Jane Tanner: 36 She provided the most crucial evidence, saying she saw a man carry a child from the apartment wrapped in a blanket at 9.15pm. She thought nothing of it until the alarm was raised an hour later. Her description of the child's pyjamas matched Madeleine's.----------------------------------------
The mother-of-two She said the man was 5ft 10in tall and aged about 35. Her description of the child's clothing matched Madeleine's pyjamas.

David Payne: 41David Payne is a senior research fellow at Leicester University. he helped run the Find Madeleine campaign. Last week he spoke for the first time to say: "We know they didn't do it. One of our party saw Madeleine being abducted. We were waiting for something to happen but didn't in our worst nightmare think it would be this." -----------------------------------------David Payne is NOT a senior research fellow at Leicester University. That was a temporary post which ended in 2003. He is a surgeon at Leicester Royal Infirmary, specialising in strokes.,

Dr Fiona Payne: 34 The mother of two and her husband are the only couple in the group reported to have used a baby monitor that night. The Payne's stayed in the Algarve to support the McCann's after Madeleine's disappearance.
Rachael Oldfield: 36Recruitment-consultant and mother of a 22-month-old daughter. She spoke for the first time in Aug 2007 to dismiss "hurtful and ludicrous'' reports which suggested police had intercepted phone calls and emails between the McCann's and their friends which contradicted earlier statements they had given. She said: "They are throwing mud and we are not able to defend ourselves." ----------------------------------------Ex Corporate Tax Lawyer. Admitted as a solicitor in November 1996. With Richards Butler for 6 years and Blake Dawson Waldron, Melbourne for 18 months. Spent time in retail and Polo Ralph Lauren and John Lewis before entering the world of recruitment. Rachael's maiden name is Mampilly http://www.equityfd.com/editorial.asp?ia_id=71

Dr Matthew Oldfield: 37An endocrinologist at Kingston Hospital Surrey, he worked with Gerry McCann in Leicester before moving to London with his wife Rachael. He checked on the McCann children at 9.30pm, but did not look to see if Madeleine was in her bed.--------------------------------------Together with his wife and Dr Russell O'Brien, he was one of three witnesses brought by Portuguese police to a meeting in July 2007 with Robert Murat, then the only named suspect, to discuss discrepancies over their accounts of what happened that night. They had said they saw Murat near the apartment but he insisted he was at home all evening.Mathew Oldfield is an internist/endocrinologist. I think this is him:
Good morning Felicity...The latest report in the express..Not convinced that mccanns pop in for cosy chats with..Paynes..It was well noted they did not attend the 100 day church service....a couple of weeks back now on Antena 3..they said all Tapas have police protection and have had for sometime....from each other maybe...If someone has broken ranks I think it is Payne they are reported to be devout catholics...then again so were the mccanns and we all know what a lie that was....
Hi felicity...Have found something interesting regarding madeleines eye defect...and problems that could be related...if she had this condition....sedatives would prove fatal...if you wish to read more..it is on the 3 arguidos..under Ironside....
Morning I am off out in a bit for luch just thought I would see if I could still find you all and I can so I will post something later..
I am sure you are all thriled to know I am going out for lunch and it will brighten up your day no end LOL...
Tapas 1 and Lawyer.
case is "much more serious" than most people think
The London based lawyer said "It's not my job to explain why and how politicians had intervened in this case but I'm afraid these interventions have been prejudicial not only to my client, but also the search for the truth.
Is there more to this case than accident/cover up?
Thoughts anyone, docmac, Viv
Hi anon...I still think that an autopsy was to be avoided at all costs ..possibly because of an earlier injury...By kates own admission madeleine was a difficult
child .She said when she was a baby she would scream for hours
with colic....I read in gerry's blog that he said kate was never left alone with the children...If he went on a trip a member of the
family would stay over...Why?.Did something happen in the past..a fracture ....not reported at the hospital..they are doctors easy to treat at home..Aunt Norahs comments haunt me..."there were six doctors if there had been an accident , they would have covered it up"
Hope 4truth....Hi to you , no am not envious..here in Spain it is xmas day the giving of presents....
we took very early this morning
abandoned puppies to new homes....and yes I was dressed as santa clauss ...and the puppies were in a sack.....There little faces said a million words.....
And I am now away to have my xmas dinner spanish style...hope to speak with you later....enjoy today and this moment..it is all we have....best wishes to your family...Ironside..(SantaClauss)
Is that going back to Coptic Christian times? I know that in Ethiopia and Greece they celebrate on 6th also.
Well done you for rehoming those wee innocent souls. Regards to Merce.
Best regards
Hi Ironside, Yes I hear what you are saying......but the article does imply that there was government interference.....this is what I can't get my head round, WHY.
regards mercedes, 3 arguidos
Thank you, Viv, for the pictures of all the child neglectors. Keep up the good work! :-)
I have seen this before. Nasty! It must have hurt so much! It takes a long time to go away(a year)
Look at Kates thum(right hand) - the nail. Au-au
Hi anon, You have asked the question on everyones lips...Murat was made an arguido and was ripped apart by the press..The mccannsget
a tread ever so softly approach
from the media including the rest of the group....It makes no sense
the five goverment officials that were first involved in the early days have either resigned or moved their position in the goverment...Buck...Sheree Dodd ...to name but two....
This whole case is so weird ...we have never seen anything like it...and I doubt that we will again....It is Bizarre....and in the middle a little girl left alone in a strange place...crying and frightened by the ones that should have protected her...I would like to shake the truth out of the lot of them ...until their teeth rattle.....
Hi Rat...Yes its tradition here always has been....The sad thing is they have to go back to school tomorrow...so do not get much chance to play with their toys...
Found this interesting the first six weeks events...
Posts: 77
Location: SPAIN
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:25 pm Post subject:
This is interesting the first six weeks events...
Thanks Ironside, just hope the whole truth comes out......Possible charges very soon?
Hi Viv...who on earth took this picture of Gerry..all photos are vetted before being published...The press wanting to put them in a good light etc...Who ever took this and allowed its release does not like this man...It shows maybe the real Gerry...the press are gagged but not the camera it would seem....
Hi Ironside oh I am jealous now I love Christmas and am allways disapointed when it is all over... Shame the children have to go back to school tomorrow hope the dogs are happy in their new homes...
Please could you post the link to the 3 Arguidos site aparently I signed up but I cant find it now???
Enjoy your evening...
Hope4Truth..here you go...
Thanks for that I will have a look later and see if I can work it out this time...
Hi Viv, Apart from myself taking up all of your Blog..thought you would like to know you are spreading the word...some links today for your forum...you are sending out very good topics and they are being picked up with speed...Congratulations Viv...You see everything turns out for the best,,DX's loss our gain....
Hey Ironside
You can take up just as much blog space as you like! Really grateful when I am not around. Your posts are always so informative and interesting. Your comments to me are very kind and I am glad peoople are enjoying the blog and finding it interesting. It is certainly an alternative to the hostility on the DE!
Luv Viv
This from the 3arguidos....looks like things will move...fingers crossed..
Exclusive Correio da Manhã
Maddie's case
Blood in the flat and in the car confirmed
The final result of the tests that arrived recently from England do not leave any doubts to the researcher of the Criminal Police. The blood found in the McCanns car is from Madeline as well as the vestiges detected in the house rented by the British and from where the three years old child disappeared without a trace.
The recent developments of Maddie's case will be available on line Monday morning.
The front cover of the newspaper says:
Confirmed blood in the flat and in the car
Final results of the British laboratory
The risk of confusion between the genetic profiles of the twins and Maddie was eliminated
Morning Ironside
I went to look at Correio and got the following translation of what was a very short article and seems contradictory and confusing - is the translation wrong?
Steve Parsons, Reuters
Results arrived in England strengthened thesis Criminal Police moved in case of abduction. Authorities now await the start of the steps
The final result of the examinations arrived in England recently but has not questions for researchers of the Judicial Police. The blood found in the car of McCann will be the same Madeleine, as the traces found in the house rented by the English and where the child, then three years old, disappeared without trace.
Cheers Viv
Hi Viv...Go to the3arguids look under Li the Author..he has done all of the translations for todays
newspapers...The Miror only has a
couple at the moment...but they do have this exclusive...They have always been very unbiased in their reporting...so lets hope its true..
Correio da Manha 7/01/08
Front page news,
It has been confirmed that blood found in the apartment and car is Madeleines.
Although we suspected this little angle was dead.It's very sad to think what she must have suffered.
So heartbreaking.
I will keep posting recent Correio articles - this one makes the point a bit more clearly - the witnesses coming forward now to suppor an abduction theory are viewed with suspicion and are contradicting their original statements poor Murat!
I thought perhaps the Smiths the Irish couple were credible witnesses but maybe as Docmac has clearly suggested even they are part of the McCann propaganda machine..or are they describing Gerry carrying her off - I think the dogs detected a scent trail down to the beach and Jane at least ititially seemed to be describing Gerry - because they knew someone had spotted him?
Viv x
Method 3: Credibility low
PJ questioning witnesses
Stephen Hird, Reuters
McCann suspected
The Judiciary Police questioned the many testimonies that eight months after Madeleine McCann has disappeared from the Algarve resort converge to the thesis of the abduction. Tourists that the company of Spanish detectives Method 3, hired by McCann, find in recent weeks led authorities to believe that it is facing a huge machine of propaganda.
This week came the terreiro a couple Irish ensure that saw a man leave the child with a lap to the same time in which the parents spoke of the abduction. Never have said before, but the case has taken a projection media never seen throughout Europe.
The increase of witnesses who ensure that Robert Murat was also that night at the resort is viewed with equal suspicion. Many of those who now come to public incriminating him gave versions contrary in the early days, when the memory was fresh and less subject to contamination of the media exposure
Correio 3.1.08
Correio de manha 3.1.08
Research: Letters rogatory
PJ will seize daily
Jeremy Selwin, Reuters
The diary of Kate McCann may be finally seized at the request of PJ
The letters rogatory to be sent to England will include the seizure of the diary of Kate McCann. The CM knows they will be delivered today at the Court of Portimão, to follow bureaucratic ways, its implementation could still happen this month.
The Judiciary Police will then request the questioning of friends of the couple and the seizure of various components and objects. One is the personal diary of Kate McCann, written after the disappearance of the child and already photographed and attached to the process. The original is considered essential and diligence has been authorised by the court in September. However, the claim is only now that follows for England.
The letters rogatory can then be implemented in the coming weeks and will be accompanied by the Portuguese authorities. After that the authorities will assess whether or not the penalty is worth re-examine the McCann, heard as defendants in the first days of September.
The process will not PJ's while these steps are finalised, indicating then that the time of the same will be extended.
The CM knows that, today, the prosecutor will come with an application for extension of time for research, and argue that the 'opening' of the same this stage endangers the success of steps.
The request for letters rogatory has been done in September, the Ministry of Public Portimão. The prosecutor sent the request of steps to the judge Pedro Frias, that the authorized immediately.
However, they never came to be implemented. Because it is a lengthy process, requiring sophisticated translations in English successes with the law.
We should also remember that this request has included, to date, the seizure of the diary of the mother of Maddie. A document that, according to the CM already reported, was found by PJ in the house leased by McCann and where, among other things, Kate complained that the children are histéricos. Kate has revealed fatigue by daily monitoring of children, griping is also the husband not help either as it should.
Besides the daily Kate, the authorities could still seize the 'beaver' used by the child, where the British dogs detected smell of corpses.
These steps follow international now via Eurojust and can be completed soon. Then the PJ can take stock of research, sending the prosecutor the lifting of all the evidence gathered. That could lead to the prosecution of parents of the girl for crimes of homicide by negligence, concealment of corpse and simulation of crime.
The judge Pedro Frias refused access to the file to lawyers for the defence of the accused. Applications were made in October, when it made six months that the child disappeared in Praia da Luz The magistrate then felt that the lifting of the secrecy of justice could prejudice the investigation and has determined that it remained secret. Today, when does eight months on the date that the girl disappeared, the issue again arise. The lawyers could renew the requirements, which may again be refused.
The CM knows that the basis of first refusal also had to do with the media exposure of the case and the possibility of the facts are known to the general public. Nor is far from what is the net term that can be given to research. The law is recent and understanding in this matter has not been unanimous. Some even understand that can be successively extended until the investigation understand not be more appropriate.
Robert Murat will not see that the suspicions against him fall to be already archived. Eight months after Maddie had disappeared the village of Praia da Luz, the British who lived in the vicinity of the site will remain as a defendant. The CM knows that there will be no interim order to close the suspicions and remove him from the condition accused by the authorities understand that this is not appropriate.
Indeed, the steps that are still arise even in that sense. Finally moved away from the idea of Robert Murata Tuesday kidnapped the child, confronting the statements of friends of the couple, who said in the first hours not suspect that individual. The versions meanwhile changed but the authorities will do everything to verify the veracity of the 'new' allegations.
According reveals the 'Daily Express', Robert Murat want, so no longer be accused, win at least one million and four hundred thousand euros going to television and writing a book where you want to tell your story during the process of the case Maddie. The British newspaper says that the family of Murat wants "to make money so that he is declared innocent compensate for the nightmare that has lived in recent months."
Noel Horgan, former British police, is the most recent hiring of McCann to review the whole process of the case Maddie. Horgan has done hundreds of interviews with witnesses and British view is the testimony sentence the phrase. Among the respondents are the seven friends of Kate and Gerry who spent the holiday village of Luz, in the Algarve.
Eduardo Dâmaso / Tânia Laranjo
correio de manha:
Lee Sanders, Epa
An anonymous letter has been left in the central square of the birthplace of the McCann wishes the return of Madeleine
Kate McCann is suspicious that Robert Murata - also accused in the case Maddie-is not counting the whole truth about the night of the small Madeleine disappeared in Praia da Luz, in the Algarve. The doubts arose from Kate, according to the 'Daily Mail' after at least six witnesses saying that saw Robert Murat at the apartment of the couple English at night with an air of crime suspect.
“Kate sentiu sempre que havia questões que Murat nunca esclareceu e que existia um conjunto de evidências que contradizem o seu depoimento”, disse um amigo do casal McCann ao jornal inglês. He added: "Gerry never knew if it is or is not involved in the disappearance of the child, but Kate always mistrusted him [Murat]."
However, the mother of Maddie never spoke of Murat in public and after the Portuguese-British have been made defendant has even said that had to be calm, never judging or showing distrust of the accused.
Murat tem afirmado sempre que só soube que a criança britânica tinha desaparecido na manhã seguinte e jura que não rondou o apartamento do casal na noite de 3 de Maio, pois estava em casa com a mãe Jenny, de 71 anos.
The friends of McCann, Rachael Oldfield, Fiona Payne and Russell O'Brien insist that the man who had seen when looking for Madeleine was Robert Murat. They say it with such conviction because, guarantee, he showed up and asked if wanted to help in the search. Only the PJ said in July, two months after the child had disappeared.
Two days ago, an English tourist who spent vacations at Ocean Club resort, where Maddie disappeared, assured Murat have seen near the house rented by McCann. This is, according to 'The Sun', the ninth person to make land fall by the alibi.
Kate and Gerry are convinced that the daughter has been kidnapped by a pedophile and taken to the Rif mountains in Morocco. Na tentativa de encontrar a filha, o casal pediu aos detectives da Método 3 para colocarem postais com o rosto de Maddie em cerca de 11 500 estabelecimentos marroquinos onde são pedidas informações sobre o paradeiro da criança.
Meanwhile, the spokesman of McCann, Clarence Mitchell pledged to 'The Sun' that Kate and Gerry "are not planning any journey back to Portugal."
Angela Lopes
correio de manha 31.12.07
Madeleine: Young is concerned with image, which left
McCann wants to return
To return to Portugal, requires that spouses no longer defendant in the case
The parents of Madeleine McCann - a British child who disappeared in Praia da Luz, Algarve - are planning a return to Portugal. But they want to first of the status of defendants is lifted. "The lawyers of Kate and Gerry are working (in the survey of the status of accused) with great commitment and will continue to do so," said the newspaper 'Daily Mail' Clarence Mitchell, the spokesman for the couple.
According to the press yesterday advanced English, Kate and Gerry are concerned about the image that left in Portugal and also want to see the land lusas to revive the campaign for Maddie, so the loss does not fall into oblivion.
"There has been some hostility on them in Portugal and there is always this cloud hanging over them to (...) with the status of defendant, a return could relaunch another frenesim media," said the spokesman of the couple.
According Clarence Mitchell, McCann, which are in Scotland in the home of one family to spend the Christmas season, hoping again be heard by the British police in the next month to "correct any misunderstandings existing in testimony provided to the Judiciary".
To plan the trip and make sure the best time to do it and what the best strategy court below, Kate and Gerry will meet with the lawyers representing them in the coming days.
Remember that since left the Algarve, September 9, the couple has remained in Rothley, England. But have always said that return to Portugal, because it was passed as a holiday here that the oldest daughter disappeared mysteriously.
Domneva-crimes transladação and concealment of corpse, McCann will know soon if the investigating judge criminal them really raises the status of defendants, or will extend the secret of justice and wanted the prosecutor and the Judiciary Police, complicating the McCann return of the land lusas.
The official site on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann will soon be relaunched, because Kate and Gerry continue to believe that the daughter has been kidnapped and will appear alive. The aim is to capture the attention of the people so as not to forget the small Maddie and successfully locate it.
It is already the next day 3 that McCann will know if the secret of justice will extend for a period of six months. If that happens, the process suffers a turnaround and the couple will know because consisted defendants since affirm anything have to do with the disappearance of their daughter.
Angela Lopes
"Related Articles
30-12-2007 - 00:00:00 McCann fear long court battle
29-12-2007 - 00:00:00 Volunteers make searches in Morocco
28-12-2007 - 00:00:00 Method 3 pursues a false suspect
28-12-2007 - 00:00:00 Maddie was the story of the year
27-12-2007 - 00:00:00 MP wants extension of the secrecy of justice
Hiya Ironside and Dolores
After all some of our top newspapers e.g. Times and Independant were saying back in September blood found on the apartment window ledge and in the hire car were 100% match to little Maddie - this is just really confirming again- there can be no doubt. I suppose deep down we all have this feeling we want to be proved wrong - alas that is not going to happen, but how odd for Kate herself, apparently, to try and point the finger at Murat -with Gerry saying he is not sure. Is there some way he killed Madeleine when she was not around so she is not really sure - I really dont think so but just flag this up as a vague possibility. Clearly he does not have the neck to accuse Murat!
Lovely to hear from you both!
Luv Viv x
Thanks very much for your help.
I did register with 3 arguidos but find locating around it a bit difficult!
Viv x
Hi Viv..here we have heard that the Irishman spoke to this man carrying a child and asked if she was asleep...He did not answer but put his head down and walked on....
He has stated that it definately was not Murat he is 100% sure..Why you have not heard this news is typical of the shroud around the mccanns
Hiya Ironside
That is amazing! Why would he ask if she was asleep - that sounds highly dodgy and if he passed that close to this man he would surely be able to identify him. Have you read the latest daft report in the DE - more "highly suspicious" knocking at the door - what absurd rubbish! It would seem that anyone who had the temerity to ever be anywhere near that door or indeed knocking on it was casing the joint with a view to abduction of children - I have never read such tripe!
By the way isn't it weird that the article appealing for sympathy for Kate only got about 80 posts - why did the pros avoid that like the plague I wonder preferring to carry on posting on the older article - that they are prime suspects. I find this very interesting that they have nothing to say in support of Kate! Are they all on the real baddies side because they know it was him - just like we do - after all his brothers and sisters would know him rather well. Notice Old Hippy made a prat of herself really losing it and getting about 20 posts removed and then Jakirla 37 years from Glasgow also lost her temper got a post removed an bowed out. These Gerry supporters seem to be really losing the plot!
Hi Viv...here is the link of the three arguidos...you will find a lot of info and links...not seen anywhere else..
Sometime back now...after mccanns were made arguidos..Antena 3 started to do some digging..I remember they said that O'Brian
knew the address of Murats ex wife
also it was O'Brian who phoned Murat that night to translate...
Could be Murat went to meet him he was not there so he returned home..
The next morning he heard about madeleine...Remember it was only the tapas who pointed the finger
Could they have set him up for that night....its possible..
Something else Murat said he heard a police siren at 10.00 that night
Other witnesses say there were was no siren....This is odd...why mention the siren....We of course have Miss Penning ton who is not sure of madeleines name or that she fed her high tea or last saw her at lunch....I posted on the express yesterday early evening....a report from gerry that he said he and kate collected maddie and twins from creche at six and went straight back to the app..bathed them and put them to bed....nothing about tennis ..nothing about asking Payne to check on kate...how could he? in his own words he was not there....
Post on Mirror today from coldwater saying he had heard in the media that Clarrie was advised to leave his government post due to his links to the macs and his involvement in the case.
Good morning anonymous....Still not convinced that he is not working for the goverment...would he give up his pension...many comments he has made has not done the mccanns any favours...was'nt he the one that leaked the info mccanns had paid the mortgage with money from the fund...the bag we knew here from awhile back ..Gerry reported it missing along with a pink cardigan of maddies...
I also read on the mirror forum that it was suggested it was Clarence himself he spoke to a reporter..(used him if you like)
to leak the story of a witness seeing Bundleman...JT was not mentioned at this time. Maybe it is still floating around...They have moved so much interesting info...I will see if I can find it...
ANON....P:S..We have heard here that the Irishman said it was not
Murat of that he is sure....Looks like bundleman was invented after there was a witness...This would explain making sure the resemblance was nothing like gerry or o'brian...
Ironside, Have thought the same for a while......description made up to divert attention from G and ROB...........Hope that statement is being taken today from Tapas 1.
Hi Viv
Sme info just through from portuguese newspaper that it is O'Brien and Tanner who are changing their story.( I think you suspected this already)
It does not say it's a confession.
I'll let you know if I hear anymore.
Hi Alsabella have left a message for you on the3arguidos...Hope you are well....
Viv I keep away from DX now..only post if I hear something that may interest the decent people on there
of which there are many...still do not understand why this news is not filtering through though..maybe
the gagging order will slowly start to lift...England cannot go on printing this rubbish when other countries are singing from the same hymn sheet....
YES _ YES _ YES (Payne & Murat)
Daily Mail - Daily Mail - Daily Mail
Could witnesses have mistaken Robert Murat for McCanns' friend?
Last updated at 13:43pm on 7th January 2008
Witnesse who say they saw suspect Robert Murat outside Madeleine McCann's apartment on the night she vanished may have named the wrong man, it was revealed today.
The 34-year-old has always maintained his innocence and denied claims that he was just yards from the flat where the little girl was last seen.
Now police believe he may be telling the truth.
Detectives think that Murat could have been mistaken for one of the McCanns' friends - medical researher David Payne.
And they say that witnesses who claim to have seen Murat actually spotted Mr Payne out searching for the missing four-year-old.
Murat insists he never left his mother's villa 150 yards away from the holiday flat in Praia da Luz on the night Madeleine went missing.
A source close to the investigation said: "The similarity between the two has rendered many witnesses' accounts virtually worthless.
"What is baffling is that Mr Payne's own wife and two of his friends are among those who claim to have seen Mr Murat outside the McCanns' apartment that night.
"Mrs Payne may not have known Mr Murat well but you'd think a wife would recognise her own husband."
Kate and Gerry McCann, the Paynes and five more of their friends on the ill-fated holiday in May are due to be re-interviewed by British detectives.
The couple's spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "We are confident the accounts of eyewitnesses...were given in good faith.
"It is for the police to determine the value of identification evidence."
Hiya Anon and Ironside
what an interesting discussion between you both. If the Irishman can definitely say it was not Murat I wonder why he cant tell us who he did look like. Is this because he has given a description of Gerry and the police want that kept quiet for the present. One of those reports from Correio I posted earlier said something about the public already know many of the facts. There could be a real risk of K&G claiming they cannot get a fair trial if too much is in the public domain although this is more the case when trial by jury. Understand they will get 3 judges so the argument will go they can try the case impartially.
I understood Jane did give details of Bundleman to the police at the outset but the description she gave was different to what she is saying now. I think there could be two reasons to change her mind - one it seems to me it was Gerry and she would obviously want to claim Latin looking long hair to take the heat off him. Initially she as describing someone just like him and in that outfit above. Two she will have been warned by solicitors that seeking to frame Murat will get her a big prison sentence - note on Panorama she was at pains to say she was not saying it was Murat.
I still think the connection to Murat is that Gerry knew he was there and always intended to frame him. I am afraid that does mean I am suggesting it was premeditated. I am afraid I do think that is a possibility. It is all a bit too planned looking including how quickly the fund was set up and him spending two hours on his mobile that night making calls instead of looking for Maddie - that was just not natural behaviour at all - he could have at least put up the pretence of looking but did not even bother to do that!
How do you know that what people say on the Mirror forum is accurate information?
Kind Regards
Viv x
Oh forgot to mention my thoughts on Clarence - this is a really difficult one. True enough he has said and done things that seem to have been very harmful to the McCanns but this is not his usual role. He normally reports on cases against the suspects not trying to suggest they are innocent so I think this is a first for him. I cannot really understand why he took the job on. Certainly I have read no one else wanted it and a firm temporarily took the job on making it clear they would not do so on a permanent basis. So acting for the McCanns in this way most people would figure is not going to do them any good. It was blatant the way Justice McGuinness just walked as soon as she had been to the police station in September - she obviously heard more than enough to make her realise continuing to act for this couple would be a really bad career move. It is said Cl will get a job with the D/g man afterwards - but will he? Cl does not seem to hang on to jobs that long and I am inclined to think he was pushed from the government rather than he still works for them but I am not at all sure. I just dont think the government would place him in that way because it would have a bad smell of entrapment.
Viv x
Hi Docmac...any news on the Tapas
1 having returned to portugal...nothing in spain about this am reading conflicting reports some say it is JT and O'Brian but only to reconfirm their lies to back up gerry...
The Irishman has stated he is certain the man and child he saw was not Murat.....This man with child I seem to remember if its the same one...also saw him again with a woman they were returning to the village along the outskirts
minus child...this goes way back he was also Irish have a feeling this is the witness....that was why we needed a bundleman....This was about 6.30 in the morning...
I know you cannot give details but a pointer in the right direction...would help a lot...
Viv...Clarrie...the man behind the mccanns
Ironside.....Have you checked on the 3arguidos for PM's........click on your messages at the top of the page.
Cheers Anon
I thought that write up on Clarence as so good done separate post. I was interested to hear he already works for the d/g man _ clear conflict of interests here! He obviously wants their "innocence" promoted...whether for advertising revenue or because he is family or friend I am not sure.
Viv x
Hi Viv and all.
First post, be gentle:
Am intrigued by a quote from one of the party as shown in your article:
David Payne: "We were waiting for something to happen, but didn't in our worst nightmare think it would be this".
Apologies if I've missed any previous comment as this qquote was likely from a while back, but this his terminology implies that this gathering was possibly orchestrated. I've read about the reporter from Leicester and the Photographer from a red top who both just also happened to be there.
What was about to happen?
Minor point I know, however, a 500 piece jigsaw ain't one with only 499!
Keep up the great work!
Hiya Unclebob
your post is intriguing. I just copied those pictures and quotes from elsewhere and you are right to pick up on the strange remark attributed to David Payne.
You say
I've read about the reporter from Leicester and the Photographer from a red top who both just also happened to be there.
I dont know anything about this - so it seems you are much better informed than me - can you give me some more details and perhaps we can work it out together.
thanks so much for your astute and interesting post.
Kind regards
viv x
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