What gives anyone the right to think they can cyber-bully someone off an internet forum with such a vitriolic catalogue of abuse? How low will these Kate and Gerry lovers stoop?
What a bunch of personality disordered nasties!
Ecolab: Your calm and measured response to this does you great credit! Kind Regards!
This type of post only exemplies how desperate they must be feeling and just how nasty they are!
I notice "Alroy" is not currently posting ....er apparently.. but this "you are....(!) is exactly his style...
26.12.07, 1:57pm
I am surprised Ecolab that you have the Gall to reapear on this forum after yesterdays disgusting demonstration. Although I do not always agree with some of the posters on here I do believe they are all entitled to voice their views and I respect that. You on the other hand are a sad and disgusting individual who is totally disrespectful to anyone with opposing views to yourself. You are Vulgar, insulting and offensive and as far as I am concerned, and several others who yesterday voiced their disapproval of your attitude, I have no further wish to even speak to you, you are a Paria amongst decent and honest people and should remove yourself from this forum, ASAP.
• Posted by: Dobywalah
1 comment:
Well, I do not see myself as a Victim. She does not know, what I have been called(of names)by people in panic!
I still have my ears. ;-), my Proffesionel Pride/Knowledge and and my selfconfidence intact.
In a way I felt sorry for that Dobywallah lady.
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