similar shots - Gerry always keeps hand across injured area of upper arm on some
spotted bruising visible just below armpit - very typical domestic violence picsof woman grabbed and trying to break free or being dragged.
"We can't even make a consistent prognosis of her fate, including... whether she is alive or dead." UPDATE JANUARY 2010 THE MCCANNS COULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED WITH CHILD KIDNAPPING AND TRAFFICKING (Pt Prosecutor giving evidence in an ongoing case in Portugal where the McCanns are demanding ONE MILLION POUNDS IN DAMAGES FROM THE OFFICER WHO INVESTIGATED THEM!!!
Evening All
Regarding the first picture of the strange dark mark I am not sure but isnt it tape from a Mic I think it was taken when they were being filmed???
Hi Viv, I've heard so much about you that I feel we must be twins! I'm not sure what you said on the Daily Express but it sure left an unpleasant taste in certain peoples mouths. I read your blog like most nearly everyday but I cant post links anymore as I posted yours and they sent me this email.
Hi there
It has come to our attention that you are posting links to an unauthorised
website - also the site of a banned user.
This is not allowed and this is your only warning before we terminate your
The Web Team
What will Rosie and Mandz do without me giving them links? It made me want to cry its so unfair. sniff... sniff...
Im off to cry in my tea....
If your reading this Rosehead- BOO!
Hello, all.
Thoso pro idiots are getting more and more desperate. It's pathetic and quite embarassing, really. Today I laughed my arse off while reading some of their posts.
Do you think they also left their kids alone or that they just wished to but were afraid?
Ola la Clear
How sad you got that nasty email from the Daily Express what a bunch of sickos eh! Rosipotty lovers looooool - I love that got it from darling Claudia and Alsabella. Just been having a look on there and they seem to kind of be turning against themselves - well there was this one guy called lungingdoc or sumink and well he just was sending them the maddest rubbish it was so funny and yet earlier on he seemed to like them weird or what probably that gee fella - never could make up his mind which side his bread was buttered.
Well hey anyway Clear I have been dying to meet you because apparently we are so alike all these paranoid rozipotties think we are the same person - mad or what? Well I suppose you know cuz they were being really horrid last night and what about that axe throwing knife wielding muse she sounds the maddest of the lot - I reckon the pros and the antis gonna try and get rid of her in case she comes calling with her axe - scareeeee! On a clear day please dont cry baby - be cool my lovely - I feel really close to you! Thanks for disclosing your DE letter I will return the favour only they usually seem to ignore me now miserable gits! Guess I will just sue them then - better get me o level law book out and see if I can work out the crack.
Claudia - I bet they do worse than leave their kids alone - do you remember that rosiepotty mscamm saying you have to have a system to bath the kids I thought oh my god no way !
Luv ya both
Viv xxxxxxxx
Hiya Hope 4 - yes that first pic could well be the mike - it certainly does not look like a bruise or a plaster.
The rest though certainly are injuries - no doubts there I dont think do you?
Are you OK - I know it can be rather nasty on the DE - take care my friend.
Luv Viv xxxxxxxxx
We have had an ongoing discussion regarding Kate's bruises - first at the (now censored) Mirror forum and now at the 3 Arguido site. There is one important photo (IMO) missing from the ones you have here. It shows a HUGE bruise on Kate's wrist, under her watch. I could find only one example as the rest of the photos during that period are of Kate with long sleeves or in other ways hiding the area. If I could figure out how to send it to you, I would, otherwise, please check out the link to the discussion on the 3 Arguidos:
This Elle has now started another thread about docmac...Who is this idiot...........must be one of his favourites people from the DX
He's really ruffled someones feathers.
Hi anon
Undoubtedly someone from the DX. From what I have read lately it is likely to be assasin aka wolverine aka sirius etc. This poster claims to have had many discussions with me about CSF, aspirin, body fluids etc. I did read some posts wherein my previous comments were grossly misquoted by this person. There are 3 posters on the DX forum who have consistently argued with me regarding my comments. I suspect all of these people are one and the same, including the newer incarnations and I believe they live on bananas.
To be honest, I don't give a fig what people say about me or anyone else on any forum. Let them have their fun. It's not about me or them anyhow, but this has been forgotten in the rush to score points. Madeleine is gone and these people don't seem to give a toss any longer. Good luck to them, I hope they get bit parts in the movie.
The circus is in town tonight. It's right there on DE!
Another thread started by this bloody crackpot./...seems to be getting some stick from others..very venomous
Plenty of posters believe in doc.
Poster claiming to be a writer...worked in SA with many relatives there.calling doc a charlatan and why hasn't he gone to the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Doc - boy, do some find you a threat. Keep on posting Doc, I trust and believe in you 100%.
Hello to all, going next door now to see what is happening ;)
Lmcg x
I wish doc could really sock it to them with what he knows.....fully understand why not.
Hi again Viv, I've just had a look at the links Dr Val posted. Am I the only one who doesn't think that Kate is being abused by Gerry? I just don't buy it. I see her bruises but there could be other explanations, e.g. she's clumsy, they have an adventurous love life, she drinks too much of the falling down juice, or maybe she's the attacker and Gerry has to defend himself by grabbing her? Who knows. But I honestly don't believe for one minute that she's frightened of him. That's my twopenneth anyway :-) I'm definitely off now, I'm a pumpkin. Nite Viv, nite everybody.
Thanks lmcg, I appreciate that. I have posted on a newspaper forum twice in the past 10 days as I really have little to add and have never posted on 3a (my post was lifted from here, not that I mind). The number of posts on the DX forum devoted to discrediting me over the past 3 days is astounding. It seems the message now needs a wider audience. Someone is very, very worried and it's not me. It's not even about me as I said. It's information and truth that frightens the life out of them.
Docmac. Not sure if you want to answer........
The Tapas 1 has given evidence that implicates another 2....Did he know before the alarm was raised what had happened to Maddie, or did he find out later.
Regards and take care.
The poster causing havoc on the 3a re. docmac has been given a 24hr ban to reflect on behaviour.
3 cheers for the admin over there.
The way the question is phrased makes it tough to answer, as it was a combination of both really. Suspicion and deduction, then confirmation. I'm off to bed anon. Regards.
Thanks docmac,
If the tapas 1 and the 2 implicated knew of Maddies fate maybe the probabilities are that they all knew?...leading to.. what is the glue that holds them together.
8.40 am spanish time
Hi Docmac...I was not around last night....have just read posts now.....seems you are too near the truth....to follow you to the3A's....they do not want you posting....you have certainly touched a raw nerve....Good....
Well done....Docmac you cannot stop them lifting posts ,they lifted some of mine the other day on to the DX and ripped them to shreds....Even suggested I was a playwright....I was very flattered....What ever you do, dont dtop posting....I think this is a critical time....and we have to shout even louder to be heard for madeleines sake....
We , those that care at least,can only speak for her, her little voice can no longer be heard
For what its worth I have always thought that possible old injuries on madeleiene ...were the reason that an autopsy could not be performed...
Remember kates mother said she sedated madeleiene...so in kates circle that would have not been shocking news....she had a sleep problem...
Old injuries plus neglect...would have been explosive.....
10.40 SA time
Hi Ironside
Fear of the discovery of old injuries at autopsy is something I mentioned on a few occasions on the DX forum as you may remember. I remain convinced that these would have been found, but now believe that something far more sinister had to be concealed....
Perhaps that sinister aspect has been happening over a period of time and the PDL 'incident' was planned.
Today I got this little puzzle for you! Compare theese 3 pictures!
Where is the missing background? (behind Madeleine`s sunhat) The stonewall and the green trees???
…and the missing albow of Gerry?
FOKUS on the background!!!!!
Last picture with Madeleine:
Last picture Without Madeleine:
Very interesting.
P.s. I am still looking after the picture of Kates right hand(the one with the big, big bruese. I have it somewhere.
Greetings from you all here from Denmark
DK time 10:27
Morning docmac, Ironside, it's illegal to lift posts and deposit them elsewhere without posters' permission, take a screen shot and send a 'Cease and Desist' message to the website to get it removed. Have a google or look here:
The PDL 'incident' as you so euphemistically put it is actually what I referred to as being sinister. Premedication and premeditation come to mind. I'm sure you can read between the lines.
Morning Ecolab and SueB
I'm working right now. I'll look at those pics again later, I have seen them before I think. Ecolab I know you like the pic links. I left this one for you once on the DE but I don't know if you ever saw it. Lots of pics I'd never seen before, some very revealing. Click 'view as a slideshow' or better still, download the whole album and study them at length like I did.
Sue I personally have no problem with my posts being lifted but I will look at that link too.
Many thanks to both of you.
Hi docmac, it seems you're famous on the Daily Star now too - (by Midnight, 8.37am post) ;-)
Hi Sue B, I dont have a problem with people removing my posts....if its something of interest....everyone seems to be doing it...they say where it came from and the poster....The problem I have are with this vile few on the DX who have an agenda...MF has gone the next target DX....
Thanks for the link.....
Docmac you have an open invitation on the 3A's drinks are on them.....
looking through all these collections of photos and videos over these last months, I find it strange how the McCanns rarely if ever make eye contact. Ok a lot are taken where you would expect them to be looking at the camera rather than each other, but even in candid shots they seem to avoid each other. And I find the constant hand holding strange and cuddle cat prop unnerving.
Yes their body language has always been rather strange to say the least. In the antenna 3 interview it showed both of them walking round Kennedys' garden with the interviewer...Kate turned away from G and wrapped her arms across her body.
Oh dear I feel rather flattered today..I have just been accused of being docmac the wind up merchant.
Well if not docmac, I am now Ironside FGS
Hi Anon
Do you have a link for that Athena3interwiew?
I`m sitting right now kaliberating the 'Don't say anything 'til they've turned it off.' show. You find it at
Notice gerry`s mouthmovements, when he is waiting for Kates reply to his commands and he thinks: He is unseen and unheard by the puplic. He does not know that bodylanque is science!
Sorry ecolab I can't remember, it could have been a link from the Mirror F.....but I keep thinking I watched on the TV......It showed all 3 talking whilst walking round the garden before the actual interview.
Docmac....Something very interesting has turned up...is it possible to find out if Jane Tanners name is in fact Janet....If so have another question for you....In your own time
They seem to be working full steam ahead to close the DX....just scrolled through some of last nights posts...looks like Mitchel will win again.....
That is okay. I just had not seen this "in the Garden" walk.
Right now I`m trying to figure out how Gerry and Kate are organized by their eyemovements. It seem as Gerry is "normally organised"...I`m not that far with Kate yet. She is lefthanded, you know. I think, Kate when she auditiv construct words/sounds(lies) and remember Auditived constructed words/ sounds she is "normally organized" but by constructed/ remembered visuelized picturs she is opposit!
It is a litte hard with Kate. She has a lot of internal dialoge and are making a lot of breaks, when she recall her feelings (smell and sounds as well)
Right now I`m looking at the video with to relaxed people(no dangerous question)and I got myself a shock : When the interviewer is asking Kate, why they keep on staying in Portugal.... and Kate answer, ....that Madeleine might be closer to UK. Here at the end of the vid., I got my chock, because Gerry actually verifye that : "Madeleine actually IS in UK"
Kate does appear more confident, if you can call it that in her more recent interviews, although still comes over as uncomfortable.
I think my first suspicions arose watching their press reports and interviews...I could only describe it as weird. I will look at the vid you have posted.
Ironside; If you try to read the three argidos this phrase comes up-
Hope you are not being targeted- also wish I had something of interest to post on behalf of Madeleine.
Best wishes
I can get onto the site but cannot connect to the Justice for M forum.
Not being PC literate I can't understand why.
Hi Anon...I posted a message seems to be a blip.....all will be returned to normal...do not adjust your set....
The general concensus across the forums appears to be divided as to the involvement of the sexual abuse involvement.
Anyone here with any views on the subject.
The Maddie forum in 3 Arguido's has been shut down, would you believe that !!
I have a feeling charges are imminent, surely CM does not have the power to stop freedom of speech.
Dolores I have just sent a message to Nbrado to say it is showing as page cannot be found.
thanks Ironside.
Maybe they are just doing repairs.
Do not know if CM has any clout with Arguido3, as it's the newspapers they are after.
The admin on 3.a said they would have no clout with their forum as it was privately owned and they would just move to another server.
Back up and running now.
Hi Ironside
Can't help you on that one. Jane is what they call her, Jane Geraldine Tanner is what I've seen on the net. What's up?
Kind regards.
Bodylangue (eye movements)
No, they are NOT innocent
What happends at 3:18 is awfull. Gerry is actually having an internal dialog with himself remembering sounds and noises at this point. Right here Gerry is listning to, partually seeing a ghost( Something happend here and it is Madeleine).
It makes me sick!
At 4:32 Kate wants Madeleine back. She is out there says Kate. Kate is right, but she is not telling in words, where Maddie is. But Kate reveals, that she is avare of what became of Maddie.. In the end of the video she tells about her sad feelings, that she cant have Maddie (rested), where Maddie belongs.
There is a clip somewhere, where Gerry is talking about Maddie beeing hyperactive. He is lying!
I think I have to have a break and do something else( I might go shopping using a K or two) This is pretty hard and it makes me very sad/sick. None of them would never past a liedetector and you bet, the JP are reading their bodylangue and are calibrating them too.
If Kate is not cracking up by the Police, she will crack by herself within the next 3-4 years
Greetings from Denmark
Hi anon...Still cannot get through...have left you a pm....I think I am being duped if not...I cant believe it...Send me a pm ....
Ironside have replied but cannot get into forum again...they seem to be having problems.....
Hi ironside, docmac et al,
4.00 pm in France and 3A. still out of reach. Any updates much appreciated.
No luck with 3a..last post was 2.30pm
Ironside I think the poster trying to connect JT with the main players is probably clutching at straws....mere speculation, as nobody can understand why these 2 tapas would be so complicit.
I cannot see how he is going to establish a relative connection with only the facts that are in the public domain.
This reminds me of that song...Where do you go to my lovely....When you've pulled a muscle in your back....
The 3as are down ...The MF are suffering PMT...and the DX are stabbing each other in the back.....
If there's anyone out there...I can tell you of an elderly couple retired here now....very nice people...she used to work for social services...children abused in their homes....by their fathers step fathers, uncles, brothers...she told me some horror stories...the most horrific of all she said ...I never knew if I was doing the right thing ....we go to court and half of the judges are paedos....whose hands am I putting these children into....she said sometimes I think they were better off at home....
I as shocked as I was...why did you not go to someone higher up...she looked at me and smiled.she said the higher up...the worse it is....She retired early and came to live here in spain....
If thats how it is....how is any child safe...the goverment is poisoned with it...What can we do....
Buddah is trying to work with Tony Bennet...to try and bring in a law ..that no child should be left alone like madeleine was...but if its in the home....how the hell do you stop it?
Hi Ironside...which brings me back to the question..does anyone feel that sexual abuse plays a part in this case.
Just my question: What kind of abuse?
Anon was to quick for me silly Dane ;-)
Ecolab.....There is some concensus across the forums concerning sexual abuse in this case.
Some believe that M was allowed to be used in this manner.
I just wondered what others thoughts are on this matter.
The Three Arguidos open again
DK time: 16:40
With the judges and in the goverment ..sexual...there was a big cover up when Blair first took over....would'nt let anyone rain on his parade....I posted some of the minor ones from the mirror forum.....sadly that has now been lost...but people high up with power....Its no secret....
You have to admit they are a weird looking bunch....the women all look butch...how many times have we heard of a wife and her husband has been found with a young man..
The ones of no importance are named and shamed but the ones at the top....are well protected....
I sometimes wonder does gerry know something...that he shouldnt....if thats the game ...he won't last long MI6 and 5..have been known to arrange accidents...
Anon : You might be right!
There are some awfull photos of Madeleine. NOT for a 4 year girl
They are disgusting
Hi anon, Thats just the thing...if its in the home...how do you know?
There is something weird about the whole group " we were so into each other" comments that staff and guests were not aware they had children..."swingers" where did that come from....
If a sheet was taken say from an adults bed and placed on maddies...could semen have been found...but then we are speaking of a bouble bed and not a single....Or do MW have two singles pushed together to make a double?
PJ say they have one stand alone piece of evidence....
They found something where it should not have been...again could it have been stains on Maddies sheets....?
Ecolab, I am not for one moment suggesting anything ,,god forbid, but even from the beginning my friends and I thought it was a hoax because of the photographs....they are model pictures...always maddie centre stage...posing...head hung back,,,,glossy lips....hair curled
I have not seen one photo like this of the twins...they are family shots Its as though she were some kind of trophy...the photos look so staged ....maddie do this , maddie do that...I hope to god it was nothing like that....
We had a case here 2-3 years ago - two sisters. Age 10 and 7 at the blow. The parents had for years rentet the girls out , adverticing lolitasex and all. Denmark and Germany. People were collectet at the railwaystation. Many men were convicted, the mother and father too.The elderst girl had it all by multiple men at the same time. Lolitagangbang.
Nothing surprices me.
I have to go...be back later
Hi Docmac.....Have found something that could connect gerry and Tanner ,But I first need to know if her name is Janet and not Jane....geraldine might help...I'll be back....
28.01.08, 4:58pm
no obsession with viv, on a clar day she is the one following me everywhere harrassing me no stop. if you think i am going to take that lying down forevermore you are wrong.
Nor am i going to take from ironside insinuations i am soimeone i am not or up to something im not either.
or any of the rest of you that are spreading round the net i work for clarence/am clarence am a promccann.
do not bother to point out those facts to me, i know them as well as you do and have spent months here debating the same points....and making the same points too
and doing a lot more than you do gbesides, which is bump your gums all day long not understabnding anything anyone says to you - unless that is they say 'yes2345'
• Posted by: assasin • Report Comment
I have not said a word.....
Good evening all,
Firstly, thanks to you all who helped me saturday. It really helped, & a million apologies for taking up so much of your time.
I've missed a lot of news recently but i did manage to read some of the de forum last night. I really can't fathom assassin. One minute she appears to be anti, the next, she's slagging off oacd in a spiteful, hurtful way and implying that it's viv and that viv is pinching her stuff and posting it here.
Lanquedoc had everyone mystified for a while. He/she pulled a great one on the nasties. It is languedoc that is the pro but the "q" and the "g" look very similar in that font. It took Rosie-poison-pops a while to work it out but the joke was very definately on her! Well done Lanquedoc whoever you are!
I read in the de today that the PJ are reported in the 24h paper as having reverted to the theory of abduction again (as a possibility) and that there is no concrete evidence against the Mcs.
Does anyone know what is going on? Is there anything to substantiate this?
Docmac, my dad thinks it's quite amusing that Liverpool conceded two goals! (my hubby doesn't!)
Good luck tomorrow viv, i hope all goes well.
Silly Dillie x
Hi all, there is an article over on the DE heaed "The theories that don't add up". Not a very interesting piece but I will post the link incase anyone wants a look, (everyone had probably already seen it anyway, I am a bit behind today!). The strange thing about it is the most obvious theory is not there. Why?
Ironside - Looking forward to finding out what information you are keeping up your sleeve. Keep us posted!
Lmcg x
As you noticed by yourself, there are several different ways an abdutcion might have taken place.
Now the DE have ruled them all out and therefore the DE have establish that NO abduction took place.
I think, that the DE think like me: An Accident in the apartment, but they keep quiet. It is a question about selling papers(money)
Greetings from Denmark
DK time 19:34
Good evening Ecolab, I hadn't thought of that. It could indeed be the DE's way of subtly saying that as none of the abduction theories add up and therefore an abduction didn't happen. Good point!
Lmcg x
Hi Viv
Picture number 3. You are asking : "May 11th - covered up: tension in neck, look of repressed rage or is it fear on
Kate's face?"
It is a little difficult to establish. The picture is not that good. I have blown it up 300 % and this is what it tells me.
" Gerry is very much in control of Kate and the situation. He is doing quite a job in trying to controll what the observer is allowed to see! He is so keen in his manipulation, that he forgets several things. It gives backlash.(Look at his shoulders, chest, hands, mouth and eyes.) He looks guilty like hell. He is trying and thinking he is fooling the World
Kate is letting herself being lead by Gerry. She is alert(red code). This one is classical for Kate. Right now, in this picture, she concentrate in listening every word said around her, and every glance there is put on her from people around her.
This is not rage, it is not fear. It is cold calculation. She is hiding and twisting every picture, sounds and words comming in her way. (I wouldnt mind listening to her intern dialoge - it is so hot, I can feel the heat)
I`m so happy, she is not my mum!
This one , Viv ...you got for free. ;-))
Greetings from Denmark
DK time 20:30
Hi Docmac....or anyone..do you know if Tanner is her maiden name ...or has she been married before.?
I read on the 3 Arguidos a thought that Jane Tanner may be related to Joan Copper is there anything in that or is it rubbish?
In addition to her obvious injuries, Kate is overtly suppressed, frightened to speak in Gerry's presence.
If, as you suggest, Kate has a serious drink problem causing her to bruise and bash herself, she would not have been allowed to work as a GP.
Kate's demeanour and injuries are the hallmarks of an abusive husband.
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