From Correio de Manha 27.2.08
It was the very night in which Madeleine disappeared that Castile José António Cardoso says he has transported the girl English, and four adults, in his taxi in Montegordo. It was the very night in which Madeleine disappeared that Castile José António Cardoso says he has transported the girl English, and four adults, in his taxi in Monte Gordo. When CM, a man of 67 years, said that customers "appeared at 20h10," square of taxis near the Casino, "and asked to go to the Apollo Hotel, a few kilometres away. When it arrived, paid the race and, "instead of entering the hotel, were a jeep, with an enrollment of yellow," continues António Cardoso, who then left the site without re-think the issue. Only when the news began to emerge about Madeleine is that the taxi driver is reminded of the customers of the night on May 3. "At that time I noticed that the girl had a dark spot in the order," explains Anthony Cardoso, in a reference to the brand that Madeleine's iris. However, the links that makes the case are more profound. "The adults were three men and a woman, and the man who sat beside me in front of the taxi seemed Murat, and the lady was very similar to the child's mother," reveals. Ended by counting what happened to the Judicial Police and was waiting to be contacted again. What ever happened. Yesterday, however, has been flooded by phone calls from journalists, after the British press have made to circulate a text which was referred to the story of the taxi driver of Monte Gordo. Source linked to the investigation assured the CM that the facts counted by António Cardoso were "investigated" and "track has been abandoned." It should be noted that the alarm on the disappearance of Madeleine was given only for returns of 22.00, the mother of the girl, in Praia da Luz, more than 150 km of Monte Gordo.
PJ ALREADY You received OK TO LETTERS ROGATÓRIAS Next week comes the Algarve an inspector of the police that English will meet with the PJ to define all the procedures that will be taken to meet the letters rogatory. The meeting was scheduled after the British authorities have accepted the demand of the Judiciary to make representations on British soil. After all right, inspectors from the PJ will to Britain where they monitor all cases. As the CM has progressed, initially PJ want to go back to ask Janne Tanner, Russel O'Brien and David Payne, three friends of McCann who spent vacations with them in Portugal. Only then will be decided whether Kate and Gerry will also be questioned. OTHER AVISTAMENTOS ENGLAND Last week, a man residing in the village of Stratton says it appeared at home a couple with a child very similar to Maddie. Ensures that the woman spoke Portuguese and that the minor was very sad and afraid. FRANCE A Dutch student warrants have seen at the beginning of the month, Maddie in the company of a man in the car park of a service station French. The police reviewed the filming of the video surveillance cameras and concluded it is not. ALGARVE The description of a British resident in the ALGARVE McCann leads the detectives of the robot-create the portrait of a man who can think to be related to the case. In January, are detected two similar to the Algarve portrayed, but both assumptions are discarded. MOROCCO A girl Luna is photographed in August. After all, was the daughter of Moroccan parents and was with the mother. John Mira Godinho
Posted by Duarte Levy on February 27, 2008
Today, the Portuguese police inspectors and their British counterparts have been in official contact for the first time to establish the schedule of interrogations that the Portuguese authorities have been requesting for the past several months.
The letters of appeal, which were initially refused, were waiting for the approval of the Home Office. This was only obtained after a considerable amount of diplomatic intervention from the Portuguese authorities.
The letters will enable the Policia Judiciaria to conduct further questioning of the McCann couple and their friends, and to take possession of the original of Madeleine’s mother’s diary.
While in Britain, the Portuguese police inspectors will be present for the questioning and the various other procedures requested as part of the investigation into Madeleine McCann’s disappearance, in which her parents are still “arguidos.”
from SOS Madeleine McCann
This is good news!
...And I'm still laughing, thinking about yesterdays nomination...
Everyone, have a nice day!!!
Hi all, at last it seems we can breathe some relief that permission has been given. But why did it need a lot of diplomatic persuasion from the Portuguese. Why is our government so reluctant to allow justice or why are the McCanns so untouchasble?
Thanks for the news.
Delays were due to Establishment's protection of prime suspects. This is exactly what happened in Jersey. In today's press, "there are 40 suspects; most suspects were "respected figures of the establishment" who worked at the home in positions of responsibility. Arrests are expected. Allegations have beeen made against a "wide spectrum" of staff - from juniors to seniors, including health workers and members of child services".
Eddie continues his brilliant work for Polce who fear they could find at least seven bodies at the former Jersey children's home they are searching.
Police have also re-opened an investigation into claims of abuse at a Portsmouth children's home after fresh allegations were made in light of the Jersey inquiry."
10.10 p.m.
Good morning all,
I don't see the Performing Seals making remarks about "tubby" Mr Cardoso - obviously the term "tubby" only applies to PJ members. Mr Cardoso is no doubt "well built" according to the Rotting Meat Blog.
How is the Big Election going, is anyone running a book yet? I will happily post some "odds" for those who fancy a wee flutter. Just to show there were no hard feelings, I voted for everybody!
rat 11:03 GMT
This is a fantastic site, Hat off to you. We are being denied information by the britsh press so this is a vital site.
I read in here that Gerry had a wealthy friend living outside Luz. I wonder if thisfriend has been spoken to? And if this could be where the body was kept prior to being moved in the hire car?
I am beginning to think the McCanns are going to get away with what they have done
Only the Sun could have a headline that reads, "Maddie in taxi with Murrat". Say no more. LOZ22
I havent heard about Gerry having a friend near Luz, maybe another poster knows something about this. I think they thought they would get away with it but they must be running scared now. I wonder if another group meeting will be called soon? LOZ22
I just read it on here...it says that Gerrys wealthy friend had bussiness dealings with gerry and he lives just outside Luz.
going to find it now.
Of course the letters they refer to may also be to other business contacts he has e.g. the wealthy businessman friend who lives on the outskirst of Luz Geraghty who had an interest in a massive regeneration project of Leicestershire hospitals, shelved following an audit in between May and July 2007 following a massive increase of some £200M in projected costs.
How typical of Clarence to call the taxi drivers sighting "ludicrous". He is "astonished that only now after 10 months he comes forward". Well Clarence I thought you said that all sightings must be investigated. I wonder if this ones been passed to retardo3 LOZ22
I am wondering if some kind of on line petition or even a rally in major cities could be planned to force Gordon Brown and co to explain exactly why they are helping the MCCanns evade justice.
A favourite word of the McCanns is ludicrous.
Viv,and all
Anonymous,I posted an article about John Geraghty Ithink you might find it in the last thread or the one before.
Found this info.,
Tycoon John Geraghty, (McCanns hire car kept in his garage his villa near Praia da Luz to, apparently, allow McCanns to do their own independent forensics.)
XX D 11.24
Sorry muldoon, my mistake, i was thinking of "friend" as in a mate, not business dealings.
Has this man been spokn to do we know?
Seeing the picture of her holding the tennis balls at the bottom of the page makes me weep, yes even now. There is no way this case can be unsolved. Does anyone at all think Madeleiene may be alive and with paedos? I would rather think she had in fact died at the hands of the MCCanns than to think of her suffering after all this time.
I know, its so distressing to think of children being harmed, its probably happening to hundreds or even thousands of kids right now. I dont let my kids out of the garden at home,they have tried to get out a few times but now i put a padlock on the gate. Its a disgrace we have to live in fear like this. LOZ22
Dont know why but this case imparticular causes me great distress and as it starts dissappearing from the papers it really upsetsme that there will probably be no justice for Madeleien..And soon it will be a year since and then it will be her birthday...its sickens me.
i wonder how the mccanns could command all that press attention at the beginning and then dispose of it so quickly. Who are these people? Why are they given so much help? Something stinks. Even the royal family havent got the clout to stop the press. LOZ22
I recommend a read of thenthenwere4on 3 A's - he/she has their own thread under Justice for Madeleine.
Close business links exist with a man called Geraghty; he has a village on outskirts of Luz. TTW4's theory is as a fellow Mason he's deeply involved in helping Gerry. Including hiding Madeleine in his villa (freezer).
He apparently had regular meetings with the McCanns in the Church in Luz - hence Gerry's need for keys from Priest - a photo exists of Geraghty leaving the church.
TTW4 has done enormous research.
12.20 p.m.
Type - Geraghty has a 'villa' - not 'village' !! 11.25
This case stinks of corruption...I want o know why the british press and Gordon Brown are covering this pair. The business friend link could hold the key to how Madeleine was so ell hiden as to not be found.
The taxi driver story is archiac; I read about it months' ago. Clarence certainly didn't call it 'ludicrous' the first time round !!
If true, his first port of call would have been PJ. It's a ludicrous story in terms of forensics found in apartment and vehicle. 12.25 p.m.
So what is motivating this taxi driver? I thought it didnt sound right especially as we know Kate was in the tapas bar a time he says he took them in his taxi.
Given the short lifespan of Sarah Payne & Sohom schoolgirls, Holly & Jessica - all of whom were much older that Madeleine - Metado 3's claim of knowing the padeophile ring holding Madeleine sickened me to the stomach. Their 'hope' of a safe return before Christmas showed ignorance beyond belief.
PJ called off their search for a 'live' Madeleine after receipt of forensics showing it to be unnecessary. Apartment and vehicle forensics confirmed to the Police that a paedophile was not the person responsible.
Had it been the case, Madeleine's suffering prior to being killed doesn't bear thinking about. 12.35 p.m.
Hello Anonymous,
Interesting point you make about the manipulation of the press by the McCanns, and the amount of power the Royals have...
...I think it's something to do with political influence. Of course, we don't know exactly what the Royals get up to if it doesn't get into the press. However, rumours do abound about them (and if you can decipher Private Eye you will know some of the stories) - I've known about some pretty explosive allegations for years (which I believe to be true)without the mainstream media daring to touch them.
In the case of the McCanns, however, they clearly wield much high-level political power, for reasons we can't fully appreciate at the moment. And we in the UK are ruled not by the Royals - who have very limited influence - but by the political elite.
This political elite - together with elite organisations such as the Masons - have influence in every walk of life (unlike the Royals). Thus anyone who is able to tap into this exclusive network of the real ruling elite can call upon some extremely powerful allies who can exert major input into the most influential institutions. (Jeremy Paxman wrote a book about it called Friends in High Places: Who Runs Britain? It's a very good read.)
When all the aspects of this case are known, that will also be a Very Good Read, with tentacles reaching into the most surprising of places...can't wait!
LGC (Shortlisted for the 2008 Worst Poster Award)
Mrs Murat said weeks ago in DE interview that M 3 intimidated locals in Luz; they paid people for false witness accounts. The txi driver was probably on lowish earnings and a prime target.
Viv produced an article here about Metado 3's involvement in the drug trade. In short, they're outlaws -hand picked by the McCanns. 12.35 p.m.
2345..it could be that indeed metedo 3 are responsible for the spate of sightings as you say...But I am not convinced Murat is innocent...recall footage of gerry refusing to say if he knew Murat..also the calls Murat made that night...and sure I read suspsion of Murat having relative very close to Dr O'Briens home.
2345...do you have an opinion/theory on what happened to Madeleiene? And as to why the McCanns seem able to pull the strings of the powers that be? Would like to hear if you do.
And what of the apartment the McCanns were staying in belonging to a Mrs.McCann> Is that a coincidence or what? Its strange for sure.
I understand from 3 A's site that there's a connection between the McCanns and Murat with property development. Also, Kate reportedly visited Murat on one occasion in Luz in a very distressed state. However, there's no suggetion that Murat is responsible for the forensic evidence.
Apologies to those who've seen this already. It's standard practice for the British Police to release information in criminal investigations in liaison with the media. BBC despatched Jane Hill (BBC News 24 report) to Luz for live coverage of breaking news - 7 September - day the McCanns were interviewed and named 'arguidos'.
The following was broadcast outside the Police Station :
"An early forensic report is alleged to have mentioned a certain blood spray ... commesurate with a certain type of broken larynx.. some DNA samples found related to cerebal fluids indicates a broken neck or fractured skull". Also "Sousa himself told of this very fine mist of spray that was found in the apartment". This information was released once that night - BBC 6 o'clock news.
The absence of immediate hospitalizations shows the life threatening injuries indicated were fatal. This, in turn, shows £1.3 m was raised under false pretences. The FSS information publicly broadcast was, therefore, a wake up call to fraudulent activity in addition to a fatality. Further reports in DE articles include 100% DNA match to Madeleine's hair & 88% body fluid match to corpse material in the wheel well of the vehicle hired by her parents. 1.40 p.m.
In the near week arrives to the Algarve an inspector of the English police that is going to unite with the PJ for defined all of the procedures that go to be taken for itself will fulfill the request letters. To meeting was marked after the English authorities have to accept the request of the Judicial one for perform diligence in soil British. After all hit, inspectors of the PJ are going to resort to the Great Britain where will accompany all the diligence. Adapt the CM already advanced, initially to PJ will want to come back it interrogate Jane Tanner, Russell o' Brien and David Payne, three friends of the McCann that with them passed vacation in Portugal. Alone afterwards it
will be determined itself Kate and Gerry also will be questioned.
Sorry about the translation
Many thanks. I do not understand why PJ are made to come here - is it not standard procedure for those requiring re-interview to return to Portugal ? 2.40 p.m.
Hi 2345
Hope you are well:)
I don't understand that either,perhaps because they are UK citizens.
Yet the case of the girl who was murdered in Italy.The German suspect was extradited to Italy,the police did not go to him.
Most odd considering we are in the EU.
Ihope the PJ have booked some extra seats for their return to PDL.
Maybe Viv will know.
xx D 14.48
hello, everybody! I'm glad the letters are finally there :-)
have a great afternnon, all.
Viv, if you're around, muitos beijinhos, querida amiga! :-)
Private message on 3 A's are also being cloned... 3.40 p.m.
Hi All
I wonder why they are so protected as well I cant see the PJ needing to dance to the governments tune if they wanted to interview me. I would be back in PDL so fast my head would spin...
On another note thanks for the votes people I am still winning with 18 votes and Rat thanks for being fair and voting for everyone it shows you care about us all...
See you later....
I wonder who has made it so the blood splatter news was only released onc and never mentioned again.It takes some power to do that.
Also, could it not be that Gerry killed Madeleine not kate? why is it so sure its her and not him...he looks a moody sod and he is callous, hence his tennis playing the day after the abduction.
Viv I hope you don't mind me posting the following article (shotened by me) which appears in todays "The Argus" ( a Sussex daily) as I believe it is relevent to discussions already on your site although not strictly about Madeleine.
-Kidnap ordeal strengthened girls' friendship-
The ordeal 10-year-olds Lisa Hoodless and Charlene Lunnon were forced to endure at the hands of a convicted paedophile shocked the country.
But their story is full of inspiration.
Their story, and the fact they survived to tell it, is a triumph of the human spirit.
The pair, who are now 19, were just ten when they were dragged by Hopkinson, a convicted child abuser, and held captive in his flat for four days.
Once there they were repeatedly raped and abused by the then 45-yearold, who also threatened to kill them.
But while the ordeal would have broken lesser women, Lisa and Charlene have only been strengthened by it, and their friendship is closer than ever.
The full horror of the girls' ordeal only came to light days after they were released.
It was on January 19, 1999 that the pair were walking to school in St Leonards when they were snatched by Hopkinson, who was prowling the streets in his car. In Cornfield Terrace, Hopkinson, a former Bank of England worker who in 1991 had been jailed for seven years for abducting an 11-year-old girl, almost hit Lisa when she stumbled on to the road and he got out to apologise.
He then bundled Lisa into the boot of his car, followed shortly after by Charlene.
Hopkinson then drove to his flat in Eastbourne, where the pair's ordeal began.
Hopkinson was later jailed for life, leaving the two girls to pick up the pieces of their lives.
And that is exactly what they have done. In a Channel 4 show to be aired tonight, both women speak frankly and entirely openly about how their friendship has grown ever stronger.
Lisa and Charlene's story, The Girls Who Were Found Alive, Channel 4, airs tonight at 9pm.
That was days though not almost a year.
There have been many reports since it was broadcast on BBC. Various DE articles include - scent of death of Kate's clothing, bible, car keys and freshly laundered cuddle cat. Spinal fluid (aka cerebal, blood on bedroom wall and curtain (reportedly scrubbed with cleaning fluid), syringe in bedside cabinet. Also scent of death on O'brien's trousers and cupboard in his apartment. 100% DNA match to Madeleine's hairs and 88% body fluid match - corpse specimens in wheel well - followed by blood match from vehicle.
Focus on Kate is PR to raise sympathy to fill the Fund coffers.
There are many photo's on 3 A's site of her injuries - swollen bruised eye with cut above, severe bruising to wrist and upper arms.
The scent of death on her clothing etc. does not make her the parent responsible for Madeleine's demise. It merely shows very close contact at least two hours later.
On film, Gerry has shown himself quick to uncontrollably rage ... he stormed out of a live interview when asked a question which didn't suit. 4.45 p.m.
Thanks for the article, but I don't think I can bear to watch it, quite frankly. Poor souls.
Monster .... he should be shot. 4.45 p.m.
2345 Yes knew the forensics smell of death etc...but not spinal fluid specifically..God this is terrible writing about the body fluids of a 4 yeard old child. its got me crying again. I have not seen the three As pictures of the bruising etc.Do you have a link for me?
The vast majority of british public does not knw the half...is there not a way to publicise this stuff to a larger audience? Unless you are actively looking peole arent going to know.
Do you think they will ever be punished and do you think Madeleien will ever be found to be laid to rest properly?
Read your comment to me about the taxi driver. And it's true if he mentions Kate,Madeleine (in a belgium report i read that the girl was awake
and had her eyes wide open) than his story doesn't discredit the investigation.
I don't know why I can't get this story out of my head.
It was one of the first sightings that Clarence thought was negative.
But the incredible France an Dorset sights were welcomed by him.
This story came also just before the letters arrived.
You think this is to prepare the people about what is coming?
I'll post this also on Viv's site.
Hi Muldoon
Welcome to the site. My own view as to the person most likely to have killed Madeleine is the same as 2345's, Gerry McCann. He demonstrates an abusive and aggressive personality style, also a clear need to dominate and control. In other words he fits the m.o. of a domestic violence offender exactly. There are reports of Kate being loud and out of control on the 2nd May. It is a well known fact that when victims of violence are being attacked they can often be louder than the attacker, additionally as 2345 has pointed out she had a number of clearly visible injuries, typically associated with domestic violence e.g. grab marks to the upper arm. There is also a photograph showing a severe bruise to her elbow - it looks as though she was grabbed by the arm and flung out the way, landing on her elbow. The PJ themselves believe she is dominated and controlled by Gerry and has difficulty coping with life. Women who are treated in this way may turn to drugs or drink to help them cope. They are also known to develop sometimes very severe depression and this can make them emotionally numb - this is how Kate McCann presents. I have always thought that the death scent on her is evidence of her cuddling Madeleine and I think she was just completely distraught when Gerry had her little body removed.
Viv x
Where is that famous votation taking place!? Feeling curious about it! Care to share a link and a laugh, please!?
Hiya Margardida
Good to hear from you - some of my posters are actually very disappointed they did not get included ! Have a good laugh..
Viv x
And vote for Hope (please) xxx
Hiya Hope
See you managed to really rile Muse up:-) and joined me, Doc and Leigh for the focus of her fixations!
Viv x
Hi Viv
When did I rile her up?
I did not do so intentionaly do you really think she is Supertroll I have seen her websites before and they are really profesional not like trolls blog???
How are you today still no news the longer this goes on the stranger it all gets...
If some of them are being paid they had best go and find new jobs soon there is not a lot of point them still posting now the camps are split they dont influence anyone...
And the discusting filth that they have written under Annon really shows them for what they are..
Poor Gina and her friend got it today why be nasty Gina is allways fair???
"The Inspectors of the Judiciary Police are already preparing the suitcases to travel again to Leiceister, where the McCanns and the friends with whom they had dinner with will be questioned again. The team led by Paulo Rebelo finally received green light from England.
English speak again with the Judiciary Police
With the suitcases done, the Judiciary Police is already finalizing with the English authorities the details for, five months after the sending to Great Britain of a rogatory letter, their return to question the McCanns and the friends with whom they had dinner with when Madeleine disappeared, on the 3rd of May, in the Praia da Luz, in Lagos, Algarve.
“The rogatory letter was returned in January to the Public Prosecution Office, for lack of completion of some bureaucratic proceedings. It was remade and then returned to the English Home Office in the beginning of this month. Finally, the letter it’s already in the possession of the Police of Leicester and we are finalizing the details to give completion to the solicitations done by the British authorities”, it explained to 24horas a judicial person in charge connected with the investigations. According to the same source, everything left done is now a mere “schedulement in order that the interrogations are prepared to the friends of the McCann and to the parents of the lost girl themselves, an organized plan that will have to be ended during next week.
In ten days a team of Portuguese investigators will travel to England, they will attend the interrogations, as the interrogations themselves will be done by the police officers of Leicester. “We can only hear, analyse the expressions of the persons and suggest some questions that do not appear in the rogatory letter”. The first persons to be questioned
will be Jane Tanner, David Paine and Russel O'Brien, whose lawyers revealed the intention of their clients to alter their first statements.
Source: Jornal 24 horas
ANON First of all ofcourse I am real..I admit its hard to decipher fact from fiction, which is why the facts need to be aired without people having to search out the truthor being abused for doing so.
I used to feel terribly sorry for the MCCanns, my mind was not twisted by anything I read by others. Long before people started questioning the facts, I thought the McCanns were cold and seemed to be enjoying the limelight.Gerry's airy bogs further blew my mind and started me to question what had gone on in Praia ga luz.
jaunts around places like the vatican and whitehouse further wound me up as they did not vist anywhere there had been actual sightings..Plus when the hoax call came they still went on a trip where as you would imagine they would be waiting willing the phone to ring.
Playing tennis, refusing to answer questions, the pact of silence is what made them look dodgy. Plus the fact that none of this would have happened if it were not for them being selfish and self serving. Fleeing portugal after vowing to not leave without Madeleine and now what we know of the forensics and dogs. Come on one of us is blinkered...and its not me...I have followed this case from day one...read almost every written word on it. Nothing the McCanns say rings true..Offe to take lie detector test then refused...why? I would answer every wuesion to get my daughter back so why do they say no comment?Why dont they volantarily return to Praia da luz and answer? Why force a regoratory letter be sent?Why lie about shutters being broken in to and all the other changes in their stories? Why have written questions submitted before any interviews? why not answer if he knows Murat? Need I go on? I could.
Felicity...I too think gerry and note kate, always did, he looks evil and he is calsulating and cold..you only need to read his blogs to see that. I do not understand why the friendswould cover up the death of a little girl, it beggars beleif that they are assisting the MCCanns to ecvade justice. Any views as to why they are covering for them? And how the hell do the McCanns seem to be pulling the strings of our governement and press?
I cant beleive anonymous see's nothing untoward here.
sorry about the mistakes...lost glasses cannot see!!
Hi Viv,
I have remembered something which was said on the DE by Rosiepops which to me proves he has inside knowledge of the case.
I'm not sure whether it has been mentioned previously but one evening Rosiepops made the statement that the Mccanns were going to return to Portugal mid March to clear their names, get their Arguido status removed. That indicates to me that he knew when the Government would accept the Rogatory letters and the time span in which the Police would come over to England in. Mid March would be about right for the questioning to have taken place, and if the Mccanns were not to be charged but cleared,hopefully thought it is not a foregone conclusion that the questioning will not yield results.But it does look as if Rosiepops had knowledge of the timing of the questioning etc..or do you think this is too fanciful?...Lizzy
lizzy I have read Rosiepops postson the DE and crossed swords with him a few times!! I think its some frien or even maybe relative of theirs...nothing is too fancifull in this case!
Hi Muldoon,
Thanks for reply, what I see here is two parents who have lost their little girl, who knows how anyone would react under those circumstances. However I do believe questions need to be answered and this case is probably one of the most puzzling and corrupt we will ever see in our lifetime.
Do you really believe these parents capable of murder whether accidential or intentional? I dont, look at all the photos of Madeline she does not look like an abused or neglected child, she always looks happy and smiling, certainly not troubled.
Some of the things said on here, the 3A's and Alsabellas blog about Madeline and her family are absolutely abhorrent, some said by supposedly professional people, they seem to glory in this tragedy.
Disagree with them and they start abusing. The person who calls herself Leigh3 called me an abuser the other night she said I was a sadist animals, children it was all the same to me, she so ready to verbally abuse somebody whose name she does not even know. What sort of person speaks like that.
These people who post on this site anti McCanns they call themselves are so excited by this tragedy they have become de-sensitised by it.
Whatever has happened to Madeline I am sure she would not want people like this fighting her "cause" and speaking about her Mum & Dad in this way. We have to remember she has a family who love her very much and it is their tragedy not the general publics.
All that people post on these blogs is pure speculation, nothing more.
Hiya Hope4
If you check thoughts for a muse website you will find all trace of reference to Madeleine has been removed and so have the very few posts on forums that were there/ access blocked. Every time Muse got banned on the DE she openly bragged that she came back under a different name - these included Assasin, Wolverine etc. She has also posted a number of times on here "Assasin strikes again" (removed) the last time only a few days ago. I think a read of her posts and attacks on me and others demonstrates a very vicious and mendatious person, jealous of others who have a decent blog where people want to post. I would not be surprised if police and social workers stopped her on thoughts for a muse and so she has set up elsewhere.
Challenging her or making fun of her unleashes a vicious need to attack others. She is a very bitter and angry woman with quite serious mental health problems IMO.
Viv x
I really do have to say.......
Hiya Lizzie
I do not think you are being fanciful at all and in fact if you read back this is exactly what I have been saying myself. How does Rosie know the McCanns will return to Portugal in March and why did he state "to damage the Portuguese tourist industry". Why would they wish to do that? I have also linked this to the timing of the Retardos contract running out in March. When a spinning strategy is worked out it probably gets done months in advance to pursue the overal goal. We have already pointed out how cynical it was to appoint the Retardos on a fixed term six months contract - this just proves IMO they knew damn fine they were never going to find Maddie. Why would the fund tie themselves up to having to continue paying them £50000 per month when they may have found her in the first week! I also find it sinister the way Clarence has announced the fund will run out by June - I think this is about when the McCanns would get charged and by that stage they would have completely dissipated all the monies in the fund. Criminal courts have the power to seise monies obtained by fraud.
Viv x
JaneGT - if you wish to post on here please do not do so anonymously otherwise your posts will be removed.
Viv x
"Do you really believe these parents capable of murder whether accidential or intentional?"
Anon..there is heated feelings on this because its a heart wrenching story, I do not beleive Madeleine was abused nor do I beleive her death was intentional. I think the McCanns were 10o% negligent in leaving such young children alone. I beleive that perhaps Madeleine fell and injured herself whilst drugged or perhaps she was slapped and fell banging her head. I do not beleive she was abducted, I believe the McCanns and some of the friends then covered up what happened.
I beleive the McCanns forced the pj to follow an abductor with the intervention of Gordon Brown and sky news.
In any event if the McCanns did lose Madeleien to an abductor how the hell did he play tennis the following day? How did they function then and how do they now?
The fact is the best light for them is accident covered up at worst this is manslaughter...you point me where it looks different to that and I will gladly look.
All I know is I only have to look at her picture and even now I cry for her..yet they appear to be coping rather well...a little to well.I would love nothing more than for her to be found alive but its not going to happen. She needs to be found and justice has to be done.And in the mean time I will continue to daily trawl through the links to this sad sad story. Its going to be a year soon, and then her birthday, just writing that has made me cry again.Madeleine has no voice, this is why people must be able to question what went on in Portugal on the 3rd of May.
whats going on here? Is there a war going on here? How can anyone go mad becuse people are questioning how a lttle girl goes on holiday and never returns? Shouldnt people be glad that others care, without people like us Madeleiene would all but be forgotten.
Hi Muldoon - I just wanted to say what a great post - you explain so succinctly and clearly just why it is we do not trust the McCanns and never have done. The rude post suggesting you are not even a real person got removed. It is my policy to remove posts that just attack others. I am not prepared to see this degenerate to the level of the Daily Express!
Muldoon said:
ANON First of all ofcourse I am real..I admit its hard to decipher fact from fiction, which is why the facts need to be aired without people having to search out the truthor being abused for doing so.
I used to feel terribly sorry for the MCCanns, my mind was not twisted by anything I read by others. Long before people started questioning the facts, I thought the McCanns were cold and seemed to be enjoying the limelight.Gerry's airy bogs further blew my mind and started me to question what had gone on in Praia ga luz.
jaunts around places like the vatican and whitehouse further wound me up as they did not vist anywhere there had been actual sightings..Plus when the hoax call came they still went on a trip where as you would imagine they would be waiting willing the phone to ring.
Playing tennis, refusing to answer questions, the pact of silence is what made them look dodgy. Plus the fact that none of this would have happened if it were not for them being selfish and self serving. Fleeing portugal after vowing to not leave without Madeleine and now what we know of the forensics and dogs. Come on one of us is blinkered...and its not me...I have followed this case from day one...read almost every written word on it. Nothing the McCanns say rings true..Offe to take lie detector test then refused...why? I would answer every wuesion to get my daughter back so why do they say no comment?Why dont they volantarily return to Praia da luz and answer? Why force a regoratory letter be sent?Why lie about shutters being broken in to and all the other changes in their stories? Why have written questions submitted before any interviews? why not answer if he knows Murat? Need I go on? I could.
Felicity...I too think gerry and note kate, always did, he looks evil and he is calsulating and cold..you only need to read his blogs to see that. I do not understand why the friendswould cover up the death of a little girl, it beggars beleif that they are assisting the MCCanns to ecvade justice. Any views as to why they are covering for them? And how the hell do the McCanns seem to be pulling the strings of our governement and press?
I cant beleive anonymous see's nothing untoward here.
How do you know they are coping? by the snipbits you have seen of them, you do not observe them 24hrs.
What concrete evidence Gerry payed tennis next day, photos, video clips, no hersay and speculation like everything else.
The other night it was speculated on here Madeline had been sold if not so tragic it would be laughable.
anon...I hear what you are saying...but its more than snippets we have seen, thanks to the McCanns courting publicity.There is all the early footage of them, the interviews and that video made by their friend, never onc were either of them once over come with any kind of emotion.The tennis playing has never been refuted, usually Claarence or Gerry himself would be quick totell us its ludicrous and or unhelpfull!!!
Why did he refuse to answer if he knew or had met Murat? (there for all to see on you tube. Why did they flee Portugal after the vow to " not leave without our Madeleiene?"
You probably seen jane Tanners interview, come on did she look like a woman who was wracked with guilt for witnessing and failing to realise her friends child being abducted? And what of her and her husband who says their young child was violently sick yet they still jaunted off to the Tapas bar?
Why did the McCanns initially claim shutters forced open? Why say no comment to questions even if the questions were accusory...Bloody right they should be accused, its common for the police to look to the family in these cases then to focus elsewhere if its all kosher.The McCanns are all indignant about this but its policy.
Why on earth would Kte wash cuddlecat?No matter how dirty it was, It was the last thing her daughter ever touched if the McCanns are to be believed.Its all the little things, they dont add up. I was ofetn told if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck its a............duck!
Hi Viv,
I agree wth you, re Metado3 and the payments for a 6 month fixed contract, why would any genuine people believing in possible abduction where the child could have been found at any point appoint a firm on those grounds. It doesn't make any sense, it is comparable to Gerry's remarks in June 2007 mentioning organising Anniversary events, how did he not know she would be found within days or weeks.? I think for all their education, they don't appear to behave in a very intelligent way.I also believe that Gerry and Kate and the Tapas 7 have underestimated the intelligence of the PJ. This may prove to have been their biggest mistake..Lizzy 22.24
Some valid points and questions that I obviously can't answer, but I still feel they are not guilty of physically harming their child.
I do not believe friends and aquaintances would cover up for them. This is not to say that I dont think that there is some secret which we are not aware. Look at Kate she is a woman racked with grief which is being compounded by all the disgraceful, libellous allegations by people who actually know nothing, the 3A's a prime example. If the McCanns WERE guilty don't you think they would be spinning a better story, they are very intelligent people. Yes correct the people closest to the child are always suspects, but with all this evidence PJ are supposed to have they would of been arrested by now.
As for leaving Portugal of course they had to, how could they of possibly stayed with all the animosity towards them, they also have the twins to care for.
Hiya Lizzie
Maybe when someone has committed the most terrible crime, intelligence is not much help. They are just desperate, some way somehow to cover up what they did. Additionally I firmly believe that people can amass a great deal of academic learning e.g. sufficient to qualify as a doctor but still be profoundly lacking in common sense. Gerry McCann has always had an over-inflated sense of self, in his capacity to lie and deceive, had he checked his common sense (if he had any) he would have known just how bizarre his behaviour is. I think he is personality disordered and just does not think in a logical and reasonable way. When writing his inane little blog it just did not occur to him that people would see this demonstrated a total lack of empathy for Madeleine and an ability to merely focus on trivial rubbish. He cannot genuinely demonstrate any concern for her. Only for himself and making lots of money. As Muldoon points out - what normal parent would just go off playing sport or leaving the other two to go flying off the States etc "to look at the wider political issues" in those circumstances - plainly they would not! Gerry was already planning his long term campaign way back in June and it shows! Recently we hear again he wants to highlight the lack of an amber alert system - the wider political issues..what he really wants to do is divert attention from precisely what he did. The PJ are professional police officers and have had his measure from the outset. However, he is quite devious and clever enough to have made it extremely difficult for them and clearly has deliberately destroyed evidence.
Viv x
YOu say you cannot believe the McCanns are capable of physically harming their child but you do not explain why. Unfortunately you seem to belong to the class of people who are divorced from the reality of the situation. The lies and lack of empathy demonstrated by Gerry and Kate McCann and the fact that almost all, in fact 95% of children who go missing in these circumstances, go missing because of the parents or another close family member.
The McCanns and their friends demonstrated that they are selfish and abusive parents, guilty of leaving tiny children completely alone, to go and wine and dine. As doctor they would quite obviously have been paranoid about the prospect of up to 10 years in jail in Portugal for this and ample reason to start telling lies. Lies that are inconsistent and therefore demonstrated to be lies. I wonder if Payne is actually the one telling the truth and his account is so at variance with Tanner and O'Brien and that is why these three are the first named witnesses to face re-interviewing. The Paynes indicated McCanns did not arrive at the TAPAS until just before 9 pm and this accords with other witness accounts. It also proves that Gerry McCann was lying by indicating he checked on the children just a couple of minutes later at 9.05.
I can only conclude that people such as yourself, Anon, on this blog are closely connected to the McCanns and therefore try to tell us they are such nice people. We know they are not. Having "lost" one of their children they immediately set about patenting her image to sell, even though they were warned in no uncertain terms not to publicise her eye defect because it would sign her death warrant. Please do not tell me that any caring and decent parent would so blatantly have put their child's life in danger in this way.
Viv x
Goodnight Viv
I had a look and you are right I have upset her and really did not mean to...
Take care see you tomorrow x
Anon. As stated, if you point me to anything that even slightly shows the McCanns in an innocent light I will glady look at it and take it on board.yes I have no doubt that kate is suffering, but suffering about what?
Do you know what, the only time I ever saw any emotion out of Gerry McCann was when they returned to Britain...After it was stated in forums and by the Portuguese press the McCanns lacked feeling, and then if you look at the footage, its more self pitying than anything else.
Yes they have to get on for the sake of the twins, but there is functioning on a basic level and then there is smiling and basically living it up!
When his wallet went missing and returned Gerry waffled in his blog how good it was to get important things backk, such as his liscence, credit cards etc...NO MENTION OF THE ONLY COPY OF A PICTURE OF MADELEINE!!
As I said, point me in the direction of evidence on the contrary and I am there...or tell me what makes you so certain? Hey isnt it better to be wrong in our shoes and wrongly point the finger than to be wrong the other way and turn a blind eye to some pretty startling evidence that points to foul play and the death of a little girl on holiday, days before her fourth birthday, who should have been starting "big" school?!
Hi Viv,
Would just like to say before I go off to bed, that your last 2 posts, one to myself and the other to Anon, are excellent and sum everything up perfectly. You are so right, academic intelligence does not always mean that the person will have common sense. In this case there has been a clear lack of it shown from Team Mccann. Lizzy 23.30
I am most cetainly not divorced from any sort of reality. I am the product of an abuse by one parent while the other turned a blind eye, so perhaps I should be one of the first to condem. However, no I cannot explain why I think these parents are not guilty, instinct? lack of evidence? motive? opportunity? but it is my opinion which I am entitled to have and express without being verbally abused. Leigh3 called me a sadist the other evening and an abuser of children and animals.
While I say the McCanns did not physically harm Madeline I do realise the neglect by leaving children alone and do not condone this in anyway. They should not of left their children.
As for them showing empathy we cannot all conform to a stero-type of how everone should behave in tragic circumstances. I have seen mothers, fathers, partners etc wailing with uncontrollable grief on tv appeals for missing loved ones only later to ne arrested for the crime of killing them.
Its not justtheir lack of emotion...its the inconsitencies from them and their friends, the way they are hampering the investigation, when they could volantarily return to Portugal, then they will be in more of a position to protest their innocence and get the investigators on the right track. Fact is a four year old girl went on holiday,she disappeared whilst supposedly being left alone, No independant witness see's the abductor, the only witnesses to see him is, Jane tanner, who stared at his legs and trousers and the three friends who had a confrontation with Murat in the police station,there is forensic evidence linking them, mobile phone triangulation evidence, inconsitencies, failure to look...that night and at any time. Its all too dodgy, nothing fits.
Firstly you do make me smile (in a nice way)
Secondly no it is not right to point the finger wrongly if you are destroying an innocent couple and their extended family in the process.
Will have to agree to disagree, perhaps we can chew the cud again some time. goodnight...keep smiling!
Well said last anon.
If anyone is divorced from reality is some of the posters here.
I've never come across such a bunch of loonies.
Muldoon, I see you are new.
When did they release you?
Don't worry,
The not so good doctor tends to appear around this time, so you will be in good hands.
Anon - I really have to take issue with your remark "destroying an innocent couple and their extended family". They are not an innocent couple they are prime suspects for killing their child and disposing of her body. I am sure that any police investigation for such a serious offence is very stressful for the culprits and their families but innocent little children do not deserve to be treated like this.
At no stage in your comment did you mention that an innocent little child DIED before she even reached her fourth birthday. This is who we feel sympathy for, not those being investigated, quite properly, on the basis of evidence gathered over the last 10 months, of being responsible.
I would respectfully suggest the extended family to cut short much of this investigation if they started to tell the truth!
Please do not post on here again, Anon, and making allegations against other regular, well liked posters like Leigh 3. I will not tolerate it.
Viv x \
anon as in the last poster...justbefore you it would seem...The funny part of this is as I have been randomly selected for ridicule by you it seems rather desperate on your part...I am open to all things, whereas you are so blinkered you revert to abuse, if that is the state of the McCann brigade,,,god help them, the likes of you is as damaging to their reputations than Gerry's up his own arSe blogs..Your tactics will not workon me, go and report some you tube videos or something, you are wasting your time.
Just found this in the mCCnn files
The Media blackout, 28 February 2008
People may be wondering why we are now in a media blackout - just at the point when events seem to be finally moving forward.
Consider this posting from someone who works within the media, posted on Wednesday 27 February at 1:26pm, on the3arguidos forum:
'This week, we have received a polite notice that we should desist from referring to, or indeed inferring the existance of, rogatory letters being considered by the Home Office. This 'request' has been passed to all organs of the news media.
I haven't quite got to the bottom of how and why this has come about and I'm not sure if I will. It is possible that there is a deliberate effort to avoid uninformed speculation on the timescales involved, or the process being followed and that the Home Office want to deal with this quietly, methodically and professionally without undue external influence or interference. It is also possible that they'd rather that the public at large didn't know that such things existed and continued to believe in fairies. I don't exactly know the route that this request has taken to reach us either, but nevertheless it does explain why there is almost no mention of the rogatory letters in the British media.
We have been instructed (by 'we' I mean the media in general, rather than my particular arm thereof) to refer to the Portuguese police as hoping, or wanting, to question, or clarify some aspects with, the Tapas 7 and make no mention that an official process is underway to facilitate this. Hence, you will not see any reference to these letters, nor any further speculation as to why they are taking some time to be authorised in the papers or on TV news from this point on into the foreseeable future.'
Of course, there is a danger in accepting at face value something that an anonymous poster claims on a forum. What way is there to verify it as genuine? The answer is none. However, the words of the poster appear to be being borne out with only the Daily Mail reporting the acceptance of the rogatory letters and the imminent re-interviewing of certain members of the tapas group.
No other newspaper or media outlet, including the BBC and Sky News are reporting what is the most significant development in the case since the McCanns were declared arguidos.
The same poster continues:
'... I'm not suggesting that there is necessarily anything untoward in what's been done, per se. It is fair to assume that the Home Office were not best pleased with the reports last month that they were deliberately holding up a process which few people fully understand and which must be followed to the letter (no pun intended) if subsequent prosecutions are to follow based upon it.
However, it does feed the fires of those who would like to suggest to the great British public that the Portuguese police are inept and that if they wanted to reinterview anyone then they could and should just do so. There is a complicated legal procedure to be followed, which is the direct result of the McCanns leaving Portugal when they did and the failure, or inability, of the Portuguese authorites to prevent them from doing so.
Silencing discussion in the mainstream media of this point and the resulting interminable machinations, is hardly informing the public at large. But that's not really what the media exists to do nowadays it would seem.'
I would not normally post something like this on the site, as it is unsubstantiated and opinion based, but I felt it was worth posting on here for people consider and judge for themselves.
So why are you here? husband out or drunk?Forget it love, I will beat you hands down if its just a slanging match you are here for....Go to sociopathic.net...go to forums and lets do it there...its where all the nuts meet,and a place you can get down and dirty with your absive posts and no one will worry...see you there I hope...But for here I am going to ignore you as one of them nuts linked to the child killers of the century...chew on that!!
I think the fact that we have been discussing facts and details whereas anon just spouts abuse is indicative of one of two things..either and is linked to the McCanns hence her taking it personally or she is a nut who has no argument at all, does not beleive the McCanns stoRy but is looking foR a bit of stimulation and knows only this way to get interaction.Probably lonely and without company.
Anonymous said...
Wow, now you really belong here!
AND MADELEINE BELONGS IN BRITAIN.So thats a no to sociopathic.net?
That's it Anon - you had a polite warning - your last petulant and nasty posts are being removed.
Viv x
Olá, querida Viv!
How are you?
I've been trying to access your blog all evening. I have finally managed. The pro cretins are getting desperate, uh? It's fun to watch! :-)
Beijinhos e dorme bem, querida amiga!
Hi again Muldoon
Thanks for your post about silencing and manipulation of the media. Of course it is unprecedented for suspects being investigated for homicide to have their own spin doctor manipulating the media on their behalf, but undoutedly that is what he is doing. Does this make the McCanns appear innocent in the public's eyes? Clearly not!
I think there is probably some merit in the suggestion that official sources such as the PJ, Brit Police and the Home Office would like to quieten speculation on the web about this case. They obviously do not want anything to interfere in the official investigation or in the fair trial of the McCanns.
You have made some excellant posts tonight on what has otherwise been a quiet night for this blog. Thanks so much for your very interesting contribution.
Viv x
LOL....seriously go to sociopathic.net...forum...you will love it there..Im in there you will see im signed in waiting!!
If you got such a good argument where is it? How come only abuse? Only that its not right to do this on a forum for a little missing girl that i am not ripping right in to you..have a bit of respect, comb your hair, tidy the house then get on the afore mentioned forum!!
Wow! I disappear for a time and I see we have a new poster! Muldoon, are you of Scottish descent?
I can see I have many posts to catch up on.
I must say, I am very disappointed not to have received the gong for most annoying poster over on t'other side. And I tried sooo hard as well!! I truly admire you Hope & envy your expertise in annoying the trolls. (could you teach me your secrets some day?!)
Blimey, where do I start? Have just handed in my research proposal today. It was 55 mins late for which i will have to take a 5% penalty. Ah well! I not only have two more pieces of coursework left and three exams to go, oh, and my final dissertation. Sometimes I wonder, who the hell am I to even think that I could do this??? I really am very tired and beyond help! Yes, anon, I am deserved of "thickie" title and I really don't care at this point in time if you wish to take my words and expand upon them :)
So, as far as I can see, I've missed - rogatory letters are now issued. Great! Let's hope it will all take place very soon. Eddy & Keela are stars and we knew that, but it's nice to have this confirmed on home ground. As for the taxi driver - i feel that this is yet more spin....
For all of the hours of my life that I have spent watching, reading and posting, I truly believe that we are approaching an answer as to what happened to that poor little girl on 2nd or 3rd May 2007.
I for one, cannot sit back and have the blinds pulled over me as I feel so strongly that justice should be served on behalf of this little girl that was left alone to her peril.
I will try to catch up on all comments directed to me. In the meantime, take care all and hope to read you again soon.
Dylan x
Ola Minha querida Claudia
I am good thanks and hope you are too. Disappointed people seem to be having trouble getting on here tonight - I thought it was unusually quiet!
Com amor
Beijinhos e ambracos
Dorme Bem
and great to hear from you as ever darling
Viv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks felicity and apart from the hassle with anon its been good to rediscover this site..You are doing a great job, the behaviour of the trolls is proof of that. Keep up the good work.
Anon, I am a total and utter raving loonie - confirmed.
How are you going to justify your sanity and on what grounds? - do you have a referee?
Just a thought.
Hello Dylan...I joined this site ages ago but lost the link..found it again via joanna morais site...another good site. No not scottish....Irish!! And like you I cant rest till I am satisfied all that can be done is done to find out what happened to Madeleine McCann.
Muldoon, don't rise to the bait. That's what they want.
You have a right to speak freely and to stand up for what you believe. Some people just cannot accept this unless you say exactly what they WANT to hear.
Unify and speak!
Good to see you here, dyl x
Its a place where I followed a link to a madeleine thread...found it funny and interesting and its a place where it is approriate to be abusive..So basically you are saying F*** Madeleine, let them get away with it and ignore any evidence that suggests their guilt?
Have some respect, right or wrong this site iis about a missing child..You must be nuts, seriously check out the criteria of a sociopath...you seem to have a fe of the traits.
Unreasonable arguments that contain no substance just random abuse.
Disproptionate rage to things that do not affect you personally.
inability to see reason or logic.
inability to perceive hurt or pain to a person being hurt or having been hurt.
Difference is i am not trying to dictate to you how you should think..why is that?
Dylan I will indeed ignore the nuts...its funny being called a loony by a....loony!!
Do you think the ne interviews will lead to anything? They have had a long time to polish their stories.
I can assure you if I wanted to have a bit of excitement or gossip..sociopathic.net would be far more interesting and productive...visitors only see the one forum,,,,the others are hidden till you join..there is far more gore and gossip intehre I can assure you..and the abuse is from a better class of person than your good self..shame on you using this to get a petty squabble...that is hat you re doing isnt it? or what is your reaon for being here?
And you see the disappeaance of a child and the subsequent cover up as ammo to have a verbal fight...that will help the McCanns. It will also help their PR with the average joe on the street..manipulators backed by bullies.
Hiya again Dill and Muldoon
Phew some unpopular people just dont know when they are being shown the door do they!
Dill you made me laugh about your essay 55 mins late and losing 5 - on my law degree that happened so many times and costs me quite a lot of marks overall so I learned my lesson when doing the next one! I still put off horrible chores to the last possible minute though and when doing the last degree my kitchen used to get polished when essays were due!
On rogatory letters PJ being here within the next 10 days or so now seems likely. Our own police are going out there first. Must be costing a bloody fortune but to bring those two (one in particular) to justice for their conduct it is well worth every penny. The McCanns gave us the timescale really! I wonder if they will bother to appoint another firm of investigators in March??? Interesting the DE had to pay Hogan damages for defamation. I now Clarence does not like the DE! Interesting the way he wants to comment on the Portuguese couple buying second hand garden furniture in Dorset/ the 18 year old Dutch girls "definite sighting " but not the Portuguese taxi driver!
Dyl I do agree with you - this process marches on and the McCanns and their spinners are getting increasingly desperate - hence some very silly pieces of spin of late!
Luv Viv x
You seem to know the site very well, I'm afraid its not for me, but hope it helps you.
As for petty squabbles, don't worry here they are never ending. Viv and co will get into one with anyone who disagrees with them.
As for class of person here... You definitely belong here.
Muldoon, you sum things up so perfectly! So tired - wish I could type properly!
Playgorund speech is what the trolls utilise. Until now, I have never heard of "looloo lallaby, telling of you" since i was a mere sproglet. Just goes to show the mentality of such people. We have all bashed our heads against a brick wall for so long trying to tell the pros: it's ok. Give us an arguement based on fact and relevent conjecture: bring it on and we will respond!! Alas, we get no more than idle threats and vilification and horrible language!! (poor, lovely viv)
What part of the lovely green island are you from? Isis is also Irish and hails from the beautiful south west.
Dylan x
Muse, you do make me laugh - this site is not for you - I just deleted about 20 posts from you and still you keep on!
What a laugh - you are obsessed with me, my posters and my blog - go on admit it!
Are you lonely on your own little blog, baghead?
Viv x
I'm fine, thanks, darling.
Just wanted to say good night to you. Sleep well and sweet dreams! :-)
Nite darling Claudia
Sweet dreams to the PJs as well - they have much important work to do:-)
Boa Noite!
Luv Viv x
Does this anon have a blog? What is it, will have to have a gander..
Yes anon I am very at home there, its vrey intersting and highly amusing...and a more appropriate place to kick off an argument as that seems to be your bag.
Your right I do belong here...it seems you have a yearnng to belong here too....less why are you here?
Hi Muldoon
Yes she does have a blog - devoted to attacking this blog - rather sad and she answers herself on there as - you guessed it "anon"!
Thank you...will go and haev a nose. its funny its always the pro McCanns who troll, and its always them caling people nuts. NO where in society do normal people ignore the death of child..even low life convicts would be outraged at the McCanns..Yet this bunch condone it...
Hi Muldoon
I think when you have a read on there you will be truly shocked just how nuts this lady is!
Viv x
I just read it...left a message too!! She is deluded...The truie sign of madness is to not know you have a problem.She does indeed seem obsessed with here more than her own blog!
Hi Muldoon
Typical behaviour of offenders:
minimisation, justification, denial
"it was just like sitting in our back garden"
"I know I am a truly responsible parent, I tell myself every day"
"we knew straight away, Madeleine had been abducted, there was no doubt in our minds"
Hi dear Viv, yes you remember my toilet cleaning frienzy well!!! Never before has a toilet bowl seemed so attractive!! Cough, cough!!
I'm not overly concerned. For once, I planned my proposal really well and it seems to flow (unlike my previous essays that were so disjointed). I only have to get 50%to pass and I don't think they will fail anyone as we have all paid so much money for this. (the only point on which i fall at the post of being socialist is that the government make it so hard for women, with children to better themselves) My dad has paid for this for me out of his retirement fund for which i can never thank him enough.
Muldoon, it's a weird thing. I don't exactly know why I'm here. When I first heard the news of the missing girl, I felt so sorry for the parents (and I still do) and my grandmother was all tut, tut, they shouldn't have left her alone.
I was walking to school to teach and buying the news on the way (5 mile walk) to take up the time. Then, all of a sudden (& I've mentioned this to a very few people) I had a dream. In it, I saw Maddie. She was in a celler of some kind. The left side of her face was covered in blood. She seemed to be asking me something.
I have NEVER believed in the occult or ghosts etc. I awoke the next morning and felt that it was so real. Shortly after, the news of the Church crypt came up which scared me and then, the news that she may have fallen down the stone steps came up and it really scared me then! Made my hair stand up on end.
I don't know. I like to think I have an open mind and don't really believe in all of this ghost crap. But, since all of this, the facts speak more for themselves and the facts add up.
Also, and on a more less than paranormal basis, I am so disgusted about the McCanns leaving their children to go and enjoy themselves. This is what gets my goat and this is what I want to make a stand against as I just cannot condone that behaviour.
I consider myself to be working class, working hard and despite the fact I'm always skint, I give all that I have to my 3 kids. They are great, they are respectful & most of all, they know, so long as i live, i would give my life for them. What more can I offer?
Dyl - & welcome Irish one XX
Hi Muldoon, thanks for that - it is a frightening picture of serious madness written by someone who clearly has no insight whatsoever into their illness. Really a very dark place and frightening things going on in her mind. She just cannot stop stalking me - maybe I should report the matter and see if that will get her some help?
Viv x
Felicity so true, they fit the bill for sure...That nuts site is like the ramblings of one of the psychos on sociopathic..It seems as if its someone who takes all this personally, perhaps a friend of that pair of no good murdering gits..The fact she is attacking you there is testament to what agreat site this is...less why would they bother.
Stop flattering yourself Viv, the troll likes not doc much more than it likes you, and Hope is winning the vote.
You are just jealous.
Viv - "baghead"
It's the most I have laughed in weeks! :))) In fact, it's the only time have laughed in bloody ages!
Just pondering now as to whom is worthy of such a great insult - can't wait to use it! You are like gold dust - a real gem! (taketh thou what you will from me & turn it into such wonders!!!) Brilliant!
Dylan Im not a great beleiever in paranormal, but unexplained phenomena happens all the time so I wont knock it. I just cant get Madeleine out of my head,dont know why. I do know every fibre in my body screams out that there is a sinister aspect to this story and the parents are at the centre of it.
felicity, she is kind of stirring up hatred and encouraging abuse of you I would see if the blog supplier can sort it out or indeed look in to how she can be sorted..she isnt all there.
She is defending an attack...I see no threads about you..
With all of the toing and froings of identity that is part and parcel of today's communication, I no longer know who to trust, who to believe and who is pulling the wool over our eyes.
I'm not sure what you meant by your last post, but suffice to say, i do know i can trust anything that felicity/viv posts wholeheartedly in that it is posted:
1) In all honesty
2) In all decency
3) as accurate as her sources allow
I may disagree with what viv says from time to time & viv disagrees with us. But, we know where we stand in the grand scheme of things and Viv never gets above herself.
Viv, uniquely, offers a chance for opinions to be expressed, fairly and without compromise. Don't ever ask me to stand against her because I never will. I may not agree but at least I know viv will never shout me down for that.
I wish there were more people like her in this world...
Dillie xx
Hiya both - I am not a great believer in the paranormal either but when I read your post Dyl it made my flesh creep because I remember saying to my son I had this vision of Maddie being in some dark cupboard, battered and dead. I suppose our minds just take what we know and try to make some sense of it - this can give us powerful visions when we are as you both agree overwhelmed with empathy for this poor little girl who we feel we have almost come to know. This is because of her parents bombarding us with images of her designed to raise cash for them.
At the top of this blog you will see a flag blog button - the same on Supertroll's - this will bring the blog to the attention of google for inspection - I recommend people flag her blog so that google have a look at what is going on there.
Viv x
Anon, just go and do something really painfull with yourself .....
B******s, Muldoon - were you referring to troll? If so, I apologise very profusely! (note to self to get my knickers untwisted!)
Dyl x
Dyl - I am glad you had a good rofl about baghead but it was not particularly original of me given this is the profile she presents of herself. It is funny though in a sick sort of way! I suppose it is an indication of very low self-esteem, also note above she refers to herself as "it" and "the troll". Definitely needs to work with a psychiatrist!
Viv x
I was talking to felicity about anon Dylan not saying felicity is stirring... I love this site and am full of admiration for the people who created it...You read me wrong, perhaps I was unclear.
No worries Dylan I often grab the wrong end of the stick..I see now my comment could be taken either way!!
I am glad you both like the site - lots of others do to. I do try my best :-)
Viv x
You are right Felicity we have been so bombarded her face is now etched on our minds like that of our own children, and I know exactly what you mean about its like we almost know her..
I feel compelled to push for the truth and to spread the word that all is not as it seems.
I still can hardly bare to look at her picture, Madeleine is my first and last hought of the day. Many nights I have cried myself to sleep for the little girl who I dont even know...If that makes me nuts, I am happy to be a nut!
You are not nuts Muldoon - this is how people genuinely feel. I have often shed tears when looking at how gorgeous she is and just trying to imagine how anyone could go into a rage and hurt her. I have thought I just wish I could have had her and looked after her. I think these are just normal feelings from people who genuinely love and respect dear little children and are just heartbroken at what happened to her.
Viv x
Hiya Viv, I think I may have mistakenly taken it out on Muldoon. Honestly, I'm so brain dead now that I don't know my a** from my elbow! LOL. Forgive me muldoon, perlease!
Yes, my dream. Don't dare tell people.It's so not me and not what what I believe in. I sometimes wonder how many others are at the same point because they had the same dream. I am very realistic and down to earth and I do know it was just a dream but it transformed this whole case into an obsession for me, purely because it registered as so real. It was almost as if i could touch her and almost as if she was begging me to do something.
I don't believe it was real but it has made me so determined to do something or say something. Maybe I am achieving nothing but in my own mind, it helps. I don't watch soaps or read shallow mags. I never obsess about anything, until now. Ah well, everthing leads somewhere so there must be some rhyme or reason that brought me to Justice for Maddie and the Twins or I'd be in bed now, like most normal people!
At the same time, I'm so very glad I have got to know the likes of you and others. So many nice people.
Dyl xx
Its also that I have a daughter the same age, as I watch her being a princess or laughing happily it strikes me that that is how Madeleine should be acting...Xmas morning I wept as I watched my daughter happpily opening her presents whilst thinking Of Madeleine. Often as I watch my daughter I think of Madeleine.I cant beeive after all this time there seems to be no sign of a resolution or justice for her....\Thats why you have to keep this blog going.
Dylan...like you Im obsessed, initially couldnt sleep, constantly surfing for the truth. I still think of her throughout the day and my morning routine, before coffeee and fag is to look on the internet for news of her.
Viv & Mul,
I am not nearly as gracious as the two of you. What gets me so upset is the thought of my children left alone and crying.
Although Maddie is beautiful, as are all, pure children, she's not mine.
My imagnation fills in what i do not know and haunts me with what I do. If my very own gorgeous little girl (1 of 3) disappeared beacuse i left her, I would no longer be able to live with myself and would have left my own mortal coil long ago. This, and only this, is what I fail to understand of the McCanns and believe me, I am more afraid of death than the average Joe.
Dyl :(
Hiya both - I think we all got manipulated by Gerry McCann and his cynical attempts to just sell this gorgeous little girl. Initially, we had our doubts about Kate and Gerry McCann, well I certainly did anyway, but we tried to put those to one side. We got this story blow by blow, day in day out and we so desperately wanted this little lovely to be found alive. Gradually, as time has worn on, we have come to the sad realisation she is not alive, there are posters on here who still struggle with that even now and hope for a miracle. Wanting her to be found alive has been replaced by a real need to see her parents brought to justice for what they did and they anguish and distress they have caused to all of us, I suppose, by their massive media circus. To me, Madeleine, has come to symbolize all children who suffer like she obviously did and I want things to change, so that parents in the UK can learn to be better parents. This, in turn, will stop parents breeding children who grow up to be like Gerry McCann.
We need to remember millions of children all over the world suffer just like little Maddie did and we need to make the world a better place for children, where they are safe and loved. If the parents cannot manage to do that, we need to try harder to remove children from such parents before something really terrible does happen to them.
Until such time as we do see Justice and an acceptance that abusing children by leaving them alone like that is not just a "mistake" this site will continue to run. Rest assured of that. It will take a lot more than "Supertroll" or the other McCann sycophants on their little blog to stop me.
Luv Viv x
The thought of Madeiene alone and crying haunts me...as per Mrs Fenns statement..also her little body being dumped with no ceremony or loving thought...And if I am honest I prefer an unexpected death scenario rather than the slightest chance she is alive with Paedos..Thats one thing thats shows the McCanns for what they are...if they seriously beleive a predatory paedo took her their behaviour is beyond beleif...yes they got to give twins a normal life but Im sorrry I couldnt,,,,not without drugs. I would have been running around luz like a mad man.And nothing would have brought me home.
Muldoon, thanks.
I am so bad at saying how i feel and it is people like you and viv and the rest of you good-uns that help me to remember why i put my life on hold.
So many people, so many thoughts. So much heartfelt opinion for such a small little girl. Would you believe it? If you had asked me a year ago, i may have passed it off as whimsy. Now, I just don't know who i was before. Plain weird!
Many a warm welcome for bearing with me on this. Warm duvet is calling and my wrinkles need more than the standard 8 hrs! Night Muldoon & I look forward to speaking with you again. Take care & your daughter. x
Night Viv. Justice for Madeleine.
Your last post felicity has brought me again to tears, I sometimes wish i had never heard of Madeleine as her fate is taking over my life...apart from looking after the house and kids, I can think of little else. MY husband says why read about her...How can I not, I prayed for her return as you said and now I feel compelled to expose the truth. Someone has to speak for her, her parenst have Clarence and their trolls, Madleine only has us and our numbers are dwindling...I recall when every paper, sky news etc was ull of posts about Madeleine.
Gnight Dylan speak again soon x
Hiya Muldoon
This is what is so repugnant about the McCann defence of themselves. Instead of people accepting the evidence they have tried to manipulate us into believing that some awful paedophiles took her but there is absolutely no evidence of this whatsoever. They just could not have got in there and took her without leaving any trace whatsoever. Jane Tanner's performance on Panorama was absolutely sickening - even as she was speaking she was constantly shaking her head saying no!
Gerry McCann engaged the Retardos because no reputable agency was prepared to perpetuate this myth - but this firm even deal cocaine!
It is all so sickening and repulsive and just who do they think they are kidding? and how does Clarence Mitchell sleep at night - no wonder he gets so obviously stressed, angry and aggressive when seeking to defend these two. I do not think he has any concern for them - merely what he can make out of book and film sales when they are in their prison cells. That makes him almost as bad as them in my book - he has little Madeleine's blood on his hands and will do anything for money.
Viv x
Night Dillie and take care darling - I enjoyed our heartfelt discussion. There may only have been the three of us (once we shook off my stalker!) but it was a good one!
Luv Viv x
Viv, really am off to bed now. Do you know how i can give muldoon my email address without revealing to all and sundry? I feel I have encountered a like-minded person that i can talk to & i don't mind you knowing my address also, but for obvious reasons, would not like it to fall into the wrong hands ;) Dyl x Nite nite x
It will be a tradgedy if this pair get away with it...and Clarence must be able to see its dodgy, he must know there is something amiss.He is one who in the pursuit of fame and money will do anything regardless of right and wrong.
I have no problem my email being given to Dylan if that can be done out of view of the loons that come here...if not wracking my brains of a way to get it to her.
Hiya both - I have an email address for this site
I will pass mail on if you ask me to.
Viv x
yes please....pass mine on to dylan. You are welcome toit too...will email you asap
OK good night both must go
viv x
Thanks for the article from the McCann file - instructions to media re: Rogatory Letters.
Forum commentators have good memories, unlike people who lie.
The article you posted confirms that the Home Office have lied in this case. One commentator posted a copy of e-mail reply they had sent to Home Office regarding the delays - this was about 2 months ago. The reply - in original format - categorically stated that it was NOT a matter for the Home Office and had been passed to the Foreign Office - who declined to comment.
Correspondence confirms that not only has the Government being wasting Police time with the intention of undermining a criminal investigation, they have also lied to the electorate.
The question remains, why is the British Government lying and why does it continue to aid/abet and protect the prime suspects in their child's death and disappearance ?
Identical behaviour has come to light in the horrific Jersey Case.
Today's press "The leading detective investigating a Jersey care home where children were said to be tortured vowed yesterday to 'hunt down' the abusers. Deputy chief police officer Lenny Harper warned: "You will be made to answer for your crimes".
Officals ignored the childrens' pleas for help, covered up a damning report and swept it under the carpet to preserve Jersey's 'clean' image.
In this case, the Police are not only finding proof of death, they are pursuing those responsible; they are doing so despite the fact the deaths occurred, reportedly, from 1960 through to the 1980's.
Justice will be served despite the Establishment's cover up.
In Madeleine's case, Eddie & Keela found evidence of her death in her parents' apartment along with corpse specimens in the vehicle.
Labour Government ministers have been complicit in the cover up. Labour's mantle is lies, spin, lies, spin and more lies.
Madeleine had the same right to life as those who ended hers ...
the Police have a legal duty to act on the victim's behalf and they have full public backing.
Gordon Brown has much to answer for in this case; the Police and public will not be silenced. 9.45 a.m.
Todays news in UK press:(In case there are more than me that first check for news at this site, and then read papers!:)
Kate and Gerry McCann set for second police quiz over Madeleine's disappearance
By Emily Miller 29/02/2008 Mirror
Police probing Madeleine McCann's disappearance are poised to fly to Britain to quiz her parents and their friends.
Portuguese police have waited for months for UK approval to re-interview Kate and Gerry, both 39, and the Tapas Seven over the May 3 night the four-year-old vanished.
Crucial witnesses David Payne, 41, Jane Tanner and her partner Russell O'Brien, 36, are due to be called first within 10 days.
A Portuguese police source said: "We're now just talking about finding a convenient date."
A spokesman for the McCanns, of Rothley, Leics, said last night: "They've nothing to hide."
The Home Office said: "We have received a legal assistance request from the Portuguese."
McCann pals to face cop quiz
Published: Today, the Sun
PORTUGUESE cops are to jet to Britain to interview Kate and Gerry McCann and their pals in a last-ditch bid to solve Maddie’s disappearance.
They want to quiz David Payne, Jane Tanner and partner Russell O’Brien, it was claimed.
Authorities have waited months for UK approval, but a source told newspaper 24 horas: “We are finalising the last few details. Within ten days’ a team of investigators will travel to the UK.”
Maddie went missing around 10pm from her holiday apartment in Praia da Luz last May as her parents ate with pals in a nearby restaurant.
Dr O’Brien, 36, was away from the group at the time changing bed linen after his child was sick. But staff say no-one asked for new sheets.
Portuguese police have made formal requests to seize Kate McCann’s diary, said to show how the GP struggled with the daily routine of work and childcare.
Thanks for the article - how long has the Government delayed this -
4 months? And at taxpayers' expense here and in Portugal !!!
9.55 a.m.
Hi 2345!
Thank you for your always interesting posts! I really hope justice will be seen in both cases, and that so many heads will roll, that noone ever, never, abuses and neglects children, and cover up for it again!!!
2345 are there any petitions or anything at all happening re the way the governement are hampering the pj and are assisting the McCanns to cover up a crime. Its aiding and abetting them to hamper and impede an investigation in to the death of a British citizen. Surely some pressure can be brought to get an explanation of why that is...Even after the initial consulate representative reported that the McCanns seemed to be lying and unwilling tohelp the p.j!!
Question for anyone...whatever happened aout the barn and bloody towel that was discovered? I beleive I read that the barn was discovered after triangulation of Gerry and O'Briens mobiles.
Read your post from last night regarding Psychopops stating on the DE that McC's were planning to return to PT in March. I remember that post, P/pops said they were going to trash the Tourist trade. I am sure the 18/3/08 was mentioned. I cannot remember where I posted that I wondered if this was another cover up attempt implying that they would be going of their own free will or would it be an offical request/order to return. Remember Social Services being invited to Rothley Manor at K's behest for afternoon tea, cos us public are too stupid to think otherwise. It will be interesting if any of the Tapas 9 are returning around this time.
Yes it was very wierd on the De in the last few weeks, I always felt that Rosiepops was a man from my first times on the DE, I think it became more apparent as time went on, when he/she mentioned these dates , I thought it was the 18th but could have been the 13th, mid March anyway, I thought this person has inside knowledge of the case. I think Viv has always thought Rosiepops was not the old woman she pretended to be either. But how would Rosiepops if he had no connection to the case know that the letters would be accepted at this time and questioning take place in March. I was thinking possibly they may believe they will be cleared following the question and may go back to have their status lifted? Or would that be necessary? Lizzy
I am a bit puzzled re Ironside, as when he sent me a PM I believed it to be him as he signed with his own name as he did several weeks ago. How is it possible for a clone to know his name? Lizzy
Do you think it could be a case of lets flood the papers with phoney sightings keep the gullible fed with our Propaganda then when we have to return the gullible will swallow, we are returning to help with the enquiry. Why are there no forums linked to the papers for discussion. Why would the PJ have been in Britain 3 times, 2 we were not aware of, Team McC did not even know this until it happened. Why send the Letters if they are to be cleared.
Zodiac 13.51hrs
Viv & Everyone,
Thought you might enjoy a refresher of Eddie & Keela's work in Luz - on 3A's.
Dogs search for more traces
The two english dogs that have been cooperating in the investigation into the disappearance or death of Madeleine McCann are trying to reconstitute an eventual route for the english girl after leaving, probably already lifeless, the apartment at the Ocean Club, in Praia da Luz, Lagos. This comes after the detection of blood traces in the parents’ room, presumably from the child. Yesterday, another approximately ten cars from persons that are involved in the case were searched.
The investigators now try to detect behaviours on the dogs that are identical to those verified in the apartment. While one of the “cocker spaniel” discovered traces of blood on a wall, the other detected the odour of a corpse on the same location. The combination of these two factors increases the consistency of the thesis that the girl died in her parents’ bedroom, as JN reported yesterday, as the victim of a yet unexplained accident, as PJ is inclined to believe at the moment, or as the victim of a crime. Therefore, the abduction theory is increasingly remote.
According to information that was obtained by JN, the blood traces are now being analysed by DNA specialists, and compared to Maddie’s genetic profile, in order to clarify any remaining doubts about the person whom the detected samples belong to. Only then will the PJ advance into new inquiries on the McCann couple, and their close circle. The witnesses will be confronted with the elements that have been collected meanwhile.
Yesterday’s diligences comprised the searches of vehicles from Robert Murat, his mother Jenny’s van, and the cars of Tuck Price, Murat’s friend and spokesperson, Ralf, an uncle of the arguido, Serguei Malinka, the russian who had business with the anglo-portuguese, the friends Mikaela and Luis Antonio, and also the vehicle that was used by the McCann couple on the days before their daughter vanished.
Investigating another crime
The operation that involved light filters to detect residues, and the two english sniffer dogs, was done in an underground parking lot in Portimao, right in front of the Town Hall and the Criminal Investigation Department at Judiciaria.
PJ asked PSP to close 3 of the 4 levels of the parking lot from the public, and for hours the technicians were inside doing their tests. In the late afternoon, most of the automobiles, driven by inspectors, were returned to their owners, but the McCann family’s vehicle was still being analysed at this newspaper’s closing time.
A source with the investigations explained to JN that some of the vehicles had been closely inspected in May, when the investigation started. Yet, the possibility that the 4-year old child was killed inside the apartment led investigators to “rethink the whole strategy” and to “analyse again all the traces that were found, and the places that are most likely for the child to have been through”.
The use of other investigation techniques by PJ and the english Police is due to the fact that a new investigation line is being explored. The use of ultra-violet light filters appears due to the fact that only now there are clues that point to the girl’s death. “The first possibility was abduction, but the scenario has changes, and that is what we are now working on”, was concluded.
Kate and Gerry McCann will be heard again this week, in a last attempt to try to understand what really happened inside the Ocean Club apartment, on May 3. The three british couples that spent their holidays with the McCanns should arrive meanwhile.
Cadaver blood is different from a living person’s blood
There are differences in the chemical composition between the blood from a cadaver and from a living person. Jose Eduardo Pinto da Costa explains that the distinction is made at the “coagulation” level and also through the presence of white and red blood clots. “Cadaver blood has more white or fibrinous clots”, the Forensic Medicine professor tells JN, underlining that this detection is not possible with exams done in Portugal.
Yet, he admits that dogs can be trained to distinguish between the two blood types. “Humans have five million olfact cells, while dogs have 220 million!”. In spite of the explamation given by Pinto da Costa, other forensic medicine experts say it is not possible to distinguish between the blood from a living person and that from a cadaver. In Maddie’s case, one of the dogs detected the smell of blood, while the other one marked the presence of a cadaver. The combination of these two factors leads the investigators to believe that Maddie died in her parents’ bedroom.
2345 2.05 p.m.
Ironside - it's sorted, thanks.
2.10 p.m.
I think the Government's been trying to ascertain just how far they could push PJ around with delaying tactics etc. They don't want media coverage of their endeavours to pervert the course of justice. They are hand in glove with Darth Vader, aka Herr Clarence who does his level best to divert the intelligent British public with PR tripe.
Rogues gallery ... the Jersey case is a timely reminder of
Establishment's corruption. Both involve the death of innocent, vulnerable children. 2.15 p.m.
2345 /Zodiac
Hi,that was a very enlightening read,no wonder G was fuming when he came out of the police station,then trying his best to discredit the dogs by comparing to another case in USA.He protests to much.
Zodiac,Ihope the PJ have reserved a few seats on the plane for the journey back to PDL.
xx D
That is exactly what is being prtnted in the papers Tripe. That Dorset sighting really takes the biscuit. C saying it at leasts sounds like an abduction. EI need to have a re-think, fortunately the majority of the public are not gullible. Only the gullible could beleive this nonsense. Eddie and Keela are wondeful, I am sure they have helped immensely in this case.
Hi everyone.
Muldoon/viv, my email got sent straight to my inbox. No idea how that happened. I have sent you another email, viv & i'm keeping my fingers crossed this time!
Thursday nights are our drinking nights after ocean 3 hr practical. I have a very sore head today as a result and very embarrassed I revealed my dream! (didn't want people to think that i see myself as some kind of psychic!) Life has a very strange way of leading to things & i believe that everything happens for a reason. I just don't believe there is any paranormal explanation for it...
Sorry again and thanks for keeping me company in the wee hours!
Dylan x
I hope there are extra seats booked also. How many do you think?
I hear Claudia and Alsabella are going to be your guests for a while. Remember to have a snoop about their files and post on here if they dont.
Just popped on quickly
Muldoon=Old Hippy or Ratonthebeam.
or perhaps they are all one of the same.
Dylan...your dream you posted last night..absolutely disgraceful, keep your scenarios of what happened to Madeline to yourself.
Same with you Viv you also posted a description of what you dreamt happened to Madeline...disgraceful too.
Call Supertroll what you like but
she/he has never talked about Madeline in that way. Shame on you.
Sorry,I am a bit puzzled about Caudia & Alsabella.
Idon't know how many seats,Iwill gues at 4.How many do you think?
xx D
Don't think so.
rat 15:15 GMT
Viv & Everyone,
In line with the 'silencing' methods used in the McCann case, I've been thinking about the one true voice in the Jersey case, the British carer who was sacked to be silenced only because he raised concerns.
I wonder how many children died in that house of horrors as a result .. how much further suffering was inflicted.
As this and other Forums show, there is great strength in numbers. How very sad that the good British carer did not have the online facilities available in this case.
Alongside that good person, how many in this case have been verbally abused, hounded, reduced to tears and, I will never forget, one of the Hope's was made physically sick due to DE trolls.
The mentality behind the Jersey case is identical to the McCanns.
The psychological bullying as a result of speaking the truth on Madeleine's behalf is equal to that meted to the innocent in Jersey. Evil bullies protecting the reputation of the guilty applies to both cases.
United we stand, united we'll continue for Madeleine and the memory of those who died in the Jersey House of Horrors. 3.30 p.m.
Felicity / Viv
Found a post on the other site yesterday and IMO it has got to be one of the sickest comments yet made by the neglect apologists.
‘I am not blaming the parents there though cos every child is vulnerable at some point be it indoors, outdoors, or cos they have to live/operate within a system itself and at the end of the day, my view re madeleine is this...
She is so A1 perfect paedophilic perfect that has a group had sights on her, her parents could have watched her 24/7 and one slip or turn off head, and gone!’
The ‘person’ who posted this seems to be an expert on how paedophiles think but I am not and can only guess what they mean by ‘A1 paedophile perfect’. Presumably they mean blonde hair, blue eyes etc,etc, so parents with non Aryan, ‘imperfect’ kids need not bother looking after them because paedophiles would not be interested in abducting their ‘inferior’ children anyway.
But parents with ‘perfect’ children, well no matter what they do their children are so desirable that they don’t stand a chance against these armies of paedophiles do they?
Well if this post is ever read by the moronic, sick individual who wrote the above comment let me tell YOU something. Unlike YOU, I have no idea how paedophiles think, but one thing I do know is that ALL children are beautiful and unique and perfect in their own ways and they ALL deserve our protection.
And if Madeleine had been abducted, the main reason would be that she was left all alone, at night, in an unlocked apartment not because she was ‘A1 paedophile perfect’ whatever the Hell that is supposed to mean.
The person who made this post was also bragging that they had been banned from the DE website over 20 times, but had just kept creating new identities and returning. So if one ‘pro’ accounts for 20 of the McCann supporters on the DE website then how many actual supporters were there, 3 or 4 people maximum probably, with three or four hangers on.
Anyhow – long post I know, but I was so cross when I read the comments that I needed to Have My Say.
If you feel that the post is too sick to have displayed on your site, then I will totally understand if you decide to delete it. I just wanted to draw it to your attention to show everyone the kind of people you are up against.
15.30 GMT
Toddle off ... you're unutterably boring. Tele sales is more your style. 3.33 p.m.
Hello .. I also found the articles extremely interesting. I'll keep my eye open on 3 A's for others which may be of interest here.
3.40 p.m.
4 seats at least I think.
Dolores what an idiot I am, it is Athena they are staying with. That's what happens when you try to juggle too many balls at one time. If you read alsabella's blog from yesterday you will see what I was talking about. Sorry for the mix-up.
Hello All
I seem to have upset some Annons on Trolls site with my coment about the Taxi driver (do I look Bovered)?
I need to stop worrying about children and worry about me as I have major problems...
LOL maybe it is right my Daugters options are next week at school and she cant decide what she wants to do and everytime we get somewhere it does not fit into the timetable...
Anyhow I am off to do what I am paid to do but thought I would have a look in for a bit..
Off out tonight so hope to see some of you later...
Cant belive the papers are finaly reporting the letters...
Your post serves to illustrate the levels to which those who hate the truth in this case are prepared to sink.
Leaving 2 two year olds and a 3 year old child out of earshot and eyesight in an alien environment on a regular basis is ABANDONMENT.
An even more abhorrent fact is that Madeleine died at the hand of one or other of her parents in the apartment. The father's psyche strongly suggests he 'masterminded' the cover up and the disposal of his daughter.
I believe the ramifications of this case, along with the Jersey House of Horrors, will be felt for a very long time to come. 4.45 p.m.
Your post of 3.30pm, well said. It is so sad to think of what those children suffered in that home. Justice coming soon for them. DNA and forensics will show those involved in this heinus crime. Thank goodness for scientific progress. United we stand.
Zodiac 15.46hrs
I expect the Letter have been reported to prevent allegations of Government's deep involvement and delaying tactics. Spin, lies, spin, lies Gordon Brown wishes to appear helpful - Mr Goody two shoes. What a shower they are.
I don't envy you reaching the option stage ... good luck. 4.50 p.m.
Today's press - Jersey case -
"Deputy chief police officer Lenny Harper warned "You will be made to answer for your crimes". Isn't this great ? I understand killings commenced around 1960 but is no deterrent to the Police or forensic scientists.
Without the likes of Eddie & Keela the gruesome truth would have remained hidden; the guilty would have remained free. 4.55 p.m.
Hey guys - just walked in dont know what's going on can someone get me up to speed?
Viv x
It is not a problem, it is so easy to get confused,as so much going on.I had a look and figured out what happened.
xx D
New receipe - on TV last evening a visitor in Poland had vodka and herring for lunch !! 4.00 p.m.
I cannot understand the mentality of the pro Macs and how low they will stoop to defend child neglect. Thank you for making me aware of how these peoples minds work. They are unbelievable. If they actually believe the rubbish they send, then why did the professional abductors not take all three perfect children. It would have been easy.
Zodiac 16.00hrs
I've been catching up on 3 A's and pasted two articles - reminders of Eddie & Keela's sterling work in Luz. Ironside's on top form on 3 A's - query fully resolved. I've also posted one or two things from today's press - Jersey case. No more news about Shannon, I'm sorry to say. 4.00 p.m.
Have a great night out,clear your mind, and don't let them bover you, they are not that important, although they think they are,in their own minds.
xx D
Dear Hope,
Please don't be upset about Trolls reactions - after all, would you really want to be in agreement with them? That would only mean one thing...
...and after all, you do have a reputation to keep up as frontrunner in the Worst Poster Awards 2008! (I'm not envious, really, just a bit, erm, jealous).
My son has chosen his options, now. He's finally settled on what he first started out thinking he wanted to do, having flirted with 17 different subjects along the way. He's also come back to his very first plan for a degree, two or three years after he originally declared he wanted to do it.
Have a lovely time tonight wherever you are, Hope. See you later.
X Little Grey CourseMother
Between Alsabella's and Viv's blog it is a lot of reading thats why I got confused. As you are probably now aware there was some banter yesterday regarding this. Read you later.
Zodiac 16.04 hrs
Vodka and herring? What a great idea! Enough of the first and you won't remember what you're eating...
Question for anyone...whatever happened aout the barn and bloody towel that was discovered? I beleive I read that the barn was discovered after triangulation of Gerry and O'Briens mobiles.
I laughed out loud; it looked very unappetizing I have to say, grey soused herring parked next to a shot of vodka.
As children, we had herrings every week from a local fishmonger, fried, as I still love them to be cooked, crispy skin. These and mackeral have the highest omega-3 content of all fish. As your sharp wit testifies ! 4.15 p.m.
Hiya 2345 - thanks for that - did someone say the press were reporting rogatory letters?
Sorry I am just trying to read back!
Thanks for your post about the multiple poster on the DE claiming Maddie was A1 Paaedophile perfect. What a sick mentality this displays. As you say, presumably because she was Arian! I have noted on so many occasions Mum21, Rosie (Rozipoz - admitted right wing racist) sound just like they belong to the BNP with the hideous racist views they portray. I think there is a movement in the UK to whip up xeonophobia and cannot help but wonder if some are using this case to demonstrate just how "inferior" foreigners are. It might not be deliberate though, I suppose it is just that people who seek to excuse child abuse tend to have other irrational and prejudiced views. They go into a frenzy of rage blaming the Portuguese Police when in reality the blame obviously has nothing to do with them. ~The NSPCC produce a simple leaflet for parents on leaving children home alone. It states quite categorically that babies and young children should never be left alone, not even for a few minutes. Now we know that Kate and Gerry are not that simple they would need to read such a leaflet. It is also a criminal offence under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 to expose children to risk of harm and unnecessary suffering. Exactly what the McCanns did - they were not even regularly checking them - Maddie cried for best part of two hours the night before and clearly was suffering terribly. One can only conclude Gerry determined she should suffer more still for her trouble. There just are no words really are they to adequately express the disgust and horror we feel, including towards thugs who seek to excuse them.
Hope - hiya darling - know your face does not look the least bit bovvered - and neither does my own:-)
Viv x
Rogatory letters - yes, cannot remember who though and I've seen nothing in today's press. No doubt trying to 'whitewash' Government interference and delays.
4.20 p.m.
Hi Muldoon
We do get these leaks from time to time when the press get wind of something i.e. the barn and the bloody towel. I think Ironside posted there were also some sort of embalming fluids found. As you say this seems to have been discovered as a result of mobil phone triagulation.
Then suddenly everything gets hushed up. If this leak is credible, and the ones emanating directly from Portugal do appear to be, I think we just have to wait for it all to come out.
Doc and Ironside made some really interesting posts about that. I ws a bit disbelieving because at the same time we got reports of I think it was three creepy men smoking, hanging around the McCanns apartment that night - so just wondered whether this was part of the same spin. Hard to keep track of all these creepy men stories!
Viv x
Afternoon All,
2345 have jut been reading your 2.05 post and its good to be reminded of past events in least we forget.
Regards Wizard 16.29pm
Wizard hello,
great to hear from you - what is your current view as to the one most likely to have harmed Madeleine?
Viv x
Thanks for your kind remarks!
Being Jewish, I've grown up with pickled herring - but until now, didn't realise the pickling was a result of vodka!
Actually, every so often I do get quite a hankering for oily fish (will have to wean myself off it once my beak starts to go orange). I also know a good recipe for pan-fried fish with a crispy skin - but then again, my heritage has conditioned me to think that everything tastes delicious if it is fried!
X Little Grey Coronary (God forbid)
2345 - lol darling - that told her!
Toddle off ... you're unutterably boring. Tele sales is more your style. 3.33 p.m"
Viv :-)
Hiya 2345 - great post about psychological bullying to protect child abusers. As you say, until recent years we did not have the internet for people to stand firm together and fight back. It is a powerful tool against those who rely upon lies, bulling and subterfuge to cover up their systematic abuse of children.
As you say it is also wonderful that we have these highly trained dogs unearthing the horrors of the past. The more enlightened we can become about child abuse, the abusers and their modus operandi, the more we can seek to protect innocent little children.
Viv x
Hello everyone,
It seems that jastce is getting upper hand.
Interesting paragraph from Joana Morais translation of Correio de Manha article:
"The first persons to be questioned
will be Jane Tanner, David Paine and Russel O'Brien, whose lawyers revealed the intention of their clients to alter their first statements."
Are they going to tell the truth?
If we disregard the abduction theory and forward the culpability of the parents in the manslaughter of their daughter and the subsequent cover up of what really happened.
The Mc’s have always got a problem they know what really happened and, therefore, their true reactions to the death of their daughter have to be masked because they want people to believe in an abduction and therefore a possibility arises that Madeleine could still be alive.
To continually second guess what the reactions of grieving parents worried witless by the disappearance of their daughter would be is difficult to pull off. That’s why nothing they appear to do seems right, they are second guessing appropriate behaviour.
This is probably why they stayed in Portugal for so long, they were unable to accurately determine when it would be appropriate for grieving parents to leave. As pointed out they overcooked it and they stayed too long. The decision about when to leave was made for them by the pj who made them arguidos thus necessitating a quick departure.
Apologies for the length of this post.
Regards Wizard 17:41pm
Hi Viv/Felicity
My previous post only copied half onto the forum site - for what its worth I copy below the full post.
My current view on who harmed Madeleine hasn’t changed much, but perhaps before I was 90/95% certain now after reading so many inconsistencies in statements, watching behaviour and listening to spin there is no doubt in my mind.
I think Kate is the more volatile one and quite simply lost her temper with Madeleine during the afternoon of the 3rd May perhaps even earlier. Gerry is controlling and decided the best thing to do was to cover things up and Kate agreed to this. They might even have deluded themselves into thinking this was purely an accident and therefore they shouldn’t be punished losing their life style and remaining children. The abduction was thought to be the best plan to cover their tracks. Everything that happened from 8.25pm 3rd May was staged.
Looking at the Mc’s behaviour if we disregard the abduction theory and forward the culpability of the parents in the manslaughter of their daughter and the subsequent cover up of what really happened. The Mc’s have always got a problem they know what really happened and, therefore, their true reactions to the death of their daughter have to be masked because they want people to believe in an abduction and therefore a possibility arises that Madeleine could still be alive.
To continually second guess what the reactions of grieving parents worried witless by the disappearance of their daughter would be is difficult to pull off. That’s why nothing they appear to do seems right, they are second guessing appropriate behaviour.
This is probably why they stayed in Portugal for so long, they were unable to accurately determine when it would be appropriate for grieving parents to leave. Imo they overcooked it and they stayed too long. The decision about when to leave was made for them by the pj who made them arguidos thus necessitating a quick departure.
It is possible and very speculative on my part that Tanner was with Kate when the “accident” occurred and for whatever reason has agreed to stay quite and cover up for her friends. I don’t know what anyone else thinks on that point.
The reason why I think Gerry did not caused the “accident” is because I’m not sure Kate would have agreed to cover for him especially when she was put in the frame by the pj as the guilty party.
Best Regards - Wizard 17:47
I agree and also think the McCanns stayed close for exactly the same reasons as Huntley - fear due to guilt. I also believe PJ appeared much sharper than the group had anticipated, i.e. they were not convinced an abduction had occurred so there was a need to stay and start a PR campaign based on the false plea.
It's been the McCanns versus Police from 3 May to date. The damning forensic evidence presented to them at interview was probably a bit of a bombshell given the lengths they took to destroy it. So they fled ... and continued the McCann versus Police campaign from Britain.
Huntley stayed close in the hope of monitoring the evidence found by the Police; the McCanns have tried and failed to do likewise.
This is one of the reasons Forums are so heavily monitored.
The McCanns only means of defence was to hand pick Metado 3 to do their 'dirty' work; staged performances obtaining false witness accounts to support their lies and cover up. Defence by media was clearly the intention when they raised £1.3 m under false pretences. 18.00 p.m.
Gosh Irina
If Tanner and O'Brien change their statements that must surely be curtains for Kate and Gerry. If I ws advising them I would certainly tell them to do so because they could face a massive sentence if they do not. Telling the truth now will certainly mitigage their sentence but they may still get a custodial! Personally I am not so certain Payne is lying or at least not to that extent although he does work near Gerry I think at Leics Uni if memory serves.
Viv x
We share the same views. I haven't time to scroll back - I'm about to cook dinner - someone said earlier than one of the trolls (name forgotten) wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit them.
Trolls all know the truth, just as the Officials in the Jersey case knew. Apart from McCann relatives, the remaining trolls are doing the job they are paid to do. Turn a deaf ear and blind eye and get those speaking the TRUTH 'sacked off'.
I hope and pray that the British carer in the Jersey case is still alive and gives the Police his statement of events. He was abused by the Establishment whilst trying to protect those dear children. 18.15 p.m.
Hi Wizard
I suspected if I asked you that question I would get a really interesting answer and thanks so much for going to the trouble of doing such a good one. I hope you dont mind but I think it is so good I have put on a separate thread. Opinion is clearly divided or quite uncertain as to who was actually responsible and it is a very interesting point to debate.
Viv x
I wonder if anyone knew this,as far as I can remember I never heard of Scotland Yard's involvement before.
Have you?
xx D
From the 3A's
English version
Scotland Yard in the Algarve
Because of Maddie case
Members of the New Scotland Yard who have been in charge of the case in England have arrived in the Algarve.
The three investigators, amongst them the head of the investigation in the UK, are in the Algarve to exchange views with the Portuguese investigative police and to evaluate the latest developments and define strategies regarding the case.
A source linked to the investigation told SIC that the investigative police is still waiting on the results of the samples that were sent to the Birmingham laboratory. They refute news published on Thursday that assures that the UK lab was unable to reach any conclusion.
And the video Links for the "bad feeling between the Portuguese police and British police because the PJ are accusing the British forensic experts of "botching the tests"
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