you trying to stress the US time, do not worry, we know.
Supertroll. Who kicked Maddie when she was down? That is the question. Her parents are prime suspects in her 'disappearance'. There is no evidence of an abduction. There is evidence of neglect. There is enough evidence for investigators to focus on the 'inconsistencies' and 'contradictions' in statements made by the McCanns, their holiday friends, and some of their supporters - including certain UK Government staff at the time. That's interesting.
Only a heartless person would defend suspect adults when a child is 'missing'. But that's how the McCann Machine of media manipulators work. You are a tiny cog in a busted machine. It's heartening to see people like you exposed as the frauds that you are. Your paymasters and fiendish family will get their comeuppence as well.
Cheers, pal. I look forward to the court cases to come :-)
Whatever troll.
Thank you wednesday, as you can see we are still a minority in this mad bad blog, which is depressing, but welcome and thanks for your post in my blog :).
The posts here could definitely be the basis of a psychology conference...
So much hatred and delusion.
Leigh, a person does not have to be heartless to defend two adults, whose child is missing.
Suspect does not mean guilty.
I can feel for the fate of the poor little girl, and also feel for the plight of the parents rather than bully them mercilessly.
I don't know what happened to Maddie, but whatever happened I know the answers are not here.
I havent printed any lies but here is a truth for you.
A group of parents go on a family holiday and the children are left alone 4 nights in a row to look after themselves as they could not be bothered to be parents or pay for a babysitter.
As a result Madeleine a 3 year old little girl may have been abducted by a peadophile and put through hell before the sick bastard killed her as she was to hot to handle. Or she could still be alive going through things you and I could not cope with yet alone a little girl.
Blame the PJ if it makes you feel better but they were not responisble for her on 3rd May her parents were but they wanted to go to the bar with their friends..
Cant think why I dont like them very much whatever hell they may be going through it is nothing to what Madeleine is or was
Whatever, supertroll. You are paid to be here, and churn out the McCann Machine superficial bile.
Problem is: no one's buying what you're selling. Hurrah!
Do file your expenses on time. Your efforts deserve tuppence at least.
P.S. Look at the pictures above. Would anyone like the mummy and daddy like that?
Imagine this: you are a grown-up in a wheel chair. What happen to you is, when you were just3, your parents left you and went for a drink. You fell down the stairs - cant walk since.
What would you feel towards your parents? : Poor "two grieving parents", my heart goes to them. - is it?
Whatever troll.
That works both ways though and a lot of what the Pros post is rubbish you cant defend child neglect it is wrong no excuses no mistake it probebly cost Madeleine her life and a lot more.
If they had just admited from day one they were wrong to have done what they did (as if she was taken they must have now realised how wrong it was) maybe I would have bought it.
But there is more spin than a record everything can be explained JTs first picture of the abductor that had no face now looks just like tooth man makes them look like liars..
I would not wish what had happend to them on anyone and cant imagine the guilt and pain they are going through.
Why did Kate not answer questions if she wants her daughter found you would think she would answer everything and who needs a spin dr when a little girl is missing the people of PDL spent a long time searching and Gerry and Kate get lots of money to help them out and they spend it on fraud detectives who have done what so far?
You would think a few peadophile rings would have been smashed by now and other missing children found along the way but nothing...
Sorry if I sound angry but I am...
If my child went missing I would answer every question and search every place I could get to and if the world thought I had killed her they could go to hell as long as I could keep searching they can save their sympathy for my daughter.
Group Tapas already prepared for interrogation
"It will not be easy because they took time and advice to help them prepare for interviews," says an official of the British police explaining that the couple McCann and his friends have resorted to lawyers and others specialists to help them to prepare and organize.
(from SoS Maddie)
Supertroll, Wednesday, your time is up, you have overstayed your welcome. You continue to insult people on this blog and I think there is no place for you here. Your posts will, I hope, if our host, Viv so wishes, be ignored and deleted.
We will not go round and round in circles debating with your distracting nonsense about whether people are heartless, whether people have proof. Your tricks on the DE will not work with people here. F off! Now!
Quite right! 'Supertroll' is brazen enough to post with a name that declares his/it's intention, and shows contempt for sincere posters. Fortunately, 'it' is disbelieved on this forum, and everywhere else.
Check out the site www.editorialintelligence.co.uk
It is partly owned by UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown's wife's friend and business ally Julia Hobsbawn. It hires mercenaries like 'supertroll' to monitor and influence media including internet forums and blogs.
Fortunately, the public are proving to be wiser at spotting such cynical manipulation than these media manipulators realised :-)
Night night. See you next time. Do pass on the information if you get a chance.
Kind regards,
I said your tricks won't work here. Nobody here is going to explain themselves to you. Nobody here is going to chat with you tomorrow. First you have cynically insulted Hope4truth, ridiculing her identity, now you faintly praise her, what is this, "divide and conquer" tactic you Mcnasties employ. I'm sure Hope4truth is far too intelligent to fall for that. Supertoll you are a contemptuous little worm, slither away under your rock where you belong! Perhaps as you say Viv won't delete you so I can insult you further!
Fair enough. Your comments wrt mrs cooper's motives for "remembering" mr generic are viable. But believe me, any corner of the earth could contain at least one offbeat to "frighten a granny". I live in a nice neighbourhood. It's not rich but quite and relatively peaceful. I walk through a lovely, lottery funded (these days) park on my way to uni each morning. One morning just after Christmas, a normal looking joe bloggs of a man, scared me half to death. It wasn't because he was creepy in any way but it was the way he stared at me as i approached and walked past him. I looked around for somewhere to run but there was an 8ft fence between me and the rest of humanity. The park was deserted apart from me, and when i looked behind to check he wasn't following me, a jogger passed him (female) and i caught him looking over his sholder at her in the same way that he did me. It was then that i ran! I doubt he meant harm but if i had to give a retrospective description of him, i would probably produce a neutral photofit. However, if it transpired that he raped and murdered someone and i heard the description to fit him, no doubt, the last thing i would do would be to describe him looking neutral.
That's what the mind does when it wrongly puts two and two together and makes 5.
Wednesday, If you think we are "madness", I would suggest you find another blog that suits your palate more.
Two very apt posts. I can feel your anger, as what has brought me to this blog is my anger.
They had a precious child. All children are precious. They are a life yet to be lived and enjoyed to the full. They are full of the promise of the joys and woes to come. I think about my youngest daughter as i have since this case began. I allways wonder what my children will be. All three of mine are so different. They can be little buggers but they make me smile and happy to have had the time with them that i have.
I cannot bear to think of having left my little one, her lonliness and crying. Her despair and bewilderment at having been left alone. The thought that she could be taken and harmed and all of the time thinking i had abandoned her would be too much for me to live with. Sometimes i do get cross with her and tell her off, but i always, always calm down and cuddle her and explain why she has made me react in that way.
I don't think i could survive her being taken beacuse i had left her. (the same goes for my eldest two but they are much more independent than her with the age gap).
It's this horrible, horrible thought that makes me so bloody angry with the McCanns. How could they do that? I don't want to shoot them when they are down so to speak but they don't seem to care enough to admit it.
I wish this obscene case would just go away and that Maddie could be found alive so much, but i don't think that is going to happen, sadly.
I've put it really badly across but am trying to vocalise that i very much have empathy with your anger!
Goddamit, why can't i ever say anything in a nutshell?!!!
Dyl 12.14 am
Dylan, very good post.
I have complete empathy with your anger and H4T's.
Super T thank you.
I think you will find that us "antis" though, are all forged on the same anvil. We are not nasty. We care very much about maddie and it's not that we are trying to kick the McCanns in their grief (god knows it would be the final nail in my coffin if it were me) but that we wish they would just tell the rest of the world how much of a terrible thing they did by leaving maddie and the twins alone. In this way, at least, it may save another child's life & if it's just one that's good enough for me.
Also, I can't remember who the poster was on the de, but some sweet person had the balls to admit what i find so difficult to:
It was that she had a "guilty" wish that maddie died whilst her parents were out. Not beacuse she wanted to imagine that she perished but because she hoped, in this way it would have been quick and she wouldn't, maybe, have suffered.
The alternative is just too horrible to think of. That she was taken by a sick paedophile and raped....i can't say more than that.
I class myself as a non violent, peace loving, humanitarian. But if i ever had the misfortune to cross the path of such a person, i would not be held accountable for what i would do.
I'm by no means a perfect mum, i didn't plan for my children, i don't play with them as much as my lovely mum did with me, but they know, at least, i'm never, ever going to desert them. I would give up my life to protect them if i had to.
If you took your time to "get to know" viv, lgc, lizzy, docmac, irina et al, you might learn that we are all united in this. (Just don't say we are all the same person!)
Please bear this in mind in the future that we are not witch hunters.
Phew! Another long'un, sorry!
Dylx 12.50am
Viv - where are you?
Wherever you are, i hope you and yours are having a good weekend!
Dillie x
Good morning all,
Hope4truth, I totaly agree with you:
"If my child went missing I would answer every question and search every place I could get to and if the world thought I had killed her they could go to hell as long as I could keep searching they can save their sympathy for my daughter."
I was reading about a Norwegian mother whos daughter was abducted years ago. She said:" The less painful time was when I was chasing cars I thought was the abducters car. I felt then that I was DOING something".
She was using days and weeks in the car...(Her daughter was never found, but a serial-killer confessed and was convicted for the murder, even in lack of the body).
Sorry for beeing of topic with this story, just wanted to point out how NORMAL parents behave...They don't go jogging, sunbath, golfing... They search!!!
11.44 Greece
Hi Niki,
That's very true. Normal parents/people go out jogging, playing golf etc if they want to try to get over something like a break-up in a relationship etc. This can also happen in the process of grieveing for a lost loved one. It all depends on the person's emotional state as to when, in the process of grief, this happens. When my Grandad died, me & my brother went out and bought technical lego. We sat there constructing for hours until it was done. We didn't say very much and it was just a silly, banal thing to do, but it was right for us at this time and bonded us, somehow, in our grief.
I firmly believe that the McCanns know poor maddie is no longer with us as i think they have been going through a grief process as in a death.
H4T is spot-on with thoughts. An open-ended grief, such as an abduction, would cause a person to search, tirelessly. I would not have left Portugal. I wouldn't have given a flying one for having been made suspect. I would have answered all of the PJs questions. I would want to be close to the police that were undertaking the enquiry. I would never give up.
It's all very curious. What i have always found hard to believe though, is that if they are guilty, how could they stir up such publicity? They are either very brave or very naiive to do so.
Dyl x 11.20
Given the censorship and the lack of freedom of expression which rules in the Justice for Maddie site, I have decided to print every single deleted post in my blog so that people are able to make up their own minds.
I want to invite everyone who experiences the same problems to feel free to post here their deleted posts.
We will not be silenced.
Dylan / Nikki
Hi both thanks for your posts...
Dylan you summed it up really well dont doubt what you write it showed the love you have for your children and the emotion this case brings out.
I feel the same about my 2 daughters they are 12 and 14 now and drive me mad when they bicker and dont do their homework until the last minute especialy when I have had a long day. But they melt my heart and are such good fun and although I miss them really needing me (and believing I am right about everything)every day is a new experience an I love it.
We measure our family holidays now in how many we have left. My oldest I think we have 3 years at the most and the youngest 6 as they will be desprate to ditch Mum and Dad and go off with their own friends (unless they are broke and we are the only option left) which would be nice :o) but they are only children for a short time.
Nikki do you ever watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition? if not it is an American progra and they knowck peoples houses down and re builf mansions in a week (the houses are amazing) all the familys have a story and there was a lady on there who had gone to a Little League Baseball game with her two daughters to watch her son play. Her youngest daughter was near to her catching fire flies with other children she turned away and when she looked back she was gone.
That was about 12 years ago and she moved her family to a not so good house gave up her job and set up a missing child organisation and has found 100s of missing children but sadly not her own daughter...
The pain in that ladys eyes was heartbreaking the emotion was raw and I admired her strength her other children were lovely and had been brought up well (I dont know why I watch the show I sob at every one of them)...
But the McCanns just dont look like they have lost more than a passport Maddie is hardly mentioned in Gerrys blog and if she is it is so cold
I dont know how you are supposed to act but the grief GUILT and pain IMHO does not allow you to look perfect with matching jewlery or talk about how she was Just gone waving your hand about and clicking your tounge...
From day one this has been spin and a Mother who has lost a child (and father) do not need spokespeople as the pain is there for all to see.
How anyone can take money to spin that neglect is ok is beyond me but they have to live with themselves..
I am off to Town see you all later...
Hope, that's really sweet of you to say. Thanks.
So you have two teenage girls (well one of them is teenage). I know how sisters can be with each other! I only have a brother but my best friend has a sister. They used to fight like cat and dog over make-up, clothes, boys, records (in the pre-cd days lol!).
You must have your hands full!
Mine go boy, girl, girl. Ryan is 16 and has never been a momont's trouble. I am so very lucky! Laura is 14 and Elly is 8. Laura began to squabble with Elly as soon as she became big enough (in laura's eyes) to be a pain!!!! Bless! Laura is a handful and has been from day dot! But she's also very loving & is usually the first one to worry if R or E are late back from somewhere. Yet, she can't see that she's often very late back and i worry like mad about her! Doh!
I hope you have a lovely afternoon shopping. I expect your girls are in tow and wanting to visit the clothes shops ;)
Dyl x
Well, no spin today either.
Good news. Clara is busy consulting the lawyers.
If he is evolved in cover up (seems likely) he needs lawyers too. Hope all the meetings are bugged.
I wonder how T7 feel now; think they wish they never have met McCanns. Now for the rest of their lives they will be known as being involved in the child’s murder, their children would be known as the children of people that helped to cover up child's murder.
What a life achievement.
Trolls and monkeys are just that. The ones that could be bought and sold. Not of any interest at all.
Most of them recruited in US as the evidence show.
Troll - Super or Otherwise,
The fact is the McCanns planned the cover up alongside trying and failing to scrub away forensic evidence on or around 3 May.
The fact is Metado 3 are paid to intimidate innocent people and pay for false witness accounts, hence the likes of Mrs Cooper and all others with very greasy palms.
I'm 99.99% certain Mari Luz parents also succummbed to temptation.
Facts are substantiated evidence released by FSS held in Police files. There was no abduction - Madeleine died in her parents' apartment on or around 3 May.
Definition of "spin" - Government's and Clarence's forte:
"To draw out and twist - to prolong. An invention from one's imagination". As in your belief in an abductor despite hard evidence to the contrary.
The only question is how much are you paid in this sordid case?
1.45 p.m.
I read the "Interrogation won't be easy on 3 A's".
Those who spin complex webs always end up trapping themselves. Those who speak the truth have nothing to fear and nothing to rehearse.
Camp McCann tried and failed to makes fools of PJ on day one; Police intelligence during reinterview will, likewise, be competently prepared and well rehearsed.
"Those who play games cannot see .... (Chinese proverb borrowed from 3 A's). To which I add - "those who lie have difficulty remembering ..... ". As JT so aptly proved on TV "I" carried - quickly amended to "he". 1.00 p.m.
It is reported in the press that the PJ want to interview JT ROB and P.
Someone on 3A who has a 'source' says that a Tapas 1 has not broken ranks and they will all be interviewed.
I am inclined to believe doc. that 1 has broken ranks and possibly no need for re-interview.
What do others think?
The only fit description for paid opinion givers is 'sock puppets'.
Mindless lumps of material controlled by the mind of another; devoid of normal human function.
Monkeys are intelligent creatures, social and family orientated with strict codes of conduct, specially nurturing and rearing their young. Monkeys put the McCanns' attitude and behaviour to shame as parents and as members of the 'human' race.
Puppets are bought for entertainment; they perform to the will of their string pullers. Puppets have no heart, soul, brain or intelligence. 1.15 p.m.
Yes, the pros are still, after everything, insisting that the PJ have zero evidence. They can believe positive McSpin but not in negative spin. I try to keep an open mind but i keep returning to the accident in the appartment because abduction just not make any sense. If it was an abduction, there are just too many things that don't add up. Too many to mention in one post. What really gets me is that after they dined a good distance away and were called back because poor Maddie was beside herself, why would they leave her a second night? I really can't get my head around this. Something MUST have happened. They even turned away the baby-sitter they had booked. If nothing did happen that night, that makes them beneath contempt. Only pond-life would do such a thing. I wouldn't leave my child in the first place. We either do stuff together on holiday or we don't go. Simple as that. I especially wouldn't leave them again after someone told me my child had been distraught. I would have been absolutely MORTIFIED. I wouldn't have let my child out of my sight after. I would be trying so, so hard to make up for what i did, cuddle them, tell them i'm sorry.
No, something about this whole tragic case is very, very wrong. They must be hiding something very vital and very guilty...just makes me want to shake it out of them, the stupid, stupid people.
Mandz has said on the DE that she doesn't think Portugal is a safe place. She's also mentioned Jamie Bulger AGAIN. That really makes my blood boil. I clicked the X button after that as i've too much to do today to spend it seething!
Merc, yes i believe Doc to be genuine. He alluded to this very vaguely once and it appeared in the press a few days later that 1 of them wanted to change their story. Of course, this was denied by Clarrie et al....
Dyl x
Forgot to mention the 'trolls'. Their function in life is to intimidate and frighten good people. They are always ugly and easy to spot; they are menacing but cowardly and very easily frightened.
When confronted, they run away and hide. They have a strong dislike of Billy Goats Gruff, the Police, cadavers and forensic science.
1.30 p.m.
I understood the article in 3 A's says there will be more than three of the Tapas group being re-interviewed.
I'm convinced at least one commenced co-operating with PJ months' ago. Clarence only ever gives out misinformation to assist the prime suspects. The reason he took the trouble to let the public know ALL the Tapas group had held a "secret" meeting (ha ha) was because he wanted the public to believe a united front still existed. IF this were so, he would have had no need to tell us !! This was another of Clarrie's porkies - his are as predicable as the prime suspects.
"Those who play games cannot see ... " (Chinese proverb borrowed from 3 A's) - it says it all!! 1.50 p.m.
1.50 p.m.
There is no hatred in this site, only your hatred of the truth. Truth is absolute - always has been, always will be .... there was no abduction. Madeleine died in her parents' apartment on or around 3 May. 1.55 p.m.
mandz is loathsome, how dare she compare Jamie Bulger case to this one. Just been reading up on the new Sarahs Law, her mother , i think, is remarkable. I wonder how long it will be before we have Gerrys Law.
Good Afternoon All,
I think we can rest assured that investigators are closing in on the wrongdoers who will face criminal charges (and libel court for some of them, in due course).
2345! I just had a look at the 3arguidos forum. Good, isn't it? I saw your name 2345 (Jab). Brilliant. Nice to see a familiar name. Couldn't find anyone else I know though. Maybe later.
Lorraine: yes, it is despicable that McConns like Mandz prey on public sympathy for families like the Bulgers and others in an attempt to ally them with the McConns. Sickening, really.
Ta ra for now all. Have a lovely Sunday.
I share your views entirely. The McCanns have excused themselves, without remorse, for abandoning two babies and a 3 year old on a regular basis, at night, in an alien environment. However, this is as abhorrent as the cause of Madeleine's disappearance after her death.
Apologies to those who've read this before. BBC despatched Jane Hill to Luz for live coverage of breaking news on 7 September - day parents were interviewed and named 'arguidos'. The following FSS information (presented to McCanns) was released by Jane outside the Police Station :
"An early forensic report is alleged to have mentioned a certain blood spray .. commensurate with a certain type of broken larynx .. some DNA samples found related to cerebal fluids indicates a broken neck or fractured skull". Also "Sousa himself told of this very fine mist of spray that was found in the apartment". This piece of information was released only once that night.
Madeleine would not have survive the profoundly traumatic injuries indicated.
Supertroll (and all other puppets) hate the above. I videod BBC news that night and transcribed the content verbatim. S'troll said it was libellous, which of course it isn't becaused Jane Hill's report is based on evidenced facts. I do not know or want to know Supertroll's identity, but this person is definitely on the McCanns' payroll. I know them as the anti-forensic/Police brigade.
merc. Docmac has proved his resource credibility time and again; the DE puppets amongst others loathe him for it. I hope he posts here again soon. 2.10 p.m.
Hi Merc,
I read might have been on the 3 arguidos that they will be reinterviewing more than the 3 named in the press. I think they are having info given to them from Clarrie who leaks what he wants published. I think they are likely to interview them all particularly if there is to be court case as all eventualities need to have been investigated. lizzy
Hello, nice to see your name again.
3 A's is intensive in terms of information and volume. I'm still familiarizing myself with people there. Ironside's a regular poster and a link between sites, tylersmum and coldwater are also regulars. I strongly recommend reading thentherewere4's thread; it's lengthy, but incredibly well resourced and brilliantly rationalized. Are you still on DE Forum ? I gather from this site that the McCanns' reps are still at work there. Seems one or two cannot resist this site - so compliments to Viv - again ! 2.20 p.m.
Hi 2345,
Thanks for the advice on what to look out for on 3As. I have read a bit of thentherewere4. She's on the case, alright :-)
RE: DE. I asked for my name to be removed. I insisted on it, in fact, although the moderators had other ideas.
My final posts deliberately challenged the McCann Machine of media manipulators on the DE forum; I named and shamed a few of the chief thugs as my parting 'gift' :-)
Viv's forum, the 3As, and the mccannfiles are much more informative, and good natured with intelligent posters, and often very amusing too. 3As is certainly colourful in every way!
By the way: I think the interrogations will focus on people's movements, not their timelines. I think David Payne and Mrs Webster will be the most reliable witnesses - whether they like it or not.
Lorraine, very true. I have never read Sarah's law, I've made a mental note to do this sometime. What a sad, painful tragedy. Sometimes I find it so hard to comprehend that people like her killer walk the same earth. There were headlines in the papers last week that the social services failed to recognise the abuse that happened to a 6 week old baby by her own father. It was too late for her. Truly awful. You couldn't make a horror film as appallingly sick as that.
I feel so sorry for Sarah and Jamie's parents. It must be so painfull for them if they had read those comments on the DE. We are accused regularly of having utter disregard for K & G. Kicking them when they are down, is one of the accusations. I'm sure if Sarah and Jamie's parents and many others who have lost their little ones must be silently screaming inside at what the McCanns did in PDL, yet I've never seen one nasty or even negative comment in any of the papers from caring, decent parents who never left their children on their own, yet lost them anyway. :(
Last week also, a Welsh woman left her daughter for 6 weeks whilst she went abroad in persuit of romance. The daughter was 14, she left her £100 and a fridge full of food. She asked her ex and parents to keep an eye on her. She has been absolutely slated, and rightly too, but it seems ridiculous that the McCanns are supposed be somehow protected from scorn about what they did. As it turns out, the 14yr old girl moved her boyfriend in and carried on a sexual relationship with him. Wrong, also, but at least she is still here, she did it out of her own (but illegal) freedome of choice and I'm sure she hasn't really been damaged or traumatised.
She carried on doing normal teenage things, such as saving a little for school dinners and blowing the rest on clothes and cds.
The difference is that Maddie couldn't act rationally like this. She and the twins had no choice. They couldn't think "ah well, mum and dad have buggered off, lets take the money from mum's purse and go and buy ourselves a meal shall we? By the way, twins, I'll just change your nappies for you before we go out as i don't want you getting nappy-rash".
I don't mean that to downsize how serious it is but it does serve to show that some assumptions can be made for a teenager that can't be made for infants.
Maybe if her mother had been a doctor, she would not have been so pulicly chastised.
It seems there is one rule for higher mortals and abject abasement for the lesser ones!
Dyl x
"It will not be easy because they took time and advice to help them prepare for interviews," says an official of the British police explaining that the couple McCann and his friends have resorted to lawyers and others specialists to help them to prepare and organize.
Investigators, both in the United Kingdom and Portugal, were surprised by a report prepared by a group of specialists related to intelligence, which reveals details and the quality of the organization, which was created to Tower parents Madeleine and the group of friends who accompanied them during their stay in Portugal.
"This is not the work of parents. It's too professional for that is the work of a couple of doctors, are also intelligent they," says our source.
The report, conducted in conjunction with investigations of the Judicial Police, reveals that the machine McCann has nothing left to chance and that every movement on the ground, each voluntarily disclose information in certain media has been previously studied and prepared with objectives defined.
. Lawyers, consultants and image communication, former mercenaries, detectives, police officers, journalists, diplomats, politicians, scientists, among others, are part of a kind of well-oiled machine or the goal of finding Madeleine seems to have been overtaken by Another: guide and discredit the investigation. A working long allène which is a financial cost that goes far beyond the sums paid to the Fund Find Madeleine.
In practice it all began the night of the disappearance of the small British: the listing of calls from the Ocean Club and those of mobile phones used by Gerry and Kate revealed many curious recipients, far beyond the simple appeal to the family or the police.
(À suivre) (To be continued)
I posted this from sos maddie Lizzy 14.40
Hi Dyl,
Couldn't help reading your post, even though am currently burning late Sunday lunch.
I agree with you 100%. Every line. See you next time. Do check out the 3As site if it gets quiet here sometimes. I'm just reading it for the mo. Fascinating stuff, but it takes a little while to figure out how it works.Viv is good at explaining anything from there if her posters have queries re: law etc.
Ta ra for now.
Well done - I'm so glad you named and shamed a few thugs as a parting gesture. I gather from this site that Mandz (he or she?) is as contempible as ever; trying to make mileage out of the Jamie Bulger tragedy. Utterly despicable and bears no comparison whatsoever. A devoted, heartbroken mother totally free of suspicion.
Says it all - Mandz always loathed
my references to parallel cases such as Sarah Payne & the Sohom girls in which both 'prime' suspects were eventually arrested and imprisoned on vehicular DNA.
Did you read Mandz proclamation to me of how useless the cadavers were in Madeleine's case ? It was hilarious - she/he said she knew how unreliable they were because she/he trained them !!! A real psycho that one. DE did me a massive favour with permanent ban;
such vile, unhinged people there it still makes me shudder. Catch up again soon. 2.50 p.m.
Great post. All true. It should be published OFTEN everywhere.
See why I kept referring to it as the McCann Machine when I posted on the DE, and I know routinely say the McConns? Fact is stranger than fiction when it comes to this ongoing investigation. It's assisted when people like you highlight the bigger issues. I took a look at 3A site, and particularly like poster jeangenie's reminder, quoting George Orwell: 'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.'
Big_L on the DE would adore that quote too, I think.
See you next time,Lizzy.
Kind regards,
Lizzie, I'm intrigued.
Do you know when the tbc might be available?
Team McCann is indeed a very well oiled machine. I was stunned at the time also that their little "reunion" was allowed to go ahead. There shouldn't be an opportunity in an on-going case for the witness to meet and get their stories straight. If they had all told the truth in the first instance, this shouldn't have been neccessary. And, anyway, why the "reunion"? There's no happy, reminiscent memories to share!
Thanks for the info.
Dyl x
Hi, yes it depends which article one reads as to who is being interviewed...I suppose we will have to wait and see.
I just surmised that if Oldfield had already given his statement in Leicester and later in Portugal there would not be the necessity for a re-interview along with the rest.
Coldwater, with his sources continues to say that a Tapas 1 has not broken ranks.
By the way Docmac did confirm that the Tapas 1 did attend the secret meet at Rothley.
Wow! Thanks L3. I'm very flattered.
I do try to follow 3A but get very confused. Have an exam tomorrow and i'm popping back between revison scribbles. As from 2pm onwards tomorrow, i'll have a bit more time and will try to follow 3a.
Hope your lunch is ok! I'm envious you have people to burn lunch for!! My kids are at their father's this weekend and my husband's at work.
Bit billy-no-mates today. Sob!
Dylan x
My thoughts exactly and laws are made to apply to everyone. A headline caught my eye about 2 weeks ago whilst out shopping in our local evening paper. A father had shaken his baby to death and had received a 7 year prison sentence. He didn't receive Government protection, nor did he waste Police time in a cover up operation. The costs in this case pale into insignificance compared to the mind blowing costs to Portuguese & British taxpayers in this case.
The laws which applied to the man above apply to the parent responsible for the forensic evidence found in the apartment indicating Madeleine's death. That this should occur to the child of Doctors is even more damning. They not only broke their child's trust and need for protection, the medico responsible broke the Hypocratic Oath as well as the law of the land. 3.00 p.m.
Yes they did, didn't they?
It's frightening that we put our lives in their hands as doctors. (not all doctors - have the utmost respect for most of them). If they can't care enough about their own children, it scares me to think how much they care about their patients with whom they have no personal attachment to, for the most part.
I suppose, it's part of their motives that they have to "do a good job" tho and for money grabbing leaches, thankfully, it would place "customer care" high on their list of priorities.
I think that Gerry is only researching and not practising at the moment and at least he can't be neglectful in that. As i understand it, scientific research papers have to be peer reviewed and he wouldn't get away with shoddy work! No paper published - no fee! ;)
Dillie x
OK. Lunch incerated! And finally:
2345: The General Medical Council of the UK is aware of the 'odd' behaviour of the McCanns, and their fellow medics in Portugal. I hope the public write to the G.M.C.with their concerns about why doctors can leave infants alone, night after night in a foreign country and claim it is 'within the bounds of responsible parenting' - Gerry's words. Why doctors take money from the public, and use it to pay their mortgage twice last year. Why, why, why are doctors undermining their profession in the eyes of the public, and underminining the laws and customs of the UK?
Kind regards to you and yours, 2345
Oh dear, apologies if charred lunch is due to me distracting your culinary duties.
Dillie - I'm not convinced Gerry's mind is free to research anything much past his prime suspect status and heavy monitoring of this case.
Saving himself at the expense of others has been his main focus since 3 May. Can't imagine him having much time or interest in research for, presumably, the benfit of mankind, can you ?
My bet is he's been relegated to an NHS 'back office' pending legal outcomes. Everyone I know in NHS is astounded he wasn't suspended given the seriousness of the case. 4.10 p.m.
Hi Leigh,
I like your quote. Very good. The Mcconns name sums them up well. Speak to you soon.Lizzy 16.08
Hiya all - what a lot has been going on on this thread again - some great posts!
A friend just emailed this to me which I found highly amusing!
My assessment of Rosie and his alternative police case:
A person who has been accustomed to a degree of authority in life, but is precious,pompous, and arrogant, not wearing his authority lightly! Feels his self-esteem has been deeply wounded, is losing control and therefore needs to respond with verbosity!
As you get a mention 2345 - this person also considers you a considerable threat -= hence your removal. Wondered if you wanted to let us know what you think!
Luv Viv x
Will answer a few posts now
Have a good laugh:
17.02.08, 12:40pm
17.02.08, 3:48am
"Then is is too much coincidence to think that Mari Luz Cortez one AND A half hour's drive away from PDL in Huelva is connected?
The Police have not been able to make any connection, but still you persist as though you know better even than the police investigating the case - unlike Mari Luz they have managed to establish for certain Madeleine died in her parents' apartment. As far as I know Mari Luz parents are not under any suspicion of harming or neglecting their child - that is a very fundamental difference.
Also it is 120 miles from PDL to Huelva - you have been challenged on your claims before as to how quickly someone could possibly cover such a distance but it would be a really fast ride to do it in two hours, as you would know if you have any driving experience. You are not convincing anyone with spin or quoting from The Sun in an attempt to discredit Goncalo Amaral. No serious minded person would take your own or The Sun's claims seriously.
• Posted by: bestrest • Report Comment
I am not persisting with false information, however you clearly are and I will explain why I write this.
I *ask* is it too much of a coincidence to think that the disappearance of Madeleine could possibly linked with the disappearance of Mari, I do not say it is fact, I *ask* a question.
(try reading comments properly before commenting yourself)
You say the police have been unable to make a connection, but as the police have not ruled this out, I *ask* you to explain how you arrive at this conclusion? where have you seen this?
You castigate me for what you laughably and *incorrectly* term my false information and then make an incredibly bombastic statement such as this:
"they have managed to establish for certain Madeleine died in her parents' apartment"
By "they" I assume you mean the PJ. Again how do you know what the PJ have established for certain?
It is obvious you do not know and your comments therefor, are completely incorrect, totally false and written to intentional mislead. While you may fool some on here with your apocryphal comments, beware, because not everyone is that gullible and if you insist on making such comments, you will be challenged on them. It is simply not enough to come on here and make such unauthenticated comments, if you do, please provide evidence in support of your comments, or at least a reasoning as to why you think the way you do and what leads you to think/believe this.
Are you now challenging my driving experience? Why? You really do make a lot of risible statements. I actually know someone who has driven this road many times and I bow to their experience not your nescient comments. As for my driving experience, I have actually been driving regularly and many different types of vehicle, for about 34 years and you? What is your driving experience? Down to the sweet shop on your trike?
I am not spinning or quoting from the Sun about Goncalo Amaral or attempting to convince anyone, are you honestly that dazed as to think that I am actually trying to convince anyone on here? You seem to have a completely unrealistic view of what our little dubious coterie on here really is, believe me I never try to convince anyone about what I say, I say what I think and try to be honest about what I think or have to back up my comments.
As 'you' mention Goncalo Amaral (not I, 'you') I reported a piece of factual information from the Sun newspaper, which said that Goncalo Amaral was in court to face a judge over his involvement in the *alleged* cover up of the torture of Leona Cipriano and that he will discover in two weeks if he is to face charges. This is the truth and I await that news and will be looking out for it, a possible appeal in Portugal for Leona Cipriano rests on this decision, if Amaral is cleared her Portuguese lawyer Jaeo Grade will take this to the European Courts for Human Rights, where he has already registered her case.
My comments are my own, my views are my own and I thank the Daily Express for giving me a platform to air my views on this HYS, but I am not naive enough to believe my views and comments mean a jot to anyone on here, or that they play a part in the bigger picture of the tragic disappearance and most probable abduction of Madeleine.
You have a propensity for continually repeating the same erroneous comments and cannot seem to grasp the concept between fact and fiction ie you once said that the police were investigating a homicide, this is an incorrect statement, the police are investigating the *disappearance* of Madeleine, but you appear incapable of understanding the difference between these two statements to the point of incongruity.
In the above statement you state as if it is fact that the PJ "have managed to establish for certain that Madeleine died in that apartment" in other equally vapid statements made by you, you talk about a trial as if the McCann's have a court date.
It seems to go completely over your head that nothing has been established, the police are investigating a disappearance and not a homicide and that the McCann's have not even been charged.
I come to my conclusions based on the what little is known and make my assumptions on reasonable logic ie There will probably never be a trial because
(1) there probably is no evidence and I state that because if there were any such conclusive evidence that the Pj have which has allowed them to establish beyond reasonable doubt that Madeleine died in apartment 5a, then they would not now be messing around, they would have charged them and they would be in prison awaiting trial, while the Pj gathered further evidence. They simply would not allow this circus to harm further Portugal's image.
(2) The Portuguese authorities will never allow a trial to come to court on such spurious evidence, this case would attract the world's media and the McCann's would not be convicted and the harm such an outcome would do to Portugal in the eyes of the world is immeasurable, to say nothing of its EU membership and £2.8 billion tourist industry and to a country with a population of just under 11 million, this would be catastrophic. A court case of this magnitude would also bring out two other cases that Portugal doesn't want mentioned or played out on the world's stage Casa Pia and Leona Cipriano, which are both active and have the ability to do permanent damage to a country that depends on its tourist industry.
Another poster on here used to have your susceptibility for being unable to see the difference between fact and fiction and that was 2345.
• Posted by: Rosiepops
Oh and the time is 16.10 n.b. I actually know someone who has driven this road many times...ummmm bet you do! (between PDL and Huelva)
viv x
Hi Viv,
Was on the DE quite late last night,Rosie and her gang go their come uppance. I don't know if you look on the DE much now, but there is qute a new poster,called Bestrest, highly intelligent and very articulate.
She tied them in knots , they didn't know how to answer her questions, well worth staying up for. I hope she comes on here as always has interesting posts and has no time for the Pro's nonsense.
I also noticed that Rosiepops dived off when she questioned chinadoll, and was back on this morning with a post she has obviously had help with as there was none of her usual grammar errors. Amazing how threatened they feel with intelligent posters .Lizzy 16.13
HI Viv,
I have just noticed you have
spotted Rosiepops answer to the new poster Bestrest. Lizzy 16.15
Hiya Lizzie
I did have a look late last night and was very interested in the peculiar behaviour of Chinadoll. I know the other one is obviously a barmy drunk (Jane)and best ignored but CD seems to have mood swings and mental ill health together with a new slog where she mentions monsters - really quite scary.
It is good to sometimes see Rosie and co get seriously challenged including from Claudia, unfortunately the response from Rosie is to repeat what she has stated thousands of times or disappear and then come back and say "nothing gives me greater pleasure than to ignore them". This again leads me back to Gerry McCann - he wants to read his well prepared script and if anyone dares to challenge him he will bounce off - entirely the same behaviour as Rosiepops!
Viv x
Hi Viv,
Great to see you back! I hope you have been enjoying a lovely weekend.
I was just about to comment on plops' quote about her friend driving the road many times when i saw you had said the exact same thing i was about to! Jinx!
What a very revealing comment from his/her lordship!
dyl x
Hiya Dyl
I have had a lovely weekend thanks and nice to be back on here too!
Great minds think alike eh!
I think CD and Flops are increasingly dropping some incredibly Freudian slips amid their sheer desperation over the imminent return of the PJ. Must be a very scary situation to contemplate I suppose! CD even said one night on the DE
We did not neglect our children! They are increasingly personalising their "need to defend themselves". They try to give the aura this is just from other posters - now why would they need to do that!
Viv x
Thanks for interesting psychological profile of Rosie. His/her loathing of me was because of my repeated use of the f.......
word (forensics), specifically, the content of Jane Hill's report.
I also repeatedly asked a question which was never answered by Rosie or (his/her) mates - "In your view is forensic science relevant in a criminal investigation, specifically cases of missing children?"
Lack of response led me to refer to them as the 'anti forensic/Police brigade' - a fair enough conclusion to my mind.
I also aired my view that any commentator who had no interest in forensic evidence had no genuine interest in the case, or Madeleine's true fate.
I'm certain that the reason I was finally silenced in DE Forum was
verbatim transcript of FSS information given to BBC reporter Jane Hill. This has remained at the forefront of my mind throughout all muddying the water fiascos since 7 September.
I'm also convinced Leicester Police released the information as a wake up call to the public who were being conned into donating for a wholly unnecessary search.
Looking back, I was first suspended at the same time as you, Felicity. Our comrades in arms noticed we'd both vanished without trace for no apparent reason. I have a very good memory and it was
at the time well reasoned discussions were in flow regarding events in the apartment. In fact, Web Team told me my comments had 'upset people'. I asked for proof - others at that time were theorizing on gruesome dismembering techniques and theories and were not suspended !!
This confirmed that not only was the Forum heavily monitored, those close to or who had arrived at the truth by the process of deduction were being silenced and removed.
Supertroll's reaction to Jane Hill's report yesterday was a sharp warning re: libellous commenting. In response, I put S'troll swiftly into place; forensics remain a (literally) grave concern in camp McCann. Since being told a few home truths, the troll has scuttled off.
I took legal advice at the time of my first suspension because I believed, correctly, that I worked to DE rules. As this cases raises potentially libellous/slanderous issues, I never write anything for public consumption without the means of substantiating my comments in a Court of Law, if so required.
5.00 p.m.
Viv, yes i remember, she did, didn't she?! That was a HUGE slip!
I can't imagine why else they would keep defending them. Sure, i'd expect them to stick to their opinion that it was an abduction but not to keep persisting in defending negligence!
It's funny also, that they never have a genuine reason to offer as to the evidence of an abduction when asked. They just counter it with a another negative attack such as "well what evidence have you got if it wasn't?" and run away. Very strange behaviour!
I don't think I have ever read a decent, believable defence from the RPMcCann gang at all. Not even an allusion to the time-line, movements or who was and wasn't present. The one piece of evidence that was given once by the waiter who said he saw Gerry with Maddie eating dinner and playing on the beach on the 3rd, Gerry throws away saying he was never there - the fool!
Very glad you have been enjoying your weekend. You deserve a medal for the hard work you have done with your blog.
Wish the spring would come back again though. Freezing here!
Dyl x
Post from DX: REVILING
17.02.08, 2:29pm
"Got my usual weekly update from my friend this morning. He told me that there was still no reply from England regarding the rogatory letters. A fresh contact will be made by the Portuguese authorities next week to in order to obtain the status of the letters. The Polícia Judiciária have learned that the process sees the letters pass through four different government and police departments in London and Leicestershire, before final authorisation is communicated to Portugal.
I asked him if press reports, that only three of the seven friends are going to be questioned, were true. He reminded me that the letters contained the names of all friends as well as others who were in Praia da Luz at the time, including some who worked at the Ocean Club. He said that the exact number, as well as the names, of those who will be questioned is to be kept a closely guarded secret, suggesting that these reports did not have credible sources.
I was also told that there was a fresh round of questioning carried out in Portimão last week. These were all people who had strong links to the Ocean Club. I have been told they were Luis Antonio, Dan Groom, Jose Baptista, Silvia Batisa and John Hill. When asked the reasoning behind this, my friend stated that it was purely part of a “final elimination process”, but would not expand further, except to say that there would be further people questioned next week.
I asked him about the minister's comments during the week. He said that it was indeed true that the investigation is nearing a conclusion. When asked if this meant that the case would be shelved, he said "no, there is a world of difference between the two".
• Posted by: Dido • Report Comment
Hi Viv and All:
2345: add one burnt lunch to the list of offences you have committed!!! Just kidding. Happy to see you anytime. Ok. I burnt the lunch, but I'm blaming you anyway; ala McConns' tactics :-)
Viv re: Gerry. When I first looked at DE site last late summer/early Autumn, I thought Rosiepops' posts read exactly like a gay man from a big city; the sort of manipulative old Queen who is useful at work, entertaining socially, but no one wants to know him personally for any length of
time. A narcissistic control freak, basically. Useful, entertaining, but to be avoided otherwise.
'It' Rosiepops is exposed as a bare faced liar and manipulator because of the 'inconsistencies' and 'contradictions' in it's posts, and profile. Profile: a man. Posts: a harmless granny. Profile: loves birds, only the feathered kind, 'it' says. Posts: a misanthropist of every kind except those 'it' can dominate...like drunk Jane, unstable CD, pretentious thug Laz the gas et al. Mandz is RP pal/another McCann mechanic.
I hope you saw Lizzy's post re: McCann machine today, and the longer post yesterday. V revealing. V true.
Gerry McCann, the 'pet' of a large family as his sis Philomena describes him, could not father children; Madeleine and the twins came via IVF. Gerry McCann, the indulged 'pet' likes control; likes dominance. Some posters on the DE site and elsewhere express Gerry's frustration, in my view. His need to dominate and control even as the world refuses to treat him as an adored 'pet', and demands that he face the tests placed on any man or woman - the rest of telling the truth, and being answerable for the consequences of his actions.
Gerry McConn. Name suits him well.
Rosiepops the Madame of a House of Ill Repute, built over the dead body of one lil girl Madeleine...enticing others to service Gerry McConn's ego.
Rosiepops the Chief Thug. Gerry McConn her paymaster...in cash or kind. 'It' is livid when posters ignore or outwit their persistent lies.
Bestrest became my favourite DE poster immediately she appeared. Am glad you see her value in pursuit of Justice for Madeleine, and the truth.
Interesting points being made about Gerry McCann being allowed to continue at work but relegated to a back office doing research. This is similar to the SSD not removing the twins. I do think there has been some deference to the McCanns allowing them to maintain their positions whilst being investigated. Clearly if the children had been removed or the NHS had sacked Gerry McCann this would have looked very bad for them. Interesting also that Kate has been so adamant, apparently, she does not want to go back to work. Maybe someone suggested she should not go back! This could be to do with her mental health or it oculd be more sinister than that.
I also noted Gerry McCann does not have any published research. If the standards of writing of Rosie are anything to go by I am not surprised. What about referencing your sources - No he just trots out The Sun newspaper and does not even admit that is where it came from! Hardly an academic source...
Viv x
Just to clarify: my previous post pertains to RP, not gays or lesbians. I work in a big city, and know many gays and lesbians who would shun RP because 'it' lacks genuine compassion; 'it' just manipulates and abuses anyone who disagrees with 'it'. My gay friends agree that inhumanity of RPs kind is tolerated in the world today, but it is to be challenged whenever possible.
Just thought I'd better clarify.
The troll scuttled off to the park with loved ones as it is a lovely day today. Cold but crisp and clear.
supertroll is back now.
I am definitely not an anti forensics person, I find this very funny.
No forensic scientist worth his/her salt would comment on unsubstantiated reports regarding an ongoing case.
If they are true then there is room for an opinion and conclusions can be made, but since they have not been officially confirmed no credence can be given to news put mainly by 'tabloids' from the two countries who know that the more gruesome the news the more copies will be sold.
I know that some of you will try again to ram down my throat the Jane Hill report, but then you can also tell me why was it never reported again if it was true.
As for my identity and that of all the supposed 'pros' you have all got it so wrong that if your theories on the McCann saga are anything to go by then this is pure fairyland.
Then S'troll on back to the park, and leave the fantasies to your paymasters. The unauthorised version of events surrounding poor lil Maddie's 'disappearance' is being investigated throughly by the PJ, British Police, FSS, child protection agencies and...much to Clarence's chagrin...quiet, ruthless investigative journalists.
Criminal court and/or libel court. Your paymasters will get their time in court...and jail.
Have a nice day!
How do you know we are wrong about the identities of the pros?....
Glad you enjoyed your day in the sun.
Unfortunately for your case the information leaked by Portuguese police is not unsubstantiated. This includes details of forensic evidence found in the apartment and the hire car. Whilst the Portuguese authorities have expressed their regret at these leaks they have certainly not denied their accuracy.
Additionally I am sure you wiii agree there are many types of forensic evidence - here is another example (from The Times) that clearly indicates the guilt of the McCanns in falsely staging an abduction scenario:
Was there anything strange about the room after Madeleine disappeared?
Mrs McCann was sure Madeleine had been abducted because the bedroom window was open and the security shutter was forced open, a source close to the family has insisted. Tests on the shutter showed no sign of forced entry. However, another friend claimed yesterday that the shutter had been left open.
When people repeatedly lie and change their story that provides clear evidence of guilt. Innocent people to not need to lie and get their friends/family to dissemble on their behalf.
Certain media stories going to the heart of the criminal investigation of the McCanns have to be removed from the public domain to protect the integrity of the investigation and the proper administration of justice. As 2345 has explained, posters such as she and myself were removed by the Daily Express for that very reason.
Those who bleat about false abduction theories are obviously harmless unless of course their name is Kate and Gerry McCann.
As for your own identify - you certainly fit the generic profile now clearly attributed to Team McCann - abusive, unpleasant and dishonest.
Viv x
Just as I know that Viv is different to the other posters here and that you and Irene are not the same person.
I believe that Irene is another troll posting here, and a far better one than I could ever wish to be.
No offence meant Irene, good work!
Troll, unless you are prime minister Gordon Brown, I do not care who you are.
What you are here and there for is quite clear. What is in the name? It is what you do matters. And what you do is yucky.
I just did a search on science direct to see if he has any papers published in Elsevier. I tried cardiac, heart and surgery etc as key words. The only paper i found is this one:
Extent of Myocardial Infarction and Reverse Remodeling Assessed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Patients With and Without Right Bundle Branch Block Following Alcohol Septal Ablation for Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
The American Journal of Cardiology, Volume 99, Issue 4, 15 February 2007, Pages 563-567
Gerald P. McCann, Willem G. Van Dockum, Aernout M. Beek, Robin Nijveldt, Folkert J. Ten Cate, Jurrien M. Ten Berg and Albert C. Van Rossum
Is he Gerald P McCann?
If not, I'm very surprised he hasn't a paper puplished by elsvier's huge umbrella of scientific journals.
Doctors are supposed to keep up with there research, i'm sure!
Docmac - wish you were here to help!
Dyl x
Irene I admire you very much.
I am not different to the rest of the posters that choose to come here - aside from you and a few other trolls - probably also you.
I am educated, well-informed and have a very firm belief in the police case against Kate and Gerry McCann - in that respect, as the quality of posting will demonstrate we are on similar ground.
If you persist in using the same childish technique as we see on the lamentable Daily Express blog - misquoting people's names - regardless of what the rest of your post says it will go. It is pesty, nasty and childish. Stop it or face the consequences.
Viv x
And troll you are unhappy, unloved, miserable. You like hurting the others. And you are as irrelevant to this forum as McCanns find Madeleine campaign to the death of Madeleine
Me again having read Rosie's lengthy reply to Bestrest. It's tone and format is identical to a firm 'telling off' DE Forum commentators received from 'Seawitch' (C - witch - Clarence) a couple of months' ago.
Interestingly, this occurred at a time when the puppets were being knocked sideways by rational intelligent argument. The Headmaster stepped in and was also knocked sideways.
The word 'death' and forensic evidence indicating/supporting it continues to enrage, hence 2345 being mentioned. It's odd that at times Clarrie makes comments of acceptance - "if she's dead she's dead but not by their hands".
As a matter of interest, I looked up the definition of "spin" -
"To draw out and twist, to prolong" and "An invention from one's imagination". Brith Government's & Clarence's forte.
Truth on the other hand is absolute and truth will always out.
6.00 p.m.
'Blood was definitely Maddie's'
Blood found in a car hired by her parents weeks after she disappeared definitely came from the British girl, it was reported yesterday.
The Portuguese newspaper Correio da Manha cited police sources as saying new tests on blood found in the hire car conclusively showed it was Madeleine's.
"The definitive result of the tests leave no doubts for the Policia Judiciaria. The blood found in the McCanns' car is that of Madeleine as well as those samples detected in the flat," the paper said.
This article was printed a few days.
Sweet Madeleine,all she is, is a Ltd., Co., and big business.
Is this the love of parents, who treat their daughters memory in this fashion.Not in my book.
Our Russian friend in Ireland. Clearly, you are liked and respected here, and elsewhere, unlike Troll. Troll is lonely. Best leave Troll to contemplate the error of it's ways, I think.
See you next time, Irina, and look forward to your informative posts, as always.
Kind regards,
Troll, please take a cold shower!
I'm sure Irina can resist your amorous advances!
Your opinion is welcome but your insults are not. I for one am glad to discuss/debate on the case no matter how opposing your views are. So long as you can back up WHY you have your views. This is a forum for grown-ups. It is also for free speech. Please try to stay away from grounds of being deleted & I'm sure you can then "speak".
Irina is certainly not a troll. If she were, she'd be on your blog, now, wouldn't she?
2345 good for you. Glad you are sticking to your substantiated guns!
Dyl x
Am supposed to be going out, but just seen your excellent reminder re: blood id match to Maddie. Clarence tried to bury that story. Remember it was swiftly followed by the Maddie the Movie story? It was an 'exclusive' in the London Evening Standard, genuinely, but it was useful for CMs purposes too, and that's why many overlooked the significance of the blood id report, imo.
See you soon. BTW: I looked at 3As today for first time. Cool site, yes?
Ta ra. xo
Hi 2345
Thanks for the definition of spin - which so neatly sums up Team McCanns conduct of this matter since Sep 07
to draw out, twist and prolong.
The have repeatedly sought to bombard the public with false information to cause them so much confusion the desired comment is elicited from some:
"well I don't know what to believe now, I am so confused".
WE have seen the 7000 posts of Rosie where he repeatedly seeks to give his own twisted interpretation with frequent "links" made to wholly unconnected events or pure figments of their creative imaginations ..the abduction of Mari Luz..the repeated insistence of what a short drive it is to Huelva??, their in depth "investigation" of Murat and his family; a series of "sightings" followed by a series of "creepy men".
There are many people who can cut through this trivia and recognise it for what it is - an attempt to insist the police look elsewhere, an attempt to waste police time, overhwelmingly an attempt to confuse the public and get them back on the McCanns side. The abject failure of this campaign demonstrates just how many intelligent people there are.
The final part of your definition - delay - well yes indeed. The McCanns want time to prepare their defence and then endlessly complain about the delay whilst so much has been put in the way of this matter proceeding. I think we have made plain to Gordon Brown we are not going to tolerate this!
It's standard practice for the British Police to liaise with and inform BBC of imminent developments in serious criminal investigations. FSS information was in the hands of Leicester Police prior to it being handed to the PJ for interviewing the McCanns.
The British Police released the following FSS information as a wake up call to the British public who were being duped into giving money under false pretences :
"An early forensic report is alleged to have mentioned a certain blood spray ... commensurate with a certain type of broken larynx ... some DNA samples found related to cerebal fluids indicates a broken neck or fractured skull". Also "Sousa himself told of this very fine mist of spray that was found in the apartment.
The decision to release FSS information to the British public (not Portguguese via PJ) was because the case involved the death and disappearance of a 3 year old British girl whose parents had been interviewed and named prime suspects.
Leicester Police acted in the best interests of the British public; they were not bound by the secrecy laws applicable to PJ. Hence the damning forensic evidence on video record and in Police files.
The prime suspects in the Sarah Payne & Sohom schoolgirls cases were interviewed and released. Following compilation of DNA evidence from vehicles in which the corpses were driven, along with mobile phone tracking technology, the prime suspects were reinterviewed, charged, tried and imprisoned.
As substantiated facts in this case make you uncomfortable and you have nothing constructive to discuss, I suggest tele sales is more your forte 6.15 p.m.
Hi all,
Maybe we see another little spin technique going on here trying to isolate and divide.
I think CD has been given some lessons in this. Did anyone notice her being exceptionally nice to Portuguese Athena whilst continuing the unpleasant attacks on Claudia and Alsabella. It is not difficult to see what they are about!
Viv x
Auntie Viv
I do not use spin and I do not repeatedly seek to bombard the public with false information to cause confusion. People are already confused enough here.
I do not give false information, just opinions on what I believe is or isn't true and opinions on people who seem to spend most of their lives attacking two grieving parents who are innocent until proven guilty.
Thank you .. exactly. No amount of lies, spin, threat, bullying, intimidation bribery and corruption is going to alter the hard unpalatable forensic FACTS.
Madeleine died in her parents' apartment on or around 3 May.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. IF no damning forensic evidence existed or had been presented to the McCanns on 7 September, they would have stayed and cleared their miserable names.
They took fright and ran ......
I must run and rescue an over cooked chicken and roasties !!
Catch you tomorrow, enjoy your evening and posts. 6.20 p.m.
Do everyone, including yourself, a huge favour and shove off.
Twist, spin, lie and misconstrue is incredibly boring and is the limit of your mentality.
Your efforts to undermine the unity and mutual focus in this Forum is a complete waste of time.
Your presence only serves to confirm the stress levels in camp McCann. 6.3 p.m.
Hiya 2345 - very well said:-)
That last post was a facsimile of dear Rosie!
I see we have Claris's usual Sunday portion of spin in the Daily Mail - seeking to link snatches off the street in Northern Portugal.
I was amused he does not want to comment on Kate's earlier claim that she would like to work for a child care charity - bad spin eh!! Could it be even Claris does not think the public liked the idea too much?? What remarkable perception!
extract today's Daily Mail after a load of detail about completely unconnected events, as usual!
McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "There is no suggestion of a direct connection but it shows that this sort of thing can occur in Portugal.
"We would hope the Portuguese police are investigating this as thoroughly as we hope they still are in the search for Madeleine."
But he refused to comment about claims that Kate McCann had decided to quit her work as a locum GP permanently, in order to work for children's charities.
He said: "Kate and Gerry are talking to non-government organisations and child welfare groups, but her priority is the search for Madeleine and looking after the twins."
The couple want to campaign for a Europe-wide alert system for missing children, like the amber alert system in place in the U.S.
Mrs McCann, 39, has not returned to work since Madeleine's disappearance in May and has told friends she would like to work for children's charities.
Her cardiology consultant husband Gerry, also 39, has already returned to his £75,000-a-year post at Leicester's Glenfields Hospital.
A source close to the couple told the People newspaper: "Kate feels after all she's been through she has lots to offer child organisations.
"She wants to help others who are going through what she has been through. Many people have come forward in support of her and Gerry and she will never forget that."
The McCanns attended a lunch for Missing Children Europe last week and they have both met with officials from the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children and the Centre for Child Exploitation and Online Protection.
Mrs McCann's mother Susan Healy, 61, told the People: "It is definite now. One of her main goals in life is to work with children and assist with child safety."
Supertroll - as you say there is no explanation and there is no apology from either of them - not just Kate. She will never be cleared of involvement in her daughter's death! They are abusive uncaring parents - as they so clearly demonstrated and continue to do. They could have speeded up this enquiry no end by jumping on a plane and co-operating if they really wanted to find her. They could also have taken a lie detector test to demonstrate their "innocence".
The fact that they do neither leads people to the inevitable conclusion and firm belief in the police homicide investigtion of them. Mr Rebelo did not bring in murder detectives for no good reason, did he?
Viv x
I am not impressed with her desire to work for childrens charities.
It would have served her better to give talks to all the negligent parents,warning of the dangers of leaving children alone.
And to contradict CM, that not all parents do this.And to admit they were wrong, that they were told it was in the realms of responsible parenting.
But alas, they are to arrogant to admit this.
No reputable children's charity in the UK would want to be associated with the McCanns, ever.
Their explanations may be useful as mitigation in court, but they are irrelevant elsewhere.
Their behaviour in Portugal is an offence against the principles of major child welfare organisations.
Innocent until proven guilty applies to court proceedings. There is enough evidence for the ongoing investigation of the McCanns and others for self-confessed child neglectd, and other more serious alleged offences.
The UK Charities Commission is aware of the McCanns fundraising. So are the police. Time will tell.
Absence of evidence is no evidence of absence, particularly when it comes to the public domain.
A pleasure to read you all again.
Good night :-)
For clarity: the McCanns' fundraising is not a charity. It is a private company which gives financial support for the family as a key objective, ahead of any charitable donation IF there is any surplus money.
Strange they appointed corporate fraud specialists Metodo3 in Spain to search for Maddie. Strange they used public money to make mortgage payments on their own home in the UK.
Not so strange that they attack anyone who questions their version of events, including our paid public servants: the police etc.
The truth will out, in time, I think.
Ta ra for now Friends of Madeleine.
Leigh - good point - what Childrens Charity would be interested in their support? What would the Social Services say to her if she asked if she could re-train to be a social worker on child protection cases!
Supertroll - it is interesting you dont give a link to your blog - is that because you like to threaten people? I would invite you to let us have a link so that we can read all the responses you get to your deleted posts. That would be extremely interesting. In the meantime I will continue in my belief that you just like to stalk and bully people and, as such, are a very disturbed person.
Given the censorship and the lack of freedom of expression which rules in the Justice for Maddie site, I have decided to print every single deleted post in my blog so that people are able to make up their own minds.
I want to invite everyone who experiences the same problems to feel free to post here their deleted posts.
We will not be silenced.
Unspinning Clarences spin, a daily occurrence, tells us Kate has lost her position as a GP. Her status as prime suspect is undoubtedly the reason.
The fact that she will not be seeking paid employment elsewhere raises the question of how Gerry is managing a massive mortgage on a single income. this ws probably obtained on the strength of Kate's £35K p.a. income ? syphoning off Fund proceeds.
No respectable charity would associate themselves with the prime suspect in the death or disappearance of their daughter.
Presumably Kate has it in mind to dump the twins in a creche in the process.
I doubt any other mother has been in Kate's position. Either she or Gerry are responsible for the forensic evidence in the apartment, vehicle and elsewhere.
She is, therefore, in no position to advise innocent parents, nor become involved with other vulnerable children.
Sarah Payne's mother has just been on the news; she instigated a campaign for the public to have access to known paedophiles residing in the area. Sarah's abductor/killer was known to the Police, but not the general public.
Had she and her husband known about this man, perhaps she would not have let Sarah out play in the wheat field with her older brothers. Poor soul, sad to see her grief again, having mentioned the case here today.
Has quadruple personality trolly boy taken his leave ? 8.30 p.m.
Night L3.
Many great points of view from you as usual. Sleep well.
No one is interested in your deleted posts, here there or anywhere else. Grow up and get a life .... 7.45 p.m.
Sorry everyone
ha ha supertroll - that was a good laugh ONE COMMENT ! You are a sad lonely little blogger arn't you.
Sod off would not bother to read you again - you are just pathetic!
A blog for three of your deleted posts - get some help!
Viv x
That is a coincidence about Sarah Payne's mother being on the news today.
The naming and shaming thing is a really sticky subject. Some people say that it is a violation of the offenders' rights to have them N&S. They are attacked assaulted when their addresses become known.
Personally, i would like to know. I don't let my youngest play on the street on her own at all & even if i knew there was no offender on my street, i still wouldn't. I would still like to know, though. As much as the thought of it creeps me out, i could maybe be even more dilligent and it may stop parents who do let their children play out alone.
I am in favour of chemical or physical castration also, although I have heard that it's not "fool proof".
Re Kate, I couldn't believe her gumption in revealing she wants to work with child protection. Absolutely no way!
Dyl x
Hello again you have a 14 year old angel as well then... My daughter is lovely but is at the stage when she thinks she is fat (size 6) ugly (a few spots but not many)and hates her hair (long blonde and shiney)makes me smile I remeber saying the same when I had a figure to die for LOL...
The youngest is now at senior school but is still very much a little girl dont think it will last much longer once the hormones kick in things can only get worse LOL my poor Husband is out numbered by His 3 girls (but he loves it really)...
We have had a lovely weekend not doing anything much but the 4 of us went out and about together and laughed so much. Went shopping bought new jeans and tops and have spent the afternoon going through old pictures very chilled...
We are blessed to have children and they are only children for a short while until you are forced to accept they have grown up and they want to be independent... Lots of years to do what we want to do and wonder where the years went...
Hope, how true that is! I'm dreading that day! Ryan's nearly 6ft tall now and protects me from nasty wasps (which i have a phobia of) and then coolly pats me on the head afterwards - outrageous behaviour! The little monkey!
Laura has to have everything perfect, her bedroom, her make-up, her trousers can't be too baggy, too tight, too ankle swingy, too flared at the bottom, too loose at the top. She pinches some of my clothes when she likes them but i'm not allowed to pinch hers "incase i stretch them"! lol! I suppose i should be flattered she likes my clothes!
Your daughter sounds like she is endowed with the good fortune of looks but doesn't accept it! It's nice that she is modest but typical woman for not liking anything about herself! If we have straight hair we want it curly, curly we want it straight. We want to be tall, short, bigger in the chest department - smaller, goodness! Can you imagine what it would be like if men were just as complicated ;)
They do tend to have a brief period of rebellious independence but they always tie themselves back onto the apron strings. My mum is still very much my "mummy". Poor lady!
And just when you think you have finally got a break from child rearing - along come the grand children! How wonderful is that? I can't wait!
Dyl x
(Supertroll, I have heard that before.
"I'm a born & bred Englishman who feels totally disillusioned with the state of my homeland! ")
Hello everyone.
Been away for the day. Nice sunshine here in Ireland for a change.
This is the first weekend without Clarence spin. So peaceful.
McCann machine seems got to the holt.
I do not think this machine was build to defend child killers, but to try to avoid the exposure of something we only could guess about.
Now that the charge is obviously imminent, weather T1 came out or not (as it was stated in December: there enough to prosecute without questioning) - the machine started to think if they want to get involved in dirty business of child murder.
Obviously some play will go on as it is difficult to stop the train in full speed. Like lawyers will give their best advice, the relatives will continue to moan, Clarence will make the last stand: I just did my job.
But will Gov. continue? Will press put their heads for murderers?
Will double glazed would wont to burn in hell?
I think the machine is being dismantled now, but for some days public will be fooled, especially if there will be delay from Home Office, Clarence will fill the gap.
It's a very delicate subject. As my husband wisely pointed out naming paedophiles can lead to persecution. However, in the animal kingdom rules dictate notices advertise "Bull - Beware" and "Beware - Guard Dogs", i.e. potential public menace. Paedophile's have no option but kill their victim after horrendous abuse. They are, therefore, as dangerous as any untamed animal.
I think the public have the right to know of any potential dangers in their neighbourhood, especially those which may threaten children.
Our youngest offspring is 25, but concerns for our childrens' safety and wellbeing never lessen, whatever their age. They're our flesh and blood for ever aren't they? 8.45 p.m.
I have only just got started.
Don't worry, there will be more to come...
You sound angry Viv,
is it because a loss of control brings rage?
2345, Dylan,
RE: pedophiles
I think that prime concern should be of children.
Society should make up their mind if pedophilia a disease - lock them up and treat. If it is untreatable at present and the statistic says they reefed - lock them up. If society does not know yet what it is - lock them up until you know, to protect the children.
Children are not responsible for nature or upbringing of those pedophiles, which screwed them up.
We isolate tuberculoses, should isolate pedophiles. I would gladly pay additional bit of tax for it.
2345 it is a wise comment from your husband. There would be persecution. Have to be carefull in the case of a mix-up too. There was some poor paediatrician that fell into being persecuted just because some ignorant citizens got his title mixed up with the obvious. It's all very dangerous ground. I've heard that child molesters/abusers come into some nasty beatings in prison too - & that's from fellow criminals!
Still, I would want to know. I can be responsible for whether i would chose to harass that person but i couldn't control others. Don't know what the answer is. If we didn't have such prison space problems, i would advocate they are locked up for good. There is never any guarantee that they are "reformed" and won't re-offend.
So far, the system that is in place today such as with electronic tagging, has been reported as not very successful. Neither is counselling. These people (animals is a better description as they claim they cannot help themselves - therefor it's instinct centred) say themselves that they realise it is wrong but can't say 100% that if the right temptation came accross their path, they might not be able to resist. A whole can of worms...
Having a break to watch tele now. Revision is doing my head in!
Dylan x
How many pedophiles are there anyway?
One little sanatorium with the workshop will do I think.
They are sick and dangerous.
As to myself, I watch my daughter like a hawk. There is always possibility of danger, if child is not cared for or parent is not careful. From ancient times children were protected from strangers by parents (re: folklore).
But if it is known that the person heart the child - I see no question- lock him up.
I agree with your concern of mix up. That is why it should not be left for the public to watch pedophiles. It is responsibility of a state. What good for me to know he is my neighbor? To leave in fear? To move? To fight? What if he is 6 ft and 100 kg? What if he is cunning and ruthless? What if he has "Maxine" to help?
State should be brave to make the decision and isolate them.
Naming them is step forward of course, but that is like saying: By the way there is a murderer leaving next door, deal with it. My first reaction (and second) will be lynch him.
Dylan, Good luck with exams tomorrow.
I am off, hope for good news on Madeleine case, but in any case she will get the justice.
Good night everybody.
You've entered the frustration stage displayed by inferior beings. Your threatening ego is getting the better of you ... get professional help with your self destructive problem. You're such a bore. 9.15 p.m.
Your description of trousers sums it up in a nutshell we looked at every type of jeans posible today until she was satisfied (well nearly)....
Nice to have a tall son to protect you I keep telling mine that even when they are taller I will still tell them off (might ask them to sit down though)...
My Mum still worries about me and we have a really good relationship. I am an only child so get confused when the girls bicker and fall out only to be best friends a few minutes later...
I have just been reading posts I agree with you about castration I think all child abusers should be chemically castrated.
I was watching a program about it and in a prison in the states it is voluntery (and think it helps the chance of release) it takes away the urge to harm children (well not sure if that is right all of the time)...
Point is Peadophiles think there is nothing wrong with what they do they actually think it is healthy and children like it. It is not healthy for a billion reasons but they see it as the same as likeing leather or satin in the bedroom or being gay it is just a choice.
This is why they are so dangerous they really believe what they do is normal. If they were castrated it would remove the urge to hurt children...
But I guess the human rights of a Peadophile out weigh the human rights of a child..
Not sure about Sarahs Law I am sure it may help but I would hate for any one to assume they are safe as so many peadophiles never get caught and to say to a child dont go near that man but that one is ok is dangerous...
What a sad world we live in...
Hope your exams go well - goodnight to you both. 9.17 p.m.
Good Luck with your Exams tomorrow in case I miss you xxx
Hi Dylan, 2345, Irina and H4T
I am living in a small greek village where everyone knows eachother.
We had a case here, 15years ago, a man from a respected family raping a boy from a very poor family. The family of the rapist paid the victims family to make them keep the incident secret from the law, and got the rapist locked up in a privat institution.
2 years ago my mother was walking in the village with my youngest son (then 3years). A strange looking man approced them and said "hello sweetie" in a very unpleasant way to my son. My mother took her grandchild and run to our house, shivering of fear, to ask my housband who this man was (as a norwegian she does not know all the inhabitants). It turned out beeing the rapist from 13 years back, wich the family obiosly thought was "cured", and had brought back to the village. My housband went to talk to the family-members, and they sent the rapist straight back to the institution...
If this man 15 years ago had raped a boy from a family better of, he would have been killed, and the police would probably have seen it as an "accident"...
Thats how they handle pedophiles here...
Our fear is in the summer when all the tourists arrives. We keep the children in invisable strings then.
Oh, when I'm in to the tourism-track. I have been working within that field for 20years, and I have NEVER seen parents leaving their children in a hotel-room to go out for drinks! Most parents enjoy a drink or two in company with their children (which child does not love to get a juice decorated with all kind of fancy stuff!), then they go home when the youngest ones have had enough (or they leave them to sleep in their push-prams).
Good luck tomorrow Dylan, and goodnight to everybody.
Niki 00.23 Greek time
Dah! pressed post without posting anything! Silly girl that i am.
H4T & Irina,
Thanks for sharing thoughts on such an immotive subject. Thankfully, i'm not on a board or panel that has to make that decision. I don't think i could. I'd have to follow my gut feelings and not my head.
H4T, lol re jeans! Now we were never like that in our day were we? ;)
Thanks for the good wishes. I'll do my best tomorrow but too tired to work anymore now!
Goonight all
Take care and sleep well.
Dillie x
Sorry Niki,
Just noticed your post and didn't want you to think i am ignoring you.
You tell a very interesting story. We used to have communities like yours generations ago. They have all but collapsed now and we hardly even know our neighbours, let alone look out for them. It's very sad. I wish we could bring back street parties!
I think what you say about the victim having been from a rich family is true. In a close knit community, people look out for each other but money buys power & protection.
I am very, very glad to hear that you have never seen parents abandon their children for a night out. The McCanns are not representative of the average british parent either, in their neglect. I would hate to think that these two were seen as the epitome of English parenting skills or any other nation's for that matter.
There seems to be quite a bit of racial hatred amongst the pros. Mandz on DE has said some apalling things about Portugal recently.
She considers the country "unsafe". That's a shameful thing to say and comes straight from the mind of a bigot.
Thanks for your kind wishes too!
I'd like to hear more things about where you live. I had a Greek friend from uni - she was brill! She taught me some Greek recipes. I wish i hadn't lost touch with her.
Goodnight x
Hiya all
I am pleased to see the thread goes well again and have just read all your comments with great interest. I will leave supertroll's remarks been as though were so well dealt with:-)
Great post on the DE from mtoosa who also posts on here. I hope the Cortez family sue them. I do not know why the abusive McCann machine think they can continue to use and abuse anyone that happens along. This family are obviously in deep distress and difficult and my heart really does go out to them. How much backing and support do they have? It is really awful, that they are genuine and have to even sell their home. Why didnt the McCanns give them some money? They never do anything that looks anything like them being humanitarians does they - just self-serving evil criminals!
Viv x 00.02 18/2
17.02.08, 11:53pm
Family of Mari Luz threatens McCann with legal action
telephone nº is out of service
The family of Mari Luz Cortes, the small Spanish children disappeared since January 13 in Huelva, requested that the posters or her photo figure side-by-side with Madeleine McCann no longer be distributed and even considers the possibility of bringing a legal action against Kate and Gerry McCann if their requirement is not respected.
Juan Jose the Cortes, father of Mari Luz , said today that to mix the disappearance of Madeleine with that of her daughter “is not a convenient strategy,” reaffirming that he has never given its consent to the posters creates by the McCann family.
“They are two completely different cases with completely distinct ways of investigation,” said the father of Mari Luz at the exit of a meeting with the President of the Self government of Andalusia.
Size A3, the 18.000 posters announced by the person in charge in public relations of the McCann couple, Clarence Mitchell, for total costs of more than 4.000 euros, indicate a contact number for reporting information about Mari Luz which is out of service
From SOS Maddie,Duarte levy
• Posted by: mtoosa
By the way, the racist bigotry subsided tonight whilst they had a good rake over another of their pet hates - me!
When are they ever going to learn just how horrible they sound to normal people?
Viv x
Irina and Niki,
Lock 'em up. I agree with you. There is no known rehabilitation for paedophiles. Their recidivist rate is high, and society sacrifices children for the sake of our politically correct need to think/experiment with society, and insist that we have civilised ways of reforming paedophiles. We don't, and children are the victims of society's PC conceit, imo.
Viv and 2345: time. Time is what is needed now, imo.
DE dolts attack anything that upsets their little plan.
Plan? The plan is very Stalinist. Thought police. We're seeing George Orwell's 1984 premonition come true in front of our very eyes.
McCann mechanics are tiny cogs in a grinding machine that seeks to protect its own, and crush any dissent.
Not democracy, is it? Not free speech. Not decency. It's just a tiny tribe from Scotland, using 'contacts' to protect their dysfunctional ways.
The U.N. says UK children are the unhappiest in the Western world. Look at the Tapas10...10...and it's obvious why the Western world thinks some English people are just plain weird, and a danger to everyone else.
Hi Viv,
Re: parents of Mari Luz.
Libel court is the place where some wrong doers will be exposed, imo, regardless of whether the Luz parents pursue the McCanns, and their mechanics. Others are likely to do so because of outrageous defamation committed by the McCann Machine of media manipulators.
On a petty note: I like U2 on DE because of his rationale and wit. I tried to warn him about libel, but he still frets and whinges about the fact he had to change his original name. Petty. Dim. McCann unique 'victim' status.
Ya just can't help some folk!!! They'll bite the hand that assists them.
Hey ho. A libel court it will be, for some :-) Not U2, bright but no doubt poor lad, that he is, but others who do have property and assets to pay. They were warned. Mark Warner,for example, is unlikely to allow libellous comments to go unpunished once the initial investigation deals with the McCanns, and their immediate contacts.
Hiya Leigh
Interesting post again - U2 was almost pleasant but has now bowed out I see of his own volition. Maybe even he recoiled in horror at their abusive behaviour!
I think the biggest threat to the McCanns in a libel court is Mr Murat. They way he has been libelled on the Daily Express by Christabel, Rosiepops and Co is quite extraordinary. Additionally, if it is found that he was just set up by McCann and their mates - he is going to get massive backing from the media and will want to be avenged IMO! Maybe he will not bother with libel action because he will make so much dosh and the McCanns house is mortgaged up to the hilt/they wil be in jail - so not much dosh to go for there - plus they are on a wild spending spree of the fund!
Goncalo Amaral will be avenged in his own quiet and lovely way when he sees these two in court!
Nite nite my friend
Viv x
THE grandmother of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann yesterday said the family’s torment is like “being crucified day to day”.
And Susan Healey, 62, pleaded with people to stop criticising her family.
She said: “It is almost like being crucified day to day.
“I read the most stupid things about Kate not crying enough or whatever.”
She added: “Kate and Gerry know they made a mistake and shouldn’t have left the children, they know that, but they certainly don’t deserve what has happened to them.
“If the Portuguese can’t find out what happened to
Madeleine, we have to find out. There is no way Madeleine will fade into insignificance.”
Mrs Healey, the mother of 39-year-old Kate McCann, spoke of the family’s need to know what happened to Madeleine, who disappeared while on a family holiday in Praia da Luz, Portugal in May last year.
Mrs McCann and her Glasgow-born surgeon husband Gerry remain arguidos – official suspects – despite Portugal’s top policeman saying two weeks ago that their arrest had been hasty.
Mrs Healey, a civil servant, who lives in Liverpool with her husband Brian, said: “We will go on fighting for justice. It is a ridiculous situation.
“If they think we are going to sit by and not have this stupid arguido status lifted, then we will fight to lift it.
“We want Madeleine back and we want to find out what happened to her. There is nothing in place to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
http://news.scotsman.com/uk/Torment-of- ... 3786700.jp
Well Well WELL
They did not make a mistake did they? It was premeditated neglect 5nights in a row.
And they have crucified many people in the last few months to save their own skin,how about some sympathy for the lives they have wrecked.
I know you are in pain at losing your grandaughter,who would not be,but you should be questioning K&G and asking them to be honest about what they did to her.
Hi Viv,
Yup: anyone with money will face libel action, imo.
Hi Dolores,
Best if I don't comment on Mrs Healey's latest outburst. I probably wouldn't stop! The silly old *** She can hissy fit all she likes. HER child is to blame. HER son in law is to blame. HER parenting skills bear some responsibility.
Justice for Maddie in HER hands? No, thanks. One grand-daughter, 'disappeared'. One grandmother worried about 'arguido' status. Can she even spell it, I wonder, let alone know how it in fact protects HER only child? Silly ***
If she doesn't like just inquiry on behalf of her one and only grand-daughter, maybe she should get off her ***, and find a better solution: like compassionately get the full truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from HER only daughter?
No. She won't. HER ego is ever present. Silly ***
Hi again Viv,
U2 left the DE forum? Is that so? Good for him. I always thought he was above the usual McCann mechanics. He was intelligent, and witty. So what happened to him? I do hope he chose to leave of his own volition, as you suggest, as I did, although he and I held different views sometimes.
Hi Leigh,
They really make your blood boil.this family is not good for ones health....
Something must be about to happen very soon,everytime she comes out to play, doing the sympathy bit.It is not good news for them.
Hi Dolores,
Yup: they are playing the granny card, alright. Pity she reminds most of us of the 'granny' in 'Little Red Riding Hood'. The granny as a wolf, disguised by the cloak of a 'nice' manner.
Mrs Healey can hiss and spit at the world all she likes. HER daughter is to blame for leaving HER only grand child alone, night after night in a foreign hotel room, and that is illegal. Ongoing investigation names HER daughter as a prime suspect in more serious alleged offences.
Mrs Healey is blaming others when she should be asking HERSELF what part she played in raising a dysfunctional child who woujld leave infants alone, night after night.
Don't criticise Kate? I think Mrs Healey means: don't critise HER. Silly old ***
Night, Dolores. Thanks for the interesting post re Mrs Healey. More confirmation that poor lil Maddie had a family who are just plain weird, by the laws and customs of the UK, and any civilised country.
And finally:
U2s homepage on DE says 'account blocked' at user's request.
Mine says I 'asked to leave the forum.'
Different words. Same meaning. Can't be good for DE when two quite different posters choose the exit route.
DE forum is nasty, petty, dominated by irrational nonsense most of the time.
Pro, anti, neutral, doubters, skeptics and dunnos, whatever one's persuasion - what sane person would waste time there? Fewer and fewer as every week passes, it seems.
Night all.
Hiya Leigh and Dolores
Thanks for Granny Healy post! How bloody outrageous. They can go around persecuting every creepy faced man they can think of, innocent families in Morocco, but the two responsible who had a love affair with al the publicity, we the public do not get the right to answer back! I am just about fed up of this rotten family trying to shut us up. Mrs Healy knows full well there is something seriously wrong with her daughter and I agree, she can take some responsibility for that. Maybe they ought to get rid of Clarence Mitchell and his team of bloody evil internet monkeys if the want the public to just shut up about it! For weeks now there has hardly been any real news and yet that idiot comes up with something every Sunday without fail. Gerry McCann said he wanted to use the media and too bloody right he does - just as soon as he can shake off his arguido status and start selling his story for millions - and they have the damned cheek to tell us to shut up - what and just listen to that evil pervert! I think not!
Just how dare they!
OK rant over
Viv x
Phone number is out of service
The family of Mari Luz Cortes, the Spanish missing since early Jan. 13in Huelva, requested that the posters or her picture is a symbol-a symbol with Madeleine McCann no longer be distributed and even considers the possibility to take action lawsuit against Kate and Gerry McCann if their demand was not met.
Juan José Cortés, father of Mari Luz, said today that the disappearance of mixing Madeleine to that of his daughter "is not an appropriate strategy," reaffirming that he has never given its consent to posters created by McCann family.
"These are two totally different case with roads completely separate investigation," said the father of Mari Luz while exiting a meeting with the President of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia.
From A3 size, 18,000 posters announced by the head of public relations couple McCann, Clarence Mitchell, for a total cost of more than 4,000 euros, indicate a contact number for reporting information about who is Mari Luz not in use.
Another reason to resent the Mc's.
even the phone number is not in use!!
No words can explain the rage I feel towards these parasites.
Viv & Everyone,
Great articles and posts. Mrs Healy needs a swift reminder that the parents were at liberty to stay in Portugal and clear their names months ago. The damning forensic evidence (presented at interview) made them exist at speed!
I still refuse to swallow the bait with Mari Luz. There are no posters and, therefore, no need to have them removed. I'm 99.99% certain Mari is safe and her parents are being paid by M 3 to do and say as they're told. Clarrie has picked up on this from monitoring and is trying to create 'disassociation' in the publics' mind. Never under estimate the capabilities of the 'low life' M 3 along with those giving them the orders. Mari's parents are gypsies and very poor. They, along with all other 'circus performers' succummbed to bribery.
The two lengthy articles are a damning indictment on lack of good parenting. Britain has become a 'baseless' society which I find very sad. I'm going to lay my neck on the block and risk the wrath of ardent feminists. I'm 60 and had our first child at 25. Being a wife and mother was considered to be an important job, a full time occupation. Husbands/wives respected each other as individuals and pulled together to create a stable, loving home for their offspring.
I fully appreciate that many woman have to work these days for financial reasons. I know many young married career women who end up with only £10 or £20 of monthly earnings because the rest goes on creche/nursery fees. They are, naturally, loathe to give up their career and all the work that went into it. Material expectations are higher than when we had young children.
It's ironic that the feminists bid for freedom from the kitchen sink and child rearing has resulted in overburdened mothers often struggling with guilty consciences - torn between the pressures of careers and the demands of motherhood. Children need love and stability over and above material things. The formative years for many is en masse nursery environment, as opposed to one to one care.
The high earning financially secure McCanns favoured 'parking' their children in a creche, even on holiday. One of Madeleine's parents in a state of stress or fit of picque lost control and caused her death.
I agree totally with the family orientated, as opposed to materially orientated, views of the Portuguese. Their priorities and values are in the right order.
In place of their beloved sister, the twins have a new 4 X 4 to drive them to the creche. 9.20 p.m.
Troll's divide and rule ploy yesterday is identical to the point I made in my last post re: Clarrie, M 3 & Mari Luz. 10.10 p.m.
2345 says:
"In place of their beloved sister, the twins have a new 4 X 4 to drive them to the creche. 9.20 p.m."
That just sums it up for me. McCanns represent the materialism of the modern world vs the family orientated/values based world that gives us all life beyond commercialism and vain ego.
2345s full post is well worth reading for every feminist or humanist, in my view.
Life is worth more than materialism.
May it be so in this new 21st Century.
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