In a startling new development, a witness has come forward with a photograph of a man she says she saw acting suspiciously on the night of May 3, outside what she claims to be the McCann's apartment.The witness - a consultant phycologist whose credibility was proved by an estate agent valuing her home at $900,000, said she is, "100 per cent certain" the man she saw was Murat.When 'i On Global Trends' asked her if there was anything distinctive about the man, she said she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary apart from the fact he had a funny eye - "look, you can see it quite clearly" she said pointing to the back of the man's head.When asked, "Didn't you think a man clambering into a bedroom dressed in a red suit and red hat in May, looked suspicious?" she replied, "You don't move in the same circles as I do, do you sweet cheeks?"The woman dressed in a, "I was rejected by the Aussie Blogger" T shirt, (available in my online store) explained that it had taken her eight months to approach the Manuel Smart Detective Agency with the photograph, because it wasn't her turn.The witness who wants to avoid publicity and doesn't want her name in print unless it's on a cheque, told Hello, The Sun, CNN, The Daily Mail, Daily Express, The Beano, and Jackanory, that she did not know the McCanns personally, as she only belongs to the same golf club, attends the same parties and Gerry works with her dad.
Posted by Mike Hitchen at 1/03/2008 05:33:00 PM 33 comments
Posted by Mike Hitchen at 1/03/2008 05:33:00 PM 33 comments
Hell, Viv, I was going to respond but couldn't decide where to start.
Thank you, Viv! Fantastic!
Best laugh I have had all year! Thanks so much for that!
Viv I love it, my husband is giving me strange looks,crying with laughter.
luv ya xxxx
Hiya Doc, Claudia, Rat and Dolores - some of my top favourite peeps. It also made me cry with laughter and so glad you enjoyed it!
I know when I was on the DE we sometimes indulged in a real good laugh - you just cant beat it! I suppose I am bound to really like people with a similar good sense of both humour and compassion :-)
Luv ya loads
Viv x
I am sorry Viv, but I couldn't resist this - you describe yourself as having compassion? That is certainly not the lady I have been reading about on the DE forum and her blog is evil and wicked :)
The above comment was from me, no idea why it came from anonymous!
lmcg - perhaps you should pop back to Rosie and Co on the DE - they are such nice people!
Viv x
Viv, I do hope you realise I was being very tongue in cheek there. They don't even realise the hypocrisy (can't spell that!) of their comments do they? Anyway, cleaning to do, far too late to bed again stuck at this machine. You have some more good threads on here today again, Diane McCann one v interesting. See you later x
Forgive me but describing me as lacking compassion, evil and wicked never would endear me! That is certainly not the view of people who know me.
Viv I am sorry my comments were never meant to offend you. I honestly was referring to things that were said on the other site about you that I didn't agree with. It was meant in a jokey way. I wasn't describing you in that way it was meant tongue in cheek regarding Rosiepops et al and I am sorry that it obviously didn't come across that way
Lmcg x
I am sorry if I misunderstood you - I suppose I am a bit touchy given some of the horrible comments by Rosie Old Hip Crito etc. which are very hurtful. Apology accepted!
Love Viv x
Hi Viv
Just Testing
Hiya storming thru
are you gonna talk to me?
Viv x
Hi Viv thank you for accepting my apology. I am really not a nasty person by nature and the thought that my comments had upset you really bothered me. End of subject now! Olh Hippy once called me a sick, sick person because I had pointed out something obvious and I dwelled on it for days. Decided from that moment on I would not read or respond to her posts. What she said to me was nothing you have had to endure I know. Anyway I often don't have a lot to say, but your blog is extremely informative and I look forward to reading it. Keep up the good work. Will leave you with the one thing we all agree on - Justice for Madeleine. God bless xxx
that was brilliant very funny x
Hiya - thanks for those kind remarks and yes I certainly do understand from personal experience how hurtful remarks of OldHippo and Co can be!
Glad you enjoyed the joke - I think it does place the abduction theory in its proper context!
Viv x
Pamela Fenn, 70, who lives in the apartment above where the McCanns were staying, and her niece, who is flying to Portugal from the UK, will be among those spoken to.
Mrs Fenn has said that in the weeks leading up to Madeleine's disappearance she scared off an intruder in her apartment.
There was no apparent sign of a break-in and it is thought the man may have had a key to let himself into the flat. She will be making a formal statement today at police headquarters in the city of Portimao. There was also another burglary in the complex a few weeks before in which police also suspected the intruder had a key.
Mrs Fenn's niece was staying with her aunt in the week that the McCanns were on holiday. She saw a suspicious-looking man hanging around the McCanns' apartment about the time Madeleine vanished.
She has spoken to British police and told them that he matched the description of a suspect seen leaving the scene with a child wrapped up in a blanket on the night of Madeleine's disappearance.
Daily Telegraph
By Richard Edwards in Praia da Luz
Last Updated: 4:02am BST 20/08/2007
Some Mark Warner regulars will never be happy in a situation where the environment isn't controlled, even if all the usual facilities - three swimming pools, tennis courts, two restaurants and four bars - are available. They don't want to share a pool with non-Mark Warner guests, nor do they want someone in a green, furry alien costume to appear at dinner, allegedly to entertain children (an experience described as "shocking" by a seasoned traveller with Mark Warner).
Happy in a nanny state
Daily Telegraph Last Updated: 12:01am BST 21/04/2007
Melinda Libby and her children throw themselves into the activities offered by a Mark Warner holiday in a real village in the Western Algarve.
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